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目的:评价应用Beyond冷光美白技术漂白活髓着色牙的临床疗效。方法:选择牙齿变色病人117例,其中外源性染色牙18例,氟牙症16例,四环素染色牙47例,增龄性变色牙36例,该组病例的前牙及第一前磨牙均为活髓牙,采用Beyond冷光漂白法治疗,美白效果用Vita比色板进行前后比较。结果:外源性着色牙与增龄性变色牙美白疗效较好,平均提高6.09个色阶。对氟牙症疗效也较明显,但颜色分布不均匀,仍会有条纹或斑块状白斑。对轻、中度的四环素牙平均可提高3.46个色阶,重度四环素牙疗效欠佳。结论:Beyond冷光美白技术是目前治疗活髓变色牙特别简捷、安全和有效的方法之一。  相似文献   

采用软托盘加诺丹顿增白胶对30例牙色泽异常患者进行漂白治疗,其有效率达100%。其中,对于外源性色斑牙,轻度,中度四环素牙,采用该方法治疗效果最佳。笔者认为在目前众多的牙色泽异常方法中,该方法操作简便,应用安全,疗效可靠,建议推广。  相似文献   

本实验借用Sharif的方法,用我国常见的、汤色较重的祁门红茶作色素原,与洗必泰液交替浸泡人类离体上切牙,建立牙齿外源性染色模型。选用气流喷砂法和过氧化氢凝胶外漂白法去色后拍摄数码照片,通过计算机对外源性染色牙处理前、后白色度值变化的分析,比较它们的去色效果;并用扫描电镜观察两种方法对牙面的损伤情况。  相似文献   

目的:目前国内外对氟斑牙的研究主要集中在流行病学调查和临床疗效分析,对其漂白后釉质表面脱矿程度的研究却鲜有报道.观察不同程度人氟斑牙电镜下微观结构的特点,了解冷光美白对不同程度人氟斑牙釉质表面的影响,探讨冷光美白对重度氟斑牙的安全性.方法:选择因牙周病拔除的完整无龋坏的正常牙10颗,人各型氟斑牙50颗,选取颊侧典型区域制备标本.氟斑牙标本按Dean氏分类法分为轻、中、重度3组,正常牙标本作为对照组.各组标本随机分为4个亚组,A组:不做任何处理;B组:釉质表面蚀刻;C组:釉质剖面蚀刻;D组:釉质表面冷光美白,扫描电镜下观察标本的表面形貌.结果:轻度氟斑牙釉柱间隙增宽,少量晶体排列紊乱,晶间隙增宽.重度氟斑牙釉质表面凹凸不平,呈弹坑状或蜂窝状,釉柱轮廓不清,晶体排列紊乱甚至消失.中度氟斑牙居于二者之间.冷光美白后,正常牙和氟斑牙釉质表面低倍镜下均未见明显改变,高倍镜下散在浅碟状凹坑;中重度氟斑牙还伴有大量粟粒状小孔.结论:随着氟斑牙严重程度的加重,釉质表层损害程度加重.冷光美白造成釉质表层的轻微脱矿,氟斑牙稍重于正常牙.从结构和漂白后釉质表面脱矿程度方面进一步探讨氟斑牙的表面结构特点,从而为氟斑牙的临床治疗提供基础数据.  相似文献   

年轻恒牙作为基牙制备后脱敏处理临床效果评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:观察年轻活髓牙牙体制备后脱敏处理的临床效果;材料与方法:随机选择23例双端固定桥义齿以两侧活髓牙为基牙中的23颗活髓牙作实验牙,临床虎体制备后给以脱敏处理,于制备后24小时、一周及二周进行随访统计,并与另外23颗牙作对比;结果:经脱敏剂脱敏处理的年轻活髓牙牙本质过敏症状明显低于不做脱敏处理的活髓牙。  相似文献   

目的:探讨放射直视影像(radiovisiography,RVG)在口腔固定修复中的应用价值。方法:对拟行口腔固定修复中的全冠及桩核冠修复的患牙术前进行RVG投照,对RVG图像进行分析,分别测量牙冠各部位的厚度以及牙根的长度、角度、根管各部位的直径,从而对活髓牙牙体预备中并发症的预测和预防以及桩间隙制备时器械的选择和桩的设计。结果:67颗活髓牙中7例前牙需要术前进行根管治疗,1例术中发生针尖大小的穿髓点,予dycal垫底后保留活髓。因为术前及早的预测穿髓事件的发生,病人均满意及理解。拟行桩核冠修复的21颗患牙无一例发生根管侧穿,观察3月未发现有一例根折。结论:RVG能快速,经济,直观的给临床口腔修复医师提供牙体全面的信息,有利于并发症的预防及治疗方案的选择。  相似文献   

王道富  刘慧  胡彬  冷军  孙振宇 《生物磁学》2013,(26):5099-5101,5164
目的:探讨老年人活髓隐裂牙应用金属烤瓷全冠修复临床效果及适应症。方法:选取本院2006年1月至2011年1月期间收治的356例老年活髓隐裂牙合计621颗为研究对象,根据患牙疼痛程度随机将患者分为咬合疼痛组(A组)104例合计215颗患牙,咬合伴过敏性冷热刺激痛组(B组)122例合计232颗患牙,咬合伴延续性冷热刺激疼痛组(C组)130例合计174颗患牙,所有患者均接受金属烤瓷全冠修复,观察患者在治疗后1个月、6个月、12个月、18个月、24个月治愈情况以及牙髓及根尖周病变及牙髓发生情况。结果:与C组相比,A组、B组术后1个月、6个月、12个月、18个月、24个月治愈率以及总有效率较高,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:金属烤瓷全冠修复适合于轻微咬合疼痛以及咬合伴过敏性冷热刺激痛的患者,而对于咬舍伴延续性冷热刺激疼痛的患者则宜先行根管治疗术再进行全冠修复。  相似文献   

对10例龋坏引起的慢性牙髓炎、未穿髓的新鲜离体患牙,进行分段定位、半薄切片、革兰氏染色,光镜观察定位后,再行超薄切片,醋酸铀-柠檬酸铅复染,电镜进行超微结构观察。结果:(1)患牙牙髓组织中有5例观察到多种类型微生物存在,为球杆菌、球菌、杆菌。(2)牙髓组织中的细菌位于细胞内及细胞外,并处于各种状态,有生长繁殖阶段的也有固缩溶解阶段的。(3)深龋引起的长期有症状的慢性牙髓炎牙髓组织中有大量活细菌存在,细菌均存在于冠髓内,接近龋坏部位,周围及深层组织中未见菌体。并观察到组织细胞吞噬大量细菌后,细胞变性,出现核固缩、核仁消失,细胞膜不清楚。细胞周围有大量溶酶体出现。结果提示:深龋引起的长期有症状的慢性牙髓炎,尽管未穿髓,牙髓组织中,仍可有大量活细菌长期存在。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:研究三氧化矿物凝聚体(MTA)、iRoot BP Plus(iRooT)以及氢氧化钙(Ca(OH) 2)三种材料在年轻恒牙活髓切断术中的临床疗效。方法:将60例需要接受年轻恒牙活髓切断术的患者(60颗患牙)按照使用材料不同随机分为三组:MTA组、iRooT组和Ca(OH)2组,每组20例(20颗患牙),比较三组患者术后3个月和6个月手术成功率、牙本质桥形成和牙齿变色发生率、牙根管壁厚度、牙齿功能和美观度、以及血清基质金属蛋白酶-3(MMP-3)和白细胞介素-8(IL-8)水平。结果:(1)三组患者仅术后6个月临床治疗成功率存在显著差异(P<0.05);(2)Ca(OH)2组术后牙本质桥形成率显著低于其他两组(P<0.05),而牙齿变色发生率显著低于MTA组(P<0.05)和显著高于iRooT组(P<0.05)。(3)三组患者治疗后牙根管壁厚度均较治疗前显著增加,且治疗后Ca(OH)2组患牙根管壁厚度增加显著低于MTA组和iRooT组(P<0.05)。(4)Ca(OH)2组患者术后6个月牙齿舒适功能、固定功能和咀嚼功能评分均显著低于MTA组和iRooT组(P<0.05),而牙齿美观度评分显著低于iRooT组(P<0.05)和显著高于MTA组(P<0.05)。(5)三组患者术后6个月血清MMP-3和IL-8均显著低于术前(P<0.05),并且MTA组患者血清MMP-3和IL-8水平显著高于iRooT组(P<0.05)和显著低于CaOH组(P<0.05)。结论:iRoot BP Plus和MTA材料应用于年轻恒牙活髓切断术均具有较高的远期成功率,但MTA材料远期牙齿变色率较高因而影响牙齿美观度。  相似文献   

目的:研究聚合瓷嵌体修复活髓后牙大面积牙体缺损(Big dentin defect,BDD)中的临床疗效。方法:从2009年6月到2011年6月,于我院牙科就诊病患中,后牙的牙体缺损大于1个牙尖者有80例,共87颗牙齿。以数字法随机分成治疗组(41例,46颗)及对照组(39例,43颗)。对照组以高嵌体方案治疗,治疗组以聚合瓷嵌体方案治疗。对比两组一周以及一年后修复体评价情况。结果:治疗一周后,治疗组在美观方面显著优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(u=2.038,P0.05)。而两组对比术后敏感以及牙周状况等数据,差异均无统计学意义(u=1.132,1.389,均P0.05)。治疗一年后,治疗组在修复体折裂以及美观等方面显著优于对照组。差异有统计学意义(u=3.138,2.874,均P0.05)。两组在继发龋和边缘着色,邻接以及肩台适合和牙周状况等方面对比,差异均无统计学意义(u=1.132,1.374,1.454,1.268,1.366,均P0.05)。结论:聚合瓷嵌体对于活髓后牙BDD的修复效果较为显著,可较大程度恢复病患牙体功能,减少继发龋的发生率。不易折裂又更加美观,值得临床推荐。  相似文献   

探讨了显示实验动物脊髓组织中的神经尼氏体和神经髓鞘等组织成分的双重组合染色法,通过分别选用孔雀石绿(Malachite green)和橙黄G、磷钨酸(Orange G,Phosphotungstic acid)组合染色(简称MG-OP法)。已能够显示狗脊髓神经尼氏体呈绿色,细胞核呈黄色。神经纤维髓鞘轴突呈黄色,神经膜和结缔组织纤维呈绿色,背景呈淡黄色。MG-OP法克服了原法成分单一,色彩效果差,所建立的双重组合染色法,对比清晰,色彩鲜艳,方法简便的较好染色方法。  相似文献   

A versatile mineralized bone stain (MIBS) for demonstrating osteoid seams and tetracycline fluorescence simultaneously in thin or thick undecalcified sections has been developed. Bone specimens are fixed in 70% ethanol, but 10% buffered formalin is permissible. Depending upon one's preference, these specimens can be left unstained or be prestained before plastic embedding. Osteoid seams are stained green to jade green, or light to dark purple. Mineralized bone matrix is unstained or green. Osteoblast and osteoclast nuclei are light to dark purple, cytoplasm varies from slightly gray to pink. The identification of osteoid seams by this method agrees closely with identification by in vivo tetracycline uptake using the same section from the same biopsy. The method demonstrates halo volumes, an abnormal, lacunar, low density bone around viable osteocytes in purple. This phenomenon is commonly seen in vitamin D-resistant rickets, fluorosis, renal osteodystrophy, hyperparathyroidism, and is sometimes seen in fluoride treated osteoporotic patients. In osteomalacic bone, most osteoid seams are irregularly stained as indicated by the presence of unmineralized osteoid between mineralized lamellae. The method has been used effectively in staining new bone formation in hydroxyapatite implants and bone grafts. Old, unstained, plastic embedded undecalcified sections are stained as well as fresh sections after removal of the coverslip. This stain also promises to be valuable in the study of different metabolic bone diseases from the point of view of remodeling, histomorphometry, and pathology.  相似文献   

研究肥大细胞在人胎儿甲状腺发育中数量、分布及组化性质的改变,以探讨胎儿器官发育中肥大细胞的差异。取45例不同胎龄的人胎甲状腺石蜡切片做甲苯胺蓝染色和阿尔辛蓝--藏红染色,并测定肥大细胞的临界电解质浓度值及进行硫酸小蘖硷荧光染色。结果显示:3月龄胎儿甲状腺内开始出现肥大细胞,数量极少,主要分布在被膜及小叶间结缔组织内,甲苯胺蓝染色肥大细胞颗粒呈淡紫蓝色,阿尔辛蓝--藏红染色呈蓝色,临界电解质浓度值较低,硫酸小蘖硷染色未见显黄色荧乐的肥大细胞,从3月龄到足月随着胎龄增长,肥大细胞数量缓慢增多,8月龄时肥大细胞经甲苯胺蓝染色,其颗粒呈紫红色,阿尔辛蓝--藏红染色出现少量含红色和红蓝混合染色颗粒的肥大细胞,临界电解质浓度值偏高,可见少量显黄色荧光的肥大细胞,结果表明:在人胎儿3月龄时甲状腺发育中开始出现肥大细胞,但随胎儿发育肥大细胞的组化性质改变不明显。  相似文献   

Current interest in tetracycline staining of teeth and other enamel defects led to this review. In the handicapped child structural defects that were seen in the dental enamel may provide a most accurate etiological clue. The method of determining the time of insult is described. Comments are made on seven states in which enamel dysplasia may be frequently observed. A simple means of identifying tetracycline pigment incorporated in dental enamel is outlined. Bilirubin staining of teeth is also shown and warnings are given about the indelible nature of these pigments.  相似文献   

When staining the internal phloem region of a potato tuber with the vital stain neutral red, it was observed that files of elongated cells of narrow diameter were heavily stained and were easily distinguishable from the more isodiametric parenchyma cells, many of which did not stain with neutral red. The elongated cells were identified as companion cells by locating the adjacent sieve-tube members through counterstaining with aniline blue and reviewing under violet light. Of a number of other plants surveyed, only parsnip roots possessed companion cells exhibiting a similar slective staining. In other plants both the companion cells and the surrounding parenchyma cells usually stained. Sieve-tube members never accumulated neutral red. It was concluded that the vacuoles of the companion cells of the potato tuber were stained by the ion trap mechanism because of the color of the accumulated stain, the lack of staining when neutral red was applied in an acidic solution, and the complete destaining after soaking in dilute ammonium hydroxide.  相似文献   

To determine whether cysteine residues have a contribution to the mechanism of color silver staining, we silver stained sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis separations of proteins which have few or no cysteines. Proteins without cysteine stained negatively (yellow against a yellow background) with silver. Proteins with one or more cysteines stained orange, red, brown, or green/gray depending on the mole percentage of cysteine and whether they contained covalently attached lipids. The colors could not be correlated with the mole percentages of cysteine of these proteins indicating that some components other than cysteine affect the staining color of cysteine-containing proteins. Silver staining of amino acids, sugars, nucleotide bases, or lipopolysaccharide dot-blotted onto nitrocellulose paper implicated adenine, lipids, the basic amino acids, and glutamine, but not sugars or other amino acids in silver/protein complexes.  相似文献   

When staining the internal phloem region of a potato tuber with the vital stain neutral red, it was observed that files of elongated cells of narrow diameter were heavily stained nod were easily distinguishable from the more isodiametric parenchyma cells, many of which did not stain with neutral red. The elongated cells were identified as companion cells by locating the adjacent sieve-tube members through counterstaining with aniline blue and viewing under violet light. Of a numb of other plants surveyed, only parsnip roots possessed companion cells exhibiting a similar selective staining. In other plants both the companion cells and the surrounding parenchyma cells usually stained. Sieve-tube members never accumulated neutral red. It was concluded that the vacuoles of the companion cells of the potato tuber were stained by the ion trap mechanism because of the color of the accumulated stain, the lack of staining when neutral red was applied in an acidic solution, and the complete destaining after waking in dilute ammonium hydroxide.  相似文献   

A variety of colorful mutations exist in nature. However, shade stress will affect the color of ornamental plants. Ulmus pumila ‘Jinye’ is a cultivated species of elm with a yellow leaf color, which will become green under shade stress. In this paper, ‘Jinye’ samples were treated with different degrees of shade by using shading net to investigate the mechanism of greening of the yellow leaves through phenotype observation and high-throughput sequencing. The height of plants rose in slight shade stress then fell in heavy shade stress. The content of chlorophyll and carotenoid increased with the increase of shade degree, and the leaf size increased as well. On the other hand, the net photosynthesis capacity declined. About 32.17 Gb of clean data were obtained after the completion of sequencing. A total of 33,023 unigenes with annotated information were obtained after comparing ‘Jinye’ with other species. The number of differentially expressed genes increased, and the proportion of upregulated genes decreased with increasing shade. The differentially expressed gene (DEG) analysis showed that the porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism of Ulmus pumila ‘Jinye’ is affected by light. This may be related to genes associated with pigment synthesis. This first sequencing result of U. pumila will provide a basis for further research into this species.  相似文献   

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