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详细研究了托叶铁科两属的2种代表植物Stangeria eriopus和Bowenia serrulata的羽片脉序和羽片解剖学,两个属在气孔器特征与不具副传输组织方面极为相似。而在气孔的分布,羽片脉序式样与叶缘形态,粘液道的有无,海绵组织与栅栏组织的分化。工字厚壁组织与表皮细胞垂周壁特征方面则有较大的差异。将这些特征与苏铁科和泽米铁科作了比较,并讨论了这些特征在系统学上的意义。研究结果支持Stevenson(1992)将该科分为两亚科以及托叶铁科是介入苏铁科与泽米铁科之间的观点。  相似文献   

贺氏双子铁与摩瑞大泽米羽片和叶轴的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对贺氏双子铁和摩瑞大泽米的羽片和叶轴进行了比较研究,对两种植物的结构特征与对环境的适应性进行了分析,结果表明:两个种类的结构有很大的差异。贺氏双子铁的羽片仅在下表皮有气孔器分布,在近轴面仅有1~2层较短的栅栏组织,维管束与粘液道在垂周方向相对而生;摩瑞大泽米羽片在上下表皮均有气孔器,近轴面和远轴面均有较长的2~3层的栅栏组织,为等面叶,维管束与粘液道在平周方向相间排列。此外,两个种的维管束结构及叶缘结构等也有很大的差异。在叶轴方面,贺氏双子铁的表皮气孔数比摩瑞大泽米的气孔数明显要少,而且摩瑞大泽米的表皮内侧有一环富含叶绿体的栅栏组织,且在栅栏组织的内方还有发达的富含叶绿体的海绵组织,而贺氏双子铁则没有。此外,摩瑞大泽米在基本组织中含有较多的副转输组织,而贺氏双子铁则无。在粘液道大小、排列方式上两种类也有很大的不同。贺氏双子铁的维管束韧皮部明显比木质部发达,而摩瑞大泽米木质部和韧皮部的发达程度相近。  相似文献   

对苏铁科和泽米铁科8种苏铁植物,即台湾苏铁(Cycas taiwaniana)、海南苏铁(C·hainanensis)、元江苏铁(C·parvulus)、单羽苏铁(C·simplicipinna)、滇南苏铁(C·diannanensis)、越南篦齿苏铁(C·elon-gata)、长刺大泽米铁(Macrozamia longispina)、双子铁(Dioon edule)的叶轴横切面结构进行了比较研究,以期为苏铁植物的系统演化和分类进一步提供解剖学依据,并探讨其解剖结构与生态的适应机制。结果表明,较原始的苏铁科和较进化的泽米铁科叶轴的横切面结构无论在表皮、机械组织、基本组织和维管组织,还是在后含物方面都存在着明显的不同;泽米铁科的大泽米铁属与双子铁属差异也较大;苏铁科科内的6个种则相似性稍大,表明它们是亲缘关系较密切的类群,但每个种都有各自的结构特点。越南篦齿苏铁的维管束排列方式和数目的增加方式与泽米铁科两个种的相似,因此推断它处于较进化的地位。研究还发现苏铁科种类的叶轴的近轴面均像叶片那样具有栅栏组织状同化组织存在。苏铁类植物叶轴具有旱生植物的解剖结构特征:角质层较厚、表皮细胞壁厚、机械组织发达、晶体较多、分泌道和维管束数目较多等结构特征。这些对研究苏铁纲各科及种类之间的进化与亲缘关系提供了佐证,同时揭示了苏铁纲这类古老的植物类群其多个属的种类能够经历如此漫长的地质年代而幸存下来,是由于其在长期演化过程中均形成了这些独特的结构特征,因而具备了相对应的生理功能,能够在恶劣的自然环境下,具备耐干旱、贫瘠、高温及耐盐碱等逆境的结果。  相似文献   

该文采用光学显微镜,首次对九种瘤足蕨属植物的叶柄和羽片横切面进行了解剖学比较研究。结果表明:九种瘤足蕨属植物在叶柄中部横切面的表皮、基本组织和中柱以及营养叶羽片的表皮、叶肉和主脉等结构特征是相似的,如叶柄中部横切面的表皮不被毛或是鳞片,表皮细胞形状呈类圆形,具有厚壁组织,中柱为周韧型维管束;营养叶羽片横切面的气孔只分布于下表皮,表皮细胞形状呈扁平状,主脉的结构类型属于周韧型维管束。在系统的演化中,瘤足蕨与桫椤科植物有一定的亲缘关系,两者既有相似的特征但也表现出一定的差异,支持瘤足蕨属是一个自然分类的观点。九种瘤足蕨属植物叶柄中部横切面形状有梯形、椭圆形和三角形,叶柄中部横切面维管束的形状成"U"字形、"V"字形或"品"字形;维管束数目1个或3个;维管束结构中的木质部成"八"字形、"U"字形或"一"字形;羽片主脉下侧形成了以三角形、弧形或梯形的突起;叶柄中的木质部形态有两种,即典型的海马形状以及非典型的海马形状,其中典型的海马形状的特点为叶柄的木质部两侧都呈现弯曲成钩的形态,非典型的海马形状特点为2个木质部束的两侧都未出现弯曲成钩的形态或者是其中的一个木质部一端无弯曲成钩的形态,这些形态解剖特征稳定且具类群特异性,为瘤足蕨属植物的分类和系统学研究提供了新的依据。同时,依据其叶柄和羽片横切面解剖叶柄学特征列出了瘤足蕨属植物分种检索表。  相似文献   

对江西产酸模属(Rumex L.)7种植物进行了叶形态结构的显微观察.结果表明:(1)叶片上表皮均有气孔器分布,表皮上普遍具有腺体和异细胞,叶肉中均含有晶体细胞,晶体类型为簇晶;(2)下表皮细胞特征及气孔类型、叶肉细胞的分化及排列方式、中脉维管束数目等特征具有明显的种间差异,可以作为属下种级鉴定指标;(3)小酸模在气孔类型、栅栏组织和海绵组织排列紧密程度、中脉形状及维管束数量等特征上与同属其它种类具有显著的差异,形态解剖学证据支持小酸模亚属(Subgen.Acetosella(Meisn.)Rech.)的成立;(4)根据酸模属植物气孔器类型的演化阶段,并结合孢粉学、形态学等证据,认为酸模属处于蓼科植物系统演化的较低或中等地位.通过对酸模属植物叶形态结构的比较观察,为探讨该属的系统演化关系及属下分类提供叶解剖学证据.  相似文献   

朱栗琼  徐艳霞  招礼军  袁娟  杨丽梅 《广西植物》2016,36(10):1179-1185
以广西西北部雅长兰科植物保护区的莎叶兰( Cymbidium cyperifolium)为对象,采用石蜡切片法对莎叶兰叶片和根的解剖构造及其对喀斯特环境的适应性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)莎叶兰叶片的上表皮覆盖有较厚的角质层,气孔均分布于下表皮,且凸出表皮细胞之上;各表皮性状在叶片不同部位存在显著差异,叶片下部的气孔密度、气孔指数和气孔长度最大,表皮细胞密度以叶片上部的最大;叶片属于等面叶,叶肉无栅栏组织和海绵组织的分化;叶脉为明显的平行脉,且粗细交互分布;(2)莎叶兰根的横切面包括根被、皮层、中柱3部分,其中根被细胞排列紧密,为生活细胞;皮层由薄壁细胞组成;根部维管束属于辐射维管束,14原型。菌根粗壮,稀根毛,共生真菌主要分布于根被及皮层中,菌丝体通过根被薄壁细胞间隙及内、外皮层的通道细胞进行侵染。(3)莎叶兰叶片和根的结构不仅有湿生植物特征,如叶片相对较薄、气孔少且凸出表皮细胞、冠/根比值大等;还有旱生植物的特征,如叶片角质层较厚、机械组织发达、细胞结构紧密、具含晶细胞,肉质根具根被,内、外皮层细胞壁明显增厚等。这些结构是莎叶兰对当地缺水、干湿季明显、分布于林下多石砾土壤的生长环境的一种高度适应性表现。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了葛(Pueraria lobata)叶的解剖学特征。结果表明,葛叶片的上、下表皮都只有一层表皮细胞,上表皮比下表皮厚。上、下表皮都有腺毛和非腺毛。气孔主要分布在下表皮,下表皮的气孔密度为(261±17)mm-2,上表皮只有(6±3)mm-2。叶肉由两层栅栏组织细胞和一层海绵组织细胞构成。叶肉细胞中有丰富的叶绿体。在栅栏组织和海绵组织之间有一层平行于叶脉的薄壁细胞。叶脉中含有大量的草酸钙晶体。葛叶的这些形态特征与其喜阳、耐旱的特点相适应。  相似文献   

Ten-days-old bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. Cheren Starozagorski) were treated with simulated acid rain (pH 2.4, 2.2, 2.0 and 1.8). Anatomical changes in the primary leaves were studied 3, 48 and 168 h after a single treatment. This treatment induced: 1) change in the shape of palisade cells, contraction of their contact surfaces and expansion of spongy cells (pH 1.8, 3 h after treatment); 2) reduction of symplast connections among palisade cells and of apoplast in the spongy mesophyll (pH 1.8, 48 h after treatment); 3) destruction of adaxial epidermis and portions of palisade mesophyll, plasmolysis of spongy cells (pH 1.8, 168 h after treatment); 4) full destruction of mesophyll (pH 2.4, 2.2, 2.0 and 1.8, 168 h after treatment). The structure of abaxial epidermis was more stable than that of the adaxial one. With respect to anatomical parameters the studied species could be considered as comparatively resistant to acid rain.  相似文献   

Mesophyll structure has been associated with the photosynthetic performance of leaves via the regulation of internal light and CO(2) profiles. Differences in mesophyll structure and chlorophyll distribution within three ontogenetically different leaf types of Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus were investigated. Juvenile leaves are blue-grey in color, dorsiventral (adaxial palisade layer only), hypostomatous, and approximately horizontal in orientation. In contrast, adult leaves are dark green in color, isobilateral (adaxial and abaxial palisade), amphistomatous, and nearly vertical in orientation. The transitional leaf type has structural features that appear intermediate between the juvenile and adult leaves. The ratio of mesophyll cell surface area per unit leaf surface area (A(mes)/A) of juvenile leaves was maximum at the base of a single, adaxial palisade layer and declined through the spongy mesophyll. Chlorophyll a + b content showed a coincident pattern, while the chlorophyll a:b ratio declined linearly from the adaxial to abaxial epidermis. In comparison, the mesophyll of adult leaves had a bimodal distribution of A(mes)/A, with maxima occurring beneath both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces within the first layer of multiple palisade layers. The distribution of chlorophyll a + b content had a similar pattern, although the maximum ratio of chlorophyll a:b occurred immediately beneath the adaxial and abaxial epidermis. The matching distributions of A(mes)/A and chlorophyll provide further evidence that mesophyll structure may act to influence photosynthetic performance. These changes in internal leaf structure at different life stages of E. globulus may be an adaptation for increased xeromorphy under increasing light exposure experienced from the seedling to adult tree, similar to the characteristics reported for different species according to sunlight exposure and water availability within their native habitats.  相似文献   

This paper describes the leaf anatomy of Sabal mauritiiformis (Karst.) Griseb. & H. Wendl., Sabal mexicana Mart. and Sabal yapa Wright ex Becc., three of the four most representative species of the Yucatán Península, in Mexico. These species are locally used: in the roofing of traditional homes, as food (fruits and apical buds), and in the production of hats, brooms and handicrafts. Leaf samples were collected in secondary growth of lower montane rainforest in the state of Quintana Roo and in two home gardens in the state of Yucatán. Herbarium samples were obtained, and samples of blade and petiole were fixed in formaline-acetic acid-alcohol. Cross incisions were made on the blade and petiole, and were dyed with safranin and toluidine blue O. The results show that S. mauritiiformis and S. yapa are morphologically alike: both are tall, slim palm trees; the leaf in S. mauritiiformis is a shorter palm-like structure compared with the other two species. The shape of the main nerve, as seen in cross section, is rectangular in the three species. The hastula in the three species is acuminate and adaxial. The foliar anatomic structure is similar in the three species, although there are some differences. The adaxial an abaxial epidermis of the blade consist of one layer and, superficially, the anticlinal walls are straight; the stomata are intercostal, of the tetracytic type, present on both surfaces in S. mexicana and S. yapa and only on the abaxial surface on S. mauritiiformis. The hypodermis is one layer thick in S. yapa and in S. mexicana and two layers thick in S. mauritiiformis. In the three species the palisade parenchyma consists of several undefined strata as the cells are similar-in shape and size--to the cells in the spongy parenchyma, so there is no marked difference between these strata and the spongy parenchyma seems almost continuous. Both fibrous and vascular bundles are distributed between the hypodermis and the palisade parenchyma; the fiber bundles can be found towards the abaxial surface while the vascular and fiber bundles are located towards the adaxial surface. The fibers, in the three species, are elongated, with the pointed tips, undivided and unseptated. One to three wide vessels of metaxilem can be seen in the vascular bundles, those in S. yapa being the widest in diameter. The vascular bundles are surrounded by thick fiber sheaths which come in pairs. The anatomic structure of the petiole is similar to that of the blade, and is characterized by the many vascular and fiber bundles dispersed in the parenchymatous tissue, and which are very resistant. The histological structure of the blade and petiole reflects strength and flexibility, qualities which make these plants adequate in the construction of roofs for rural housing and other buildings.  相似文献   

盐肤木虫瘿的结构和发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The present investigation is a report with a detailed account of peltate leaf development in Brasenia schreberi. The preliminary indication of leaf initiation is seen in periclinal divisions of the subepidrmal cells on the flank of the shoot apex. By the time a leaf primordium becomes 73 μm high, the apical growth is present, and it has undergone repeated periclinal and anticlinal divisions and introduces aew cells into the body of the primordium. The procambial strand is evident very early in ontogeny. Vacuolation of cells proceeds acropetally along the primordium. At 109 μm longitudinal sections reveal a ventral outgrowth. This ventral growth, termed a lateral zone or Querzone, is initiated by subepidermal cells on the ventral (adaxial) side of primordium. The Querzone is considered to represent the congenital fused laminar margins of the leaf. Transection analysis of a primordium of 160 μm indicates that the Querzone growth is initiated on the midbasal portion of primordium. Below the midbasal portion of primordittm which later forms the petiole of the leaf. The marginal 'growth occurs at a time when the primordinm is approximately 160 μm high. Initiation of marginal growth takes place in 42 μm from the base of a primordium. Marginal growth at first can be seen while the primordium exhibits unilateral. By anticlinal divisions, the marginal initials produce the upper and lower protoderm, which give rise to the upper and lower epidermis respectively, and submarginal initiates divide in anticlinal plane, giving rise to the adaxial and abaxial layers. Subsequent divisions of the adaxial layer are anticlinal only so that it forms a single layer which later develops as the palisade parenchyma. The cells of the abaxial layer, by divisions in all planes, form the tissues of the spongy parenchyma and all of the lateral venation system. At maturity, the mesophyll is much less compact and there are mumerous large intercellular spaces in the spongy region and between the palisade cells. The veins are collateral: There is a reduction in the amount of xylem and the ultimate veinlets terminate as single spiral tracheids. The glandular bairs are mumerous on the lower epidermis and are epidermal in origin, each consisting two basel cells and one termined cell. On the basis of morphological examination we suggest that the peltate leaf of Brasenia schreberi is clearly distinct from the foliage leaf in the development of adaxial meristem and marginal growth. We found the primordimn of Brasenia schreberi as an erect organ and arises.by monopodial growth. In the development of leaf and the form of venation the Brasenia schreberi shows marked resemblance and relationship to the Nelumbo nucifera.  相似文献   

Abstract. In Oxalis , epidermal cells on both the adaxial and abaxial surface of the leaf concentrated light within the leaf by a lens mechanism. Focal lengths of epidermal cells were estimated using two methods: they were calculated from radius of curvature measurements taken from individual epidermal cells, and were measured directly in agarose replicas of the leaf surface. In the three species of Oxalis examined, light that was incident upon the adaxial leaf surface was concentrated within the palisade, whereas light that was incident upon the abaxial leaf surface was concentrated within the spongy mesophyll. Using sensiometric analysis, theoretically maximal focal intesifications were measured in leaf replicas at the focal maximum and at intermediate positions corresponding to the mid-region of the palisade and spongy mesophyll tissues. Focal intensifications ranged from 2.2 to 10.4 times incident light at the focal maximum, and 1.3 to 4.5 in the palisade or spongy mesophyll layers. Elimination of epidermal focussing, by covering the leaf surface with a thin layer of mineral oil, strongly affected chlorophyll fluorescence induction curves resulting in a decrease of 10–40% in the initial (F0) and variable fluorescence (Fv). These results are consistent with the interpretation that the chloroplasts were adapted to their light microenvironment within the leaf and that focussing by the epidermis channelled light to a population of chloroplasts that were adapted to high light.  相似文献   

Leaf morphology in four species of Desmos and three species of Dasymaschalon was comparatively studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) together with epidermal maceration and paraffin methods. The results showed that there were some remarkable foliar anatomical differences between Desmos and Dasymaschalon. In leaves of Desmos, some of the adaxial epidermal cells were enlarged into globose cells each containing one large cluster crystal, while other epidermal cells were normal without any crystal, and in abaxial epidermis each cell contained one smaller cluster crystal. The leaf structure was typically bifacial, and the mesophyll cells were differentiated into palisade tissue and spongy tissue. Oil cells were distributed in the second layer of palisade and the whole spongy tissue, and the number of oil cells per mm leaf width ranged from 4 to 6. The vascular tissue in the midrib was separated into bundles by parenchyma cells. In leaves of Dasymaschalon, all the adaxial epidermal cells contained one cluster crystal, and the crystal size was similar to that of thecrystals in abaxial epidermal cells. The leaf structure was more or less isobilateral. Oil cells were distributed only in the spongy tissue between the two layers of the palisade, and the number of oil cells per mm leaf width ranged from 2 to 3. The vascular tissue in the midrib formed a continuous circle. It is clear that the anatomical differences between Desmos and Dasymaschalon are remarkable, supporting the treatment of Desmos and Dasymaschalon as two independent genera.  相似文献   

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