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溪流粗木质残体的生态学研究进展   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
粗木质残体(CWD)是森林或溪流生态系统中残存的超过一定直径大小的站杆、倒木、枝桠及根系等死木质物的总称,溪流CWD对于溪流生态系统的稳定,水生生物多样性,河槽形态及其变化过程有着重要的作用。对溪流CWD的产生和分类,溪流CWD对于溪流生态系统的稳定,水生生物多样性,河槽形态及其变化过程有着重要的作用。对溪流CWD的产生和分类,溪流CWD贮量,分布和动态,以及溪流CWD的功能和管理分别进行了总结,并指出应尽快在国内开展溪流CWD的研究和管理。  相似文献   

通过对我国长白山自然保护区红松针阔混交林和美国Andrews试验林异叶铁杉林的林木死亡量、粗死木质物(CWD)贮量、分解速率和它们在生态系统养分循环等方面动态研究表明,CWD是温带天然林生态系统的重要组成部分,它们在生态系统功能方面的重要性,因森林类型的不同而不尽相同,CWD在针叶林中比针阔混交林中更为重要。CWD在生态系统养分循环中的一个重要作用,很可能在于系统遭受重大外界扰动后,起到贮藏养分,增加系统稳定性的作用。未来全球森林凋落物C贮量估测时,应该包括CWD,否则将低估全球森林凋落物C贮量2.0—16×10~(13)kg,系统相对误差达2—10%。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林粗木质物残体储量及其空间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粗木质物残体(CWD)在森林生态系统的物质循环和碳动态中发挥着重要作用,但目前国内对热带地区CWD储量与其空间分布关系上的研究还处于起步阶段。对西双版纳1hm2热带季节雨林样地调查发现,≥10cm的粗木质物残体占森林总凋落物量的68.02%,其中45.72%的CWD处于腐解中后期。由于多数大径级的CWD分布于15°~25°的坡地上,且其饱和持水力随腐解等级的增加而上升,因此,CWD将有助于改善坡地生境下的水肥条件。CWD的分布受风向和本地湿热环境的影响,但掉落指向则更倾向于随机过程。CWD产生和分布上的普遍性有可能对森林生境异质性和生物多样性产生重大影响。  相似文献   

对九龙江森林公园次生常绿阔叶林粗木质残体(CWD)进行量化研究,了解亚热带典型次生林CWD的本底数据。以九龙江森林公园典型天然次生林中的6个20m×20m的标准样地为对象,调查并分析样地内不同分解等级CWD的生物量、碳储量和养分特征变化。九龙江森林公园亚热带典型次生林的CWD储量在2.8—30.4t/hm~2之间,碳储量在6.10—6.75t/hm~2之间,大量营养元素(N、P、K、 Ca、 Mg)含量相对稳定,化学计量变化不显著,微量营养元素中Pb与Cd元素含量随着分解等级的增加而增加。九龙江森林公园亚热带典型次生林的CWD储量在亚热带常绿阔叶林中处于中等水平,CWD主要以分解中后期的倒木为主,反映出该次生林处于中幼龄林阶段,具有较高的碳储量,养分含量相对稳定,并表现出Pb与Cd在CWD中积累的现象,在中度分解和重度分解的CWD中Pb含量分别增加了62.65%和69.88%,Cd含量则分别增加了33.33%和100%,其内在机理有待进一步深入研究。研究结果有助于进一步了解CWD如何参与森林生态系统养分循环、重金属积累等生态过程,比较不同林分干扰历史下CWD储量、分布及养分特征的异质性...  相似文献   

粗木质残体贮量和分解进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粗木质残体是指森林生态系统中的枯立木、根桩、倒木以及大枝,是森林生态系统的重要组分,发挥着重要的生态功能,是一个长期碳库,但在碳库研究中,经常被忽略。CWD贮量变化较大,从世界范围看,随着纬度降低,CWD体积下降;美国和我国CWD碳贮量亦呈现出随纬度的降低而降低;天然林CWD时间动态一般呈"U"型,但也存在其他模式,或者无明确的模式。CWD的分解受到温度和降水等气候因子的影响,并与木材特性密切相关。我国森林类型丰富,为CWD研究提供了良好条件。国内学者对CWD贮量和分解进行了大量研究,但与世界先进水平相比,仍处于初级阶段,需要结合野外调查、长期实验和模型模拟,明确CWD碳库当前和未来的地位。  相似文献   

粗木质物残体生态研究历史、现状和趋势   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
粗木质物残体(Coarse Woody Debris,简称CWD)是森林生态系统或溪流生态系统中残存的一定直径大小的站杆(snag)、倒木、枝桠及根系等死木质物的总称,倒木往往是  相似文献   

基于辽东山地老秃顶子古冰缘地貌森林中主要树种的粗木质残体(CWD)样本,利用自然风干、室内浸泡、X荧光光谱方法,对CWD样本的吸水速率、持水率和养分元素含量进行系统分析研究。结果显示:(1)在水分保持功能方面,CWD样本在累计8h的浸泡过程中,6个主要树种CWD可吸持相当2.533mm降雨的水量,其中前15min(0.25h)吸水量占总吸水质量的60%;各性状CWD比较显示,以海拔900m以上、阔叶树种、高中腐级、根桩和倒木的CWD持水性较强。(2)在养分元素保持功能方面,CWD边材C含量为78.96%,心材为96.05%;边材中N、Ca、Si、K、Mg、P等6种养分元素的含量分别为心材的4.93、5.88、10.79、2.72、1.25、2.38倍;不同性状CWD边材中,诸元素含量略有差别,其中C元素在针叶树、高腐级、枯立木边材中含量最高,而N元素在阔叶树、低腐级、枯立木边材中含量最高。研究表明,辽东山地古冰缘地貌森林生态系统中,CWD有重要的吸持水分功能以及营养元素的缓释和富集功能,CWD中更接近外界的边材部分较心材有更强的元素缓释和富集的功能;CWD是古冰缘地貌土壤覆盖率低、土层薄而贫瘠的森林中重要的生态组分。  相似文献   

生物多样性是生态系统的主要组成部分,绿色植物吸收太阳的光能和土壤中的水分和养分,制造有机物质,而微生物又分解有机残落物为矿质养分,供应植物生长的需要,这个过程使生物多样性得以生存和不断发展。它是人类赖以生存的物质基础,没有植物,人类就无法生存。但是,在世界已知的265000种高等植物中,只有大约 150种被作为食物的主要来源,只  相似文献   

广州三种森林粗死木质残体(CWD)的储量与分解特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张修玉  管东生  张海东 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5227-5236
粗死木质残体(Coarse Woody Debris, CWD)对森林生态系统的稳定性具有不可忽视的贡献.对广州3种森林CWD的储量与分解特征进行了调查分析,结果表明:(1)CWD储量及其与相应森林总生物量比值均表现为常绿阔叶林>针阔混交林>针叶林;枯立木与倒木为CWD的主要成分,其中,针叶CWD主要物种为马尾松(Pinus massonianai),阔叶CWD物种主要为荷木(Schima superba)与黄杞(Engelhardtia chrysolepis)等.(2)CWD径级主要集中在<10cm的范围内,存在状态主要为中级腐烂状态,干扰与竞争是3种森林CWD产生的主要因素.(3)针叶林、针阔混交林与常绿阔叶林CWD的分解常数k分别为0 0244、0.0407和0.0487,即分解速率为常绿阔叶林>混交林>针叶林;随着CWD的分解,N、P与木质素的含量逐渐升高,C、C/N与木质素/N呈降低趋势.  相似文献   

森林生态系统中的粗死木质残体(Coarse woody debris, CWD)不仅能够为其它生物提供生境,维持森林结构,而且对生物地球化学循环起着不可忽视的作用,CWD作为森林生态系统中重要的结构和功能元素,已经引起广泛关注。然而,华南地区典型亚热带森林生态系统中CWD的结构和功能方面的研究很少。该文报道了鼎湖山自然保护区内典型南亚热带森林生态系统中CWD的贮量及其特征,所选择的森林包括马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林、针阔叶混交林和季风常绿阔叶林,它们分别代表该气候区域内处于森林演替早期、中期和后期3个阶段的森林类型。其中马尾松林和针阔叶混交林都起源于20世纪30年代人工种植的马尾松纯林,由于长期受到包括收割松针、CWD和林下层植物等在内的人为活动的干扰,到2003年调查时马尾松林仍属于针叶林;而混交林样地自种植之后就未受到人为活动的干扰,自然过渡为针阔叶混交林类型。人为干扰对马尾松人工林的结构和功能产生了巨大的影响,马尾松林的生物量仅为针阔叶混交林生物量的35%。组成马尾松林、针阔叶混交林和季风常绿阔叶林CWD的树种数量分别为7、18和29;马尾松林中几乎没有CWD存在(贮量仅为0.1 Mg C·hm-2),针阔叶混交林CWD的贮量为8.7 Mg C·hm-2,季风常绿阔叶林CWD的贮量为13.2 Mg C·hm-2,分别占地上部分生物量的9.1%和11.3%;针阔叶混交林和季风常绿阔叶林中只有将近10%的CWD以枯立的方式存在。该区域内CWD的分解速率较快,在区域碳循环中将扮演重要角色,保留林地中的CWD是维持本区域森林生产力和森林可持续管理的重要举措。  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) plays an important role in long-term carbon storage in forest ecosystems. However, few studies have examined CWD in mangrove forests. A secondary mangrove forest on an estuary of the Trat River showed different structures along vegetation zones ranging from the river’s edge to inland parts of the forest (the SonneratiaAvicennia, Avicennia, Rhizophora, and Xylocarpus zones, respectively). The mass distribution of CWD stock in downed wood and standing dead trees along these vegetation zones was evaluated. Most of the CWD stock in the SonneratiaAvicennia and Avicennia zones was found in downed wood, while it mainly accumulated in standing dead trees in the Rhizophora and Xylocarpus zones. The total mass of CWD stock that accumulated in each zone ranged from 1.56–8.39 t ha?1, depending on the forest structure and inundation regimes. The annual woody debris flux in each zone was calculated by summing the necromass (excluding foliage) of dead trees and coarse litter from 2010 to 2013. The average woody debris flux was 5.4 t ha?1 year?1, and its zonal variation principally depended on the necromass production that resulted from forest succession, high tree-density, and lightning. Over all the zones, the above- and below-ground net primary production (ANPP and BNPP, respectively) was estimated at 18.0 and 3.6 t ha?1 year?1, respectively. The magnitude of BNPP and its contribution to the NPP was markedly increased when fine root production was taken into consideration. The contribution of the woody debris flux without root necromass to the ANPP ranged from 12 to 28%.  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) is generally considered as dead woody materials in various stages of decomposition,including sound and rotting logs,snags,and large branches.CWD is an important functional and structural component of forested ecosystems and plays an important role in nutrient cycling,long-term carbon storage,tree regeneration,and maintenance of heterogeneous environmental and biological diversity.However,the definition and classification of CWD have been the subject of a long debate in forest ecology.CWD has not been precisely defined.Recently,with the rapid development of landscape ecology in CWD,the USDA Forest Service and the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER)have provided a standardized definition and classification for CWD,which makes data comparison in landscape scale possible.Important characteristics of their definition include:(1) a minimum diameter (or an equivalent crosssection) of CWD≥10 cm at the widest point (the woody debris with a diameter from 1 to 10 cm should be defined as fine woody debris,and the rest is litterfall);and (2) sound and rotting logs,snags,stumps,and large branches (located above the soil),and coarse root debris (larger than 1 cm in diameter).This classification has greatly facilitated CWD studies.Therefore,it has been widely applied in some countries (particularly in North America).However,this classification has long been a source of confusion for forest ecologists in China.Furthermore,different definitions and criteria are still adopted in individual studies,which makes the interpretation and generalization of their work difficult.This article reviewed recent progress in classifying CWD,with an emphasis on introducing the classification system of the USDA Forest Service and the LTER.It is expected that this review will help facilitate the development of standardized definition and classification suitable to forest ecosystems in China.  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) is generally considered as dead woody materials in various stages of decomposition, including sound and rotting logs, snags, and large branches. CWD is an important functional and structural component of forested ecosystems and plays an important role in nutrient cycling, long-term carbon storage, tree regeneration, and maintenance of heterogeneous environmental and biological diversity. However, the definition and classification of CWD have been the subject of a long debate in forest ecology. CWD has not been precisely defined. Recently, with the rapid development of landscape ecology in CWD, the USDA Forest Service and the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) have provided a standardized definition and classification for CWD, which makes data comparison in landscape scale possible. Important characteristics of their definition include: (1) a minimum diameter (or an equivalent cross-section) of CWD ≥10 cm at the widest point (the woody debris with a diameter from 1 to 10 cm should be defined as fine woody debris, and the rest is litterfall); and (2) sound and rotting logs, snags, stumps, and large branches (located above the soil), and coarse root debris (larger than 1 cm in diameter). This classification has greatly facilitated CWD studies. Therefore, it has been widely applied in some countries (particularly in North America). However, this classification has long been a source of confusion for forest ecologists in China. Furthermore, different definitions and criteria are still adopted in individual studies, which makes the interpretation and generalization of their work difficult. This article reviewed recent progress in classifying CWD, with an emphasis on introducing the classification system of the USDA Forest Service and the LTER. It is expected that this review will help facilitate the development of standardized definition and classification suitable to forest ecosystems in China. Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(1) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

任毅华  罗大庆  周尧治  方江平  卢杰 《生态学报》2019,39(21):8048-8057
粗木质残体(Coarse woody debris,CWD)的空间格局反映了森林群落的死亡格局和干扰格局,在一定程度上体现了群落内林木的死亡过程。采用相邻网格法对色季拉山急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var.smithii)原始林1 hm2固定样地内CWD进行调查,从CWD类型、腐烂等级、径级3个方面对CWD空间分布格局进行分析。结果表明:样地内CWD总密度为582株/hm2,倒木占55.33%,是CWD的主要输入形式。CWD密度在腐烂等级上的分布可用多项式拟合(R2=0.9973),在径级上的分布可用指数衰减模型拟合(R2=0.9746),且在不同类型、腐烂等级及径级上的分布差异较大。在50 m尺度内,CWD整体表现为小尺度的集群分布和中、大尺度的随机分布。在3种CWD分类中,仅有大枯枝、Ⅰ级腐烂、径级ⅠCWD在小尺度或中尺度表现为较强的集群分布,其余则均以随机分布为主,只是在个别尺度达到或接近集群分布。不同类型CWD间整体关联不显著,只有枯立木与大枯枝在0-21 m尺度内达到显著负关联。CWD空间分布格局是急尖长苞冷杉原始林的重要结构特征,在很大程度上决定着林下植物群落及林型自然更新格局。  相似文献   

Abstract Coarse woody debris (CWD) is the standing and fallen dead wood in a forest and serves an important role in ecosystem functioning. There have been several studies that include estimates of CWD in Australian forests but little synthesis of these results. This paper presents findings from a literature review of CWD and fine litter quantities. Estimates of forest‐floor CWD, snags and litter from the literature are presented for woodland, rainforest, open forest and tall open forest, pine plantation and native hardwood plantation. Mean mass of forest floor CWD in Australian native forests ranged from 19 t ha?1 in woodland to 134 t ha?1 in tall open forest. These values were generally within the range of those observed for similar ecosystems in other parts of the world. Quantities in tall open forests were found to be considerably higher than those observed for hardwood forests in North America, and more similar to the amounts reported for coniferous forests with large sized trees on the west coast of the USA and Canada. Mean proportion of total above‐ground biomass as forest floor CWD was approximately 18% in open forests, 16% in tall open forests, 13% in rainforests, and 4% in eucalypt plantations. CWD can be high in exotic pine plantations when there are considerable quantities of residue from previous native forest stands. Mean snag biomass in Australian forests was generally lower than the US mean for snags in conifer forests and higher than hardwood forest. These results are of value for studies of carbon and nutrient stocks and dynamics, habitat values and fire hazards.  相似文献   

1 Saproxylic insects, a functional group dominated by beetles, are dependent on dead or moribund trees as habitat elements. 2 Although there are few studies of saproxylic insects from the North American boreal zone, European studies demonstrate that forest harvest can lead to a biologically significant decrease in saproxylic beetle diversity. 3 We studied saproxylic beetles in the North American boreal mixedwood forest using flight intercept traps established on naturally dead and girdled trembling aspen and spruce trees along a successional gradient of undisturbed stands from deciduous to coniferous overstory trees. 4 Composition and diversity of beetle assemblages differed among forest successional types. 5 Snag age class was an important determinant of composition for saproxylic beetle assemblages. 6 Multivariate regression analysis of these data indicated that saproxylic beetles are responding to changes in coarse woody debris, and not to the relative densities of canopy tree species, although these variables are strongly correlated. 7 Coarse woody debris management should be a primary concern in forest management plans seeking to conserve saproxylic organisms and the critical ecosystem functions (i.e. nutrient cycling) in which they participate.  相似文献   

 本文对武夷山甜槠林76龄成熟林内粗死木质残体的贮量、增枯量和分解量等进行了研究,对不同林龄甜槠林粗死木质残体的贮量动态进行了对比分析,并初步评述了它们在森林生态系统养分循环中的作用。研究结果表明:(1)甜槠林成林粗死木质残体贮量为7.349t·hm-2,增枯量为1.425t·hm-2·a-1,分解量为0.512t·hm-2·a-1;(2)随着林龄增长,不同林龄甜槠林的粗死木质残体贮量呈“S”型动态模式,至58龄阶段达到最大值,其后渐趋稳定;(3)粗死木质残体是甜槠林生态系统中较为重要的组成部分,其各养分元素贮量占该系统生物量分室总贮量的0.09%~1.91%,由增枯量实现的各养分元素归还量占养分元素归还总量的l.94%~4.48%。  相似文献   

In most temperate forest ecosystems, tree mortality over time generates downed logs that accumulate as coarse woody debris (CWD) on the forest floor. These downed logs and trunks have important recognized ecosystem functions including habitat for different organisms and long-term organic C storage. Due to its recalcitrant chemical composition and slow decomposition, CWD can also have direct effects on ecosystem carbon and nutrient turnover. CWD could also cause changes indirectly through the physical and chemical alterations that it generates, although it is not well-understood how important these indirect effects could be for ecosystem processes and soil biogeochemistry. We hypothesized that in an old-growth mature forest, CWD affects carbon and nutrient cycles through its “proximity effects”, meaning that the forest floor near CWD would have altered soil biotic activity due to the environmental and biogeochemical effects of the presence of CWD. We conducted our study in an old-growth southern beech temperate forest in Patagonia, Argentina, where we estimated and classified the distribution and mass, nutrient pools and decay stage of CWD on the forest floor, and evaluated its impact on litter decomposition, soil mites and soil enzymatic activity of carbon and phosphorus-degrading enzymes. We demonstrate here that CWD in this ecosystem represents an important organic carbon reservoir (85 Mg ha?1) and nitrogen pool (0.42 Mg ha?1), similar in magnitude to other old-growth forests of the Northern Hemisphere. In addition, we found significant proximity effects of CWD, with increased C-degrading soil enzyme activity, decreased mite abundance, and more rapid litter decomposition beneath highly decayed CWD. Considered at the ecosystem scale in this forest, the removal of CWD could cause a decrease of 6% in soil enzyme activity, particularly in the summer dry season, and nearly 15% in annual litter decomposition. We conclude that beyond the established importance of CWD as a long-term carbon reservoir and habitat, CWD contributes functionally to the forest floor by influencing the spatial heterogeneity of microbial activity and carbon and nutrient turnover. These proximity effects demonstrate the importance of maintenance of this ecosystem component and should be taken into consideration for management decisions pertaining to carbon sequestration and functional diversity in natural forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

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