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中国水域江豚颅后骨骼的生理变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高安利  周开亚 《兽类学报》1995,15(4):246-253
本文根据142号各年龄段的江豚颅后骨颅标本(其中长江种群标本38号,黄海种群标本59号,南海种群标本45号),选用42项颅后骨骼变量,应用t-检验、协方差分析和析研究了颅后骨骼在各地理种群之间的变异。结果表明,(1)中国水域江豚不同种群之间在颅后骨骼上的差异是明显的,而且表现在包括初生幼体在内的所有的年龄段的标本中。(2)南海种群的颅后骨骼最发达。长江种群次之,黄海种群的最不发达。(3)黄海种群与  相似文献   

2005年9月15日—30日,在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟西乌珠穆沁旗的典型草原上研究了狭颅田鼠(Microtus gregalis)冬季集群与来自艾虎(Mustela eversmanni)的捕食风险。采用鼠洞口数量作为狭颅田鼠集群大小的指标,分析了艾虎对不同大小狭颅田鼠集群的捕食优先选择偏好。对实验样地内狭颅田鼠的洞群洞口数进行了调查统计(样地内总共涉及102个狭颅田鼠有效洞群),并计数此期间的艾虎粪便堆数以及攻击掘开狭颅田鼠洞群的情况。运用非参数的Mann-Whitney U检验法进行数据分析,结果表明:从艾虎遗留的粪便痕迹来看,没有被艾虎访问过的田鼠洞群与被艾虎访问过的洞群之间差异达到极显著水平;另外,从狭颅田鼠洞口被艾虎掘开的痕迹来分析,没有被艾虎挖掘的洞群与被艾虎挖掘的洞群之间的差异也达到极显著的水平;另外,随着田鼠洞群洞口数量的增加,出现艾虎粪便和掘洞的频次和概率就越高。表明艾虎对狭颅田鼠集群洞口数的选择差异性非常显著,明显倾向于选择在洞口数量多的狭颅田鼠洞群停留,同时也更倾向于掘开洞口数量较高的狭颅田鼠洞群作为捕食对象。  相似文献   

李仁  李昊 《人类学学报》1999,18(1):17-21
为应用简便,本文对18—76岁正常成人104人(男67,女37)的X线正、侧位片上对颅外线或弧长等作了测量,并就其与颅腔体积的关系进行了认真的研究。用逐步回归分析法筛选出与推算颅腔体积的最佳因子为颅最大长(X1)、颅高(X2),颅宽(X3)、颅矢状弧(X6),它们之间呈正相关关系,其复相关系数R=0.74(女)±0.79(男),均P0.0001。建立逐步回归方程式:1.男:Y^=1.71X1+0.67X3+2.88X6-1788.02(cm3)2.女:Y^=5.38X1+5.36X2+6.14X3-1541.73(cm3)本方程可供推算成人颅腔体积使用。  相似文献   

扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠的集群结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2001—2002年在广西宁明县和龙州县利用直接观察、捕捉测量(共捕到197群蝙蝠,全捕180群)和标记重捕法(标记了31群的101只扁颅蝠,重捕到36只)比较研究了扁颅蝠(tylonycteris pachypusa)与褐扁颅蝠(T.robustula)的集群结构。结果发现:扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠主要栖宿在刺竹(Bambusa stenostachya)的竹筒内,通过竹筒上的裂缝进出。扁颅蝠栖宿的竹筒长平均为27.7cm,外围直径平均为23.6cm;褐扁颅蝠的分别为28.3cm和23.8cm。扁颅蝠栖宿群大小为1—24只,褐扁颅蝠栖宿群大小为1—13只;2种蝙蝠的栖宿群中皆为独居所占比例最大(扁颅蝠为22.30%,褐扁颅蝠为40.63%),2只所占比例次之(分别为14.87%和18.75%),其它大小类型呈不规则变化。扁颅蝠栖宿群的性别组成,以雌雄混居最常见(占54.72%),其次为独居雄性(占20.95%),而褐扁颅蝠栖宿群雌雄混居群与独居雄性所占比例相当(均为40.63%)。2种蝙蝠的雄性趋向于独居,而雌性趋向于群居。扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠可以栖宿在同一片竹林内,并且可以在不同时间轮流使用同一个栖宿竹筒,但2种蝙蝠从未共栖于同一个竹筒内。另外,标记重捕扁颅蝠发现:扁颅蝠经常变换栖宿竹筒(栖宿竹筒不固定);同时栖宿群之间经常发生个体交换[动物学报50(3):326—333.2004]。  相似文献   

2015年7~9月在贵州省兴仁县、平坝县和兴义市的五屯镇及敬南镇捕获鼠耳蝠33只,鉴定为高颅鼠耳蝠(Myotis siligorensis),为贵州省新纪录物种。标本保存于贵州师范大学生命科学学院生态实验室。主要特征:体型较小,前臂长(36.03±1.50)mm(32.66~38.98 mm,n=33);耳狭长;耳屏直而细长;第Ⅲ掌骨最长,第Ⅴ掌骨最短;阴茎长(4.52±0.84)mm(2.85~5.75 mm,n=21);头骨狭长,颅骨凸显;颅全长(13.87±0.74)mm(13.00~14.88 mm,n=8),颅高(6.36±0.24)mm(6.03~6.74 mm,n=8);听泡较小;矢状脊细弱;上颌第1、2门齿向中央倾斜,上颌第1门齿有1个主尖和1个附尖;上颌第2门齿较第1门齿小,且与犬齿分离;上颌第2前臼齿(P3)位于齿列中。基于Cyt b基因(1 141 bp)序列进行的分子系统学分析显示,此次捕获鼠耳蝠物种与高颅鼠耳蝠聚在一起,二者遗传距离最近(仅为0.03),进一步确认所采集物种为高颅鼠耳蝠。  相似文献   

围堤式颅窗大鼠软脑膜微循环观察方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了本室建立的围堤式颅窗软脑膜微循环观察方法。大鼠暴露颅骨,顶骨钻孔后,固定一根4号头皮针于骨孔边缘,将牙托粉、牙托水调匀后于骨孔周围围一个环形堤,根据需要硬脑膜可以保持完整或剥去。经头皮针持续向颅窗内输恒温人工脑脊液(aCSF),并维持颅窗内aCSF的pH值和Pco2于正常水平。颅窗内数毫米厚的aCSF将外界隔开,使脑组织和软脑膜处于较好的生理环境。围堤式颅窗简便易行,并可达到与密闭颅窗相似的效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨重复经颅磁刺激在脑卒中康复的应用及效果.方法:选择2010年9月至2012年9月在我院神经内科收治的58例脑卒中患者分为两组,即A组和B组,A组患者给予常规药物治疗和康复训练,B组患者在上述治疗的基础上加用低频重复经颅磁刺激治疗,比较两组患者美国国立卫生院神经功能缺损评分情况、日常生活活动(ADL)评分和不良反应发生情况.结果:治疗后,随着时间的推移,两组患者美国国立卫生院神经功能缺损评分得分逐渐下降(P<0.05).B组患者2周后和6周后两个时点美国国立卫生院神经功能缺损评分得分明显低于A组患者的,差异有显著性(P<0.05),而随着时间的推移,两组患者日常生活活动(ADL)评分得分逐渐上升(P<0.05).B组患者2周后和6周后两个时点日常生活活动(ADL)评分得分明显高于A组患者的,差异有显著性(P<0.05).两组患者在不良反应发生方面差异无显著性(P>0.05).结论:低频重复经颅磁刺激治疗脑卒中单侧肢体功能障碍患者临床疗效确切,安全可靠,不良反应少.  相似文献   

跨颅电刺激对大鼠抑郁症的治疗作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨跨颅电刺激对大鼠抑郁症的治疗作用。方法:跨颅电刺激抑郁症大鼠左侧前额叶皮层,敞箱实验测定大鼠行为学变化,荧光法测定单胺类递质含量的变化。结果:跨颅直流电和低频脉冲电刺激后,大鼠敞箱实验中垂直和水平运动得分均较模型组显著升高(P〈0.05);且大鼠左侧前额叶皮层和海马5-HT、NE含量较模型组显著升高(P〈0.05),而前额叶皮层DA含量无显著变化(P〉0.05)。结论:直流电和低频脉冲电跨颅刺激左侧前额叶皮层,对抑郁症均有显著治疗作用。  相似文献   

颅容积的测量与推算的改进   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
颅容积对鉴别颅骨的性别具有一定的意义。国内外至今仍沿用传统的测量方法,即堵塞孔缝、灌注介质(菜子或砂等),再间接用量具测出其容积。此法烦琐费时,如不严格统一标准重复误差一般达几十毫升。1964年Uspenskii改用颅内放一橡皮球,球内注水加压法,大大地提高了测量速度,并使重复误差降低到7ml,缺点是必须有加压设备,另外橡皮球易破裂。本测量法采用厚度适中的乳胶囊放入颅腔,囊内灌注汞,取其净重和测时室温,用计算机换算成颅容积。经不同时间对112个颅骨测量两次,结果相差平均为2.27±0.17(0—7.9)ml。乳胶囊使用寿命一般可达20次。本法主要优点是:精确度高和测量速度快;不够理想之处:由于汞重,在密闭箱内操作不便,尽管汞蒸气远低于允许浓度,仍需注意其安全防护问题。此外,求出用颅周长、颅顶正中弧、耳上颅高、颅高等项推算颅容积的回归方程式和关系图,便于实际应用。  相似文献   

广西扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠的食物选择   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2002年3~10日在广西南宁地区的宁明县和龙州县,用超声波监测和网捕法确定扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠的捕食区,在捕食区内用粘捕法调查潜在的食物量;用粪便分析法确定食物组成。在宁明县和龙州县扁颅蝠和褐扁颅蝠的潜在食物量都是以双翅目昆虫为主(45.93%以上),其次为鞘翅目(12.59%以上)和膜翅目(7.47%以上);但双翅目、膜翅目在两地差异显著。宁明县扁颅蝠的食物组成以双翅目(40.33%)和膜翅目(38.46%)为主,鞘翅目(16.07%)次之;龙州县扁颅蝠和褐扁颅蝠食物组成中以膜翅目(63.37%,62.34%)为主,其次为双翅目(21.57%,29.62%)、鞘翅目(11.59%,5.96%);对比两地扁颅蝠的食物组成发现,膜翅目和双翅目差异极显著。对比食物组成与潜在食物量发现,两种蝙蝠对膜翅目为正选择,对其他目负选择或无选择,均为选择性捕食者。  相似文献   

Wetted stream-bed mapping at randomly selected sites in an agricultural stream (Del Puerto Creek), urban stream (Arcade Creek), and residential stream (Pleasant Grove Creek) in California was conducted to determine the spatial extent of depositional and non-depositional areas. This study evaluated the “representativeness” of standard sediment sampling approaches used in California by using hydrophobic pyrethroids as an example. Measured background concentrations of eight pyrethroids in sediment and potential sediment toxicity for each stream were discussed within the context of depositional areas. Four percent, 15%, and 12% of the randomly selected transects in Del Puerto Creek, Arcade Creek, and Pleasant Grove Creek, respectively, were depositional areas. For all three streams, depositional areas were more dominant in downstream segments. Pyrethroid concentrations in sediment were higher in depositional areas versus non-depositional areas in Del Puerto Creek and were also higher downstream. Pyrethroid concentrations in sediment were also higher in downstream areas of Arcade Creek but generally higher in upstream areas of Pleasant Grove Creek. The results from this study demonstrate the importance of determining “representativeness” of depositional areas for an entire stream if hydrophobic chemicals (pyrethroids) measured in sediment from depositional areas are suspected to be toxic.  相似文献   

对北京顺义地区有机化梨园中2个不同栽培区节肢动物总群落、害虫及天敌亚群落分别进行时间动态的系统聚类。结果表明,在同一园区内,稀植区和密植区均以木虱为优势种类,相对丰盛度分别达0.3801、0.3300。总群落的24次调查结果稀植区可聚为5类,D=1.87,密植区聚为3类,D=1.80;害虫亚群落调查结果,当两区D=1.80时,稀植区可聚为3类,密植区可聚为4类;天敌亚群落调查结果稀植区聚为4类,D=2.12,密植区聚为5类,D=1.75。在早春的密植区和入秋的稀植区木虱发生量大,应加强监测,及时防治。  相似文献   

Question: How resilient is the seed bank of an invaded dune system? Is that resilience dependent on duration of invasion? How does the accumulated litter layer contribute to the soil seed bank? Location: Coastal sand dunes invaded by Acacia longifolia, Portugal. Methods: Seedling emergence was used to quantify and compare soil seed banks in long‐invaded, recently invaded and non‐invaded areas. Changes in seed banks were also compared with areas where A. longifolia and the litter layer were removed. Results: Species richness, seedling density and diversity were higher in non‐invaded and recently‐invaded areas than in long‐invaded areas. Although there was an apparent similarity between non‐invaded and recently‐invaded areas, analyses of species traits revealed differences. Non‐invaded areas had a wider array of traits. Exotic/invasive species dominated invaded seed banks while native species dominated non‐invaded seed banks. Life forms, growth forms, longevity and dispersal mode showed differences between areas, with cleared plots of long‐invaded areas being apparently the most similar to non‐invaded plots. Acacia longifolia seeds were most abundant in long‐invaded areas, particularly where the litter layer remained. Removal of A. longifolia plus the litter had little effect on the seed bank composition of recently‐invaded areas but resulted in noticeable changes in seed banks of long‐invaded areas. Conclusions: Long‐invaded areas are less resilient and show a higher reinvasion potential, despite severe alteration of the seed banks of both areas. Seed bank studies can be a useful tool to guide management, but can give misleading results when invasion periods are protracted.  相似文献   

生态系统服务价值定量化评价及其空间制图可以为确定生态系统文化服务(CES)优先保护地域提供有效途径.本研究以上海共青森林公园为例,采用问卷和结构式访谈结合参与式制图(PPGIS)方法,将非货币CES价值和空间信息结合,把丰度、多样性和稀有度指数转化为空间生态综合指数,定量评价了CES价值及其空间分布,识别出优先保护地域.结果表明: 不同景观类型的CES价值分布不同,共青森林公园美学服务价值主要分布在相对开阔的草地、滨水和疏林区,滨水区具有较高的社会关系和灵感价值.多样性较高价值区主要沿湖滨水分布,而稀有度价值较高区域多分布在森林和草地区.通过对8个梯度阈值生态指数的最高值区域进行叠加,验证了25%为有效划分阈值,能够更准确划分公园CES优先保护范围.该方法引入公众参与,实现了使用者体验的空间化、定量化、类型化,建立了景观、空间、体验的地域关系,可为城市保护地优先保护地域划分及其规划管理提供重要依据.  相似文献   

Regional distributions of thiobarbituric acid-reactive products, activities of enzymes regulating metabolism of oxygen free radicals, and some of the related enzymes were studied in 10 areas of adult and aged rat brains. Thiobarbituric acid-reactive products were lower in cerebral cortex, septal area, hippocampus, caudate-putamen, and substantia nigra compared with other areas studied in adult rats; however, they increased significantly in the former areas with aging. A slight but significant reduction in superoxide dismutase activity was noted in frontal cortex, septal area, caudate-putamen, and substantia nigra with aging. Glutathione peroxidase and reductase activities were highest in caudate-putamen and in substantia nigra. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activities were lowest in cortical areas. Phosphofructokinase activity was lowest in septal area and hippocampus in aged rats. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity showed only small regional and evolutional changes. Lactate dehydrogenase activity declined with age in most of the areas studied. sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity showed small changes with aging except in hippocampus, where 40% reduction was noted. Generally, cerebral cortical areas, hippocampus, and septal areas were not particularly enriched in enzymes regulating the metabolism of oxygen free radicals. The results were discussed in relation to the role of free radicals in aging.  相似文献   

The releasing of farm-reared pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) is a very common practice in order to sustain high hunting pressures. However farm-reared birds may be carriers of parasites and diseases for the natural populations. We compared the parasite egg and oocyst prevalence and abundance of excretions found in faecal droppings collected in 13 different protected areas of Tuscany: seven areas where farm-reared pheasants are released every year to increase the reproduction and dispersion of the wild population (restocking areas) and in six areas where the production of pheasants is guaranteed only by the wild population (wild areas). Eimeria spp. oocysts were found in 33 of 129 (25.6%) samples collected in wild areas and in 59 of 119 (51.3%) of samples collected in restocking areas. Nematode eggs were found in 21 of 129 (16.3%) samples collected in wild areas and in 59 of 119 (49.6%) of samples collected in restocking areas. Significant differences were found for Capillaria spp. (31.9% of restocking areas vs. 9.3% of wild areas) and Syngamus spp. (10.1% of restocking areas vs. 3.1% of wild areas) but not for Heterakis or Ascaridia spp. (7.6% of restocking areas vs. 3.9% of wild areas). Parasitic excretion abundance was higher in the droppings collected in restocking areas compared to those collected in wild areas, but differences were significant only for Eimeria and Capillaria spp. In order to reduce the risk of spreading parasites and diseases, we suggest to interpose a strip (larger than the home range of the pheasants) where hunting is not forbidden between the restocking areas and the wild areas, and pheasant releases should not be allowed at least within a “pheasant home range distance” from the wild areas.  相似文献   

Aim We present a biogeographical analysis of the areas of endemism and areas of diversification in the Muscidae. This analysis searched for geographical patterns in the Muscidae to reconstruct elements of the evolutionary biogeographical history of this insect family. Location Andean and Neotropical regions. Method We constructed a geographic database of 728 species from the literature and museum specimens. Areas of endemism were established by parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) based on grids of two different sizes: 5° (550 × 550 km) and 2° (220 × 220 km). Areas of diversification were delimited by track analysis that also included phylogenetic information. This process was independently applied to 11 genera. For each genus, we plotted generalized tracks generated by sister species on a map. When these generalized tracks supported inter‐generic nodes they were manually contoured and inferred to be areas of diversification for the Muscidae. Results Thirteen endemic areas were found using the 5° grid, and eight endemic areas resulted from the 2° grid. Ten areas were in agreement with previous studies, and 11 were new. Amazonian and Atlantic areas of diversification agreed with previous areas for the genus Polietina, and new areas of diversification were found in Panama and in central Chile. Main conclusions Six spatial patterns in the Muscidae were identified: (1) areas of endemism in both Pampa and Puna provinces were established with species whose distributions had not previously been analysed; (2) a new area of endemism was established in extreme southern South America, in Tierra del Fuego; (3) two new areas of diversification, which include Panama and central Chile, were identified; (4) a spatial association was identified between the separation of Chiloe Island from the continent and the diversification in Andean species; (5) a north–south track axis and latitudinal node intervals were identified, interpreted as spatial responses to glaciation or glacial retreat in the Andes; and (6) a spatial coincidence of areas of endemism, of diversification and high species richness in the Muscidae was discovered. The analysis of a complete database and the recognition of areas of diversification are extremely important in elucidating novel biogeographical patterns, which will in turn contribute to a better understanding of the geographical patterns of evolution in the Muscidae.  相似文献   

对两栖动物多样性及其生境选择的调查, 可为两栖动物的保护提供基础性资料。我们于2018年9-10月、2019年3-8月对贵州省毕节市撒拉溪石漠化综合治理示范区30个研究样方的两栖动物进行了调查, 共观察到两栖动物5,688只, 隶属2目6科9属10种。采用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数等分析了不同等级石漠化区域中的两栖动物物种多样性, 采用Sorenson相似性系数、聚类分析等方法分析了群落的相似性与差异性。结果显示: (1)云南小狭口蛙(Glyphoglossus yunnanensis)为优势种, 贵州疣螈(Tylototriton kweichowensis)、红点齿蟾(Oreolalax rhodostigmatus)、中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)、华西雨蛙(Hyla annectans)和昭觉林蛙(Rana chaochiaoensis)为常见种, 粗皮姬蛙(Microhyla butleri)、沼水蛙(Hylarana guentheri)、筠连臭蛙(Odorrana junlianensis)和威宁蛙(Rana weiningensis)为稀有种。(2)无石漠化区域与潜在石漠化区域两栖动物物种数、个体数以及生境类型较之其他3个等级石漠化区域更为丰富, 多样性指数、丰富度指数以无石漠化区域为最大。(3)无石漠化区域和潜在石漠化区域之间、无石漠化区域和潜在石漠化区域分别与其他3个等级石漠化区域之间表现出较强的差异性。研究表明, 喀斯特地区石漠化导致的生境差异是两栖动物分布差异的重要原因, 加强石漠化的生态治理是喀斯特地区保护两栖动物的重要途径。  相似文献   

我国自然保护区的生态旅游开发   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
我国自然保护区的生态旅游开发袁兴中,刘红,高天刚(山东曲阜师范大学273165)DevelopmentofEcotourisminNaturalReservesofChina¥YuanXingzhong;LiuHong;GaoTiangang(Quf...  相似文献   

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