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枯萎病是一种严重危害瓜类蔬菜生产的土传病害,嫁接栽培是防治瓜类枯萎病的有效方法。该文研究了砧用瓠瓜种质幼苗生长指标与抗病性的相关性,并对抗病杂种优势进行了分析。结果表明:(1)砧用瓠瓜种质H041对西瓜枯萎病表现高抗(HR),对瓠瓜枯萎病表现抗病(R),种质H01、H05和杂交组合H01×H041、H041×H05、H05×H041对两种枯萎病均表现抗病(R)。(2)砧用瓠瓜幼苗接种西瓜枯萎病菌后,病情指数与下胚轴粗度呈显著负相关;接种瓠瓜枯萎病菌后,总根长、根系表面积与病情指数呈极显著负相关,表明砧用瓠瓜对枯萎病的抗病性与根系生长具有相关性,可以根据根系生长情况快速评价砧用瓠瓜对瓠瓜枯萎病的抗性表现。(3)分析砧用瓠瓜杂交组合的抗病性杂种优势显示,供试杂交组合H05×H041对西瓜枯萎病具备超中亲优势;杂交组合H01×H041和H02×H041对瓠瓜枯萎病抗性具有负向杂种优势。综合研究结果发现,种质H01、H041、H05兼抗西瓜枯萎病和瓠瓜枯萎病,且配制出的杂交组合表现抗性杂种优势,可作为选育抗两种枯萎病的砧木或栽培品种的抗源亲本,其中H041可作为优势骨干亲本。  相似文献   

种间配子不亲和以及种间杂交种子活力低是众多的物种间杂交隔离机制中的两个方面。通过对云南澜沧地区分布的4种(型)姜花属植物——圆瓣姜花(Hedychium forrestii)、草果药(Hspicatum)、两类型滇姜花(Hyunnanense)间进行野外杂交试验,比较杂交结实率、每果种子数以及杂交种子的萌发参数等指标来分析4种(型)姜花之间的杂交亲和性和杂交后代表现,发现4种(型)姜花属植物配子间都具有不同程度的亲和性,但种间杂交种子的萌发适合度比同种授粉获得的种子低。结果表明,这4种(型)姜花属植物间配子亲和性不是有效的种间隔离机制,种间杂交种子活力低是一种不完全的隔离机制,它们在同域分布的地区,仍然有形成杂交后代的可能性。  相似文献   

种间配子不亲和以及种间杂交种子活力低是众多的物种间杂交隔离机制中的两个方面。通过对云南澜沧地区分布的4种(型)姜花属植物——圆瓣姜花(Hedychium forrestii)、草果药(H.spicatum)、两类型滇姜花(H.yunnanense)间进行野外杂交试验,比较杂交结实率、每果种子数以及杂交种子的萌发参数等指标来分析4种(型)姜花之间的杂交亲和性和杂交后代表现,发现4种(型)姜花属植物配子间都具有不同程度的亲和性,但种间杂交种子的萌发适合度比同种授粉获得的种子低。结果表明,这4种(型)姜花属植物间配子亲和性不是有效的种间隔离机制,种间杂交种子活力低是一种不完全的隔离机制,它们在同域分布的地区,仍然有形成杂交后代的可能性。  相似文献   

【目的】力求建立一种准确鉴定室内棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)、烟青虫H.assulta(Guenée)及其杂交种的分子技术,探讨棉铃虫和烟青虫杂交的可能。【方法】室内暗期设置0.5 lx黑光灯和白炽灯,测定不同配对模式下3日龄处女棉铃虫和烟青虫的杂交率;筛选可区分室内建立的棉铃虫、烟青虫及杂交种家族的微卫星位点;于架设有黑光灯的温室内释放棉铃虫和烟青虫混合种群,利用微卫星分子标记技术检测子代微卫星位点大小。【结果】两种蛾类在任何一种配对模式下均可杂交,混合种群处理杂交率为2.92%,且均为烟青虫雌蛾与棉铃虫雄蛾配对交配;黑光灯、白炽灯和黑暗条件下杂交率无显著性差异;筛选出的Har SSR1、Har SSR9和Har SSR10在两种蛾类上的等位基因片段大小不一样;两年温室实验共鉴定360头子代,混合种群中未检测到杂交后代。【结论】交配笼中棉铃虫和烟青虫能进行种间杂交,弱光不能提高二者杂交率;混合种群处理只发现一种杂交配对模式,说明了棉铃虫雄蛾的交配竞争能力更强;成功利用微卫星分子标记技术鉴定室内建立的棉铃虫、烟青虫及杂种家族,提供了一种简单准确的分子鉴定手段;两年温室实验未检测到杂交种,说明2种蛾类之间存在着交配前生殖隔离机制。  相似文献   

对许多山柳菊属(Hieracium)的种间人工受精实验,只成功地从下述6个杂交组合中获得了杂种,而且每一杂种也只有1—3个样本。这6个杂交组合是:黄花山柳菊(H.Auricula)(?)×桔黄山柳菊(H.au-rantiacun)(?)、黄花山柳菊(?)×茸毛山柳菊(H.pilosella)(?)、黄花山柳菊(?)×草地山柳菊(H.pratense)(?)、刺状山柳菊(H.echioides)(?)×桔黄山柳菊(?)、高山柳菊(H.praealtum)(?)×鞭毛山柳菊  相似文献   

用显微操作技术进行 Saccharamyces cerevisisae 系 2.576 (mel-)与 S. carlsbergensis 2.500 (MEL+)以及 S.Cerevisisae Stole 系(mel-)与S. microelltpsoides 2.699—2—3(MEL+)种间杂交。获得的杂种能全发酵棉子糖,而亲株只系与Stolc系仅能发酵此糖1/3。两个不同杂交系的杂种H808与H824-14用孢子×孢子交配法进行杂交,所有的杂种酵母H868、H869,H875和H876发酵糖蜜醪比生产菌株日系及Stole系快。H875菌株生成酒精量比其亲株高3一10%。将H875菌株与生产菌株S. cerevisiae DT菌系杂交,获得H946和H948两株杂种,其中H948酒精发酵力比DT系高3%,比H875高2%,是一株酒精生产优良新品系。  相似文献   

黑木耳种内杂交子的鉴定技术*   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴康云  边银丙 《菌物学报》2002,21(2):210-214
采用原生质体技术,获得黑木耳(Auricularia auricula)栽培菌株He-1的单核化菌株H1、H2、H3和栽培菌株Ju-1的单核化菌株J1、J2、J3,将H1、H2、H3分别与J1、J2、J3配对杂交,核相观察确认H2J1、H2J2和H2J3均为双核体。酯酶同工酶分析表明,H2J1、H2J2和H2J3不仅具有相应的亲本单核体共有的酶带,而且具有两个亲本各自的特异性标记酶带。RAPD分析表明,引物S30和S62对杂交子H2J1、H2J2和H2J3的扩增图谱中不仅包含相应的亲本单核体所共有的DNA带,而且包含亲本单核体各自的特异性DNA带。拮抗和栽培试验表明,杂交子H2J1、H2J2、H2J3与双核体亲本He-1和Ju-1的菌落之间有窄细的黑色拮抗线,子实体形态上有较明显差异。  相似文献   

利用基因芯片技术区分禽流感病毒主要亚型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研制可同时区分AIV的H5、H7、H9血凝素亚型及N1、N2神经氨酸酶亚型的基因诊断芯片.[方法]分别克隆了禽流感病毒的M基因,H5、H7、H9亚型HA基因,N1、N2亚型NA基因以及看家基因GAPDH的重组质粒.以重组质粒为模板,用PCR方法扩增制备探针,纯化后点于氨基修饰的片基上,制备基因芯片.在PCR过程中对待检样品进行标记,然后与芯片杂交,洗涤,扫描并进行结果分析.[结果]结果显示检测探针可特异性的与相应的标记样品进行杂交,呈现较强的杂交信号,且无交叉杂交.同时用RT-PCR、鸡胚接种和基因芯片方法对H1-H15亚型AIV参考毒株、30份人工感染样品、21份现地疑似样品进行检测,结果发现,对人工感染样品芯片检测方法与鸡胚接种和RT-PCR的符合率分别为100%和96%,现地样品符合率为100%.[结论]研究表明该方法可用于同步鉴别部分主要流行的禽流感亚型,是一种有效的新方法.  相似文献   

2007年11月至2009年11月通过对12批次(共计5 207尾个体)解剖观察,统计了5种性成熟鲟鱼[西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baeri)、俄罗斯鲟(A.gueldenstaedti)、施氏鲟(A.schrencki)、黑龙江杂交鲟(Huso dauricus ♀×A.schrencki ♂)和欧洲杂交鲟(H...  相似文献   

黑木耳种内杂交子的鉴定技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴康云  边银丙 《菌物系统》2002,21(2):210-214
采用原生质体技术,获得黑木耳(Auricularia auricula)栽培菌株He- 1的单核化菌株H1、H2、H3和栽培菌株Ju-1的单核化菌株J1、J2、J3,将H1、H2、H3分别与J1、J2、J3配对杂交,核对观察确认H2J1、H2J2和H2J3均为双核体。酯酶同工酶分析表明,H2J1、H2J2和H2J3不仅具有相应的亲本单核体共有的酶带,而且具有两个亲本各自的特异性标记酶带。RAPD分析表明,引物S30和S62对杂交子H2J1、H2J2和H2J3的扩增图谱中不仅包含相应的亲本单核体所共有的DNA带,而且包含亲本单核体各自的特异性DNA带。拮抗和栽培试验表明,杂交子H2J1、H2J2、H2J3与双核体亲本He-1和Ju-1的菌落之间有窄细的黑色拮抗线,子实体形态上有较明显差异。  相似文献   

Darwin's Origin of Species is often criticized for having little to say about speciation. The complaint focuses in particular on Darwin's supposed failure to explain the evolution of the sterility and inviability of interspecific hybrids. But in his chapter on hybridism, Darwin, working without genetics, got as close to the modern understanding of the evolution of hybrid sterility and inviability as might reasonably be expected. In particular, after surveying what was then known about interspecific crosses and the resulting hybrids, he established two facts that, while now taken for granted, were at the time radical. First, the sterility barriers between species are neither specially endowed by a creator nor directly favored by natural selection but rather evolve as incidental by-products of interspecific divergence. Second, the sterility of species hybrids results when their development is "disturbed by two organizations having been compounded into one." Bateson, Dobzhansky, and Muller later put Mendelian detail to Darwin's inference that the species-specific factors controlling development (i.e., genes) are sometimes incompatible. In this article, I highlight the major developments in our understanding of these interspecific genetic incompatibilities--from Darwin to Muller to modern theory--and review comparative, genetic, and molecular rules that characterize the evolution of hybrid sterility and inviability.  相似文献   

Summary Reciprocal differences for male sterility, dwarfism and morphological traits have been studied in intra- and interspecific crosses of five Epilobium species. Male sterility occurred in two interspecific hybrids with E. montanum as the male parent while dwarfism has been found to varying degrees in three interspecific crosses with E. watsonni. In contrast to transient differences in plant height and leaf morphology in reciprocal hybrids of the cross between E. hirsutum and E. parviflorum, male sterility and dwarfism persistently occur as reciprocally different traits which may be influenced by determinants of the cytoplasm. The molecular characterization of the plastid DNA of the parental lines and the F1 hybrids indicate that the plastome of male sterile and dwarf plants is identical to that of the female parents. Furthermore, in spite of these developmental disturbances, the expression of plastid genes coding for polypeptides of thylakoid-membrane complexes is unchanged. Thus, it seems unlikely that the genetic compartement of the plastids is responsible for the expression of the male sterile or the dwarfed phenotype.  相似文献   

Crosses were made in all combinations of the six diploid species of the Solarium nigrum complex that occur in North America. Some interspecific pollinations failed to yield viable seed; successful crosses gave rise to moderately to highly sterile F1 hybrids. Results of interspecific crosses suggested phylogenetic relationships that were not completely in accord with those suggested by morphology. Interspecific crosses also gave varied results. All interpopulational crosses within S. interius and S. sarachoides produced fully fertile hybrids. In contrast, hybrids within S. americanum and S. douglasii varied from fully fertile to almost completely sterile. Populations of S. pseudogracile could be divided into two groups which are geographically separated but not morphologically differentiated. Fully fertile hybrids resulted from crosses within a group, whereas crosses between groups gave hybrids with reduced fertility. Four crossing groups were observed within 5. nodiflorum; three of the parental groups are sympatric and are morphologically differentiated. Although hybrid sterility in interspecific crosses is sometimes used to support delimitation of species, the presence of sterility in intraspecific crosses suggests that such an interpretation is unwarranted for the S. nigrum complex. Hybrid sterility, therefore, is not considered to have special taxonomic significance in this complex.  相似文献   

Hybrid sterility is an important species barrier, especially in plants where hybrids can often form between divergent taxa. Here we explore how life history affects the acquisition of hybrid sterility in two groups in the sunflower family. We analyzed genetic distance and F1 pollen sterility for interspecific crosses in annual and perennial groups. We find that reproductive isolation is acquired in a steady manner and that annual species acquire hybrid sterility barriers faster than perennial species. Potential causes of the observed sterility pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of meiotic chromosomes from hybrids betweenAedes atropalpus andAe. epactius has revealed that the two species are fixed for alternate arrangements of four inversions: a paracentric inversion of chromosome 1, two paracentric inversions of chromosome 2, and a pericentric inversion of chromosome 3. This chromosomal heterozygosity in the interspecific hybrids has resulted in extensive meiolic chromosomal asynapsis. Dicentric bridges, acentric fragments, and chromosomal breakage were also associated with the heterozygous inversions. This disruption of meiosis was sufficient to account for the partial sterility observed in interspecific hybrids. No chromosomal polymorphisms, aberrations, or reduction in fertility was observed in parental strains of intraspecific hybrids of the two species.  相似文献   

Male fertility of interspecific hybrids was analysed in one F1 and two backcrossed progenies originating from a cross between Coffea canephora and Coffea heterocalyx. Male fertility was tested using pollen stainability with acetic carmine. The results showed a marked decline in fertility at the F1 level, and fertility was almost fully restored after two backcrosses. The computed broad-sense heritability represented 47% of the variance. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) locations and effects on pollen viability were estimated using an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genetic linkage map constructed in the segregating BC1 population. Three significant QTLs (LOD>3 and p < 0.001 by ANOVA) were detected for pollen viability, two of which were responsible for the bimodal distribution of pollen viability in the segregating population. One QTL was involved in fertility variations among fertile BC1 plants. Fertility inheritance is discussed in relation with previously demonstrated chromosomal sterility in Coffea hybrids and the effect of detected QTLs. The potential use of genetic markers to overcome sterility in interspecific hybrids is also discussed.  相似文献   

Multilocus interactions (also known as Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities) are thought to be the major source of hybrid inviability and sterility. Because cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes have conflicting evolutionary interests and are often highly coevolved, cytonuclear incompatibilities may be among the first to develop in incipient species. Here, we report the discovery of cytoplasm-dependent anther sterility in hybrids between closely related Mimulus species, outcrossing M. guttatus and selfing M. nasutus. A novel pollenless anther phenotype was observed in F2 hybrids with the M. guttatus cytoplasm (F2G) but not in the reciprocal F2N hybrids, F1 hybrids or parental genotypes. The pattern of phenotypic segregation in the F2G hybrids and two backcross populations fit a Mendelian single-locus recessive model, allowing us to map the underlying nuclear locus to a small region on LG7 of the Mimulus linkage map. Anther sterility was associated with a 20% reduction in flower size in backcross hybrids and we mapped a major cytoplasm-dependent corolla width QTL with its peak at the anther sterility locus. We argue that the cytonuclear anther sterility seen in hybrids reflects the presence of a cryptic cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and restorer system within the hermaphroditic M. guttatus population and therefore name the anther sterility locus restorer-of-male-fertility (RMF). The genetic mapping of RMF is a first step toward testing hypotheses about the molecular basis, individual fitness consequences, and ecological context of CMS and restoration in a system without stable CMS-restorer polymorphism (i.e., gynodioecy). The discovery of cryptic CMS in a hermaphroditic wildflower further suggests that selfish cytoplasmic evolution may play an important, but often undetected, role in shaping patterns of hybrid incompatibility and interspecific introgression in plants.  相似文献   

Li XC  Barringer BC  Barbash DA 《Heredity》2009,102(1):24-30
Sterility is a commonly observed phenotype in interspecific hybrids. Sterility may result from chromosomal or genic incompatibilities, and much progress has been made toward understanding the genetic basis of hybrid sterility in various taxa. The underlying mechanisms causing hybrid sterility, however, are less well known. The pachytene checkpoint is a meiotic surveillance system that many organisms use to detect aberrant meiotic products, in order to prevent the production of defective gametes. We suggest that activation of the pachytene checkpoint may be an important mechanism contributing to two types of hybrid sterility. First, the pachytene checkpoint may form the mechanistic basis of some gene-based hybrid sterility phenotypes. Second, the pachytene checkpoint may be an important mechanism that mediates chromosomal-based hybrid sterility phenotypes involving gametes with non-haploid (either non-reduced or aneuploid) chromosome sets. Studies in several species suggest that the strength of the pachytene checkpoint is sexually dimorphic, observations that warrant future investigation into whether such variation may contribute to differences in patterns of sterility between male and female interspecific hybrids. In addition, plants seem to lack the pachytene checkpoint, which correlates with increased production of unreduced gametes and a higher incidence of polyploid species in plants versus animals. Although the pachytene checkpoint occurs in many animals and in fungi, at least some of the genes that execute the pachytene checkpoint are different among organisms. This finding suggests that the penetrance of the pachytene checkpoint, and even its presence or absence can evolve rapidly. The surprising degree of evolutionary flexibility in this meiotic surveillance system may contribute to the observed variation in patterns of hybrid sterility and in rates of polyploidization.  相似文献   

In interspecific crosses in Solanum using certain introductions of Solanum verrucosum as female partners, a certain type of male sterility is observed referred to as tetrad sterility. This type is characterized by clumping of the sterile pollen grains in tetrads. In the same F1 hybrids, the pollen grains show a three-lobed appearance. Both tetrad sterility and lobed appearance of pollen grains are inherited through the interaction of dominant genes (Tr and Ld respectively) with the corresponding sensitive [Trs] and [Lds] plasmons, both plasmons occurring in S. verrucosum. The study of one of the interspecific hybrids led to the detection of duplicate linkage groups including the loci Tr and Ld with a recombination percentage for these loci of 13.7%. The possibility of a basic chromosome number less than 12 in Solanum is discussed in connexion with the occurrence of duplicate loci.  相似文献   

Interspecific crossing of the African indigenous rice Oryza glaberrima with Oryza sativa cultivars is hindered by crossing barriers causing 100% spikelet sterility in F1 hybrids. Since hybrids are partially female fertile, fertility can be restored by back crossing (BC) to a recurrent male parent. Distinct genetic models on spikelet sterility have been developed predicting, e.g., the existence of a gamete eliminator and/or a pollen killer. Linkage of sterility to the waxy starch synthase gene and the chromogen gene C, both located on chromosome 6, have been demonstrated. We selected a segregating BC2F3 population of semi-sterile O. glaberrima × O. sativa indica hybrid progenies for analyses with PCR markers located at the respective chromosome-6 region. These analyses revealed that semi-sterile plants were heterozygous for a marker (OSR25) located in the waxy promoter, whereas fertile progenies were homozygous for the O. glaberrima allele. Adjacent markers showed no linkage to spikelet sterility. Semi-sterility of hybrid progenies was maintained at least until the F4 progeny generation, suggesting the existence of a pollen killer in this plant material. Monitoring of reproductive plant development showed that spikelet sterility was at least partially due to an arrest of pollen development at the microspore stage. In order to address the question whether genes responsible for F1 sterility in intraspecific hybrids (O. sativa indica × japonica) also cause spikelet sterility in interspecific hybrids, crossings with wide compatibility varieties (WCV) were performed. WCV accessions possess "neutral" S-loci (Sn) improving fertility in intraspecific hybrids. This experiment showed that the tested Sn-loci had no fertility restoring effect in F1 interspecific hybrids. Pollen development was completely arrested at the microspore stage and grains were never obtained after selfing. This suggests that distinct or additional S-loci are responsible for sterility of O. glaberrima × O. sativa hybrids.Communicated by H.C. Becker  相似文献   

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