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对8种漠甲昆虫线粒体Cytb基因579bp和COⅡ基因585bp的序列片段进行联合分析。结果表明,8种甲虫在长度为1164bp的序列中碱基T,C,A,G的平均含量分别为33.7%,21.2%,33.5和11.6%,A+T平均含量明显高于G+C含量。密码子第三位点A+T含量高达77.2%,而该位点G的平均含量仅为4.0%。序列中碱基替换多发生于第三位点,转换略多于颠换,转换主要以C←T为主,颠换以A←T为主。以土甲族的Eumylada potanini为外群构建的系统发育树表明:漠王和漠甲以很高的置信值聚为一支,二者的关系与Bouchard最新的分类观点相吻合,即漠王族并入漠甲族成为一族;鳖甲族在支序图上另成一支,可视为一个单系群。  相似文献   

潘兴丽  关晶  苏富奎 《四川动物》2007,26(3):516-520
以线粒体细胞色素b(Cytb)基因作为分子标记,首次对缘蝽亚科和巨缘蝽亚科9种昆虫进行序列测定,获得Cytb基因412bp序列片段,该片段中碱基T、C、A、G的平均含量分别为34.0%、11.6%、34.5%和19.9%,A T平均含量为68.5%,明显高于G C含量(31.5%)。密码子第3位点的A T含量高达79.8%,属种间序列变异大,有188个核苷酸位点发生变异,碱基替换多发生于第3位点。以筛豆龟蝽为外群构建系统发育树,表明黑缘蝽属与缘蝽亚科其它属关系较远,同缘蝽属与巨缘蝽亚科关系较近,结合形态特征与序列变异情况,建议将黑缘蝽属和同缘蝽属从缘蝽亚科划出,同缘蝽归属于巨缘蝽亚科,并将黑缘蝽属提升为亚科。  相似文献   

以线粒体COⅡ基因作为分子标记,对叶甲亚科4种昆虫进行序列测定,获得该基因585 bp的序列片段,并结合GenBank中的8种同源序列进行分析,结果表明:12种叶甲序列片段变异率为45.6%,碱基T、C、A、G的平均含量分别为37.5%、16.5%、35.3%和10.7%, A+T平均含量为72.8%,明显高于G+C含量(27.2%).密码子第3位点A+T含量高达86.7%.碱基替换主要发生在C←→T和A←→T之间,第3位点的替换频率显著高于前两个位点.以中华萝摩叶甲Chrysocus chinensis为外群构建的系统发育树显示,金叶甲属和角胫叶甲属关系较近,弗叶甲属和叶甲属关系较近,圆肩属形成一个单系,位于系统树的基部,它们之间的关系为(圆肩属+(弗叶甲属+叶甲属)+(金叶甲属+角胫叶甲属)).属内种间的关系反映出叶甲的食性专化现象与其在分类系统上的地位是密切相关的.  相似文献   

以线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因作为分子标记,首次对缘蝽科4亚科14种昆虫进行序列测定,获得Cyt b基因412 bp的序列片段,该片段中碱基T、C、A、G的平均含量分别为34.2%、11.4%、35.7 %和18.7 %,A T平均含量为69.9 %,明显高于G C含量(30.1 %).密码子第3位点的A T含量高达82.8%,亚科间序列变异大,有193个核苷酸位点发生变异,碱基替换多发生于第3位点.以筛豆龟蝽为外群构建系统发育树,表明在亚科级关系上,姬缘蝽亚科最原始,蛛缘蝽亚科次之,巨缘蝽亚科和缘蝽亚科亲缘关系较近,为较进化种类.  相似文献   

代金霞 《四川动物》2005,24(4):490-495
对蝽科11种昆虫的线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因部分序列进行测定和分析,在获得的长度为432bp的序列片段中,碱基T、C、 A、G的平均含量分别为38.8%、18.0%、31.6%和11.6%, A+T平均含量为70.4%,明显高于G+C含量(29.6 %).密码子第三位点的A+T含量高达86.1%.属种间序列变异丰富,有179个核苷酸位点发生变异,变异率为41.4%,碱基替换多发生于第三位点.以筛豆龟蝽Megacopta cribraria为外群构建的系统发育树表明:滴蝽属与蝽亚科其它属关系较远,条蝽属与蝽亚科其它属关系较近,结合形态特征与序列变异情况,支持将滴蝽属从蝽亚科划出并入舌盾蝽亚科,但条蝽属的分类地位仍需要进一步探讨.  相似文献   

大黄鱼与小黄鱼细胞色素b基因全序列的比较分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陈艺燕  钱开诚  任岗  陈迪  章群 《生态科学》2005,24(2):143-145
对大黄鱼、小黄鱼线粒体细胞色素b基因进行了PCR扩增及序列测定,得到1140bp的全序列。大黄鱼和小黄鱼的碱基组成相似,前者T、C、A、G含量分别为28.4%、33.0%、23.2%和15.4%,A+T含量为51.6%;后者T、C、A、G含量分别为26.7%、34.1%、23.8%和15.4%,A+T含量为50.5%。大、小黄鱼cytb基因中三联体密码子中碱基的使用频率很相似,第一位较均一,第二位富含T,第三位富含C。大小黄鱼cytb基因存在明显差异,序列相似性仅为88.95%;两序列间具有126个差异位点;碱基转换/颠换率为3.1,碱基替换多发生在密码子第三位;碱基转换中C\T显著高于A\G,表现出转换偏歧。  相似文献   

蝽科部分昆虫细胞色素b基因序列及其系统发育关系的探讨   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因作为分子标记,对蝽科蝽亚科3种、益蝽亚科2种、荔蝽亚科1种、盾蝽亚科2种昆虫进行序列测定,获得Cyt b基因432bp的序列片段,该片段中碱基T、C、A、G的平均含量分别为31.3%、12.4%、37.6%和18.7%,A T平均含量为68.9%,明显高于G C含量(30.1%);密码子第三位点A T含量更高达82.7%。属和种间序列变异大,碱基替换多发生在第三位点。以筛豆龟蝽(Megacopta cribraria)为外群构建系统发育树,结合形态特征与序列变异率,赞同将盾蝽亚科、荔蝽亚科从蝽科划分出来并提升为科的观点,它们之间的系统关系为:盾蝽科与荔蝽科形成姊妹群,较蝽科发育得早;蝽科作为一个单系群,是蝽总科中最为进化的类群。  相似文献   

基于Cyt b基因序列分析的松毛虫种群遗传结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张学卫  高宝嘉  周国娜 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1727-1734
为了揭示松毛虫种群的遗传结构,采用DNA序列测定的方法测定了松毛虫不同种群的线粒体细胞色素b (Cyt b)基因的部分序列,并利用分子生物学软件分析其核苷酸组成、转换和颠换、氨基酸组成、遗传距离及亲缘关系。结果显示:在获得的Cyt b 基因387bp的序列中碱基A,T,C,G平均含量分别为40.1%、33.5%、9.5%、16.9%,A+T含量明显高于G+C含量表现出强烈的A、T偏向性,密码子第3位点的A+T含量高达86.5%,这种偏向性在种群间无明显差异。碱基替换主要发生在密码子第三位,转换大于颠换,且种群内替换高于种群间。该序列片段中共有39个核甘酸位点发生变异,遗传距离为0.000-0.100,显示出较小的遗传变异。蛋白质氨基酸由除谷氨酸以外的19种氨基酸组成。聚类分析结果表明马尾松毛虫和油松毛虫亚种遗传距离较近,种群间的遗传分化与生态环境有关。  相似文献   

基于线粒体Cyt b基因的全长序列探讨闭壳龟类的系统进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR技术对淡水龟科具闭壳结构的黄缘盒龟、黄额盒龟、金头闭壳龟、潘氏闭壳龟、锯缘龟和白腹摄龟的线粒体Cytb基因的全长序列进行了PCR扩增和序列测定,并结合GenBank中16种淡水龟科物种的同源序列,进行了序列变异和系统发生分析。经C lustalX1.8软件对位排列后共有1154个位点,其中可变位点413个,简约信息位点301个;A+T的平均含量(56.5%)高于G+C(43.5%)。在氨基酸密码子中,第一位富含A,第二位富含T,第三位富含C;碱基转换/颠换率为5.97,碱基替换多发生在密码子第三位。以中华鳖和马来鳖为外群,通过最大简约法,最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建了分子系统树,均具有一致的拓扑结构,结果表明:金头闭壳龟和潘氏闭壳龟最先聚成一支,再和三线闭壳龟聚成一组,说明形态上相似的三种闭壳龟亲缘关系最近;闭壳龟属、盒龟属和单种锯缘龟属聚成一个单系的闭壳龟群,建议合并为闭壳龟属;齿缘龟属和果龟属聚为一支,它们与新的闭壳龟属关系较远,揭示闭壳结构的形成不是由一个共同祖先分化而来;乌龟属、花龟属和拟水龟属三属为并系起源,建议三属可以合并为一属。  相似文献   

基于线粒体COⅠ基因的齿小蠹属昆虫DNA条形码研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
齿小蠹属(鞘翅目: 小蠹科)昆虫是植物检疫中经常截获的类群, 为探讨线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)基因的特定区段作为DNA条形码快速准确鉴定齿小蠹种类的可行性, 以齿小蠹属昆虫为研究对象, 测定分析了线粒体COⅠ基因462 bp碱基序列。序列分析结果显示: 变异位点为259个, 保守位点203个, 简约信息位点181个, 自裔位点78个。所有位点中, A, G, C和T碱基平均含量分别为30.7%, 16.5%, 17.0%和35.8%。A+T含量较高, 为66.5%, 明显高于G+C含量, 表现明显的A+T碱基偏嗜, 且A与T含量相当, 符合昆虫线粒体基因碱基组成的基本特征。转换与颠换结果显示: 该段序列未达到饱和, 可以得到准确的进化分析。利用Kimura 2-parameter模型分析遗传距离得到, 同物种间的遗传距离介于0.002~0.007之间, 不同种间的遗传距离介于0.056~0.431间, 平均遗传距离为0.199, 说明该段序列能够区分不同物种。基于COⅠ基因序列构建的邻接法系统发育树(NJ树)显示, 同一物种聚为同一小支, 且分支自展值均为100%; 近缘种能聚集在一起, 且置信度很高(≥97%)。结果表明应用基于COⅠ基因片段的DNA条形码进行齿小蠹属昆虫分类鉴定具有可行性。  相似文献   

基于Cytb基因序列探讨蝽亚科11种昆虫的系统发育关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
代金霞  郑哲民 《昆虫知识》2005,42(4):395-399
对蝽亚科6属11种昆虫线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因部分序列进行PCR扩增和序列测定。比较其同源性,统计密码子使用频率并应用生物学软件构建分子系统树。在获得的432bp序列中,碱基T,C,A和G的平均含量分别是38.1,18.2,31.9和11.8%,表现出强烈的AT偏向性;就每个氨基酸密码子来看,第3位点的A+T含量较高,达到85.5%。该序列片段中共有162个核甘酸位点发生变异(约占37.5%),种间序列差异范围为0.9%~19.4%,平均为16.6%,变异较大。以筛豆龟蝽Megaeopta cribraria为外群,通过多种方法构建的系统发育树拓扑结构一致,这6属11种昆虫大致形成4个分支:珀蝽属、碧蝽属、菜蝽属3属的关系最接近,形成一个分支;真蝽属的3种聚为1支,与第1支形成姊妹群;曼蝽属的2种形成1支;麻皮蝽位于系统树的基部,为分化较早的1支,是蝽亚科中较为原始的类群。  相似文献   

We seek to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of the damselfly genus Calopteryx, for which extensive behavioral and morphological knowledge already exists. To date, analyses of the evolutionary pathways of different life history traits have been hampered by the absence of a robust phylogeny based on morphological data. In this study, we concentrate on establishing phylogenetic information from parts of the 16S rDNA gene, which we sequenced for nine Calopteryx species and five outgroup species. The mt 16S rDNA data set did not show signs of saturated variation for ingroup taxa, and phylogenetic reconstructions were insensitive to variation of outgroup taxa. Parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum-likelihood reconstructions agreed on parts of the tree. A consensus tree summarizes the significant results and indicates problematic nodes. The 16S rDNA sequences support monophyly of the genera Mnais, Matrona, and Calopteryx. However, the genus Calopteryx may not be monophyletic, since Matrona basilaris and Calopteryx atrata are sister taxa under every parameter setting. The North American and European taxa each appear as monophyletic clades, while the Asian Calopteryx atrata and Calopteryx cornelia are not monophyletic. Our data implies a different paleobiogeographic history of the Eurasian and North American species, with extant Eurasian species complexes shaped by glacial periods, in contrast to extant North American species groups.  相似文献   

Sueoka N  Kawanishi Y 《Gene》2000,261(1):53-62
The human genome, as in other eukaryotes, has a wide heterogeneity in the DNA base composition. The evolutionary basis for this heterogeneity has been unknown. A previous study of the human genome (846 genes analyzed) has shown that, in the major range of the G+C content in the third codon position (0.25-0.75), biases from the Parity Rule 2 (PR2) among the synonymous codons of the four-codon amino acids are similar except in the highest G+C range (Sueoka, N., 1999. Translation-coupled violation of Parity Rule 2 in human genes is not the cause of heterogeneity of the DNA G+C content of third codon position. Gene 238, 53-58.). PR2 is an intra-strand rule where A=T and G=C are expected when there are no biases between the two complementary strands of DNA in mutation and selection rates (substitution rates). In this study, 14,026 human genes were analyzed. In addition, the third codon positions of two-codon amino acids were analyzed. New results show the following: (a) The G+C contents of the third codon position of human genes are scattered in the G+C range of 0.22-0.96 in the third codon position. (b) The PR2 biases are similar in the range of 0.25-0.75, whereas, in the high G+C range (0.75-0.96; 13% of the genes), the PR2-bias fingerprints are different from those of the major range. (c) Unlike the PR2 biases, the G+C contents of the third codon position for both four-codon and two-codon amino acids are all correlated almost perfectly with the G+C content of the third codon position over the total G+C ranges. These results support the notion that the directional mutation pressure, rather than the directional selection pressure, is mainly responsible for the heterogeneity of the G+C content of the third codon position.  相似文献   

Genes of a multicellular organism are heterogeneous in the G+C content, which is particularly true in the third codon position. The extent of deviation from intra-strand equality rule of A = T and G = C (Parity Rule 2, or PR2) is specific for individual amino acids and has been expressed as the PR2-bias fingerprint. Previous results suggested that the PR2-bias fingerprints tend to be similar among the genes of an organism, and the fingerprint of the organism is specific for different taxa, reflecting phylogenetic relationships of organisms. In this study, using coding sequences of a large number of human genes, we examined the intragenomic heterogeneity of their PR2-bias fingerprints in relation to the G+C content of the third codon position (P 3 ). Result shows that the PR2-bias fingerprint is similar in the wide range of the G+C content at the third codon position (0.30–0.80). This range covers approximately 89% of the genes, and further analysis of the high G+C range (0.80–1.00), where genes with normal PR2-bias fingerprints and those with anomalous fingerprints are mixed, shows that the total of 95% of genes have the similar finger prints. The result indicates that the PR2-bias fingerprint is a unique property of an organism and represents the overall characteristics of the genome. Combined with the previous results that the evolutionary change of the PR2-bias fingerprint is a slow process, PR2-bias fingerprints may be used for the phylogenetic analyses to supplement and augment the conventional methods that use the differences of the sequences of orthologous proteins and nucleic acids. Potential advantages and disadvantages of the PR2-bias fingerprint analysis are discussed. Received: 21 December 2000 / Accepted: 16 February 2001  相似文献   

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