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MSH2 7是一株抗小鼠精子的单克隆抗体 ,此抗体及其纯化的抗原分子在体外受精实验中均可以阻止精卵膜融合 ,因而推测其抗原在精卵膜融合过程中具有重要的作用 .这里探讨了抗原分子在精子睾丸后成熟过程中MSH2 7识别表位的显露条件 .MSH2 7抗原分子在睾丸中产生 ,定位于精子顶体后区的质膜上 ;但MSH2 7所识别的抗原表位只在顶体反应后的精子上表露 .在受精过程中 ,精子必须完成顶体反应并穿过卵子的透明带才能接近卵子质膜并与之融合 .同时还研究了顶体反应和穿透明带作用对MSH2 7表位显露的影响 .在附睾成熟过程中 ,随着精子在附睾中的转运 ,它们发生顶体反应的能力不断增加 ;精子抗原表位的显露呈现顶体反应依赖性 ,且两者呈现线性回归关系 .钙离子载体A2 3 187诱发顶体反应后 ,MSH2 7染色阳性的精子远远少于顶体反应的精子 ;但穿过透明带后绝大多数精子 ( 98% )呈现MSH2 7染色阳性 .总之 ,在睾丸后成熟 (附睾成熟、获能、顶体反应 )和精子穿透明带的过程中 ,对整个精子群体来讲 ,单抗MSH2 7所识别的抗原表位的显露和精子最终获得穿入卵子质膜的能力是同步发生的 .  相似文献   

小鼠卵子在不同条件下的体外受精   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验比较了小鼠精、卵细胞在不同生理状态下体外的受精能力。结果表明,体内受精率明显地高于体外(p<0.05),自发排出的卵子比超数排出的卵子受精率高(p<0.05),体外获能的附睾精子比体内获能的子宫精子受精率高(p<0.01)。唯独用超数排出的卵子和体外获能的附辜精子体外受精时,其受精率和体内相似。  相似文献   

小鼠附睾头精子,其头部Ca~(2 )在顶体前区顶体外膜内侧结合最多,Ca~(2 )沉淀反应颗粒于该处呈连续层状。附睾头豚鼠精子其头部结合Ca~(2 )含量很少,且主要结合于顶体前区腹面顶体外膜内侧。小鼠附睾体和附睾尾精子Ca~(2 )的分布特征基本上和附睾头精子相同。但豚鼠附睾尾精子顶体外膜内侧无Ca~(2 )结合。和附睾头、附睾尾的附睾液相比,附睾体附睾液基质内具有大量Ca~(2 )存在。附睾体柱状上皮细胞的微绒毛切面上也具有Ca~(2 )沉淀反应颗粒,微绒毛可能与附睾液Ca~(2 )含量的调节有关。精子尾部Ca~(2 )主要分布于线粒体内,在质膜内、外两侧和线粒体外膜外侧也结合有少量的Ca~(2 )。和小鼠精子相比,豚鼠精子尾部线粒体内具有大量的Ca~(2 )。  相似文献   

附睾是精子成熟,转运和贮存的场所,哺乳动物精子成熟是通过与附睾管腔微环境相互作用而实现的,精子通过在附睾内转运过程中与附睾蛋白相互作用获得运动和精卵识别结合能力,因而附睾蛋白的研究受到越来越多的关注.本文从不同的实验角度综述了附睾蛋白的研究方法及其进展.  相似文献   

越来越多的研究表明精卵识别与精子质膜及卵透明带中所含糖蛋白有直接关系。在精卵识别中存在着精子受体和卵透明带(zona pellucida,ZP)配体相互作用的糖类识别机制及精子质膜与卵子质膜的糖蛋白识别。本文主要从结构功能上对与受精相关的精卵表面糖蛋白作一介绍。卵子表面受精相关的糖蛋白主要是ZP1、ZP2、ZP3。与卵子表面糖蛋白相比,精子表面参与精卵识别的糖蛋白种类较多,在SP56、SP95、PH-20、FA-1、甘露糖结合蛋白、顶体素、fertilin蛋白等。  相似文献   

周思畅  倪崖  石其贤 《生命科学》2005,17(4):323-327
ADAMs家族是含多结构域的跨膜蛋白。睾丸特异的ADAMs,在精子发生与附睾精子转运过程中,经过蛋白水解成为成熟精子的分子形式,与精.卵质膜结合和融合有关。对于精-卵质膜相互作用,ADAMs去整合素域具有关键氨基酸残基和特殊模体。模拟ADAM2和ADAM3去整合素域的短肽能用于鉴别特异性卵子识别蛋白。精子ADAMs去整合素域与卵子膜蛋白整合素β1、α4/α9、α6和CD9相互作用,介导了精卵质膜的结合与融合。  相似文献   

精子与卵子质膜粘附并发生融合是哺乳动物完成受精过程所必需的步骤。近年来,学者们以现代分子生物学理论为基础,对参与精卵质膜粘附、融合过程的分子进行了研究,特别是精子表面的去整合素金属蛋白酶基因家族(ADAM)和卵子表面的整合素蛋白。本文通过对精子表面的受精素仅、受精素β、cyritestin,卵子表面的α6β1、CD9等蛋白分子的研究,揭示了这些分子对粘附、融合的重要作用,为提高受精率提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

用扫描电镜对唇鳃成熟卵子及早期精子人卵过程进行观察。结果显示,唇鲋成熟卵子在动物极中央有一深凹陷的表面光滑的精孔器,其外径2.512μm,内径2.330μm,精子直径1.567μm。混匀的精卵刚遇水时,没有精子进入精孔器。受精后1s,精孔器内出现精子。受精后5S,组织切片显示,精子已经进入卵子内,并形成具有强烈抑制多精人卵作用的受精锥。受精后10S,精子在精孔器前庭集结,尚未形成受精塞。受精后20S,在精孔器内形成受精塞。受精塞没有阻塞精孔管,经分析它不是来源于皮层反应产物。受精塞形成后,可以吸附人卵的精子,这对多精入卵有积极的抑制作用;精子尾部在入卵过程中相互缠绕,这也是减少多精入卵的重要机制。受精后30s,受精塞和吸附的精子向精孔器外移动。受精后50S,受精塞和吸附的精子堵塞精孔器。受精后60s,受精塞吸附的精子开始解体,但是由于精孔管未封闭,还有精子通过精孔管进入到质膜。在人工受精过程中,卵子的单精受精屏障会因其周围精子密度大、精子与卵子距离短、精子运动速度快而被打破,从而导致这些卵子出现多精入卵的现象。受精后80s,精孔管仍然没有封闭,精孔器附近的精子明显出现活动能力的差异:精孔器外面的精子活动能力最强,精孔管旁边的精子活动能力较弱;精孔管外堆积的精子活性消失,受精塞吸附的精子已开始解体,经初步分析,这可能是进入其内的精子耗能有所差异的结果。受精后100S,受精塞吸附的精子解体。  相似文献   

用扫描电镜对唇成熟卵子及早期精子入卵过程进行观察.结果 显示,唇成熟卵子在动物极中央有一深凹陷的表面光滑的精孔器,其外径2.512 μm,内径2.330 μm,精子直径1.567 μm.混匀的精卵刚遇水时,没有精子进入精孔器.受精后1 s,精孔器内出现精子.受精后5 s,组织切片显示,精子已经进入卵子内,并形成具有强烈抑制多精入卵作用的受精锥.受精后10 s,精子在精孔器前庭集结,尚未形成受精塞.受精后20 s,在精孔器内形成受精塞.受精塞没有阻塞精孔管,经分析它不是来源于皮层反应产物.受精塞形成后,可以吸附入卵的精子,这对多精入卵有积极的抑制作用;精子尾部在入卵过程中相互缠绕,这也是减少多精入卵的重要机制.受精后30 s, 受精塞和吸附的精子向精孔器外移动.受精后50 s, 受精塞和吸附的精子堵塞精孔器.受精后60 s, 受精塞吸附的精子开始解体,但是由于精孔管未封闭,还有精子通过精孔管进入到质膜.在人工受精过程中,卵子的单精受精屏障会因其周围精子密度大、精子与卵子距离短、精子运动速度快而被打破,从而导致这些卵子出现多精入卵的现象.受精后80 s, 精孔管仍然没有封闭,精孔器附近的精子明显出现活动能力的差异:精孔器外面的精子活动能力最强,精孔管旁边的精子活动能力较弱;精孔管外堆积的精子活性消失,受精塞吸附的精子已开始解体,经初步分析,这可能是进入其内的精子耗能有所差异的结果.受精后100 s,受精塞吸附的精子解体.  相似文献   

用11酸睾酮诱导猕猴少精子症和弱精子症及单侧隐睾手术诱导单侧少精子症和弱精子症模型,观察对附睾头、附睾体、附睾尾、前列腺和精囊组织型PA(tPA)、尿激酶型PA(uPA)及抑制因子-1(PAI-1)mRNA表达的影响。原位杂交的结果表明11酸睾酮诱导少精子症和弱精子症,tPA mRNA的表达在附睾头、精囊及前列腺减少,而在附睾体升高,附睾尾表达基本无变化;uPA mRNA的表达在附睾头、附睾体、前列腺减少,而在精囊升高,附睾尾表达基本无变化;PAI-1 mRNA的表达在附睾头、附睾体、精囊下降,而在前列腺升高,附睾尾表达无显著变化。单侧隐睾手术不影响tPA、uPA和PAI-1 mRNA的表达。这些结果提示附睾头和附睾体分泌的uPA可能与精子前向运动能力的获得相关。tPA、uPA和PAI-1 mRNA在猕猴附睾头部和体部、前列腺和精囊中的表达可能受睾酮的调节,但不受睾丸分泌因子及温度的影响,且在不同部位睾酮的调节具不同的特征,而附睾尾tPA、uPA和PAI-1的表达则可能是组成性表达。  相似文献   

Maturation of spermatozoa in the epididymis of the Chinese hamster   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Chinese hamster spermatozoa gain their ability to move when they descend from the testis to the distal part of the caput epididymis, but it is not until they enter the corpus epididymis that they become capable of fertilizing eggs. The maturation of the spermatozoa proceeds as they further descend the tract and perhaps continues even in the vas deferens. During transit between the distal caput and proximal cauda epididymides, small membrane-limited vesicles (and tubules) appear on the plasma membrane over the acrosomes of the spermatozoa. The number of vesicles appearing on the sperm brane reaches a maximum when the spermatozoa are in the proximal cauda epididymis. It declines sharply in the distal cauda epididymis. Spermatozoa in the vas deferens are free of the vesicles. The origin, chemical nature, and functional role of the vesicles that appear on the sperm surface during epididymal transit must be the subject of further investigation.  相似文献   

The capacity to undergo the acrosome reaction and subsequent fusion with egg plasma membrane was examined in rete testicular and cauda epididymal spermatozoa from boars. Sperm penetration assay using zona-free hamster eggs demonstrated that the penetration rates for rete testicular spermatozoa preincubated for induction of the acrosome reaction for 2 and 3 h were 55% and 97%, respectively. However, most of the eggs (93%) were penetrated with polyspermy by cauda epididymal cells preincubated for 2 h. Results obtained by the triple-stain technique revealed the percentages of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa in the rete testicular and cauda epididymal samples preincubated for 3 h to be 61% and 74%, respectively. These results indicate that many rete testicular spermatozoa possess the capacity to undergo the acrosome reaction and subsequent fusion with egg plasma membrane in vitro, which appears to be completely established only after sperm transit through at least the proximal part of the epididymis. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ram spermatozoa were obtained from different regions (caput, corpus, and cauda) of the epididymis and their plasma membrane was removed using a nitrogen cavitation treatment (750 psi, 10 min equilibration at 4 degrees C). Membrane was recovered after sucrose gradient centrifugation and identified using 125I-succinylated concanavalin A (125I-succConA) as a surface marker. Based on fluorescein isothiocyanate-succConA (FITC-succConA) labeling and electron microscopy, cavitation removed plasma membrane from the anterior sperm head in the area overlying the acrosome. Cholesterol was the major sterol in plasma membrane, with desmosterol present in sperm entering the epididymis (caput sperm) but negligible in sperm after epididymal transit (cauda sperm). Ethanolamine and choline phosphoglycerides represented 70-80% of membrane phospholipids, with the ethanolamine fraction decreasing relative to choline phosphoglycerides during epididymal transit. The molar ratio of cholesterol to phospholipid increased in the plasma membrane during maturation. The bulk phospholipid-bound fatty acids consisted primarily of palmitoyl acyl groups (16:0) in caput sperm and docosahexaenoyl acyl groups (22:6) in cauda sperm. The choline phosphoglyceride fraction was purified and analyzed. It consisted of a mixture of ether acyl glycero-3-phosphocholine and diacyl phosphoglyceride, with the dominant acyl residue, at all stages of epididymal maturation, being 22:6 throughout epididymal transit. The significance of these findings relative to acquisition of fertilization capacity by sperm during epididymal maturation is discussed.  相似文献   

The epididymis is a long, tightly coiled tube within the lumen of which sperm matures. Sperm maturation involves morphological and biochemical changes in the sperm plasma membrane in response to epididymal secretions and their various proteins. Some of these proteins become outer membrane components while others become integral membrane proteins; transfer of some proteins to the sperm plasma membrane may be mediated by epididymosomes. Nevertheless, the molecular pathways by which spermatozoa acquire fertilizing capacity during their transit through the epididymis remain ambiguous. In a recent study of stallion epididymal sperm, we found that sperm harvested from different parts of the epididymis (caput, corpus and cauda) had a varying, but generally poor, ability to undergo the acrosome reaction in vitro. At ejaculation, however, sperm mix with seminal plasma which contains various components, including the small membranous vesicles known as prostasomes, that may enable the sperm to undergo physiological activation. Seminal plasma components may have a 'washing' effect and help to remove 'de-capacitation' factors that coat the sperm during storage in the cauda epididymis; alternatively seminal plasma and prostasomes may contain factors that more directly promote sperm activation. This article reviews current information on the roles of epididymal and accessory gland fluids on the acquisition of fertilizing capacity by stallion sperm.  相似文献   

Developing spermatozoa require a series of posttesticular modifications within the luminal environment of the epididymis to achieve maturation; this involves several surface modifications including changes in plasma membrane lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and alterations in the outer acrosomal membrane. Epididymal maturation can therefore allow sperm to gain forward motility and fertilization capabilities. The objective of this study was to identify maturation-dependent protein(s) and to investigate their role with the production of functionally competent spermatozoa. Lectin blot analyses of caput and cauda sperm plasma membrane fractions identified a 17.5 kDa wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding polypeptide present in the cauda sperm plasma membrane not in the caput sperm plasma membrane. Among the several WGA-stained bands, the presence of a 17.5 kDa WGA-binding polypeptide band was detected only in cauda epididymal fluid not in caput epididymal fluid suggesting that the 17.5 kDa WGA-binding polypeptide is secreted from the cauda epididymis and binds to the cauda sperm plasma membrane during epididymal transit. Proteomic identification of the 17.5 kDa polypeptide yielded 13 peptides that matched the sequence of peroxiredoxin-5 (PRDX5) protein (Bos Taurus). We propose that bovine cauda sperm PRDX5 acts as an antioxidant enzyme in the epididymal environment, which is crucial in protecting the viable sperm population against the damage caused by endogeneous or exogeneous peroxide.  相似文献   

The effects of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (PC12) on ram epididymal sperm motility, acrosome reaction (AR) induction, plasma membrane permeability, mitochondrial function, and sperm penetration into zona-free hamster eggs were determined. PC12 (50 microM) induced cell motility in caput and cauda sperm, as measured by subjective estimation and automated motility analysis. Motion parameters of treated caput sperm approached those of control ejaculated sperm. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that membrane permeability to propidium iodide and mitochondrial uptake of rhodamine 123 changed during epididymal transit. PC12 induced the AR in sperm from all epididymal regions relative to control incubated sperm (caput 17% vs. control 8%; corpus 29% vs. control 13%; proximal cauda 48% vs. control 4%; distal cauda 51% vs. control 9%). After PC12 treatment, egg penetration by sperm was increased for sperm from the corpus (corpus 7% vs. control 0%) and cauda (proximal 48% vs. control 0%; distal 51% vs. control 0%), but not for caput sperm (caput 0% vs. control 0%). These studies establish that some sperm in each region of the epididymis possess the capacity for movement and the AR. Caput sperm, however, were unique in that they could not penetrate eggs. Additional maturational changes must occur in the caput and/or corpus epididymidis before penetration capacity can be expressed.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermatozoa that have not completed final testicular sperm maturation have residual cytoplasm and increased creatine phosphokinase (CK) content. This study determined: (1) if CK could be detected by immunostaining cat spermatozoa from the caput, corpus, and cauda epididymis, (2) fluctuations in the proportions of spermatozoa with mature or immature CK-staining patterns during epididymal sperm transit, and (3) how well sperm maturity (as determined by a CK marker) correlated with testicular or epididymal dysfunctions associated with morphological sperm abnormalities. One epididymis was collected from each of 37 cats after orchiectomy and processed immediately to allow sperm morphology evaluations on a 'regional' basis. Sperm released from the contralateral epididymis were evaluated for motility, sperm membrane integrity, and immunostaining with CK-B antibodies. Proportions of spermatozoa with malformed or detached heads, proximal droplets and acrosomal or midpiece abnormalities decreased (P < 0.05) from the caput to the cauda epididymis. In contrast, proportions of spermatozoa that were motile, membrane-intact or with flagellar abnormalities or distal droplets increased (P < 0.05) from the caput to cauda region. Percentages of spermatozoa with an immature CK-staining pattern also decreased (P < 0.05) with epididymal transit (which differs from that reported for the human and stallion). There was no correlation (P > 0.05) between sperm morphology and the CK-staining patterns. In summary, the results reveal that some specific sperm malformations in the domestic cat are of testicular origin, whereas others develop during epididymal transit.  相似文献   

As mammalian spermatozoa migrate through the epididymis, they acquire functionality characterized by the potential to express coordinated movement and the competence to undergo capacitation. The mechanisms by which spermatozoa gain the ability to capacitate during epididymal transit are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of epididymal maturation on the signal transduction pathways regulating tyrosine phosphorylation, because this process is thought to be central to the attainment of a capacitated state and expression of hyperactivated motility. Western blot and immunocytochemical analyses demonstrated that epididymal maturation in vivo is associated with a progressive loss of phosphotyrosine residues from the sperm head. As cells pass from the caput to the cauda epididymis, tyrosine phosphorylation becomes confined to a narrow band at the posterior margin of the acrosomal vesicle. Epididymal maturation of rat spermatozoa was also associated with an acquired competence to respond to high levels of intracellular cAMP by phosphorylating tyrosine residues on the sperm tail. Immature caput spermatozoa were incapable of exhibiting this response, despite the apparent availability of cAMP and protein kinase A. These findings help to clarify the biochemical changes associated with the functional maturation of spermatozoa during epididymal transit.  相似文献   

Vesicular transfer of membrane components to bovine epididymal spermatozoa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epididymosomes (apocrine secreted epididymal vesicles) are assumed to play a crucial role in sperm maturation. Our aim has been to analyze the fusogenic properties of bovine epididymosomes and their involvement in the transfer of membrane components (lipids, proteins, plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase 4 [PMCA4]) into bovine sperm. The fusogenic properties of epididymosomes with spermatozoa were investigated in vitro by using octadecyl rhodamine-B (R18)-labeled epididymosomes. Spermatozoa isolated from the epididymal caput showed a higher fusion rate than those taken from the cauda. The fusion rate was dependent on pH and time. Furthermore, the lipid and protein content in spermatozoa changed during epididymal transit and after in vitro fusion with epididymosomes. Following the in vitro fusion of caput spermatozoa with epididymosomes, the cholesterol/total phospholipid ratio of the sperm plasma membrane decreased. The effect was comparable with the cholesterol/total phospholipid ratio of native cauda spermatozoa. Co-incubation experiments of spermatozoa with biotinylated epididymosomes additionally revealed that proteins were transferred from epididymosomes to sperm. To examine the potential transfer of epididymis-derived PMCA4 to spermatozoa, immunofluorescence analysis and Ca2+-ATPase activity assays were performed. In caput spermatozoa, the PMCA4 fluorescence signal was slightly raised and Ca2+-ATPase activity increased after in vitro fusion. Thus, our experiments indicate significant changes in the lipid and protein composition of epididymal sperm following interaction with epididymosomes. Moreover, our results substantiate the presumption that PMCA4 is transferred to spermatozoa via epididymosomes.  相似文献   

Highly purified plasma membranes, isolated by an aqueous two-phase polymer method from goat epididymal spermatozoa, were found to possess a kinase activity that causes phosphorylation of serine and threonine residues of several endogenous plasma membrane proteins. Cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, Ca(2+)-calmodulin, phosphatidylserine-diolein, polyamines and heparin had no appreciable effect on this kinase. Autoradiographic analysis showed that the profile of the phosphorylation of membrane proteins by this endogenous cAMP-independent protein kinase underwent marked modulation during the transit of spermatozoa through the epididymis. In caput sperm plasma membrane, 18, 21, 43, 52, 74 and 90 kDa proteins were phosphorylated, whereas, in the corpus and cauda epididymal spermatozoa, a differential phosphorylation pattern was observed with respect to the 90, 74, 21 and 18 kDa proteins. The rate of phosphorylation of the 74 kDa protein decreased markedly during the early phase of sperm maturation (caput to distal corpus epididymides) whereas there was little change in kinase activity in sperm plasma membrane. In contrast, the rates of phosphorylation of the 18 and 21 kDa proteins increased during the terminal phase (distal corpus to distal cauda epididymides) of sperm maturity, although the kinase activity of membrane decreased significantly during this phase. The modulation of the phosphorylated states of these specific membrane proteins may play an important role in the maturation of epididymal spermatozoa.  相似文献   

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