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生物膜法和SBR法相结合处理难降解制药废水的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用生物膜法和SBR法相结合的废水处理工艺处理含抗生素类等难降解的制药废水 ,对生物膜的耐冲击负荷能力、生物膜对进水可生化性的影响、生物膜对好氧SBR活性污泥性能的影响、pH对系统去除效果的影响等工艺条件进行研究 ,并通过与传统SBR处理工艺的对比试验 ,进一步揭示了生物膜法和SBR法相结合的处理工艺强的耐冲击负荷能力。  相似文献   

王莹  陈冰  梁永禧 《生态科学》2002,21(3):254-256
通过镜检分析运转流程中曝气池污泥中的水生生物,对某药厂污水处理所采用的间歇式活性污泥处理法(SBR)工艺的效果进行分析,寻找出该厂在应用该处理工艺过程中所出现的污水处理效果时好时坏的原因,针对其工艺的不足之处提出改进建议,为改良该类的污水处理工艺提供了一条新思路。  相似文献   

某大型VC专业制造企业,由于未知原因,SBR出水COD值不理想。为此成立实验小组专门调查原因,并提出解决办法。经过实验小组的努力最终找到了问题存在的原因,解决了出水COD值不理想的问题。  相似文献   

某大型VC专业制造企业,由于未知原因,SBR出水COD值不理想。为此成立实验小组专门调查原因,并提出解决办法。经过实验小组的努力最终找到了问题存在的原因,解决了出水COD值不理想的问题。  相似文献   

研究了以厌-好氧交替运行方式序批式反应器(SBR)中接种普通活性污泥(CAS)、膜生物反应器(MBR)污泥、好氧颗粒污泥(AGS)的特性,研究结果表明,三种类型的污泥表现出不同的特性.  相似文献   

含苯酚废水生物处理的细菌群落结构初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用PCR-DGGE技术对苯酚生产污水处理中常用的连续缺氧-好氧工艺、连续好氧工艺和缺氧SBR工艺的微生物的群落变化进行了对比研究。研究结果表明,针对苯酚生产废水的生物处理,与A/O工艺和缺氧SBR相比较,连续好氧工艺处理效果最佳,同时还具有较好的耐冲击力;生物的种群特性与所选择的工艺有密切关系,连续好氧体系中微生物的多样性最高,缺氧SBR的微生物多样性最低;在同一种运行工艺中,随水质或负荷的改变,微生物的种群多样性发生变化,而体系中的优势种群并没发生明显改变。  相似文献   

好氧反硝化菌是土壤、沉积物、活性污泥等介质中广泛存在的一类微生物。研究以相同种泥扩大培养的SBR(序批式活性污泥反应器)和MBR(膜生物反应器)中活性污泥为研究对象,采用平板分离法分别从运行6个月的SBR和MBR反应器中分离得到9株和11株好氧反硝化菌。经好氧反硝化性能测定发现,20株细菌中有16株总氮去除率在50%以上,且NO_2~--N累积量均在0.5 mg/L以下。经系统进化分析表明,在门分类级别中,采用同一种泥的2个反应器中好氧反硝化菌表现出极大的一致性,20株好氧反硝化菌全部属于变形菌门(Proteobacteria)。但是,进一步分析发现不同反应器中好氧反硝化菌表现出较大的属、种间的差异。其中,SBR反应器9株好氧反硝化菌分属于4个属,6个物种;而从MBR反应器获得的11株细菌分属于2个属,6个物种;仅1个物种(Pseudomonas toyotomiensis)在2个反应器均有发现。  相似文献   

2015年7月至2016年6月采用银鱼拖网对洪泽湖大银鱼和太湖新银鱼进行周年逐月采样, 确定单位水体面积(1 km2)捕捞渔获量, 估算种群生长和死亡相关参数; 利用平衡产量模型评估获得最高单位补充量渔产量时的最适开捕时间, 并设定为优化的管理方案; 构建单位补充量产卵群体生物量(Spawner biomass per-recruitment; SBR)模型, 评估洪泽湖银鱼资源在当前和优化管理方案下的捕捞利用状况, 为其资源管理提供指导。研究结果表明, 大银鱼体长和体重分别为29.0—182.6 mm和0.10—34.79 g, 世代周期中存在2个快速生长阶段, 即4—6月和8—11月; 最适生长方程为von Bertalanffy方程, Lt=173.35×[1–e–1.972(t–0.092)]; 捕捞死亡系数和自然死亡系数分别为8.583/year和3.292/year。太湖新银鱼体长和体重分别为20.4—82.7 mm和0.04—3.40 g, 整个世代周期持续生长, 最适生长方程为Logistic方程, Lt=66.82/[1+e–5.386(t–0.124)]; 捕捞死亡系数和自然死亡系数分别为7.006/year和1.146/year。平衡产量模型结果显示, 当大银鱼开捕年龄为0.593 year, 太湖新银鱼开捕年龄为0.420 year时, 即将银鱼开捕时间由现行的8月9日, 推迟20d, 并取消现行的5月一周捕捞, 可以获得最大总渔产量。SBR模型评估结果显示, 在当前管理模式下, 大银鱼SBR残存量相当于未开发状态的20.23%, 优化管理方式后可达到36.72%, 能有效缓解大银鱼的捕捞压力; 在优化管理方式后, 大湖新银鱼的SBR残存量从现行管理方式下相当于未开发状态的7.50%, 提升至12.86%, 但仍低于20%。  相似文献   

本文介绍了以酒糟为原料,采取水解热解新工艺,制取无水二氧化硅的工艺原理和工艺流程。阐述了酒糟作为再生资源的重大意义,以及产品质量、技术指标、成本和经济效益。  相似文献   

<正> D-(-)-苯甘氨酸为半合成抗生素中用量最大的侧链化合物,其制造工艺有化学法和酶法两种。酶法工艺是八十年代新工艺,具有工艺简便、收率较高、生产周期短、原材料成本低等特点,尤为重要的是一酶多用,开发了制造中性D-氮基酸的工艺路线。为了研究酶法制造D-(-)-苯甘氨酸工艺,我们在筛选获得了D-乙内酰脲酶产生菌巨大芽孢杆菌SIPI-  相似文献   

Potable residential water efficiency and reuse technologies have seen increasing adoption in recent years and have been estimated to reduce demands by up to 50%. In this work, we used an engineering economic model to estimate the technically feasible levelized cost of water provided by seven above‐code water efficiency (i.e., beyond that required by building code) and reuse technologies within the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) in central Texas. Unlike other demand‐side studies of residential water use, we model uncertainty and variation in technology adoption cost and performance; include reuse technologies; and differentiate between new construction and retrofits. We developed a conservation supply curve to compare the levelized cost of efficiency and reuse technologies with conventional supply‐side water management strategies. We estimate that efficiency and reuse in the residential sector can meet 85% of 50‐year projected needs (the difference between projected demand and estimated supplies) for the LCRA service area. We also estimate lower levelized costs for immediate retrofits of most technologies, promoting incentives for early technology adoption. However, efficiency and reuse technology performance demonstrates considerable uncertainty and variability. The fraction of demands met by demand‐side strategies range from around 60% to 100%. Occupancy drives much of the variability because it significantly affects demand. These results promote designing incentives for adoption of water efficiency and reuse technologies based upon use. We find that water‐efficient showerheads and bathroom faucet aerators perform well over a variety of assumptions, indicating that these technologies should be a priority for municipalities seeking water demand reductions.  相似文献   

魏云洁  甄霖  胡云锋  肖玉 《生态学报》2019,39(16):5809-5819
黄土高原是我国乃至全球水土流失治理的重点地区,经过40多年的治理,积累了种类多样的水土保持技术,对遏制和缓解水土流失和生态退化起到了良好作用。目前由于缺乏对具体治理需求的考量,从而影响水土保持技术效果的发挥,故技术评估和需求分析是选择适宜可行生态治理技术的重要环节。选择安塞纸坊沟流域和南沟流域的4个自然村为研究区,通过实地调研、利益相关者问卷调查和地理空间分析,旨在辨识并评估现有水土保持技术,识别技术需求,构建指标体系分析其立地适宜性和社会-经济可行性。研究结果表明,农户主要应用3类12项技术,工程类和生物类技术应用居多,生物类中地埂植物带和农业类技术应用较少;目前应用的水土保持技术整体效果较好,专家认为12项技术中工程类的梯田和淤地坝、生物类的地埂植物带综合表现最好,农户对梯田和水平沟、鱼鳞坑整地等坡面治理技术的效果评分高于专家,对淤地坝、谷坊等沟道治理技术以及集雨水窖和保护性耕作技术的效果评分低于专家,农户更关注技术的经济效益;技术存在的问题表现在梯田和治沟造地配套措施不完善,淤地坝、谷坊和水窖缺少修缮维护;识别出的技术需求分为3类,即新技术、改良技术和配套技术;纸坊沟流域的两个村立地条件更适宜人工造林种草,南沟流域的两个村更适宜天然封育,由社会-经济可行性分析可知,峙崾崄农户需要更多梯田种植果树及其配套技术,纸坊沟需要更多梯田种植作物或大棚蔬菜瓜果,大南沟需要造地后的配套技术,杏树窑需要造地种植作物及道路等配套基础设施。该研究是对黄土高原水土保持技术进行评估和需求分析的重要尝试,为生态治理决策提供参考。  相似文献   

With the world??s population growing rapidly, pressure is increasing on the limited fresh water resources. Membrane technology could play a vital role in solving the water scarcity issues through alternative sources such as saline water sources and wastewater reclamation. The current generation of membrane technologies, particularly reverse osmosis (RO), has significantly improved in performance. However, RO desalination is still energy intensive and any effort to improve energy efficiency increases total cost of the product water. Since energy, environment and climate change issues are all inter-related, desalination for large-scale irrigation requires new novel technologies that address the energy issues. Forward osmosis (FO) is an emerging membrane technology. However, FO desalination for potable water is still a challenge because, recovery and regeneration of draw solutes require additional processes and energy. This article focuses on the application of FO desalination for non-potable irrigation where maximum water is required. In this concept of fertiliser drawn FO (FDFO) desalination, fertilisers are used as draw solutions (DS). The diluted draw solution after desalination can be directly applied for fertigation without the need for recovery and regeneration of DS. FDFO desalination can make irrigation water available at comparatively lower energy than the current desalination technologies. As a low energy technology, FDFO can be easily powered by renewable energy sources and therefore suitable for inland and remote applications. This article outlines the concept of FDFO desalination and critically evaluates the scope and limitations of this technology for fertigation, including suggestions on options to overcome some of these limitations.  相似文献   

我国南北农村生活污水处理模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
随着农村经济的发展,农村生活污水的排放及污染日益严重。因此,研发适合于农村生活污水特点的水处理技术势在必行。本文对比介绍了四种适合农村生活污水的处理技术,并将各处理技术根据其特点进行组合,将组合的工艺进行模式分类,总结了各模式的适用情况。此外,本文还从我国南北农村的地理、聚落、气候等多样性入手,结合我国南北农村生活污水处理的现行技术,因地制宜地总结出了适合南方和北方农村生活污水的处理模式。  相似文献   

本研究介绍了基因组结构变异检测的生物信息学基本方法和前沿技术。对基于第二代测序技术的四种检测方法(读对方法,读深方法,分裂片段方法和序列拼接方法)的原理和特点进行了详细解读,分析了第二代测序技术应用在检测结构变异上的特点与发展趋势。最后介绍了三代测序、Linked-reads和光学物理图谱等新技术在基因组结构变异检测中的应用,论述了融合新技术的结构变异检测方法的特点与优势。  相似文献   

中试规模纯化海洋芽孢杆菌源脂肽类化合物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本次研究旨在建立经济可行的海洋芽孢杆菌源脂肽类化合物的中试规模纯化工艺。对包括酸化沉淀、甲醇浸提、溶剂沉淀、盐析、萃取、硅胶柱层析和HZ806大孔树脂吸附工艺在内的可放大的成熟单元工艺进行反复试验,考察脂肽类化合物表面活性对单元工艺的影响。严格遵循以高收率为前提循序渐进逐步减少杂质的原则,组合上述单元工艺对目标产物进行提取和纯化,并最终获得高纯度脂肽样品。新工艺可从1 t海洋芽孢杆菌Bacillus marinus B-9987的发酵液中,以百克量级的规模制备87.51%–100%纯度的脂肽类化合物样品,收率81.73%。本研究首次实现了高纯度的海洋芽孢杆菌源脂肽类化合物的百克量级制备;允许发酵生产阶段使用天然培养基,缓解了脂肽中游发酵生产和下游大规模纯化之间的矛盾;且各单元工艺规避了脂肽类化合物水溶液的乳化起泡和不经济的大体积水溶液蒸发浓缩。新工艺实用可行,经济合理。  相似文献   

光催化与纯紫外工艺对船舶压载水微藻的处理效果比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析光催化和纯紫外工艺对控制处理压载水中10~50μm藻类的影响,比较了压载水中10~50μm藻类的去除率、种类变化、绿藻和硅藻去除率以及硅藻种类数的变化,结果显示光催化工艺对10~50μm藻类的去除效果要好于纯紫外工艺。两种工艺对10~50μm藻类的即时去除率均可以达到96.0%以上,压载数日后排放则效果更佳。研究发现两种工艺对硅藻的处理效果不如绿藻。并且压载水盐度会影响压载水处理工艺的效果。  相似文献   

随着新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)引发的全球疫情不断加剧,新型冠状病毒体外诊断技术与产品的研发成为全球生物医药领域关注的重点,体外诊断技术与产品的研发创新对于提升新发突发传染病的防控能力有着重要的意义。对2019年12月至2020年12月期间国内外新型冠状病毒体外诊断技术与产品的研发现状与发展趋势进行了综述,即包括聚合酶链反应技术、核酸等温扩增技术、免疫层析技术、化学发光免疫分析技术等传统分子诊断技术与免疫诊断技术,也包括CRISPR技术、生物传感器技术、纳米技术等新兴技术在新型冠状病毒检测中的应用,以期为新发突发传染病体外诊断技术的研发与政府的科技决策提供参考。  相似文献   

- Preamble. This series of two papers analyses and compares the environmental loads of different water production technologies in order to establish, in a global, rigorous and objective way, the less aggressive technology for the environment with the present state of the art of the technology. Further, it is also presented an estimation of the potential environmental loads that the considered technologies could provoke in future, taking into account the most suitable evolution of the technology. - Part 1 presents the assessment of most commercial desalination technologies which are spread worldwide: Reverse Osmosis, Multi Effect Desalination and Multi Stage Flash. Part 2 presents the comparative LCA analysis of a big hydraulic infrastructure, as is to be found in the Ebro River Water Transfer project, with respect to desalination. - DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/lca2004.09.179.1 - Intention, Goal and Background. In this paper, some relevant results of a research work are presented, the main aim of which consists of performing the environmental assessment of different water production technologies in order to establish, in a global, rigorous and objective way, the less aggressive technology for the environment of potable water supply to the end users. That is, the scope of this paper is mostly oriented to the comparative Life Cycle Assessment of different water production technologies instead of presenting new advancements in the LCA methodology. In Part 1, the environmental loads associated with the most widespread and important commercial desalination technologies all over the world - Reverse Osmosis (RO), Multi Effect Desalination (MED) and Multi Stage Flash (MSF) – are compared. The assessment technique is the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), which includes the entire life cycle of each technology, encompassing: extraction and processing raw materials, manufacturing, transportation and distribution, operation and final waste disposal.- Methods and Main Features. The software SimaPro 5.0, developed by Dutch PRé Consultants, has been used as the analysis tool, because it is a well known, internationally accepted and validated tool. Different evaluation methods have been applied in the LCA evaluation: CML 2 baseline 2000, Eco-Points 97 and Eco-Indicator 99. Data used in the inventory analysis of this Part 1 come from: a) existing plants in operation; b) data bases implemented in the SimaPro 5.0 software -BUWAL 250, ETH-ESU 96, IDEMAT 2001. Different scenarios have been analyzed in both parts in order to estimate, not only the potential of reduction of the provoked environmental loads with the present state of the art of technology, but also the most likely future trend of technological evolution. In Part 1, different energy production models and the integration of desalination with other productive processes are studied, while the effect of the most likely technological evolution in the midterm, and the estimation of the environmental loads to the water transfer during drought periods are considered in Part 2. Results and Discussion The main contribution to the global environmental impact of desalination technologies comes from the operation, while the other phases, construction and disposal, are almost negligible when compared to it. Energy is very important in desalination, for this reason the environmental loads change a lot depending on the technology used for providing the energy used in the desalination process. Among the different analyzed technologies, RO is the least aggressive desalination technology (one order of magnitude lower than the thermal processes, MSF and MED) for the environment. When integrating thermal desalination with other productive processes taking advantage of the residual heat, the environmental loads of thermal desalination technologies is highly reduced, obtaining similar loads to that of RO. The environmental loads of desalination technologies are significantly reduced when an energy model based on renewable energies is used. Taking into account the technological evolution, which is experiencing the RO, a reduction of its environmental load by about 40% is to be expected in the mid-term. Conclusion The main conclusion of Part 1 is that, with the present state of the art of the technology, RO is clearly the desalination technology with a reduced environmental load (one order of magnitude lower than the thermal processes, MSF and MED). In the case of thermal desalination technologies, their environmental load can be highly reduced (about 1,000 times less) when integrated with other industrial processes. In the case of RO, the scores and the airborne emissions obtained from an electricity production model based on renewable energies are about 65-70 times lower than those obtained when the electricity production model is mainly based on fossil fuels. Recommendations and Outlook Although desalination technologies are energy intensive and provoke an important environmental load, they present a high potential in being reduced since: a) in the mid-term, it is to be expected that the different technologies could improve their efficiency significantly, b) the environmental loads would be highly reduced if the energy production models were not mainly based on fossil fuels and c) the energy consumption, particularly in the case of thermal desalination, can be drastically reduced when integrating desalination with other productive processes. The results presented in this paper indicate that a very interesting and promising field of research is available in order to reduce the environmental load of these vigorous and increasing desalination technologies.  相似文献   

生物育种新技术作物的安全管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物育种新技术(new breeding techniques,NBTs)是指基于分子生物学工具进行作物分子育种的一类新技术,可以短期内使作物产生新的有利性状,促进作物新品种的开发,如基因编辑技术、RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)技术、同源转基因技术等。这些新技术目前正在全球农业育种中广泛应用,并且已有部分作物新品种获准商业化生产。然而,针对生物育种新技术产生的作物新品种的安全性和安全管理政策,全球尚未达成统一共识,对其安全监管的思考也不尽相同,限制了这些作物新品种的研发和商业化应用进程。综述了现阶段全球主要发达国家对于生物育种新技术作物的安全性和监管方面实施的管理政策和法规,以期对我国生物育种新技术作物的安全性管理政策的制定提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

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