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对8种耳叶苔属(Frullania)植物的孢子形态进行了电镜观察研究.其中,运用扫描电镜(SEM)观察了7种耳叶苔属植物的孢子形态及纹饰,所观察的孢子都为近球形或近多角形,无萌发孔,属于中型孢子(25~45 μm),表面纹饰为密集型疣状(颗粒状),其中4种具有明显的莲座状结构.运用透射电镜(TEM)观察了4种耳叶苔属植物的孢壁结构,结果显示,4种孢子的壁层超微结构相似:周壁为颗粒状物质,覆盖在外壁表面.外壁有多个数量不等的玫瑰状结构,周壁颗粒物质填充在内.内壁与外壁分层不明显,由外向内电子层密度逐渐增加.  相似文献   

首次报道中国角苔类植物的2科、5属和7种的孢子和假弹丝的形态。附分科和分属的检索表。从形态上观察,短角苔科植物为原始的类型。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对中国产石松科6属9种1变型植物孢子形态进行了观察.结果表明:石松科植物孢子为四面体形,辐射对称;具三裂缝,裂缝为孢子半径的1/2~3/4或几达赤道线,有些种裂缝具唇状边缘;极面观一般为圆角三角形或近圆形,赤道面观为扇形或近椭圆形;极轴长为23~50 μm,赤道轴长为24~54 μm;由外壁形成孢子表面网状、棒状、脊状、拟网状、瘤状和颗粒状纹饰的轮廓;周壁薄,通常只有1层.从孢粉学特征看,石松属和扁枝石松属孢子形态有交叉,属间特征不明显;而小石松属、卡罗利拟小石松属、垂穗石松属和藤石松属的属间孢子形态特征明显.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对中国产叉蕨科7属34种植物孢子的形态进行了观察。叉蕨科植物孢子为左右对称,极面观为椭圆形,赤道面观为半圆形、超半圆形或豆形;极轴长为18~38μm,赤道轴长为23~57μm;单裂缝,裂缝长度为孢子全长的1/2~2/3;孢子具脊状、翅状、刺状和耳状4种纹饰,孢子表面有时具细刺、颗粒或孔。通过孢粉学分析,叉蕨科依据孢子形态特征和依据孢子体形态特征的分类结果并不一致,孢粉纹饰类型呈现一定程度的属间交叉;支持将叉蕨科和鳞毛蕨科进行重新划分的MAARTEN J.M的新分类系统。  相似文献   

田琴  段涵宁  王云强  李海涛  李璐 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1661-1674
为澄清仙茅科属间界限不清的分类学问题,该文以中国仙茅科3属5种植物为研究对象,利用显微镜、扫描电镜和石蜡切片技术,观察了其叶形态、叶表皮显微特征和叶解剖特征。结果表明:(1)叶形态有小型平整叶、中型波状叶、大型折扇状叶三种。(2)叶表皮毛状体结构为单细胞单列,可分为长柔毛、糙伏毛和星状柔毛三类。(3)叶表皮细胞有六边形和五边形,气孔为平列型和椭圆形,气孔大小和气扎密度呈反比。(4)叶表皮蜡质纹饰有光滑、颗粒、屑状和壳状四类。(5)叶中脉横切面分为平整型和龙骨型,维管束有圆形和椭圆形,叶表皮厚度与表皮细胞具有正相关性。对5种植物的叶形态和叶解剖特征比较分析认为,一些特征组合有助于理解仙茅科属间的亲缘关系和物种鉴定,支持大叶仙茅属独立于仙茅属。  相似文献   

假冷蕨属孢子形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对假冷蕨属4种植物的孢子进行了详细观察,并与亲缘关系较近的冷蕨属、蹄盖蕨属植物孢子形态进行比较。结果表明,假冷蕨属孢子均为单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形,赤道面观为肾形,周壁表面具不规则脊状褶皱,连接成网状。假冷蕨属与蹄盖蕨属孢子形态特征相似,亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

广西蕨类植物孢子形态的研究Ⅱ.铁角蕨属   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邓晰朝  陆树刚  王任翔  张义正   《广西植物》2006,26(6):592-596
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对广西产9种铁角蕨属植物即拟狭翅铁角蕨、黑柄铁角蕨、剑叶铁角蕨、长生铁角蕨、岭南铁角蕨、石生铁角蕨、阴湿铁角蕨、半边铁角蕨和细裂铁角蕨植物的孢子形态进行了观察,对每个种的形态特征进行了详细描述,其中5种铁角蕨属植物孢子的表面纹饰为首次报道。结果如下:9种铁角蕨属植物孢子都为单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形或近圆形,赤道面观为肾形、椭圆形或近圆形。主要纹饰类型有翅脊状纹饰、翅状纹饰和脊状纹饰类型。讨论了各种间的差异。为铁角蕨属的分类和系统演化研究提供孢粉学的资料。  相似文献   

鳞毛蕨科的孢子形态研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对鳞毛蕨科及其相近类群的19属65种的孢子形态进行了光学显微镜观察,并对其中12属30种进行了扫描电镜观察。鳞毛蕨科的孢子左右对称,极面观为椭圆形、近球形,赤道观为肾形,极轴/赤道轴的比值为0.60~0.86;单缝孢,裂缝长度约为孢子全长的1/2~3/4,属中至大型孢子。鳞毛蕨科具有多样性的外壁纹饰:不仅包括刺状、瘤状、颗粒状、脊状、窗孔状、耳状、片状及翅状等几种基本类型,而且还存在一些中间过渡类型。根据孢子形态特征,对本科的属间关系进行了探讨。孢子形态特征的相似性支持假复叶耳蕨属、肉刺蕨属、球盖蕨科与鳞毛蕨属的近缘关系,黔蕨属与复叶耳蕨属间的近缘关系。玉龙蕨属的两个种的孢子纹饰与耳蕨属的部分种一致,支持将玉龙蕨属作为耳蕨属的异名处理。拟贯众属独特的翅状纹饰支持将其从鳞毛蕨科中分离出去。  相似文献   

为探讨生境对卷柏属(Selaginella)植物微观形态的影响,利用扫描电子显微镜对海南七仙岭采集的7种卷柏属植物的侧叶、中叶、孢子叶的叶表皮形态以及小孢子形态进行全面观察分析,并计算气孔器大小、气孔密度、孢子大小等,比较分析其微观形态的区别及微形态与生境间的关系,为卷柏属植物的分类提供依据。结果显示:(1)同种卷柏属植物的侧叶、中叶与孢子叶在叶表皮形态上具明显差异,尤其是孢子叶上的气孔与营养叶相对较小且稀疏,与孢子叶的繁殖功能相符合。(2)不同种卷柏属植物的叶表皮特征也明显不同,主要表现在叶缘刺、气孔和瘤状突起上,表明这些特征可以作为卷柏属植物种间区分的依据。(3)卷柏属植物的小孢子形态稳定,纹饰多样;部分种间的小孢子形态相似,但可通过纹饰类型、裂缝的曲直进行区分。(4)琼海卷柏的小孢子具有独特的网状纹饰,暗示其具有独特的演化途径。(5)卷柏属植物叶表皮的气孔特征、瘤状突起特征,小孢子的颜色、纹饰,与海拔、生境的湿度有一定的相关性,但其形成机理有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜详细观察鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)3属3种植物,即耳蕨属的棕鳞耳蕨(Polystichum polyblepharum)、鳞毛蕨属的黑足鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris fuscipes)和鞭叶蕨属的鞭叶蕨(Cyrtomidictyum lepidocaulon)配子体发育过程,记录配子体各发育阶段的特征。结果表明:棕鳞耳蕨、黑足鳞毛蕨和鞭叶蕨的孢子都为单裂缝,孢子萌发类型为书带蕨型,配子体发育类型为三叉蕨型,性器官为薄囊蕨型,成熟原叶体为对称的心脏形,具毛状体;3属的属间差异包括孢子颜色、孢子纹饰、萌发时间、丝状体长度、片状体形状、毛状体和假根等特征,上述特征在属间存在交叉现象,因此,孢子形态和配子体发育特征不能作为区分耳蕨属、鳞毛蕨属和鞭叶蕨属的形态依据。  相似文献   

该研究通过光学显微镜(LM)和扫描电镜(SEM)观察了曲尾藓属(Dicranum Hedw.)10种植物的蒴齿和孢子的形态特征。结果表明:(1)曲尾藓属10种植物的孢蒴均为圆柱形。(2)孢子球形、近球形、椭圆形或三角状卵形,颜色为黄色、棕色或黄褐色;近极面向内凹,纹饰为疣状、颗粒状或芽孢状。(3)曲尾藓属10种植物的蒴齿多为披针形,但也有阔披针形,颜色为杏黄色、深红色、褐黄色或红褐色;纹饰为条状或疣状,具穿孔成网状结构,一些种无穿孔成平滑结构,表面具细疣。该研究结果为曲尾藓属属下类群划分提供了分类依据,并为苔藓植物系统分类、演化研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

《Fungal Ecology》2008,1(1):19-23
Although spore dispersal is the predominant mode of spread in fungi, the functional ecology of offspring (spore) size and shape has received little attention. We investigated the relationship between spore size (volume) and shape and various life history parameters among 303 European polypore species. In an analysis of variance, basidiocarp size, nutritional mode (parasitic vs. saprotrophic) and host (conifer vs. deciduous) accounted for a significant part of the variation in spore size. Species producing large basidiocarps also produce large spores, parasites produce larger spores than saprotrophs, and species colonizing deciduous trees generally produce larger spores than those colonizing conifers. There was a correlation between spore size and shape, with larger spores being more spherical. The most important factors accounting for variation in spore shape were rot type (white rot vs. brown rot) and nutritional mode, with white rot species and parasites having more spherical spores compared to brown rotters and saprotrophs.  相似文献   

The arrangement of cortical microtubules (MTs) during spore formation in Equisetum arvense was examined by immunofluorescence microscopy. The arrangement of MTs was observed to change during sporoderm formation. During exospore formation, the cortical MTs of the tapetum appeared along the tapetal plasma membrane that enclosed each developing spore cell. After exospore formation, the arrangement of the cortical MTs changed into one of separate bands of MTs arranged spirally (spiral bands of MTs). The spiral bands of MTs were superimposed on the developing elaters. This new pattern corresponded to the pattern of cellulose microfibrils deposited in the inner layer of the elater, suggesting that these spiral bands are involved in the deposition of the cellulose microfibrils in the elater. We conclude that the spiral bands of MTs are functionally equivalent to cortical MTs in secondary wall formation.  相似文献   

The myxozoans Gadimyxa atlantica n. sp. and G. sphaerica n. sp., and G. arctica n. sp. (Myxozoa, Parvicapsulidae), are described from Gadus morhua L. and Arctogadus glacialis (Peters) (Gadidae), respectively. They develop coelozoic in bisporic plasmodia in the urinary systems. Two morphological forms of spores were found in all 3 species, i.e., wide and (sub)spherical forms. Both spore types are bilaterally symmetrical along the suture line. The wide spores, semicircular in frontal view and elliptical in apical view, have 2 spherical polar capsules, which open in the sutural or median plane mid on the flat side of the spore. Mean widths of the wide spores of G. atlantica, G. sphaerica, and G. arctica are 7.5, 10.0, and 10.0 microm, respectively. The older, more thick-walled, (sub)spherical spores with binucleate sporoplasm are 8.0, 5.3, and 7.3 microm in mean width, respectively. The mean diameters of the polar capsules of (sub)spherical spores are 2.4, 1.7, and 2.2 microm, respectively. The (sub)spherical forms of Gadimyxa are most similar to Ortholinea within the Ortholineidae, but they differ in the development of the spores and in the arrangement of the polar capsules. The polychaetes Spirorbis spp. (Spirorbidae) act as invertebrate hosts of G. atlantica. The previously described actinospores of the tetractinomyxon type develop to myxospores in Gadus morhua within 8 wk. This is the second known myxozoan 2-host life cycle in the marine environment. Phylogenetic analyses based on partial small subunit rDNA sequences places Gadimyxa spp. among Parvicapsula spp. in the Parvicapsulidae.  相似文献   

The osmium-dimethyl sulfoxide-osmium method for clear visualization of intracellular structure was used to observe the detailed inner structure of the spherical bodies produced in vitro by a human oral treponeme. Scanning electron microscopy of the cracked spherical body revealed no morphological differences between the outer and inner surfaces of the spherical body membrane, and that multiple folded or somewhat linear main bodies adhere closely to the inner surface. In addition, axial flagella partially free from the main bodies spread widely within the body to make a network, and a number of blebs ranging from approximately 1 μm to 0.2 μm in diameter were located near the terminal or subterminal areas of the main bodies. The origin of the blebs and the mechanism of spherical body formation are discussed.  相似文献   

R. Toth 《Protoplasma》1976,89(3-4):263-278
Summary The structure of unilocular sporangia inP. littoralis was investigated along with several other species of brown algae in order to study the mechanism by which propagules are released from unilocular reproductive structures. Unilocular sporangia inP. littoralis are composed of a spherical cell wall of two distinct layers and contain a number of zoospores. The mass of spores is surrounded and permeated by mucilaginous carbohydrates. It is suggested that the production of these carbohydrates generates the necessary pressure to weaken the sporangial wall. In addition, ultrastructural observations indicate that further weakening seems to occur due to digestion of the inner wall layer. Walls of sporangia were mechanically broken just prior to normal spore release in order to investigate whether internal pressure exists, and if it can effect spore discharge. Results show that an internal pressure does exist prior to normal spore discharge and that this pressure is not generated by turgor pressure of the spores themselves or by a semi-permeable wall osmoticum system. The discharge of spores seems to occur when the carbohydrate around the spores swells. The adsorption of water when plants are immersed by the incoming tide thus seems a likely mechanism of spore discharge. The similarities of unilocular reproductive structures and spore release in several brown algal species suggests common mechanisms of propagule discharge for members of thePhaeophyta.  相似文献   

23种顶蒴藓类孢子形态的观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
报道了中国23种顶蒴藓类孢子的形态特征。观察结果显示:孢子形状有两类,球形和卵球形。孢子直径可分为4组:10μm以下、11-20μm、21-30μm和31μm以上。萌发孔有3种类型:近极薄壁区、单裂缝和无萌发孔。外壁纹饰有4种:棒状、瘤状、疣状和鼓槌状。孢子颜色有6种:黄褐色、黑褐色、金黄色、草绿色和紫红色。藓类孢子体积不同物种间有差异,但球形和卵球形是基本类型。苔藓孢子的萌发孔有3种类型:三裂缝为类  相似文献   

从福建厦门市郊芒果园、南靖县鳞苞锥和广西玉林市郊巨尾按根区采集的土样中分离到一个球囊霉属的新种——长孢球囊霉。本文描述了该种的形态特征及生态环境。  相似文献   

张开梅  方炎明  万劲  陶峰 《广西植物》2011,31(3):318-322
采用混合土培养渐尖毛蕨和齿牙毛蕨的孢子,显微镜下观察记录了它们的孢子萌发及配子体发育过程.结果表明:两者的孢子均为深褐色,极面观为椭圆形,赤道面观为半圆形,单裂缝;渐尖毛蕨的孢子萌发所需时间较渐尖毛蕨短,但两者萌发类型均为书带蕨型;丝状体阶段均发达;原叶体边缘均可产生少量毛状体;成熟原叶体均呈心脏形;由原叶体发育成幼孢...  相似文献   

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