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FtsZ蛋白在原核细胞以及植物细胞叶绿体的分裂过程中发挥着重要作用。为了研究叶绿体分裂装置的进化 ,运用RT PCR方法从莱茵衣藻中克隆了叶绿体分裂相关基因CrFtsZ3。由于已经从衣藻细胞中克隆了一个ftsZ基因 ,所以CrFtsZ3的克隆表明衣藻中已经存在两类不同的 ftsZ基因 ,这说明 ftsZ基因的复制与分歧发生于绿藻的分化之前。序列分析结果显示 ,CrFtsZ3所编码的蛋白质具有FtsZ蛋白的典型模体。进一步的原核表达与定位分析表明CrFtsZ3 GFP融合蛋白沿着宿主菌体的纵轴方向有规律地聚集成荧光点或荧光带 ,并且CrFtsZ3蛋白过量表达明显干挠了宿主菌正常的细胞分裂过程 ,说明衣藻CrFtsZ3蛋白能够识别宿主细胞内的分裂位点并影响细胞分裂过程 ,从而初步验证了它的生物学功能  相似文献   

衣藻叶绿体分裂基因CrFtsZ1在E.coli中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FtsZ蛋白在细菌的分裂中起着重要作用,能够在分裂位点形成一个环状结构而控制细菌的分裂过程。细胞内FtsZ蛋白浓度的明显降低或异常升高均可阻断正常的细胞分裂过程进而导致丝状菌体的产生。为了研究衣藻叶绿体分裂基因ftsZ的功能,构建了衣藻CrFtsZ1的原核表达重组质粒。试验结果表明,衣藻ftsZ的表达严重影响了大肠杆菌的分裂,初步证明衣藻FtsZ蛋白不仅与E.coli FtsZ蛋白在序列上相似,而且也有着相似的功能,同时这一结果也为真核细胞中质体的内共生起源提供了直接的证据。  相似文献   

高等植物质体的分裂   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
质体来源于早期具光合能力的原核生物与原始真核生物的内共生事件。原核起源的蛋白以及真核寄主起源的蛋白共同参与了质体的分裂过程。以原核生物的细胞分裂蛋白为蓝本, 近些年在植物中陆续鉴定出几种主要的原核生物细胞分裂蛋白的同源物, 如FtsZ、MinD和MinE蛋白。然而, 除此之外, 原核细胞大多数分裂相关因子在植物中找不到其同源物, 但却鉴定了许多真核寄主来源的分裂相关蛋白。当前研究的重点是剖析各种质体分裂蛋白协同作用的机制, 业已证明MinD和MinE的协同作用保证了FtsZ(Z)环的正确定位。尽管经典的FtsZ的抑制因子MinC在植物中不存在, 但实验表明ARC3在拟南芥中具有类似MinC的功能。ARC3蛋白与真核起源的蛋白如ARC5、ARTEMIS、FZL和PD环以及其它原核起源的蛋白如ARC6和GC1等共同构成了一个复杂的植物质体分裂调控系统。  相似文献   

质体来源于早期具光合能力的原核生物与原始真核生物的内共生事件。原核起源的蛋白以及真核寄主起源的蛋白共同参与了质体的分裂过程。以原核生物的细胞分裂蛋白为蓝本,近些年在植物中陆续鉴定出几种主要的原核生物细胞分裂蛋白的同源物,如FtsZ、MinD和MinE蛋白。然而,除此之外,原核细胞大多数分裂相关因子在植物中找不到其同源物,但却鉴定了许多真核寄主来源的分裂相关蛋白。当前研究的重点是剖析各种质体分裂蛋白协同作用的机制,业已证明MinD和Mine的协同作用保证了FtsZ(Z)环的正确定位。尽管经典的FtsZ的抑制因子MinC在植物中不存在,但实验表明ARC3在拟南芥中具有类似MinC的功能。ARC3蛋白与真核起源的蛋白如ARC5、ARTEMIS、FZL和PD环以及其它原核起源的蛋白如ARC6和GC1等共同构成了一个复杂的植物质体分裂调控系统。  相似文献   

叶绿体增殖调控机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶绿体为内共生起源的细胞器。利用电镜观察发现叶绿体分裂时具有中央缢缩现象,并且缢缩过程中存在环状结构。在大肠杆菌中,FtsZ蛋白最早在分裂位点组成一个环状结构(Z-环,FtsZ protein ring),其他分裂相关蛋白再与之结合,共同组成一个复杂的分裂装置,最终导致原核细胞分裂的完成。其分裂位点的选择受到min操纵子(包括MinC,MinD。MinE基因)的精细调控。叶绿体分裂的分子调控机制与原核细胞类似。原核起源与真核起源的分裂相关蛋白组成分裂复合体,确保叶绿体的正常分裂。  相似文献   

质体作为植物细胞中一类重要的细胞器,控制其分裂的分子机制一直都不清楚.最近的研究表明,植物细胞中与原核细胞分裂基因ftsZ类似的同源基因控制着质体的分裂过程.通过正反义转化分析了两个烟草的ftsZ基因(NtFtsZ1和NtFtsZ2)在转基因烟草中的功能.二者的反义表达并未对转化烟草细胞中叶绿体的分裂和形态产生明显影响,但二者过表达转化植株中叶绿体的数目和形态都发生了明显的变化,在某些转化植株的叶肉细胞中甚至只有1~2个巨大的叶绿体存在.对不同转化植株的电镜观察和叶绿素含量分析认为,NtFtsZs基因可能对叶绿体的正常发育和功能没有影响,叶绿体形态的变化是对其数目减少的一种补偿.正反义转化植株中叶绿体的不同表型暗示高等植物中同一家族的ftsZ基因可能在控制质体分裂方面具有相同的功能.同时,过表达植株中叶绿体形态的变化被认为是高等植物FtsZ质体骨架功能的体现.  相似文献   

质体作为植物细胞中一类重要的细胞器,控制其分裂的分子机制一直都不清楚。最近的研究表明,植物细胞中与原核细胞分裂基因fisZ类似的同源基因控制着质体的分裂过程。通过正反义转化分析了两个烟草的ftsZ基因(NtFtsZ1和NtFtsZ2)在转基因烟草中的功能。二的反义表达并未对转化烟草细胞中叶绿体的分裂和形态产生明显影响,但二过表达转化植株中叶绿体的数目和形态都发生了明显的变化,在某些转化植株的叶肉细胞中甚至只有1-2个巨大的叶绿体存在。对不同转化植株的电镜观察和叶绿素含量分析认为,NtFtsZs基因可能对叶绿体的正常发育和功能没有影响,叶绿体形态的变化是对其数目减少的一种补偿。正反义转化植株中叶绿体的不同表型暗示高等植物中同一家族的ftsZ基因可能在控制质体分裂方面具有相同的功能。同时,过表达植株中叶绿体形态的变化被认为是高等植物的FtsZ质体骨架功能的体现。  相似文献   

叶绿体是植物细胞内一种重要的细胞器.它不仅是光合作用的场所,还是其它多种中间代谢的场所.叶绿体起源于蓝细菌,与其原核祖先类似,通过二分裂方式进行增殖.最近的研究表明,叶绿体的分裂装置包含原核起源和真核起源的蛋白质,它们在叶绿体的内膜内侧和外膜外侧协同作用以完成叶绿体的分裂.在过去十几年里,包括丝状温度敏感蛋白Z(FtsZ)、Min系统蛋白、质体分裂蛋白(PDV)和ARC蛋白等在内的多个叶绿体分裂相关组分被分离鉴定.本文简要介绍了叶绿体分裂装置各成员的发现、叶绿体被膜的收缩和叶绿体分裂位点的选择机制.另外,植物发育过程中叶绿体分裂可能受到细胞的控制,但目前对细胞如何调控叶绿体分裂知之甚少.本文对该领域的最新研究进展也进行了综述.  相似文献   

 植物叶绿体与原核生物分裂机制相似,其中MinE蛋白在细菌分裂过程中具有重要作用. 为了研究植物MinE蛋白在叶绿体分裂过程中的功能及其进化,利用RT PCR技术克隆了水稻叶绿体分裂相关基因OsMinE,并在GenBank登录(No. AY496951).OsMinE基因cDNA全长1 035 bp,其ORF为711 bp,编码236个氨基酸.与原核生物MinE蛋白相比,水稻OsMinE具有明显延伸的N端与C端.其N端102个氨基酸残基为预测的叶绿体导肽序列,C端延伸保守,推测赋予植物MinE蛋白新的功能.植物minE基因结构分析显示,水稻、拟南芥、杨树都仅含有1个内含子,且插入位置及相位相同.这表明,该内含子可能在单子叶、双子叶植物分化前产生.水稻OsMinE基因在大肠杆菌细胞中的表达严重影响了细胞的分裂,初步证明了水稻MinE蛋白与原核细胞MinE蛋白功能类似.水稻OsMinE基因的克隆为进一步研究叶绿体的分裂机制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

叶绿体是植物光合作用的重要场所。PLASTID DIVISION2(PDV2)是叶绿体外膜上调控叶绿体分裂的关键蛋白之一。PDV2的N末端较大伸向细胞质,C末端较小伸向膜间隙,探索叶绿体分裂蛋白PDV2-213(N末端213氨基酸残基)胞质侧结构域可溶性表达获得高纯度的蛋白质,为叶绿体分裂过程中其结构与功能的研究提供依据。通过pET表达载体的构建,优化原核表达条件,实现PDV2-213蛋白的可溶性表达;运用镍柱亲和层析和分子排阻层析的方法,对目的蛋白进行分离纯化。本研究可溶性表达了PDV2-213胞质侧结构域蛋白质,通过表达条件和镍柱亲和层析的优化,降低杂蛋白对PDV2-213蛋白质纯化过程的影响,获得高纯度的蛋白质。PDV2-213胞质侧结构域的高效可溶性表达和纯化,为叶绿体分裂过程中其结构与功能的研究提供依据。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chloroplast division in plant cells occurs by binary fission, yielding two daughter plastids of equal size. Previously, we reported that two Arabidopsis homologues of FtsZ, a bacterial protein that forms a cytokinetic ring during cell division, are essential for plastid division in plants, and may be involved in the formation of plastid-dividing rings on both the stromal and cytosolic surfaces of the chloroplast envelope membranes. In bacteria, positioning of the FtsZ ring at the center of the cell is mediated in part by the protein MinD. Here, we identified AtMinD1, an Arabidopsis homologue of MinD, and investigated whether positioning of the plastid-division apparatus at the plastid midpoint might involve a mechanism similar to that in bacteria. RESULTS: Sequence analysis and in vitro chloroplast import experiments indicated that AtMinD1 contains a transit peptide that targets it to the chloroplast. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants with reduced AtMinD1 expression exhibited variability in chloroplast size and number and asymmetrically constricted chloroplasts, strongly suggesting that the plastid-division machinery is misplaced. Overexpression of AtMinD1 inhibited chloroplast division. These phenotypes resemble those of bacterial mutants with altered minD expression. CONCLUSIONS: Placement of the plastid-division machinery at the organelle midpoint requires a plastid-targeted form of MinD. The results are consistent with a model whereby assembly of the division apparatus is initiated inside the chloroplast by the plastidic form of FtsZ, and suggest that positioning of the cytosolic components of the apparatus is specified by the position of the plastidic components.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The continuity of chloroplasts is maintained by division of pre-existing chloroplasts. Chloroplasts originated as bacterial endosymbionts; however, the majority of bacterial division factors are absent from chloroplasts and the eukaryotic host has added several new components. For example, the ftsZ gene has been duplicated and modified, and the Min system has retained MinE and MinD but lost MinC, acquiring at least one new component ARC3. Further, the mechanism has evolved to include two members of the dynamin protein family, ARC5 and FZL, and plastid-dividing (PD) rings were most probably added by the eukaryotic host. SCOPE: Deciphering how the division of plastids is coordinated and controlled by nuclear-encoded factors is key to our understanding of this important biological process. Through a number of molecular-genetic and biochemical approaches, it is evident that FtsZ initiates plastid division where the coordinated action of MinD and MinE ensures correct FtsZ (Z)-ring placement. Although the classical FtsZ antagonist MinC does not exist in plants, ARC3 may fulfil this role. Together with other prokaryotic-derived proteins such as ARC6 and GC1 and key eukaryotic-derived proteins such as ARC5 and FZL, these proteins make up a sophisticated division machinery. The regulation of plastid division in a cellular context is largely unknown; however, recent microarray data shed light on this. Here the current understanding of the mechanism of chloroplast division in higher plants is reviewed with an emphasis on how recent findings are beginning to shape our understanding of the function and evolution of the components. CONCLUSIONS: Extrapolation from the mechanism of bacterial cell division provides valuable clues as to how the chloroplast division process is achieved in plant cells. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that the highly regulated mechanism of plastid division within the host cell has led to the evolution of features unique to the plastid division process.  相似文献   

Replication of chloroplasts is essential for achieving and maintaining optimal plastid numbers in plant cells. The plastid division machinery contains components of both endosymbiotic and host cell origin, but little is known about the regulation and molecular mechanisms that govern the division process. The Arabidopsis mutant arc6 is defective in plastid division, and its leaf mesophyll cells contain only one or two grossly enlarged chloroplasts. We show here that arc6 chloroplasts also exhibit abnormal localization of the key plastid division proteins FtsZ1 and FtsZ2. Whereas in wild-type plants, the FtsZ proteins assemble into a ring at the plastid division site, chloroplasts in the arc6 mutant contain numerous short, disorganized FtsZ filament fragments. We identified the mutation in arc6 and show that the ARC6 gene encodes a chloroplast-targeted DnaJ-like protein localized to the plastid envelope membrane. An ARC6-green fluorescent protein fusion protein was localized to a ring at the center of the chloroplasts and rescued the chloroplast division defect in the arc6 mutant. The ARC6 gene product is related closely to Ftn2, a prokaryotic cell division protein unique to cyanobacteria. Based on the FtsZ filament morphology observed in the arc6 mutant and in plants that overexpress ARC6, we hypothesize that ARC6 functions in the assembly and/or stabilization of the plastid-dividing FtsZ ring. We also analyzed FtsZ localization patterns in transgenic plants in which plastid division was blocked by altered expression of the division site-determining factor AtMinD. Our results indicate that MinD and ARC6 act in opposite directions: ARC6 promotes and MinD inhibits FtsZ filament formation in the chloroplast.  相似文献   

The molecular biology of plastid division in higher plants   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Plastids are essential plant organelles vital for life on earth, responsible not only for photosynthesis but for many fundamental intermediary metabolic reactions. Plastids are not formed de novo but arise by binary fission from pre-existing plastids, and plastid division therefore represents an important process for the maintenance of appropriate plastid populations in plant cells. Plastid division comprises an elaborate pathway of co-ordinated events which include division machinery assembly at the division site, the constriction of envelope membranes, membrane fusion and, ultimately, the separation of the two new organelles. Because of their prokaryotic origin bacterial cell division has been successfully used as a paradigm for plastid division. This has resulted in the identification of the key plastid division components FtsZ, MinD, and MinE, as well as novel proteins with similarities to prokaryotic cell division proteins. Through a combination of approaches involving molecular genetics, cell biology, and biochemistry, it is now becoming clear that these proteins act in concert during plastid division, exhibiting both similarities and differences compared with their bacterial counterparts. Recent efforts in the cloning of the disrupted loci in several of the accumulation and replication of chloroplasts mutants has further revealed that the division of plastids is controlled by a combination of prokaryote-derived and host eukaryote-derived proteins residing not only in the plastid stroma but also in the cytoplasm. Based on the available data to date, a working model is presented showing the protein components involved in plastid division, their subcellular localization, and their protein interaction properties.  相似文献   

The appearance of leaf mesophyll chloroplasts in angiosperms is characterized by their uniform and static shape, which is molded by symmetric division of the preexisting organelles, involving three prokaryote-derived proteins: the division executor protein, FtsZ, and the division site positioning proteins, MinD and MinE. On the other hand, noncolored plastids in roots, where the involvement of the known chloroplast division factors in plastid morphogenesis is yet unclear, are morphologically heterogeneous and transform dynamically. This is further emphasized by the active formation of long tubular protrusions called stromules from the main body of those plastids. Molecular regulation and physiological significance of such dynamic morphology of root plastids also remain unknown. In this context, we have recently demonstrated that the mitochondrial respiratory inhibitor antimycin A induces rapid and reversible filamentation of root plastids (leucoplasts) in Arabidopsis thaliana. In contrast, the same treatment with antimycin A did not affect the morphology of amyloplasts in the columella cells at the root tip. The alternative oxidase inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid suppresses the antimycin-induced plastid filamentation, perhaps implying an alternative oxidase-mediated interorganellar signaling between the mitochondria and the leucoplasts in the root cells. Our data may provide some clues as to how the formation of stromules is initiated.Key words: antimycin A, interorganellar crosstalk, plastid morphology, respiration, stress response, stromule  相似文献   

Maple J  Møller SG 《FEBS letters》2007,581(11):2162-2167
Chloroplasts still retain components of the bacterial cell division machinery and research over the past decade has led to an understanding of how these stromal division proteins assemble and function as a complex chloroplast division machinery. However, during evolution plant chloroplasts have acquired a number of cytosolic division proteins, indicating that unlike the cyanobacterial ancestors of plastids, chloroplast division in higher plants require a second division machinery located on the chloroplast outer envelope membrane. Here we review the current understanding of the stromal and cytosolic plastid division machineries and speculate how two protein machineries coordinate their activities across a double-membraned structure.  相似文献   

In higher plants, two nuclear gene families, FtsZ1 and FtsZ2, encode homologs of the bacterial protein FtsZ, a key component of the prokaryotic cell division machinery. We previously demonstrated that members of both gene families are essential for plastid division, but are functionally distinct. To further explore differences between FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 proteins we investigated the phenotypes of transgenic plants overexpressing AtFtsZ1-1 or AtFtsZ2-1, Arabidopsis members of the FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 families, respectively. Increasing the level of AtFtsZ1-1 protein as little as 3-fold inhibited chloroplast division. Plants with the most severe plastid division defects had 13- to 26-fold increases in AtFtsZ1-1 levels over wild type, and some of these also exhibited a novel chloroplast morphology. Quantitative immunoblotting revealed a correlation between the degree of plastid division inhibition and the extent to which the AtFtsZ1-1 protein level was elevated. In contrast, expression of an AtFtsZ2-1 sense transgene had no obvious effect on plastid division or morphology, though AtFtsZ2-1 protein levels were elevated only slightly over wild-type levels. This may indicate that AtFtsZ2-1 accumulation is more tightly regulated than that of AtFtsZ1-1. Plants expressing the AtFtsZ2-1 transgene did accumulate a form of the protein smaller than those detected in wild-type plants. AtFtsZ2-1 levels were unaffected by increased or decreased accumulation of AtFtsZ1-1 and vice versa, suggesting that the levels of these two plastid division proteins are regulated independently. Taken together, our results provide additional evidence for the functional divergence of the FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 plant gene families.  相似文献   

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