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2012年4月17日,笔者在四川省成都市四川大学华西校区的药用植物园(30°38″24’N,104°03″59’E)进行成都春季林地迁徙野鸟调查时,观察到一只与白眉鸫Turdus obscurus结伴觅食,但形态存在明显差异的鸫属鸟类,经拍摄图片鉴定确认,为四川省鸟类新纪录——褐头鸫Turdus feae。野外观察该鸟体型、白色眉纹和眼下白斑、飞行时发出嘶声等均与白眉鸫近似,但头部、  相似文献   

正2019年6月8日,在湖北省神农架林区209国道天燕观景台(31°43′02″N,110°27′14″E,海拔1 790 m)观察到附近峡谷中有1只雄性白眉蓝姬鹟(Ficedula superciliaris)在锐齿槲栎(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)树枝上跳跃、停留,并拍摄到此鸟的清晰照片(图1)。白眉蓝姬鹟主要以昆虫为食,野外识别特征为雄鸟无白色眉纹或眉纹不明显,喉侧、颈侧为深蓝色,胸部两侧各有较大的深蓝色斑,于胸部几乎汇合形成一环带,上体深蓝色,下体白色;雌鸟眼圈白色,头顶和头侧呈沙褐色,上体橄榄灰色,下体灰白色。  相似文献   

正2018年9月至2019年4月在河南省董寨国家级自然保护区使用红外相机监测野生动物,其中1台红外相机(位置信息:114°14′54″E,31°56′10″N,海拔268m)于2019年3月19日拍摄的一段视频中记录到1只鸫科(Turdidae)鸟类。该鸟头和颈部灰色,背部及腹部栗红色,飞羽及尾羽黑色,喙黄色。经查阅《中国鸟类图鉴》(赵欣如等2019)、《中国鸟类野外手册》(约翰·马敬能等2000)等文献,确定其为灰头鸫(Turdus rubrocanus)雄鸟。因从视频中未观察到更多该鸟的形态特征,不能确定其所属亚种。  相似文献   

正作者在山西进行野外调查期间,曾在不同地区多次发现灰头鸫(Turdus rubrocanus)的活动。2016年12月至2017年8月在山西芦芽山国家级自然保护区利用红外相机进行野生动物调查期间,在两个地点(38°46′38.16″N,111°54′51.33″E,海拔2 237 m;38°46′39.54″N,111°54′54.39″E,海拔2 298 m)拍摄到灰头鸫的照片及视频,拍摄  相似文献   

正2017年5月30日,在江西省吉安市遂川县南风面国家级自然保护区(26°18′05″N,114°02′34″E,海拔1 483 m)拍摄到1只正在鸣叫体形像乌鸫(Turdus merula)的鸟类在一枯死的松树枝头上,经查阅相关文献(约翰·马敬能等2000,邵明勤等2010),本次发现的鸟类是灰翅鸫(T.boulboul)(图1),属江西省鸟类新纪录。此次发现的灰翅鸫体型略大,体长约28 cm,嘴橘黄色,眼圈黄色,腹部黑色有灰色鳞状纹,覆羽有明显的  相似文献   

正2016年12月29日,在拉萨河沿岸的达孜县唐嘎乡湿地(29°50′12.68″N,91°33′31.74″E,海拔3 760 m)发现11只体型中等(体长约22~25 cm)的灰色椋鸟。其头黑,头侧具有白色纵纹,喙黄色,尖端黑色,跗跖和趾为暗橘黄色,腹部比背部灰色略浅,臀部偏白(图1)。经鉴定,该鸟为雀形目(Passeriforms)椋鸟科(Sturnidae)  相似文献   

正在对湖南八大公山国家级自然保护区野生动物科学考察的过程中,我们采用了红外相机(Ltl-6210MC,Ltl Acorn,珠海市猎科电子有限公司)陷阱法。其中,安放在天平山保护站的第676号相机(位点坐标:29°46′46.11″N,110°5′44.63″E,海拔1 463 m)分别于2015年11月26日、11月28日和12月19日拍摄到1种鸫科鸟类(图1)。其主要形态特征为:上体呈单一  相似文献   

正2017年2月10日,我们在北京市区的元大都城垣遗址公园内安贞门段(39°58′30.24″N,116°24′8.25″E)的护城河中发现一只野鸭。经实地观察、拍照,目测该鸟体长约40 cm,体形短圆敦实,头圆而嘴短,上体暗褐色,眼上、眼下污白色,耳羽处具一明显的白色斑点,两翅及尾暗褐色,下体污白色;虹膜深褐色,嘴灰色,脚灰色。  相似文献   

2012年9月8日上午,在西藏东南部林芝市林芝县色季拉山东坡(29°39′03.39″N,94°42′52.47″E,海拔3 894 m)的急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var.)林中的西南花楸(Sorbus rehderiana)上,发现并拍摄到1只鸫。该鸟体长约25 cm,上体褐色,下体皮黄而具明显黑点,耳羽后侧具月牙状黑色斑块,2条白色的点状翼斑明显(图1)。  相似文献   

正2012年9月8日上午,在西藏东南部林芝市林芝县色季拉山东坡(29°39′03.39″N,94°42′52.47″E,海拔3 894 m)的急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var.)林中的西南花楸(Sorbus rehderiana)上,发现并拍摄到1只鸫。该鸟体长约25 cm,上体褐色,下体皮黄而具明显黑点,耳羽后侧具月牙状黑色斑块,2条白色的点状翼斑明显(图1)。  相似文献   

长白山红松阔叶混交林林冠空隙树种更新动态规律的研究   总被引:29,自引:9,他引:20  
吴刚 《应用生态学报》1998,9(5):449-452
分析了长白山红松阔叶混交林林冠空隙(Gap)内更新树种的数量特征.结果表明, 在34个林冠空隙中, 更新乔木树种出现频度为7.27%, 更新灌木树种出现频度为21.02%, Gap形成后, 阳性先锋树种首先侵入, 出现频度较高, 占据较宽的生态位, 随着Gap年龄的增加, 树种间的竞争逐渐增大, 阳性树种的生长逐渐受到限制, 阴性树种逐渐增多;Gap年龄与Gap郁闭度和Gap面积呈负相关, Gap面积与树种出现频度呈负相关;Gap年龄主要分布在5~15a和46~55a两段期间, 树种出现频度与Gap年龄存在着密切关系, 当Gap年龄小于25a时, 二者呈正相关;当Gap年龄在25~40a时, 二者呈负相关;当Gap年龄大于40a时, 树种出现频度趋于稳定;34个Gap内4种主要乔木更新树种和4种主要灌木更新树种的胸径均基本上呈正态分布, 乔木更新树种的最高点胸径为4~6cm径级, 灌木更新树种的最高点胸径为1.2cm径级.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of peptide hormone-like immunostaining in the gastrointestinal tract of 11 teleost species was investigated by immunofluorescence.Cells immunoreactive for somatostatin were found in the glandular epithelium of the stomach of four species and in the epithelium of the pyloric appendage of one species. The mid-gut epithelium contained cells reactive with antibodies to glucagon (three species), gastrin (five species), pancreatic polypeptide (five species), and substance P (two species). Cells immunoreactive for met-enkephalin were found in the epithelium of both the mid-gut and the stomach of six species.In six species in which the endocrine pancreas was investigated, insulin-, glucagon-, and somatostatin-like immunoreactivity was observed. Pancreatic polypeptide was definitely localised by immunostaining in cells of the endocrine pancreas of only one out of three species examined.Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-, neurotensin-, bombesin-, and enkephalin-like immunoreactivity was identified in the gastrointestinal nerve fibres in various species.In view of the considerable species variation found, caution should be exercised in generalising about the peptides present in the gastrointestinal tract of fish.  相似文献   

云南西部实蝇的多样性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陈鹏  叶辉 《生态学报》2009,29(6):2953-2961
2005和2006年,在云南西部瑞丽、潞江坝、六库、保山、大理5个地区,采用信息素引诱法及被害瓜果内实蝇收集法对5个地区实蝇多样性进行分析.结果表明,5个地区实蝇丰富度的发生模式明显分为2种类型:瑞丽和潞江坝实蝇全年发生;六库、保山和大理实蝇季节性发生;瑞丽的实蝇种类丰富度最高,有20种,其次是潞江坝,11种,而保山、大理的实蝇种类丰富度低,分别为4种和3种;该区域实蝇优势种为桔小实蝇(Bactrocera dorsalis)和南亚果实蝇(B. tau);2年实蝇多样性指数均以六库最低,以潞江坝最高.各地实蝇种类相似性变化较大, 相似性系数在0.15~1.00 之间.结果为了解云南西部实蝇种类分布以及预防实蝇危害提供了基础数据.  相似文献   

Bryophyte species richness and composition of six different forest types and three different management rates was analysed in 36 Estonian forests. Analyses were done separately for six different bryophyte species groups: total species number, hepatic, hemerophobic, common, non-epigeic and epigeic species. The differences in species richness between unmanaged and moderately managed forests were significant for all species groups, while the differences between moderately and intensively managed forests were significant only for total species number, and numbers of common and non-epigeic species. Our results showed also that in comparison of unmanaged and moderately managed forests, management effect was significant for species richness of all species groups except non-epigeic species, while in comparison of moderately and intensely managed forests, management rate remained significant only for total species richness and richness of common species. Also the species composition was affected by forest management. Only the compositions of unmanaged forest types were found to be significantly different between each other. In conclusion, even moderate management eliminates a significant number of bryophyte species, and the species composition of different forest types become more similar.  相似文献   

The imminent decline in species diversity coupled with increasing exotic species introductions has provoked investigation into the role of resident diversity in community resistance to exotic species colonization. Here we present the results of a field study using an experimental method in which diversity was altered by removal of less abundant species and the resulting disturbance was controlled for by removal of an equivalent amount of biomass of the most common species from paired plots. Following these manipulations, the exotic grass, Lolium temulentum , was introduced. We found that exotic species establishment was higher in plots in which diversity was successfully reduced by removal treatments and was inversely related to imposed species richness. These results demonstrate that less common species can significantly influence invasion events and highlight the potential role of less common species in the maintenance of ecosystem function.  相似文献   

我国豆科树种结瘤调查(续)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
据国内资料报道,我国豆科树种约94属763种,已调查过结瘤状况的有含羞草亚科的123种(包括近几年来从国外引种的54种)、蝶形花亚科的211种和苏木亚科的70种,其中可以结瘤的有含羞草亚科的116种、蝶形花亚科的207种和苏木亚科的18种。含羞草亚科中的2种、蝶形花亚科中的3种均有结瘤和不结瘤的报道。  相似文献   

采用2×2联列表,通过方差分析、χ2检验、联结系数AC值、JI指数对江西九连山栲属Castanopsis群落样地重要值前20的种群种间联结进行定量分析。结果表明,九连山栲属群落20个优势种群总体种间的正关联性不显著;但20个优势种群的种间联结关系中3对具显著正联结,2对具极显著正联结,1对具显著负联结,3对具极显著负联结。190个种对中,大多数种对联结关系未达显著水平,种对间的独立性相对较强。种群间的正联结性与种群重要值的关系分析表明,重要值高的种群间形成明显正联结性的种对数量最多,重要值高的种群与重要值低的种群之间形成明显正联结性的种对数量次之,重要值低种群间形成明显正联结性的种对数量最少。目前,群落正处于向顶级稳定群落演替的状态。  相似文献   

依据云南大学植物标本馆蕨类植物标本室(PYU)和国内主要标本馆保存的莲座蕨科植物标本,以及多年来积累的研究资料,建立该科植物在云南的产地GIS数据库。以此为基础,分析云南莲座蕨科植物空间分布的多样性和特有性,及其在云贵高原及横断山区的地理分布特征。研究结果如下:① 云南莲座蕨科植物种类丰富,分布海拔范围为100~2400m;② 滇东南是莲座蕨科植物分布的多样性和特有性中心,其多样性由滇东南向西、北方向递减;③ 云南有莲座蕨科2个属分布,即莲座蕨属(Angiopteris)和原始莲座蕨属(Archangiopteris),其中原始莲座蕨属的物种多样性较低而特有性较高。初步分析了该科植物中5个广布种和1个高山峡谷种分布格局的成因,以及5个特有种的发生史,推断广布种的分布格局形成于第四纪冰期之前,高山峡谷种的分布格局形成于第三纪之后,而特有种的主要成因可能是自然杂交和边缘效应。  相似文献   

This study was conducted at the Kraichtal, southern Germany. Through the measurements of the relative illuminance under canopy and the coverage of many undergrowing species in 13 plots of forest communities, the correlation between the relative illuminance and the coverage of the species was calculated. The adaptation of 12 undergrowing species to light condition was determined based on the above calculation. Combining the indicator values of the species to ecological factors like light, humidity, temperature, acidity and nitrogen content in the soil with the constancy values of species in communities, the ranking order of undergrowing species in the communities was also examined. The results show: 1) In determining the light distribution in a forest community, scattered light condition is preferable because the interference from the drifting of light spots under the tree canopy can be reduced, and thus relatively stable distribution of light radiation can be obtained. 2) The distribution of 9 species, out of 12 species studied, was linearly correlated with the light condition under the canopy. For 7 of the 9 species, the correlation between the coverage of species and the relative illuminance was positive, and negative for 2 of them. For the other 3 species under the canopy the coverage was not correlated with the relative illuminance. 3) Compared with the light indicator values of species, the quantitative analysis of the relationships between species coverage and relative illuminance is more effective to reflect the adaptation of the species to light conditions under canopy and to reveal the ecological range of illuminance level of the species. 4) The relative adaptability of different species to light conditions directly affects the inter-specific relationships of the undergrowing species and may determine their ranking order in a community. The species with euphotic ecological range of illuminance level were easier to adapt to different light conditions under tree canopy and thus were able to exist in most forest community types with high constancy values.  相似文献   

秸秆覆盖免耕土壤真菌群落结构与生态特征研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
高云超  朱文珊  陈文新 《生态学报》2001,21(10):1704-1710
不同耕作方法土壤真菌群落结构和生态特征分析表明,翻耕0-10cm土层土壤真菌群落含有29种真菌,其中以Chrysosporium merdarium为优势种;翻耕10-20cm土层含有17种真菌,以Sterile black A为优势种:翻耕20-30cm土层含有10种真菌,其中以Chaetomium bostrychodes为优势种,铁茬0-10cm含16种真菌,其中Sterile black A是优势种;铁茬10-20cm土层含有26种真菌,优势种为Sterile black A;铁茬20-30cm含有14种真菌,其中Chaetomium bostrychodes为优势种,免耕0-10cm土层由23种真菌构成,Trichoderma viride和T.koningii为优势种,免耕10-20cm土层由14个种类构成,Talaromyces trachyspermus为优势种,免耕20-30cm土壤由9种真菌组成,其中Talaromyces trachypermus为优势种,免耕土壤真菌群落的多样性和均匀度指数均较高,主成分分析表明,土壤耕作形成了特征性的真菌区系。  相似文献   

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