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块根2。茎直立或外倾。基生叶不存在;叶片革质,不分裂或掌状深裂,一回裂片不分裂。上萼片近圆筒形或高盔形。花瓣有短距。种子有横膜翅。  相似文献   

今年正值J。Watson和F。Crick发表DNA双螺旋结构40周年,又适逢S。Cohen和H。Boyer建立体外重组DNA技术20周年。众所周知,以上两个科学事件在本世纪分子生物学和生物技术发展历程中是两个最伟大的里程碑。科学技术是第一生产力。  相似文献   

金力 进化遗传学家。复旦大学教授。1963年3月13日出生于上海市,籍贯浙江上虞。1985年毕业于复旦大学,1987年获该校硕士学位,1994年在美国德克萨斯大学获博士学位。现任复旦大学副校长。  相似文献   

论文中统计学符号书写规则统计学符号一般用斜体。本刊常用统计学符号介绍如下,希望作者参照执行。样本的算术平均数用英文小写x,不用大写X,也不用Mean。标准差用英文小写s,不用SD。标准误用英文小写xs,不用SE。t检验用英文小写t。F检验用英文大写F。卡方检验用希文小写χ2。相关系数用英文小写r。样本数用英文小写n。概率用英文大写P。  相似文献   

1945年大约10-11月间,我考取的中央大学开始新生入学。因正逢抗日战争胜利,学校准备复员,推迟了开学。我到沙坪坝入学报到后,才知道一年级新生部不在沙坪坝,而在嘉陵江对岸距沙坪坝还有约20里的柏溪。记得我是同高中同班同学老程一道从沙坝去的柏溪的。先到磁器口渡过嘉陵江,然后沿江边去柏溪。途中还遇到考取电机系的老柯,他是我家乡邻县蓬溪人,是从国立中学毕业的。柏溪新生院临近嘉陵江边,大部分校舍是抗战中新建的。宿舍一间住好几十人,睡的是上下铺大床。我幸运地被分配住下铺,免掉了每天爬上爬下的麻烦。我们刚…  相似文献   

论文的作者应在发表的作品上署名。署名者可以是个人作者、合作作者或团体作者。1署名是拥有著作权的声明。《中华人民共和国著作权法》规定:著作权属于作者。著作权包括发表权、署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权等。署名权即表明作者在作品上署名的权利;署名表明作者的劳动成果及作者本人都得到了社会的承认和尊重,即作者向社会声明,作者对该作品拥有了著作权。2署名是表示文责自负的承诺。署名即表明作者愿意承担责任。3署名便于读者与作者联系。署名即表明作者有同读者联系的意愿。  相似文献   

耐寒抗旱治沙之星菊芋   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus)是菊科向日葵属中能形成地下块茎的栽培植物,又称洋生姜、洋姜、鬼子姜等。地下块茎含丰富菊糖,系果糖多聚物。茎直立,高2—3米。叶长卵形,先端尖,互生。茎扁圆形,有不规则突起。头状花序,花黄色适宜观赏。块茎无周皮。按块茎皮色分红皮和白皮两个品种。菊芋耐寒耐旱,块茎在-25—-40℃的冻土层内能安全越冬。阳历3月地温开始回升,冬眠的块茎,由冰冻状态恢复过来。地温达到10℃时开始发芽,4月初露出地面,长出叶片开始生长,期间早霜对其毫无影响和损害。正常情况下,8月末9月初菊芋茎高2米左右开始开花。花为纯黄…  相似文献   

正戴芳澜(1893—1973)真菌学家。湖北江陵人。1913年结业于清华学校留美预备班。1914—1919年留学美国威斯康星大学、康奈尔大学和哥伦比亚大学研究院。1948年选聘为中央研究院院士。1955年选聘为中国科学院院士(学部委员)。中国科学院微生物研究所第一任所长(1958—1966)。中国真菌学创始人、中国植物病理学创建人之一。早年对水稻、果树等作物病害及其防治进行  相似文献   

据国外媒体报道。科学家在实验室使用人的成体干细胞培育出部分颚骨。他们指出,这是第一次通过这种方法制成复杂的大小适合于解剖的骨骼。他们希望这种技术不仅能治疗这种特殊关节的疾病。还能矫正其他骨骼的问题。哥伦比亚大学的这个研究结果公布在美国《国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)上。  相似文献   

<正>小鳄鱼:小象,你能用你的鼻子陪我玩荡秋千的游戏吗?小象:可以啊。我可以一下子把你荡到河对岸去。小鳄鱼:好好玩啊,荡啊荡,荡到外婆桥。啊,不行,我头晕了,我要休息一会儿。小象:不行。我是世界上最大的动物,怎么能休息呢。我一定要把你荡到月亮上去。(常州魏子淇)一天.大象哥哥来到沼泽边喝水:大象:天哪.谁把沼泽里的水  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to assess the significance of inter-plot competition in a yield trial of potato cultivars. Seventeen cultivars were deliberately chosen and assessed for yield in single-drill and four-drill plots. Inter-plot competition for fresh-weight yield was a significant factor in the single-drill plots. It was modelled using a common competition coefficient with a covariate based on neighbour fresh-weight yields. In contrast, there was no statistically significant inter-plot competition for specific gravity. After adjustment for inter-plot competition, varietal ranking in estimated monoculture yield differed little from that based on unadjusted means. However, there was a reduction in the range of yield estimates, and a closer agreement with the observed pure-stand yields from the inner two drills of the four-drill plots. The adjustment for monoculture performance was most pronounced for the higher and lower yielding varieties, as expected from the assumption that the performance of high yielding varieties was enhanced in a competitive environment at the expense of low yielding ones. A general and flexible method of estimating competition coefficients in variety trials, together with a suitable algorithm, was developed and is explained in an appendix. It was used to check for inter-plot competition in a number of potato trials with single-drill plots and a large number of entries. Competition was found in some trials but not in others. Thus, where potato tubers are grown in single-drill plots for assessment of fresh-weight yield, adjustment should be made for inter-plot competition when evidence of inter-drill competition is found.  相似文献   

Summary Copper contained in a solid industrial waste produced in a silicone manufacturing process was leached with spent iron medium from aThiobacillus ferrooxidans culture. Most effective leaching was observed in a continuously fed, dual reactor system. Spent iron medium was generated by growingT. ferrooxidans in 0.9 K iron medium at pH 1.5 in the first reactor, and was transferred to a second reactor in which it leached the copper from the waste. Leaching was effective at a pulp density of the waste material as high as 20%. In experiments run at a pulp density of 2.5%, the spent iron medium was most efficient in leaching copper when it was first diluted 100-fold with a mineral salts solution at pH 1.5. Removal of the copper from the waste appeared to involve its displacement by acid, dissolved mineral salts, and ferric iron. Potentials for practical application of this process are discussed.  相似文献   

In 5 experiments thirsty rats received an injection of lithium chloride or of saline, and their consumption of fluid was monitored at 5-min intervals for 30min. The novelty of the fluid and the novelty of the test context was varied. In Experiment 1 a novel fluid (a sucrose solution) was offered in a novel context; in Experiment 2 the fluid was novel and the context was familiar (the home cage); in Experiment 3 the fluid was familiar and the context was novel; and in Experiment 4 both fluid and context were familiar. Lithium influenced fluid consumption in those designs that included at least one novel feature (Experiments 1, 2, and 3, but not in Experiment 4). Consumption was initially enhanced (with respect to the controls) when the context was novel, but was suppressed when the fluid was novel. In Experiment 5, the flavor was over-ingested after lithium treatment when it was presented in a short (5min) test conducted in a novel place, but was rejected in a subsequent consumption in the home cages. It is argued that the effect of lithium depends on two factors: enhanced attention to salient cues that modifies the exploratory responses evoked by a novel context; rapid conditioning of an aversion when the fluid consumed is novel. Implications for the use of fluid consumption as an index of lithium-induced nausea are considered.  相似文献   

The release of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in rat dorsolateral striatum was studied using in vivo microdialysis. Dialysis was conducted 2 days after probe implantation in awake, freely moving rats using a modified Ringer solution. Calcium induced a reversible increase in GABA release that was abolished by tetrodotoxin but was only slightly attenuated by a maximally effective dose of pergolide, a D2 receptor agonist. It was thus concluded that pergolide inhibits calcium-stimulated release of GABA presynaptically by a mechanism distinct from that of tetrodotoxin.  相似文献   

豆豉纤溶酶是从豆豉中发现的新型纤溶酶.从枯草杆菌DC-12中提取总DNA,PCR法扩增pro-DFE基因.将pro-DFE基因插入载体pET-32a,构建表达质粒pET-pro-DFE,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),对重组菌株进行变温诱导表达,重组菌株于37℃培养至OD600为0.6时,加入终浓度为0.4mmol/L的IPTG于24℃进行诱导,SDS-PAGE显示可溶性重组融合蛋白约占重组蛋白的60%.且少量融合重组蛋白发生自切割,形成成熟的豆豉纤溶酶,破菌上清中含有成熟的豆豉溶栓酶,纤溶活性为200IU/mL.重组酶经纯化后比酶活为1280IU/mg.  相似文献   

通过Mallory和HE染色,对光肩星天牛Anoplophora glabnpenn脑部显微结构进行了观察.结果表明,光肩星天牛的脑由前脑、中脑、后脑三部分组成.前脑叶髓层包括一对蕈形体、一个中央体、一个脑桥体和一对附叶,其中每个蕈形体仅有一个帽状的蕈体冠.中脑触角叶较大,由九簇放射状排列的触角神经束组成,中央的一束较粗,说明其嗅觉发达.后脑较小.  相似文献   

Dry wt, protein, free amino-N, RNA, DNA and the levels of hydrolytic enzymes have been measured in high lysine and normal sorghum grain during development. Dry wt was higher in CSV-5 throughout development. Protein accumulation/grain was lower in the later stages of development of IS 11 758 than in CSV-5. The lower rate of protein accumulation in IS 11758 is not due to a limitation of free amino-N. CSV-5 had a higher proportion of prolamine. A major part of the prolamine in CSV-5 was deposited in a relatively short period from day 24 to 31. In this period much less prolamine was synthesized in IS 11758. RNA content was higher in IS 11758. DNA content, however, was higher in CSV-5 than IS 11758 during early stages of development. RNase activity at maturity was lower in IS 11758. Amylase activity/grain in both was similar, however, on a fr. wt basis it was higher in CSV-5. Protease level/grain was higher in IS 11758.  相似文献   

Batch and continuous hydrolysis of olive oil in an organic-aqueous two-phase system using the live whole cell of Pseudomonas putida 3SK as a source of a lipase is investigated. The strain was not only fully viable and grown well, but also produced extracellular lipase simultaneously. The degree of hydrolysis, depending on olive oil concentration in the solvents, was maximal at 13.5% (w/v) and decreased with the increase of the substrate concentration. At the optimal condition, a degree of hydrolysis higher than 95% was achieved with 24 h at 30 degrees C when the reaction was carried out in a two-phase batch stirred reactor. For long-term operation a continuous stirred reactor was designed. When the reaction was carried out in a continuous stirred reactor, the degree was hydrolysis reached 86% at a dilution rate of 0.2 h(-1). Satisfactory performance of a two-phase bioreactor was obtained in a long-term continous operation, which lasted for at least 30 days by feeding organic solvent containing olive oil and aqueous media separately. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Knowing that Alfred Donné was the discoverer of an important human parasite, and finding that he was also a pioneer of photomicrography, it occurred to me that his parasite might well have become a subject of his photography. It was a simple matter to confirm that this was indeed the case. The parasite he discovered was Trichomonas vaginalis; and, in collaboration with Foucault, Donné made a photomicrograph showing several protozoan parasites lying among vaginal epithelial cells. His publication of an engraved image of the photomicrograph in 1845, was a landmark in the history of photography and microbiology.  相似文献   

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