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共培养对小鼠囊胚质量及其表观遗传修饰的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究探讨了共培养对小鼠囊胚质量及其表观遗传修饰的影响。将小鼠的受精卵体外随机分别置于含颗粒细胞(试验组I)、输卵管上皮细胞(试验组Ⅱ)、输卵管组织块(试验组Ⅲ)的KSOM培养液中作为试验组进行共培养,同时设立对照组A(体外培养,仅含KSOM)和对照组B(体内培养)。比较各组受精卵的卵裂率和囊胚发育率;并应用碘化丙啶和Hoechest333258对囊胚进行染色,利用ICM/TE值评价各组胚胎体外发育的质量;同时将囊胚进行免疫荧光染色,观察其基因组甲基化和组蛋白乙酰化的水平。结果表明,与对照组A相比,试验组的卵裂率和囊胚发育率均有显著提高(P<0.05);同时其囊胚细胞数目及内细胞团细胞数与滋养层细胞数比值(ICM/TE)值均显著高于对照组A(P<0.05);各试验组囊胚基因组甲基化水平与对照组A差异不显著(P>0.05),但各体外培养组均与对照组B差异显著(P<0.05);试验组组蛋白乙酰化水平与对照组A、B差异均不显著(P>0.05)。共培养能够有效促进小鼠胚胎的体外发育,提高囊胚的发育质量,但是仍不能克服由体外培养造成的基因组甲基化异常。  相似文献   

为探讨小鼠植入前胚胎组蛋白乙酰化酶GCN5(general control of nucleotide synthesis,GCN5) 和组蛋白去乙酰化酶1(histone deacetyluse1,HDAC1)的表达模式及常规体外培养对它们表达的影响,应用荧光免疫细胞化学技术,检测了体内和体外培养的小鼠2、4、8细胞期卵裂胚胎、桑葚胚和囊胚GCN5和HDAC1的表达。结果显示,GCN5在体内组各细胞期卵裂胚胎和桑葚胚的细胞浆内均呈高表达,细胞核内未见明显表达,而囊胚细胞的细胞浆和细胞核内均无表达:HDAC1在体内组小鼠2细胞期胚胎中以细胞浆内表达为主,在其他各期胚胎均以细胞核内表达为主.囊胚期内细胞团部分细胞的细胞核内未见HDAC1表达。GCN5在体外组小鼠植入前各期胚胎均不表达,而 HDAC1的表达强度明显低于体内组的。提示体外培养抑制小鼠植入前胚胎GCN5和明显降低 HDAC1的表达,影响胚胎基因的正确性表达。  相似文献   

为探讨小鼠植入前胚胎组蛋白乙酰化酶GCN5(general control of nucleotide synthesis,GCN5)和组蛋白去乙酰化酶1(histone deacetylasel,HDAC1)的表达模式及常规体外培养对它们表达的影响,应用荧光免疫细胞化学技术,检测了体内和体外培养的小鼠2、4、8细胞期卵裂胚胎、桑葚胚和囊胚GCN5和HDAC1的表达。结果显示,GCN5在体内组各细胞期卵裂胚胎和桑葚胚的细胞浆内均呈高表达,细胞核内未见明显表达,而囊胚细胞的细胞浆和细胞核内均无表达:HDACl在体内组小鼠2细胞期胚胎中以细胞浆内表达为主,在其他各期胚胎均以细胞核内表达为主。囊胚期内细胞团部分细胞的细胞核内未见HDAC1表达。GCN5在体外组小鼠植入前各期胚胎均不表达。而HDAC1的表达强度明显低于体内组的。提示体外培养抑制小鼠植入前胚胎GCN5和明显降低HDAC1的表达,影响胚胎基因的正确性表达。  相似文献   

为考察体外受精、操作及培养环境对体外受精的小鼠植入前胚胎全基因组DNA甲基化模式的影响,本研究以体内受精的植入前胚胎作为对照,采用间接免疫荧光法检测小鼠体内外受精植入前胚胎基因组DNA甲基化模式.实验结果表明,体外受精各期植入前胚胎呈现出与之相应时期的体内受精植入前胚胎不同的DNA甲基化模式和水平,原核期甲基化水平较高,2-4-、8-细胞期明显降低,而桑葚胚和囊胚期又略有升高.各期体外受精植入前胚胎的基因组DNA甲基化水平都比同时期体内受精胚胎的甲基化水平低.本实验结果部分显示了体外受精、操作及培养环境可能对正常的DNA甲基化模式产生影响,造成体外受精植入前胚胎甲基化模式异常.  相似文献   

利用抗5-甲基胞嘧啶(5MeC)抗体免疫荧光法检测了体外成熟(IVM)、体外受精(IVF)和体外培养(IVC)的牛合子及早期胚胎的基因组甲基化模式. 实验结果表明: 有61.5%的合子发生了雄原核去甲基化, 而34.6%的合子没有发生去甲基化; 当胚胎发育到8-细胞时, 甲基化水平明显下降, 且一直到桑椹胚期仍维持低甲基化状态, 但同一枚胚胎的不同卵裂球之间甲基化水平不同; 在囊胚期, 内细胞团细胞的甲基化水平很低, 而滋养层细胞的甲基化水平却很高. 本研究结果至少部分地提示, IVM/IVF/IVC可能对牛合子及早期胚胎的甲基化模式有一定影响.  相似文献   

多倍体发育现象在低等动物,尤其是在无脊椎动物中比较普遍,在哺乳动物中多倍体往往发育到胚胎早期就死亡,因而在自然界中不能存活。探讨哺乳类四倍体不能存活的原因是当今生物学研究的热点问题之一。目前,电融合技术是大量获得四倍体胚胎的主要手段。本以8-12周龄昆明小白鼠为实验对象,取其2-细胞胚胎于Whitten氏液中进行电融合,再移入CZB液中培养。电刺激的条件分别为:1.0kv/cm,40μs,和0.8kv/cm,80μs。对融合胚发育的状态、细胞数目及染色体组成等进行观察的结果表明,融合胚培养24小时后发育到4-细胞期,并发生致密化(Tab.1)。融合胚的囊胚形成时间与体内发育的同期胚胎及体外培养的同期二倍体胚胎基本一致(Tab,2;Fig.1)。融合囊胚的细胞数平均为13.0±4.95,显(P<0.01)少于体外发育囊胚(37.0±5.92)和体内发育囊胚(41.6±2.4)的细胞数(Tab.3)。融合胚各个分裂相的染色体数目分布情况见Fig.2,其四倍体(4n=80)率为42.86%,非整倍体率达57.14%。而对照组的体内发育囊胚的非整倍体率仅为11.54%;(Tab.4),与Kaufman的结果(12.4%)很接近,说明本实验中的染色体制备技术和分析方法是可行的。融合囊胚的细胞数目减少和高发的非整倍体率可能是四倍体胚胎发育能力差的原因。  相似文献   

胚胎密闭培养是空间胚胎发育研究的基本条件.本文主要研究密闭培养条件对小鼠早期胚胎发育过程中印迹基因Igf2/H19的印迹调控区(ICR)甲基化水平的影响.应用亚硫酸氢盐测序法(BSP)分析小鼠2-细胞胚胎在密闭条件下分别培养24h、48h和72h后,相对应的发育阶段胚胎Igf2/H19的ICR甲基化水平,以常规体外培养和体内发育的各阶段胚胎为对照.结果显示,密闭培养条件下,小鼠8-细胞胚胎、桑葚胚和囊胚的Igf2/H19的ICR甲基化水平都低于常规体外培养的结果,且更明显低于体内发育的结果;同时发现,小鼠8-细胞胚胎密闭培养时,Igf2/H19的ICR甲基化水平最低.由此可见,密闭培养会引起小鼠植入前各发育阶段胚胎Igf2/H19的ICR甲基化水平降低,并证明Igf2/H19的ICR甲基化水平可以作为监测哺乳动物早期胚胎发育状况的分子指标.  相似文献   

不同遗传背景的小鼠2-细胞期胚胎经过电融合后,胚胎的融合效率和四倍体胚胎的发育能力存在着一定的差异。本试验采用C57(C57×C57)、ICR(ICR×ICR)、BALB/c(BALB/c×BALB/c)、B6D2F2(B6D2F1×B6D2F1)、B6C3D2F2(B6C3F1×B6D2F1)品系的二倍体2-细胞期胚胎在相同的条件下经过电融合处理,结果表明:小鼠四倍体胚胎的获得效率受小鼠遗传背景的影响,远交系小鼠胚胎B6D2F2和B6C3D2F2的融合率显著高于近交系C57,ICR和BALB/c(P<0.05);四倍体胚胎在体外的发育情况也受其遗传背景的影响,在桑椹胚发育率和囊胚发育率上B6D2F2和B6C3D2F2品系的四倍体胚胎都显著高于C57和BALB/c品系的四倍体胚胎(P<0.05);杂合和纯系遗传背景的小鼠四倍体胚胎囊胚细胞数目相比具有显著差异(P<0.05或P<0.01);不同遗传背景的小鼠四倍体胚胎着床率间不存在显著差异(P>0.05);杂合背景的小鼠四倍体胚胎得到5只发育至13.5dpc(dayspostcoitum,dpc)的胎儿,纯合背景的小鼠四倍体胚胎得到0只发育至11dpc的胎儿。  相似文献   

昆明小鼠原核胚在不同培养液中的体外发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的优化昆明小鼠原核胚胎体外培养系统,提高胚胎发育率.方法小鼠经超排获得原核期胚胎,制备小鼠输卵管上皮共培养系统,使用M16、CZB和KSOM培养液进行体外培养,并对体内和体外发育的囊胚细胞计数.结果在KSOM和CZB中添加胎牛血清能显著提高胚胎囊胚发育率(14.71%对85.71%;6.45%对10.81%);输卵管上皮共培养可以提高胚胎的卵裂率和囊胚发育率,同时提高胚胎质量和同步发育,小鼠胚胎在KSOMFBS中囊胚发育率达85.19%,显著高于CZB和M16.结论在小鼠输卵管上皮共培养条件下,KSOMFBS能够很好支持昆明小鼠原核期胚胎体外发育.  相似文献   

小鼠囊胚的细胞凋亡:体内发育和体外培养的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小鼠胚体外培养到囊胚期的成功率很高,但质量是否能及体内发育的囊胚还不太清楚。细胞的数量和凋亡程度是胚胎质量鉴定的重要指标。本文采用TUNEL法分别对2-、8-细胞和桑椹胚培育成的鼠囊胚及体内发育而成的鼠囊胚细胞凋亡情况进行了检验。结果表明90%以上的2-、8-细胞及桑椹胚经过72h、48h和24h的培养发育到囊胚期。由桑椹胚发育成的与体内发育成的囊胚细胞凋亡指数没有显著差异,但由2-、8-细胞胚培育成的囊胚细胞凋亡指数显著高于体内发育成的囊胚。由此可见,体外长时间培养会增加胚胎的细胞凋亡程率。为培养出高质量的囊胚,胚胎培养条件还需进一步改善。  相似文献   

Gene targeting technology is not available in the rat which is an animal model of major importance, e.g., in cardiovascular research. This is due to the fact that the rat embryonic stem cell (ESC)-like cells established by several groups do not form germ-line chimeras when injected into blastocysts. In the mouse, the aggregation of ESC with tetraploid embryos has allowed the generation of animals completely derived from these cells. However, aggregation of rat ESC-like cells with tetraploid rat embryos has not yet been attempted to evaluate their developmental capacity. Therefore, we established a method to produce tetraploid rat embryos by fusion at the two-cell stage. Chemical fusion by polyethylene glycol (PEG) was shown to be less efficient (56.3% fused embryos) than electrofusion (96.1% fused embryos). The rate of development of fused embryos to blastocysts was independent of the fusion method and similar to the rate of control embryos. However, this rate was lower when the embryos had been cultured from the zygote state before fusion (14-20%) compared to freshly isolated two-cell embryos (41-63%). Alike for the mouse, blastocysts derived from fused two-cell rat embryos contained about half the number of cells as control blastocysts and were homogeneously tetraploid with no evidence of mosaicism. This method may be useful for the establishment of gene-targeting technology in the rat.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess development of diploid and tetraploid in vivo derived pig embryos cultured in a modified medium NCSU 37 in an atmosphere with reduced concentration of oxygen. The tetraploid embryos were produced by electrofusion of two-cell embryos that had been cultured in vitro from the one-cell stage before fusion (cultured two-cell embryos) or by fusion of freshly recovered two-cell embryos. Development to blastocyst stage of tetraploid embryos, generated from the cultured two-cell embryos was significantly inferior to the development of control one-cell embryos (29.1 +/- 9.7% versus 66.8 +/- 9.7%; P < 0.05). However, development of tetraploid embryos produced from the freshly recovered two-cell embryos and control two-cell embryos was very similar (89.9 +/- 6.1% versus 81.3 +/- 3.4%). Detection of chromosomes 1 and 10 by in situ hybridization showed that more than 85% of the cultured control embryos were diploid while 15% of the embryos were mosaic. Among the fused embryos 50% were tetraploid, 29% mosaic and 21% diploid. These data indicate that the modified medium NCSU 37 provides optimum environment for pre-implantation development of pig diploid and tetraploid embryos.  相似文献   

The use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in model animals is a powerful approach for the study of species-specific fertilization processes and multiploidy embryogenesis. In this study, we examined the fertilization process in mouse oocytes following injection of a single mouse or cat sperm, two mouse spermatozoa or mouse and cat spermatozoa. These treatments did not affect histone H3K9 acetylation or methylation, although the pattern of DNA methylation differed following the injection of cat sperm. Immunocytochemical staining revealed that sperm chromatin was normally incorporated with female mouse chromatin following any of the four injection scenarios. Furthermore, metaphase was successfully entered to reach a normal two-cell stage, and cell division could even persist to produce blastocyst stage embryos. In addition, both mouse and cat Pou5l and Nanog mRNA were expressed in the hybrid embryos. These results suggest that, although epigenetic modification of DNA is affected by the sperm injection treatment, fertilization and cleavage occur in a non-species-specific manner. In addition, despite abnormal division of the chromosomes, intra- and inter-species ICSI produced embryos that could develop into blastocysts.  相似文献   

The presence of ammonium in culture medium has a detrimental effect on embryo physiology and biochemistry; however, the stage at which the embryo is most sensitive to this effect is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the exact stage at which the embryo is most vulnerable to ammonium by exposing the preimplantation embryo to 300 muM ammonium either at the precompaction stage (between the zygote and two-cell or the two-cell to eight-cell) or at the postcompaction stage (between the eight-cell and blastocyst). This study determined that exposure of embryos to ammonium at the precompaction stage from either the zygote to two-cell stage or from the two-cell to the eight-cell stage did not affect the rate of development to the blastocyst stage; however, the resultant blastocysts had decreased cell numbers and inner cell mass cells. Furthermore, these blastocysts had increased levels of cellular apoptosis and perturbed levels of Slc2a3 expression and glucose uptake. Transfer of these blastocysts revealed that, while implantation was not affected, the number of fetuses was reduced by culture with ammonium at the precompaction stage and fetal development was delayed, as observed by reduced crown-rump length and maturity. In contrast, the later stage embryo was more resistant to the negative effects of ammonium, with only Slc2a3 expression and fetal maturity affected. This raises the possibility that the later stage embryo is more able to protect itself from in vitro-derived stress and that the majority of in vitro-induced damage to mouse embryos is inflicted at the early stages of development.  相似文献   

Proper epigenetic modifications during preimplantation embryo development are important for a successful pregnancy. We aim to investigate the putative influence of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and vitrification on DNA methylation in mouse preimplantation embryos. The study groups consisted of blastocyst-derived vitrified two-cell embryos, nonvitrified embryos, and a control group of in vivo derived blastocysts. We assessed developmental competence, global DNA methylation, relative expression levels of miR-29a/29b, and their target genes, Dnmt3a/3b. Vitrified embryos had a lower developmental rate as compared with nonvitrified embryos. There was no significant decrease in blastocyst cell numbers among studied groups, whereas there was a steady decline in DNA methylation after IVF and vitrification. The levels of miR-29a/29b upregulated in the experimental groups as compared with the control group. IVF and vitrification caused Dnmt3a/3b downregulations in blastocysts. The results of this study have suggested that a relationship exists between IVF and embryo vitrification with methylation interruptions in the blastocysts.  相似文献   

Liu JH  Zhu JQ  Liang XW  Yin S  Ola SI  Hou Y  Chen DY  Schatten H  Sun QY 《Genomics》2008,91(2):121-128
Epigenetic modifications are closely associated with embryo developmental potential. One of the epigenetic modifications thought to be involved in genomic imprinting is DNA methylation. Here we show that the maternally imprinted genes Snrpn and Peg1/Mest were nearly unmethylated or heavily methylated, respectively, in their differentially methylated regions (DMRs) at the two-cell stage in parthenogenetic embryos. However, both genes were gradually de novo methylated, with almost complete methylation of all CpG sites by the morula stage in parthenogenetic embryos. Unexpectedly, another maternally imprinted gene, Peg3, showed distinct dynamics of methylation during preimplantation development of diploid parthenogenetic embryos. Peg3 showed seemingly normal methylation patterns at the two-cell and morula stages, but was also strongly de novo methylated in parthenogenetic blastocysts. In contrast, the paternally imprinted genes H19 and Rasgrf1 showed complete unmethylation of their DMRs at the morula stage in parthenogenetic embryos. These results indicate that diploid parthenogenetic embryos adopt a maternal-type methylation pattern on both sets of maternal chromosomes and that the aberrantly homogeneous status of methylation imprints may partially account for developmental failure.  相似文献   

Summary The cleavage of fertilized mouse eggs was prevented during cytochalasin B incubation and consequently these eggs became tetraploid the following day during in vitro culture. When the eggs were cultured further in normal medium, they cleaved and gave rise to tetraploid blastocysts. Protein synthesis was analysed in these embryos at different developmental stages using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein synthesis pattern of one-cell tetraploid eggs was intermediate between those of normal one- and two-cell embryos. Tetraploid two-cell embryos expressed protein sets equivalent to those of untreated four-cell embryos, and tetraploid four-cell embryos synthesized proteins similar to those of four- to eight-cell controls. At subsequent pre-implantation stages the asynchrony was no longer detectable. When fertilized eggs were cultured continuously in the presence of cytochalasin B, they became tetraploid, octoploid and more and more polyploid without cleavage occurring. The protein synthesis patterns expressed by these one-cell polyploid eggs did not resemble that of normal fertilized eggs, but were similar to those of cleaving control embryos and blastocysts of equivalent age and nuclear division. These results strongly suggest that in early mouse embryos stage-specific translation is temporally correlated with chromosome replication (karyokinesis) and independent of cell division (cytokinesis) or cell interaction.Some of these results were presented at the IX Congress of the International Society of Developmental Biologists in Basle, Switzerland, August 28–September 1, 1981  相似文献   

Accurate reprogramming of DNA methylation occurring in preimplantation embryos is critical for normal development of both fetus and placenta. Environmental stresses imposed on oocytes usually cause the abnormal DNA methylation reprogramming of early embryos. However, whether oocyte vitrification alters the reprogramming of DNA methylation (5 mC) and its derivatives in mouse preimplantation embryo development remains largely unknown. Here, we found that the rate of cleavage and blastocyst formation of embryos produced by IVF of vitrified matured oocytes was significantly lower than that in control counterparts, but the quality of blastocysts was not impaired by oocyte vitrification. Additionally, although vitrification neither altered the dynamic changes of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) and 5-formylcytosine (5 fC) before 4-cell stage nor affected the levels of 5 mC and 5-carboxylcytosine (5caC) throughout the preimplantation development, vitrification significantly reduced the levels of 5hmC and 5 fC from 8-cell stage onwards. Correspondingly, vitrification did not alter the expression patterns of Tet3 in preimplantation embryos but apparently reduced the expression levels of Tet1 in 4-cell and 8-cell embryos and increased the expression levels of Tet2 at morula stage. Taken together, these results demonstrate that oocyte vitrification perturbs DNA methylation reprogramming in mouse preimplantation embryo development.  相似文献   

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