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FtsZ蛋白在原核细胞以及植物细胞叶绿体的分裂过程中发挥着重要作用。为了研究叶绿体分裂装置的进化 ,运用RT PCR方法从莱茵衣藻中克隆了叶绿体分裂相关基因CrFtsZ3。由于已经从衣藻细胞中克隆了一个ftsZ基因 ,所以CrFtsZ3的克隆表明衣藻中已经存在两类不同的 ftsZ基因 ,这说明 ftsZ基因的复制与分歧发生于绿藻的分化之前。序列分析结果显示 ,CrFtsZ3所编码的蛋白质具有FtsZ蛋白的典型模体。进一步的原核表达与定位分析表明CrFtsZ3 GFP融合蛋白沿着宿主菌体的纵轴方向有规律地聚集成荧光点或荧光带 ,并且CrFtsZ3蛋白过量表达明显干挠了宿主菌正常的细胞分裂过程 ,说明衣藻CrFtsZ3蛋白能够识别宿主细胞内的分裂位点并影响细胞分裂过程 ,从而初步验证了它的生物学功能  相似文献   

衣藻CrFtsZ2-GFP融合蛋白在E.coli中的表达及其定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
FtsZ蛋白在细菌的分裂中担任着重要作用 ,能够在分裂位点形成一个环状结构而控制细菌的分裂过程。胞内FtsZ蛋白浓度的异常升高或降低均可阻断正常的细胞分裂过程进而形成分裂异常的丝状菌体。为了研究衣藻FtsZ蛋白的生物学活性 ,构建了衣藻CrFtsZ2cDNA全长与绿色荧光蛋白基因egfp的融合表达质粒 ,并对其在大肠杆菌中的表达与定位做了初步分析。在大肠杆菌JM10 9中 ,融合表达质粒的过量表达导致宿主菌形成了丝状菌体 ,通过荧光显微镜观察发现CrFtsZ2 EGFP融合蛋白沿着宿主菌体的纵轴方向有规律地聚集成荧光点或荧光带 ,暗示衣藻CrFtsZ2蛋白能够识别宿主菌内分裂位点的定位信号并参与其细胞分裂过程 ,初步验证了衣藻CrFtsZ2蛋白的功能。  相似文献   

叶绿体分裂相关基因NtFtsZ2-1在大肠杆菌中的表达与定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
FtsZ蛋白在细菌的分裂中担任着重要作用,能够在分裂位点形成一个环状结构而控制细菌的分裂过程。胞内FtsZ蛋白浓度的明显降低或异常升高均可阻断正常的细胞分裂过程进而导致丝状菌体的产生。我们为了研究烟草FtsZ蛋白与大肠杆菌FtsZ蛋白的异同,构建了烟草全长ftsZ2-1与绿色荧光蛋白EGFP的融合表达质粒并转化大肠杆菌JM109。融合表达质粒的过量表达导致宿主菌形成了丝状菌体。通过荧光显微镜观察发现NtFtsZ2-1-EGFP融合蛋白沿着宿主菌体的纵轴方向有规律地聚集成荧光点或荧光带,说明烟草FtsZ2-1蛋白能够识别宿主菌内分裂位点的定位信号并参与其细胞分裂复合物的组装。  相似文献   

烟草质体分裂蛋白NtFtsZs在大肠杆菌中的定位分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别构建了两个烟草 (NicotianatabacumL .)质体分裂基因NtFtsZ1和NtFtsZ2与编码绿色荧光蛋白的gfpS65A、V68L、S72A基因相融合的原核表达载体 ,并导入大肠杆菌 (Escherichiacoli)JM10 9菌株中进行表达。全长NtFtsZs∶GFP融合蛋白在菌体中有规律地定位 ,暗示NtFtsZs能识别大肠杆菌潜在的分裂位点 ,并能与大肠杆菌的内源FtsZ发生聚合作用 ;融合蛋白的诱导表达抑制了宿主菌的分裂 ,形成了明显的丝状菌体 ,证明真核生物的ftsZ基因与大肠杆菌的ftsZ基因有相似的作用。同时构建了NtFtsZs不同缺失的原核表达载体 ,对这两个基因所编码蛋白不同结构域的功能做了初步分析。实验结果表明 ,烟草FtsZ蛋白的C端结构域与其在大肠杆菌细胞中的正确定位有关 ;而N端结构域与NtFtsZs∶GFP融合蛋白的聚合有关。  相似文献   

分别构建了两个烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)质体分裂基因NtFtsZ1和NtFtsZ2与编码绿色荧光蛋白的gfpS65A、V68L、S72A基因相融合的原核表达载体,并导入大肠杆菌( Escherichia coli ) JM109菌株中进行表达.全长NtFtsZs∶GFP融合蛋白在菌体中有规律地定位,暗示NtFtsZs能识别大肠杆菌潜在的分裂位点,并能与大肠杆菌的内源FtsZ发生聚合作用;融合蛋白的诱导表达抑制了宿主菌的分裂,形成了明显的丝状菌体,证明真核生物的 ftsZ 基因与大肠杆菌的 ftsZ 基因有相似的作用.同时构建了NtFtsZs不同缺失的原核表达载体,对这两个基因所编码蛋白不同结构域的功能做了初步分析.实验结果表明,烟草FtsZ蛋白的C端结构域与其在大肠杆菌细胞中的正确定位有关;而N端结构域与NtFtsZs∶GFP融合蛋白的聚合有关.  相似文献   

为了研究细胞骨架蛋白FtsZ在螺旋藻形态建成中的作用,通过PCR克隆了ftsZ基因并进行原核表达,对表达的融合蛋白进行了纯化。通过免疫小鼠制备了FtsZ的多克隆抗体。分别用Western blot和免疫荧光技术检测螺旋藻不同形态藻丝体中ftsZ的表达和定位。结果表明,在两株不同螺旋藻Spirulina platensisFACHB869和FACHB882中,ftsZ在直线形藻丝体中的表达量都高于螺旋形藻丝体。免疫荧光定位结果显示,FtsZ蛋白在藻细胞中呈环状分布于细胞膜上,且这种环状结构在直线形藻丝体中排列较密而在螺旋形藻丝体中排列疏松。ftsZ在不同形态藻丝体中的表达量和细胞定位差异说明,细胞骨架蛋白FtsZ可能通过改变细胞刚性而参与螺旋藻形态建成。  相似文献   

FtsZ是与真核微管蛋白类似的原核骨架蛋白,能在细胞分裂位点聚合组装成环状结构而调控细胞分裂过程。为了研究钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)FtsZ蛋白的功能,构建了钝顶螺旋藻FtsZ与绿色荧光蛋白GFP融合表达的质粒,并在大肠杆菌中进行了表达和定位研究,结果发现,表达融合蛋白GFP-FtsZ的大肠杆菌细胞由短杆状变为长丝状,且菌丝体长度与融合蛋白的表达量呈正比。在荧光显微镜下观察到融合蛋白GFP-FtsZ在长丝状体细菌中呈有规律的点状分布,这说明FtsZ蛋白功能高度保守,钝顶螺旋藻FtsZ蛋白能识别大肠杆菌分裂位点并装配成环状结构调控大肠杆菌细胞分裂,FtsZ蛋白的过量表达能抑制大肠杆菌正常的细胞分裂而导致长丝状体细胞的形成。  相似文献   

细胞或质体中部正确分裂位点的选择是MinD蛋白与其他Min蛋白(MinC/E)相互作用的结果,MinD蛋白在原核细胞以及植物叶绿体的分裂过程中发挥着重要的作用。细胞中MinD蛋白浓度的明显升高可影响正常细胞的分裂过程而产生丝状体细胞。为了研究叶绿体分裂蛋白CrMinD的保守功能,构建了衣藻CrMinD-gfp的原核表达重组质粒进行了原核功能验证。试验结果表明,衣藻CrMinD蛋白的过量表达严重影响了大肠杆菌的分裂,其在原核细胞中运动和定位与用GFP标记的原核细胞MinD蛋白具有相似性。更进一步证明了叶绿体分裂同源物CrMinD蛋白与原核细胞MinD蛋白有着相似的功能,是一个进化上功能保守的蛋白。同时,这一结果也为研究植物细胞中质体的分裂机制奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

FtsZ是与真核微管蛋白类似的原核骨架蛋白,能在细胞分裂位点聚合组装成环状结构而调控细胞分裂过程。为了研究钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)FtsZ蛋白的功能,构建了钝顶螺旋藻FtsZ与绿色荧光蛋白GFP融合表达的质粒,并在大肠杆菌中进行了表达和定位研究,结果发现,表达融合蛋白GFP-FtsZ的大肠杆菌细胞由短杆状变为长丝状,且菌丝体长度与融合蛋白的表达量呈正比。在荧光显微镜下观察到融合蛋白GFP-FtsZ在长丝状体细菌中呈有规律的点状分布,这说明FtsZ蛋白功能高度保守,钝顶螺旋藻FtsZ蛋白能识别大肠杆菌分裂位点并装配成环状结构调控大肠杆菌细胞分裂,FtsZ蛋白的过量表达能抑制大肠杆菌正常的细胞分裂而导致长丝状体细胞的形成。  相似文献   

ftsZ基因是控制细胞分裂的关键基因,其蛋白能够在分裂位点形成一个环状结构而影响细胞分裂.为了研究木薯质体分裂与木薯淀粉品质形成的关系,根据木薯基因组数据库上的预测序列,设计引物,从木薯基因组中分离了与质体分裂相关的ftsZ家族3个新基因(ftsZ1,ftsZ2,ftsZ3).分别将它们与荧光蛋白基因(GFP)融合,构建了3个原核表达载体pET-fisZ1-GFP、pET-fisZ2-GFP、pET-fisZ3-GFP,并转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3).通过荧光显微镜观察菌体的表型和分裂,初步鉴定了木薯质体分裂相关基因ftsZ家族对细胞分裂的作用.结果显示:尽管木薯与大肠杆菌的亲缘关系较远,ftsZ基因的同源性较低,但是两者表现出相似的功能,木薯ftsZ基因的表达能严重影响大肠杆菌细胞分裂.这一结果为进一步研究木薯ftsZ家族基因的功能奠定了基础.  相似文献   

衣藻质体分裂相关基因CrFtsZ2的克隆及其进化分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
FtsZ(filamentingtemperaturesensitive)是一类从大肠杆菌温度敏感型突变体中分离到的基因 .该基因与E .coli细胞分裂密切相关 .突变体由于细胞分裂受阻而呈现“长丝状”[1] .此类基因于 1980年首次被克隆[2 ] .随后的研究表明 ,FtsZ蛋白在E .coli分裂细胞的凹陷处形成环状多聚体 ,Z环 ,是E .coli细胞分裂的限制因子[3 ] .衣藻属于绿藻 ,在现存的所有单细胞真核藻类中 ,绿藻是与陆生植物亲缘关系最近的一支[4] .由于衣藻为单细胞真核生物 ,并且仅含有一个巨大的叶绿体 ,因而是研究…  相似文献   

Plastids, an essential group of plant cellular organelles, proliferate by division to maintain continuity through cell lineages in plants. In recent years, it was revealed that the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ is encoded in the nuclear genome of plant cells, and plays a major role in the plastid division process forming a ring along the center of plastids. Although the best-characterized type of plastid division so far is the division with a single FtsZ ring at the plastid midpoint, it was recently reported that in some plant organs and tissues, plastids are pleomorphic and form multiple FtsZ rings. However, the pleomorphic plastid division mechanism, such as the formation of multiple FtsZ rings, the constriction of plastids and the behavior of plastid (pt) nucleoids, remains totally unclear. To elucidate these points, we used the cultured cell line, tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Bright Yellow-2, in which plastids are pleomorphic and show dynamic morphological changes during culture. As a result, it was revealed that as the plastid elongates from an ellipsoid shape to a string shape after medium renewal, FtsZ rings are multiplied almost orderly and perpendicularly to the long axis of plastids. Active DNA synthesis of pt nucleoids is induced by medium transfer, and the division and the distribution of pt nucleoids occur along with plastid elongation. Although it was thought that the plastid divides with simultaneous multiple constrictions at all the FtsZ ring sites, giving rise to many small plastids, we found that the plastids generally divide constricting at only one FtsZ ring site. Moreover, using electron microscopy, we revealed that plastid-dividing (PD) rings are observed only at the constriction site, and not at swollen regions. These results indicate that in the pleomorphic plastid division with multiple FtsZ rings, the formation of PD rings occurs at a limited FtsZ ring site for one division. Multiplied FtsZ rings seem to localize in advance at the expected sites of division, and the formation of a PD ring at each FtsZ ring site occurs in a certain order, not simultaneously. Based on these results, a novel model for the pleomorphic plastid division with multiple FtsZ rings is proposed.  相似文献   

In higher plants, two nuclear gene families, FtsZ1 and FtsZ2, encode homologs of the bacterial protein FtsZ, a key component of the prokaryotic cell division machinery. We previously demonstrated that members of both gene families are essential for plastid division, but are functionally distinct. To further explore differences between FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 proteins we investigated the phenotypes of transgenic plants overexpressing AtFtsZ1-1 or AtFtsZ2-1, Arabidopsis members of the FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 families, respectively. Increasing the level of AtFtsZ1-1 protein as little as 3-fold inhibited chloroplast division. Plants with the most severe plastid division defects had 13- to 26-fold increases in AtFtsZ1-1 levels over wild type, and some of these also exhibited a novel chloroplast morphology. Quantitative immunoblotting revealed a correlation between the degree of plastid division inhibition and the extent to which the AtFtsZ1-1 protein level was elevated. In contrast, expression of an AtFtsZ2-1 sense transgene had no obvious effect on plastid division or morphology, though AtFtsZ2-1 protein levels were elevated only slightly over wild-type levels. This may indicate that AtFtsZ2-1 accumulation is more tightly regulated than that of AtFtsZ1-1. Plants expressing the AtFtsZ2-1 transgene did accumulate a form of the protein smaller than those detected in wild-type plants. AtFtsZ2-1 levels were unaffected by increased or decreased accumulation of AtFtsZ1-1 and vice versa, suggesting that the levels of these two plastid division proteins are regulated independently. Taken together, our results provide additional evidence for the functional divergence of the FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 plant gene families.  相似文献   

Replication of chloroplasts is essential for achieving and maintaining optimal plastid numbers in plant cells. The plastid division machinery contains components of both endosymbiotic and host cell origin, but little is known about the regulation and molecular mechanisms that govern the division process. The Arabidopsis mutant arc6 is defective in plastid division, and its leaf mesophyll cells contain only one or two grossly enlarged chloroplasts. We show here that arc6 chloroplasts also exhibit abnormal localization of the key plastid division proteins FtsZ1 and FtsZ2. Whereas in wild-type plants, the FtsZ proteins assemble into a ring at the plastid division site, chloroplasts in the arc6 mutant contain numerous short, disorganized FtsZ filament fragments. We identified the mutation in arc6 and show that the ARC6 gene encodes a chloroplast-targeted DnaJ-like protein localized to the plastid envelope membrane. An ARC6-green fluorescent protein fusion protein was localized to a ring at the center of the chloroplasts and rescued the chloroplast division defect in the arc6 mutant. The ARC6 gene product is related closely to Ftn2, a prokaryotic cell division protein unique to cyanobacteria. Based on the FtsZ filament morphology observed in the arc6 mutant and in plants that overexpress ARC6, we hypothesize that ARC6 functions in the assembly and/or stabilization of the plastid-dividing FtsZ ring. We also analyzed FtsZ localization patterns in transgenic plants in which plastid division was blocked by altered expression of the division site-determining factor AtMinD. Our results indicate that MinD and ARC6 act in opposite directions: ARC6 promotes and MinD inhibits FtsZ filament formation in the chloroplast.  相似文献   

Immunoelectron microscopy was used to assess the effects of inhibitors of cell division on formation of the FtsZ ring in Escherichia coli. Induction of the cell division inhibitor SulA, a component of the SOS response, or the inhibitor MinCD, a component of the min system, blocked formation of the FtsZ ring and led to filamentation. Reversal of SulA inhibition by blocking protein synthesis in SulA-induced filaments led to a resumption of FtsZ ring formation and division. These results suggested that these inhibitors block cell division by preventing FtsZ localization into the ring structure. In addition, analysis of min mutants demonstrated that FtsZ ring formation was also associated with minicell formation, indicating that all septation events in E. coli involve the FtsZ ring.  相似文献   

Maple J  Vojta L  Soll J  Møller SG 《EMBO reports》2007,8(3):293-299
In plants, chloroplast division is an integral part of development, and these vital organelles arise by binary fission from pre-existing cytosolic plastids. Chloroplasts arose by endosymbiosis and although they have retained elements of the bacterial cell division machinery to execute plastid division, they have evolved to require two functionally distinct forms of the FtsZ protein and have lost elements of the Min machinery required for Z-ring placement. Here, we analyse the plastid division component accumulation and replication of chloroplasts 3 (ARC3) and show that ARC3 forms part of the stromal plastid division machinery. ARC3 interacts specifically with AtFtsZ1, acting as a Z-ring accessory protein and defining a unique function for this family of FtsZ proteins. ARC3 is involved in division site placement, suggesting that it might functionally replace MinC, representing an important advance in our understanding of the mechanism of chloroplast division and the evolution of the chloroplast division machinery.  相似文献   

FtsZ is a key protein involved in bacterial and organellar division. Bacteria have only one ftsZ gene, while chlorophytes (higher plants and green alga) have two distinct FtsZ gene families, named FtsZ1 and FtsZ2. This raises the question of why chloroplasts in these organisms need distinct FtsZ proteins to divide. In order to unravel new functions associated with FtsZ proteins, we have identified and characterized an Arabidopsis thaliana FtsZ1 loss-of-function mutant. ftsZ1-knockout mutants are impeded in chloroplast division, and division is restored when FtsZ1 is expressed at a low level. FtsZ1-overexpressing plants show a drastic inhibition of chloroplast division. Chloroplast morphology is altered in ftsZ1, with chloroplasts having abnormalities in the thylakoid membrane network. Overexpression of FtsZ1 also induced defects in thylakoid organization with an increased network of twisting thylakoids and larger grana. We show that FtsZ1, in addition to being present in the stroma, is tightly associated with the thylakoid fraction. This association is developmentally regulated since FtsZ1 is found in the thylakoid fraction of young developing plant leaves but not in mature and old plant leaves. Our results suggest that plastid division protein FtsZ1 may have a function during leaf development in thylakoid organization, thus highlighting new functions for green plastid FtsZ.  相似文献   

FtsZ ring formation at the chloroplast division site in plants   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Among the events that accompanied the evolution of chloroplasts from their endosymbiotic ancestors was the host cell recruitment of the prokaryotic cell division protein FtsZ to function in chloroplast division. FtsZ, a structural homologue of tubulin, mediates cell division in bacteria by assembling into a ring at the midcell division site. In higher plants, two nuclear-encoded forms of FtsZ, FtsZ1 and FtsZ2, play essential and functionally distinct roles in chloroplast division, but whether this involves ring formation at the division site has not been determined previously. Using immunofluorescence microscopy and expression of green fluorescent protein fusion proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana, we demonstrate here that FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 localize to coaligned rings at the chloroplast midpoint. Antibodies specific for recognition of FtsZ1 or FtsZ2 proteins in Arabidopsis also recognize related polypeptides and detect midplastid rings in pea and tobacco, suggesting that midplastid ring formation by FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 is universal among flowering plants. Perturbation in the level of either protein in transgenic plants is accompanied by plastid division defects and assembly of FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 into filaments and filament networks not observed in wild-type, suggesting that previously described FtsZ-containing cytoskeletal-like networks in chloroplasts may be artifacts of FtsZ overexpression.  相似文献   

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