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减数分裂粗线期染色体研究技术的发展, 很大程度上克服了水稻(Oryza sativa)细胞遗传研究中较小染色体所带来的研究困难。减数分裂染色体的制备与观察已经成为水稻细胞遗传学研究中的常规方法。该文详细描述了水稻中常用的减数分裂染色体制备、荧光原位杂交和免疫荧光染色的实验方法。  相似文献   

简化常规染色体滴片的操作程序,对牛蛙精巢进行染色体制片,基本观察到精巢组织中细胞行减数分裂各阶段的染色体行为。实验结果表明.用牛蛙精巢制备染色体能相对简捷稳定的获得有效的实验结果.是一种观察动物细胞减数分裂行为的好方法。  相似文献   

水稻中期染色体和DNA纤维的高效制备技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻中期染色体和DNA纤维制备是水稻分子细胞遗传学研究中的关键技术。目前,这两个技术还有很多不足,该研究建立了高效制备水稻中期染色体和DNA纤维的方法。该方法制备的染色体,分裂相多、杂质少、背景清晰、染色体分散且形态好,水稻根尖分生组织细胞的分裂指数高达25%。植物细胞的细胞壁是制备DNA纤维的最大障碍,所以必须先提取细胞核,然后裂解细胞核释放出DNA纤维。在这个研究中,还建立了一个用刀切法分离细胞核,进而用SDS裂解核膜,用载玻片拖出DNA来制备水稻DNA纤维的方法。该方法制备的DNA纤维多呈平行的细线,背景清晰,伸展的程度均匀,适合于原位杂交。  相似文献   

邓崇新 《遗传》1987,9(5):16-17
精母细胞减数分裂的研究是细胞遗传学中 的重要领域。虽然早就确立了减数分裂染色体 减半的原理,但由于精母细胞或卵母细胞都呈 组织状态,从中取出减数分裂的细胞进行染色 体研究并不容易。因此,对减数分裂过程中染 色体形态变化的研究,在相当长的历史时期里 停滞不前。六十年代以来,由于在制片方法上 的改进和各种新技术的应用,使体细胞染色体 的研究有了飞速的发展,也为进一步研究生殖 细胞染色体开创了新的途径。  相似文献   

Chen J  Luo WX  Li M  Luo Q 《遗传》2011,33(6):648-653
减数分裂在有性生物的生命周期中起着非常重要的作用,其过程高度保守。减数分裂过程中,染色体配对、联会和重组是遗传变异的源泉、有性生物进化的推动力,也是减数分裂研究的热点之一。在植物减数分裂研究中,还不可能直接观察到染色体在减数分裂过程中的交换情况,往往是通过交换后群体的遗传分析来推测。文章通过图示基因型方法分析了来自花药培养的32个水稻双单倍体(DH)株系,发现少数株系某些染色体部分区段为杂合状态,并利用STS分子标记对杂合状态的真实性进行了验证,推测杂合区段的出现可能与染色体的修复不完全或修复错误有关。研究结果为解释植物减数分裂的机理提供了直接证据。  相似文献   

(一)减数分裂与细胞学、遗传学的关系现行《生物》课本中“减数分裂与生殖细胞的成熟”一节教材是全书中重要的一节,减数分裂是一种特殊的有丝分裂。在减数分裂过程中细胞经过连续两次分裂,而染色体只复制一次,结果使性细胞中染色体数目减半。性细胞再经受精作用形成合子,合子中染色体数目又恢复到亲代体细胞中染色体数目,从而使亲子代细胞中的遗传物质保持相对稳定。减数分裂的前期I,细胞中的染色体发生了一系列特殊的变化——同源染色体联会、交叉互换和分离。每一对同源染色体中的两条染色体彼此分离,以后随机地分配到二个子细胞中去;异源染色体  相似文献   

要以小麦光温敏核雄性不育系BS366为材料,采用卡宝品红压片法研究花粉母细胞减数分裂的细胞学变化。结果表明:不育环境下的BS366花粉母细胞减数分裂过程中染色体和细胞形态异常现象较多。染色体异常主要表现为:染色体落后,染色体桥、染色体散乱排列,微核、染色体分离不同步。细胞形态异常表现为:二分体时期细胞质不完全分裂,细胞板不平整;四分体时期子细胞大小不一。花粉母细胞减数分裂后,异常四分体的比例为62.88%;成熟花粉粒中败育率为89.5%。推测减数分裂期间异常的染色体行为以及细胞形态可能是影响花粉育性降低的重要原因。  相似文献   

减数分裂是在有性生殖过程中高度专业化的真核细胞分裂。在减数分裂过程中,DNA复制一次,细胞连续分裂两次,子细胞染色体数目减半。在减数第一次分裂过程中为确保同源染色体正确分离,必须通过同源染色体配对、联会及重组等减数分裂特异性染色体运动。如果其中任一运动发生异常会导致先天性疾病或不孕不育症。因此,了解这些减数分裂型染色体的运动机制极为重要。该综述重点探讨了减数分裂型黏连蛋白RAD21L的特殊作用及其在哺乳动物减数分裂过程中对染色体运动的调控机制。  相似文献   

为探讨蝽科精巢细胞减数分裂各时期染色体形态和行为差异, 以及据此反映的属种间亲缘关系, 采用常规染色体制片法对蝽科6属9种精巢细胞减数分裂各期染色体形态特征、 行为及精子的形成进行了观察和比较研究。结果表明: 蝽科精巢细胞为交叉型减数分裂, “O”型交叉为其典型交叉减数分裂形式。各属种减数分裂各期染色体行为相似, 但形态不同。减数分裂各期染色体形态、 排列方式, 中期染色体相对长度、 组成与核型以及精子形态等特征具有属种间差异性。蝽科精巢细胞中期Ⅰ染色体组平均相对长度都为12.5, 在进化过程中染色体组长度信息总量不变。基于染色体相对长度的聚类分析结果显示, 菜蝽属Eurydema、 麦蝽属Aelia、 珠蝽属Rubiconia和条蝽属Graphosoma亲缘关系密切, 而二星蝽属Stollia与果蝽属Carpocoris关系较近。  相似文献   

徐婉约  王应祥 《植物学报》2019,54(5):620-624
减数分裂指DNA复制1次, 细胞核分裂2次, 产生染色体数目减半的单倍体配子, 是真核生物有性生殖所必需的环节。拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)是分子遗传学研究的传统模式生物。近年来, 随着显微镜技术的快速发展, 利用细胞学方法观察拟南芥减数分裂过程中的染色体形态和同源染色体互作事件, 将有助于深入认识减数分裂的分子遗传机制。该文详细描述了染色体展片法观察拟南芥雄性减数分裂细胞中的染色体形态。  相似文献   

During the past three decades, Nishimura's reciprocal translocation lines of rice have been used in rice cytogenetics to locate genes on chromosomes, to number extra chromosomes of trisomic series and to associate individual linkage groups with specific chromosomes. In this report, we present our identification of the chromosomes involved in 11 of Nishimura's translocation lines using both meiotic pachytene and mitotic prometaphase chromosome analysis. In addition, the numbering of the 12 linkage groups suggested by Nagao and Takahashi, and modified later by many workers, has been revised to agree with the numbering of the identified chromosomes.  相似文献   

Prieto P  Santos AP  Moore G  Shaw P 《Chromosoma》2004,112(6):300-307
Studies of the meiosis of diploid plants such as Arabidopsis, maize and diploid progenitors of wheat have revealed no premeiotic association of chromosomes. Premeiotic and somatic association of chromosomes has only been previously observed in the anther tissues and xylem vessel cells of developing roots in polyploid plants such as hexaploid and tetraploid wheat, polyploid relatives of wheat and artificial polyploids made from the progenitor diploids of wheat. This suggested that this association was confined specifically to polyploids or was induced by polyploidy. However, we developed procedures for in situ hybridization on structurally well-preserved tissue sections of rice, and analysed two diploid rice species (Oryza sativa and O. punctata). Contrary to expectation, this has revealed that centromeres and telomeres also associate both in the xylem vessel cells of developing root and in undifferentiated anther cells in these diploids. However, in contrast to wheat and related polyploids, where the initial association in undifferentiated anthers is between either non-homologous or related chromosomes, and not homologous chromosomes, the initial association of rice chromosomes seems to be between homologues. Thus, in contrast to the diploid dicot model Arabidopsis, meiotic studies on the diploid model cereal, rice, will now need to take into account the effects of premeiotic chromosome association.Pilar Prieto and Ana Paula Santos are joint first authors.  相似文献   

Polyploidization is a basic feature of plant evolution. Nearly all of the main food, cotton and oil crops are polyploid. When ploidy levels increase, yields double; this phenomenon suggested a new strategy of rice breeding that utilizes wide crosses and polyploidization dual advantages to breed super rice.Because low seed set rates in polyploid rice usually makes it difficult to breed, the selection of Ph-liked gene lines was emphasized. After progenies of indica-japonica were identified and selected, two polyploid lines, PMeS-1 and PMeS-2 with Polyploid Meiosis Stability (PMeS) genes were bred. The procedure included seven steps: selecting parents, crossing or multiple crossing, back-crossing, doubling chromosomes, identifying the polyploid, and choosing plants with high seed set rates that can breed themselves into stable lines. The characteristics of PMeS were determined by observing meiotic behaviors and by cross-identification of seed sets. PMeS-1 and PMeS-2, (japonica rice), have several characteristics different from other polyploid rice lines, including a higher rate of seed set (more than 65%, increasing to more than 70% in their F1 offspring); and stable meiotic behaviors (pairing with bivalents and quarivalents nearly without over-quarivalent in prophase, nearly without lagging chromosomes in metaphase and without micronuclei in anaphase and telophase). The latter was obviously different from control polyploid line Dure-4X, which displayed abnormal meiotic behaviors including a higher rate of multivalents, univalents and trivalents in prophase, lagging chromosomes in metaphase and micronuclei in anaphase and telophase. There were also three differences of the breeding method between PMeS lines and normal diploid lines: chromosomes doubling, polyploidism identifying and higher seed set testing. The selection of PMeS lines is the first step in polyploid rice breeding; their use will advance the progress of polyploid rice breeding, which will in turn offer a new way to breed super rice.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity for the length of telomeric DNA sequences has been found among different mitotic chromosomes in several mammalian species. However, there are no studies reporting such heterogeneity in meiotic chromosomes. To analyse this heterogeneity we have performed fluorescence in situ hybridization with a telomeric (C(3)TA(2))(3) peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probe on spread metaphase chromosomes during both male mouse meiotic divisions. Our results show that independently of the meiotic division, telomeric DNA signals were always surrounded by DAPI-stained chromatin, even at centromeric regions. Moreover, we have found heterogeneity for the size of telomeric DNA signals among different chromosomes, between homologues, and even within a given chromosome. We discuss the functional significance of the location of telomeric DNA in condensed meiotic chromosomes, and then the possible origin for the different polymorphisms found.  相似文献   

The mammalian pseudoautosomal region   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Despite being morphologically dissimilar, mammalian sex chromosomes pair in male meiosis. Molecular studies of the X and Y chromosomes in humans and mice have identified the pseudoautosomal region, a genetically unique region of shared, recombining sequences that fall within the meiotic pairing region. Complete meiotic and physical maps of the human pseudoautosomal region have been produced and the pseudoautosomal boundary has been cloned and sequenced. These studies have provided clues to mammalian sex chromosome function and evolution.  相似文献   

The genes controlling meiotic progression in plants and not affecting mitotic progression are most widely studied in maize Zea mays and cruciferous plant Arabidopsis thaliana. These include the genes controlling the differentiation of somatic cells into sporogenous ones and meiosis-initiating genes, genes encoding meiosis-specific proteins of chromosomes and synaptonemal complexes, genes of mediator proteins and enzymes of meiotic DNA recombination and crossover, and genes controlling meiosis-specific behavior of centromeres and the course of two meiotic divisions. A large number of such genes have been cloned and studied at the molecular level. The studies of meiotic genes in rice Oriza sativa are actively developing, while studies of corresponding genes in barley Hordeum vulgare, rye Secale cereale, tomato Solanum lycopersicum, and hexaploid wheat Triticum aestivum are less advanced. To identify meiotic genes, chemical and insertional mutagenesis, genetic and cytological analysis, genomic and proteomic studies, methods of reverse genetics, and bioinformatics are used.  相似文献   

K Wang  M Wang  D Tang  Y Shen  C Miao  Q Hu  T Lu  Z Cheng 《PLoS genetics》2012,8(7):e1002809
HEI10 was first described in human as a RING domain-containing protein that regulates cell cycle and cell invasion. Mice HEI10(mei4) mutant displays no obvious defect other than meiotic failure from an absence of chiasmata. In this study, we characterize rice HEI10 by map-based cloning and explore its function during meiotic recombination. In the rice hei10 mutant, chiasma frequency is markedly reduced, and those remaining chiasmata exhibit a random distribution among cells, suggesting possible involvement of HEI10 in the formation of interference-sensitive crossovers (COs). However, mutation of HEI10 does not affect early recombination events and synaptonemal complex (SC) formation. HEI10 protein displays a highly dynamic localization on the meiotic chromosomes. It initially appears as distinct foci and co-localizes with MER3. Thereafter, HEI10 signals elongate along the chromosomes and finally restrict to prominent foci that specially localize to chiasma sites. The linear HEI10 signals always localize on ZEP1 signals, indicating that HEI10 extends along the chromosome in the wake of synapsis. Together our results suggest that HEI10 is the homolog of budding yeast Zip3 and Caenorhabditis elegans ZHP-3, and may specifically promote class I CO formation through modification of various meiotic components.  相似文献   

The Yeast Red1 Protein Localizes to the Cores of Meiotic Chromosomes   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants in the meiosis-specific RED1 gene of S. cerevisiae fail to make any synaptonemal complex (SC) or any obvious precursors to the SC. Using antibodies that specifically recognize the Red1 protein, Red1 has been localized along meiotic pachytene chromosomes. Red1 also localizes to the unsynapsed axial elements present in a zip1 mutant, suggesting that Red1 is a component of the lateral elements of mature SCs. Anti-Red1 staining is confined to the cores of meiotic chromosomes and is not associated with the loops of chromatin that lie outside the SC. Analysis of the spo11 mutant demonstrates that Red1 localization does not depend upon meiotic recombination. The localization of Red1 has been compared with two other meiosisspecific components of chromosomes, Hop1 and Zip1; Zip1 serves as a marker for synapsed chromosomes. Double labeling of wild-type meiotic chromosomes with anti-Zip1 and anti-Red1 antibodies demonstrates that Red1 localizes to chromosomes both before and during pachytene. Double labeling with anti-Hop1and anti-Red1 antibodies reveals that Hop1 protein localizes only in areas that also contain Red1, and studies of Hop1 localization in a red1 null mutant demonstrate that Hop1 localization depends on Red1 function. These observations are consistent with previous genetic studies suggesting that Red1 and Hop1 directly interact. There is little or no Hop1 protein on pachytene chromosomes or in synapsed chromosomal regions.  相似文献   

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