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植物水通道的生理生态特性及其参与气孔运动的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
植物水通道对水分运输具有专一性,能够调节细胞中水分、一些离子和其他小溶质的转运,因而在植物的生长发育中发挥着重要作用.本文综述了植物水通道的研究进展,重点介绍了植物水通道的分子特性和生理生态特性及其在植物气孔运动中的作用,讨论了水通道在气孔振荡中的作用和地位.  相似文献   

气孔长期以来被认为是植物病原菌入侵植物体内的被动通道,而最新的研究则表明气孔作为植物先天免疫的重要环节,在限制细菌入侵方面起到主动作用。这一发现也带动了植物免疫学,即植物气孔开合调控和植物免疫学交叉学科的快速发展。基于此,本文对气孔免疫的机制研究展开综述并对其对植物水分利用效率的影响进行展望。  相似文献   

植物叶片气孔性状变异的影响因素及研究方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
气孔是陆生植物与外界环境进行水分和气体交换的主要通道,在全球水和碳循环中发挥着重要作用.植物的气孔性状包括气孔密度、气孔形状和大小、气孔指数等,是植物在进化过程中对外界环境因子长期适应的结果,并对环境因子变化表现出高度的敏感性.本文评述了国内外近30年来植物气孔性状与大气CO2浓度、温度、水分、光照等环境因素的关系研究的主要方法和成果,展望了今后植物气孔性状对气候变化响应的主要研究方向.  相似文献   

林木耗水调控机理研究进展   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
林木的蒸腾耗水量是造林设计与环境水分研究的重要参数。本文就林木耗水的气孔与非气孔调节机制、木质部空穴和栓塞的发生和恢复机理、树体组织水容等方面进行了综述,对它们在树木水分传输过程中的调控作用和意义开展了探讨。目前在蒸腾气孔调节方面,包括,蒸腾午休、夜间蒸腾、气孔振荡和补偿现象等气孔行为的研究工作有待深入。栓塞木质部和空穴化导管恢复的临界条件与重新充注对植物水分运输的重要生理作用要进一步加强。树体组织水容对树木水分传输和耗水的调控机制问题应加以重视。  相似文献   

植物在生长发育的过程中,要不断与外界进行气体和水分的交换。而植物体各器官表面的气孔是这一交换的主要通道,气孔是如何起调控作用的呢? 首先,让我们先看一看气孔的结构,气孔的结构因植物种类而异,双子叶植物表皮的气孔是由两个半月形的保卫细胞围合而成,保卫细胞内含有叶绿体,它的细胞壁在靠近气孔器的一面较厚,其它面较薄。而单子叶植物上的气孔的保卫细胞为哑铃形,两端膨大、壁较薄,中部的细胞壁较厚,保卫细胞两边还有一对副卫细胞。不论是哪一类植物上的气孔,当保卫细胞从邻近表皮细胞吸水而膨胀,气孔就张开;而当保卫…  相似文献   

水通道或水通道蛋白是水分运动的主要通道。以RD2 8cDNA和RD2 8抗体为探针证明了蚕豆 (ViciafabaL .)保卫细胞中存在水通道蛋白 ,并以气孔运动为指标 ,结合抗体和抑制剂处理证明水通道蛋白是水分运动的主要通道。研究表明编码质膜水通道蛋白的RD2 8转录体在叶片保卫细胞、叶肉细胞和维管束中高表达 ,尤以保卫细胞中最多 ;荧光免疫染色和Confocal显微镜观察表明 ,RD2 8抗体反应主要位于保卫细胞质膜。进一步采用RD2 8抗体和水通道蛋白抑制剂———HgCl2 (2 5 μmol L) 处理可抑制壳梭孢素 (FC)、光照诱导的气孔开放和原生质体体积膨胀以及ABA诱导的气孔关闭 ,但这种抑制作用可以被水通道抑制剂的逆转剂 β_巯基乙醇 (ME)逆转。表明蚕豆保卫细胞中存在水通道蛋白并参与蚕豆保卫细胞的运动过程。  相似文献   

草原地区不同生态类型的植物生理特性的比较研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
比较研究了4种不同水分生态型植物在不同水分胁迫下的光合作用、叶片含水量和气孔阻力等生理指标的反应。结果表明,不同水分生态型植物抵御干旱的机制是不同的。中生植物主要是通过增加气孔阻力限制蒸腾失水,而旱生植物则依靠高浓度的细胞原生质减少水分的散失,后者保水效率远高于前者。植物从中生种到旱生种,生理特性亦显示出规律性的种间差异,叶片含水量和气孔阻力水平降低,而单位叶面积的净光合速率增加。  相似文献   

为了探究不同水分处理下草本植物对喀斯特土层厚度变化的叶片形态建成和光合生理响应,以黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)和苇状羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)为研究对象,通过盆栽水分受控试验,研究了3种水分处理[正常供水(W_(ck)),减水1组(D1)和减水2组(D2)]下3种土层厚度[浅土组(S_S)、对照组(S_(CK))和深土组(S_D)]对两种草本叶片解剖结构和光合特性的影响。结果表明:(1)正常供水下(W_(ck)),黑麦草和苇状羊茅在浅土组(S_S)的气孔密度和气孔限制值(Ls)均显著高于对照组(S_(CK)),净光合速率(Pn)、胞间CO_2浓度(Ci)和蒸腾速率(Tr)降低;在深土组(S_D),两种植物的气孔密度都有所下降,黑麦草的叶脉密度、Pn和Tr均低于对照组,而苇状羊茅的叶脉密度和Pn表现出增加;(2)D1水分条件下,黑麦草在浅土组的气孔密度较对照组增加,叶脉密度、Pn和Tr均降低,而苇状羊茅的气孔密度有所降低,叶脉密度、Pn和Tr未受到显著影响;在深土组中,黑麦草的气孔密度不变,叶脉密度增加,而Pn和Tr均降低;苇状羊茅的气孔密度降低,但叶脉密度、Pn和Tr均升高;(3)D2水分条件下,两种植物在浅土组的叶脉密度较对照组均增加,气孔密度、Pn和Tr均受到抑制;在深土组,黑麦草的远轴面气孔密度较对照组下降,两种植物的其他指标未受到明显影响。可见,在不同水分条件下,植物的叶片解剖结构和光合特性对不同土层厚度的响应不一,且不同物种间也有差异。总体上随着水分减少,土层厚度降低对植物的光合抑制作用增强,而厚度增加对深根植物的光合促进作用和对浅根植物的光合抑制作用先增强后减弱。植物气孔和叶脉性状特征随水分条件的变化在一定程度上与叶面积和叶片宽度的变化有关。  相似文献   

植物的水通道蛋白   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
对近 3年来植物水通道蛋白的特性、特异性表达、水分运输机制、表达调控、在植物水分关系平衡中的作用以及这一领域研究中的有关问题作了介绍与评述  相似文献   

干旱下植物气孔运动的调控   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
概述了植物气孔对大气干旱和土壤干旱的反应,认为植物气孔对大气干旱的反应并不是一种反馈机制;并就干旱条件下植物气孔运动的水力学和化学信号调控机制进行了简要论述,认为虽然化学信号调控干旱下气孔运动更为广泛,但ABA不是唯一的化学信号,水分关系影响了信号的产生、运转和气孔对信号的敏感性,干旱条件下水力学和化学信号共同调控着植物的气孔运动。  相似文献   

植物水通道蛋白生理功能的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1992年第一个水通道蛋白AQP1被人们认识以来,从植物中分离得到了大量AQPs基因。AQPs在植物体内形成选择性运输水及一些小分子溶质和气体的膜通道,参与介导多个植物生长发育的生理活动,如细胞伸长、气孔运动、种子发育、开花繁殖和逆境胁迫等。就植物水通道蛋白的生理功能进行概述。  相似文献   

刘贯山  陈珈 《植物学报》2003,20(2):160-167
CDPKs在植物钙信号转导中起重要作用。本文介绍了植物钙信号转导及CDPKs的结构与生化性质,在此基础上,重点总结了CDPKs在植物钙信号转导中的潜在调节作用,包括基因表达、代谢、离子和水分的跨膜运输、细胞骨架的动态变化、气孔运动和生长发育等,并提出了在CDPKs研究中已达成的共识和需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

钙依赖蛋白激酶(CDPKs)在植物钙信号转导中的作用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘贯山  陈珈 《植物学通报》2003,20(2):160-167
CDPKs在植物钙信号转导中起重要作用。本文介绍了植物钙信号转导及CDPKs的结构与生化性质,在此基础上,重点总结了CDPKs在植物钙信号转导中的潜在调节作用,包括基因表达、代谢、离子和水分的跨膜运输、细胞骨架的动态变化、气孔运动和生长发育等,并提出了在CDPKs研究中已达成的共识和需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

细胞内离子在气孔运动中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高巍  尚忠林 《植物学通报》2010,45(5):632-639
气孔运动与植物水分代谢密切相关。保卫细胞中的无机离子作为第二信使(Ca2+)或者渗透调节物质(K+、Cl-)在响应外界理化因子的刺激、调节保卫细胞膨压过程中发挥重要作用。保卫细胞质膜和液泡膜上的离子通道作为各种刺激因素作用的靶位点,是保卫细胞离子转运的关键组分,在气孔运动调控过程中扮演关键角色。该文对近年来保卫细胞离子的作用和离子通道研究的进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

细胞内离子在气孔运动中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高巍  尚忠林 《植物学报》2010,45(5):632-639
气孔运动与植物水分代谢密切相关。保卫细胞中的无机离子作为第二信使(Ca2+)或者渗透调节物质(K+、Cl)在响应 外界理化因子的刺激、调节保卫细胞膨压过程中发挥重要作用。保卫细胞质膜和液泡膜上的离子通道作为各种刺激因素作 用的靶位点, 是保卫细胞离子转运的关键组分, 在气孔运动调控过程中扮演关键角色。该文对近年来保卫细胞离子的作用 和离子通道研究的进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Regulation Mechanisms of Stomatal Oscillation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Stomata function as the gates between the plant and the atmospheric environment. Stomatal movement, including stomatal opening and closing, controls CO2 absorption as the raw material for photosynthesis and water loss through transpiration. How to reduce water loss and maintain enough CO2 absorption has been an interesting research topic for some time. Simple stomatal opening may elevate CO2 absorption, but, in the meantime, promote the water loss, whereas simple closing of stomatal pores may reduce both water loss and CO2 absorption, resulting in impairment of plant photosynthesis. Both processes are not economical to the plant. As a special rhythmic stomatal movement that usually occurs at smaller stomatal apertures, stomatal oscillation can keep CO2 absorption at a sufficient level and reduce water loss at the same time, suggesting a potential improvement in water use efficiency. Stomatal oscillation is usually found after a sudden change in one environmental factor in relatively constant environments. Many environmental stimuli can induce stomatal oscillation. It appears that, at the physiological level, feedback controls are involved in stomatal oscillation. At the cellular level, possibly two different patterns exist: (i) a quicker responsive pattern; and (ii) a slower response. Both involve water potential changes and water channel regulation, but the mechanisms of regulation of the two patterns are different. Some evidence suggests that the regulation of water channels may play a vital and primary role in stomatal oscillation. The present review summarizes studies on stomatal oscillation and concludes with some discussion regarding the mechanisms of regulation of stomatal oscillation.  相似文献   

Stomata function as the gates between the plant and the atmospheric environment. Stomatal movement, including stomatal opening and closing, controls CO2 absorption as the raw material for photosynthesis and water loss through transpiration. How to reduce water loss and maintain enough CO2 absorption has been an interesting research topic for some time. Simple stomatal opening may elevate CO2 absorption,but, in the meantime, promote the water loss, whereas simple closing of stomatal pores may reduce both water loss and CO2 absorption, resulting in impairment of plant photosynthesis. Both processes are not economical to the plant. As a special rhythmic stomatal movement that usually occurs at smaller stomatal apertures, stomatal oscillation can keep CO2 absorption at a sufficient level and reduce water loss at the same time, suggesting a potential improvement in water use efficiency. Stomatal oscillation is usually found after a sudden change in one environmental factor in relatively constant environments. Many environmental stimuli can induce stomatal oscillation. It appears that, at the physiological level, feedback controls are involved in stomatal oscillation. At the cellular level, possibly two different patterns exist: (i) a quicker responsive pattern; and (ii) a slower response. Both involve water potential changes and water channel regulation, but the mechanisms of regulation of the two patterns are different. Some evidence suggests that the regulation of water channels may play a vital and primary role in stomatal oscillation. The present review summarizes studies on stomatal oscillation and concludes with some discussion regarding the mechanisms of regulation of stomatal oscillation.  相似文献   

Stomatal sensitivity to root signals induced by soil drying may vary between environments and plant species. This is likely central role in root to shoot signaling. pH and hydraulic signals may interact with ABA signals and thus, jointly regulate stomatal responses to changed soil water status. pH itself can be modified by several factors, among which the chemical compositions In the xylem stream and the live cells surrounding the vessels play crucial roles. In addition to the xylem pH,more attention should be paid to the direct modulation of leaf apoplastic pH, because many chemical compositions might strongly modify the leaf apoplastlc pH while having no significant effect on the xylem pH. The direct modulation of the ABA signal intensity may be more important for the regulation of stomatal responses to soil drying than the ABA signal per se.The ABA signal is also regulated by the ABA catabolism and the supply of precursors to the roots If a sustained root to shoot communication of soil drying operates at the whole plant level. More importantly, ABA catabolism could play crucial roles In the determination of the fate of the ABA signal and thereby control the stomatal behavior of the root-sourced ABA signal.  相似文献   

Stomatal sensitivity to root signals induced by soil drying may vary between environments and plant species. This is likely to be a result of the interactions and modulations ámong root signals. As a stress signal, abscisic acid (ABA) plays a central role in root to shoot signaling, pH and hydraulic signals may interact with ABA signals and thus, jointly regulate stomatal responses to changed soil water status, pH itself can be modified by several factors, among which the chemical compositions in the xylem stream and the live cells surrounding the vessels play crucial roles. In addition to the xylem pH, more attention should be paid to the direct modulation of leaf apoplastic pH, because many chemical compositions might strongly modify the leaf apoplastic pH while having no significant effect on the xylem pH. The direct modulation of the ABA signal intensity may be more important for the regulation of stomatal responses to soil drying than the ABA signal per se. The ABA signal is also regulated by the ABA catabolism and the supply of precursors to the roots if a sustained root to shoot communication of soil drying operates at the whole plant level. More importantly, ABA catabolism could play crucial roles in the determination of the fate of the ABA signal and thereby control the stomatal behavior of the root-sourced ABA signal.  相似文献   

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