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表观遗传学分子机制,其中包括DNA甲基化,通过细胞分裂逐代遗传,在基因转录调控中发挥着重要作用.尽管DNA甲基化是正常哺乳动物胚胎形成所必需的,但在致癌作用中却经常观察到DNA的低-和高-甲基化现象.DNA甲基化在癌症的发生和发展中起着重要作用,它使得许多抑癌基因转录沉默,最终导致癌基因的无限增殖化.许多肿瘤抑制基因启动子区异常甲基化与乳腺癌的形成密切相关,比如ER,p16,APC,RASSFlA,BRCAl等.DNA甲基化是可逆的过程,通过DNA去甲基化制剂,可以使基因恢复正常表达功能.因此,DNA去甲基化制剂在乳腺癌的治疗中具有重要临床意义.  相似文献   

表观遗传修饰在基因表达和克隆胚胎的早期发育方面有重要作用.表现遗传修饰至少发生在两个关键时期--配子形成期和植入前胚胎,如果在此期间发生异常,则会导致胚胎的死亡及出生后各种疾病的发生.其中DNA的甲基化是最重要的一种表观遗传修饰类型,DNA甲基化在哺乳动物发育过程中起关键作用.综述几种类型抗肿瘤药物作用机制——其使胚胎的DNA甲基化降低,引起转录活性降低,进而导致胚胎发育停滞.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化的生物信息学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作为重要的表观遗传学现象之一,DNA甲基化对基因的表达发挥重要的调控功能.随着高通量检测技术的不断发展,对DNA甲基化的生物信息学研究也成为DNA甲基化研究中的一个非常活跃的热点.对生物信息学在DNA甲基化状态的预测、CpG岛不易被甲基化的机制研究、探索DNA甲基化同其他表观遗传学现象之间的关系以及DNA异常甲基化同癌症的发生和发展之间的关系等方面的研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化与脊椎动物胚胎发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨晓丹  韩威  刘峰 《遗传》2012,34(9):1108-1113
DNA甲基化是指DNA甲基转移酶(DNMT)将DNA序列中的5′胞嘧啶转变为5′甲基胞嘧啶的化学修饰, 可以调控基因的时空特异性表达, 从而影响细胞命运决定和分化等生物学过程。近年来研究发现, DNA甲基化在脊椎动物胚胎早期发育中有重要作用, Dnmt基因的缺失会影响胚胎早期发育和多个器官的形成及分化, 如胚胎早期致死、内脏器官和神经系统终末分化缺陷以及血液发生紊乱等。文章总结了DNA甲基化转移酶在小鼠和斑马鱼发育过程中的动态变化, 并系统阐述了DNA甲基化在胚胎早期发育和器官发生中的作用, 重点揭示DNA 甲基化转移酶与组蛋白甲基化转移酶如何协同调控DNA甲基化从而影响基因转录的分子机理。DNA甲基化作为一种关键的表观遗传学因素, 全面系统地理解其在胚胎发育过程中的作用机制对靶向治疗人类相关疾病有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

表观遗传学: 生物细胞非编码RNA调控的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于红 《遗传》2009,31(11):1077-1086
表观遗传学是研究基因表达发生了可遗传的改变, 而DNA序列不发生改变的一门生物学分支, 对细胞的生长分化及肿瘤的发生发展至关重要。表观遗传学的主要机制包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰及新近发现的非编码RNA。非编码RNA 是指不能翻译为蛋白的功能性RNA分子, 其中常见的具调控作用的非编码RNA包括小干涉RNA、miRNA、piRNA 以及长链非编码RNA。近年来大量研究表明非编码RNA在表观遗传学的调控中扮演了越来越重要的角色。文章综述了近年来生物细胞非编码RNA调控的表观遗传学研究进展, 以有助于理解哺乳动物细胞中非编码RNA及其调控机制和功能。  相似文献   

表观遗传学中的DNA甲基化与疾病的发生发展密不可分. DNA甲基化中的5-甲基胞嘧啶易发生氧化形成5 羟甲基胞嘧啶.此过程又称为羟甲基化修饰,已成为表观遗传学研究的一种新热点.羟甲基化与10-11易位家族蛋白(ten-eleven translocation,TET)的作用密切相关,它参与了基因的表达调控以及DNA去甲基化过程. 最近的羟甲基化研究主要集中在癌症和精神性疾病.针对日趋增多的相关研究,本文对DNA羟甲基化进行了全景式综述.  相似文献   

徐安利  张素芹  陈琪  杨瑛  侯建青 《生物磁学》2014,(23):4574-4577
表观遗传通过DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、染色质重塑、以及microRNA等调控方式来实现对基因表达、DNA复制和基因组稳定性的控制。DNA甲基化是目前研究的最为广泛的表观遗传修饰方式之一,可调控真核生物的基因表达。DNA甲基化在哺乳动物发育、肿瘤发生发展及人类其他疾病中均发挥着至关重要的作用。DNA甲基化状态的改变已被视为人类肿瘤细胞的生物标志之一。EMs虽是一种良性妇科疾病,但伴有细胞增殖、侵袭性及远处种植转移等肿瘤的特点。最新研究发现,DNA甲基化可能与子宫内膜异位症(EMs)的发生存在密切的关系并认为EMs从根本上是一种表观遗传学疾病。由于表观遗传修饰都是可逆的过程,这就为EMs的治疗提供了一种新的途径。本文就DNA甲基化在EMs中的发生发展中的作用及其调控的分子机制,以及在诊断治疗中作用的最新研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

表观遗传通过DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、染色质重塑、以及microRNA等调控方式来实现对基因表达、DNA复制和基因组稳定性的控制。DNA甲基化是目前研究的最为广泛的表观遗传修饰方式之一,可调控真核生物的基因表达。DNA甲基化在哺乳动物发育、肿瘤发生发展及人类其他疾病中均发挥着至关重要的作用。DNA甲基化状态的改变已被视为人类肿瘤细胞的生物标志之一。EMs虽是一种良性妇科疾病,但伴有细胞增殖、侵袭性及远处种植转移等肿瘤的特点。最新研究发现,DNA甲基化可能与子宫内膜异位症(EMs)的发生存在密切的关系并认为EMs从根本上是一种表观遗传学疾病。由于表观遗传修饰都是可逆的过程,这就为EMs的治疗提供了一种新的途径。本文就DNA甲基化在EMs中的发生发展中的作用及其调控的分子机制,以及在诊断治疗中作用的最新研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

肝癌表观遗传学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄健 《中国科学C辑》2008,38(10):913-922
肝细胞癌是原发性肝癌的主要类型,也是恶性程度最高的肿瘤之一.目前人们对肝癌的发病机制并不十分清楚.研究表明,由遗传学和表观遗传学改变弓『起的原癌基因的活化和抑癌基因的灭活而引起细胞恶性改变是肿瘤发生的核心生物学过程.过去人们普遍认为遗传学上的基因突变是肿瘤发病机制中的关键事件,尤其是抑癌基因的体细胞突变与肿瘤的发生有着密切的关系.但是,近年来随着对肿瘤认识的深入,人们发现DNA序列以外的调控机制(即表观遗传学)异常在肿瘤的发生、发展过程中也起到非常重要的作用.表观遗传学机制包括:DNA甲基化修饰,组蛋白修饰,非编码RNAs(包括microRNA),染色质重塑等.其中,DNA甲基化和microRNA与肝癌发生的关系是得到最为深入研究的表观遗传学机制.本文将结合本课题组的研究重点,综述DNA甲基化和microRNA在肝癌研究中的进展.  相似文献   

早期胚胎发育是胚胎发育中细胞分裂与分化最为活跃的时期,也是合子型基因大规模转录的时期,而此时组蛋白的甲基化修饰也显示出动态学的变化。这一时期,在细胞内外信号的共同调控下,经历着一系列基因的激活与抑制,许多调控机制参与其中的调控。而近年来的研究表示,表观遗传学调控显示越来越重要的作用。组蛋白甲基化修饰是表观遗传学重要调控机制之一,在胚胎的早期发育过程中扮演着重要的角色。就近年来组蛋白甲基化修饰酶在早期胚胎发育过程中的作用与功能做一简要综述。  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent, self‐renewing cells. These cells can be used in applications such as cell therapy, drug development, disease modeling, and the study of cellular differentiation. Investigating the interplay of epigenetics, genetics, and gene expression in control of pluripotence and differentiation could give important insights on how these cells function. One of the best known epigenetic factors is DNA methylation, which is a major mechanism for regulation of gene expression. This phenomenon is mostly seen in imprinted genes and X‐chromosome inactivation where DNA methylation of promoter regions leads to repression of gene expression. Differential DNA methylation of pluripotence‐associated genes such as Nanog and Oct4/Pou5f1 has been observed between pluripotent and differentiated cells. It is clear that tight regulation of DNA methylation is necessary for normal development. As more associations between aberrant DNA methylation and disease are reported, the demand for high‐throughput approaches for DNA methylation analysis has increased. In this article, we highlight these methods and discuss recent DNA methylation studies on ESCs. J. Cell. Biochem. 109: 1–6, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) establish and maintain genomic DNA methylation patterns that are required for proper epigenetic regulation of gene expression and maintenance of genome stability during normal development. Aberrant DNA methylation patterns are implicated in a variety of pathological conditions including cancer and neurological disorders. Rapid advances in genomic technologies have allowed the generation of high resolution whole-genome views of DNA methylation and DNA methyltransferase occupancy in pluripotent stem cells and differentiated somatic cells. Furthermore, recent identification of oxidation derivatives of cytosine methylation in mammalian DNA raises the possibility that DNA methylation patterns are more dynamic than previously anticipated. Here, we review the recent progress in our understanding of the genomic function and regulatory mechanisms of mammalian DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Differential DNA methylation is an essential epigenetic signal for gene regulation, development, and disease processes. We mapped DNA methylation patterns of 190 gene promoter regions on chromosome 21 using bisulfite conversion and subclone sequencing in five human cell types. A total of 28,626 subclones were sequenced at high accuracy using (long-read) Sanger sequencing resulting in the measurement of the DNA methylation state of 580427 CpG sites. Our results show that average DNA methylation levels are distributed bimodally with enrichment of highly methylated and unmethylated sequences, both for amplicons and individual subclones, which represent single alleles from individual cells. Within CpG-rich sequences, DNA methylation was found to be anti-correlated with CpG dinucleotide density and GC content, and methylated CpGs are more likely to be flanked by AT-rich sequences. We observed over-representation of CpG sites in distances of 9, 18, and 27 bps in highly methylated amplicons. However, DNA sequence alone is not sufficient to predict an amplicon's DNA methylation status, since 43% of all amplicons are differentially methylated between the cell types studied here. DNA methylation in promoter regions is strongly correlated with the absence of gene expression and low levels of activating epigenetic marks like H3K4 methylation and H3K9 and K14 acetylation. Utilizing the single base pair and single allele resolution of our data, we found that i) amplicons from different parts of a CpG island frequently differ in their DNA methylation level, ii) methylation levels of individual cells in one tissue are very similar, and iii) methylation patterns follow a relaxed site-specific distribution. Furthermore, iv) we identified three cases of allele-specific DNA methylation on chromosome 21. Our data shed new light on the nature of methylation patterns in human cells, the sequence dependence of DNA methylation, and its function as epigenetic signal in gene regulation. Further, we illustrate genotype–epigenotype interactions by showing novel examples of allele-specific methylation.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化与脂肪组织生长发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA甲基化作为一种重要的表观遗传学修饰方式,在维持正常细胞功能、遗传印记、胚胎发育以及人类肿瘤发生中起着重要作用。DNA甲基化最重要的作用是调控基因表达,它是细胞调控基因表达的重要表观遗传机制之一。近年来的研究发现,DNA甲基化在脂肪组织生长发育以及肥胖症发生过程中发挥着重要作用。DNA甲基化通过调控脂肪细胞分化转录因子、转录辅助因子以及其他脂肪代谢相关基因的表达,从而调控脂肪组织的生长发育。该文综述了脂肪组织生长发育过程中DNA甲基化的最新研究进展,探讨了脂肪组织DNA甲基化的研究趋势和未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Epigenetic regulation of the nuclear estrogen and androgen receptors, ER and AR, constitutes the molecular basis for the long-lasting effects of sex steroids on gene expression in cells. The effects prevail at hundreds of gene loci in the proximity of estrogen- and androgen-responsive elements and many more such loci through intra- and even inter-chromosomal level regulation. Such a memory system should be active in a flexible manner during the early development of vertebrates, and later replaced to establish more stable marks on genomic DNA. In mammals, DNA methylation is utilized as a very stable mark for silencing of the ERα and AR isoform expression during cancer cell and normal brain development. The factors affecting the DNA methylation of the ERα and AR genes in cells include estrogen and androgen. Since testosterone induces brain masculinization through its aromatization to estradiol in a narrow time window of the perinatal stage in rodents, the autoregulation of estrogen receptors, especially the predominant form of ERα, at the level of DNA methylation to set up the “cell memory” affecting the sexually differentiated status of brain function has been attracting increasing attention. The alternative usage of the androgen-AR system for brain masculinization and estrogenic regulation of AR expression in some species imply that the DNA methylation pattern of the AR gene can be established by closely related but different systems for sex steroid-induced phenomena, including brain masculinization.  相似文献   

DNA甲基转移酶的表达调控及主要生物学功能   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
苏玉  王溪  朱卫国 《遗传》2009,31(11):1087-1093
DNA甲基化是表观遗传学的重要部分, 同组蛋白修饰相互作用, 通过改变染色质结构, 调控基因表达。在哺乳类细胞或人体细胞中, DNA甲基化与细胞的增殖、衰老、癌变等生命现象有着重大关系。对催化DNA甲基化的DNA甲基转移酶(DNA methyltransferase, Dnmt)的研究可以揭示DNA甲基化对基因表达调控的机制, 从而研究与之相关的重要生命活动。文章以DNA甲基转移酶作为切入点, 探讨DNA甲基转移酶在基因表达调控中发挥的作用及其主要生物学功能。  相似文献   

In mammals, DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation are specific epigenetic mechanisms that can contribute to the regulation of gene expression and cellular functions. DNA methylation is important for the function of embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells (such as haematopoietic stem cells, neural stem cells and germline stem cells), and changes in DNA methylation patterns are essential for successful nuclear reprogramming. In the past several years, the rediscovery of hydroxymethylation and the TET enzymes expanded our insights tremendously and uncovered more dynamic aspects of cytosine methylation regulation. Here, we review the current knowledge and highlight the most recent advances in DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells and several well‐studied adult stems cells. Our current understanding of stem cell epigenetics and new advances in the field will undoubtedly stimulate further clinical applications of regenerative medicine in the future. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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