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观察了实验室养殖条件下齐口裂腹鱼稚鱼鳞片的发生和覆盖过程。结果表明,稚鱼体长为30.7—32.3 mm时,鳞片最先出现在鳃盖后缘侧线处;体长为45.3—47.9 mm时,鳞片覆盖完毕,体长和日龄对鳞片覆盖均有显著影响。在鳞片覆盖过程中出现6个鳞片发生起始位置,依次是鳃盖后缘侧线处、尾柄部侧线处、臀鳍基部、腹鳍基部、背鳍基部和峡部。此外,组织切片的观察结果表明,齐口裂腹鱼鳞片发育主要经历了形态发生早期、形态发生晚期、分化早期、分化晚期和折叠期五个阶段。这些研究结果丰富了齐口裂腹鱼早期发育的生物学资料,将有助于了解其在系统学和功能形态学上的特征。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2014,38(2):298-303
观察了实验室养殖条件下齐口裂腹鱼稚鱼鳞片的发生和覆盖过程。结果表明,稚鱼体长为30.732.3 mm时,鳞片最先出现在鳃盖后缘侧线处;体长为45.347.9 mm时,鳞片覆盖完毕,体长和日龄对鳞片覆盖均有显著影响。在鳞片覆盖过程中出现6个鳞片发生起始位置,依次是鳃盖后缘侧线处、尾柄部侧线处、臀鳍基部、腹鳍基部、背鳍基部和峡部。此外,组织切片的观察结果表明,齐口裂腹鱼鳞片发育主要经历了形态发生早期、形态发生晚期、分化早期、分化晚期和折叠期五个阶段。这些研究结果丰富了齐口裂腹鱼早期发育的生物学资料,将有助于了解其在系统学和功能形态学上的特征。    相似文献   

草地螟成虫体表具有多种鳞片,这些鳞片是其远距离迁飞和适应复杂环境的必要结构保障。按结构特征分为薄片型和长毛型。薄片型鳞片为卵圆形、刀片形,包括腹后鳞簇、锯齿鳞、竹片形鳞和形成胸锁的钩形鳞;长毛型鳞片横截面为圆形,包括后翅内缘毛和腹后毛刷。超微结构表明,体表鳞片由纵脊、横肋、窗孔、内腔和乳突组成;鳞片基部由毛囊包裹;钩形鳞具有特殊的弯钩状尖端;腹后鳞簇具有特殊的乳突结构;后翅内缘毛和腹后毛刷具有特殊的窗孔结构。这些由体表细胞分化的鳞片在草地螟成虫身体各部承担着不同的生物学功能,其超微结构的研究可为其形态学、行为学及自身进化研究方面提供一些理论依据。  相似文献   

伊洛瓦底江中国境内江段裂腹鱼属二新种描述及分类整理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文对伊洛瓦底江水系的裂腹鱼属进行分类订正。发现了两种未被描记的鱼类新种,即白体裂腹鱼(Schizothorax leukussp.nov.)和奇异裂腹鱼(Schizothorax heteri sp.nov.)。白体裂腹鱼下唇完整不分叶、表面具发达乳突,下唇后缘平直呈横带形;下颌内侧角质突起甚厚,充满整个口腔,角质前缘锐利;胸鳍末端之前的峡部和腹部裸露无鳞;须长约等于眼径;背鳍末根不分枝鳍条较软,基部~1/3扩大变硬、后缘具明显锯齿;侧线鳞94~105,侧线上鳞26~34,侧线下鳞21~27;第一鳃弓外侧鳃耙16~20;体侧暗褐色,无明显黑斑。这些特征可将白体裂腹鱼与本属其他种类相区分。奇异裂腹鱼吻皮与上唇约等厚;下唇发达,分三叶,中间叶小,约与触须基部直径相当;唇后沟连续;下颌无锐利角质;胸鳍末端之前的峡部和腹部裸露无鳞;须长约等于眼径;背鳍末根不分枝鳍条扩大,为粗状的硬齿,后缘具强锯齿;背鳍起点位于腹鳍起点之后;侧线鳞89~104,侧线上鳞24~33,侧线下鳞19~29;通体浅灰色,体侧无斑纹;这些特征可将白体裂腹鱼与本属其他种类相区分。该研究否定了圆颌裂腹鱼(S.rotundimaxillaris)的有效性,澄清了墨脱裂腹鱼(S.molesworthi)、灰裂腹鱼(S.griseus)和保山裂腹鱼(S.paoshanensis)等在伊洛瓦底江水系的记录均属误订,确定该水系中国境内裂腹鱼属有效种为8种,并制定了伊洛瓦底江裂腹鱼属种检索表。  相似文献   

西藏双须叶须鱼八种年龄鉴定材料的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用微耳石、星耳石、脊椎骨、鳃盖骨、臀鳞、胸鳞、侧线鳞和背鳞等8种年龄鉴定材料识别和鉴定西藏双须叶须鱼的年龄特征并进行比较分析, 以确定适宜的年龄鉴定材料。结果显示: 臀鳞形态特化严重, 胸鳞、侧线鳞、背鳞的年轮特征不明显, 与微耳石比较的平均百分比误差(IAPE)分别为41.63%、51.26%、50.50%和51.26%, 其他4种年龄材料与微耳石比较的IAPE相差不大, 依次为: 星耳石(12.28%)、脊椎骨(15.67%)、鳃盖骨(17.81%); 低于23龄时, 微耳石鉴定的平均年龄与耳石和脊椎骨鉴定的平均年龄较为接近(P>0.05), 分别为14.39龄、13.13龄和13.20龄, 显著高于鳃盖骨和4种鳞片(P<0.05); 高于23龄时, 7种年龄鉴定材料都显著低于微耳石所鉴定的平均年龄(P<0.05)。用微耳石鉴定所得的最大年龄为49龄, 星耳石鉴定所得的最大年龄为35龄, 脊椎骨鉴定所得最大年龄为34龄, 鳃盖骨为34龄, 臀鳞为22龄, 胸鳞为19龄, 侧线鳞为16龄, 背鳞为17龄。微耳石年龄鉴定的年龄读数与体长呈极显著的对数函数关系(P<0.01)。综合分析认为, 微耳石最适宜作为双须叶须鱼的年龄鉴定材料。  相似文献   

对2000~2002年成都动物园人工孵化及人工育雏的8只大紫胸鹦鹉的生长发育情况进行了125天的观察分析.经回归分析表明,大紫胸鹦鹉雏鸟的平均出壳重为12.4±0.4 g,人工饲育下56日龄体重达到最高值,平均体重为259.55±2.45 g;鹦鹉体重(W)与日龄(D)的关系为W=259.55/(1 45.2227e-0.1297D).出壳时,嘴峰短于嘴裂,长度分别为7.75±0.25 mm和10.0±1.0 mm;35日龄时,嘴峰长度超过嘴裂,其长度分别为19.0±1.0 mm和18.75±0.75 mm;110日龄时,嘴峰和嘴裂的长度达生长期峰值,其长度分别为29.0±1.5 mm和25.0±1.5 mm;嘴峰长和嘴裂长与日龄的关系分别为L=29/(1 4.1023e-0.0636D)和L=25/(1 1.7967e-0.0473D).出壳时,跗跖长于中趾,长度分别为8.25±0.25 mm和7.25±0.25 mm;15日龄时,中趾长度超过跗跖,其长度分别为13.5±0.5 mm和13.0±0.5 mm;100日龄时,中趾与跗跖的长度达到峰值,其长度分别为24.5±0.5 mm和30±1.0 mm;跗跖和中趾长与日龄的关系分别为L=24.5/(1 1.4536e-0.0569D)和L=30/(1 2.941733e-0.0638122D).雏鸟孵化时,翅长10.5±0.5 mm;30日龄长出飞羽羽芽,平均翅长40.5±2.5 mm,35日龄羽鞘破樱,120日龄平均翅长201.0±6.0 mm;翅长与日龄的关系为L=201/(1 30.0624e-0.0780D).30日龄生出尾羽羽芽,125日龄时尾长为190.0±8.0 mm;尾长与日龄的关系为L=190/(1 177.1306e-0.07533D).  相似文献   

本文观察比较了体色正常及体色异常褐牙鲆 (Paralichthysolivaceus)皮肤中黑色素胞和鳞片的发生及演变过程。结果显示仔鱼鱼体两侧皮肤中最先出现星状幼体型黑色素胞 ,随着变态发育 ,有眼侧皮肤中成体型黑色素胞逐渐替代幼体型黑色素胞 ;而无眼侧皮肤中 ,幼体型黑色素胞逐渐退化崩解 ,成体型黑色素胞不出现 ,无眼侧皮肤逐渐失去色素变为白色。体色异常现象出现于变态后期 ,白化和黑化现象几乎同时发生。白化个体有眼侧皮肤中成体型黑色素胞不能正常替代幼体型黑色素胞 ,逐渐失去色素形成白色斑块。黑化个体无眼侧皮肤中成体型黑色素胞则非正常地出现 ,逐渐替代幼体黑色素胞形成黑斑。约 30日龄变态完成时 ,体色异常现象已经显著 ,已能明显区分体色正常和异常个体。 6 0日龄左右 ,幼鱼皮肤开始长出形态较为原始的圆鳞。体色正常个体有眼侧皮肤上的圆鳞会逐渐发育成栉鳞 ,无眼侧则维持圆鳞。对比分析体色异常个体的鳞片形态 ,发现有眼侧白化部位的鳞片仍为圆鳞 ,而无眼侧黑化部位的鳞片则发育为栉鳞。同时 ,通过对体色正在恢复中的白化牙鲆的鳞片观察表明 ,伴随着白化部位色素的恢复 ,该部位的圆鳞会逐渐转变为栉鳞。由此推断色素的发生与鳞片的发育密切相关  相似文献   

2012年9月,在中国南沙群岛渚碧礁采集到猪齿鱼属标本1尾,经鉴定为中国新纪录种——腰纹猪齿鱼(Choerodon zosterophorus)。本种的主要鉴别特征为:吻稍突出;背鳍ⅩⅢ-6;臀鳍Ⅲ-10;体被中大圆鳞,侧线完全,侧线鳞片27;从最后几个背鳍鳍棘基部下侧至胸鳍基部上侧之间有1条较宽白带;背侧有1较大黑色斑点,白斑背鳍后端处腹鳍位置上背部也有1较大黑点,通常在白斑处以黑色边缘线形式向前腹端延伸至腹部后侧;成体尾鳍为灰色。  相似文献   

文章研究了在实验室条件下齐口裂腹鱼仔稚鱼耳石早期形态发育与生长特点、第一轮纹出现时间和轮纹沉积规律。结果表明: 在13.5-17.2℃孵化条件下,微耳石和矢耳石在出膜前形成,而星耳石于出膜后第12天出现。在仔稚鱼生长过程中,微耳石由近圆形发育成贻贝形,矢耳石经历近圆形、锲形后发育为箭矢状,星耳石形状由近圆形发育为星芒状。微耳石的前区、背区和腹区及矢耳石的背区和腹区生长呈幂函数关系,而微耳石的后区、矢耳石前区和后区生长以及两对耳石的前后区半径之和与全长均呈线性相关。在(18.50.5)℃和(15.61.1)℃条件下,50%矢耳石样本第一轮纹均在出膜后第 2 天形成(分别为出膜后18h和19h),以后每天形成一轮。微耳石和矢耳石轮纹数均与日龄呈线性相关,方程斜率均与1差异不显著(P0.05),表明两对耳石的轮纹沉积均为日周期性。这些结果为研究齐口裂腹鱼野生种群繁殖期和早期生活史特征等生态学问题提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

西伯利亚鲟仔鱼侧线系统的发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Song W  Song JK 《动物学研究》2012,33(3):261-270
鲟鱼属软骨硬鳞鱼,在电感受器的进化中占据着极为重要的地位。该文以光镜和扫描电镜手段研究了西伯利亚鲟侧线系统早期发育,包括侧线基板发育及感觉嵴的形成、侧线感受器的发育和侧线管道的形成。1日龄,听囊前后外胚层增厚区域出现6对侧线基板;除后侧线基板细胞向躯干侧面迁移外,其他侧线基板均形成感觉嵴结构;每一侧线基板中均有神经丘原基形成。7日龄,壶腹器官在吻部腹面两侧出现,壶腹器官的发育比神经丘晚一周左右。9日龄,神经丘下的表皮略有凹陷,侧线管道开始形成。29日龄,在吻部腹面两侧可见少数个别的壶腹器官表皮细胞覆盖壶腹器官中央区域留下3~4个小的开口;壶腹管内可见大量的微绒毛存在,在其他鲟形目鱼类、软骨鱼类中也存在类似的结构。57日龄,躯干侧线管道已完全埋于侧骨板中;壶腹器官主要分布在吻部腹面,3~4个聚集在一起,呈"梅花状",分布紧密,并且该部分皮肤表面凹陷,形成花朵状凹穴;侧线系统发育完善。  相似文献   

In the larval bester, a hybrid sturgeon of beluga Huso huso and sterlet Acipenser ruthenus, development of cartilage around the notochord began 7 days post hatch (dph) (14·0 mm, total length, LT). The vertebral cartilage develops in the following sequence: basidorsals and basiventrals, neural canals, neural spines and ribs. The development of ribs remained incomplete in the largest specimen (181 dph, 179 mm LT) that was examined. Endoskeletal development of the fins began 4 dph for the dorsal and anal fins, 6 dph for the pectoral fin and 10 dph for the caudal and pelvic fins. Complete elements of all fins were observed by 91 dph and complete ossification of fin rays was observed by 122 dph in the double‐stained specimens. Observation of the histological sections, however, suggested that ossification occurred soon after the formation of the organic matrix in the fin rays. Dorsal scutes were first visible by 25 dph, followed by the lateral and ventral scutes, which were visible by 37 and 44 dph, respectively. The number of scutes was fixed at 44, 59 and 91 dph and ossification was complete by 59 (dorsal) and 91 dph (lateral and ventral scutes) in the double‐stained specimens. Ossification occurred soon after the formation of the scute organic matrix in the histological sections. Four types of scales were observed in the H. huso×A. ruthenus hybrid. Median predorsal, preanal and small scales on the anterior section of the head were visible by 59 dph. Scales on the caudal fin were visible by 91 dph and a variable assemblage of scales anterior to the anal fin was visible by 122 dph. Both the scutes and scales developed in a process that is similar to that of intramembranous ossification.  相似文献   


This study describes for the first time the early gonadal morphogenesis and raises the possibility of occurrence of protandric hermaphroditism in the Mexican snook (Centropomus poeyi). To achieve this, histological analysis of early gonadal differentiation was performed in 105 juvenile specimens ranging from 136 to 367 days post-hatching (dph). The early gonadal differentiation of the Mexican snook started at 178–213 dph and was completed at 355–367 dph. Active spermatogenesis was observed at 355–367 dph, once the compartmentalization of testis in germinal and interstitial compartments was accomplished. Our study demonstrates that in the Mexican snook, early gonadal differentiation is directed to produce 100% males, implying protandric hermaphroditism and showed the presence of a long-lasting period of gonadal differentiation, which makes this species highly sensitive to environmental cues.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of sense organs and related behavioural changes in the hatchery-reared brown-marbled grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus larvae were examined to gain better understanding of its early life history because ecological field observations for grouper species is difficult. The newly hatched larvae (2.1 mm total length) had developing eyes and otic vesicles, a pair of free neuromast on the head and ciliated olfactory epithelium. At 3 days post hatching (dph), the eyes became fully pigmented with pure-cone retinae, the semicircular canals formed in the inner ear, and the larvae (2.8 mm) were able to swim horizontally, preying on rotifers. Retinal rods and the intra-oral taste buds at pharyngeal appeared next. The olfactory lamellae and the head lateral line system then formed, and the inner ears developed completely in the larvae during the metamorphosis period (15–40 dph; 5.1–18.1 mm). At settlement (50 dph; 32.8 mm), the fish possessed taste buds in the mouth entrance region, and the lateral line system developed completely. The sensory development correlates well with the known aspects of its life history at sea whereby the larvae can feed early and avoid predators during the passive drift, are able to swim shoreward to search nursery ground along the metamorphosis stage and survive in seagrass beds at settlement.  相似文献   

Dissected leaves in Papaveraceae-Eschscholzioideae have an architecture frequently encountered in the basal eudicot clade Ranunculales that could represent an ancestral condition for eudicots. Developmental morphology of foliage leaves was investigated using scanning electron microscopy and focusing on primordium formation activity (primary morphogenesis) at the leaf margin. Eschscholzia californica, E. lobii, and Hunnemannia fumariaefolia had a polyternate-acropetal mode of leaf dissection. Segment formation continued around the whole leaf blade periphery. Differences in mature leaf architecture was traced to variations in regional blastozone activity and duration. Epidermal cell size measurements in E. californica indicated that the leaf tip tissue starts to differentiate already at the onset of organogenic activity and that tip cells remain larger than epidermal cells at the basal margins during further growth. It is argued that early differentiation of the tip does not set up a general basipetal differentiation gradient, but is a local effect that allows acropetal pinna initiation to occur in subapical blastozones. In Dendromecon, secondarily entire leaves have evolved through the loss of primordium formation activity. Marginal corrugations found in Dendromecon form late in development and are not reminiscent of lateral primordia.  相似文献   

Scale formation in selected western North Atlantic flatfishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Patterns of scale formation (onset, completion and spatial pattern) were examined for five species of flatfishes in four families (Paralichthyidae: summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus, smallmouth flounder Etropus microstomus, Scophthalmidae: windowpane Scophthalmus aquosus, Pleuronectidae: winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus and Soleidae: hogchoker Trinectes maculatus, to determine if the patterns are a useful indicator for the transition from the larval to the juvenile periods. In all species (except T. maculatus in which samples were limited), the ontogenetic pattern was very similar with onset of scale formation occurring on the lateral surface of the caudal peduncle, then spreading anteriorly along the presumptive lateral line, then laterally over the body, on to the head, and eventually on to the median fins. The timing of scale formation, relative to fish size, was late relative to other morphological and behavioural characters (i.e. fin ray formation, eye migration and settlement). The onset of scale formation, across all species, occurred at 9·0–27·0 mm total length (LT), at the same approximate size as eye migration and settlement. Completion of scale formation on the body occurred at 22–54 mm LT but completion of scale formation on the fins did not occur until 44–88 mm LT. Thus completion of scale formation in these flatfishes is apparently the last external morphological change to occur during the larval to juvenile transition and, as a result, is not completed until approximately one third (S. aquosus and P. dentatus) to one fourth (P. americanus) or about the same time (E. microstomus and T. maculatus) as the size at first reproduction. This character may have relevance to defining the end of the larval period and the beginning of the juvenile period in flatfishes and other fishes. In addition, the pattern of scale formation may be useful in enhancing understanding of systematics, functional morphology and habitat use.  相似文献   

The amphibian lateral line system develops from a series of lateral line placodes. The different phases of development from early induction, to pattern formation, differentiation, morphogenesis, and metamorphic fate were summarized in the first part of this review (Schlosser, 2002a). Here, a survey of the diversity of lateral line systems in amphibians is presented indicating that most phases of lateral line development have been subject to evolutionary changes. Several trends suggest important roles for both adaptive changes and internal constraints in amphibian lateral line evolution. Many of these trends involved the coordinated modification of different derivatives of lateral line placodes suggesting that these placodes are not only autonomous developmental modules, but also units of evolutionary variation that tend to be modified in a coherent and largely context-independent fashion.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of schooling behaviour was studied in comparison to the development of sensory and swimming organs and taxis in carangid fish. Striped jack, Pseudocaranx dentex, larvae showed strong phototaxis at 3 days after hatching (3.5 mm in TL) when they developed pigmentation in the retina. Rheotaxis and optokinetic responses were apparent at 4.0-6.0 mm TL as larvae completed development of the basic structure of their eyes. A major inflection of allometric growth occurred at 9 mm, and fin ray formation was completed at these stages. Schooling behaviour, represented by one TL of inter-individual distance and parallel orientation, only appeared at 16 mm TL, and just prior to this behaviour, fish showed mutual attraction through vision at 12 mm TL. Canalization of buccal lateral lines was complete at 18 mm TL, whereas that of trunk lateral lines started at 23 mm TL and was complete at 30 mm TL. With these results, we assumed that critical factors of the ontogeny of schooling behaviour in carangid fish include not only the development of sensory or swimming organs, but also other factors such as development of the central nervous system. To show this, we reared another carangid species, the yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata, with dietary depletion of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which is indispensable for the development of the central nervous system. Although DHA-free fish showed optokinetic response, they did not show schooling behaviour when they attained their schooling size. Tracer experiments using radioisotope labelled DHA showed that DHA is incorporated into the brain, spinal cord, and retina of juvenile fish. Under natural conditions, carangid fish larvae should intake enough DHA through diet to develop schooling behaviour, the fluctuation of dietary quality in zooplankton might therefore influence the development of indispensable antipredatory behaviour. Morphological changes of striped jack occurred in two steps; first at 9-12 mm (fin formation and inflection of allometric growth) and then second at 20-30 mm (scale and lateral line formation), and these changes corresponded with the development of schooling and recruitment to coastal waters, respectively. Since the onset of schooling is the first step of active antipredatory behaviour, we considered that 12 mm TL is the size at which they attain the juvenile period.  相似文献   

Patterns of scale formation (onset, points of origin, completion, and spatial pattern) were examined for six species of killifishes in two families (Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodon variegatus, and Fundulidae: Fundulus confluentus, F. heteroclitus, F. luciae, F. majalis, and Lucania parva) to determine if the patterns are another useful indicator for the transition from the larval to juvenile periods. In some species, the patterns were very similar, with scale formation originating on/near the caudal peduncle, then the dorsal surface of the head (in fundulids only), and later on the lateral surfaces of the head, and on the ventral surface of the trunk at the level of the pectoral fin. The timing of scale formation, relative to fish size, was later than or overlapped with other morphological characters (e.g., fin ray formation, juvenile/adult body shape) often used to mark the larval/juvenile transition. The onset of scale formation, across all species, occurred between 8 and 13 mm TL. Completion of scale formation occurred between 18 and 23 mm TL. At completion, scales covered 86–99% of the trunk and head. Completion of scale formation in these fishes is one of the last external morphological changes to occur during the larval to juvenile transition. For these species, and other flatfishes we have examined in detail, it appears that scale formation may be useful in helping to define the end of the larval period and the beginning of the juvenile period. Further studies, of divergent groups of teleosts, are necessary to determine if this length-based approach has broad validity.  相似文献   

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