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对贵州苏铁( Cycas guizhouensis K. M. Lan et R. F. Zou) 的根进行了解剖学研究, 结果表明: ( 1)
据外部形态和内部结构不同, 贵州苏铁的根可分为正常根、珊瑚状根和肉质根三种类型。( 2) 正常根与肉
质根的木栓形成层起源于表皮内方第1~ 2 层皮层薄壁细胞, 珊瑚状根的木栓形成层则起源于外方皮层的
第2~ 3 层细胞, 而非中柱鞘。( 3) 首次发现肉质根一种新的增粗方式, 是由周皮内方的皮层薄壁细胞恢
复分裂能力, 持续或周期性产生新的皮层薄壁细胞, 引起根的增粗。  相似文献   

应用植物解剖学方法对远志(Potygda tenuiflia Willd.)根的发生和发育过程,以及1 a生与2 a生根的结构进行了比较观察,还应用组织化学方法对远志根储藏物质及主要药用成分积累部位进行了研究.结果表明:远志的药用部位为其主根,发育过程包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生结构和次生结构4个发育阶段.原分生组织来源于胚根,由3群原始细胞组成,具有典型分生组织的细胞学特征;初生分生组织包括根冠原、表皮原、皮层原和中柱原;初生结构由表皮、皮层和维管柱组成,初生木质部为二原型;次生生长主要是依靠维管形成层和木栓形成层的活动来完成.木栓形成层由中柱鞘细胞恢复分裂能力而形成,并且产生多层栓内层薄壁细胞.2 a生远志根的基本结构与1 a生的基本相同,只是栓内层增加至10层以上.远志根的储藏物质主要是脂类物质及少量的多糖.远志皂苷积累在远志根的薄壁细胞中,而山酮类化合物主要分布在根的木栓形成层、栓内层薄壁细胞和次生韧皮部中.  相似文献   

张泓  胡正海 《植物研究》1987,7(4):121-132
本文报道了药用植物商陆根中异常次生结构的发生和发育过程。商陆根的初生结构和早期的次生结构都是正常的。但是,后来在维管柱的外围以离心的顺序先后产生5-7轮异常形成层.第一轮异常形成层起源于次生韧皮薄壁细胞和射线细胞。后一轮异常形成层在前一轮异常形成层向外产生的薄壁结合组织中发生。各轮异常形成层都以正常的活动方式产生同心环状排列的异常维管束以及它们之间丰富的薄壁结合组织,从而使根变成肉质状。薄壁结合组织细胞以及异常维管束内的薄壁组织细胞中贮藏有淀粉粒。  相似文献   

彭励  李亭  胡正海 《西北植物学报》2007,27(12):2429-2437
应用常规石蜡切片方法,对乌拉尔甘草根和根状茎的结构及其发育进程进行研究.结果显示:(1)乌拉尔甘草根的发育包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生生长和次生生长4个发育阶段.原分生组织由3层原始细胞组成,具有典型分生组织细胞的特征;初生分生组织由根冠原、表皮原、皮层原和中柱原组成;初生结构包括表皮、皮层和中柱,初生木质部为4原型,偶见3原型,内皮层细胞具凯氏带;次生生长依靠维管形成层和木栓形成层活动完成,维管形成层源于初生木质部和初生韧皮部之间的薄壁细胞,而木栓形成层由中柱鞘细胞脱分化产生;次生结构由次生维管组织和周皮共同组成,根中央不具髓.(2)根状茎发育过程与地上茎类似,包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生生长和次生生长4个发育阶段.原生分生组织由原套和原体组成,其衍生细胞分化成由原表皮、基本分生组织和原形成层组成的初生分生组织;初生结构包括表皮、皮层、外韧维管束、髓和髓射线,维管束呈环形排列;位于维管束中的原形成层细胞恢复活动产生次生木质部和次生韧皮部,束间形成层产生射线细胞;靠近维管束内侧的皮层薄壁组织细胞脱分化产生木栓形成层,以后形成周皮.周皮、次生维管束、射线和髓共同构成根状茎的次生结构.  相似文献   

王娟  颜永刚  张岗  彭亮  陈莹 《西北植物学报》2020,40(10):1672-1678
应用光学显微镜和电子显微镜对3年生黄芩(Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi)根中木间木栓的形成及其发育过程进行了细致观察,以揭示黄芩木间木栓形成的特征以及发育过程中导管及周围薄壁细胞的变化,旨在为中药枯芩的形成提供理论依据和实验证据。结果表明:(1)黄芩根的次生结构由周皮、皮层和次生维管组织组成;木间木栓发生在木质部异常导管的周围,先是导管内出现侵填体或其他物质,接着这些导管邻近的部分薄壁细胞内也出现一些物质,随后导管外围的正常薄壁细胞恢复分生能力,产生木栓形成层,进而形成木间木栓。(2)木间木栓将健康组织与这些异常的导管和薄壁细胞隔离,隔离在内的组织会逐渐成为死亡组织。(3)横切面观,小木间木栓可同时或先后发生在木质部的不同位置,由内向外逐渐扩大,与周围的木间木栓相连,最终形成大的木间木栓。(4)纵切面观,木间木栓以管状形式由根头部向下延伸,部分根中距根头部以下3 cm内有木间木栓存在。  相似文献   

甘草根和根状茎的发育解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
甘草(GlycyrrhizauralensisFisch)实生苗具直根系。其根端原分生组织具三层原始细胞,外层产生表皮和根冠,中层和内层分别产生皮层和中柱。根的初生木质部四原型,由中柱鞘细胞产生第一次周皮。成长根中央的初生木质部由于导管周围薄壁细胞的增殖而被分割成几部分,使导管分子星散分布于薄壁细胞间。实生苗生长到第三年春由于叶节处的更新芽萌发形成最初的根状茎,根状茎顶端的原分生组织由两层原套细胞和一团原体细胞组成。初生结构的分化开始于皮层和髓两部分基本分生组织,而原形成层早期在根状茎横切面上呈连续的分生组织环。以后在环内逐渐分化出原形成层束,由它分化出初生锥管束,根状茎第一次周皮产生于初生韧皮部外方的第五或第六层皮层细胞。  相似文献   

本研究采用常规石蜡切片结合荧光显微镜技术对银州柴胡根的发育解剖学进行了研究。结果表明:(1)银州柴胡根顶端分生组织由原分生组织及其衍生的初生分生组织组成。原生分生组织细胞体积小、排列紧密、细胞质浓厚、细胞核大而明显,具有典型的分生组织的特点;(2)初生分生组织由根冠原、表皮原、皮层原和中柱原组成。在根发育过程中,表皮、皮层和维管柱共同组成其初生结构。银州柴胡根初生木质部为二原型或三原型,外始式;同时在根表皮细胞的径向壁观察到径向壁的细胞壁加厚;(3)在根次生生长过程中,位于初生木质部和初生韧皮部之间的原形成层恢复分裂能力产生维管形成层,维管形成层不断地向外产生次生韧皮部,向内产生次生木质部;同时位于根内皮层内方的中柱鞘细胞恢复分裂能力产生木栓形成层,木栓形成层向外形成木栓层,向内形成栓内层。在维管形成层和木栓形成层分裂的过程中,在次生韧皮部和中柱鞘组织中产生形态大小不同的分泌道,均为次生的裂生型分泌道。研究认为,银州柴胡根的结构类似于药典收录的北柴胡和红柴胡根的结构特点,但其根表皮细胞径向壁加厚、木纤维的分布、分泌道的大小和数量等有别于柴胡属其它植物,可作为柴胡属植物重要的分类鉴定依据。  相似文献   

用光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察的方法,对浙江温州水稻根上的瘤状组织进行了结构分析,并与豆科植物根瘤的结构进行了比较。壮苗期水稻的瘤状组织内皮层少数薄壁细胞内有细菌存在,但细胞有防御反应,细胞质凝聚和纤维化,分不清细胞质的精细结构,说明细胞已经死亡;孕穗抽穗期水稻根瘤状组织,表皮黑褐色,木栓化。外皮层内无维管组织,内皮层薄壁细胞膨大,但没有含菌细胞。有的瘤状组织内外皮层细胞基本上木质化。在内皮层薄壁细胞内有齿轮状的特殊结构。光镜和扫描电镜观察到的丝状物和珊瑚状花纹的球体,实为某种真菌的菌丝和孢子。因此,浙江温州的水稻根瘤状组织的结构与豆科根瘤完全不同,实为混有细菌和真菌的愈伤组织  相似文献   

郑丽  蔡霞  胡正海 《植物研究》2009,29(6):659-664
应用常规石蜡切片法对狭叶柴胡(Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd.)根的发育过程进行了解剖学研究,并对其1年生与多年生根的结构进行了比较。结果表明,狭叶柴胡根的发育包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生结构和次生生长4个发育阶段。原分生组织由3群原始细胞组成,其细胞具有典型分生组织的细胞学特征;初生分生组织包括根冠原、表皮原、皮层原和中柱原。初生结构由表皮、皮层和中柱组成。初生木质部多为二原型,少数为三原型。次生结构为:从外到内由周皮、中柱鞘薄壁细胞环和次生维管组织组成,次生生长主要是依靠维管形成层和木栓形成层的活动来完成,其木栓形成层由中柱鞘细胞恢复分裂能力而形成。多年生根与一年生根的结构基本相似,但在各部分的细胞数量和组成上存在差异。分泌道在一年生的根中仅分布在中柱鞘薄壁组织中,而在多年生的根中,在中柱鞘薄壁细胞和次生韧皮部中均有分布。  相似文献   

黄芩根的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用常规石蜡切片方法对黄芩(Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi)一、二年生主根的发育及结构进行解剖学研究.结果表明,黄芩根的发育可分为原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生结构和次生生长等4个阶段.原分生组织由3 群原始细胞组成,其细胞具有典型分生组织的细胞学特征;初生分生组织包括根冠原、表皮原、皮层原和中柱原,其中根冠原和表皮原具有相同的起源.初生结构由表皮、皮层和中柱组成.初生木质部为二原型.次生生长主要是由维管形成层和木栓形成层的活动完成,木栓形成层起源于中柱鞘细胞.二年生黄芩主根的主要结构与一年生的基本相同,其不同之处为:二年生主根的周皮增厚,次生木质部中木纤维成群分布,出现木间木栓;维管射线为多列且明显;在近周皮的韧皮部内出现包围石细胞的木栓环组织.  相似文献   

S. IMHOF 《The New phytologist》1999,144(3):533-540
Afrothismia winkleri develops fleshy rhizomes, densely covered with small root tubercles, narrowing to filiform roots with age. The exclusively intracellular mycorrhizal fungus has distinct morphologies in different tissues of the plant. In the filiform root the hyphae grow straight and vesicles are borne on short hyphal stalks. The straight hyphae are present in the epidermis of the root tubercles, but change to loosely coiled and swollen hyphae in the rhizome tissue. No penetration from epidermis to root cortex was found. From the rhizome, a separating cell layer permits only one or rarely two hyphal penetrations into the cortex of each root tubercle. The hyphae proceed apically within the root hypodermis in a spiral row of distinctively coiled hyphae, branches of which colonize the inner root cortex. In the inner root cortex the hyphal coils degenerate to amorphous clumps. In older roots the cortex itself also deteriorates, but epidermis, hypodermis, endodermis and central cylinder persist. The mycorrhizal pattern in A. winkleri is interpreted as an elaborate exploitation system whereby the fungus provides carbon and nutrients to the plant and, simultaneously but spatially distinct, its hyphae are used to translocate and store the matter within the plant. Several features indicate that the endophyte is an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus.  相似文献   

The effect of high pH on the morphology and anatomy of the rootsof lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L. cv. Yandee) and pea (Pisumsativum L. cv. Dundale) was examined in buffered solution. Themorphology and anatomy of lupin roots were markedly altered,and root growth was reduced by increasing solution pH from 5·2to 7·5, whereas pea roots were unaffected. In lupin roots,pH 7·5 caused disintegration of the root surface andimpaired root hair formation. Lupin roots grown at pH 7·5also had decreased cell lengths but increased cell diameterin both the epidermis and the cortex in comparison to rootsgrown at pH 5·2. High pH reduced cell volume greatlyin the epidermis, to a lesser extent in the outer cortex andnot at all in the inner cortex. It appears that in lupins, theprimary detrimental effects of growth at pH 7·5 is reducedlongitudinal growth of cells near the root surface with a consequentreduction in elongation of the cells in inner cortex.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Lupinus angustifolius L., Pisum sativum L., high pH, root morphology, root anatomy  相似文献   

Miller , Robert H. (U. Nevada, Reno.) Morphology of Humulus luppulus. II. Secondary growth in the root and seedling vascularization. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(4): 269–277. Illus. 1959.—In the primary state the roots of Humulus lupulus L. have a diarch xylem plate with 2 strands of primary phloem lying on either side of the primary xylem. Secondary histogenesis is described for the primary root. Fibrous and fleshy storage roots are developed by the hop plant and their respective developmental and anatomical structures are described. Lateral roots are initiated in the pericycle opposite the protoxylem poles. The architecture of these secondary roots is similar to that of the primary root. The seedling develops a fleshy storage organ through secondary growth of the primary root and the hypocotyl. The hypocotyl eventually resembles a fleshy taproot throughout most of its extent. The vascular cambium differentiates large amounts of parenchymatous tissues. A relatively smaller amount of tracheary tissue is formed. The secondary phloem comprises a high percentage of phloem parenchyma and ray cells containing numerous large starch grains, and constitutes the larger portion of the fleshy storage root. Numerous thick-walled lignified fibers occur throughout the secondary vascular tissues. Resin and tannin cells are abundantly distributed. A phellogen is differentiated from the pericycle and develops a persistent periderm on the outer surface of the fleshy storage organ. A relatively short transition region occurs in the upper part of the hypocotyl. The transition takes place from a radially alternate arrangement of the vascular tissues in the root to a collateral arrangement in the cotyledons.  相似文献   

The anchorage systems of Himalayan balsam Impatiens glanduliferaand mature sunflowers Helianthus annuus were investigated bycombining morphological and anatomical study of the root systemswith mechanical tests on roots and with studies in which matureplants were pulled over. The root system of balsam is dominated by large numbers of fleshytapering adventitious roots which point downwards from theirorigin at the wide stem base. Sunflowers, in contrast, havea tapering tap-root from which 20–30 well-branched lateralsemerge, pointing radially outwards and downwards. Roots of eachspecies have contrasting anatomy: those of balsam resemble stems,having a central watery pith and being strengthened peripherallyby lignification of vascular tissue; roots of sunflowers arestrengthened by a solid woody stele. Roots of both species arerigid in tension and, towards the base, in bending. Both species exhibited similar behaviour to that known for treessuch as Sitka spruce; when pulled over they rotated about ahinge leeward of the stem base and a root-soil ball was pulledout of the surrounding soil. Anchorage was resolved into threecomponents which, in order of decreasing magnitude, were (i)the resistance to pulling of the roots on the windward sideof the plant (and, for sunflower, the tap-root); (ii) the resistanceof roots and soil at the leeward hinge to rotation; and (iii)the weight of the root-soil ball. Sunflower had stronger anchoragebut achieved it at a greater cost in terms of the dry mass ofits root system. In each species, the morphology, anatomy and mechanical propertiesof the root system can be related to those of the stem. Thewide stem base of balsam allows large numbers of mechanicallyefficient fleshy roots to be attached whereas in sunflowersa woody tap-root system is necessary to anchor the much narrowerstem. Key words: Impatiens, Helianthus, roots, anchorage  相似文献   

The anatomy, cytoskeleton orientation, and thickness of the cell wall of the root growth zones generated de novo in vitro under clinorotation (simulated microgravity) were studied. The anatomical structure of the roots generated de novo from the cambium cells of the leaf explant petiole is similar to the structure of embryonic roots. The root cell differentiation in vitro during the clinorotation does not differ from the control in main features. Changes in the tubulin cytoskeleton orientation under clinorotation were detected in the epidermis of distal elongation zone (that is apparently associated with specific physiological properties of the cells in this zone). A tendency towards the thinning of the root cell walls in vitro under conditions of simulated microgravity was established.  相似文献   

不同光质光周期对樱桃萝卜生长发育及营养品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光质和光周期可以调节植物生长过程中肉质根等地下贮藏器官的形成。该试验以‘昆优2号’樱桃萝卜为试验材料,以白光(W)为对照,研究8R2B、5R5B、2R8B红蓝光配比光质(红蓝光比例分别为8∶2、5∶5、2∶8)与8L/16D、12L/12D、16L/8D光周期(光照/黑暗分别为8 h/16 h、12 h/12 h、16 h/8 h)组合对樱桃萝卜生长发育和营养品质的影响,筛选适合樱桃萝卜生长的光质光周期组合。结果表明:长光照(16L/8D)W、8R2B处理对樱桃萝卜叶片生长、肉质根大小、根冠比都有显著的促进作用,长光照W有利于樱桃萝卜更快形成膨大的肉质根;长光照W、8R2B处理下的樱桃萝卜肉质根多酚含量、抗氧化能力差异不大;长光照W利于樱桃萝卜肉质根可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白积累,长光照8R2B有利于肉质根可溶性蛋白积累。研究发现,适当的光质和光周期组合可显著促进樱桃萝卜叶片生长、肉质根膨大以及根中营养物质的积累,从而获得良好的长势和营养品质,并以长光照(16L/8D即光照/黑暗为16 h/8 h)白光组合最佳。  相似文献   

Summary Corn plants were grown in pots to study the effect of post-planting loosening of an unstable sandy loam soil on the anatomy of roots. Roots from compact soil had more elaborate production of sclerified cells in the cortical and vascular tissue which may be considered as traits developed in such roots to resist external forces to prevent the deformation of interior cells. It appears that the compact layer that developes on unstable soils after irrigation, hinders the normal development of root structure. Its loosening decreases soil resistance and permits normal development of root anatomy.  相似文献   

The anatomy of Macrozamia communis L. Johnson lateral roots and nodules was studied following axenic culture in light and darkness. Pointed lateral roots from dark cultures had an open apical organization similar to that of other cycads and gymnosperms. A distinct protoderm-derived epidermis was not observed. At the apex, the dermis was formed by the outer root capcortical cell layer. Subapically, the outer cortex formed the dermis. No evidence of an algal zone was observed in these roots. The stele was bounded by a distinct endodermis and contained an exarch, diarch xylem. Apogeotropic nodules which developed at the root-shoot junction in darkness, branched dichotomously and had rounded tips covered by tangentially-enlarged root cap cells. The root cap was reduced to a few cell layers and was confined to the extreme nodule apex. The central region of the apical meristem was enlarged, and meristematic cells contained differentiated amyloplasts. A presumptive algal zone was present in some but not all nodules and divided the cortex into inner and outer regions. Stelar anatomy was similar to that observed in pointed, dark-grown lateral roots, except that there was greater xylem differentiation. Nodules which developed in the light were similar to dark-formed nodules, except that root cap cells were radially enlarged and extended over the flanks of the nodule forming a persistent root cap. The heteromorphic lateral roots of M. communis formed a developmental continuum not a heterorhizic root system.  相似文献   

The kiwifruit vine is a species which has been newly introducedinto cultivation and little is known of its comparative physiologyand anatomy. In this study we found that fibrous, 'magnolioid'roots, which have undergone secondary vascular development butwhich retain the cortex and develop a suberized epidermis, comprisethe greater part of the root system (95% of total length). Newlyinitiated roots with primary development conform to norms establishedin other woody plant species. However, the structural roots,like the fibrous roots, also retain a cortex and phellodermwhich is initiated by hypodermal cells within the cortex andnot by the pericycle which is the common progenitor tissue inother species. This phellogen produces new cells centrifugallyonly. The cortex is a relatively small component of the structuralroot and the bulk of the tissue is vascular in origin, as inthe roots of other plant species. The endodermis is retainedand continues to divide periclinally to accommodate the increasein circumference with growth.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Actinidia deliciosa, root anatomy, ontogony, histochemistry, exodermis, endodermis  相似文献   

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