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本文依据江苏省江都市大桥镇第四系钻孔(ZKA4)中孢粉的分布,自下至上划分了11个孢粉组合:1.Betula-Ulmus-Artemisia,2.Ulmus-Chenopodiaceae-Quercus,3.Artemisia-Gramineae-Quercus,4.Liquidambar-Polypodiaceae-Ulmus,5.Pinus-Quercus-Betula-Juglans,6.Quercus-Juglans-Artemisia,7.Quercus-Polygonum-JuglansCarya,8.Betula-Gramineae-Artemisia,9.Quercus-Polypodiaceae,10.Podocarpus-Triorites-Polypodiaceae,11.Pinus-Podocarpus-Juglans-Pterocarya。依据孢粉组合,识别出更新世以来七个气候冷暖变化阶段。孢粉组合1为常绿落叶针阔叶混交林,气候以冷干为主,向上气候回暖;孢粉组合2为高寒灌丛—落叶针阔叶混交林,以冷干为主;孢粉组合3为草本—落叶针阔叶混交林,较前一阶段气候变暖,偏暖干;孢粉组合4-5以落叶阔叶为主,整体上以变暖为主;孢粉组合6-7为落叶针阔叶混交林,整体气候为暖湿,早期略干;孢粉组合8-9为以针叶为主的针阔叶混交林,气候温凉偏湿;孢粉组合10-11为常绿—落叶阔叶混交林,气候以湿暖为主。  相似文献   

对金佛山国家级自然保护区内3个不同类型群落(落叶阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、常绿阔叶林)下紫耳箭竹(Fargesia decurvata J. L. Lu)幼笋的生长发育进行研究。结果显示:(1)落叶阔叶林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林下的紫耳箭竹出笋期早而长,历时110 d,出笋量大,出笋率高;常绿阔叶林下的出笋期晚而短,历时88 d,出笋量少,出笋率低;常绿落叶阔叶混交林中出笋量最大。(2)出笋期分为3个阶段:初期、盛期和末期,各群落中的紫耳箭竹进入每个时期的时间有所差异,常绿落叶阔叶混交林中最早进入出笋盛期,落叶阔叶林次之,常绿阔叶林最迟。出笋盛期也是退笋的高峰期,退笋率的大小为:常绿落叶阔叶混交林落叶阔叶林常绿阔叶林。(3)同一群落冠层环境下,紫耳箭竹不同时期出土的幼笋地径无显著差异。在落叶阔叶林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林林冠环境中,各时期出土的幼笋地径间无显著差异,但均显著大于常绿阔叶林(P 0.05)。(4)紫耳箭竹幼笋出土后80 d左右完成高生长过程,且符合Logistic方程,呈"慢-快-慢"的生长趋势。高生长速率为:常绿落叶阔叶混交林落叶阔叶林常绿阔叶林,且差异显著(P 0.05)。(5)紫耳箭竹的克隆繁殖与分株密度间有密切关系。随着分株密度的增加,出笋数量增加,成竹数量降低。本研究表明不同群落冠层环境下紫耳箭竹生长发育存在显著差异,在常绿落叶阔叶混交林中发育最好,常绿阔叶林中发育最差,种群密度对竹类的更新发展起重要调节作用。  相似文献   

本次工作对来自南海北部大陆架地区琼东南盆地LS33-1-1井和LS2-1-1井渐新统—上新统的孢粉、藻类进行了系统研究。通过孢粉分析,确定孢粉植物群,恢复古植被,推测古气候,建立了与气候变化趋势相关的孢粉组合序列。结果显示,研究区内渐新统崖城组、陵水组时期的植被类型是热带、亚热带常绿阔叶林及针叶、常绿、落叶阔叶混交林,气候条件较温凉湿润;中新统三亚组时期植被发展为热带、亚热带常绿阔叶林及常绿、落叶阔叶混交林,气候条件暖而湿润;中新统梅山组时期是气候逐渐变化的过渡期;中新统黄流组的植被类型为亚热带针叶阔叶、常绿和落叶阔叶混交林,气候条件温凉略干燥;上新统莺歌海组山地植被中针叶林或针阔叶混交林多有分布,常绿阔叶落叶阔叶林混交林继续扩大,草本植物空前发展,气候趋于凉干。孢粉组合所反映的渐新世—上新世气候变化特征与全球气候变化趋势具有较好的可比性。通过孢粉、藻类资料对沉积环境进行了初步研究,研究区渐新世以近岸浅海的沉积环境为主,为陆架边缘到内陆架区,中新统梅山组及其以上地层应形成于距岸较远海水较深的浅海环境。  相似文献   

太湖平原西北部全新世以来植被与环境变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
太湖平原西北部卜弋桥Zk01孔上部8m地层孢粉资料显示该地区自全新世以来植被与气候主要经历了三个阶段:1)11000—9500cal.aB.P.,地带性植被为壳斗科为主的亚热带常绿落叶针阔混交林。森林成分以栎属(Quercus)、青冈属(Cyclobalanopsis)、栗属(Castanea)、栲属(Castanopsis)/石栎属(Lithocarpus)和松属(Pinus)为主,同时混生有少量的枫香属(Liquidambar)、冬青属(Ilex)、水青冈属(Fagus)、桦属(Betula)、榆属(Ulmus)等乔灌木。本阶段孢粉浓度较高,气候较温暖湿润,为早全新世升温期;2)9500—3900cal.aB.P.,植被演替为中亚热带性质的常绿阔叶林。此阶段特别是8000cal.aB.P.以来,植被以青冈属为主的常绿分子获得大发展为特点。当时森林繁茂,气候暖湿且较为稳定,对应于中全新世大暖期(适宜期);3)3900cal.aB.P.以来,森林植被表现为次生性质的亚热带针阔混交林。青冈属、栎属骤减,松属、禾本科(Poaceae)及水龙骨科(Polypodiaceae)含量明显增升。本阶段孢粉浓度减为最低,据研究区周边的孢粉资料推测此时期气候温凉湿润。本阶段晚期森林植被受到人类的干扰,与人类活动密切相关的农作物如禾本科(35—45μm)、十字花科和菊科等花粉类型含量持续增多,表明研究区自全新世晚期以来出现了明显的人类活动的迹象。Zk01钻孔点位处古河道,磁化率和粒度证据揭示了研究点沉积环境全新世早期为河流相,水动力较强,中期水动力条件显著增强,晚期减弱。最后,结合孢粉资料和沉积环境简述了植被变化与沉积环境之间的关联。  相似文献   

长江三角洲东缘晚新近纪沉积的孢粉与古环境研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
作者对长江三角洲东缘地区的南汇鹤鸣孔(Hm)、东海1井、高桥G2孔3口钻井晚新近纪地层的孢粉作了研究和对比,划分出了6个孢粉组合带和3个亚带,恢复了本地区植被演替、气候波动的6个阶段:第1阶段为稀疏的针叶、落叶阔叶混交林,反映气候凉冷稍湿;第2阶段为针叶阔叶混交林草地,反映气候温凉略湿;第3阶段为含常绿阔叶树的针叶阔叶混交林,反映气候温和略干;第4阶段为以常绿栎类、栲属、杨梅等为主的常绿阔叶林,反映气候热暖潮湿;第5阶段是以栎、松、禾本科为主的针叶、阔叶混交林,反映气候温暖略干;第6阶段是以落叶栎类、常绿栎类、松为主的落叶阔叶、常绿阔叶、针叶混交林草地,反映气候温暖湿润。这种气候波动与世界性气候变化相一致,为本地区的地层年代划分和对比提供了新的证据,为晚新近纪古植被、古气候、古环境的重建提供了重要的孢粉学资料。  相似文献   

末次冰期以来湛江湖光岩玛珥湖孢粉记录及古环境变化   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
通过对湛江湖光岩玛珥湖钻孔孢粉记录的研究认为,末次冰期以来,该区植被类型从早期的南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林依次演替为,中亚热带常绿、落叶阔叶林→南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林→中亚热带常绿—落叶阔叶—针叶混交林(湖边草地)→热带季雨林→半常绿季雨林。气候最寒冷的时期温度比目前至少降低了4—6℃以上。全新世早期相对于旱。  相似文献   

简要回顾了中国东部森林植被带划分研究的历史及当前存在的争论。提出了中国东部植被带划分应以植被本身的特征,特别是地带性的生物群落集为主要依据,同时参照它们的区系组成和气候指标。根据上述原则将中国东部划分为6个植被带∶北方针叶林带、凉温带针阔混交林带、温带落叶阔叶林带、暖温带常绿落叶阔叶混交林带、亚热带常绿阔叶林带和热带雨林、季雨林带,并对各植被带的特征作了简要的描述。阐述了对一些植被带名称、界线改动的原因,特别讨论了我国常绿落叶阔叶混交林以及常绿阔叶林生物气候带的归属问题,认为前者归属于暖温带植被,后者归属于亚热带植被为宜。  相似文献   

中国东部森林植被带划分之我见   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
简要回顾了中国东部森林植被带划分研究的历史及当前存在的争论。提出了中国东部植被带划分应以植被本身的特征,特别是地带性的生物群落集为主要依据,同时参照它们的区系组成和气候指标。根据上述原则将中国东部划分为6个植被带∶北方针叶林带、凉温带针阔混交林带、温带落叶阔叶林带、暖温带常绿落叶阔叶混交林带、亚热带常绿阔叶林带和热带雨林、季雨林带,并对各植被带的特征作了简要的描述。阐述了对一些植被带名称、界线改动的原因,特别讨论了我国常绿落叶阔叶混交林以及常绿阔叶林生物气候带的归属问题,认为前者归属于暖温带植被,后者归属于亚热带植被为宜。  相似文献   

通过峨眉山40个样点表土孢粉组合及其与植物群落之间关系的分析,结果表明:(1)花粉组合中木本植物含量(83.3%)占绝对优势,松属、杉科、桤木属、蔷薇科、桦属、枫杨属、蒿属、毛茛科和水龙骨科为主要孢粉类型;(2)中山常绿阔叶林花粉组合未能反映植被的群落特征;低山常绿阔叶林间人工次生林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林花粉组合只能反映母体植被的部分组成;针叶林花粉组合基本可以指示母体植被的群落特征;灌丛草甸花粉组合能够较好地反映母体植被的群落组成;针阔混交林花粉组合不仅可以很好地指示群落特征,花粉高含量类型还可以与植物群落优势种很好地对应;(3)主要花粉类型冷杉属、杜鹃花科、蔷薇科、珙桐属、槭属和盐肤木属具低代表性;枫杨属、栲属/柯属、桤木属和杉科花粉具超代表性;(4) DCA表明,通过花粉百分含量,能较好地区分人类扰动植被、阔叶林和针叶林,但常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林和针阔混交林之间,针叶林和灌丛草甸之间难以区分;(5)利用孢粉学恢复热带亚热带常绿阔叶代表类群樟科群落和第三纪孑遗落叶阔叶属种珙桐群落时,受其主体植物花粉外壁薄,易破碎影响,原生植被优势种缺失;因此,孢粉实验改良和保存环境研究,与其他生物学指标(植物大化石和气孔器)综合分析在重建古植物群落中具有重要意义;(6)植物(如冷杉)花粉含量一定程度上能够指示其林分结构。本研究可为热带亚热带山地及相似地区利用孢粉学进行地质时期气候与环境重建提供理论支持和基础资料,并对植被生态恢复提供实践和参考。  相似文献   

中国东部森林样带典型森林水源涵养功能   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18  
贺淑霞  李叙勇  莫菲  周彬  高广磊 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3285-3295
通过对我国东部森林样带四个森林生态系统定位研究站(长白山站、北京站、会同站和鼎湖山站)的九种森林类型水源涵养监测数据的分析,研究了水热梯度下不同森林生态系统水源涵养功能。结果表明:在生长季的5-10月份,各森林类型的水源涵养特性表现出较大差异。林冠截留率的大小依次为:阔叶红松林>杉木林>常绿阔叶林>针阔混交林>季风常绿阔叶林>落叶阔叶混交林>马尾松林>落叶松林>油松林,最高的长白山站阔叶红松林的截留率是最低的北京站油松林的2.2倍。森林降雨截留量与林外降雨量呈显著的正相关,林冠截留率与降雨量呈显著负相关。枯落物最大持水深(5-10月份)以北京站落叶阔叶林最大,为6.0mm;鼎湖山站的季风常绿阔叶林最小,为1.0mm。0-60cm土层蓄水量最大的是会同站的人工杉木林,为247mm;最小的是北京站的落叶松林,仅为45.5mm;林分总持水量依次为:杉木林>阔叶红松林>常绿阔叶林>针阔混交林>季风常绿阔叶林>落叶阔叶混交林>马尾松林>落叶松林>油松林。各林分总持水量主要集中在土壤层,占总比例的90%以上。  相似文献   

An environmental reconstruction of the last 10,000 14C years of a frequently flooded wetland ecosystem in the lower Magdalena valley in northern Colombia is presented, on the basis of a multi-disciplinary study of the sediments of the upper 15 m of the core from Boquillas (74°33'E, 9°7'N; 20 m a. s. l.). We used the following studies: pollen, lithology, organic structures, clay mineralogy, soil and sediment geochemistry, and δ13C values. The chronology is based on 13 AMS radiocarbon dates; the humic acid fractions were used in the case of seven samples. Pollen from local origin (swamps, open grass-rich vegetation, and gallery forest) show the development of the wetland area. River-transported pollen from a greater distance (dry forest, montane forest, Alnus) show changes in river activity and reflect large-scale changes of climatic conditions in the Momposina basin. From c. 10,010 to 9370 uncal B. P. (zone BQS-Ia) the river system was of high energy, as inferred by the lithological changes. The landscape was dominated by open grass-rich vegetation with gallery forest along the streams. A marked representation of Alnus and montane forest taxa indicate significant water transport and river dynamics. Climatic conditions were dry. From c. 9370-8430 uncal B. P. (zone BQS-Ib) wetlands were isolated from the main river system, and clayey sediments with kaolinite, smectite and illite as the main minerals accumulated in a lower-energy environment. Climatic conditions were dry and changes in the seasonal precipitation favoured the expansion of the gallery forest. From c. 8430 to 8040 uncal B. P. (zone BQS-Ic) low values of river-transported pollen indicate dry climatic conditions and open vegetation became more abundant. The flooding frequency of the Boquillas site diminished. From 8040 to 4900 uncal B. P. (zone BQS-Id) the Boquillas site was dominated by open vegetation with patches of gallery forest along the streams. Supply of river-transported allochthonous pollen (from many sources) was minimal. Clay minerals from the sediments suggest variable temperature and precipitation. From c. 4900 to 1550 uncal B. P. )zone BQS-II) the site was within the reach of the main river system as is the case today. Frequent flooding, coinciding with peaks of river-transported grains of Alnus and high sediment supply, point to high precipitation in the composite catchment area of the Magdalena, Cauca, San Jorge, and Cesár rivers. High values of phosphorous in the upper part of the core point to the presence of a pre-Hispanic civilization, approximately from 2000 uncal B. P. onward. Construction of an extensive drainage system allowed irrigation as well as drainage depending the annual cycle of precipitation. The landscape was significantly modified and allowed an extensive crop production on a system of raised fields. Received May 18, 2001 / Accepted June 15, 2001  相似文献   

H.Kataoka  Y.Hase 《古生物学报》2002,41(4):534-538
贝加尔钻探计划(BDP)中的96-1井位于贝加尔湖中央的科学湖脊,1996年冬从位于332m水深以下的钻井采样,钻孔从湖底向下深2000m,根据古地磁资料,钻孔年代推测为5.1Ma,Tsuga,Lepidobalanus,Ulmaceae,Tilia和Corylus发现于钻孔的下部约60m,因为这些化石花粉目前在贝加尔湖地区已经消失,说明该钻孔上部的气候比下部的冷,因此,第四纪的气候比晚第三纪的更为干冷。在亚北极的西伯利亚,冰期时期以草本植物花粉占统治地位,花粉浓度较低,而在间冰期时期以木本花粉为主,花粉浓度较高,在间冰期时期硅藻及有机物总量增加,潮湿度(wet density)及氧同位素比率都降低,相反,在冰期时期硅藻含量及有机物总量降低,而潮湿度(wet dendity)和氧同位素比率都增加。  相似文献   

The limited availability of historical and archaeological evidence means that much is still unknown about the development of Sami reindeer herding in Fennoscandia in both the recent and more distant past. To address this problem, high-resolution palynological analyses, 14C and 210Pb dating were undertaken on two adjacent (<25 m apart) peat profiles collected at a recently abandoned reindeer gathering pen (renvall) near Jokkmokk (~66.6°N, 19.8°E) in the boreal forest of northern Sweden. The aim was to assess the impact of Sami reindeer herding on the local environment through a study of pollen, coprophilous fungal spores, microscopic charcoal and sedimentology. The samples collected from within an annex to the renvall indicate cycles of use and abandonment of the pen on a multi-decadal timescale between ~ad 1800–2008, most obviously in the coprophilous fungal spore archive. The pattern and timing of these cycles confirm events previously known only from oral histories. Although the local pollen assemblage zones associated with the phasing of activity were reproducible in a second peat core beyond the boundary of the renvall, the coprophilous fungal spore signal in this paired profile was much less distinctive, possibly due to the typically shorter dispersal distances for these microfossils in comparison to pollen grains.  相似文献   

Llyn Padarn and Llyn Peris are linked by a small river, and although originally a single larger lake, the lakes now support contrasting algal communities. A study of the sequences of diatom remains and chrysophycean cysts present in long sediment cores has been carried out to assess the historical extent of the differences in these algae between the two lakes.

Investigations have included statistical analysis to determine the precision of counting sediment samples. The most efficient sampling and counting procedure, resulting in counts of acceptable precision, involved taking a single sample of sediment from a depth horizon, preparing two replicate slides and counting the entire area of each slide. A comparison of the variation in distribution of these siliceous algae in replicate sediment samples taken from the surface sediment with the variation in distribution down the long sediment core from Llyn Padarn showed that the vertical variation greatly exceeded the horizontal variation. Thus variation in diatom numbers down the sediment core reflects changes in the alga reaching the sediments rather than horizontal patchiness of distribution in the top most layers of sediment.

Studies of the sequences of diatoms and chrysophycean cysts were carried out on a 4·75 m core from Llyn Padarn and 2·1 m core from Llyn Peris representing c. 6000 years and c. 900 years of the two lakes respective history. From c. 6000 until c. 2200 years B.P., Llyn Padarn was an acid oligotrophic lake. It appears that about 2200 years B.P., Llyn Padarn became more enriched, Asterionella formosa was the most numerous diatom preserved in the sediment at this time. Reversion to oligotrophic conditions then occurred c. 2000 years B.P. The oldest material from the Peris sediment core was characterized by centric diatoms similar to those found in Padarn sediment dating from 2000 years B.P. to the surface of the Padarn core. Thus at this time, c. 900 years B.P., the algal communities in the two lakes were similar. Both lakes were oligotrophic. However, by 200 years B.P. the chemistry of the sediment core from Peris showed evidence of extensive copper and slate mining in the environment. At this time the species of siliceous algae preserved in the Peris core changed, and the current differences in algal communities in the two lakes appear to originate from this point in history.  相似文献   

Archaeobotanical evidence is presented for early agriculture at southwestern Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana Moor), Slovenia. Archaeobotanical finds from the Eneolithic site at Hočevarica, and pollen records from an archaeological profile and from a nearby core were analysed. Numerous charred grains of cultivated cereals together with fossil seeds of Chenopodium sp. demonstrate that during the occupation of the settlement at Hočevarica, agriculture was well established. The majority of identified grains were of Hordeum vulgare (cultivated barley) and the rest were Triticum monococcum and T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum (cultivated wheats). Large amounts of cereal pollen and pollen of Chenopodiaceae also suggest strong human impact on the surrounding vegetation and landscape. Pollen and archaeobotanical data from Hočevarica show a large consistency in timing of the appearance of agriculture. In the pollen record from the core at Hočevarica a significant increase (up to 40%) in cereal pollen was detected at 4881 ± 50 B.P. (3770-3630 cal B.C.). Charred cereal grains were dated to 4800 ± 40 B.P. (3650-3520 cal B.C.). The grains of cultivated cereals from Hočevarica represent the oldest archaeobotanical evidence for agriculture in central Slovenia. Received February 18, 2002 / Accepted October 21, 2002  相似文献   

A generalized pollen diagram, associated with three simplified pollen diagrams from Tsubogakure (1,500 m), Nakatashiro (1,400 m) and Yashima-ga-hara (1,650 m) bogs in central Japan, represents five pollen zones for the last 12,000 years, i.e., L (before 10,500 B.P., pine-boreal); R I (10,500–9,500 B.P., boreal-oak); R II (9,500–4,500 B.P., temperate); R IIIa (4,500–1,500 B.P., temperate-boreal); and R IIIb (after 1,500 B.P., pino-nonarboreal). Absolute pollen frequency is high in well-humified peat, in gyttja (deposited immediately below the first peat formation), and in peat in the part of the R IIIa cooling stage, and it is low in less-humified peat, since the former sediments have slow and the latter rapid rates of accumulation, respectively. Changes of plant communities should affect the absolute pollen frequency, but changes of sedimentation rates are more critical. After a re-examination of Nakatashiro bog, it is hardly possible to recognize a recurrence surface in the European sense, nor can the accumulation of thin tephra on the bog surface be responsible for a temporary halt in peat growth. Nakatashiro bog (like Tsubogakure bog) is a low-moor bog, and true recurrence surfaces would not be expected in it. In a raised Yashima-ga-hara bog, however, there are seven recurrence surfaces without a volcanic ash band; the well-humified horizons correspond to low values of Sphagnum spores and Cyperaceae pollen, and the less-humified horizons to high values of Sphagnum spores and Cyperaceae pollen. Peaks of these species in the upper core correspond to those Cryptomeria pollen, an indicator of the high precipitation (generally >1,800 mm/yr). Regularly interrelated fluctuations among these species, absolute pollen frequency, and peat horizons suggest that the precipitation was low in well-humified peat and was high in less-humified peat.  相似文献   

The palynostratigraphy of two sediment cores from Soppensee, Central Switzerland (596 m asl) was correlated with nine regional pollen assemblage zones defined for the Swiss Plateau. This biostratigraphy shows that the sedimentary record of Soppensee includes the last 15 000 years, i.e. the entire Late-glacial and Holocene environmental history. The vegetation history of the Soppensee catchment was inferred by pollen and plant-macrofossil analyses on three different cores taken in the deepest part of the lake basin (27 m). On the basis of a high-resolution varve and calibrated radiocarbonchronology it was possible to estimate pollen accumulation rates, which together with the pollen percentage data, formed the basis for the interpretation of the past vegetation dynamics. The basal sediment dates back to the last glacial. After reforestation with juniper and birch at ca. 12 700 B.P., the vegetation changed at around 12 000 B.P. to a pine-birch woodland and at the onset of the Holocene to a mixed deciduous forest. At ca. 7000 B.P., fir expanded and dominated the vegetation with beech becoming predominant at ca. 50014C-years later until sometime during the Iron Age. Large-scale deforestation, especially during the Middle Ages, altered the vegetation cover drastically. During the Late-glacial period two distinct regressive phases in vegetation development are demonstrated, namely, the Aegelsee oscillation (equivalent to the Older Dryas biozone) and the Younger Dryas biozone. No unambiguous evidence for Holocene climatic change was detected at Soppensee. Human presence is indicated by early cereal pollen and distinct pulses of forest clearance as a result of human activity can be observed from the Neolithic period onwards.  相似文献   

The development of a shallow Holocene peat near Pekan Nanas, Johore, is studied pollen-analytically. A total of 47 pollen and spore types were determined. Three main ecological phases have been observed within the pollen profile.The profile starts on fluviatile, sandy sediments and shows a succession from an open swamp vegetation with mangrove influence to a marginal peat swamp facies with river bank vegetation.A radiocarbon dating on the deepest peat sample yielded an age of 4896 years ± 70 B.P.. This age corresponds remarkedly well with a general sea-level change recorded from West Malaysian shorelines at approximately 4800 years before present.  相似文献   

The polarity and magnitude of primary electric charges carried by basidiospores in the airborne state were investigated in living fungal fruiting bodies under natural forest conditions using a portable experimental device designed by the author. The operating principle was the falling of spores in the homogeneous horizontal electric field. The vertical and horizontal components of the trajectories of the spores were determined according to their deposition sites on electrodes (vertical metal plates). Altogether 33 samples of spores were examined for polarity, 10 of these samples (with 104–106 spores per sample) also were used to calculate the mean spore charge-to-mass quotient and the mean spore charge. The detection limits of spore charge-to-mass quotient varied in the range from (4.9±2.3)×10?5 to (1.36±0.33)×10?4 C kg?1. Basidiospores (subglobose, smooth, diameter of 4–6 μm) of the closely related (sibling) species Phellinus alni, P. nigricans, P. populicola and P. tremulae (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) carried positive electrical charges that have mean values from 48 to 305 elementary charges. The intraspecies variation of the spore charge could depend on the natural variation in spore size.  相似文献   

Vegetational and coastal environmental changes have been interpreted from a 600cm long and 764014C yr B.P. old sediment core from Lago Crispim located in the northeastern Pará State in northern Brazil. The radiocarbon dated sediment core was studied by multi-element geochemistry, pollen and charcoal analysis.Holocene Atlantic sea-level rise caused an elevation of local water table, which allowed the formation of organic deposits in a probably former inter-dune valley. Dense, diverse and tall Amazon rain forest, and some restinga (coastal vegetation) covered the study area at the beginning of the record at 764014C yr B.P. Mangrove vegetation developed along rivers close to the core site at that time. Subsequent decrease in less mangrove vegetation near the study site indicates a sea-level regression, beginning since around 700014C yr B.P. Lower sea-levels probably favoured the formation of a local Mauritia/Mauritiella palm swamp at 662014C yr B.P. Oscillations of higher and lower sea-level stands probably changed the size of the local palm swamp area several times between 6620 and 363014C yr B.P. Sea-level transgression at around 363014C yr B.P., caused marked coastal environmental changes: the development of mangroves near the site, the replacement of the local palm swamp by a Cyperaceae swamp, the substitution of the surrounding former Amazon rain forest and some restinga vegetation mainly by salt marshes. High amount carbonised particles suggest a strong human impact by burning on the coastal ecosystems during this late Holocene period.Highest concentrations of NaCl and also Ca, Mg and K in the upper sediment core indicate that the Atlantic was close during the late Holocene period. The core site, which is today 500m from the coastline and only 1-2m above modern sea-level, was apparently never reached by marine excursions during the Holocene.Less representation of mangrove since ca. 184014C yr B.P., may be related due to a slightly lower sea-level or to human impact in the study region. The modern shallow lake seems to be formed recently by road construction, forming an artificial dam.  相似文献   

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