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附生地衣是热带和亚热带山地森林生态系统中重要的结构性组分, 在生物多样性保护、环境监测、养分循环中发挥着重要作用。附生地衣按共生藻、生活型和繁殖策略的不同可划分为不同的功能群, 不同附生地衣功能群的分布格局存在较大的差异, 然而其生理生态机制仍不清楚。该研究以我国西南地区哀牢山亚热带山地森林中的附生地衣优势类群为研究对象, 对该地区蓝藻地衣、阔叶地衣、狭叶地衣及枝状地衣4种功能群的8种附生地衣的水分关系、光合生理特征等进行了测定分析, 结果显示: 不同功能群附生地衣的持水力和失水速率均存在差异, 其中蓝藻地衣具有较高的最大水分含量, 而枝状地衣的失水速率较快; 过高和过低的水分含量都会抑制附生地衣的光合作用, 但抑制程度有所差异; 蓝藻地衣的光合作用最适水分含量比较高, 表明它们的光合生理活动对水分条件要求较高, 所以它们偏好潮湿的生境, 同时蓝藻地衣的光补偿点比较低但光饱和点却不低, 反映出它们具有较宽的光强适应范围, 所以蓝藻地衣能够同时分布于强光和弱光生境中; 枝状地衣的光合最适水分含量较低, 表明它们的光合生理活动对水分条件要求不是很高, 能够适应较为干旱的环境, 同时枝状地衣的光补偿点和光饱和点都很高, 说明它们的光合生理活动对光照条件要求比较高, 所以它们广泛分布于强光生境中; 阔叶和狭叶地衣的光补偿点比较高, 说明它们更适应有充足光照条件的生境。  相似文献   

蓝藻地衣是附生植物类群的重要组成部分, 在森林生态系统的环境监测和养分循环中发挥着重要作用。该研究在云南哀牢山亚热带森林系统的2种原生和6种次生森林群落中, 以粉缘绵毛衣(Leioderma sorediatum)、天蓝猫耳衣(Leptogium azureum)、网肺衣(Lobaria retigera)和双缘牛皮叶(Sticta duplolimbata) 4种常见蓝藻地衣为对象, 共设立120个样地, 调查了它们在3600株树木0-2 m树干上的分布, 探讨其分布特征及与森林类群、宿主种类以及林龄等生境因子的关系。研究发现4种蓝藻地衣在森林群落间的分布模式明显不同。除双缘牛皮叶的盖度和频度在原生苔藓矮林中最高外, 其他3种蓝藻地衣的最高值均出现于次生林如厚皮香(Ternstroemia gymnanthera)林和滇山杨(Populus bonatii)林中; 而哀牢山地区广布的原生木果柯(Lithocarpus xylocarpus)林中, 4种蓝藻地衣极为少见。4种地衣都能生长于10多个树种上, 但明显表现出对厚皮香、滇山杨和硬壳柯(Lithocarpus hancei)等树种的偏好性, 以及对小花山茶(Camellia forrestii)等的排斥性。森林群落的林龄、胸径、最大胸径、林冠开阔度、基面积、树木密度和树种多样性等因子的变化均对4种附生蓝藻地衣的分布产生重要影响, 但在景观尺度上影响程度相对较小, 在不同森林群落内部却有各自的重要作用。其中, 林龄、林冠开阔度和宿主胸径是影响蓝藻地衣分布的最重要的生境因子。  相似文献   

朱金雷  刘志民 《生态学杂志》2012,31(9):2397-2403
以形成黄土高原“小老树”的2种典型树种刺槐和小叶杨为对象,研究了立地条件(沟谷台地和沟间坡地)和树龄对两种树木叶水力学性质和抗旱性的影响,探讨“小老树”形成的水力生理机制.结果表明: 水分较好的沟谷台地上生长的两种树木的叶最大水力导度(Kmax)明显大于水分较差的沟间坡地,叶水力脆弱性(P50)也较高;随树龄增加,两种树木的Kmax明显下降,但P50差异不大.台地上生长的两种树木的叶表皮导度和PV曲线参数(膨压损失点时的相对含水量RWCtlp、膨压损失点时的水势ψtlp、饱和含水量时的渗透势ψsat)均大于坡地;随树龄增加,两种树木的叶表皮导度显著下降,PV曲线参数出现不同程度的下降.两种树木Kmax与ψtlp呈显著正相关,P50与PV曲线参数之间存在一定的相关性,表明Kmax与抗旱性之间存在一种权衡关系,P50是反映两种树木的抗旱性特征之一.  相似文献   

附生地衣是哀牢山湿性常绿阔叶林生态系统中重要的结构性组分。通过对该区域山地森林中3种典型附生地衣平滑牛皮叶 (Sticta nylanderiana)、网肺衣 (Lobaria retigera) 和橄榄斑叶 (Cetrelia olivetorum)在不同水分条件下的光合光响应及荧光参数的测定分析,结果显示,附生地衣光补偿点 (LCP)、光饱和点 (LSP)较高,对强光适应能力较强。在水分胁迫 (含水量5%~10%) 条件下,3种附生地衣的最大净光合速率 (Pmax) 仅为17~50nmol·g-1·s-1。随着含水量的增加,地衣的最大净光合速率 (Pmax) 与暗呼吸速率 (Rday) 逐渐增大,LCP降低,而LSP随之提高,这表明3种附生地衣具备“阳生植物”的某些特性,从而能够在一定程度上适应野外光照较强的灌丛、向阳林冠等生境。地衣叶绿素光反应中心初始荧光参数 (F0) 和最大光化学效率 (Fv/Fm) 随含水量下降而显著降低,暗示其光反应中心对水分有很强的敏感性。水分条件的改善有助于附生地衣的光反应中心进入到较高的生理活性状态。  相似文献   

干旱区五种木本植物枝叶水分状况与其抗旱性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用压力-容积(PV曲线)法测定了柽柳、梭梭、胡杨、沙枣和花棒等5种干旱区木本植物的水分参数,同时用TPS-1型光合蒸腾测定系统、压力室和露点微伏压计测定了其叶片(同化枝)的蒸腾速率、枝叶水势和渗透势,并结合持水力和枝叶相对含水量等的测定结果,分析了5种木本植物枝叶水分状况与其抗旱性能的关系.结果表明:PV曲线水分参数虽然在一定程度上反映了植物组织内部的水分状况和抗旱潜力,但依据不同参数分析得出的不同植物抗旱性有所不同,有的甚至相反;以PV曲线水分参数为依据利用隶属函数法计算的综合抗旱性指数显示5种木本植物抗旱性能并无显著差异.而综合PV曲线水分参数和蒸腾速率、枝叶水势、渗透势等实测水分指标计算的综合抗旱性能指数则较好地显示了5种木本植物的综合抗旱性能的强弱,即第1层次梭梭抗旱性最强,第2层次是柽柳,第3层次是沙枣、花棒和胡杨,其中又以胡杨综合抗旱能力最差.由此可见,采用PV曲线水分参数和实测水分指标进行综合评价能够较好地评定植物的抗旱性能.  相似文献   

全球范围内干旱频率和强度的增加严重影响树木生长,甚至导致森林大面积死亡。压力-容积(PV)曲线能够反映树木对干旱的容忍能力,但在局域尺度上尚未确定哪个PV曲线参数具有最优指示性。通过测定东北温带森林20种主要树种(包括16种被子植物和4种裸子植物)的PV曲线性状,包括质壁分离时的相对含水量(RWCtlp)、失膨点叶水势(TLP)、饱和含水时的叶渗透势(π0)、细胞弹性模量(ε)、叶水容(Cleaf)及叶结构性状(比叶面积和叶密度),研究局域尺度上叶片耐旱性的最佳指示性状,并分析叶片PV性状与结构性状间的相关性。结果表明: 被子植物的RWCtlp 显著大于裸子植物,但其Cleaf 显著小于裸子植物,这表明用RWCtlpCleaf可以指示东北温带森林不同功能型树种间耐旱性的大小。在被子植物中,TLP和π0与叶密度呈显著负相关,且均与比叶面积呈显著正相关;而ε与比叶面积呈显著负相关。然而,裸子植物PV曲线性状与叶结构性状之间呈现与被子植物完全相反的趋势。裸子植物与被子植物树种之间PV曲线性状与叶结构性状关系的差异,可能归因于二者采取不同的干旱响应和适应策略。  相似文献   

水是植物生存与生长的基础条件, 水分有效性影响植物木质部解剖结构、水力功能, 使之形成特定的适应特征。因此, 对比自然与人工生境中同一植物的水力功能与解剖结构差异, 有助于理解植物对水分环境的适应机理。该研究以湿润区三角槭(Acer buergerianum)、青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)和女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)为研究材料, 对比分析了自然和人工生境中各物种的栓塞抗性(导水率损失50%时的水势(P50))、输水效率(比导率(Ks))和解剖结构(导管直径(D)、导管壁厚(T)、导管密度(N)、木质部密度(WD)、厚度跨度比(t/b)2)特征, 探究了同生境种内与跨生境、跨物种水平的效率-安全权衡关系, 量化分析了水力功能与解剖结构的关系。结果发现: 1) 3种被子植物在自然生境中Ks更大, P50更小, 与其更大的D、更小的(t/b)2有关。2)同生境种内KsP50不存在权衡。3)功能性状和解剖结构相关分析表明: 同生境种内DP50不存在显著的相关关系; 除自然生境女贞外, T、(t/b)2均与P50正相关。相对于人工生境, 在水分有效性低或无额外浇灌的自然生境中, 植物通过增大导管直径显著提高其输水效率, 从而避免水势下降、降低潜在栓塞风险。  相似文献   

 蓝藻地衣是附生植物类群的重要组成部分, 在森林生态系统的环境监测和养分循环中发挥着重要作用。该研究在云南哀牢山亚热带森林系统的2种原生和6种次生森林群落中, 以粉缘绵毛衣(Leioderma sorediatum)、天蓝猫耳衣(Leptogium azureum)、网肺衣(Lobaria retigera)和双缘牛皮叶(Sticta duplolimbata) 4种常见蓝藻地衣为对象, 共设立120个样地, 调查了它们在3 600株树木0–2 m树干上的分布, 探讨其分布特征及与森林类群、宿主种类以及林龄等生境因子的关系。研究发现4种蓝藻地衣在森林群落间的分布模式明显不同。除双缘牛皮叶的盖度和频度在原生苔藓矮林中最高外, 其他3种蓝藻地衣的最高值均出现于次生林如厚皮香(Ternstroemia gymnanthera)林和滇山杨(Populus bonatii)林中; 而哀牢山地区广布的原生木果柯(Lithocarpus xylocarpus)林中, 4种蓝藻地衣极为少见。4种地衣都能生长于10多个树种上, 但明显表现出对厚皮香、滇山杨和硬壳柯(Lithocarpus hancei)等树种的偏好性, 以及对小花山茶(Camellia forrestii)等的排斥性。森林群落的林龄、胸径、最大胸径、林冠开阔度、基面积、树木密度和树种多样性等因子的变化均对4种附生蓝藻地衣的分布产生重要影响, 但在景观尺度上影响程度相对较小, 在不同森林群落内部却有各自的重要作用。其中, 林龄、林冠开阔度和宿主胸径是影响蓝藻地衣分布的最重要的生境因子。  相似文献   

根系温度对光核桃幼苗光合机构热稳定性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以光核桃(Prunus mira)幼苗为材料, 通过控制根系温度研究了根系温度变化与叶片脱落酸(ABA)的关系及其对光合机构热稳定性的影响。结果表明: 1)环境高温(37和40 ℃)胁迫下保持根系温度适宜((25±2) ℃)时, 幼苗叶片相对含水量(Relative water content, RWC)下降较少, 但叶片ABA含量低, 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性低, 过氧化氢(H2O2)含量和膜质过氧化水平(丙二醛(Malondialdehyde, MDA)浓度)提高, 最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)下降程度较大; 2)而同等环境高温(37和40 ℃)条件下根系温度逐步升高时, 幼苗叶片RWC降低, 叶片ABA含量增加, SOD、APX、POD、CAT活性高, H2O2含量高, MDA生成量低, Fv/Fm降低程度较小。与37 ℃相比, 40 ℃处理条件下各生理指标变化趋势相似, 但差异加大。因此认为: 高温胁迫条件下, 根系温度适宜时RWC高, 但导致光合机构伤害较重; 根系感受高温胁迫能够增加叶片ABA含量, 有助于保护光合机构、提高光合机构的抗热性。  相似文献   

为阐明黄河三角洲贝壳堤岛旱柳(Salix matsudana)叶片光合效率对土壤水分的适应机制, 明确其水分阈值效应, 以二年生旱柳为材料, 采用人工给水与自然耗水相结合获取系列水分梯度的方法, 测定分析贝壳砂生境下旱柳叶片光合效率参数对土壤水分的响应特征及其生产力分级。结果表明: 旱柳叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用效率(WUE)及光合光响应参数具有明显的水分临界效应。(1) PnTrWUE和潜在水分利用效率均随土壤水分的降低先升高后下降, 但各指标水分临界值表现不同步, 其中Pn水分气孔限制转折点和水分补偿点分别出现在相对含水量(Wr)为42.9%和14.4%时; PnTr的水分饱和点为73.1%和68.9%, WUE水分高效点为80.1%; (2)水分胁迫下旱柳叶片具有明显的光抑制现象, 可通过减弱对光的利用来适应水分逆境。随土壤水分的增加, 表观量子效率(AQY)、光饱和点(LSP)和最大净光合速率(Pnmax)表现为先升高后降低, 但光补偿点(LCP)相反。PnAQYLSPPnmax和暗呼吸速率(Rd)均表现为渍水胁迫明显高于干旱胁迫。Wr为69.1%时, LCP达到较低值(18.6 µmol∙m -2∙s-1), AQY最高(0.05), 利用弱光能力较强。Wr为80.9%时, LSP达到最高(1775 µmol∙m -2∙s-1), 光照生态幅最宽, 光能利用效率最高, 水分对光强的补偿效应显著; (3)采用临界值分类法确定出贝壳砂生境下旱柳光合效率的5级水分阈值, 73.1%r<80.1%范围内为高产高效水, 此时旱柳具有较高的光合能力和高效生理用水特性。贝壳砂生境内旱柳表现出一定的耐水湿而不耐干旱的适应特性, 在干旱缺水的贝壳堤岛滩脊地带栽植时需充分考虑其水分环境。  相似文献   

Aims There are abundant epiphytic lichens in the tropical and subtropical montane forest ecosystems, which are important components of forest canopy and play a vital role in biodiversity conservation, environmental monitoring and nutrient cycling. In accordance with photobiont type, growth form and reproductive strategy, the epiphytic lichens can be divided into different functional groups, with different distribution patterns. In this study we aim to explain this phenomenon from the perspective of physiological ecology. Methods The maximum water content, water loss curves, photosynthetic water and light response curves were determined in four epiphytic lichen functional groups, including cyanolichens, fruticose lichens, broadly lobed foliose lichens and narrowly lobed foliose lichens. Important findings The functional characteristics of epiphytic lichens influence their maximum water-holding capacity and rate of water loss. The cyanolichens have higher maximum water content, while the fruticose lichens have a faster water loss. The cyanolichens that are widely distributed in the moist habitats require particularly high moisture for their photosynthetic activities; their optimal water content for photosynthesis is higher in comparison with other groups. They also have a low light compensation point and a high light saturation point, which explain the wide range of light intensity of the habitat. The fruticose lichens, widely distributed in the relatively arid habitats with high irradiance, have high light compensation point and light saturation point, and low optimum water content for photosynthesis. The broadly lobed foliose lichens and the narrowly lobed foliose lichens have a high light compensation point and light saturation point; they preferably occur in habitats with strong light.  相似文献   

Lichen epiphytes are applied as excellent environmental indicators worldwide. However, very little is known about epiphytic lichen communities and their response to forest dynamics in subtropical China. This paper proposes the applications of the cover, diversity, and functional traits of epiphytic lichens to assess environmental changes associated with succession in subtropical forests of southwest China. Bole lichens were sampled from 120 plots of eight representative forest types in the Ailao Mountains. Total cover, species richness, diversity and community structure of bole lichens differed significantly among forest types, and the highest cover and diversity occurred in the Populus bonatii secondary forest (PBSF). Sixty-one indicator species were associated with particular forest types and more than 50% occurred in the PBSF. Both cover and diversity of most lichen functional groups varied regularly during forest succession. Lichen pioneer species were not displaced by competitively superior species as succession proceeds and cyanolichens were more prevalent in secondary forests. The results also highlight the importance of habitat variables such as canopy openness, host diversity, forest age, tree size, the size of the largest tree, tree density, and basal area on the lichen community. Consequently, our findings support the notion that epiphytic lichens, in terms of cover, diversity, species composition and functional traits can be used as effective indicators for large-scale and long-term forest monitoring. More importantly, the narrowly lobed foliose group was the best candidate indicator of environmental conditions in this region. The combined application of lichen indicator species and functional groups seemed to be a more reliable and more powerful method for monitoring forest dynamics in subtropical montane ecosystems.  相似文献   

Markus Hauck  Toby Spribille   《Flora》2005,200(6):547-562
The relevance of chemical site factors for the abundance of epiphytic lichens was studied in Picea engelmannii-Abies lasiocarpa forests of the Salish Mountains, northwestern Montana, USA. The Salish Mountains are an area with relatively low atmospheric pollutant load and low precipitation. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) suggests that cover of several lichen species was limited by high Mn concentrations of bark or by high ratios of Mn to Ca, Mg and Fe. Mn in the bark is known primarily to derive from the soil. An effect of Mn concentration or Mn/Ca and Mn/Mg ratios was not found on A. lasiocarpa. This suggests that A. lasiocarpa deposits Mn in the bark in a physiologically inactive form as already known from A. balsamea. Precipitation chemistry was apparently less relevant for epiphytic lichen distribution in the Salish Mountains, as no correlations between element concentrations in stemflow and cover values were found and as amounts of stemflow were small. However, precipitation in the study year was less than average. The lacking significance of precipitation chemistry is probably the cause why epiphytic lichen vegetation differed less between living and dead trees in the Salish Mountains than in highly polluted coniferous forests studied by our group in Germany; in Germany, the difference between living and dead trees was attributed to reduced interception of pollutants from the atmosphere by trees with reduced crown surface. The result of the present study that small-scale variation of epiphytic lichen abundance is only partly explainable by chemical parameters gives rise to the assumption that microclimate (e.g., moisture), which has not been systematically explored, could be an important site factor for epiphytic lichens in the Salish Mountains. Furthermore, tree age was identified by CCA as a relevant site factor for lichens on P. engelmannii.  相似文献   

The presence of epiphytic foliose lichen amplifies the heterogeneity of habitat by creating shelters for insects living on tree bark. It thus should enhance species number and spatial niche segregation among these canopy insects. We studied this hypothesis in a field experiment using four aphid species that induce galls on Pistacia atlantica trees covered with Xanthoria parietina lichen. In autumn 2008, 3 months after aphid fundatrices were oviposited, we marked six branches on each of 29 trees. Two served as a control, whereas the other four were isolated with insect glue; two of them were scraped with sandpaper to remove epiphytic foliose lichens. We therefore obtained three treatments comprising control branches, isolated branches with lichen, and isolated branches without lichen. In summer 2009, we counted all the galls developing on five new annual shoots on each of 174 branches. We observed more cecidogenic aphid species on all the branches with lichens than without, but each species at different proportions. The different frequencies of utilization of the lichen did not lead to habitat partitioning between species. In conclusion, although habitat heterogeneity itself was associated with species richness and population abundance, it did not induce spatial niche segregation. Considering that many economically important insect species, pests and natural enemies, oviposit or spend some portion of their lives in bark cracks, it is possible that some can use lichens too for protection or/and oviposition sites. As a consequence, lichens may affect management of agrosystems and their impacts should be investigated more deeply in such contexts.  相似文献   

Jonsson AV  Moen J  Palmqvist K 《Oecologia》2008,156(2):259-273
Two models for predicting the hydration status of lichens were developed as a first step towards a mechanistic lichen productivity model. A biophysical model included the water potential of the air, derived from measurements of air temperature, relative humidity and species-specific rate constants for desiccation and rehydration. A reduced physical model, included only environmental parameters, assuming instantaneous equilibration between the lichen and the air. These models were developed using field and laboratory data for three green algal lichens: the foliose epiphytic Platismatia glauca (L.) W. Culb., the fruticose epiphytic Alectoria sarmentosa (Ach.) Ach. and the fruticose, terricolous and mat-forming Cladina rangiferina (L.) Weber ex Wigg. The models were compared and validated for the same three species using data from a habitat with a different microclimate. Both models predicted the length and timing of lichen hydration periods, with those for A. sarmentosa and P. glauca being highly accurate—nearly 100% of the total wet time was predicted by both the biophysical and physical models. These models also predicted an accurate timing of the total realized wet time for A. sarmentosa and P. glauca when the lichens were wet. The model accuracy was lower for C. rangiferina compared to the epiphytes, both for the total realized wet time and for the accuracy of the timing for the hydration period. These results demonstrate that the stochastic and continually varying hydration status of lichens can be simulated from biophysical data. Further development of these models to also include water-related activity, light and temperature conditions during the hydration events will then be a potent tool to assess potential lichen productivity in landscapes and habitats of various microclimatic conditions.  相似文献   

柳帅  李苏  刘文耀 《菌物学报》2018,37(7):931-939
本研究选取云南哀牢山亚热带森林系统6种常见的附生大型地衣进行为期2年的移植实验,分析其在原生林林外、林缘以及林内3种生境下的生物量增长速率和健康率等的差异,并探讨其生长对环境因子变化的响应。结果显示,网肺衣Lobaria retigera和平滑牛皮叶Sticta nylanderiana在林缘处生物量增长最快;而槽枝Sulcaria sulcata、多花松萝Usnea florida、皮革肾岛衣Nephromopsis pallescens、针芽肺衣Lobaria isidiophora 4种地衣则都是在林外光照更强、湿度更低的条件下生长得最好,林内最差。除网肺衣外,所有地衣的健康率均在林外较好,林缘次之,林内最差。非参数相关分析表明,6种地衣的生长速率和光照以及温度呈正相关,与大气湿度呈负相关;温度和光照是影响地衣生长最主要的生境因子。  相似文献   

 We tested the hypothesis that changed microclimate at induced forest edges causes reduced growth of epiphytic lichens. Two foliose, green algal lichens were transplanted to the lower canopy of a mature Picea abies forest at six distances (2, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 m) from a clearcut. The biomass growth in Platismatia glauca (6.2% in 16 months) was 41% higher than in Lobaria pulmonaria (4.4%). We found no growth reduction near the forest edge. In contrast, the highest growth in both species occurred within 12 m from the edge. Further, fluorescence and chlorophyll measurements showed that lichen vitality was unaffected by distance from edge. The light intensity was 4.3 times higher at the edge than in the interior during the growing season, but there were only minor differences in air temperature and relative humidity. Monitoring of thallus water content revealed clear differences in both number and length of wetting and drying cycles. However, the total time with water content sufficient for photosynthetic activity was only slightly higher at the edge. The data thus indicate that our gradient in microclimate was too small to significantly affect lichen growth, and that lichens are largely metabolically inactive when large edge-interior contrasts in microclimate occur. Lichen response to forest edge microclimate results from intricate interactions among several biotic and abiotic factors. Linking data on lichen growth, microclimate and thallus water content with physiological measurements provides a framework for future studies of the mechanisms behind abiotic edge effects. Received: 15 April 1996 / Accepted: 21 June 1996  相似文献   

There is a need for non-invasive monitoring of temporal and spatial variation in hydration and photosynthetic activity of red-listed poikilohydric autotrophs. Here, we simultaneously recorded kinetics in RGB-colors (photos), reflectance spectra, water content, maximal (FV/FM), and effective quantum yield of PSII (ΦPSII) during desiccation in foliose lichens differing in cortical characteristics and photobionts. The spectral absorbance peaks of chlorophyll a, phycocyanin, and phycoerythrin were clearly displayed at high hydration levels. Brightness and total RGB colors of the lichens strongly increased during desiccation. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) efficiently estimated hydration level and ΦPSII – a proxy for lichen photosynthesis – in all species, including threatened old forest lichens. Color and reflectance indices based on green wavelengths gave good estimates of water content in cephalo- and chlorolichens, but not in cyanolichens with a wider range of photosynthetic pigments. Due to species-specific characteristics, species-wise calibration is essential for non-invasive assessments of lichen functioning.  相似文献   

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