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吉林珲春地区野猪危害防控研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
近年来人与野生动物冲突日趋严重。2012年7月到2014年10月,利用东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)粪便、声音在吉林珲春地区开展了野猪(Sus scrofa)危害防控研究。以采取防控措施起始时间到野猪进入实验样地或对照样地的时间间隔作为防控有效期;以实验结束时实验样地内放置东北虎粪便、东北虎声音播放器位置或对照样地中心点与样地内野猪危害发生处的最短距离作为防控范围。将防控有效期和防控范围分别转化为有效期指数和范围指数。结果表明:(1)东北虎粪便对野猪危害防控效果显著,与对照组相比,有效期指数和范围指数均存在显著差异(P0.05);(2)东北虎声音对野猪危害防控效果显著,与对照组相比,有效期指数和范围指数均差异显著(P0.05);(3)同时应用东北虎粪便和声音防控野猪危害效果显著,与对照组相比,有效期指数和范围指数均差异显著(P0.05);(4)单独应用东北虎粪便、单独应用东北虎声音与同时应用东北虎粪便和声音的各种防控方法之间,有效期指数和范围指数无显著差异(P0.05)。本研究认为,东北虎粪便、声音对野猪危害防控效果显著与东北虎是野猪天敌,且珲春地区存在东北虎有关。  相似文献   

近年来,野猪(Sus scrofa)数量增加,与人冲突不断加剧。2016年8至10月,在吉林省珲春市春化镇开展了太阳能警示灯防控野猪危害农田效果的研究。本研究将首次防控有效期和首次防控范围作为衡量防控措施是否有效的首要依据。首次防控有效期定义为从实验开始到野猪首次进入样地的时间。首次防控范围定义为野猪首次危害农田处与防控设施安放点的直线距离,并将其转化为范围指数。研究结果表明:(1)实验组与对照组相比,首次防控有效期均存在显著差异(P0.05),对照组的首次防控有效期为(2.7±0.5)d,1 000 m A红色警示灯的首次防控有效期为(36.0±1.4)d,效果最佳;1 000 m A白色警示灯的首次防控有效期为(7.3±0.5)d,防控效果最差。(2)除1 000 m A白色和蓝色警示灯的所有实验组以外,与对照组相比首次范围指数存在显著差异(P0.05)。(3)光质不同的实验组间首次防控有效期及首次范围指数存在显著差异(P0.05),红色警示灯的防控效果依次强于绿色、黄色、蓝色、白色;1 000 m A、800 m A、600 m A的不同光强实验组间防控效果无显著差异(P0.05)。(4)警示灯是否闪烁不能对野猪危害防控效果产生显著性影响(P0.05)。太阳能警示灯能够有效控制野猪的活动范围,从而降低野猪对农田的危害。  相似文献   

天敌是影响害虫种群动态的重要因素。一般认为天敌对害虫作用的方式,主要是通过直接的捕食或寄生。事实上,天敌还可以通过捕食或寄生过程中产生的"威吓"等非直接致死效应(Non-lethal effects)或胁迫作用(Stress),影响着害虫的生长发育、繁殖。有时这种天敌存在的非直接致死效应对害虫产生的负面影响甚至比天敌对害虫的直接捕食作用还强。显然,评价天敌作用时,除了计算天敌对害虫的直接捕食或寄生的效率,还应考虑天敌存在时对害虫的非直接致死效应。本文基于作者及前人的研究,分别论述了捕食性天敌、寄生性天敌对害虫的非直接致死效应,解析了环境变化对天敌非直接致死效应的影响,探讨了这种非直接致死效应的可能机制,提出了未来的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

野猪对农作物的危害是当前人与野生动物冲突的典型案例,分析其危害特征,掌握当地居民对野猪危害与保护管理的态度,对于自然保护区社区共管与野生动物保护管理决策尤为重要。对贵州赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区的调查研究发现,野猪一年四季均危害农作物,危害高峰期在 2-4 月与10-12 月,主要受作物收获期影响;农耕地在保护区的位置、距道路距离及距水源距离显著影响野猪对农耕地的危害,农耕地距道路(< 55 m)和水源越近(< 270 m),遭受危害程度越高。保护区的实验区和周边区域人居活动强烈,但野猪危害较其他区域严重,野猪危害农地时对水源因素较距居民点距离、距林缘距离、隐蔽因素更为敏感。70% 的当地居民认为野猪危害是由于种群数量过多引起。55% 的当地居民不赞同国家保护野猪的政策,62% 的赞同猎杀野猪控制其种群数量增长。受访者年龄与野猪危害程度两因素显著影响居民对野猪的容忍度,50 - 70 岁是当地社区居民的主要人群,也是态度中立及容忍度较高的人群。为有效减少野猪危害损失,调和人与野生动物冲突矛盾,建议保护区管理者根据野猪危害特征,帮助当地居民建立有效防控措施和有效快速的危害评估与损失补偿机制,同时根据当地居民的态度特征,做好保护政策的宣教工作。  相似文献   

人与野猪冲突:现状、影响因素及管理建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人与野猪冲突日趋严重,成为人们日益关注的问题.本文回顾了人与野猪冲突的类型、程度,分析了引发人与野猪冲突的原因和影响野猪危害的因素;综述了目前缓解人与野猪冲突的措施及其效果.在此基础上,总结了冲突管理中普遍存在的看法和问题,并针对人与野猪冲突管理中存在的一些问题,提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

近年来,随着野猪(Sus scrofa)数量不断增长,人与野猪之间的冲突也随之增加。2021年8至10月,在吉林省珲春市春化镇开展了电子围栏防控野猪危害农田的效果研究。研究共布设40块样地,以单次脉冲强度与栏线圈数来区分电子围栏,以防控有效期长度、进入样地野猪数量与农作物损失率衡量防控的有效性。研究结果如下:(1)电子围栏对野猪危害农田的防控效果显著,所有实验组的防控有效期长度、进入样地野猪数量、农作物损失率均与对照组存在显著差异(P <0.05)。(2)电子围栏的脉冲强度对野猪危害农田的防控效果影响不显著。电子围栏的栏线圈数为2,脉冲强度分别为0.3 J、1.0 J和2.0 J的样地中,防控有效期长度、进入样地的野猪数量、农作物损失率均无显著差异(P> 0.05)。(3)电子围栏的栏线圈数不同组别,防控效果不同。3圈栏线的电子围栏组防控有效期为(29.2±1.4)d,进入样地野猪数量为(0.7±1.0)ind,农作物损失率为4.28%±8.24%;2圈栏线的电子围栏组防控有效期为(27.3±3.3)d,进入样地野猪数量为(1.0±1.3)ind,农作物损失率为7.98%±...  相似文献   

2018年8—10月在吉林省珲春地区利用东北虎Panthera tigris altaica声音、野猪Sus scrofa惨叫声和太阳能警示灯开展了野猪危害防控及经济阈值研究。本研究设置依次播放东北虎声音15 s、野猪惨叫声15 s、叠加播放30 s、空白5 min(A组),播放东北虎声音1 min、空白5 min(B组),放置1 000 m A的红色太阳能警示灯(C组)和空白对照组(D组),每组5个样地。所有样地均设置在与森林毗邻的农田,声音从傍晚至黎明持续播放,太阳能警示灯为光控开关。每天07∶00—07∶30检查24 h内防控措施50 m范围内是否出现野猪危害农田的现象并记录。采用Mann-Whitney U检验对不同防控措施的防控效果的差异性进行分析,对玉米Zea mays损失率与进入样地野猪数量进行回归分析。研究结果表明:(1)实验组与对照组的防控有效期差异有统计学意义(P=0.001)。其中,A组和C组的防控有效期较长,分别为(27.00±1.87) d和(31.80±3.56) d,对照组的为(1.80±0.75) d;(2) A组的玉米损失率及经济损失均值最低,分别为(4.41±2.24)%和(639.04±289.15)元,对照组最高,玉米损失率及经济损失分别为(48.33±5.42)%和(6 703.38±412.20)元;(3)玉米的损失率(y)与进入样地的野猪数量(x)之间的最佳回归方程为y=0.095-0.116x+0.048x~2;(4)每公顷农田进入野猪数量即防治经济阈值达到(2.09±0.28)头/hm2和(2.15±0.18)头/hm~2时,应分别按照A组和C组设置防控措施。本研究探索野猪危害防控措施对降低管理成本具有重要的参考意义,也为其他野生动物的危害防控研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

崔爽  刘丙万 《兽类学报》2020,40(4):364-373
近年来,由于野猪(Sus scrofa)数量增长和土地利用方式的变化,导致人与野猪之间的冲突不断增加。2018年8-10月在吉林省珲春地区利用东北虎声音、野猪惨叫声、狼叫声,太阳能警示灯、防兽彩带等视觉设施,东北虎粪便,综合使用东北虎声音和东北虎粪便以及电子围栏等防控措施在已使用过和未使用过防控措施的样地开展了野猪危害防控效果及空间特征研究。我们以2018年野猪危害防控研究的数据,结合2011-2017年已发表数据进一步研究了野猪危害防控措施的时空特征。防控有效期为实验开始到野猪首次进入样地发生危害的时间间隔。研究结果表明:(1)2018年实验组与对照组相比,防控有效期均存在显著差异(P< 0.001),对照组防控有效期为(1.33±0.58)d,实验组中已使用过和未使用过防控措施样地的防控有效期分别为(16.25±9.00)d和(20.58±9.61)d,防控有效期差异不显著(P=0.127);(2)2018年与2011年、2013年、2016年、2017年相比同一种防控措施的防控效果随着使用年份的增加,播放东北虎声音1min加空白5min、放置避雨装置的粪便、综合使用东北虎声音加粪便、放置红黄绿色太阳能警示灯等防控措施的防控有效期没有显著变化(P=0.200;P=0.295;P= 0.221;P=0.080;P=0.090;P=0.050);播放狼声音1min加空白5min防控效果有显著下降趋势(P=0.003);按顺序播放东北虎声音加野猪惨叫1min加空白5min组防控效果呈显著上升趋势(P=0.001),但防控有效期较短为(13.67±2.62)d,不具推广意义。因此,野猪危害防控措施中播放东北虎声音、综合使用东北虎声音和东北虎粪便、太阳能警示灯等均具有空间推广性和时间延续性。  相似文献   

农药对家蚕(Bombyx mori L.)的亚致死效应研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
朱九生  王静  乔雄梧  韩巨才 《生态学报》2008,28(7):3334-3343
明确农药对家蚕的影响对综合评价农药的生态效应与合理使用农药具有理论和实践意义.从生长发育、经济性状和食物利用方面综述了农药对家蚕的亚致死效应;从生理代谢、组织器官亚显微结构和培养细胞方面介绍了亚致死效应产生的机制,并结合杀虫剂对其它鳞翅目昆虫亚致死影响方面的研究结果对其进行了讨论,提出了今后加强研究的重点.总的来说,亚致死剂量农药的胁迫可使家蚕幼虫眠性不齐,眠蚕体重和蛹重减轻,发育历期延长,严重者结茧(上蔟)时间推迟,且吐丝营茧功能失常,最终导致蚕茧质量下降.桑叶上残留的农药在一定程度上还会对家蚕的取食行为以及食物摄入后的消化吸收产生影响.农药对家蚕亚致死效应产生的机制目前主要有3个:家蚕体内正常生理水平和代谢平衡受到扰动、家蚕的一些重要组织器官如中肠和后丝腺等微形态结构受到损伤和家蚕卵巢细胞出现凋亡现象.农药对家蚕的亚致死效应因农药种类、试验剂量和家蚕受药时间而异,产生的机理也十分复杂.今后应着重开展新农药对家蚕亚致死效应研究,特别是对生化和分子机制方面的研究以及农药复合污染对家蚕影响的研究.  相似文献   

【目的】了解我国农田捕食性昆虫资源与应用研究态势。【方法】应用文献计量学方法,分析中国知网(CNKI)收录的全部年代的我国农田捕食性昆虫的中文文献。【结果】提取到544篇与农田捕食性昆虫相关文献及包含在这些文献中的1 747条关键信息词,研究内容主要包括以下5个方面:农田节肢动物群落与捕食性优势种;农田重要捕食者;捕食作用、食物网关系与生态服务价值评价;人工繁育、人工饲料与天敌释放应用;主要农作物的重要害虫种群及其综合管理。水稻与棉花生态系统及其中的捕食昆虫与害虫被重点关注。异色瓢虫Harmoniaaxyridis、七星瓢虫Coccinellaseptempunctata、龟纹瓢虫Propyleajaponica、黑肩绿盲蝽Cyrtorhinuslividipennis、青翅蚁形隐翅虫Paederusfuscipes、稻红瓢虫Micraspisdiscolor、尖钩宽黾蝽Microveliahorvathi等是农田中的优势性捕食性昆虫。【结论】在我国主要农田生态系统中,存在着丰富的捕食性昆虫资源,它们扮演着农作物害虫天敌的角色,实现对农作物害虫的生物防治或自然控制。建议加强对重要害虫种群发生机制研究,促进有利于天敌生存、保存的条件与方法研究,提高天敌的生态防控效能。  相似文献   

The extractive nature of recreational hunting may provide a service to both the ecosystem and society, namely the control of problem species. We reviewed the annual wild boar hunting bag data from hunting sites in Asturias (Spain) from 2000/01 to 2013/14, paying particular attention to the evolution on hunting estates after ban periods. We hypothesized that the annual hunting bag after a hunting ban would be larger than that of the pre-ban period, and that this difference could provide an indication of hunters’ relative contribution to wild boar population regulation. The total hunting bag grew during the study period, from 3723 wild boar (0.39ind/km2) in the 2000/01 hunting year to 7593 in that of 2013/14 (0.79ind/km2)—a mean annual increase of 5.63%. Low hunting quotas cannot be blamed for these growing trends, since no more than 50% of the authorized animals are hunted. The growth of the mean annual pre-ban hunting bag on the estates on which hunting bans took place was 8.46%. The hunting bag grew by 40.33% immediately after the hunting ban ended—a growth rate seven times higher than that of the background hunting bag. This constitutes a proxy of the regulatory effect of hunters on wild boar population growth. Following the remarkable increase after the ban, the wild boar hunting bag attained values that were slightly lower than those of the pre-ban period, which indicates that hunters are able to reduce wild boar abundance. Hunting, therefore, provides an important service to both the ecosystem and society by contributing to regulating the growth of problem species such as the wild boar.  相似文献   

Over the last century, human activity has caused significant changes to the activity patterns of many wildlife species. The wild boar is one species known to change its activity pattern with the intensity of human disturbance. We conducted camera trap surveys in two study sites, Shingo and Himuro, in Tochigi, central Japan. We investigated effects of two types of human disturbance on the activity pattern of a wild boar population: ‘direct’ disturbance related to hunting activity and ‘indirect’ disturbance related to daily human activity. In the hunting season, relative abundance indices (RAI) of wild boars significantly decreased, and the proportion of activity at night increased compared with the nonhunting season. RAI of wild boars at night decreased with increasing distance from the settlement, while RAI of wild boars during the day did not. Relative proportion of activity at night was higher in cameras at 0–200 m from the settlements, while no significant pattern was found in cameras far from settlements. Both direct and indirect effects of human activity had a significant effect on the activity pattern of wild boars. A decrease in human activity may result in the rapid expansion of wild boar populations, and re-evaluation of the human factor is important for more intelligent management of wild boar populations and to solve the human–wildlife conflict.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of wild ungulates, particularly wild boar (Sus scrofa), are modulated by biotic (e.g. predation) and abiotic (environmental) determinants. Despite the evident potential interference of predation in the environmental patterns of wild boar population abundance, studies including both predation and abiotic factors are scarce. Here, using spatially explicit predictive models, we investigated the effects of habitat features on the relative abundance of wild boar populations and how the abundance of boars is related to frequency of Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus; hereafter, wolf) in the area. Wild boar relative abundance was determined by hunting bag statistics, including hunting effort-related variables (in order to avoid problems derived from modeling rates) as covariates, while wolf attacks to livestock were considered as a proxy of wolf frequency in the drive. After modeling, variation partitioning procedures were used to determine the relative importance of each factor and their overlaid effects. Our results showed that wild boar and wolf relative abundances are associated. According to previous knowledge on the wild boar ecology, we found that the species abundance is positively related to the percentage of surface occupied by mature forest and heather providing high food diversity and refuge, but these environmental variables achieved a low explanatory capacity in the models in relation to wolf frequency. The holistic approach followed in this study was attended to open new perspectives for thinking on the wolf-livestock conflict and to adequate wild boar management strategies taking into account hunting interests and natural processes.  相似文献   

Abstract We assessed age-specific natural mortality (i.e., excluding hunting mortality) and hunting mortality of 1,175 male and 1,076 female wild boar (Sus scrofa) from Chǎteauvillain-Arc en Barrois (eastern France), using a 22-year dataset (1982–2004) and mark-recapture-recovery methods. Overall yearly mortality was >50% for all sex and age-classes. Low survival was mostly due to high hunting mortality; a wild boar had a >40% of chance of being harvested annually, and this risk was as high as 70% for adult males. Natural mortality rates of wild boar were similar for males and females (approx. 0.15). These rates were comparable to rates typical of male ungulates but high for female ungulates. Wild boar survival did not vary across sex and age-classes. Despite high hunting mortality, we did not detect evidence of compensatory mortality. Whereas natural mortality for males was constant over time, female mortality varied annually, independent of fluctuations in mast availability. Female wild boar survival patterns differed from those reported in other ungulates, with high and variable natural mortality. In other ungulates, natural mortality is typically low and stable across a wide range of environmental conditions. These differences may partly reflect high litter sizes for wild boar, which carries high energetic costs. High hunting mortality may induce a high investment of females in reproduction early in life, at the detriment to survival. Despite high hunting mortality, the study population increased. Effective population control of wild boar should target a high harvest rate of piglets and reproductive females.  相似文献   

The wild boar is a native animal species of the Czech Republic that has significantly increased its population density in recent years. Objective methods of population density estimation are required to inform the intensity of regulation needed for the sustainable management of the wild boar. Population estimation and regulation of the abundance of the wild boar are problematic in comparison to those of other ungulates, and the only widely used method of control is intensive hunting. The purpose of this study was to test if faecal pellet group (FPG) counting was a reliable method of wild boar population censusing in a forest environment. The density of wild boars was evaluated in an area of 22.56 km2, circumscribed by both natural and man-made barriers that restrict wild boar migration. As it is essential for proper application of FPG count methods, a separate trial was carried out to determine the daily defecation rate of wild boars. The distribution of faeces in different types of habitat in a forest environment was tested. As the period of faeces accumulation fell within the intensive hunting season, the result is biased by the fact that the calculation includes FPGs produced by animals removed from the population through hunting during winter. The average daily defecation rate of adults and piglets was 4.29 and 5.82, respectively. The corrected (without shot animals) average density of wild boars in the study area estimated by the FPG count at the time of the census was 6.08 individuals (ind.)/km2. We have confirmed that an FPG count conducted in winter is applicable for estimation of wild boar abundance on a forested area.  相似文献   

Crop damage caused by wild boar (Sus scrofa) in many agroforestry regions of the world has affected agricultural development and farmers' livelihoods. Understanding the patterns of wild boar crop damage is important for properly managing these conflicts, and can improve the effectiveness of existing prevention strategies. We collected a comprehensive dataset from Guizhou Province, China, from 2017 to 2020, obtained from motion-sensitive camera monitoring, transect surveys, interview surveys, and wildlife management administrations. These data include 3,156 records of wild boar activity in natural areas and 576 records of crop damage. We applied a multi-scale MaxEnt model to map the regional distribution of wild boar habitat suitability and crop damage risk in Guizhou Province and focused on the role of habitat suitability in wild boar crop damage from a regional perspective. Wild boar habitat suitability exhibits a divergent pattern, expanding from the central area of Guizhou Province to the eastern, northern, southern, and northwestern regions, with a gradually increasing trend. Suitability of habitat for wild boar was associated with composite topographic index, mean coldest season temperature, isothermality, Shannon diversity index, edge density, and distance to village roads. Similarly, crop damage caused by wild boars in agroforestry areas is mainly concentrated in the northeast, with the risk increasing from west to east. The risk of damage was associated with temperature seasonality, roughness, distance to village roads, precipitation in the warmest quarter, edge density, and contagion index. Furthermore, in agroforestry areas, there is a positive correlation between wild boar habitat suitability and crop damage risk, with Spearman rank correlation coefficients ranging from 0.5759 to 0.5932. This correlation is not perfectly synchronized on a regional scale. This study indicates that the relationship between habitat suitability and crop damage caused by wild boar in Guizhou Province is primarily influenced by changes in population size rather than the habitat. Consequently, we emphasize the importance of controlling wild boar populations through hunting as a way to effectively reduce the risk of crop damage in agroforestry areas, without neglecting the need for proper habitat management.  相似文献   

In south-central Spain, the harvest of Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa) has increased significantly during recent decades in association with more intensive management actions to increase hunting yields and with consequent effects on the health status of the wild boar populations. We investigated the spatio-temporal trends and the risk factors related to the prevalence of Trichinella spp. in wild boar in order to obtain the annual probability of occurrence for these parasites in the Ciudad Real province of south-central Spain. Based on muscle samples collected during the hunting seasons from 1998/1999 to 2009/2010, the mean prevalence for Trichinella spp. in 95,070 wild boar was 0.2% (95% confidence interval 0.17-0.23). A subsample of 1,432 wild boar was also tested by ELISA. No correlation was observed between the prevalence of infection detected by serology and by the artificial digestion of muscle. The presence of Trichinella infections in wild boar showed a decreasing trend during the study period and was negatively related with fenced wild boar populations. The predicted 'favourability' for Trichinella infections disappeared almost completely after the 2006/2007 hunting season. Risk maps based on biogeographical tools showed, however, that most hunting estates presented favourable risk factors for these parasites during at least one of the hunting seasons studied.  相似文献   

Wild boar have been increasing in numbers all over Western Europe in the last 30 years. The species is a major pest for agriculture, but it has a high value as a game species, and in Italy, as in several other countries, it is traditionally hunted in drive hunts by hunting teams with several dogs. This hunting method can have disruptive effects on the demography and spatial behaviour of wild boar, especially family groups. We conducted a 2-year study (2003 and 2004) to determine the effects of drive hunt disturbance on the spatial behaviour of wild boar family groups in the Northern Apennines (central Italy). Twenty wild boar belonging to ten family groups were ear tagged with a radio device. We located resting sites daily and used intensive tracking sessions during drive hunts. Three seasons were determined: pre-hunting, hunting and post-hunting. A general pattern of increased spatial instability during the hunting season was shown. Resting ranges were larger, and resting sites were more interspersed. Distances between consecutive resting sites were greater during the hunting season and, especially, on hunting days. The displacement of family groups caused by drive hunts was generally short lived except for those groups that were repeatedly hunted and so abandoned their pre-hunt (native) range. During drive hunts, wild boar showed a moderate tolerance to hunting disturbance, and only family groups which were directly chased by dogs escaped or altered their behaviour. The response of wild boar to hunting disturbance seemed to be highly related to the degree of hunting pressure combined with individual variability. The impact on wild boar behaviour should be reduced, above all by avoiding repeated hunts in the same areas within a short period and by employing well-trained hounds.  相似文献   

Agro-ecosystems can experience elevated human-wildlife conflicts, especially crop damage. While game management often aims at reducing number to mitigate conflicts, there is on-going debate about the role of hunting disturbance in promoting game to range over wider areas, thereby potentially exacerbating conflicts. Herein, we hypothesised that landscape configuration and non-lethal disturbance modulate the response to harvest disturbance. We used an information theoretic approach to test the effects of landscape and anthropogenic variables on wild boar ranging patterns across contrasting harvest regimes. We used 164 seasonal home ranges from 95 wild boar (Sus scrofa) radio-tracked over 6 years in the Geneva Basin where two main harvest regimes coexist (day hunt and night cull). Mean seasonal 95% kernel home range size was 4.01 ± 0.20 km2 (SE) and 50% core range size 0.79 ± 0.04 km2, among the smallest recorded in Europe. Range sizes were larger in the day hunt area than in the night cull area, with no seasonal effect. However, when accounting for landscape variables, we demonstrate that these patterns were likely confounded by the underlying landscape configuration, and that landscape variables remain the primary drivers of wild boar ranging patterns in this human-dominated agro-ecosystem with range size best explained by a model including landscape variables only. Therefore, we recommend accounting for landscape configuration and sources of non-lethal disturbance in the design of harvest strategies when the aim is to limit wide-ranging behaviour of wild boar in order to mitigate conflicts.  相似文献   

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