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沉水植物对重金属的积累净化和受害机理研究主要集中在4个方面:(1)沉水植物对重金属(包括放射性物质)的吸收、积累和净化作用;(2)沉水植物对重金属的抗性强弱和机制;(3)沉水植物用于监测水体的重金属污染;(4)沉水植物的重金属胁迫机制,包括重金属对植物形态和显微结构的损伤,对植物抗氧化酶系统的影响,对植物的叶绿素、蛋白质以及光合与呼吸作用等生理生化指标的影响,植物对重金属的吸附和转运动力学,以及Zn对Cd毒害的拮抗等。  相似文献   

本文研究了凤眼莲、芦苇、蒲草、杏菜、黑藻等高等水生植物对含砷、汞、镉污水的监测作用和净化能力以及温度、pH值等因子对植物的影响。初步认为凤眼莲是含砷污水的监测植物,同时又是含砷、汞,镉污水的净化植物。芦苇,蒲草是抗污能力较强的植物,并能吸收积累污水中的砷、汞、镉。水生植物对砷、汞、镉的忍耐力大小是因其植物生活型不同而异,一般为挺水植物>飘浮、浮叶植物>沉水植物。积累量为沉水植物>飘浮、浮叶植物>挺水植物。植物对重金属元素的吸收积累受温度和pH值等生态因子的制约。  相似文献   

沉水植物作为湖泊、河流等生态系统的主要高等植物, 在修复富营养化水体中的作用日益受到重视, 合理利用沉水植物是去除富营养化水体氮磷的有效途径。沉水植物对水体氮磷的迁移转化影响包括生长和腐解两个阶段。文章综述了沉水植物生长对富营养化水体氮、磷的净化效果和净化机制, 分析了沉水植物腐解对氮、磷迁移转化的持续影响, 并提出了今后沉水植物净化氮、磷的研究方向, 为沉水植物推广应用于修复富营养化水体提供理论基础。  相似文献   

王立  汪根  马放  油勇强 《生物工程学报》2021,37(10):3604-3621
利用超积累植物进行重金属污染土壤修复是应对全球大面积分布无机污染问题的重要解决方法之一。超积累植物虽然具有超量积累重金属的能力,但其定植、生长和提取功能的发挥都受到重金属胁迫的显著影响。利用丛枝菌根真菌 (Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF) 强化超积累植物功能可联合发挥二者的功能优势,提升修复效率、缩短修复周期、保持修复效果的稳定性和长期性,在日益复杂、严峻的重金属污染治理领域具有重要的研究价值和广阔的应用前景。文中首先给出了超积累植物的概念、中国本土首次报道的典型重金属元素超积累植物和能与AMF形成共生体系的超积累植物名录,系统深入地探讨了AMF对超积累植物生长和吸收累积重金属的影响,以及超积累植物+AMF联合吸收积累重金属的效应与作用机制,认为AMF可通过调节根围理化与生物条件、元素平衡状况、生理代谢和基因表达等途径,增强超积累植物吸收积累重金属的效应,超积累植物+AMF构建的共生体系具备联合修复重金属污染生境的潜力。最后指出了超积累植物+AMF共生联合修复技术当前面临的关键问题、发展方向和应用前景。  相似文献   

沉水植物茎叶微界面特性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董彬  韩睿明  王国祥 《生态学报》2017,37(6):1769-1776
沉水植物茎叶-水界面是浅水湖泊的重要界面之一,对湖泊生物地球化学循环和水环境质量具有重要影响。富营养化水体中,大量的附着物常富集在沉水植物茎叶表面,形成了特殊的生物-水微界面。对该微界面特性进行深入研究,有助于揭示沉水植物在微环境层面对富营养化水体中物质循环的调控过程和机制。沉水植物茎叶微界面具有促进水体养分转化、改变环境因子及可溶性物质的空间分布,增加物质运输的阻力和距离、降低植物光合作用、调控重金属等生态功能;微界面结构及环境因子受水体营养盐浓度、沉水植物种类及生长阶段等因素的影响。对微界面结构功能的主要研究方法进行了分析总结,并对沉水植物茎叶微界面的研究前沿进行了展望。  相似文献   

铜矿区超积累Cu植物的研究   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:27  
1 引  言土壤重金属污染一直是环境污染问题之一 ,而且土壤中的重金属污染具有严重性、长期性和广泛性的特点[1 ,6] .但常规的一些物理化学方法因费用过高、对土壤性质破坏等一系列问题而难以广泛应用 ,植物修复为重金属污染带来了希望[5,7,9,1 3] .植物修复主要是基于重金属超积累植物 (hyper accumulator)的研究而兴起的 .超积累植物是指地上部分能富集重金属占干重的 1 0 0mg·kg-1 (Cu、Pb、Cd)或 1 0 0 0 0mg·kg-1 (如Zn)的一类植物[2~ 4,8] .在过去 2 0年内 ,已报道的超积累植物已有 4 0 0余种 …  相似文献   

重金属污染是世界各国面临的最为棘手的问题之一,对生态系统和食品安全构成了严重威胁。作为生态系统中食物链和食物网的重要环节,植食性昆虫是环境中重金属迁移、积累的重要媒介,其因重金属污染而受到的影响引起了大家的关注。本文综述了从2007至2018年重金属污染对植食性昆虫影响的研究进展。昆虫受重金属胁迫的研究途径有人工饲料添加、野外田间暴露、“土壤-植物-昆虫”食物链传递以及体外注射等。积累在植食性昆虫体内的过量重金属可导致其存活率、繁殖力和种群增长率降低,生长发育迟缓。重金属污染对植食性昆虫的生理生化毒性包括细胞超微结构破坏和DNA损伤,体内能量物质含量降低,酶活性、基因表达改变等。植食性昆虫会通过重金属硫蛋白、解毒酶活性的诱导等机制抵御重金属的毒害,从而对低浓度、长期重金属暴露产生生态适应性,甚至提高对其他逆境(如农药等)的耐受性。  相似文献   

随着近代工业的发展,土壤重金属污染问题日益严重。重金属即使在极低浓度下仍然可以对人畜造成健康上的威胁,因此迫切需要有效的修复方法对土壤进行修复。生物修复,特别是植物修复目前已经成为重金属污染修复的重要手段之一,了解相关植物的重金属解毒和积累分子机制是提高修复效率、解决重金属污染问题的基础。文中以土壤修复方式为起点,结合植物吸收积累重金属以及解毒的相关分子机制研究,探讨了植物修复的发展现状以及趋势。  相似文献   

正孙国新博士团队长期从事土壤-植物系统重金属(微量元素)迁移转化研究,特别是在元素形态转化的表征、微生物驱动的转化机制及其重金属污染土壤的修复等领域具有良好的科学积累。围绕硒的生物地球化学,本团队主要开展植物硒积累机制和土壤硒挥发的时空特征  相似文献   

植物内生细菌修复重金属污染土壤作用机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内生细菌生活在植物组织内部,长期以来与宿主植物形成了紧密的共生关系。内生细菌在重金属吸收、耐受和解毒方面具有优良的特性,为修复重金属污染土壤提供了有效的新方案。综述了内生细菌强化植物修复重金属污染土壤的作用机制,包括内生细菌通过产生植物生长调节激素,分泌ACC脱氨酶和几丁质酶等,促进宿主植物在重金属胁迫条件下的生长;通过改变重金属的生物有效性/毒性,减轻植物重金属毒害;通过与植物形成联合修复体,加强植物抗重金属毒性的能力。分析了近几年超富集植物内生细菌多样性及其影响因素,探讨了联合修复过程中影响内生细菌强化修复效果的主要因素,包括内生细菌的来源、活性和环境胁迫等各种生物因素和非生物因素,并对内生细菌与植物联合修复的研究方向进行展望,涉及内生细菌自身存活原因和如何耐受重金属的机制研究,植物内生细菌的行为动力学和代谢,以及内生细菌、植物及土壤之间的生态互作效应等,以期推动内生细菌大规模应用于植物修复重金属污染土壤。  相似文献   

Deteriorating urban water quality has attracted considerable attention in China. We investigated the contamination levels and distribution of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in Yuxi River water and sediments, and assessed the heavy metal accumulation capability of five species of submerged macrophytes: Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara, Potamogeton pectinatus L., Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle, Myriophyllum spicatum L., and Potamogeton crispus L. Samples were collected from upstream and downstream locations in different season. The results showed that the levels of heavy metals in the downstream areas were higher than in the upstream areas. Heavy metal concentrations in the river water during the dry seasons were higher than those during the rainy seasons, and the opposite results appeared in sediments and submerged macrophytes. In general, the river was slightly contaminated by heavy metals, and the concentrations of Pb and Ni in this river should serve as a warning, while Cd and Zn pollution in the sediments desperately needs to be removed. Furthermore, Potamogeton pectinatus L. showed a higher accumulation capacity for these metals among the five native submerged macrophytes and could be defined as a hyperaccumulator for Cd. Therefore, the potential use of native aquatic plants in contaminated rivers is worth further exploration.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in aquatic macrophytes drifting in a large river   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Macrophytes drifting throughout the water column in the Detroit River were collected monthly from May to October 1985 to estimate the quantities of heavy metals being transported to Lake Erie by the plants. Most macrophytes (80–92% by weight) drifted at the water surface. Live submersed macrophytes made up the bulk of each sample. The most widely distributed submersed macrophyte in the river, American wildcelery (Vallisneria americana), occurred most frequently in the drift. A total of 151 tonnes (ash-free dry weight) of macrophytes drifted out of the Detroit River from May to October. The drift was greatest (37 tonnes) in May. Concentrations of heavy metals were significantly higher in macrophytes drifting in the river than in those growing elsewhere in unpolluted waters. Annually, a maximum of 2 796 kg (eight heavy metals combined) were transported into Lake Erie by drifting macrophytes. The enrichment of all metals was remarkably high (range: 4 000 × to 161 000 × ) in macrophytes, relative to their concentration in water of the Detroit River. Detroit River macrophytes are thus a source of contaminated food for animals in the river and in Lake Erie.Contribution 734 of the National Fisheries Research Center-Great Lakes, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1451 Green Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.  相似文献   

研究了不同Cd、Cu、Zn处理浓度对黑藻体内活性氧()产生及对抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活性的分子毒理学效应以探讨高等水生植物抗氧化酶对重金属胁迫的反应。结果表明,三种重金属都不同程度地加快了产生速率;Cu使SOD、POD、CAT活性下降;Cd也都减弱了SOD和POD活性,而CAT活性在0.5—5mg/L处理浓度时增加;Zn对SOD活性也为抑制作用,当浓度为0.5—5mg/L时POD和CAT活性都上升。关联度分析发现Cd、Cu和Zn胁迫下黑藻起主要保护作用的分别为SOD、POD和CAT,而SOD最易受到影响。Cd、Cu处理下的叶绿素含量也都呈下降趋势,而0.5—5mg/L的Zn浓度刺激了叶绿素合成。所有Zn处理、0.5mg/L的Cu处理和0.5—1mg/L的Cd处理的叶绿素a/b值都大于对照值。除了Cu使可溶性蛋白含量减少外,0.5—5mg/L的Zn和0.5—1mg/L的Cd都使其含量增加。综合起来,Cu的毒性最强,其次为Cd,Zn最弱。致死阈浓度分别为:Cu:0.5—1mg/L;Cd:1—2mg/L;Zn:5—6mg/L。SOD是评价重金属对沉水植物毒性效应的灵敏指标。黑藻对水环境Cu污染反应敏感。    相似文献   

Under the present investigation effectiveness of three aquatic macrophytes Pistia stratiotes L. (water lettuce), Spirodela polyrrhiza W. Koch (duckweed) and Eichhornia crassipes were tested for the removal of five heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr and Cd). These plants were grown at three different concentrations (1.0, 2.0 and 5.0mgl(-1)) of metals in laboratory experiment. Result revealed high removal (>90%) of different metals during 15 days experiment. Highest removal was observed on 12th day of experiment, thereafter it decreased. Results revealed E. crassipes as the most efficient for the removal of selected heavy metals followed by P. stratiotes and S. polyrrhiza. Results from analysis confirmed the accumulation of different metals within the plant and a corresponding decrease of metals in the water. Significant correlations between metal concentration in final water and macrophytes were obtained. Plants have accumulated heavy metals in its body without the production of any toxicity or reduction in growth. Selected plants shown a wide range of tolerance to all of the selected metals and therefore can be used for large scale removal of heavy metals from waste water.  相似文献   

Constructed wetland is an innovative and emerging ecological technology for wastewater treatment. This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of a Vegetated Submerged Bed Constructed Wetland (VSBCW) for removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewater in a steel manufacturing company. A pilot Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) consisting of equalization basin, two VSBCW basins and a storage tank was constructed. The VSBCW was constructed using 10–30 mm round granite for the different zones. This was overlaid by 200 mm deep granite and 150 mm washed sand with Phragmites karka, Vetiveria nigritana and Cana lilies as macrophytes. Irrigation of macrophytes using effluent from the industry was done after 3 months of planting and ETP monitored. Industrial wastewater samples were collected and analyzed for heavy metals such as zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg) and chromium (Cr) to know the treatment efficiency of the ETP. Results indicated that the removal efficiencies of the VSBCW for Pb, Mg and Cr were 15.4%, 79.7% and 97.9% respectively. Fe and Mn were seen to increase by 1.8% and 33% respectively. The ETP using locally available macrophytes is effective in the phytoremediation of heavy metals, particularly Cr from the wastewater.  相似文献   

随着全球气候变化加剧及水利工程的快速发展,湖泊水动力状况发生了显著变化。通过影响湖泊水体和沉积物理化性质,水动力变化可以作用于沉水植物生存、生长与分布等方面。在长期适应进化过程中,沉水植物演化出了一系列有效的适应策略,能一定程度上克服水动力变化的负面影响。但当前湖泊水动力变化程度远超沉水植物适应上限,湖泊沉水植物消退已成为全球普遍现象。了解沉水植物适应水动力条件的过程有助于揭示湖泊沉水植被退化机制,为未来沉水植物的保护和恢复提供借鉴。因此,本文系统综述当前湖泊水动力变化成因,水动力变化对沉水植物的不利影响及沉水植物适应策略,包括:繁殖对策、形态学对策、生理对策等。同时,综述当前研究进展,今后还需大力加强沉水植物解剖学及物种忍耐力差异方面的研究。  相似文献   

Submerged macrophytes have been disappearing from the Kanto Plain, Japan since the 1960s. This disappearance is usually attributable to the interaction between macrophytes and phytoplankton. Phytoplankton contributes to shading of the available light and changes the availability of inorganic carbon from free CO2 to HCO 3 ? for use in photosynthesis. However, limited information is available about the interaction between carbon fraction and submerged macrophytes through phytoplankton abundance. In this short note, we observe the distribution of submerged macrophytes and phytoplankton in a small canal. We found that, despite high photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in the downstream region, low free CO2 concentration through phytoplankton abundance can deplete free CO2 for submerged macrophytes. In contrast, the upstream region exhibited macrophytes in an environment with high free CO2 concentration. The stable carbon isotope ratio of submerged macrophytes follows this pattern, with more positive values occurring in the downstream region and more negative values in the upstream region. It has been reported that phytoplankton limits light availability for submerged macrophytes, but carbon availability could also be a factor in the distribution of submerged macrophytes. Because the source of water for submerged macrophytes is groundwater, its preservation possibly plays a key role for the restoration of submerged macrophytes.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of the uptake, tolerance, and transport of heavy metals by plants will be essential for the development of phytoremediation technologies. In the present paper, we investigated accumulation, tissue and intracellular localization, and toxic effects of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) in three aquatic macrophytes (the angiosperms Lemna minor and Elodea canadensis, and the moss Leptodictyum riparium). We also tested and compared their capacity to absorb heavy metal from water under laboratory conditions. Our data showed that all the three species examined could be considered good bioaccumulators for the heavy metals tested. L. riparium was the most resistant species and the most effective in accumulating Cu, Zn, and Pb, whereas L. minor was the most effective in accumulating Cd. Cd was the most toxic metal, followed by Pb, Cu, and Zn. At the ultrastructural level, sublethal concentrations of the heavy metals tested caused induced cell plasmolysis and alterations of the chloroplast arrangement. Heavy metal removal experiments revealed that the three macrophytes showed excellent performance in removing the selected metals from the solutions in which they are maintained, thus suggesting that they could be considered good candidates for wastewaters remediation purpose.  相似文献   

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