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Mataloni  G.  Tesol&#;n  G.  Sacullo  F.  Tell  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,432(1-3):65-72
Lakes from Maritime Antarctica are regarded as systems generally inhabited by metazoan plankton capable of imposing a top-down control on the phytoplankton during short periods, while lakes from Continental Antarctica lacking these communities would be typically controlled by scarcity of nutrients, following a bottom-up model. Otero Lake is a highly eutrophic small lake located on the NW of the Antarctic Peninsula, which has no metazoan plankton. During summer 1996, we studied the density, composition and vertical distribution of the phytoplankton community of this lake with respect to various abiotic variables, yet our results demonstrated neither light nor nutrient limitation of the phytoplankton biomass. Densities of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN) and ciliates from three different size categories were also studied. Extremely low densities of HNAN (0–155 ind. ml–1) could be due to feeding competition by bacterivore nanociliates and/or predation by large ciliates. A summer bloom of the phytoflagellate Chlamydomonas aff. celerrima Pascher reached densities tenfold those of previous years (158.103 ind. ml–1), though apparently curtailed by a strong peak of large ciliates (107 ind. ml–1) which would heavily graze on PNAN (phototrophic nanoflagellates). Top-down control can thus occur in this lake during short periods of long hydrologic residence time.  相似文献   

Seasonal and depth variations of the abundance, biomass, and bacterivory of protozoa (heterotrophic and mixotrophic flagellates and ciliates) were determined during thermal stratification in an oligomesotrophic lake (Lake Pavin, France). Maximal densities of heterotrophic flagellates (1.9 × 103 cells ml–1) and ciliates (6.1 cells ml–1) were found in the metalimnion. Pigmented flagellates dominated the flagellate biomass in the euphotic zone. Community composition of ciliated protists varied greatly with depth, and both the abundance and biomass of ciliates was dominated by oligotrichs. Heterotrophic flagellates dominated grazing, accounting for 84% of total protistan bacterivory. Maximal grazing impact of heterotrophic flagellates was 18.9 × 106 bacteria 1–1h–1. On average, 62% of nonpigmented flagellates were found to ingest particles. Ciliates and mixotrophic flagellates averaged 13% and 3% of protistan bacterivory, respectively. Attached protozoa (ciliates and flagellates) were found to colonize the diatom Asterionella formosa. Attached bacterivores had higher ingestion rates than free bacterivorous protozoa and may account for 66% of total protozoa bacterivory. Our results indicated that even in low numbers, epibiotic protozoa may have a major grazing impact on free bacteria. Correspondence: C. Amblard.  相似文献   

The complicated routes by which organic material is channelled up to higher trophic levels via bacteria and protozoans is a major issue in aquatic microbial ecology. Because of the fragile nature of protists it is not straightforward to perform experimental studies of prey–predator interactions. Here we present an approach for the assessment of ciliate grazing on living heterotrophic nanoflagellates. Stationary phase cultures of a heterotrophic nanoflagellate (Cafeteria sp.) were live-stained by allowing them to take up fluorescently labelled macromolecules. Controls revealed that this label persisted for several hours. Fluorescently labelled living flagellates (FLLF) were added into enriched natural assemblages of marine oligotrich ciliates and uptake of FLLF was monitored over time. Oligotrich ciliates did not incorporate fluorescent-labelled macromolecules but a linear FLLF uptake over time was observed for 20–30 min at 20°C. Ingestion rates were 21–46 FLLF h–1 at a concentration of about 2×104 FLLF ml–1, which corresponded to clearance rates of 0.7–0.8 l ciliate–1 h–1. These results are in the same order of reported ciliate grazing on phytoplankton of similar size. This method represents a direct approach to measure ciliate grazing specifically on living heterotrophic nanoflagellates.  相似文献   

Zingel  Priit  Ott  Ingmar 《Hydrobiologia》2000,435(1-3):19-26
The vertical distribution of planktonic ciliates in eight strongly stratified temperate lakes was studied in summer 1998. Ciliate abundance and biomass were highest (mean 39.9 cells ml–1 and 181.9 g C l–1) in the epi-, and lowest (mean 8.2 cells ml–1 and 97.6 g C l–1) in the hypolimnion. The community of ciliates was dominated by five orders: Oligotrichida, Haptorida, Prostomatida, Scuticociliatida and Peritrichida. The community composition varied greatly with depth. In the epilimnion, the ciliate numbers were dominated by oligotrichs but small algivorous prostomatids, peritrichs and haptorids were also numerous. In the metalimnion, these groups were replaced by scuticociliates and mixotrophic prostomatids. In the hypolimnion species known as benthic migrants appeared. We found a positive significant correlation (p < 0.05) between ciliate numbers and Chl a and bacterial densities. Only in the hypolimnion, the correlation between ciliates numbers and Chl a was not significant.  相似文献   

Whether the primary role of bacterioplankton is to act as "remineralizers" of nutrients or as direct nutritional source for higher trophic levels will depend on factors controlling their production and abundance. In tropical lakes, low nutrient concentration is probably the main factor limiting bacterial growth, while grazing by microzooplankton is generally assumed to be the main loss factor for bacteria. Bottom-up and top-down regulation of microbial abundance was studied in six nutrient limitation and dilution gradient-size fractionation in situ experiments. Bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF), ciliates and rotifers showed relatively low densities. Predation losses of HNF and ciliates accounted for a major part of their daily production, suggesting a top-down regulation of protistan populations by rotifers. Phosphorus was found to be strongly limiting for bacterial growth, whereas no response to enrichment with Nitrogen or DOC was detected. HNF were the major grazers on bacteria (g-0.43 d(-1)), the grazing coefficient increased when ciliates were added (g- 0.80 d(-1)) but decreased when rotifers were added (g- 0.23 d(-1)) probably due to nutrient recycling or top-down control of HNF and ciliates by rotifers.  相似文献   

This work aims to outline the dynamics of trophic links between the three main microbial components (bacteria, nanoflagellates, and ciliates) of the Farasan Archipelago in order to establish a baseline for future research in this area. The Farasan Archipelago lies along the southwestern coast of the Saudi Arabia, southern Red Sea between 16°20′–17°10′N and 41°30′–42°30′E and had been declared as marine and terrestrial reserve by the year 1996. Three different sites were chosen for this study, with each site visited bimonthly for 18 months from September 2016 to February 2018. Bacteria, nanoflagellates and ciliates were enumerated in order to explore the complex interactions between the main microbial categories in sea waters of the Farasan Archipelago. High abundances were recorded during the present study for bacteria (8.7 × 106 bacteria ml−1), nanoflagellates (3.7 × 104 TNAN ml−1) and ciliates (40.4 ciliates ml−1). The paper discusses the various potential pathways controlling the complex interactions between these microbial groups in this part of the southern Red Sea. It is concluded that a linear trophic chain consisting of bacteria; heterotrophic nanoflagellates; filter feeding ciliates is a major route by which the production of bacteria is transferred to the higher consuming levels, thereby confirming the high importance of t bottom-up control (food supply), alongside top-down control (predation) in regulating bacterial abundances in the Farasan Archipelago. During the present investigation, each nanoflagellate ingested between 11 and 87 bacteria in one hour, while each ciliate consumed between 20 and 185 nanoflagellates every hour. These calculated grazing rates of protistan eukaryotes confirmed the role of heterotrophic nanoflagellates as the main consumers of bacteria, and the role of ciliates as the major control for the heterotrophic nanoflagellate population dynamics, and thus the top predators within the microbial plankton assemblage in the Farasan Archipelago.  相似文献   

Seasonal population dynamics and the vertical distribution of planktonic ciliates in a hypertrophic and strongly stratified temperate lake were studied from April to October in 2000 and from April to June in 2001. In the epi- and metalimnion the ciliate abundance peaked in spring and late summer, reaching maximum values in the metalimnion (86 cells ml−1) on 7th August 2000. In the epilimnion, the highest biomass content (414 μg C l−1) was observed on 8th May 2000. In the hypolimnion only a late summer peak occurred and the ciliate numbers were always lower than in the epi- and metalimnion. Five groups dominated the community of ciliates: Oligotrichida, Gymnostomatea, Prostomatida, Hymenostomata and Peritrichia, and the community composition varied greatly with depth. In the epilimnion the ciliate numbers were dominated by oligotrichs but small algivorous prostomatids, peritrichs and gymnostomes were also numerous. In the metalimnion these groups were gradually replaced by scuticociliates and mixotrophic Coleps spp. In the hypolimnion scuticociliates and species known as benthic migrants dominated. In the epilimnion and upper metalimnion in spring large herbivores and in summer small bacterivores were more numerous.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the flux of biomass through the communities of bacteria and phagotrophic protists in the cold and warm conditions occurring seasonally in Butrón River. Bacterial and heterotrophic protistan (flagellate and ciliate) abundance was determined by epifluorescence direct counts; protistan grazing on planktonic bacteria was measured from fluorescently labeled bacteria uptake rates; and the estimate of bacterial secondary production was obtained from [3H]thymidine incorporation rates. The abundance of bacterial, flagellate, and ciliate communities was similar during cold and warm situations. However, we observed that estimates of dynamic parameters, i.e., secondary bacterial production and protistan grazing, in both situations were noticeably different. In the warm situation, grazing rates of flagellates and ciliates (bacteria per protist per hour) were, respectively, 7 times and 18 times higher than those determined in the cold situation, and the grazing rates of the protistan communities (bacteria per protists present in 1 ml of water per hour) increased up to 5 times in the case of flagellates and 42 times in the case of ciliates. Estimates of bacterial secondary production were also higher during the warm situation, showing a ninefold increase. The percentage of bacterial production preyed upon by flagellates or ciliates was not significantly different between the two conditions. These results showed that in the different conditions of a system, the flux of biomass between the trophic levels may be quite different although this process may not be reflected in the abundance of each community of bacteria, flagellates, and ciliates. Offprint requests to: J. Iriberri.  相似文献   

Effects of micrometazoa on the protistan assemblage of a littoral food web   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SUMMARY. 1. Effects of two size-classes of micrometazoa (assemblages of rotifers and of rotifers/cladocerans/copepods) on the abundance and composition of a co-occurring, substrate-associated protistan assemblage were assessed by selectively transferring these groups from a small pond to laboratory microcosms.
2. Addition of micrometazoa to the microcosms resulted in significant changes in the dominance of different protistan groups within 7 days, including a substantial decrease in the abundance of larger omnivorous and bactivorous Protozoa, mostly ciliates, and dominant algal taxa, and an increase in the abundance of heterotrophic microflagellates.
3. Mechanisms whereby micrometazoa reduce the abundance of larger heterotrophic protists may include competition for overlapping resources, but probably involves interference and predation as well. Positive effects of Metazoa on the abundance of heterotrophic microflagellates may result from the elimination of ciliates that prey on and compete with smaller Protozoa.
4. Interactions indicated in this study may alter both quantitative and qualitative aspects of energy flow and mineral cycling in benthic food-webs and be part of a larger trophic cascade involving other Metazoa such as fish.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The nutritional value of the bacterivorous ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis and the algivorous ciliate Coleps sp., as well as the heterotrophic flagellate Chilomonas paramecium and the autotrophic flagellate Cryptomonas ovata , were investigated in population growth experiments using the rotifer B. calyciflorus . The two ciliates, both flagellates, which were of similar size, shape and mobility, were each offered as a sole diet and as a supplement to the alga Monoraphidium minutum , known to support reproduction of B. calyciflorus .
2. To further test nutritional differences between the prey organisms, prey selection experiments were conducted in which B. calyciflorus was able to select between the bacterivorous and algivorous ciliate, and between the heterotrophic and autotrophic flagellate.
3. The results demonstrated that both ciliates and the heterotrophic flagellate were not sufficient to support reproduction of B. calyciflorus when offered as a sole diet. They were, however, a good supplement to algal prey (except for the bacterivorous ciliate T. pyriformis ). In the prey selection experiments, B. calyciflorus positively selected for the algivorous Coleps sp. and the autotrophic C. ovata.
4. Overall, ciliates and heterotrophic flagellates may enhance survival of B. calyciflorus , but reproduction of the rotifer is likely to rely on algal prey. Both higher population growth of B. calyciflorus when fed the algivorous Coleps and the autotrophic Cryptomonas, along with their positive selection, give evidence for prey specific differences in nutrition, with algivorous or autotrophic prey species tending to be of higher nutritional value.  相似文献   

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