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高建发  杜进琦 《昆虫知识》2010,47(4):794-796
小红珠绢蝶Parnassius nomion Fischer von Waldheim在甘肃甘南1年发生1代。翌年5月上旬幼虫孵化,6月下旬开始化蛹,7月下旬至8月上旬,成虫开始羽化,8月中旬至9月上旬成虫开始产卵,该虫以卵越冬。  相似文献   

樟树新害虫——窃达刺蛾的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
窃达刺蛾是樟树新害虫,在福建一年发生3代,以幼虫在叶背越冬。翌年3月上旬化蛹,4月上旬成虫出现并产卵,4月中旬幼虫孵出,5月中旬陆续化蛹.6月上旬成虫羽化,6月中旬第二代幼虫开始出现,8月下旬第三代幼虫出现。在幼虫三龄前,喷洒5%辛硫磷,40%氯化乐果乳剂或80%敌敌畏乳剂1000倍液,均可收到良好效果。  相似文献   

经调查研究表明:在青海省的油菜种植区,茴香薄翅野螟Evergestis extimalis Scopoli越冬幼虫从6月初开始化蛹,6月中旬化蛹率达为80%,到6月下旬化蛹率达到100%;成虫于7月上旬开始羽化,7月15~20日为成虫羽化高峰;田间卵始见期为6月下旬至7月上旬,7月中旬达到产卵高峰期;越冬幼虫平均死亡率为96.63%。  相似文献   

戴贤才 《昆虫学报》1965,(3):274-284
大栗金龟(虫甲)是四川西北部重要农林害虫之一,幼虫为害青稞、小麦、豌豆、马铃薯、玉米、甜菜等作物及森林苗圃中的幼苗,成虫为害杉树、桦树、杨树等森林。1955—1963 年在炉霍虾拉沱进行了一系列的调查研究,查明大栗金龟(虫甲)在炉霍虾拉沱六年发生—代,幼虫越冬五次,成虫越冬一次。卵于7月下旬至10月上旬孵化为幼虫,卵期由于产卵时期的温度和土壤湿度不同而为45—66天。幼虫于10月中旬开始下降至40厘米以下越冬,第二年4月中旬开始上升至5—15厘米的土层为害;五次越冬后,于6月中旬至7月上旬在12—44厘米的土层中化蛹,幼虫期58个月强。蛹于7月下旬至9月上旬羽化为成虫,蛹期约两个月。成虫当年不出土,第二年5月上旬开始出土,中下旬最盛:出土后,飞往附近林缘杉树上取食交尾。5月下旬末,雌虫开始飞回田间产卵,成堆产在13—26厘米的土层中,每堆12—28粒。成虫于6月中旬至7月上旬死亡,成虫期约10个月。  相似文献   

杨树粒肩天牛的生物学特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杨树粒肩天牛在福建省2a发生1代;老熟幼虫在第2年4月下旬至5月初开始化蛹,成虫出现期始于5月底6月初,6月中下旬到7月上旬为盛发期,9月上旬只见个别成虫;产卵期始于6月中旬,6月下旬至7月中旬为产卵高峰期;幼虫孵化期为6月下旬到8月中旬,7月上中旬为为盛发期;幼虫不越冬。杨树粒肩天牛成虫为补充营养所取食的树种较集中,主要是构树与桑树。杨树粒肩天牛幼虫对杨树危害严重,但成虫却不喜欢取食杨树,用杨树饲养的粒肩天牛成虫寿命很短,仅3-19d,不产卵;而以桑树为补充营养的雌成虫的平均寿命为55d、雄26.5d;以构树为补充营养的雌成虫的平均寿命为78d、雄45.5d,补充桑树与构树的粒肩天牛成虫均可正常产卵。雌雄成虫一生可多次交尾。雌虫有多次产卵现象,单雌每天产卵数量1-12粒不等。  相似文献   

祁连山林区云杉梢斑螟生物学特性及防治调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云杉梢斑螟以幼虫危害青海云杉新生的树梢和嫩叶,以1龄幼虫在当年新梢基部和针叶中越冬。次年5月中旬开始活动并危害新梢,6月中旬化蛹,6月底始见成虫,7月上旬末、中旬初达羽化高峰。7月中旬为产卵盛期。7月下旬幼虫孵化,幼虫轻微危害后于9月中、下旬进入越冬状态。6月中旬,用3%高渗苯氧威喷雾,防治效果均在90%以上;用森得保可湿性粉剂喷雾,防治效果85%以上;羽化期可利用黑光灯诱杀成虫。  相似文献   

团角锤天蛾的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林仲桂  雷玉兰 《昆虫知识》2008,45(1):141-143
团角锤天蛾Gurelca hyas(Walker)危害园林植物——银边六月雪(Serissa foetida cv.Aureovaiegata),以幼虫取食寄主叶片和嫩梢。该虫在湖南省衡阳地区1年发生3代,以老熟幼虫在寄主附近土壤中筑土室化蛹并以蛹在土室中越冬。翌年8月上旬越冬代成虫开始羽化。幼虫5龄,多数幼虫在发育过程中会出现体色变化。第1代、第2代和第3代幼虫分别于8月中旬、9月中旬和10月中旬孵化,各代幼虫均能对寄主造成严重为害。  相似文献   

在宁夏银川利用室内自然条件比较观察了莱氏脊漠甲Pterocoma reitteri Frivaldszky和洛氏脊漠甲Pterocoma loczyi Frivaldszky的生物学特性。莱氏脊漠甲2年发生1代,以成虫和幼虫越冬,越冬幼虫于翌年6月下旬至9月上旬化蛹,羽化成虫7月上旬开始出现;洛氏脊漠甲2年发生1代,以成虫和幼虫越冬,越冬幼虫于翌年3月中、下旬出土活动,并在5月下旬至7月下旬化蛹,羽化成虫6月上旬出现。2种脊漠甲的幼虫在室内饲养条件下均有自相残杀的习性。  相似文献   

宽额螯蜂Dryinus latus Olmi在山东商河寄生恶性席瓢蜡蝉Sivaloka damnosus Chouet Lu若虫,具有捕食和寄生的双重控制作用。首次明确该蜂寄主,记述其幼期形态特征、生活史、生活习性。在山东商河1年发生2代,以4龄老熟幼虫在茧内越冬。翌年4月下旬至5月上旬为化蛹盛期,5月中旬越冬代成虫开始出现,捕捉寄主若虫补充营养。成虫主要产卵于恶性席瓢蜡蝉3~5龄若虫前后翅芽下紧贴体背的淡绿色组织上。第1代卵历期平均78.1h,幼虫孵化至脱囊平均历时209.5h,产卵至脱囊平均历时280.0h,蛹期平均386.4h。幼虫作茧于枝条、叶片或地面枯叶上,茧外缀有枝条表皮或叶片碎屑。7月下旬至8月上旬出现第1代成虫,第2代幼虫8月上旬开始脱囊结茧越冬。野外寄生率27.8%~45.7%,控制作用显著。  相似文献   

核桃小吉丁虫研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核桃小吉丁虫足陕西省核桃主要害虫。一年发生一代,以老熟幼虫在受害枯枝中过冬,极少数在活枝上越冬。4月中旬至6月底为化蛹期,盛期为4月底至5月初。蛹期平均27.7天,最短16天,最长39天。成虫羽化后在蛹室中停留4—20天才咬破皮层钻出枝外。5月上旬至7月上旬为成虫出现期,盛期为5月下旬至6月上旬。幼虫化蛹结束时亦即成虫出现高峰。成虫出枝后取食核桃叶,约经半个月补充营养期开始产卵。产卵需要较高的温度和强光,卵多产在伸出树冠外围的长枝条上叶痕附近。成虫生活期平均35.3天,最长可达83天。6月上旬至7月下旬为卵出现期。卵期多为10天。6月中旬至8月上旬为幼虫孵化期,7月上旬为孵化盛期。幼虫多在二、三年生枝条皮层中串圈为害。受害严重时树叶变黄、脱落,枝条干枯。8月下旬幼虫老熟后开始钻入木质部,做一蛹室,在蛹室中过冬,至10月底大部幼虫进入了越冬阶段。  相似文献   

黄环绢须野螟Palpitaannulata(Fabricius)是小叶女贞(LigustrumquihouiCarr.)上新出现的一种害虫,严重危害小叶女贞叶片,造成植株枯萎、死亡,同时也危害金叶女贞(L.vicaryi)。该虫在湖南省衡阳地区1年发生3代,以蛹在土中越冬。越冬代成虫和第1、2代成虫分别于4月下旬、5月下旬和6月下旬出现。成虫产卵于嫩梢顶端叶片上,卵期3d,幼虫期9~12d。5月上旬和6月上旬分别是第1代和第2代幼虫盛发期,危害最重。越冬代成虫羽化期喷药是防治该虫的关键,在成虫期和幼虫期分别用40%氧化乐果乳油、50%辛硫磷乳油1000~1200倍或25%溴氰菊酯乳油2500~3000倍稀释液喷洒寄主叶面,可控制该虫危害。  相似文献   

Li X S  Zhang Y L  Luo Y Q  SETTELE Josef 《农业工程》2006,26(10):3184-3197
This article investigates the biology of Byasa impediens, presenting its life-table data and analyzing its habitat requirements and the key factors threatening the survival of this species. This study also aims to detect specific protection methods to guarantee the long-term survival of Byasa impediens in Baishuijiang Reserve. Byasa impediens is bivoltine in Baishuijiang Reserve. The pupae overwinter on shrubs or on branches of trees. The eclosion of the first generation starts in mid-April. The adults of the first generation emerge in large numbers in mid-late May, and the second generation emerges from late June to mid-July. The two generations overlap. The adult males emerge 7–10 days earlier than the adult females. Their flight behavior is determined by factors such as perching along small rivers and gullies, and visiting flowers. The males are strong fliers. On the contrary, the flying ability of the females is weak; therefore, they just visit flowers, mate, and lay eggs near the natal area. The ratio of female to male is 1:4.1. The maximum lifespan of the males is 26 days, with an average of 6.9 days, whereas the maximum lifespan of the females is 21 days, with an average of 7.6 days. The pregnant eggs per female are 31.5 on average. The incubation period of the first generation is 12–14 days, whereas that of the second generation is 7–9 days. The larvae feed mainly on Aristolochia heterophylla. The larval period of the first generation lasts for 30 days with five instars and that of the second generation lasts for 30–40 days with five or six instars. The pupal period of the first generation begins in early June and lasts for 20–26 days whereas for the second generation, it begins between late July and late September. The adults prefer the following nectar plants: Albizzia julibrissin, Bauhinia glauca, Clerodendrum bungei, and Sambucus chinensis. The plant Aristolochia heterophylla is distributed at an altitude of 900–1680 m, and the most suitable range is 1200–1500 m. The host plants grow mainly along the paths and along the borders of forests where the canopy is rather open and shrubby undergrowth is found. The plant can hardly be found when the canopy density of the forest is greater than 80%. The elevation range most suitable for the larvae is 1200–1500 m. The ideal habitat of host plants also seems to be the ideal habitat of Byasa impediens. The key factors that adversely affect the population of Byasa impediens are loss and deterioration of habitats. The loss and deterioration of the habitats result in a decrease in the numbers of host plants and a more restricted distribution of the potential habitats. The habitat is easily influenced by anthropogenic activities, such as herding, cultivating, and using pesticides, which in turn influences the growth of the host plant Aristolochia heterophylla and the larvae of butterflies. Abnormal climatic conditions and natural enemies are the key factors affecting population density. The hot and dry weather in summer and the heavy rain in autumn considerably reduce the survival rate of eggs and larvae. The ichneumon parasitoids reduce the survival rate of the over-wintering pupae. The primary natural enemies of the larvae include spiders, earwigs, wasps, bugs, and ichneumon parasitoids. Other natural enemies of pupae and adults are birds. The most important conservation measures are preservation and reconstruction of the natural habitat, which includes rebuilding forests, enhancing management, enforcing existing laws, and developing eco-tourism. Creating a core-patch near all patches at a central area is also an important measure for conservation. In the most ideal habitat, appropriate shrub cutting can increase the growth of host plants, thereby promoting expansion of the Byasa impediens population.  相似文献   

跗粗角萤叶甲Diorhabda tarsalis Weise是甘草上的重要食叶害虫,成虫、幼虫危害甘草叶片及幼嫩组织。该虫在河北省保定1年发生3代,以成虫在土缝、洞穴或者枯枝落叶下面的疏松层中越冬。翌年4月下旬越冬成虫开始活动,4月下旬至5月上旬交配产卵,卵产于寄主根部10~15mm的疏松土层。第1代、第2代和第3代幼虫分别于5月中旬、7月上旬和8月上旬孵化,各代幼虫均能对寄主造成严重为害,幼虫3龄。记述该虫的寄主、生活年史、发育历期、生活习性,并提出防治建议。  相似文献   

挪威南部地区蚁形郭公虫(Thanasimus formicarius)生活史(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在自然和实验条件下,对蚁形郭公虫(Thanasimusformiyarius(L)生活史及有关生物学进行了研究。基于逐月野外调查结果,报道了蚁形郭公虫群飞期,以及该虫的卵、幼虫、蛹、预蛹和成虫等各发育阶段的历期。研究结果表明,蚁形郭公虫在挪威南部地区的生活史长达2年零4个月。在生活史的第1年里,该幼虫在受害的挪威云杉树基的蛹穴内越冬;成虫于次年羽化并逐步发育成熟。这些成虫将在树干裂缝中越冬,然后于第3年春产卵繁殖。研究揭示,在挪威南部地区,蚁形郭公虫的发生期与多种小蠹虫的危害期吻合。  相似文献   

Hui Ye 《Insect Science》1998,5(1):55-62
Abstract Observations on the life cycle and bionomics of Thanasimus formicarius (L.) were made under natural conditions and in the laboratory. The studies provide information on mass flight, development periods of eggs, larvae, pupae and prepupae, and adult maturation stage based on monthly field investigations. The results of the research suggest that the overall life cycle of T. formicarius covers approximately two years and four months in southern Norway. During the first year of the life cycle, the clerid larvae overwinter in the pupal chambers at the bases of attacked spruce trees; adults emerge and mature sexually in the second year; and the mature adults overwinter inside the bark crevices of trunk and oviposit in the spring of the third year. The studies also expose that the clerid occurence coincides well with the bark beetle attacks occurring in spring and autumn in northern Norway.  相似文献   

柑桔大实蝇Bactrocera minax是柑桔类植物果实的重要害虫,以往对该虫的发生监测仅局限于通过果园诱集和室内外养蛹监测成虫的发生期。本研究综合应用室外养蛹、桔园系统调查、成虫诱集和蛆果解剖等技术手段,以期了解柑桔大实蝇的产卵进度、幼虫发育进度、蛆果落地进度、幼虫化蛹进度以及蛹的羽化进度。研究结果表明,重庆地区柑桔大实蝇产卵盛期为6月下旬-7月上旬,高峰期为6月下旬末-7月初;一龄、二龄和三龄幼虫的发生盛期分别为9月中旬-10月初、10月上旬-下旬和10月中旬-11月初;受害蛆果落地盛期为10月上旬-下旬,与二龄和三龄幼虫的发生盛期吻合;室外养蛹的成虫羽化盛期为5月上旬-中旬末,但果园成虫诱集的盛期为6月中旬-下旬,较室外养蛹的成虫发生盛期推迟30 d左右,对出现此种情况的原因作者做了初步分析。研究结果还表明,各虫态的累计发生进度均可用逻辑斯缔方程拟合,从而可计算出各虫态发生进度为16%、50%和84%的始盛期、高峰期和盛末期。研究结果对于柑桔大实蝇的发生期预测和防治具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

黄尖襟粉蝶AnthocharisscolymusButler在上海地区1年发生1代,以蛹越冬。成虫3月底开始羽化,4月上旬至5月上旬为卵发生期。幼虫4月中旬开始孵出,取食油菜、荠菜等十字花科植物的花、叶和果实。对该虫的形态特征和生活习性作了描述。  相似文献   

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