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脊野螟属全世界已记录3种1亚种,分布于中国、朝鲜和日本。中国已知3种。本文记述了采自甘肃文县的一新种,模式标本保存在南开大学生生物系昆虫标本室。尖突脊野螟,新种Proteurrhypara cuspidata sp.nov.(图1-2)翅展36.5-38.0mm。正模♂,甘肃省文县,海拔1950-2000m,2001-07-05,李后魂,王新谱采;副模3♂♂,2001-07-04-05,其他采集资料同正模。新种与眼斑脊野螟P.ocellalis(Warren)近似,但个体比后者大,雄性外生殖器的近三角形爪形突可以与之区别。  相似文献   

记述中国细突野螟属Ecpyrrhorrhoe Hübner 3新种,包括弯细突野螟E.aduncis sp.nov.,刺细突野螟E.multispinalis sp.nov.和狭瓣细突野螟E.angustivalvaris sp.nov..文中提供了每个种的成虫和外生殖器特征图,以及本属所有中国已知种的分种检索表和分布图.弯细突野螟,新种Ecpyrrhorrhoe aduncis sp.nov.(图1,5,8)本种外形与指状细突野螟E d~italiforrnis Zhang,Li etWang,2004近似,但雄性外生殖器抱器瓣近等宽,抱器下突弯钩状,阳茎基环侧臂末端无齿,阳茎端膜有1粗大的刺,无角状器;雌性外生殖器小囊突Z形.指状细突野螟E魄锄蜘删矗之雄性外生殖器抱器瓣端部渐窄,抱器下突指状,阳茎基环侧臂近末端有齿,阳茎端膜有1束弯刺和1排小刺,有角状器;雌性外生殖器小囊突V形.正模♂,台湾台北四崁水,海拔550 ~ 600m,2006-08-04,李后魂、杜喜翠采,外生殖器玻片号GQ11127.副模1♀,采集记录同正模(外生殖器玻片号GQ11131♀).分布:中国(台湾).刺细突野螟,新种Ecpyrrhorrhoe multispinalis sp.nov.(图2~3,6,9)本种外形与红纹细突野螟E rub~inalis Hübner,1796近似,但雄性外生殖器抱器瓣端部略加宽,阳茎基环侧臂末端有齿,阳茎端膜具l根长粗刺,其基部一侧被3枚短刺.红纹细突野螟E似魄锄蠡之雄性外生殖器抱器瓣端部不加宽,阳茎基环侧臂末端无齿,阳茎端膜有3小刺束.正模♂,天津七里海,2001-09-09,尤平采,外生殖器玻片号GQl1075.副模:2♂♂,3♀♀,天津鸭淀,2001-08-04~ 2001-09-04,尤平采;10 ♂ ♂,3♀♀,山西省宁武县芦芽山保护区管理局,海拔1 450m,2011-07-19 ~24,郝淑莲、刘家宇采(外生殖器玻片号GQ11024 ♂,GQ11030♀,GQQQ1 1097 ♂);1 ♂,安徽泗县小良乡,2004-08-15,徐家生采(外生殖器玻片号GQ11028 ♂);1♂,安徽九华山柯村,2004-08-08,徐家生、张家亮采(外生殖器玻片号GQ11029♂).分布:中国(天津、山西、安徽).狭瓣细突野螟,新种Ecpy~horrhoe angustivalwaris sp.nov.(图4,7)本种与红纹细突野螟E.rud~indu Hübner,1796在外形上近似,但雄性外生殖器抱器腹背缘中部呈三角形突出,阳茎基环侧臂末端有齿,阳茎端膜有1簇短刺,角状器烟斗状.红纹细突野螟E r魄沈如之雄性外生殖器抱器腹背缘呈圆弧形突出,阳茎基环侧臂末端无齿,阳茎端膜有3小束刺,无角状器.正模♂,贵州麻阳河大河坝,海拔430m,2007-06-06,杜喜翠采,外生殖器玻片号GQ11081.分布:中国(贵州).  相似文献   

目水螟属Nymphicula Snellen 已知24种,分布于古北区、东洋区和澳洲区。中国已知5种。本文记录中国目水螟属7种,其中直缘目水螟Nymphicula saigusai Yoshiyasu 为中国新记录种,凹瓣目水螟Nymphicula concaviuscula, sp. nov. 为1新种。文中提供了新种两性外生殖器特征图及中国已知种检索表。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系。 凹瓣目水螟Nymphicula concaviuscula, 新种 (图1,2)   新种与短纹目水螟Nymphicula junctalis (Hampson) 相似,主要区别在新种抱器瓣端部凹陷,雌性交配囊有明显囊突区;该新种也与角目水螟Nymphicula patnalis (Felder et Rogenhofer) 相似,区别在于新种雄性阳茎中部无橄榄形角状器,以及抱器瓣端部凹陷,雌性外生殖器具明显的囊突区。   正模 ♂, 贵州梵净山,27.55°N,108.41°E,2002-Ⅵ-02,600 m,王新谱采;副模1♀,同正模;2♂♂2♀♀,贵州梵净山,2001-Ⅶ-03, 1300 m,李后魂、王新谱采。  相似文献   

记述了采自天津及河北、福建等地的水螟亚科Nymphulinae 2新种, 即 环波水螟Paracymoriza convallata, sp. nov.和白筒水螟Parapoynx candida, sp. nov..模式标本保存于南开大学生物系, 天津.1. 环波水螟Paracymoriza convallata,新种(图1,3)前翅长♂9.0 mm.正模♂, 福建永泰县青云山 (25.52°N,118.57°E),550 m,2002-Ⅸ-18,王新谱采.新种与华南波水螟Paracymoriza laminalis (Hampson) 相似,主要区别在新种前翅中线外白区前缘封闭;雄性外生殖器抱器瓣基部较窄,端部较圆.2. 白筒水螟Parapoynx candida,新种(图2,4~5)前翅长♂11.5~12.0 mm;♀11.5 mm.正模♂,天津武清县 (39.31°N,116.51°E),1976-Ⅵ-22, 王印来采.副模1♂,天津市板桥农场(38.52°N,117.28°E),1976-Ⅵ(采集人不明);1♀,河北大城县 (38.40°N,116.39°E),1976-Ⅵ-12 (采集人不明).此新种与重筒水螟Parapoynx stratiotata (Linnaeus) 相近,区别在于新种外横线至翅外缘白色;雌性外生殖器无明显囊突.  相似文献   

首次报道桂斑螟属Gunungia在中国的分布,首次报道该属的雌性个体,并据此对属征进行了补充描述。桂斑螟属目前只包括模式种Gunungia rimba Roesler & Küppers,分布于印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛。本文记述了采自我国广西、贵州和云南的1新种——凹头桂斑螟Gunungia capitirecava sp.nov.,编制了已知种的检索表,提供了新种的特征图。模式标本均保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。 凹头桂斑螟,新种Gunungia capitirecavasp.nov.(图1 -7) 翅展16.0 -24.5mm。新种与G.rimbaRoesler & K櫣ppers近似,但新种雄性头顶被白色V型鳞毛簇;抱器背在端部1/6处具一齿状突起,阳茎基环两侧臂粗壮,末端圆钝。 正模♂,广西防城港峒中林场, 640m, 2002-04-08 ,郝淑莲、薛怀军采(玻片号RYD04343)。副模: 7 ♂♂,1♀,贵州赤水桫椤, 240m, 2000-09-21 -23 ,于海丽; 1 ♀,云南瑞丽珍稀植物园, 1 000m, 2005-08-05 ,任应党采; 1 ♂,1♀,云南西双版纳自然保护区补蚌管理站,650m,2005—08—25,任应党采。  相似文献   

黑带野螟属全世界已知4种,在中国都有分布,其中2种也分布在锡金和印度.记述了采自湖北和四川的1新种,凹缘黑带野螟Parbattia excavata Zhang,Li et Wang,sp.nov.(图1~3),新种与阿里黑带野螟Parbattia arisanaMunroe et Mutuura相似,其主要区别如下:新种体棕褐色,抱器瓣腹缘末端凹刻宽而深,抱器内突延伸到凹刻处的突起强烈骨化,长而弯;阿里黑带野螟体色大部分黑褐色,抱器瓣腹缘末端凹刻窄而浅,抱器内突延伸到凹刻处的突起中等骨化,短而直.本文还首次报道了中国新纪录种锯齿黑带野螟Parbattia serrata Munroe et Mutuura的雌性个体.模式标本分别保存在南开大学生物系昆虫标本室和中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

黑带野螟属全世界已知4种,在中国都有分布,其中2种也分布在锡金和印度。记述了采自湖北和四川的l新种,凹缘黑带野螟Parbattia excavata Zhang,Li et Wang,sp.nov.(图l-3),新种与阿里黑带野螟Parbattia arisana Munros et Mutuura相似,其主要区别如下:新种体棕褐色,抱器瓣腹缘末端凹刻宽而深,抱器内突延伸到凹刻处的突起强烈骨化,长而弯;阿里黑带野螟体色大部分黑褐色,抱器瓣腹缘末端凹刻窄而浅,抱器内突延伸到凹刻处的突起中等骨化,短而直。本文还首次报道了中国新纪录种锯齿黑带野螟Parbattia serrata Munros et Mutuura的雌性个体。模式标本分别保存在南开大学生物系昆虫标本室和中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

翎翅野螟属Epiparbattia只包括模式种,分布在中国南部和印度。本文记述了采自云南和贵州的1新种。模式标本分别保存在南开大学生物系昆虫标本室和中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

报道7种中国卡拉草螟属Culladia昆虫,包括新种郑氏卡拉草螟Culladia zhengi sp.nov.和中国新纪录种齿线卡拉草螟C.dentilinealis Hampson,1919。文中提供了新种和新纪录种的成虫和外生殖器图,给出了中国该属已知种的名录和检索表。研究标本保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。郑氏卡拉草螟,新种Culladia zhengi sp.nov.(图1,3,5)新种的雄性与刺突卡拉草螟Culladia hastiferalis(Walker,1865)相似,但是该种抱器背基突中部有1枚小刺,阳茎无微刺状角状器;雌性外生殖器交配囊与囊导管的界限不明显且无囊突。刺突卡拉草螟抱器背基突无小刺,阳茎末端有多枚微刺状角状器;囊导管与交配囊的界限显著,且交配囊有1枚条纹状囊突。正模♂,香港大帽山,海拔700m,2007-04-13,李后魂等采,外生殖器玻片号LWC08414。副模:7♂♂,1♀,采集信息同正模;2♀♀,香港嘉道理农场,海拔210m,2007-04-13,2009-09-20,李后魂等采;1♂,广西上思平龙山,海拔510m,2002-04-06,郝淑莲、薛怀君采;1♂,海南尖峰岭,海拔940m,2007-06-06,张志伟、李卫春采;1♂,1♀,海南五指山,海拔640~650m,2007-05-15~21,张志伟、李卫春采;1♀,海南吊罗山,海拔300m,2008-08-14,胡冰冰、张利采;1♂,云南瑞丽珍惜植物园,海拔1000m,2005-08-06,任应党采。词源:新种种名以著名昆虫学家郑哲民教授的姓氏命名。  相似文献   

记述了绢须野螟属Palpita Hubner 18种,分别为端突绢须野螟P annulifer Inoue;半环绢须野螟P.kiminensis Kirti et Rose,中国新纪录种;钩镰绢须野螟P.indannulata Inoue,中国新纪录种;小锥绢须野螟P homalia Inoue;弯囊绢须野螟P.hypohomalia Inoue;双突绢须野螟P.inusitata (Butler);细微绢须野螟P.minuscula Inoue,1996;弯刺绢须野螟P.curvdispina sp.nov.,该种与细微绢须野螟P.minuscula Inoue近似,但新种个体大,阳茎内端部角状器粗而弯可以与之相区别;尤金绢须野螟P.munroei Inoue;角斑绢须野螟P fraterna(Moore);小绢须野螟P.parvifraterna Inoue;端刺绢须野螟P.perunionalis Inoue,中国新纪录种;短叉绢须野螟P.pajnii Kirti et Rose;方突绢须野螟P warrenalis(Swinhoe);曲纹绢须野螟P.curvilinea(Janse);白腊绢须野螟P.nigropunctalis(Bremer);尖角绢须野螟P asiaticalis Inoue;宽钝绢须野螟P.sejunctalis Inoue.编制了中国绢须野螟属分种检索表,并提供了新种的外生殖器特征图.模式标本保存在南开大学生物系昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

Replacement of two to four guanines by adenines in the human telomere DNA repeat dG3(TTAG3)3 did not hinder the formation of quadruplexes if the substitutions took place in the terminal tetrad bridged by the diagonal loop of the intramolecular antiparallel three‐tetrad scaffold, as proved by CD and PAGE in both Na+ and K+ solutions. Thermodynamic data showed that, in Na+ solution, the dG3(TTAG3)3 quadruplex was destabilized, the least by the two G:A:G:A tetrads, the most by the G:G:A:A tetrad in which the adenosines replaced syn‐guanosines. In physiological K+ solution, the highest destabilization was caused by the 4A tetrad. In K+, only the unmodified dG3(TTAG3)3 quadruplex rearranged into a K+‐dependent quadruplex form, none of the multiple adenine‐modified structures did so. This may imply biological consequences for nonrepaired A‐for‐G mutations. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 880–886, 2010.  相似文献   

Oka: Behind the Barricades. 1998. 312 minutes. For more information contact the National Film Board of Canada, 3155 Côte de Lisse Rd., St. Laurent, Quebec H4N 2N4. Series of four videos:
Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance. 1993. 120 minutes. Directed by Alanis Obomsawin .
Spudwrench: Kahnawake Man. 1997. 58 minutes. Directed by Alanis Obomsawin .
My Name is Kahentiiosta. 1995. 30 minutes. Directed by Alanis Obomsawin .
Acts of Defiance. 1992. 104 minutes. Directed by Alec MacLeod .  相似文献   

Webba da Silva M 《Biochemistry》2005,44(10):3754-3764
A template-based approach was used to design unprecedented architectural motifs into a known DNA framework. The structure formed by the sequence d(GCGGTTGGAT) in 0.1 M Na(+) solution has been determined using molecular dynamics simulations constrained by distance and dihedral restraints derived from NMR experiments. The molecular topology has been previously observed for the sequence d(GCGGTGGAT) (Webba da Silva, M. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 14356-65). Insertion of a single thymine into the double chain reversal formed by the segment GGTGG results in the unprecedented experimental demonstration of a T:(G:G:G:G):T hexad. The bi-stranded hexad results from the pairing alignment of two G(T-G) triads. Each triad results from recognition of the sheared edge of a guanine by the Watson-Crick edge of a thymine of the segment GGTTGG. The alignment is stabilized by base-stacking of the thymine to the sugar pucker of the preceding thymine. The latter is involved in formation of the T:A:A:T tetrad alignment by forming a hydrogen bond with the free amino proton of a Watson-Crick aligned A:A mispair. We have thus established that residues in double chain reversal loops linking juxtaposed tetrads of a quadruplex stem may facilitate formation of yet unknown hydrogen bond alignments. By employing a systematic approach analysis of sequence motifs appearing in double chain reversals, bridging tetrad layers should allow for the prediction of topologies and architectural motifs appearing in biologically relevant genomic regions.  相似文献   

Using CD and NMR, we determined the structure of an RNA oligomer, r(GGAGGUUUUGGAGG) (R14), comprising two GGAGG segments joined by a UUUU segment. A modified quadruplex structure was observed for r(GGAGGUUUUGGAGG) in solution even in the absence of K(+). An unusually stable dimeric RNA quadruplex architecture formed from two strands of r(GGAGGUUUUGGAGG) at low K(+) concentration is reported here. In each strand of r(GGAGGUUUUGGAGG), two sets of successive turns in the GGAGG segments and turns at both ends of the UUUU loops drive four G-G steps to align in a parallel manner, a core with two stacked G-tetrads being formed. Two adenine bases bind to two edges of one G:G:G:G tetrad through the sheared G:A mismatch augmenting the tetrad into a G:G(:A):G:G(:A) hexad. Thus, one molecule of r(GGAGGUUUUGGAGG) folds into a modified quadruplex comprising a G:G:G:G tetrad, a UUUU double-chain reversal loop and a G:G(:A):G:G(:A) hexad. Two such molecules further associate by stacking through the dimeric hexad-hexad interface with a rotational symmetry. The ribose rings of most nucleotides take S (close to C2'-endo) puckering, which is unusual for an RNA. K(+) can increase the stability of this quadruplex structure; the number of bound K(+) was estimated from the results of the titration experiment. Besides G:G and G:A mismatches, a network of hydrogen bonds including O4'-NH(2) and C-H..O hydrogen bonds, and the extensive base stacking contribute to the high thermodynamic stability of R14. Our results could provide the stereochemical and thermodynamic basis for elucidating the biological role of the GGAGG-containing RNA segments abundantly existing in various RNAs. Relevance to quadruplex-mediated mRNA-FMRP binding and HIV-1 genome RNA dimerization is discussed.  相似文献   

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