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茉莉酸对水稻侧根发生的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验材料为水稻 (OryzasativaL .)栽培品种“IR8”(国际水稻所 8号 )及其少侧根突变体MT10。将 2d水稻幼苗种子根全部浸入 0 .0 16~ 5 0 μmol/L茉莉酸 (JA)溶液处理 2d ,结果表明JA显著抑制种子根的伸长 ,其抑制程度与JA浓度成正比。不高于 2 μmol/L的JA显著促进侧根的发生 ,每cm的侧根数目随浓度的增加而增加 ,最多可增加到原来的 16 8% (“IR8”)和 2 85 % (MT10 )。 10 μmol/L的JA仍促进处理过程中和处理后生成根区段的侧根数目的增加 ,但明显抑制处理前生成根区段侧根的发生 ,每cm的侧根数目有所下降  相似文献   

外源Me-JA 对菜用大豆荚采后衰老和腐烂的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了不同浓度茉莉酸甲酯 (Me JA)处理对菜用大豆荚贮藏期间衰老与腐烂的影响。结果表明 ,采用 1和 10 μmol/L浓度的Me JA处理可以降低豆荚呼吸强度、乙烯产生和O- ·2 的生成 ,保持荚中超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)活性 ,减少荚内O- ·2 的积累 ,保持豆荚中Vc和叶绿素含量 ,并显著地提高豆荚中苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化物酶 (POD)活性和木质素的含量 ,减少腐烂的发生 ,从而延长贮藏期。但是 ,用 10 0 μmol/L的Me JA处理会促进豆荚衰老 ,增加腐烂的发生。  相似文献   

该研究以水稻品种‘宁粳6号’为材料,通过外源使用黄腐酸(FA)与生长素抑制剂共同处理水稻,探究FA对水稻根系生长的影响及其与生长素之间的关系。结果表明:(1)50~800 mg·L^(-1) FA处理水稻幼苗6 d后,当FA浓度超过100 mg·L^(-1)时显著促进水稻种子根的伸长生长;FA浓度超过400 mg·L^(-1)时,与对照组相比水稻的平均侧根长和侧根密度显著增加。(2)与对照相比,低浓度FA处理对水稻幼苗根尖生长素的含量无显著影响,但400 mg·L^(-1) FA处理后显著提高了内源生长素的含量。(3)3μmol·L^(-1)生长素合成抑制剂4-联苯硼酸(BBo)、4-苯氧基苯基硼酸(PPBo)或30μmol·L^(-1)生长素信号转导抑制剂2-(对-氯苯氧)-异丁酸(PCIB)处理均可显著抑制水稻根和侧根的发生;1μmol·L^(-1)生长素极性运输抑制剂三碘苯甲酸(TIBA)可显著抑制水稻种子根的伸长生长与侧根发生,但对侧根长度无显著作用。(4)FA与BBo或PPBo共同处理可显著抑制FA对水稻根系伸长生长与侧根发生的促进作用;TIBA和PCIB分别和FA共同处理水稻,可显著抑制FA对种子根伸长生长的促进作用,且PCIB可显著抑制FA对侧根发生的促进作用,但TIBA对此没有显著影响。研究发现,外源FA可能通过调控植物内源生长素的合成、极性运输或信号转导来调控水稻根的伸长生长和侧根的发育。  相似文献   

以‘津研四号’黄瓜为试材,分别用0、2.5、5、7.5、10、12.5、15、17.5、20 mmol·L-1浓度的对羟基苯甲酸(PHBA)溶液对黄瓜种子处理72 h,选出胁迫作用较明显的10 mmol·L-1浓度;再分别用0、1、10、25、50、75、100 μmol·L-1的褪黑素(MT)溶液对10 mmol·L-1 PHBA下的黄瓜种子预处理24 h,72 h后观察MT的缓解效果.结果表明: 缓解PHBA胁迫效果最明显的MT浓度为75 μmol·L-1.随着PHBA浓度的升高,黄瓜种子胚根伸长的抑制作用明显增加;用10、25、50、75、100 μmol·L-1的MT预处理PHBA胁迫下的黄瓜种子均能不同程度缓解PHBA胁迫对胚根的抑制作用,其中以75 μmol·L-1的MT缓解效果最好.用MT预处理黄瓜种子可显著提高PHBA胁迫下黄瓜种子中淀粉酶活性及胚根中超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性,并降低胚根中O2的产生速率及H2O2和丙二醛含量.外源MT能够通过降低氧化胁迫和促进淀粉的分解转化来降低PHBA对黄瓜发芽的影响.  相似文献   

不同耐性水稻幼苗根系对镉胁迫的形态及生理响应   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
采用水培试验,以两个耐镉性不同的水稻品种为材料,研究了不同浓度镉胁迫对水稻幼苗根系形态、根系活力、游离脯氨酸含量及抗氧化酶活性的影响。结果表明:低于5 μmol/L Cd胁迫对2个水稻品种总根长、根表面积、根体积、根干重、根系活力无明显影响,在1 μmol/L Cd时,甚至起促进作用。随Cd浓度增加表现出一定的抑制效应,秀水63在10 μmol/L Cd胁迫下根系形态、根系活力明显受到抑制,而秀水09在25 μmol/L Cd胁迫下明显受抑。随Cd胁迫浓度的增加,游离脯氨酸含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性均呈上升趋势,两品种相比,秀水09的游离脯氨酸含量、SOD和POD增幅大于秀水63,而MDA含量增幅小于秀水63;过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性变化表现为先上升后下降,10-100 μmol/L Cd胁迫下秀水63根系中CAT活性明显低于秀水09。总之,水稻对Cd毒害响应存在明显的品种差异,且Cd胁迫下根系生理响应的差异是品种间耐性差异的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

为了探讨CO2浓度升高下不同水稻品种荣优398 (RY)和粤杂889(YZ)吸收重金属Cd差异性的原因,利用水培试验研究了不同浓度Cd处理下两种水稻吸收Cd的差异及根形态的变化特征.结果表明:低Cd处理(5、10、20 μmol·L-1)显著增加水稻生物量;当Cd浓度高于50 μmol·L-1时,Cd胁迫效果开始显现,水稻生物量减少.CO2浓度升高显著增加了水稻的生物量,增加了YZ茎Cd含量而降低了RY茎Cd含量.在5~200 μmol·L-1的Cd浓度下,CO2浓度升高增加了YZ活性根在总根长中的比例,降低了RY活性根的比例.CO2浓度升高下不同水稻品种根形态的变化是导致其对Cd吸收差异性的原因之一.  相似文献   

本实验研究了ABA对花生侧根发生的影响。结果表明:用10umol·L-1 ABA浸泡处理花生种子1h或在含ABA的培养基上培养,均抑制侧根的发生,侧根发生率降低,数目减少,长度降低,发生的时间推迟1-2d;用ABA合成抑制剂25umol·L-1 NAPR浸泡后的种子,无论在1/2MS还是在含NAA培养基上培养,侧根发生率、侧根的数目和长度均增加。用NAA的极性运输抑制剂10umol·L-1 TIBA浸泡处理种子后,再在含ABA培养基上培养,侧根不发生,说明ABA抑制花生侧根的发生与种子内源ABA和IAA的水平相关。  相似文献   

将品质均一的油菜(Brassica napus L.)种子播在加入0、0.08、0.40、2.00和10.00/μmol/L等不同浓度水杨酸的MS培养基中进行培养,结果表明,在MS培养基中添加水杨酸对油菜幼苗的侧根发生及内源生长素和脱落酸的含量有明显影响,其中添加0.40 μmol/L水杨酸,油菜幼苗的侧根发生量比对照明显增多,侧根发生量比对照增加47.8%,油菜幼苗的茎叶和根部生长素含量都高于对照和其它处理,而脱落酸含量则低于对照和其它处理。由此表明,水杨酸可能通过调节内源生长素和脱落酸含量变化,进而影响油菜幼苗侧根发生。  相似文献   

生长素极性运输(PAT)在植物生长发育尤其是极性发育和模式建成中起重要作用.采用2种PAT抑制剂TIBA(2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid)和HFCA(9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylic acid)处理水稻(Oryza sativa L. cv.Zhonghua)幼苗,结果表明:PAT影响水稻根发育包括主根的伸长、侧根的起始和伸长以及不定根的发育.PAT的抑制导致主根变短、侧根和不定根数目减少.外源附加生长素(NAA)可以部分恢复不定根的形成但不能恢复侧根的形成,表明在侧根和不定根的形成上可能具有不同的机制.切片结果表明,30μmol/TIBA处理后并不完全抑制侧根原基的形成,进一步研究表明生长素由胚芽鞘向基部的运输在水稻不定根的起始和伸长中起关键作用.  相似文献   

Ca2+在茉莉酸甲酯诱导拟南芥气孔关闭中的信号转导作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以拟南芥叶片下表皮为材料 ,分别用表皮生物分析法和激光扫描共聚焦显微镜成像技术 ,研究茉莉酸甲酯 (JA Me)促进气孔关闭过程中胞质Ca2 浓度的变化及其与气孔关闭的关系。结果表明 ,10 - 7到 10 - 3mol L的JA Me处理能促进拟南芥叶片的气孔关闭 ,其中 ,10 - 5mol L是最适浓度。用 10 - 5mol L的JA Me处理5min ,胞质Ca2 浓度从静息态的 10 5nmol L增加到 332 0nmol L ;质膜Ca2 通道阻断剂LaCl3和Ca2 螯合剂EGTA均能明显地降低JA Me对气孔关闭的促进作用。由此推测 ,胞质Ca2 可能是JA Me促进气孔关闭的重要信号转导因子  相似文献   

Rotation of fluorescent probes localized within lipid bilayer membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of the steady state polarization of fluorescence from perylene and 9-vinylanthracene embedded in bilayer membranes were performed as a function of temperature. Similar measurements were made when these probes were dissolved in hydrocarbons as model solvents. The effects of cholesterol and n-alkyl alcohol additions to bilayers and head group variation were also examined. Results were expressed in terms of the average rotation rates of the probes.At 25°C, the calculated rotation rate for perylene in egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles was 275 × 106 sec?1 as compared to 2400 × 106 sec?1 for perylene in n-hexadecane. However, the activation energies for probe rotation in both environments was about 7 kcal/mole suggesting similar rotational diffusion mechanisms. Membrane microviscosity evaluations were performed according to a recently published scheme and an assessment of this method of viscosity estimation was given. The presence of an approximately equimolar amount of cholesterol impeded probe rotation (90 × 106 sec?1 at 25°C) and reduced the activation energy (4.9 kcal/mole) for probe rotation. In contrast, addition of n-alkyl alcohols to the vesicle suspension acted to increase probe rotation rates, an indication of fluidization of the membranes. This is in accord with spin label and cation permeability data for similar membranes.It was concluded that this method of probing can adequately report changes in membrane dynamic structure when these changes occur uniformly over the membrane surface. The interpretation is less clear when structural changes occur only in patches or domains of the membrane thereby producing a non-uniform surface distribution of probes.  相似文献   

The effects of different types of dietary fat on the activities of hepatic enzymes related to fatty acid synthesis {glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase ACC)}, oxidation {acyl-CoA synthetase (AST), carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT), and peroxisomal β-oxidation (P βOX)}, and lipogenesis {phosphatidate phosphohydrolase (PAP), diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT), and phosphocholine diacylglycerol transferase (PCDGT)}, and plasma and liver lipid levels were investigated in male Wistar rats. The animals were 6 weeks old and about 120 g of body weight, and were fed on test diets containing 20% of a mixture of tripalmitin, tristearin and corn oil (SFA), olive oil (OLI), sunflower oil (SUN), linseed oil (LIS), and sardine oil (SAR) for 2 weeks. The concentrations of plasma total cholesterol (T-CHOL), high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-CHOL), triacylglycerol (TG) and phospholipid (PL) were generally higher in the rats fed on SEA and OLI than in those given SUN, LIS and SAR. The rats fed on OLI had a higher level of liver T-CHOL than those fed on the other fats. The liver TG content was nearly higher from the intake of SFA and OLI than from SUN, LIS and SAR, although the liver PL level was not affected by the type of dietary fat. The SFA and OLI groups had the highest activities of hepatic G6PDH and ACC, and the SAR group, the lowest activities. The activities of AST and CPT, and peroxisomal P βOX in the liver were higher in the rats fed on the LIS and SAR diets than in those given the other diets. The hepatic PAP activity was higher from the intake of OLI and SUN, and tended to be higher from SFA than from LIS and SAR. The activity of liver DGAT was higher from SFA and inclined to be higher from OLI, SUN, and LIS than from SAR, while the PCDGT activity in the liver was not effected by the type of dietary fat. The concentrations of plasma and liver TG were generally positively correlated with the activities of liver enzymes related to the synthesis of fatty acids and lipids, and negatively with those involved in fatty acid oxidation. Based on these results, it is suggested that the levels of plasma and liver TG were controlled by different types of dietary fat through changes in the hepatic enzyme activities related to fatty acid synthesis, lipogenesis, and fatty acid oxidation.  相似文献   

Twisted ribbons made of polystyrene were used as a packing material for the cultivation of anchorage dependent cells. Normal human fibroblast cells grown on this support in a laboratory scale reactor reached densities of about 5–7×105 cells/ml. The cells adhered strongly to the carrier and no cell detachment was observed upon transfer to serum free medium. The properties of this packing material and its potential use are discussed.  相似文献   

An interchain disulfide crosslink was introduced into rabbit skeletal tropomyosin (TM) at Cys190 by two different methods under non-denaturing conditions. The effects of the crosslink on the structure of tropomyosin were investigated by fluorescence and circular dichroism methods as a function of temperature and guanidine · hydrochloride concentration. Four different preparations were studied: Nbs2-TM, red-TM crosslinked with Ellman's reagent, 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate); O2-TM, TM whose SH groups were air-oxidized; red-TM, TM reduced with dithiothreitol; IA-TM, red-TM whose SH groups were blocked with iodoacetamide. Sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis studies indicated that SS crosslinks were quantitatively introduced between the subunits of TM for Nbs2-TM and O2-TM. In the completely folded state (below 25 °C or in the absence of denaturant) and in the unfolded state (above 65 °C or greater than 4 m-guanidine · hydrochloride) all of the samples had the same Tyr fluorescence quantum yield, accessibility to acrylamide fluorescence quenching, fluorescence polarization and mean residue rotation at 222 nm. Thermal and denaturant-induced unfolding profiles at pH 7.5 were obtained for each sample with measurements of these parameters. The main transition at about 45 °C or 2 m-guanidine · hydrochloride was shifted about +7 deg. C and 0.8 m in guanidine · hydrochloride, respectively, for the crosslinked samples as compared to the uncrosslinked samples. In addition, a destabilizing pretransition was observed in the 30 to 45 °C region or the 0 to 2 m-guanidine · hydrochloride region only for the crosslinked samples when polarization or ellipticity was measured. Studies of the ability of Nbs2 to crosslink red-TM as a function of guanidine · hydrochloride concentration indicated that the chains separate at Cys190 between 0 and 2 m-guanidine · hydrochloride before they dissociate. Thus, the effect of the SS crosslink at Cys190 on the conformation of TM at physiological temperatures appears to be related to the inherent instability of the molecule in this region of the sequence.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure for the efficient extraction of prostaglandins, thromboxanes and hydroxy fatty acids from urine, plasma and tissue homogenates has been developed. Fractions containing these substances are acidified and passed through a column of octadecylsilyl silica, which retains oxygenated metabolites of arachidonic acid. Phospholipids, proteins and very polar materials either are not retained or can be eluted with dilute aqueous ethanol. Nonpolar lipids and monohydroxy fatty acids are then eluted with petroleum ether or benzene. Subsequent elution of the column with methyl formate gives a fraction containing prostaglandins and thromboxanes which is much less contaminated with extraneous material than that obtained by conventional extraction of aqueous media with organic solvents. The methyl formate can be removed rapidly under a stream of nitrogen and the components of the sample purified directly by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). An improved method for the purification of prostaglandins and TXB2 by HPLC on silica columns is reported.  相似文献   

Exact percentage points for testing independence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MATHAI  A. M.; KATIYAR  R. S. 《Biometrika》1979,66(2):353-356

Highly Sensitive Immunoassays for Three Forms of Rat Brain Enolase   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
Highly sensitive enzyme immunoassay systems for three forms (alpha alpha, alpha gamma, and gamma gamma) of rat brain enolase were prepared by use of specific antisera to two distinct subunits (alpha and gamma) of the isozymes and beta-D-galactosidase from Escherichia coli as label. Less than fmol-levels of the homologous dimer forms (alpha alpha and gamma gamma) could be determined with the corresponding antibody F(ab')2-bound solid-phase and the antibody Fab'-beta-D-galactosidase complex. The hybrid form (alpha gamma) could also be assayed specifically by use of the antibody to one subunit as solid-phase, and the antibody to another subunit as labelled complex with a minimum detectable sensitivity of 1 fmol.  相似文献   

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