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克隆植物大米草 (Spartina anglica) 目前在我国出现了严重的自然衰退 (Dieback),为了阐明大米草衰退的机理,分析影响大米草形态可塑性的因素与自然衰退之间的相关性,以期为近缘植物互花米草 (S. alterniflora) 这一爆发种群的生物控制提供借鉴,对3种不同初始克隆分株数 (单克隆、三克隆和五克隆) 大米草的克隆生长、生物量累积与分配和异速生长特征进行了野外栽培试验。研究结果表明,初始克隆分株数对间隔子长度影响较弱;初始多克隆的分支强度高于初始单克隆;初始三克隆和五克隆在总生物量 (7.921 5~10.431 7 g 和 8.903 9~10.431 7 g)、地上生物量 (3.396 1~4.255 8 g 和3.618 4~4.338 9 g)、地下生物量 (4.286 9~5.206 6 g 和 5.298 8~6.079 3 g)和根状茎生物量 (1.318 6~1.767 7 g 和 1.499 1~2.038 7 g) 积累上均显著高于初始单克隆,不同初始克隆分株数条件下根生物量差异不显著;初始多克隆倾向于将资源更多地分配给根状茎,而初始单克隆倾向于将更多的资源分配给根系。由此推断,在不同初始克隆分株数条件下,大米草的形态可塑性和生物量分配格局的差异显示出在同样资源格局下,初始多克隆的克隆生殖能力较初始单克隆强。初始多克隆生长的大米草较初始单克隆生长的大米草更能占据优势生境,选择生境“觅养”的能力与克隆繁殖能力更强。  相似文献   

对外来植物大米草(Spartina anglica)衰退种群进行高、中、低3个浓度(即50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂的300倍、600倍和1200倍稀释液)多菌灵灌根处理,测定大米草在杀菌剂处理条件下的形态可塑性、克隆生长特性及生物量积累与分配格局.结果表明:与对照相比,各浓度多菌灵处理对大米草的株高、叶数、叶片厚度、叶片面积和根长均没有显著影响(P〉0.05);中浓度处理后,大米草种群的根状茎节数和分枝强度均显著高于对照和其它处理,而根状茎总长和间隔子长度均显著高于对照和低浓度处理(p<0.05),与高浓度处理差异不显著;高浓度处理的大米草地下生物量和根生物量分配显著高于对照和其它处理,而地上生物量分配却显著低于对照和其它处理(P相似文献   

氮水平和竞争对互花米草与芦苇叶特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 互花米草 (Spartina alterniflora) 和芦苇 (Phragmites australis) 是滨海盐沼湿地的多年生草本植物,从世界范围来看,它们二者具有区域性的相互入侵特征,因此研究生境条件对两物种互侵机制的影响是一个十分有意义的生态学命题。该文运用随机区组实验设计方法,模拟海滩环境、构建人工种群、控制可变因子,研究了外来种互花米草与本地种芦苇分别单种和混种时,叶特征对不同氮水平、不同植株密度的响应。结果表明:随着氮水平的升高,互花米草和芦苇的叶面积无论是在单种还是混种情况下都显著增加 (p<0.05),但混种条件下芦苇的叶面积在高氮水平下增幅减少,这与高氮状况下互花米草与芦苇的竞争加剧有关;氮水平对单种中两种植物的叶数影响最显著 (p<0.01),对混种中互花米草的叶数和芦苇的叶宽影响最大 (p<0.05)。植株密度增加导致种内和种间竞争加剧,无论在单种还是混种处理下,都造成两种植物叶面积的显著减少 (p<0.05)。单种处理中, 两物种的叶数受密度的响应最显著 (p<0.05);而混种处理中芦苇对互花米草的竞争显著减小了互花米草的叶宽和叶数(p<0.05),互花米草对芦苇的竞争则显著减小了芦苇 的叶长、叶宽和叶数 (p<0.05)。两种植物的竞争结果受到氮营养的调控,低、高氮水平下互花米草的种间竞争能力大于芦苇,中氮水平下则是芦苇的种间竞争能力大于互花米草。高氮水平下互花米草通过叶面积的快速增加抑制了芦苇的叶生长,使其叶面积减少,从而在竞争中占据优势,这可能是互花米草入侵我国海滩芦苇种群的机制之一。  相似文献   

以外来入侵植物南美蟛蜞菊和本地近缘种蟛蜞菊为对象,通过温室模拟3种水位波动模式(水位无波动,水位波动模式分别为15 cm-0 cm-15 cm和0 cm-15 cm-0 cm)交叉5种定植模式(试验容器内分别为入侵种单株、本土种单株、入侵种6株、本土种6株以及2物种各3株混种)的试验,研究水位波动对入侵植物和本地近缘种生长繁殖性状及种内种间相互作用的影响.结果表明: 水位波动显著降低了南美蟛蜞菊和蟛蜞菊的总生物量、茎生物量、叶生物量、根生物量、茎长、节点数、叶片数及叶面积,对南美蟛蜞菊和蟛蜞菊种内及种间竞争系数的影响均显著.水位波动改变了南美蟛蜞菊的种内和种间竞争关系,说明入侵植物南美蟛蜞菊对水位波动更为敏感,对环境改变表现出更强的适应性.  相似文献   

Although Spartina anglica C.E. Hubbard continues to be invasive in many countries, this species has experienced a drastic decline in coastal China over the last decade. We hypothesize that changes in the duration of tidal immersion were responsible for this decline because the elevation of the S. anglica-dominated area in coastal China has increased greatly over the last decade. We examined the effects of the duration of simulated tidal immersion and plant material provenance on growth, asexual reproduction, biomass accumulation, and allocation (percent of above-ground biomass to total biomass) of S. anglica in a greenhouse experiment. The provenance of S. anglica did not significantly affect any traits measured except for height, stalk diameter, and leaf area. However, all traits were affected by the duration of immersion. Plants grown under 6 h of immersion were taller and had more leaves, more roots, and larger leaf area than those under 2, 4, 8, and 10 h of immersion. Asexual traits and biomass of the plants grown under 6 h of immersion were significantly larger than those under other immersion durations. The results suggested that S. anglica benefits from tidal immersion and decreasing duration of tidal immersion may have resulted in the decline of the S. anglica populations in coastal China. Thus, controlling the duration of tidal immersion may be an effective way of controlling invasiveness of this species elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

甘琳  赵晖  清华  肖燕  李敏  胡秋香  安树青 《生态学报》2011,31(7):1794-1802
氮、硫均是影响入侵植物互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel.)生长与繁殖的重要营养元素,研究其交互作用可能有助于揭示互花米草成功入侵机制。本文在人工控制条件下,以河沙为栽培基质,研究了氮、硫互作对互花米草繁殖和生物量积累与分配的影响。实验结果表明:中氮和高氮处理下的互花米草分支强度、初级分株数、次级分株数、根状茎数及其总长要显著高于低氮,不同硫水平及氮硫互作对互花米草无性繁殖没有显著影响;互花米草的种子数和种子生物量受硫以及氮硫交互作用的影响显著,在高氮水平下,中硫处理的互花米草种子数和种子生物量要远远高于其他处理。中氮和高氮处理下的互花米草叶、茎、根、根状茎和总生物量显著高于低氮处理;只有在高氮水平下,高硫处理的生物量才显著低于其他处理。在中氮和高氮营养条件下,高硫处理会促使互花米草对地上部分投入更多的生物量。中硫-高氮作用对互花米草有性繁殖的促进,使互花米草能在硫浓度较高的滩地保持高有性繁殖率;虽然过高的硫会抑制互花米草的有性繁殖,但却能促进根状茎数目的增加,从而加速其向外短距离扩张;这些特性均有利于互花米草对滨海盐沼的入侵。  相似文献   

淡咸水轮换浇灌抑制互花米草的克隆生长和繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
作为典型的盐沼植物,入侵种互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)具有较强的耐盐性,能否以淡水或淡咸水的轮换浇灌扰乱其耐盐机制,降低其生态入侵性,进而寻求其控制对策是一个重要命题。为此,对互花米草进行了6种浇灌处理:单一的淡水(D)或咸水(X)浇灌;1次浇灌转换,即先淡水后咸水(DX)或先咸水后淡水(XD);2次浇灌转换,即由淡水开始转而咸水,再转而淡水(DXD),或由咸水开始转而淡水,再转而咸水(XDX)。结果显示,D处理的总生物量最高,与其它各处理均差异显著(p<0.05),且是X处理的1.67倍;DXD和XDX处理的总生物量最低,与D和X处理的差异显著(p<0.05),两者均约为D处理的50%。浇灌处理对根冠比、茎重比、叶重比和根茎重比的影响不明显,对根重比有较大影响,X处理的根重比最高,与D处理的差异显著(p<0.05),但与DX、XD、DXD和XDX处理之间的差异不显著。D处理的克隆生长新生总株数(Propagule)最多,与其它处理均差异显著(p<0.05),且是X处理的1.34倍;DXD和XDX处理的新生总株数最少,与D和X处理的差异显著(p<0.05),仅为D处理的55%。浇灌处理对分蘖的影响明显,DX和DXD处理的分蘖数分别是D处理的62%和50%;XD和XDX处理的分蘖数分别是X处理的50%和47%。就开花株数而言,X处理显著高于其它处理(p<0.05);DXD和XDX处理的开花株数为0。因此,持续的淡水浇灌可能会促进互花米草的生物量积累,并且采取快速的克隆生长为主的繁殖策略;而在淡水和咸水交替的生境下,互花米草的生物量积累、无性和有性繁殖能力都会受到抑制。  相似文献   

The exotic species Spartina anglica C.E. Hubbard has been experiencing dieback in coastal China during the past decade, while it is invading other places in the world. Thus, an explanation for the dieback of the populations in coastal China would be helpful for controlling invasions of S. anglica in other places of the world. Both field and greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the possible role of density in the dieback of the populations in China. The density effects were tested by maintaining six density levels in field experiments and three density levels in greenhouse experiments over 7 months. The results showed that growth, asexual reproduction and biomass accumulation in medium density were significantly higher than those in other density treatments for field experiments. The growth and asexual reproduction in high-density patches were lowest among the treatments in the field. Data showed the same pattern for the greenhouse experiments. The results implied that density regulation had a great effect on most of the studied parameters. Because the species is surviving at high density along the Chinese coast, and has a much lower growth rate due to strong intraspecific competition, and also because high-density populations may decline into low density populations due to resource exhaustion, high plant density might be one of the important factors in the dieback of S. anglica.  相似文献   

Intercropping is often promoted for effective mutualism between species, thus compensating for external inputs. However, for optimal farm design resulting in superior production and nutrition, an accurate assessment of plant inter- and intra-specific competition is required. In predominant shade tree-cocoa (Theobroma cacao) systems, inconclusive evidence remains on species interactions, limitations to resource availability and subsequent growth and nutritional response, particularly in early growth. We examined cocoa biomass and foliar nutrition as well as nutrient supply through rates of decomposition and N mineralization after 1-year growth. Our approach employed fertilization and mixed planting treatments in an additive design of cocoa in monoculture (control), under artificial shade, and intercropped under two separate shade species (Terminalia superba and Newbouldia laevis). Intercropping had no effect on cocoa biomass production in comparison to monoculture cocoa. However, artificial shading stimulated foliage and root production both with and without fertilization, suggesting strong effects of light regulation on growth in the absence of belowground competition. Nutritionally, intercropping suppressed K uptake in cocoa foliage as K concentration was reduced by 20–25%, signifying dilution of this nutrient, presumably due to interspecific competition for mobile elements. Foliar N content under N. laevis was raised, where N concentration kept up with growth under this intercropped species. Intercropping also delayed decomposition rates, suggesting slower but sustained release of available nutrients into the topsoil. Cocoa under artificial shade, both with and without fertilization, exhibited the greatest nutrient responses as compared to unfertilized monoculture cocoa, where P uptake was stimulated most (175 and 112%), followed by K (69 and 71%), and then N (54 and 42%). Intercropping with shade trees failed to increase cocoa biomass, however, nutrient uptake was sustained for N and P, suggesting low interspecific competition. When fertilizers are undesirable or unavailable, intercropping of appropriately selected shade trees will not competitively suppress early growth of cocoa but will improve light regulation and nutritional status of cocoa saplings.  相似文献   

不同栽植方式下紫椴幼苗生物量分配及资源利用分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
 通过紫椴(Tilia amurensis Rupr.)幼苗在不同植距下纯栽和与落叶松(Larix gmelini)的混栽沙培试验,初次应用通径分析,研究紫椴幼苗生物量分配和资源利用机制,分析种内和种间竞争及其模式。研究发现总体上植距增大有利于紫椴根、茎、叶各器官的生长。通过通径分析说明,紫椴地下根系对总生长的贡献为0.236 1~0.286 9,地上茎、叶对总生长的贡献为0.732 5~0.775 8,地上部分的贡献是地下根系的2.95倍。表明紫椴幼苗对光具有较强的需求和竞争能力。紫椴和落叶松之间存在悬殊较大的生物量差距,落叶松的根、茎、叶生物量约是相应混栽紫椴的2、5、4倍。通过比较纯栽和混栽试验中的直接通径系数,与落叶松混栽后,紫椴对地下水分养分的竞争下降36.84%,对地上光照空间的竞争增大11.63%。随植距减小落叶松对紫椴的影响增大,紫椴根系生长受落叶松种间竞争影响不显著;地上茎、叶生长只在一定植距范围内受落叶松影响。紫椴与落叶松种间竞争是不同资源利用等级的两树种间的相互作用,以对称性地下竞争与落叶松“平等”地占有地下水分养分资源,从而受落叶松地下竞争较小;在一定空间范围内落叶松以非对称性竞争优先占有地上光照资源影响紫椴生长。  相似文献   

The perennial salt marsh grass Spartina anglica is one of the classic examples of allopolyploid speciation. It originated on the south coast of England at the end of the nineteenth century following chromosome doubling in S. × townsmdii , a hybrid between the native British S. marilima and a species introduced from the United States, S. alterniflora. The nature of the origin of S. anglica is beyond doubt; however, it is not known whether it had a single or multiple origin. In order to address this problem we undertook a survey of the genetic variation in the parental species of S. anglica using isozyme electrophoresis. The results show that S. alterniflora has no detectable variation and that S. maritima has extremely low levels of variation. These results, unfortunately, prevent the question of a single or multiple origin from being answered. Possible reasons for the low levels of variation and its influence on the future of the species are discussed. Another problem concerning the parental species is the rapid decline of S. maritima in Britain. It is often assumed that the major factor in this regression is the invasion of its habitats by S. anglica. We have examined the status of S. marilima throughout its range in Britain and have found that S. anglica rarely co-occurs with S. maritima. We propose that the decline of S. maritima is largely due to the physical erosion of its habitats and that this erosion may produce suitable habitats for colonization by S. anglica.  相似文献   

cirpus mariqueter Tang et Zhang is a typical pioneer plant colonizing the bare beaches of the Yangtse River estuary. To explore the life history strategy of the species with reference to environmental physical stress, the biomass allocations to different plant components and some related morphological parameters were examined along an elevational gradient within a salt marsh. Authors found that S. mariqueter performed best at medium elevation within the marsh, with relatively high density of shoot and individual ramet dry mass. Biomass allocation to corm was the highest at low elevations, and the least at high elevations, suggesting that a conservative strategy was adopted by the species to cope with the harsh physical conditions at the low elevation. The investment in rhizome decreased from low to high elevations, while the proportion of inflorescence mass increased, indicating that during the life history, the species shifts from predominant asexual reproduction to predominant sexual reproduction. This may be favourable for the species to colonize larger area, and to spread and persist at a meta-population level. Correlation analyses showed that sexual reproduction was inversely related to growth and asexual reproduction. However, it is difficult to determine the relationship between asexual reproduction and growth possibly because of the varied function of the corms of the species in different life history stages.  相似文献   

Increasing biodiversity has been linked to higher primary productivity in terrestrial ecosystems. However, the underlying ecophysiological mechanisms remain poorly understood. We investigated the effects of surrounding species richness (monoculture, two‐ and four‐species mixtures) on the ecophysiology of Lithocarpus glaber seedlings in experimental plots in subtropical China. A natural rain event isotopically labelled both the water uptaken by the L. glaber seedlings and the carbon in new photoassimilates through changes of photosynthetic discrimination. We followed the labelled carbon (C) and oxygen (O) in the plant–soil–atmosphere continuum. We measured gas‐exchange variables (C assimilation, transpiration and above‐ and belowground respiration) and δ13C in leaf biomass, phloem, soil microbial biomass, leaf‐ and soil‐respired CO2 as well as δ18O in leaf and xylem water. The 13C signal in phloem and respired CO2 in L. glaber in monoculture lagged behind those in species mixture, showing a slower transport of new photoassimilates to and through the phloem in monoculture. Furthermore, leaf‐water 18O enrichment above the xylem water in L. glaber increased after the rain in lower diversity plots suggesting a lower ability to compensate for increased transpiration. Lithocarpus glaber in monoculture showed higher C assimilation rate and water‐use efficiency. However, these increased C resources did not translate in higher growth of L. glaber in monoculture suggesting the existence of larger nongrowth‐related C sinks in monoculture. These ecophysiological responses of L. glaber, in agreement with current understanding of phloem transport are consistent with a stronger competition for water resources in monoculture than in species mixtures. Therefore, increasing species diversity in the close vicinity of the studied plants appears to alleviate physiological stress induced by water competition and to counterbalance the negative effects of interspecific competition on assimilation rates for L. glaber by allowing a higher fraction of the C assimilated to be allocated to growth in species mixture than in monoculture.  相似文献   

长江口盐沼海三棱藨草在高程梯度上的生物量分配(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海三棱草 (ScirpusmariqueterTangetZhang)是一种典型的先锋植物。它能占据于长江口盐沼的光滩上 ,生境非常恶劣。为探索该物种在高度环境胁迫下的生活史策略 ,测定了它在高程梯度上的生物量分配 ,以及有关形态学参数。结果发现海三棱草在中位高程时密度和单株生物量最高 ,生长最好。在由低及高的高程梯度上 ,球茎、根状茎的生物量分配比例逐渐下降 ,表明植物体在光滩前沿采取保守策略 ;而花序的比例则逐渐上升 ,表明植物在生活史过程中 ,由无性生殖向有性生殖的转变。这种转变可能有利于种群的扩散和生存。另外 ,相关分析表明 ,有性生殖性状与无性生殖、生长性状呈负相关 ,但无性生殖与生长性状间的关系难以确定 ,可能由于球茎在不同生活史阶段的不同功能引起。  相似文献   

This study investigates a spatially explicit, individual-based model for simulating the spread of invasive smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) in Yancheng coastal wetlands from 1995 to 2010. The model, which considers the landscape heterogeneity and changes detected by remote sensing, also reveals the relative importance of sexual and asexual reproduction in the spread by global sensitivity analysis. The model was verified as suitable for simulating the range expansion of S. alterniflora. The results show that: (1) although seedling recruitment is low, it significantly contributes to the range expansion of S. alterniflora. Removing sexual propagation greatly reduces the expansion rate. Rapid expansion requires both sexual and asexual reproduction; (2) in the global sensitivity analysis, the most significant affecters of S. alterniflora invasion were seed dispersal distance, adult survival rate and asexual recruitment survival rate. Sexual propagation contributes much more significantly to quick range expansion than asexual reproduction, but asexual reproduction is the main source of recruitment. Invasion control strategies should target a single reproduction mode. Here, limiting the germination and dispersal of seeds is suggested as a realistic strategy for controlling and managing invasion by this species.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities and natural causes contribute to an increase in the area and degree of degraded saline wetlands in arid/semi‐arid and coastal regions. The objective of this study was to determine the salt tolerance of the seven aquatic plant species Phragmites australis, Arundo donax, Canna indica, Scirpus validus, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Phyllostachys heteroclada and Potederia cordata during asexual reproduction and continuous growth. The species were exposed to five salinity treatments from 0.3 (control) to 20 dS m?1 during a 30 day experiment. Data were collected on asexual reproduction and growth, chlorophyll content in leaves, Na+ and K+ concentrations, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in above‐ground biomass (AGB) and below‐ground biomass (BGB). The results showed that: 1) increase in salinity (especially at a salinity level of EC ≥15 dS m?1) generally inhibited the capacity for asexual reproduction and reduced the chlorophyll content of leaves; 2) total dry biomass of plants was significantly negatively related to asexual reproduction; 3) species‐specific salt tolerance mechanisms were reflected by the Na+ and K+ concentrations and Na+/K+ ratios in different parts of the plants; and 4) the absorption of TN and TP were inhibited at high salinity (i.e. EC = 20 dS m?1) in AGB and BGB of most tested plant species. However, salinity may enhance plant uptake of TN and TP under certain conditions (e.g. EC at 5, 10 and 15 dS m?1). In general, as compared to the other species tested, giant reed A. donax and alligator weed A. philoxeroides showed relatively high asexual reproduction and growth capacity under high salt stress, and these species should thus be considered as candidates for restoration of degraded saline wetlands and/or for decontaminating saline wastewater.  相似文献   

已有研究表明,土壤氮素增加可提高外来植物的入侵性,降低本地植物的竞争力.为揭示全球氮沉降对入侵种与本地种之间竞争关系的影响,我们于2010年5-8月在中国科学院北京森林生态系统定位研究站温室内,采用取代系列实验方法(standard replacement experiment),研究了3个氮素水平下入侵种豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia)与本地种黄花蒿(Artemisia annua)、蒙古蒿(Artemisia mongolica)的生长特征及种内、种间竞争关系的变化.实验采用双因素-随机区组设计,设置了低氮、中氮和高氮3个氮素水平,每一氮素水平分别设置豚草和黄花蒿、豚草和蒙古蒿组成的竞争实验,生长90 d后测量株高和生物量.结果表明:单栽情况下,随氮素水平的增加3个物种的株高均增加,而生物量均无显著变化;混栽情况下,3个物种株高和生物量随氮素水平的增加变化各异,豚草呈极显著增加趋势,而黄花蒿无明显变化,蒙古蒿则先增加后减少.豚草的快速生长使其在竞争中处于优势地位,对本地种黄花蒿和蒙古蒿产生明显的竞争效应.但不同氮素水平下,豚草对本地种的竞争力不同:低氮素水平下,豚草<两个本地种;中氮素水平下,黄花蒿<豚草<蒙古蒿;高氮素水平下,豚草>两个本地种.氮素添加显著提高了豚草的种间竞争力,改变了豚草与本地种之间的竞争关系,使竞争有利于入侵种.据此推测,在全球变化的背景下,氮沉降的增加将会促进外来种豚草的入侵,增加本地群落的可入侵性.  相似文献   

通过温室模拟控制实验,研究了不同水位梯度处理对外来克隆植物大米草(Spartina anglica) 衰退种群的形态性状、克隆生长性状、生物量积累及生物量分配格局的影响.实验共设置5种水位处理,分别为淹没至大米草株高的1/2, 淹没至株高的1/3,表面水淹0 cm,低于土表5 cm (-5 cm),以及低于土表10 cm (-10 cm).结果表明:水位梯度对大米草的形态性状、克隆生长性状、生物量的积累与分配格局等部分指标均有显著影响(p < 0.05);株高、克隆分株数、根状茎节数、根状茎总长、间隔子长度及生物量在0 cm至1/3株高水位梯度处理下均显著高于-10 cm和1/2株高水位处理(p < 0.05),但与-5 cm处理无显著差异(p > 0.05);-10 cm水位处理的地上生物量分配和根状茎生物量分配显著低于其它处理(p < 0.05).综合大米草衰退种群的形态特征、克隆生长特性、生物量积累及分配格局对水位处理的响应格局,认为大米草种群较适宜的水位梯度为表面积水至淹没株高的1/3处,而水位的变化可能是大米草种群自然衰退的原因之一.  相似文献   

Aims Aboveground biomass production commonly increases with species richness in plant biodiversity experiments. Little is known about the direct mechanisms that cause this result. We tested if by occupying different heights and depths above and below ground, and by optimizing the vertical distribution of leaf nitrogen, species in mixtures can contribute to increased resource uptake and, thus, increased productivity of the community in comparison with monocultures.Methods We grew 24 grassland plant species, grouped into four nonoverlapping species pools, in monoculture and 3- and 6-species mixture in spatially heterogeneous and uniform soil nutrient conditions. Layered harvests of above- and belowground biomass, as well as leaf nitrogen and light measurements, were taken to assess vertical canopy and root space structure.Important findings The distribution of leaf mass was shifted toward greater heights and light absorption was correspondingly enhanced in mixtures. However, only some mixtures had leaf nitrogen concentration profiles predicted to optimize whole-community carbon gain, whereas in other mixtures species seemed to behave more 'selfish'. Nevertheless, even in these communities, biomass production increased with species richness. The distribution of root biomass below ground did not change from monocultures to three- and six-species mixtures and there was also no indication that mixtures were better than monocultures at extracting heterogeneously as compared to homogeneously distributed soil resources. We conclude that positive biodiversity effect on aboveground biomass production cannot easily be explained by a single or few common mechanisms of differential space use. Rather, it seems that mechanisms vary with the particular set of species combined in a community.  相似文献   

An extensive survey of isozyme phenotypes in British populations of the amphidiploid salt marsh grass Spartina anglica and its putative parents has confirmed that the species arose by chromosome doubling in S. × townsendii , a sterile hybrid between S. maritima and S. alterniflora. Isozyme phenotypes and seed protein profiles indicate that S. anglica is almost totally lacking in genetic variation. Isozyme evidence also indicates that the parental species are characterized by low levels of genetic variation. The lack of variation in S. anglica is proposed as being due to a narrow genetic base resulting from a single origin, or a multiple origin from uniform parents; the fact that many populations are derived from very small founder populations; and because preferential pairing between identical homologous chromosomes prevents recombination between the divergent component genomes of the species. The low levels of isozyme variation that occur appear to be due to chromosome loss.
The consequences for the future evolution of S. anglica , given its lack of genetic variation, are discussed.  相似文献   

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