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污染区域大气环境质量生物监测的数学模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以常规标准取样法、静态挂片吸收取样法分别测定了深圳南山区范围内大气二氧化硫、硫酸盐化速率和氟化物的含量,并同步测定了植物叶片的污染物含量。利用回归方法分析了3种测定结果的相互关系,并以植物叶片污染物含量为基础建立大气环境质量生物监测的数学模型,其中以叶片含硫量评价大气硫酸盐化速率的模型为夏季y=0.781x-0.754,冬季y=1.88x-2.283;以叶片含氟量评价大气氟化物的模型为夏季y=0.363x-7.511,冬季y=0.175x-3.461,这些模型均有很高的可信度(p<0.001)。  相似文献   

39种木本植物对大气污染的生理生态反应与敏感性   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
39种1-2a生盆栽木本植物在生长季前期放置在污染区(佛山南海区小塘镇五星)和清洁区(广州华南植物园),5个月后进行植物叶片和叶绿素荧光特征参数的测定。大气监测结果表明,污染区有相当高的酸性硫酸盐化速率、氟化物浓度和降尘量,分别是清洁医的15.4、17.5和28倍,明显高于国家排放标准。生长在污染区的大多数植物的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(E)和气孔导度(gs)均出现不同程度的下降,下降幅度因植物种类不同而存在较大差异。Pn、E与gs之间存在一定程度的线性相关关系,但污染胁迫下Pn与gs线性相关的显著程度波削弱,而E与gs的相关性则得到提高,表现出不同植物种类Pn和E的变化与gs变化的不协同性、复杂性以及适应策略的多样性。根据Pn、E和水分利用效率(WUE)的变化,将植物对大气污染响应的敏感程度划分为:(1)高度敏感组,包括仪花、灰木莲、格木、阿丁枫、白桂木、海南木莲、白木香和海南红豆;(2)中度敏感组,包括幌伞枫、无忧树、红花木莲、小叶胭脂、蝴蝶树、山玉兰、灰莉、柳叶楠、刺果番荔枝、厚皮香、猫尾木、红桂木、竹节树、红花油茶、观光木、桂花、铁冬青、日本杜英、火焰木、铁力术和密仡树:(3)轻度敏感组,包括毛黄肉楠、华润楠、吊瓜木、大头茶、茶花、傅园榕、小叶榕、环榕、菩提榕和石笔木。  相似文献   

树皮pH值的变化及其对大气酸性气体污染的指示作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1991~1993年在河北省承德市5个大气监测点测定8种常见绿化树种树皮pH值的变化,结果表明8种树皮pH值为3.5~7.0,平均值为5.7±0.6。不同功能区树皮pH从大到小依次为:公园区>工业区>生活居住区(P<0.05),与大气SO2等酸性气体的污染有关。同种植物的树皮浸提液SO2-4含量相对清洁区为2.516mg/g,污染区为5.342mg/g(P<0.001),两者之间的相关公式为Y=2.576+6.4736X(r=0.7730,P<0.001)。树皮pH与SO2-4呈极显著负相关,相关公式为Y=7.1-0.3865X(r=-0.8941,P<0.001)。榆树等4种落叶阔叶树树皮对大气SO2的变化较敏感,可作为SO2等酸性气体的适宜指示与监测植物。  相似文献   

本文以7个阔叶树种为材料,经SO2熏气证实:植物叶K+渗出量与培养液K+浓度和叶片K+含量无关,依光强和植物种类而异,气孔开度大、叶片含硫量高者K+渗出量也多,具有很强的相关性。基于上述规律,提出按刺槐叶K+渗出量的阈值法和统计法(X±S)划分四个污染等级,用来评价沈阳市的污染状况,与理化监测相比基本一致。据大气SO2浓度(ŷ)与K+渗出量(x)之间建立的相关方程:ŷ=0.0111x-0.0259(r=0.879,P<0.01)计算1982和1983年度大气SO2浓度,并按95%置信度绘制预测图,经精度分析,较理化监测更为稳定可靠。  相似文献   

以兰州银滩黄河湿地的千屈菜、芦苇、酸模叶蓼、稗草、龙葵、反枝苋、曼陀罗、红豆草、藨草和水莎草10种植物为材料,采用美国CI-340便携式光合测定系统在晴朗天气下测定了各植物成熟叶片的光合有效辐射(PAR)、净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)以及大气温度(Ta)、大气CO2浓度(Ca)等指标的日变化,以探讨其光合生理生态特性。结果表明:有7种湿地植物的净光合速率呈不对称的双峰曲线,光合"午休"现象明显,分别是由气孔和非气孔2个因素引起;通过相关分析、逐步回归分析发现,大多数植物的Pn与Tr、Gs、PAR有较好的相关性,各生态因子对Pn的贡献系数不同,说明影响它们光合速率的主要生理生态因子各不相同;午间强光、高温导致湿地植物的蒸腾速率加剧。本研究对了解湿地植物优势种的光合特性及其与环境因子关系、人工种植湿地植物物种选择有重要意义。  相似文献   

闫慧  吴茜  丁佳  张守仁 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4226-4236
氮沉降和降水变化的不确定是目前全球变化背景下亚热带地区倍受关注的热点生态学课题,因此,探究降水变化及氮添加对亚热带森林植物生理生态特征及生长的影响可以为探讨全球变化背景下中国亚热带森林动态变化机制及保护和管理提供实验依据.在野外自然条件下,设置了3a的降水与氮添加控制实验,研究降水变化与氮添加对亚热带树木幼苗秃瓣杜英(Elaeocarpus glabripetalus)、枫香(Liquidambar formosana)、木荷(Schima superba)、青冈(Cyclobalnopsis glauca)生理生态特征及生长的影响.降水处理有3个水平:自然降水(对照,CK),增加30%降水(+H)及减少30%降水(-H);氮素处理有两个水平:自然状态(对照)及添加NH4NO3 10g·m-2·a-1(+N).由于亚热带地区土壤pH值偏低,大多数植物生长可能会受到土壤有效磷的限制而非氮限制,所以探讨在亚热带地区氮添加是否会影响树木的光合生理生态特征及生长,同时讨论降水变化与氮素的交互作用对4种树木幼苗的光合特征及生长的影响.实验结果表明:降水与氮素对树木光合生理生态特征及生长是有一定影响的.10 g·m-2·a-1 NH4N03氮添加水平可以提高4种树木幼苗叶片叶绿素含量(P<0.05)、光系统Ⅱ最大光化学效率(Fv/ Fm)(P<0.01)、光化学性能指数(PIABS)(P<0.01)以及净光合速率(P<0.05),4种树木幼苗总生物量在氮添加后显著提高了33.06% (P<0.01),因此古田山亚热带常绿阔叶林氮添加可以提高植物的光合性能,促进植物生长;降水变化对树种生理生态特征及总生物量的影响相对氮添加的影响较小,但是在古田山亚热带地区干季,降水对净光合速率(P<0.05)、气孔导度和蒸腾速率(P<0.001)的影响均达到显著水平,同时发现气孔导度对降水的变化更加敏感;降水与氮素的交互作用对树木光合生理生态特征(除PIABS)及总生物量的影响均没有达到显著水平(P>0.05);不同树种间生理指标的差异是由树种生物学特性差异造成,不同树种间总生物量的差异受到氮添加与降水的影响,并且达到极显著水平(P<0.01).  相似文献   

杨树生理生态指标与环境因子之间相关性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
庞发虎  杨建伟  庞振凌  杜瑞卿 《生态学报》2010,30(12):3188-3197
为了揭示杨树生理生态指标与环境因子间综合复杂的关系,找出重要指标,在适宜土壤水分、中度干旱和严重干旱3种土壤水分条件下研究水分胁迫对杨树生理生长变化的影响;在人工控制条件下,研究叶片净光合速率(Pn)、叶片气孔导度(Gs)随光合有效辐射(PAR)和CO2浓度变化的反应关系;在中度干旱条件下,通过直接相关和综合相关分析,揭示各指标间相互影响的复杂关系。结果分析表明,水分胁迫对杨树生理生长变化有显著影响,是主要因子。在中度干旱条件下,对杨树有重要影响的因子依次为:光合有效辐射(PAR)、CO2浓度、大气温度(Ta);能够反映杨树生理生态特性的重要指标依次为:耗水量、蒸腾速率(Tr)、呼吸速率(R)和净光合速率(Pn).由此获得基本结论:杨树的生理生长变化受土壤水分、光合有效辐射(PAR)、大气CO2浓度和大气温度等多个环境因子的综合影响极其显著,其生理生长变化特征也宜采用多个指标来反应。直接相关分析不足以反映它们间的复杂关系,综合分析优于直接相关分析,分析方法科学合理,值得研究推广。  相似文献   

''金光杏梅''叶片净光合速率与生理生态因子的关系   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
以‘金光杏梅’成熟叶片为试验材料,采用CI-301型便携式CO2气体分析仪测定了其叶片净光合速率(Pn)日变化,并通过多元逐步回归和通径分析方法探讨了净光合速率与生理生态因子间的关系。结果表明:‘金光杏梅’叶片净光合速率日变化为双峰曲线,在上午10:00和下午15:00分别出现一次高峰,具有典型的"午休"现象,它是由气孔因素和非气孔因素两种因素造成的;叶片气孔导度和蒸腾速率日变化均与净光合速率日变化呈正相关,回归方程分别为yPn=0.947xGs2 0.2874xGs 57.945,(R2=0.8534)和yPn=0.8079xTr0.5421,(R2=0.5716);影响‘金光杏梅’叶片净光合速率的主要生态因子是光合有效辐射和大气CO2浓度,主要生理因子是气孔导度和蒸腾速率。  相似文献   

干旱区枸杞树干液流变化特征及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
树干液流作为植物蒸散作用的水分来源,是植物水分消耗的直观量化监测指标,利用包裹式树干液流监测技术获取干旱区枸杞全生育期树干液流实时数据,分析了不同时间尺度树干液流变化特征及各气象要素对树干液流的影响,为明晰枸杞耗水规律及其影响因素提供了重要的佐证。结果表明:枸杞的树干液流量昼夜差异较大,白天液流量是夜间的10倍左右;晴天液流速率、日累积量及变化幅度均大于阴雨天气,晴天液流速率变化曲线且呈宽峰型,在06:30左右启动较阴天提前30min;夏季树干液流启动时间为6:00比秋季提前1h左右,夏季的峰值123g/h。盛果期液流速率最大10.32g/h,营养生长期最小1.35 g/h;6—8月旺盛生长季,平均日耗水1388.3g/d,5—11月全生育期日均耗水1102.7g/d;树干液流速率与太阳辐射、空气温度均呈极显著正相关关系,与相对湿度呈负相关关系;枸杞树干液流(F)与太阳辐射(S)、温度(T)、相对湿度(H)及饱和水汽压(VPD)符合方程F=41.5+0.167S-0.563H+1.36T-9.67VPD(R~2=0.6547)。  相似文献   

植物气孔扩散阻力与环境中颗粒物的污染有密切关系,由此得出的生理指标可用以指示大气中飘尘污染的程度,并筛选对污染物抗性大和消耗水分少的植物种。测定结果表明:不同污染类型区的植物气孔扩散阻力的大小顺序因地区而不同,在天津为冶炼厂(重工业污染区)>水上公园(游览区)>劝业场(商业集中区)>化工厂外(化工污染区) >盘山(清洁区);而在北京是卧佛寺一樱桃沟(游览区)>东单(交通频繁区)>首钢(重工业污染区)。之所以产生上述差异的原因除了京津两市的工业污染外,还与某些人为活动有关,如重工业污染区飘尘污染严重,植物气孔扩散阻力增大,但首钢经常用水冲洗叶子,其阻力值反小;公园和商业交通区是游人熙攘地点,极易引起地面扬尘,其气孔阻力反映了相似的结果。 研究结果还阐明:随着飘尘的增加,植物气孔扩散阻力增大,蒸腾率速相应的变小。  相似文献   

在冬季对福建省华安县竹园14属46种(含变种和栽培型)竹类植物叶的热值和灰分含量进行了研究。结果表明:竹类植物叶的灰分含量在8.05%~28.14%之间,平均为15.18%;干重热值在14957.3 ~19111.4 J/g之间,平均为17672.1 J/g;去灰分热值在19473.1~24646.2 J/g之间,平均为20845.6 J/g;竹类植物叶干重热值和灰分含量有显著的线性关系,相关方程为Y=-169.21X+20241(r=0.7370**,df=44),高灰分含量是竹叶干重热值相对较低的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

木文是以兰州一个铝厂为中心,沿北面、西北面、东南面和南面四个方向设置十八个测点。采集空气样品235个,土壤样品127个,植物样品362个。这些样品的测定结果,说明空气和土壤的污染主要在2—4公里的半径范围内,下风向可能到达7.5公里。由于植物从空气中吸收氟,并加以积累,使叶片含量达数百ppm,最高达2534ppm,构成氟的伤害。这种伤害最早(5月间)出现在离铝厂最近测点的桃树(Prunus persica)、杏树(P.armeniaca)上,以后逐渐扩大到稍远的其他地方和别的植物,使葱、蒜失去食用价值,小麦发育不良,叶面积缩小,有效分蘖下降,穗长缩短,小穗数减少,千粒重从50.1克下降为37.6克,造成粮食减产。根据铝厂周围地区植物、土壤和空气氟的污染程度,可分为四种类型:清洁区、轻污染区、污染区和重污染区。  相似文献   

Domingos  M.  Klumpp  A.  Rinaldi  M.C.S.  Modesto  I.F.  Klumpp  G.  Delitti  W.B.C. 《Plant and Soil》2003,249(2):297-308
High deposition of gaseous/particulate fluorides and other air pollutants has resulted in an acidification and probable formation of soluble AlFx complexes in the soil in the vicinity of the industrial complex of Cubatão, SE Brazil. With the present field study we aimed at determining the contribution of F and Al uptake from fluoride-contaminated soil, supposedly as AlFx complexes, to the increase of foliar F and Al contents in saplings of an Al-accumulator tree species (Tibouchina pulchra) which were concomitantly exposed to fluoride-contaminated air and also the proportional contribution of both air and soil contamination to the mentioned foliar accumulation of these elements. The seasonal variations in F and Al accumulation and possible metabolic changes in the plants due to F and Al accumulation were also investigated. The saplings were exposed during three consecutive periods of 16 weeks to: (a) air and soil from a reference site (PVnoF); (b) air or soil from two polluted sites (CM-high air pollution, low F and MV-high air pollution, high F); and (c) both air and soil from these polluted sites. After exposure, the changes in the foliar concentrations of F and Al, the relations between both element contents and their relationships with oxidative stress indicators were determined. The data were grouped in three matrices: PVnoF–CMlwF and PVnoF–MVhgF, taking in account the possible air/soil exposure combinations in each, and soil/air from all sites. The slight F accumulation in plants of PVnoF–CMlwF matrix was a result of higher uptake from soil than from air (54 and 46%, respectively). At PVnoF–MVhgF matrix, the extremely high F accumulation in leaves of T. pulchra could be attributed to the combination of both air and soil contamination (83 and 17%, respectively). T. pulchra always showed higher foliar Al concentrations than 1000 g g–1 dry mass, mainly after exposure to air and soil of both polluted sites (CMlwF and MVhgF). A highly significant linear regression was estimated between molar Al and F contents, taking in account the data obtained for saplings of T. pulchra cultivated in the different soils and exposed to ambient air of PVnoF, suggesting that both elements were taken as Al–F complexes from soil. The uptake of fluorides from air and/or soil of MVhgF caused significant metabolic changes in T. pulchra, but visible injury supposedly induced by fluorides were observed only when the foliar F contents surpassed 700 g g–1 dry mass. On the contrary, Al did not cause any metabolic stress to the plants.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy is a robust, well-established tool utilized for measuring important cell culture process variables for example, feed, metabolites, and biomass in real-time. This study further expands the functionality of in-line Raman spectroscopy coupled with partial least squares (PLS) regression modelling to develop a pH measurement tool. Cell line specific models were developed to enhance the robustness for processes with different pH setpoints, deadbands, and cellular metabolism. The modelling strategy further improved robustness by reducing the temporal complexity of pH shifts by splitting data sets into two time zones reflective of major changes in pH. In addition, models were developed to assess if lactate and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) could be used in a PLS model for pH. Splitting the data sets into early and late for the process resulted in errors of 0.035 pH and 0.034 pH for the two respective Raman cell lines models which was within acceptance criteria. The lactate and pCO2 PLS model with values provided by Raman models had a further 0.001 pH error reduction. This study illustrates the potential to eliminate off-line samples to correct for in-line measurements of pH and further illustrates the capabilities of Raman to measure additional process variables.  相似文献   

福建华安竹园一些竹类植物叶的热值研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
在冬季对福建省华安县竹园14属46种(含变种和栽培型)竹类植物叶的热值和灰分含量进行了研究。结果表明:竹类植物叶的灰分含量在8.05%-28.14%之间,平均为15.18%;干重热值在14957.3-19111.4J/g之间,平均为17672.1J/g;去灰分热值在19473.1-24646.2J/g之间,平均为20845.6J/g;竹类植物叶干重热值和灰分含量有显著的线性关系,相关方程为Y=-169.21X 20241(r=0.7370,df=44),高灰分含量是竹叶干重热值相对较低的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of Sporidiobolus ruinenii yeast to the use of reducing agents, reflected in changes in the oxidoreduction potential at pH 7 (Eh7) environment, ricinoleic acid methyl ester catabolism, gamma-decalactone synthesis, cofactor level, beta-oxidation activity, and ultrastructure of the cell, was studied. Three environmental conditions (corresponding to oxidative, neutral, and reducing conditions) were fixed with the use of air or air and reducing agents (hydrogen and dithiothreitol). Lowering Eh7 to neutral conditions (Eh7 = +30 mV and +2.5 mV) favoured the production of lactone more than the more oxidative condition (Eh7 = +350 mV). In contrast, when a reducing condition was used (Eh7 = -130 mV), the production of gamma-decalactone was very low. These results were linked to changes in the cofactor ratio during lactone production, to the beta-oxidation activity involved in decanolide synthesis, and to ultrastructural modification of the cell.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Pb, Cu, Fe, and Mn were analyzed in surface deposit and tissue ofQuercus ilex leaves from several sites of the urban area of Naples, exposed to different degrees of air pollution. These included some major roads with heavy traffic loads, squares, and three urban parks. The soil from the trunk base area ofQ. ilex trees in the same sites was also analyzed for total and available metal contents. Pb, Cu, and Fe contents in the surface deposit and leaf tissue were significantly higher (p<0.01) in leaves from roadside sites than in leaves from parks; significant correlations were found between deposit- and tissue-contents of Pb, Cu, and Fe. Mn content in leaves from roadside sites and in leaves from parks were similar and Mn content in the leaf deposit was irrelevant. Significant differences (p<0.001) in both total and available Pb and Cu soil content were found between sampling sites. Also for available Fe and Mn soil content differences among sites were relevant, although the highest values were measured in soil from urban parks. A positive correlation between leaf and soil metal content was found only for Pb, thus suggesting that trace metal contents of leaves directly depend on atmospheric depositions. Seasonal variations of Pb, Cu, and Fe were pronounced at a polluted site, whereas no relevant seasonal variation was observed at a control site; moreover, metal accumulation was high at the polluted site. Mn content and seasonal dynamics were comparable at control and polluted sites.  相似文献   

The non‐invasive leaf patch clamp pressure (LPCP) probe measures the attenuated pressure of a leaf patch, Pp, in response to an externally applied magnetic force. Pp is inversely coupled with leaf turgor pressure, Pc, i.e. at high Pc values the Pp values are small and at low Pc values the Pp values are high. This relationship between Pc and Pp could also be verified for 2‐m tall olive trees under laboratory conditions using the cell turgor pressure probe. When the laboratory plants were subjected to severe water stress (Pc dropped below ca. 50 kPa), Pp curves show reverse diurnal changes, i.e. during the light regime (high transpiration) a minimum Pp value, and during darkness a peak Pp value is recorded. This reversal of the Pp curves was completely reversible. Upon watering, the original diurnal Pp changes were re‐established within 2–3 days. Olive trees in the field showed a similar turnover of the shape of the Pp curves upon drought, despite pronounced fluctuations in microclimate. The reversal of the Pp curves is most likely due to accumulation of air in the leaves. This assumption was supported with cross‐sections through leaves subjected to prolonged drought. In contrast to well‐watered leaves, microscopic inspection of leaves exhibiting inverse diurnal Pp curves revealed large air‐filled areas in parenchyma tissue. Significantly larger amounts of air could also be extracted from water‐stressed leaves than from well‐watered leaves using the cell turgor pressure probe. Furthermore, theoretical analysis of the experimental Pp curves shows that the propagation of pressure through the nearly turgorless leaf must be exclusively dictated by air. Equations are derived that provide valuable information about the water status of olive leaves close to zero Pc.  相似文献   

We investigated the response of extracellular phosphatase to heat shock in heterotrophic Chenopodium rubrum L. cell cultures. Surprisingly, in contrast to the generally used acid phosphatase, an extracellular alkaline phosphatase showed the most sensitive response. This phosphatase was characterized as a marker for cellular stimulation by its high correlations with induced changes of extracellular pH: 10microM nigericin (correlation coefficient r=0.91), 100microM salicylic acid (r=0.84), heat shock 5min 37 degrees C (r=0.79), and heat shock after pre-treatment with 5microM fusicoccin (r=0.92) or 0.5% ethanol (r=0.90). Cellular stimulation was estimated with concentrations of acids and bases, yielding similar levels of pH change (0.5 pH) in cell-free supernatant: salicylic acid (200microM), benzoic acid (600microM), HCl (140microM), NaOH (100microM), and KOH (100microM). The Golgi apparatus inhibitor Brefeldin A (200microM) reduced the heat-shock-induced phosphatase (-33%). The pH optimum of heat-shock-induced phosphatase was 3; however, there the proportion of constitutive phosphatase was higher than at pH 8-9.5, indicating different pH dependence of constitutive and induced activity. Thus, heat-shock-induced phosphatase was characterized by alkaline activity with inhibitors (10microM molybdate: -52%, 2.5mM phosphate: -64%, 10microM ZnCl(2): -82%), substrates (2.5mM, tyrosine phosphate: 255pkat g(-1), p-nitrophenyl phosphate: 92pkat g(-1), serine phosphate: 0, threonine phosphate: 0), Hill coefficient (nH=1.4) indicating two binding sites, and the extent of heat-shock stimulation (p-nitrophenyl phosphate: +190%, tyrosine phosphate: +180%). SDS-PAGE showed a correlation of alkaline phosphatase with the heat-shock-induced release of highly N-glycosylated 53kDa protein, detected by peroxidase-labeled concanavalin A affinoblotting after endoglycosidase H treatment. The 53kDa protein showed no in-gel phosphatase activity after SDS-PAGE and regeneration treatment, in contrast to a putative dimer (105kDa).  相似文献   

橡胶树叶片高光谱特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从光谱曲线特征和光谱变换特征分析橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)叶片反射曲线特征.结果表明,蓝边、红边、黄边位置特征分别出现于525 nm、725 nm、550 nm波段附近,红谷位置特征变化较大,并提取了红边积分面积等重要光谱变量特征.叶片氮含量与反射光谱的相关分析表明橡胶树叶片氮素敏感波段为700~1300 nm,其中730 nm处相关性最好,达到0.8422的极显著水平,以730 nm处的反射率与叶片氮含量建立线性模型,其复相关系数R2达到0.7094.  相似文献   

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