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海南岛吊罗山蕨类植物的多样性及其保育   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对海南岛吊罗山的蕨类植物进行了专题研究。吊罗山有蕨类植物 4 3科 10 0属 2 13种及 4变种 ,其中 5种为海南新记录。蕨类物种密度高达 5 5 .8种 / 10 0km2 ,为海南蕨类多样性中心之一。该地蕨类植物区系以水龙骨科和膜蕨科为优势科 ,表现出明显的热带性质 ,热带分布的科、属、种分别达到 10 0 %、93.2 %和 95 .3%。在垂直分布上 ,蕨类植物的生态特点与植被类型相关 ,随着海拔升高 ,阳生性蕨类减少 ,阴生性蕨类、附生与石生蕨类增多 ,蕨类物种多样性在海拔 6 0 0~ 10 0 0m地段最为丰富。按照 2 0 0 1年IUCN红色名录等级及标准评估 ,在海南岛范围内 ,吊罗山有 36种受威胁蕨类植物 ,其中 6种为极危物种 ,13种为濒危物种 ,17种为渐危物种 ,这 36种受威胁蕨类中有 8种属于国家II级保护植物。导致这 36种蕨类植物受威胁的原因主要有 :人为直接破坏、生境旱化和分布区限制  相似文献   

广东古兜山自然保护区蕨类植物群落的特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对广东新会古兜山自然保护区中108个5m ×5m的蕨类植物样方调查,初步分析了样方中蕨类植物的种类组成和区系特点及种群的多度、频度、重要值、蕨类的生长型、叶的性质和群落的外貌、季相等群落学特征。结果表明:(1)古兜山自然保护区的蕨类植物种类具有典型的南亚热带植物区系特点,热带亚洲植物区系成分对古兜山蕨类植物区系有强烈影响;(2)由于蕨类植物种群的随机分布和环境因子的异质性,种群的多度和重要值分布表现出明显的正态分布规律;(3)样方中蕨类植物的形态外貌、叶的性质及其群落的外貌和季相均表现出典型的南亚热带蕨类植物群落特征;古兜山自然保护区的蕨类植物可划分为花篮状蕨类、树蕨类、匍匐类、攀援类、附生类5种生长型类型。  相似文献   

通过野外调查、标本采集与鉴定和查阅文献,对壶瓶山国家级保护区药用蕨类植物多样性进行统计,并对其资源分布,药用部分、功能分类及民族文化等方面进行了探讨。结果如下:(1)壶瓶山国家级保护区有药用蕨类165种(不包括变种和变型),隶属于33科57属,分别占武陵山地区和全国药用蕨类总科属种的80.48%7,1.25%,77.10%和67.34%,47.90%3,6.91%;含种数较多的科属有水龙骨科Polypodiaceae,鳞毛蕨科Dryopteridaceae,凤尾蕨科Pteridaceae,卷柏属Selaginella,凤尾蕨属Pteris,鳞盖蕨属Microlepia等。(2)该区药用蕨类植物原始和进化的类群共存,区系以热带成分为主,具有热带亲缘性,体现了壶瓶山药用蕨类植物起源古老,但物种分化强烈的特点。(3)该区的药用蕨类在四个植被垂直带谱都有分布,其中在低于1 000 m的常绿阔叶林带分布最多。(4)该区药用蕨类根据药用部位分为四类,全草类最多,其次是根茎类;按药用功能将分为五类,主要为清热类和解毒类。(5)讨论了壶瓶山国家级保护区独特的地理位置和优厚的自然环境是该区药用蕨类植物多样性高的重要原因,并提出了可持续开发利用与保护的建议。  相似文献   

秦岭蕨类植物区系特征及地理分布   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文论述了秦岭蕨类植物水平分布与这一地区森林分布格局是一致的,垂直分布以太白山分为4个带谱,其中以海拔800—2600米带谱内的,蕨类属种最多,约占秦岭总种数的32%。在秦岭77属中,属于热带、亚热带的属有36属,约占秦岭总属数的46.9%,其中有17个属每属仅有1种,其余每属有2—3种,均分布于秦岭南坡,这说明秦岭南坡是热带、亚热带蕨类植物分布的北缘。通过秦岭蕨类植物地理成分分析,说明秦岭蕨类植物属于喜马拉雅、中国西南到日本的蕨类植物区系,以耳蕨与鳞毛蕨为特色,称谓“耳蕨—鳞毛蕨区系”。  相似文献   

海南蕨类植物自然分布及区系组成   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
海南岛现有蕨类植物种数约400种,分布基本上呈现西南部丰富,东北部贫乏的趋势,临高-琼中-万宁一线是其物种多寡的分界线,土壤、地形、地质多方面的共同作用形成这条分界线。海南岛蕨类区系组成复杂,且外来植物成分占据多数,马来西亚、印度、中南半岛和东亚植物区系成分在海南岛蕨类区系中占有较大比重。海南岛是现代蕨类发育的一个中心,多样的环境条件促成了蕨类植物的演化。  相似文献   

云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区蕨类植物生态地理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了哀牢山国家级自然保护区蕨类区系有蕨类植物48科、118属、446种(包括变种和变型)。从蕨类植物的垂直分布、东西分布和生态类型的划分等几个方面对哀牢山国家级自然保护区蕨类植物生态进行探讨并得出以下结论:(1)在海拔分布上,蕨类植物有着与不同植被相关的生态适应性,2000~2800 m的中山湿性常绿阔叶林和山顶苔藓矮林地带蕨类植物种类最为丰富,附生蕨类植物占到了该海拔地带蕨类植物总种数的28.5%;(2)东坡有蕨类植物387种,西坡则只有355种,东西坡共有种达295种;(3)哀牢山国家级自然保护区蕨类植物可划分为16个生态类型,本区明显地以阴生植物、亚高温植物和中生植物居多,附生植物种类所占比例大,旱生植物和石生植物种类少等为主要生态特征。哀牢山国家级自然保护区蕨类植物的温度生态类型以亚热带植物种类为主,温带植物和寒温带植物少。  相似文献   

中国特有和珍稀濒危蕨类植物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国是世界上蕨类植物最丰富的地区之一。全世界有蕨类植物约12000种,中国有蕨类2000多种,占全世界种数的1/6强。按秦仁昌的分类系统,中国有蕨类植物224属,63科。 中国蕨类植物没有特有的科,特有属也不多,但特有种甚多。由于分类问题,目前中国特有的蕨类种数还很难正确估计。由于对特有属的概念和分类处理上的差异,文献中对中国蕨类植物特有属的数量上有不同的报道。严格意义上讲,中国蕨类植物只有4个特有的属,即光叶蕨属、扇蕨属、黔蕨属和中国蕨属。一些所谓的中国特有属,其实也分布到其它国家,有的经过研…  相似文献   

西苕溪EPT昆虫群落分布与环境因子的典范对应分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李强  杨莲芳  吴璟  王备新 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3817-3825
浙江安吉西苕溪43个样点102种EPT昆虫(蜉蝣目Ephememptem、禧翅目Plecoptera、毛翅目Trichoptera)与9个环境因子典范对应分析(CCA)表明,3种环境因子海拔、总氮、电导率对EPT群落起主要作用。CCA排序图把样点分成3个差异样点组,样点组Ⅰ与海拔高度正相关,与总氮显著负相关,属于上游溪流,撕食者占所采集撕食者总数的68.5%,水质清洁。样点组Ⅱ与电导率呈显著正相关,属于上游河面较宽的溪流,撕食者仅次于样点组Ⅰ(18.6%),水质较好。样点组Ⅲ与总氮显著正相关,总氮、总磷平均值分别为3.53和0.16,滤食者占所采集滤食者的85.01%,水质差。CCA排序图较好的说明了EPT昆虫群落的分布和环境的关系。  相似文献   

通过多次野外调查及资料整理,对诸广山地区石松类和蕨类植物的资源组成、地理成分、生态环境等方面进行了分析研究。结果显示:(1)诸广山地区共有石松类和蕨类植物37科、87属、249种,优势科为鳞毛蕨科、水龙骨科、金星蕨科、蹄盖蕨科、凤尾蕨科,优势属为鳞毛蕨属、凤尾蕨属、复叶耳蕨属、卷柏属,单种科有12个,单种属有39个,这些丰富度高的蕨类中既有古老孑遗种又有新生代年轻种,反映了该区蕨类植物的古老性与延续性。(2)从分布区类型来看,该区石松类和蕨类植物区系中以热带性质的科和属占绝对优势,分别占除世界分布类型外总科、属数的89. 3%和77. 6%,以泛热带分布类型为主。但种的地理成分复杂,温带成分略显优势,占50. 6%,以东亚分布类型为主,中国特有分布种占23. 3%;热带成分的种占26. 1%,以热带亚洲分布类型为主。表明该蕨类植物区系具有热带亲缘性,是明显的热带向温带过渡地段。(3)该区以土生蕨类群落类型为主,树生蕨类与石生蕨类随海拔升高而增多,物种丰富度在800-1 500 m处最高。  相似文献   

庐山共有蕨类植物39科87属247种(含变种),其中药用蕨类植物36科62属121种,观赏蕨类大约102种,土壤指示蕨类植物11科15属25种。区系地理成分复杂,表明成分具有多样性并有热带亲缘性,是亚热带向北温带的过渡地区,是联系中国-日本的桥梁,可能该地区是东亚成分分布中心的一部分。  相似文献   

In Canada, as in many countries, a relatively large number of fern species occur in specialized habitats and have low numbers of known populations containing few individuals. It has been suggested that the distribution of ferns is mostly determined by factors of climate and habitat due to relatively low limitations in ferns for dispersal and establishment. Here, we attempt to explain whether the local patchy distribution of three calcicole fern species rare in Canada ( Asplenium ruta-muraria , Pellaea atropurpurea and Woodsia obtusa ) is due to a lack of available habitat. Analyses based on micro-scale differences between sites occupied by the ferns and nearby, unoccupied sites did not reveal any significant differences, thereby indicating that the rarity of these species is not entirely driven by the rarity of their microhabitat at a local scale. Our results suggest that the widely accepted premise that ferns are not limited by dispersal or establishment should be reconsidered, as such limitations are the only likely explanation for empty available and suitable habitat.  相似文献   

Ferns, the second largest group of vascular plants, originated ~400 mil ion years ago(Mya). They became dominant in the ancient Earth landscape before the angiosperms and are stil important in current ecosystems.Many ferns have exceptional y high chromosome numbers,possibly resulting from whole-genome duplications(WGDs).However, WGDs have not been investigated molecularly across fern diversity. Here we detected and dated fern WGDs using a phylogenomic approach and by calculating synonymous substitution rates(Ks). We also investigated a possible correlation between proposed WGDs and shifts in species diversification rates. We identified 19 WGDs: three ancient events along the fern phylogenetic backbone that are shared by 66%–97% of extant ferns, with additional lineage-specific WGDs for eight orders, providing strongevidence for recurring genome duplications across fern evolutionary history. We also observed similar Ks peak values for more than half of these WGDs, with multiple WGDs occurring close to the Cretaceous(~145–66 Mya). Despite the repeated WGD events, the biodiversity of ferns declined during the Cretaceous, implying that other factors probably contributed to the floristic turnover from ferns to angiosperms. This study provides molecular evidence for recurring WGDs in ferns and offers important clues to the genomic evolutionary history of ferns.  相似文献   

秦仁昌 《植物研究》1982,2(2):61-79
本文描述采自浙江西南部九龙山的15种蕨类植物新种。此山位于闽浙交界的遂昌县境内南部,是南岭的支脉,海拨高达1,950米,由于交通不便,山体深邃,人迹罕至,原始常绿阔叶林保存完好,直至1980年秋,上海师范大学生物系裘佩熹教授和他的研究生姚关琥同志第一次访问了这座与世隔绝的山林,采集了许多蕨类标本,经过鉴定,发现15个新种,报导如下。  相似文献   

Fern gametophytes have often been neglected in research; however, studies on gametophytes are crucial for a better understanding of the evolution of ferns. During their life cycle, some gametophytes produce large and long‐lived populations without producing sporophytes and reproduce independently through asexual means, such as through the formation of gemmae. In this study, we investigated independent gametophytes on the Jeju Island of Korea, which was located on the land bridge between East China and Japan during the glacial periods. Fourteen gametophyte populations were collected from seven sites, of which 13 populations were clearly identified as belonging to four fern species known to occur in Jeju Island with BLAST searches using rbcL and trnL‐F sequences. Surprisingly, the last remaining population constituted undescribed taxa in Korea. We presented the first report of the independent gametophytes of Antrophyum obovatum Baker which has not been previously recorded in Korea. It has been supposed that many ferns sought suitable habitat throughout the land bridge between China and Japan. However, Jeju Island might be unsuitable for vittarioid ferns that prefer a tropical or subtropical environment. Consequently, only two species of vittariod ferns (A. obovatum and Haplopteris flexuosa (Fée) E.H. Crane) in the form of a gametophyte and sporophyte, respectively, exist on Jeju Island. Therefore, this gametophyte population must be protected and managed from a conservation perspective. In the case of the independent gametophyte of Hymenophyllum wrightii Bosch, haplotype analysis was conducted based on the rbcL sequences and the result supported that the North American populations were migrated from Japan through land bridge during the glacial periods and Jeju populations were recently established by long‐distance dispersal of the Japanese populations.  相似文献   

Ferns represent the basal group of vascular plants and are known to have fungal interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, but diversity of endophytic fungi from ferns is rarely studied. Moreover, fungal diversity associated with ferns is likely underestimated as most studies have been performed based on a microscopic or culture-dependent approach. In this study, we investigated the endophytic fungal diversity within roots and sporophore of an endangered Korean fern (Mankyua chejuense), and compared it to fungi in surrounding soil using a metabarcoding approach. A high diversity of endophytic fungi (236 OTUs), mostly belonging to Ascomycota, was detected and fungal richness and composition were significantly different between habitats. Indicator species analysis showed that endophytic fungi have similar ecological characteristics to fungal species found from other land plants. Our results suggest that various fungal species are associated with ferns, thus understanding fern-associated fungal diversity can have a great implication for fern biology and conservation.  相似文献   

杭州湾滩浒岛种子植物区系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首次报道了我国杭州湾滩浒岛种子植物 67 科 150 属 197 种。并与纬度相近的大金山岛、佘山、天目山及浙江两个海岛进行了植物区系比较。结果表明,滩浒岛植物区系组成较复杂,地理成分多样,并以海岛植物区系丰富,广布性成分较多等为特色。滩浒岛植物区系与纬度相近的大金山岛、佘山、天目山相比,关系密切,而与不同纬度的台州海岛、温州海岛相比,则随纬度由北向南,热带植物区系成分逐步增加,温带、亚热带植物区系成分逐步减少,具有明显的纬向性。  相似文献   

李保贵  朱华   《广西植物》2005,25(6):497-503,554
勐腊南贡山季风常绿阔叶林(山坡类型)1 hm2面积样地上有蕨类31种,在该森林群落草本层中占有 极其显著的地位。这些蕨类植物的地理成分分析表明它们属于亚洲热带的印度——马来西亚植物区系的一 部分,表现为东南亚热带北缘植物区系的性质,并有热带山地向亚热带山地过渡的特点。在生态表现上,它们 的生活型组成是高位芽蕨类(地生蕨种)占6.45%;地上芽蕨类12.90%;地面芽蕨类32.26%;地下芽蕨类 32.26%;附生蕨类16.13%。由于该地区的季节性干旱气候,高位芽蕨类较少和几种附生蕨类的附生高度也 相对较低,蕨类植物种群的数量与林下空气湿度及土壤表层的湿度一般成正相关。  相似文献   

海南尖峰岭自然保护区蕨类植物区系分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对海南尖峰岭国家级自然保护区的蕨类植物区系进行了分析。结果表明:自然保护区内共有蕨类植物165种,隶属于41科84属,优势科有7科,分别为水龙骨科、铁角蕨科、金星蕨科、蹄盖蕨科、叉蕨科、膜蕨科、鳞毛蕨科,含5种以上的优势属有7属,分别为铁角蕨属Asplenium、卷柏属Selaginella、观音座莲属Angiopteris、鳞始蕨属Lindsaea、凤尾蕨属Pteris、短肠蕨属Allantodia、鳞毛蕨属Dryopteris;根据植物的现代地理分布,本区蕨类植物科、属、种的热带成分分别占非世界分布的96.6%、90.4%、72.2%,表明本区蕨类植物区系具有较强的热带性质;本区蕨类植物的属内种类贫乏,含1种的属占63.1%,含2~3种的属占21.4%;生态类型多样,主要有土生蕨类、石生和附生蕨类;苏铁蕨Brainea insignis、水蕨Certopteris thalictroides、金毛狗Cibotium barometz、桫椤Alsophila spinulosa、黑桫椤Gymnasphaera podophylla、大叶黑桫椤Gymnasphaera gigantea是本区国家重点二级保护珍稀濒危蕨类植物,应采取措施加强保护。  相似文献   

Angiosperms are widely appreciated to have flowering schedules, but far less attention has been paid to the timing of spore production by ferns. Although a range of abiotic factors are likely responsible for the timing of fern sporing, spore predation by specialist spore-feeding insects may also exert selective forces on timing. As a step toward understanding ecological factors that affect the evolution of fern sporing phenology, we tracked annual sporing patterns and examined associations with spore-feeding insects in 38 ferns species in two Japanese temperate forests. Most sporing occurred during June through August, the period of highest temperature and precipitation at the study sites, but some species produced spores during a limited period in spring or very late autumn. Over 70% of all species examined were attacked by spore-feeders, which consisted of seven polyphagous and five oligophagous species. Spore feeders occurred predominantly during June through September, and stathmopodid moth larvae consumed up to 70% of the mature sporangia. Thus, although the warm and humid conditions in the summer is likely favored for prothallial growth and fertilization, spring or late-autumn sporing in some species may have evolved as an adaptation to escape spore predation by spore feeders.  相似文献   

汪书丽  罗建 《西北植物学报》2018,38(8):1534-1541
为了摸清色季拉山蕨类植物资源的种类和资源特征,为该区蕨类开发利用提供依据。该研究通过查阅《西藏植物志》和标本,结合色季拉山多年植物调查名录,对该区野生蕨类植物进行统计分析,并对其用途进行了描述。结果显示:(1)色季拉山共有蕨类植物资源29科、57属、196种(包括变种和变型),分别占西藏蕨类植物总科、属、种的65.91%、45.24%、41.70%;优势科为鳞毛蕨科(3属/50种)、水龙骨科(9属/31种)、蹄盖蕨科(7属/22种)、中国蕨科(6属/14种),优势属为鳞毛蕨属(27种)、耳蕨属(19种)。(2)色季拉山蕨类植物的地理成分以热带类型的科和属占优势(分别占非世界分布科、属的80.00%、68.18%),具有明显的热带性质;生态分布类型以陆生为主(118种,占60.20%),其次为附生(45种,占22.96%)。(3)色季拉山共有药用蕨类植物66种,且以清热药种类最多(30种);观赏蕨类植物共有71种(其中新增加23种);食用蕨类植物共有14种,且多以嫩叶或嫩茎或根状茎为食;少数蕨类还具有指示、工业原料、饲料和绿肥等方面的作用。研究表明,色季拉山蕨类植物资源种类丰富,在西藏蕨类植物区系中占很大比例,具有很高的开发利用价值。  相似文献   

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