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涝渍胁迫下5种菊花近缘种属植物生理特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尹冬梅  陈发棣  陈素梅 《生态学报》2009,29(4):2143-2148
采用土培模拟涝害的方法,对5种菊花近缘种属植物的根系活力、叶绿素含量和光合生理特性以及涝渍胁迫后的形态表现进行研究和观察,比较了其耐涝能力.结果表明:涝渍胁迫下,5种菊花近缘种属植物根系活力急剧下降,但紫花野菊在胁迫初期表现出强的根系活力;5种植物叶绿素含量总体呈现先升后降的趋势;涝渍胁迫15d时纪伊潮菊、泡黄金菊的光合强度明显降低,CO2同化作用下降,并出现负值,叶片已丧失光合作用能力,其次是大岛野路菊和那贺川野菊,而紫花野菊维持了一定水平的净光合速率.结合叶片外观形态观察发现,紫花野菊最为耐涝,泡黄金菊最不耐涝,而大岛野路菊、纪伊潮菊和那贺川野菊的耐涝性介于两者之间.  相似文献   

鉴定北艾(Artemisia vulgaris L.)和辽东蒿(Artemisia verbenacea (Komar.) Kitagawa)对蚜虫的趋避和毒杀效果,并对其挥发物成分进行分析,旨在挖掘菊花近缘种属抗蚜性种质。本研究通过Y型嗅觉仪行为趋向测试和室内蚜虫接种鉴定试验检测北艾、辽东蒿对菊姬长管蚜的抗性,并利用有机提取和GC-MS对其挥发物成分进行鉴定分析。结果表明:北艾和辽东蒿的挥发物对菊姬长管蚜表现出强烈的驱避性;室内蚜虫接种鉴定试验表明北艾和辽东蒿对菊姬长管蚜的繁殖均具有明显的抑制作用; GC-MS分析发现,不同植物部位挥发物成分差异明显,叶中的特有成分明显多于茎和根,大多数共有成分在叶片中的含量较高;北艾和辽东蒿的叶和茎中存在桉树脑、叶绿醇、β-可巴烯、香豆素等抗虫成分,根中的主要成分是(Z)-3,7-二甲基-2,6-亚辛基-1-醇丙酸酯;北艾、辽东蒿对蚜虫具有明显的趋避和毒杀效果,且其叶和茎中含有大量抗虫挥发物成分,为抗蚜性种质。  相似文献   

管志勇  陈发棣  陈素梅  唐娟  杨帆 《生态学报》2010,30(12):3198-3205
采用营养液水培,研究了不同浓度NaCl处理下耐盐性不同的2个菊属物种幼苗的生长变化及体内K+、Na+、Cl-在器官间的区域化分布和吸收、运输特性,以揭示其耐盐差异机制。结果表明,NaCl胁迫下,2个物种的新生叶面积比率减小,受害叶面积比率增加,叶电解质外渗率增加;大岛野路菊受胁迫影响较轻。2个物种体内Na+和Cl-含量随NaCl浓度的升高而增大,且地上部的Na+、Cl-积累量大于根系,成熟叶是2个物种Na+、Cl-积累的主要器官。新生叶、茎的K+含量也随NaCl浓度的升高而增加。与耐盐性强的大岛野路菊相比,NaCl胁迫下萨摩野菊各器官积累的Na+和Cl-量均显著高于前者,其生长对其体内含有的Na+和Cl-比大岛野路菊更为敏感。除高盐胁迫下的根以外,大岛野路菊各器官的K+/Na+均显著高于萨摩野菊。大岛野路菊根向茎运输的SK,Na值远高于萨摩野菊,茎向中位成熟叶运输的SK,Na值较低,高盐胁迫时茎向上位新生叶运输的SK,Na值较高。说明NaCl胁迫下大岛野路菊对Cl-、Na+的累积能力弱、维持K+、Na+平衡的能力强,且根系对Na+的截留能力强,茎向上位新生叶运输Na+的选择性较低,是其耐盐性强的主要原因,而茎向中位成熟叶运输Na+的选择性较高是其对盐胁迫的适应。多元回归分析结果还表明,Cl-对萨摩野菊的影响强于Na+。  相似文献   

黄花蒿是一种治疗痢疾的特效中药,植物体中含有丰富的精油,但其应用和生产中常有种类混杂现象,严重影响了黄花蒿为原料的药材质量。为实现黄花蒿药材快速鉴定与评价,该研究利用FTIR技术和GCMS分别对黄花蒿及其近缘种叶片原药材及挥发油成分进行了检测和鉴定。结果表明:挥发油以黄花蒿含量最高(1.86%),其次是南牡蒿、茵陈蒿、青蒿、牡蒿和艾蒿。FTIR分析结果表明,黄花蒿及其近缘种一维图谱相似,酰胺类、芳香类以及萜类化合物种类较多且含量丰富;二阶导数图谱中,黄花蒿青蒿素成分振动吸收明显增强,可以明显将黄花蒿与其混淆中区分开。GC-MS分析显示,黄花蒿与其近缘种的挥发油成分中共检测出17个共有峰,28种化学成分,均含有较高樟脑、á-杜松烯、Crocetane、植烷、2,4-二叔丁基苯酚,但不同种间成分含量差异很大,植烷在黄花蒿中含量明显高于其它近缘种,龙脑成分只能在黄花蒿叶片中检测出,然而á-雪松烯在青蒿、南牡蒿、茵陈蒿均较高,而在黄花蒿,艾蒿,牡蒿中含量均较低。最后通过聚类分析探讨了黄花蒿与其近缘种挥发油成分差异性,6种材料明显聚为2类。其中,黄花蒿与牡蒿、艾蒿聚为一类,青蒿与茵陈蒿和南牡蒿聚为一类。该研究结果为黄花蒿药材的真伪鉴别及其药材质量评价提供了快速而有效的分析手段。  相似文献   

玉米种质资源抗矮花叶病鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用苗期人工接毒和全生育期田间蚜虫传毒自然感染相结合的方法,于2002-2005年对893份玉米种质资源进行了由甘蔗花叶病毒(SCMV)引起的矮花叶病田间抗性鉴定。结果表明,表现抗病类型(高抗~中抗)材料有66份,占鉴定材料总数的7.4%。其中,表现高抗矮花叶病的有10份材料,表现抗病的有10份材料,表现中抗的有46份材料。鉴定材料表现为4种反应类型:①兼抗病毒汁液摩擦接种和蚜虫传毒类型,其中抗性突出的有赤L031、哲4678、宁74、赤L022、哲357和2019等6份自交系和农家种白苞谷;②抗病毒汁液摩擦接种但不抗蚜虫传毒类型;③抗蚜虫传毒但不抗病毒汁液摩擦接种类型;④不抗病毒汁液摩擦接种和蚜虫传毒类型。  相似文献   

蚜虫性外激素假荆芥内酯(Z,E-Nepetalactone,NEP)能够吸引多种捕食性和寄生性天敌昆虫,它专一性强,生物活性突出,对非靶标生物安全。异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)作为一种重要的捕食性天敌,被广泛应用于农业生产中。为明确异色瓢虫对蚜虫性外激素的行为反应,本研究在室内用"Y"型嗅觉仪测定了异色瓢虫成虫对不同剂量NEP的嗅觉行为反应;并在田间,每7 d释放100μL浓度为1 mg/m L的NEP,测定了NEP对异色瓢虫种群数量变动的影响。室内嗅觉测定试验结果表明异色瓢虫雌虫对10μL剂量NEP有显著的选择性,而雄虫对1μL剂量NEP有显著的选择性;田间试验发现,释放NEP的处理区异色瓢虫数量显著高于对照区。本研究为蚜虫性外激素在害虫绿色防控中的应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

王秀梅  陈鹏  张锡珍  阮长春 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3629-3634
为正确评估广谱杀虫剂烯啶虫胺对天敌昆虫异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)的影响,采取滤纸接触法测定了烯啶虫胺(防治蚜虫田间推荐用量)对异色瓢虫影响,并使用生命表研究了烯啶虫胺对异色瓢虫实验种群的影响,为协调害虫的化学防治与生物防治提供参考。结果表明:该剂量烯啶虫胺对异色瓢虫当代(F0)取食具有显著影响,药剂处理后7d内,成虫取食量显著降低;对F0代成虫寿命及雌虫繁殖能力未见负面影响;烯啶虫胺处理对异色瓢虫初产卵、F1代幼虫及蛹的历期没有显著影响;卵孵化率明显小于对照组,幼虫存活率及蛹羽化率没有显著影响。F0代种群净增值力、周限增长率、内禀增长率与对照相比差异不显著,分别为812.66粒(对照899.73粒)、1.084(对照1.093)、0.081(对照0.089),药剂处理种群加倍时间为8.557d,与对照7.888d相比没有显著延长。这些结果说明,大田中使用烯啶虫胺防治蚜虫时理论上对异色瓢虫种群繁殖及发育没有显著影响,但施药初期会影响异色瓢虫的取食量。  相似文献   

不同菊花品种抗蚜虫性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为发掘抗蚜虫种质,对32份切花菊进行了人工蚜虫接种,统计了蚜虫接种后不同品种上虫口数量和蚜量比值。结果表明:不同品种对蚜虫的抗性表现出明显差异,蚜虫接种21d时各品种上虫口数量差异甚大,为0~267头不等;根据蚜量比值可将菊花抗蚜虫性分为5级,分别为:高抗,0~0.25;中抗,0.26~0.50;抗,0.51~0.75;低抗,0.76~1.25;不抗,1.25。32份切花菊中,有14个菊花品种为不抗品种;4个品种为低抗品种;3个品种为抗虫品种;1个品种为中抗品种;10个品种为高抗品种。  相似文献   

湖南宁乡烟区烟蚜的抗性监测及其相关酶的活性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确湖南宁乡烟区烟蚜对杀虫剂的抗性现状,测定烟蚜田间种群对吡虫啉、啶虫脒、氯氟氰菊酯、辛硫磷及灭多威5种杀虫剂的敏感性。结果表明,烟蚜田间种群对烟碱类的啶虫脒和吡虫啉表现出中等抗性,与敏感品系相比,抗性倍数分别为25. 20和21. 03;对菊酯类的氯氟氰菊酯表现为低抗水平,抗性倍数为5. 19;对辛硫磷和灭多威均表现为敏感性降低,抗性倍数分别为2. 38和2. 86。本研究又测定了烟蚜田间与室内敏感种群相关酶活力的变化,结果表明,田间种群体内解毒酶、保护酶与消化酶活力均显著高于室内敏感种群。试验结果可为延缓田间烟蚜抗性及烟蚜的综合治理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

采用田间成株期自然感蚜法和室内苗期接虫法,鉴定12个小麦品种(系)对5个不同地区荻草谷网蚜Sitobion miscanthi(Takahashi)种群的抗性。结果表明,小麦品种(系)室内苗期的抗性表现与田间成株期基本一致;Amigo、KOK、北京837、铭贤169和红芒红对5个地理种群荻草谷网蚜的抗性表现相同,丰产3、中4无芒、JP①、晋麦31、L1、885479-2和小白冬麦对5个地理种群荻草谷网蚜种群的抗性表现则存在差异。研究表明我国荻草谷网蚜对抗蚜作物品种具有致害性分化。  相似文献   

部分菊属植物及其种间杂种减数分裂异常现象观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同倍数性菊属植物及其部分种间杂种的减数分裂异常现象进行观察统计,并分析其形成机制以及在菊属系统演化中的作用。结果表明,菊属减数分裂异常现象包括分裂不同步、二价体提前解离、二价体互锁、染色体桥、落后染色体等。减数分裂不同步现象普遍存在于菊属植物减数分裂过程。二倍体的菊花脑、甘菊、异色菊的部分二价体在终变期提前解离为单价体。菊花脑及其部分杂种中观察到了互锁二价体。四倍体菊花脑、南京野菊、‘黄英’、‘滁菊’在AI和AII都出现了染色体桥,毛华菊有1.5%的PMC在AI出现染色体桥。四倍体菊花脑AI、AII期出现落后染色体的频率分别为10.6%和7.3%;毛华菊AI期出现落后染色体的频率为4.4%;栽培菊‘黄英’和‘滁菊’在AI、AII期出现落后染色体的频率高于毛华菊。杂种出现染色体桥及落后染色体的频率普遍高于亲本。倒位以及由其引起的各种染色体结构变异可能在菊属系统演化过程中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

An assessment was made of the antibiotic and antixenotic resistance of three cultivars of autumn flowering chrysanthemum (derived fromDendranthema morifolium (Ramat) Tzvelev andD. indicum (L.) Desmoulins) to the aphidAphis gossypii Glover. Antibiosis was also assessed at the top, middle and lower leaves of the plant. The three cultivars showed a range of resistance with Hero being the most susceptible, Surfine the most resistant and Purple Anne intermediate. There was a trend for antibiosis to improve with position down the plant, however there were cultivar by position interactions. Antixenosis was assessed at two levels, the first being under conditions where the aphid had complete access to the plant in caged choice assays and the second being under conditions where the aphid only had host odour to assess under olfactometer choice conditions. Preferences under the caged choice conditions found Hero to be the most preferred cultivar while there was no preference shown between Purple Anne and Surfine. However, olfactometer assessments showed Hero to be the least preferred of the three cultivars and, again, no preferences could be found between Purple Anne and Surfine.  相似文献   

3个新引进小麦品种对麦长管蚜抗性的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以小偃-22和Amigo(美国)为对照对麦长管蚜在3个新引进小麦品种Astron、Batis和Xanthos(德国)上的抗蚜性进行了测定。在室内控制条件下,麦长管蚜在5个品种上的发育历期(DD)、体重差(dW)、相对日均体重增长率(MRGR)和生殖力(F)的测定结果表明,Astron、Xanthos与Amigo、小偃-22的抗性水平相当,均优于Batis;在大田自然条件下,通过对不同品种在不同生育期的感蚜指数以及感蚜量动态曲线的监测分析表明,Astron、Xanthos在我国的抗蚜水平与抗性品种Amigo的抗蚜性水平相当,优于Batis和小偃-22。可初步说明Astron、Xanthos在我国也具有较好的抗蚜性,可作为我国抗蚜育种材料。  相似文献   

菊花近缘种属植物耐盐筛选浓度的确定及耐盐性比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以纪伊潮菊(Ajania shiwogikuvar.kinokuniense)、牡蒿(Artemisia japonica)、黄金艾(Artemisia vulgaris)、乙立寒菊(Dendranthema indicumvar.maruyamanum)为试材,研究在Hogland营养液水培条件下,添加NaCl后使之浓度分别为0、75、100、150、250、400mmol.L-1,观察不同水平NaCl胁迫对植株外观形态的影响,以确定菊花近缘种属植物耐盐性筛选的适宜浓度,结果表明:4种植物在100、150mmol.L-1NaCl的盐胁迫下筛选效果良好,此浓度下物种间出现症状差异明显的时间分别是10d以上和6d以上;在120mmol.L-1NaCl胁迫下,根据外观形态结合盐胁迫对植株根系活力、丙二醛和叶绿素含量的影响,对4种植物耐盐性强弱进行比较,利用隶属函数法得出4种植物耐盐性自弱到强的顺序为:乙立寒菊<纪伊潮菊<黄金艾<牡蒿,与利用50%叶面积受害为筛选依据得出的结论一致。  相似文献   

春黄菊族6属植物种子的微形态特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对春黄菊族6属10种的种子微形态特征进行了比较观察。结果表明:10种种子在种子形态、表面纹饰、脐处的喙状突起、种子端的衣领状环等方面都表现出丰富的多样性,例如茼蒿的穴状和芫荽菊的细胞状纹饰等,具有明显的属级水平上的分类特征;在系和种级水平上,微形态特征虽有相似性,但仍具有一定的分类学价值,如龙蒿系圆头蒿的沟壑状纹饰和猪毛蒿系猪毛蒿的搓板状纹饰等。说明春黄菊族植物丰富的种子微形态特征在其系统分类中具有重要的参考价值;本研究结果支持栉叶蒿属、紊蒿属、茼蒿属独立成属的观点。  相似文献   

Russian wheat aphid,Diuraphis noxia(Mordvilko), as a pest of small grains, has prompted research into biological control and host plant resistance. In the presence of Russian wheat aphid, leaves of a susceptible barley (Morex) are curled and chlorotic and sustain large densities of this aphid, while leaves of a resistant barley (STARS-9301B) remain flat and green and sustain fewer aphids. Might parasitism of Russian wheat aphid byAphelinus albipodusHayat & Fatima andDiaeretiella rapaeMcIntosh be affected differently by these plant types? When presented the plants separately and based on parasitism rate relative to aphid density, the largerD. rapaewas more effective in parasitizing relatively high densities of aphids within curled leaves of Morex than relatively low densities of aphids on uncurled leaves of STARS-9301B. Parasitism byA. albipodusdid not significantly differ among the plants. When given a choice of plants, approximately equal rates of parasitism occurred on the two plant lines for both parasitoid species, and parasitism byD. rapaewas greater thanA. albipodus.These data indicate that using parasitoid size as an indicator of success in a physically restricted environment may be misleading, when considered in a plant environment responsive in several manners to aphids (chlorosis, curling, and ability to sustain Russian wheat aphid). We expect that use of resistant barley will result in decreased parasitoid abundance as aphid densities decrease. However, parasitism rates are expected to be approximately equal on resistant and susceptible barley. In this system, plant resistance and biocontrol are compatible management strategies.  相似文献   

Activities of the detoxification enzymes esterase, glutathione S‐transferase, and of superoxide dismutase in aphids and aphid‐infested cereal leaves were assayed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and a spectrophotometer to elucidate the enzymatic mechanisms of aphid resistance in cereal plants. A chlorosis‐eliciting Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), and non‐chlorosis‐eliciting bird cherry‐oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), and four cereals were used in this study. The four cereal genotypes were ‘Arapahoe’ (susceptible) and ‘Halt’ (resistant) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), ‘Morex’ (susceptible) barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), and ‘Border’ (resistant) oat (Avena sativa L.). Esterase isozymes differed between the two aphid species, although glutathione S‐transferase and superoxide dismutase did not. Esterase, glutathione S‐transferase, and superoxide dismutase activities in either aphid species were not affected by the level of resistance of a cereal to D. noxia. The assays of cereal leaf samples showed that D. noxia feeding elicited an increase in esterase activity in all four cereal genotypes, although R. padi feeding did not. The increase of esterase activity in cereals, however, was not correlated to aphid resistance in the cereals. The time‐series assays of aphid‐infested cereal leaves showed that D. noxia‐infested Morex barley had a significant increase in esterase activity on all sampling dates (3, 6, and 9 days) in comparison with either uninfested or R. padi‐infested barley. No difference in glutathione S‐transferase activity was detected among either aphid infestations or sampling dates. The electrophoretic assays, however, revealed that aphid feeding elicited a significant increase in superoxide dismutase activity, which served as the control of glutathione S‐transferase activity assays. The increase in esterase and superoxide dismutase activities suggested that D. noxia feeding imposes not only toxic, but also oxidative stresses on the cereals. The ramification of using these enzyme activity data to understand the etiology of D. noxia‐elicited chlorosis is discussed.  相似文献   

Forty-one accessions of wild and cultivated wheats belonging to 19 Triticum species were tested in the field for resistance to three species of aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus, Sitobion avenae Fabricius and Schizaphis graminum Rondani. Antibiotic resistance was estimated by the increase in biomass of aphids over 21 days on adult plants. Overall resistance was estimated by the plant biomass lost due to aphid infestation. All three species of aphids survived and reproduced on all wheats, and reduced spike biomass compared to uninfested controls. The level of antibiosis varied among wheat species and among accessions, with accessions from three, five and one species showing antibiosis to R. padi, S. avenae and S. graminum, respectively. Overall resistance to the three aphid species was observed in five to seven accessions per aphid species. Resistance was usually specific to one aphid species. The frequency of accessions with antibiosis or overall resistance was associated with the ploidy level of the plant species. Except for overall resistance to R. padi, resistance was highest for diploid species and lowest for hexaploid species. No consistent relationship between resistance and level of domestication was detected. Accessions of the wild wheats, Triticum boeoticum Bois, Triticum tauschii (Coss.) Schmal. and Triticum araraticum Jakubz. exhibited high levels of resistance to aphids, as did Triticum monococcum L. which is derived from T. boeoticum. Nevertheless, individual susceptible or resistant accessions occurred at all levels within the evolutionary tree of wheat.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum is one of the most important ornamental flowers in the world, and temperature has a significant influence on its field production. In the present study, differentially expressed proteins were investigated in the leaves of Dendranthema grandiflorum ‘Jinba’ under high temperature stress using label-free quantitative proteomics techniques. The expressed proteins were comparatively identified and analyzed. A total of 1,463 heat-related, differentially expressed proteins were successfully identified by Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), and 1,463 heat-related, differentially expressed proteins were successfully identified by mass spectrometry after a high temperature treatment. Among these, 701 proteins were upregulated and 762 proteins were downregulated. The in-depth bioinformatics analysis of these differentially expressed proteins revealed that these were involved in energy metabolism pathways, protein metabolism, and heat shock. In the present study, the investigators determined the changes in the levels of some proteins, and their expression at the protein and molecular levels in chrysanthemum to help reveal the mechanism of heat resistance in chrysanthemum. Furthermore, the present study elucidated some of the proteins correlated to heat resistance in chrysanthemum, and their expression changes at the protein and molecular levels to help reveal the mechanism of heat resistance in this flower species. These results provide a theoretical basis for the selection of new heat resistant varieties of chrysanthemum in the field.  相似文献   

We showed the effect of aphid infesting on the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by the infested Artemisia annua and Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivar ‘Nan nong hong feng’ plants by using headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) method combined with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS). In olfactometer bioassay experiment, aphids showed a preference for the odour of both healthy and infested chrysanthemum, while we found an opposite result in A. annua. Aphids tend to healthy plants compared with the infested, and the phenomenon became obvious with time. Different extracts were tested with the healthy plants and aphid infested plants. Eucalyptol, β-caryophyllene, (E)-β-farnesene, and germacrene D were released as the major constituents in both species. After aphid infesting, we observed a great increase in artemisia ketone and (E)-β-farnesene and a decrease in germacrene D in A. annua; comparatively, eucalyptol, isoborneol and β-caryophyllene increased in chrysanthemum. Combined with the GC–MS data and olfactometer bioassay results we concluded that (E)-β-farnesene and artemisia ketone emitted from A. annua might act as a potential volatile compound to resist aphids, and the two compounds would be useful for future ecological control of aphid in chrysanthemum cultivation.  相似文献   

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