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岷江干旱河谷灌丛α多样性分析   总被引:30,自引:13,他引:17  
通过对岷江干旱河谷植被及其环境因子的系统取样调查 ,研究了该地区植物群落的α多样性及其与环境因子的关系。土壤、植被、地形三者之间的典范相关分析结果表明 ,三者两两之间均存在着较高的相关性。土壤因子与地形因子之间 ,海拔和坡向起较大的作用 ,主要影响土壤中的全氮、有机质和土壤含水量 ;地形因子和植被之间 ,海拔和坡向影响灌木层的多样性和盖度 ;植被和土壤因子之间 ,土壤中的全氮量、有机质和土壤含水量影响灌木层的盖度和多样性。随着海拔的增加 ,草本和灌木群落的多样性都呈现出先增加后减小而后又增加的趋势 ,草本层的α多样性明显高于灌木层的α多样性 ,草本层和灌木层均在14 0 0~ 16 0 0 m和 2 0 0 0~ 2 2 0 0 m两个海拔段有较高的α多样性 ;华帚菊 -小黄素馨灌丛、金花小檗 -忍冬灌丛、绣线菊灌丛有着较高的多样性 ,西南野丁香灌丛、莸灌丛、小马鞍羊蹄甲 -白刺花灌丛的群落多样性较低 ;样带的多样性 ,灌木层 :样带 3>样带 1>样带 2 ,草本层 :样带 1>样带 3>样带 2 ;不同坡向的多样性 ,灌木层 :阴坡 >半阴半阳坡 >阳坡 ,草本层 :半阴半阳坡 >阴坡 >阳坡 ;不同坡形上的多样性 ,无论是灌木层还是草本层 ,多样性大小为凹坡 >平坡 >凸坡 ;灌木层和草本层在不同坡位上的多样性大小均为上  相似文献   

岷江干旱河谷植物群落的复杂性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对岷江干旱河谷植被及环境因子的系统取样调查,研究了该地区植物群落复杂性及其与环境因子的关系,探讨了群落复杂性与多样性、均匀度、物种丰富度之间的关系.随着海拔的增加,群落总复杂性和结构复杂性均表现为“高-低-高”的变化趋势,表明高海拔和低海拔段有较高的复杂性,中海拔段复杂性较低;位于干旱河谷核心区的样带3、4较北部过渡区样带1、2和南部过渡区样带5、6有着较低的群落总复杂性;不同坡位、坡形及坡向,群落总复杂性和结构复杂性,均表现为上坡位>下坡位>中坡位,凹坡>平破>凸坡,阴坡>半阴半阳坡>阳坡.华帚菊-小黄素馨灌丛的总复杂性最高,西南野丁香灌丛、驼绒藜灌丛的总复杂性最低,橿子栎灌丛和群小花滇紫草灌丛的结构复杂性较高; 群落总复杂性与有机质、全N、土壤含水量、水解N、速效K呈现出显著的二次曲线关系,与全K、全P、速效P、pH值没有明显的相关关系.总复杂性与多样性、均匀度、物种丰富度的关系密切,均呈现显著的线性正相关关系.均匀度和结构复杂性呈现极显著的线性负相关,表明结构复杂性随均匀度的增加而减小.作为群落总复杂性与多样性的区分,结构复杂性对群落内物种数的变化较为敏感,不仅与均匀度有关,还与群落物种数量有关.结构复杂性和多样性作为群落总复杂性的两个组成部分,对总复杂性的影响随着研究区域和群落的不同而不同.  相似文献   

在广东南岭国家级自然保护区海拔300-1900m的范围内,海拔每升高100m设置一条水平样带,共计调查了17条样带,样地面积20400m2。运用相关分析、回归分析和方差分析研究森林群落β多样性随海拔梯度的变化。结果表明:无论是相邻样带还是基准样带,Cody指数以及物种周转速率βC与海拔均呈显著的线性负相关(P<0.05);森林群落各层的共有种数随物种周转速率βC的增加而减少(P<0.05);单因素方差分析及多重比较揭示,Cody指数能较好地反映各层之间物种沿海拔梯度的变化差异。与相异性系数(community dissimilarity)、Bray-Curtis指数和Morisita-Horn指数、以及物种周转速率Sβ和物种周转速率t相比,Cody指数和物种周转速率βC能较好地反映南岭国家级自然保护区森林群落β多样性的海拔梯度格局。  相似文献   

采用样方调查法,研究了白龙江干旱河谷不同坡向主要灌丛群落沿着海拔梯度的结构特征、物种多样性的变化规律,旨在了解白龙江干旱河谷不同海拔梯度植被特征和物种多样性变化,为白龙江干旱河谷区域不同海拔植被恢复提供理论依据。研究结果表明:(1)不同海拔梯度同一坡向物种数不同,同一海拔不同坡向物种数也不同,随着海拔的升高不同坡向物种数表现为先增加后减少的趋势,同一海拔梯度内不同坡向主要植被类型也不同。(2)主要灌木群落α多样性在不同坡向随着海拔梯度的升高,表现出先升高后减小的趋势。不同坡向草本群落α多样性随着海拔的升高,也表现出先升高后减小的趋势。对主要灌丛α多样性指数进行相关性分析得物种丰富度指数对物种多样性贡献率最大,表现为丰富度指数(D1、D2)> 生态优势度指数(SN)> 种间机遇指数(H)> 群落均匀度指数(R)。(3)不同坡向主要灌丛群落β多样性Whittaker指数沿着不同海拔梯度变化不大,最大值出现在海拔1250~1650m;Routledge和Codyβ多样性指数在海拔1450~1650m出现最大值,但是大体呈现出波形变化。草本β多样性随着海拔的升高变化较大,阳坡植物的β多样性指数在海拔1050~1250m达到最大,阴坡和半阴半阳坡在海拔区间1250~1450m达到最大,半阴半阳坡的β多样性指数均大于阳坡。白龙江干旱河谷不同坡向、不同海拔梯度物种α多样性和β多样性都不同,且不同坡向随着海拔梯度的变化物种α多样性和β多样性呈一定的相关性,说明海拔和坡向是影响生物多样性主要因子之一。  相似文献   

三江并流地区干旱河谷植物物种多样性海拔梯度格局比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在滇西北三江并流地区典型干旱河谷段, 在怒江、澜沧江和金沙江的东、西坡共设置了6条海拔梯度样带, 通过标准样地的植物群落调查, 分析各条样带植物的物种丰富度、物种更替率的海拔梯度格局, 并比较了地理和植被变量对分布格局的解释。干旱河谷植被带位于海拔3,000 m以下, 以灌丛和灌草丛为主, 其在各河谷的分布上限自西向东依次升高。植物物种丰富度的分布主要与海拔、流域、经纬度和植被带有关, 沿纬度和海拔梯度升高而显著增加的格局主要表现在草本层和灌木层, 灌木物种丰富度还呈现自西向东显著增加的趋势。怒江的灌木和草本种物种丰富度显著高于金沙江和澜沧江, 三条江的乔木种丰富度差异则不显著。森林带的样方草本物种丰富度显著低于灌草丛带样方, 并且还拥有后者没有的乔木种。不同样带的植物物种更替速率呈现了不一致的海拔梯度格局, 但均在样带海拔下部的灌草丛群落与海拔上部森林群落之间的交错带出现峰值。森林-灌草丛植被交错带在怒江样带处于海拔1,900-2,100 m处, 在澜沧江河谷位于海拔2,300-2,400 m, 在金沙江河谷位于海拔2,700-2,900 m。所有海拔样带的森林段或灌草丛段相对于同一样带不同植被段之间的物种更替程度为最小, 不仅小于同一流域不同样带相同植被段之间物种更替率的均值, 更小于所有样带相同植被段之间的更替率均值。在三条河流6条海拔样带的12个植被带段之间的物种更替变化中, 空间隔离因素可以解释34.2%, 而植被类型差异仅能解释不到0.5%。本研究结果显示了环境差异对不同植被类型物种丰富度的首要影响, 和各河流之间的空间隔离对植物群落构建和物种构成的主要作用。  相似文献   

秦岭牛背梁植物物种多样性垂直分布格局   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
基于秦岭山脉中段牛背梁自然保护区南北坡垂直样带51个样方的调查资料,利用植被数量分析方法(TWINSPAN和DCA)对牛背梁植物群落进行了分类和排序,并分析了植物物种多样性沿海拔梯度的分布格局。结果表明,牛背梁的植被群落具有明显的海拔梯度格局,从低海拔到高海拔依次分布有:锐齿槲栎(Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata)林,桦木(Betula spp.)林.巴山冷杉(Abis Jargesii)林和亚高山灌丛。海拔梯度是牛背梁山区制约植物群落分布的主要因子,而坡向和坡度则起到次要作用。对物种多样性的分析表明,物种总数、木本植物物种多样性和草本植物物种多样性在南北坡具有不同的海拔梯度格局。物种总数在南坡呈现单峰分布格局,而在北坡分布趋势不明显;木本植物物种多样性在南北坡具有相似的分布格局:在低海拔沿海拔梯度变化不明显,而在高海拔则随海拔上升而急剧下降;草本植物物种多样性在南北坡沿海拔梯度变化的规律不明显。β多样性沿海拔梯度先减少后增加,形成两端高中间低的格局,说明中海拔地区生境条件较为均一,低海拔地区的人为活动增加了生境的异质性,而高海拔地区的生态过渡特性增加了物种的更替速率以及群落的相异性。  相似文献   

地形对阔叶红松林物种多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温佩颖  金光泽 《生态学报》2019,39(3):945-956
为了更好地了解阔叶红松林(Pinus koraiensis)物种多样性的维持机制,对不同地形下的阔叶红松林乔木和灌木种,进行了物种多样性指数比较、物种多度分布模型拟合及物种多样性指数与环境因子的排序分析。结果表明,乔木在阴坡、半阴坡的丰富度显著高于半阳坡;灌木在坡度25°处的均匀度显著高于坡度6°处,在谷地处的4个多样性指数显著低于其他坡位,在阴坡、半阴坡处的4个多样性指数显著高于平地。统计模型、生态位模型、中性模型在不同地形下均能够通过拟合优度检验,物种多度分布在不同地形间差异不明显;地形对乔木的多样性指数的影响:海拔凹凸度坡度坡向坡位,对灌木的多样性指数的影响:坡位海拔坡向坡度凹凸度,土壤对乔木的物种多样性指数的影响:土壤pH土壤容重土壤有效N含量土壤速效K含量,对灌木的物种多样性指数的影响:土壤pH土壤有机质含量土壤速效P含量土壤全N含量土壤全P含量。总体而言,物种多样性随着坡度的增加而增加,阴坡处最高,谷地处最低。  相似文献   

研究不同坡向、坡位夹金山灌丛群落结构和物种多样性特征。结果表明: 在 24 个样地中,共有维管植物 186 种,隶属于 50 科 127 属。其中,灌木层有 32 种,隶属于 14 科 22 属,阴坡下坡位物种数最多;草本层有 154 种,隶属于 43 科 109 属,阴坡物种数最少。灌木层的平均高度表现为阳坡>半阳坡>阴坡,平均密度则相反;草本层平均高度表现为阴坡>半阳坡>阳坡,平均密度无显著变化。坡位仅对阳坡草本层平均高度有显著影响,灌木层物种多样性在阴坡较高,草本层物种多样性在阳坡下坡位和阴坡中坡位较高。坡向对灌木层和草本层 Shannon多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数、物种丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数影响显著(除草本层 Simpson 指数),坡位对灌木层和草本层物种多样性指数均无显著影响,坡向和坡位的交互作用对草本层物种多样性的影响大于灌木层。冗余分析(RDA)表明,物种多样性不仅与坡向正弦值、坡向余弦值相关,也与群落结构特征相关性较大。  相似文献   

蒋家沟流域不同海拔灌草层群落特征与土壤关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解干热河谷区不同海拔梯度植物群落灌草层物种多样性与土壤养分、水分之间的关系,该文选择干热河谷典型流域——蒋家沟流域作为研究区域,在流域内海拔1 400~3 000 m范围设置样带,对样带内8个海拔梯度的植物群落进行样方调查,统计不同海拔梯度灌草层的物种组成,测定土壤养分、土壤含水量和持水量,并将土壤指标与植被多样性指数进行主成分分析和皮尔逊相关性分析。结果表明:流域内样地共发现灌草层植物32科77属80种,且灌草层植物群落组成、土壤有机碳(SOC)含量、全磷(TP)含量、土壤含水量和持水量均受海拔梯度的影响显著(P<0.05)。其中,土壤含水量、持水量、植物群落的丰富度指数和多样性指数均随着海拔升高不断增加,且高海拔区域SOC含量显著高于中低海拔区域(P<0.05)。土壤TP含量与Pielou指数、土壤含水量与Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和物种数均呈显著正相关(P<0.05),说明除海拔梯度外,土壤养分、水分含量是影响植物群落灌草层组成和多样性的关键因子。  相似文献   

恢复方式和地形对晋西黄土区退耕林分物种多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用样带样方调查法,对比不同恢复方式和地形条件下退耕林分的物种多样性,以期为晋西黄土区植被恢复效果评价和经营管理提供参考.结果表明: 恢复方式对退耕林分物种多样性具有显著影响.自然恢复林物种数为刺槐人工林的 1.6倍,Shannon 指数大于刺槐人工林,Pielou 指数小于刺槐人工林.物种多样性受坡位影响显著,各指数均表现为沟底>沟坡>梁峁坡>梁峁顶;坡向对退耕林分物种多样性影响不显著,各指数均表现为阴坡>阳坡.物种多样性受地形和恢复方式综合作用影响显著,在自然恢复林阴坡沟底处最高,物种均匀度在刺槐人工林阴坡沟底处最高.从提高物种多样性角度,黄土区植被恢复在遵循适地适树原则的同时,应参照自然恢复林分,在不同地形部位采用不同的造林设计.  相似文献   

Abstract. Harsh conditions in arid and semi‐arid environments make seedling establishment rare. Plant recruitment in arid environments often occurs only in years with above average rainfall or in safe sites under the canopy of nurse plants that provide shelter from high temperatures and low moisture. Associations of establishing seedlings with adult plants are referred to as nurse‐protégé interactions and are thought to be commensalisms in which seedlings benefit from the micro‐environment created by adult plants with no effect for the latter. This phenomenon is thought to be more frequent in harsh than in mild environments and appears to occur frequently in deserts and arid and semi‐arid biomes. Here, we investigate whether nurse‐protégé interactions are more common in arid environments by searching the published literature from the previous 92 years using the terms nurse plants, protégé plants, facilitation, nucleation and facultative mutualism. We then quantitatively compared these reports from arid zones to other environments. A total of 296 papers were found which referred to nurse‐protégé interactions. More than half (158) focused on arid and semi‐arid zones. This information was also used to explore hypotheses of potential causative forces that might have selected for such interactions in the arid zones such as seed trapping, nutrient, moisture, protection from browsing or trampling and support availability. Because of the large number of different nurse species (147, from 98 genera and 40 families) and protégé species (429, from 273 genera and 84 families), described across a diversity of environments, we suggest that there may be more than one causative factor selecting for nurse‐protégé interactions in arid and semi‐arid environments.  相似文献   

为了解蕨类植物多样性及种群分布对环境因子的响应,建立元江干热河谷不同海拔气温和降水的分布模式,对蕨类植物在元江干热河谷内的自然分布进行了研究。结果表明,元江干热河谷从低海拔到高海拔,气温逐渐下降,但降水量却逐渐增加;河谷内蕨类植物多样性及种群分布呈现差异化;干热河谷内蕨类分布受气温影响不大,但与生境水分条件密切相关。元江干热河谷水热条件分布不均,生态环境破碎,气温和降水分布不均,差异化显著,促进了小生境发育。蕨类植物可以指示生态环境的完整性和连续性,某些种群可以指示和监测环境因子尤其是水因子的变化。  相似文献   

岷江上游干旱河谷四种灌木的抗旱生理动态变化   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
岷江上游干旱河谷是我国最困难的造林地区之一。该实验以杂谷脑河干旱河谷区域内,自然生长的白刺花(Sophora davidiana)、刺旋花(Convolvulus tragacanthoides)、马鞍羊蹄甲(Bauhinia faberi var.microphylla)和铁杆蒿(Artemisia gmelinii)为研究材料,对其抗旱生理及其抗旱性动态进行了分析研究。结果表明:(1)干旱胁迫下,灌木体内叶绿素、可溶性糖以及游离脯氨酸含量增加;同时,叶片组织失水率、水分亏却度、细胞膜透性的降低,以增加灌木的抗旱性。(2)通过隶属(反隶属)函数法对4种灌木抗旱能力动态变化进行综合评价,几种灌木生长季节的抗旱性综合评价指数7月份为0.507,最高;其次9月份〉8月份〉6月份,5月份最低,仅为0.442。这为了解植被在该地区抗旱性动态变化趋势,以及为在植物抗旱性最弱的生长时期——5、6月份,采取有效防旱抗旱措施,提高造林树种的成活率与保存率,加快该地区植被的恢复与重建进程提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Y. Pueyo  S. Kefi  C. L. Alados  M. Rietkerk 《Oikos》2008,117(10):1522-1532
Seed dispersal and establishment are critical stages for plants in arid environments, where vegetation is spatially organized in patches with suitable and unsuitable sites for establishment. Theoretical studies suggest that the ability of vegetation to self‐organize in patchy spatial patterns is a critical property for plant survival in arid environments, and is a consequence of a scale‐dependent feedback between plants and resource availability. Field observations show that plants of arid environments evolved towards short dispersal distance (proxichory) and that the investment in reproduction increases along an aridity gradient. Here, we investigated how plant dispersal strategies affect spatial organization and associated scale‐dependent feedback in arid ecosystems. We addressed this research question using a model where the spatio‐temporal vegetation patterns were driven by scale‐dependent feedbacks between plants and soil water availability. In the model, water availability limited vegetation growth, seed production and establishment ability. Seed dispersal was modelled with an integrodifferential equation that mimicked important plant dispersal characteristics (i.e. fecundity, mean dispersal distance and establishment ability). Results showed that, when the investment in fecundity was relatively high, short seed dispersal helped maintaining higher mean biomass in the system, improving the vegetation efficiency in water use. However, higher fecundity induced a large cost, and high mean biomass could be sustained only with high establishment ability. Considering low establishment ability, intermediate fecundity was more efficient than low fecundity in maintaining high plant biomass under the most arid conditions. Consistently, plant dispersal strategies that maintained more biomass were related to a vegetation spatial organization that allowed the most efficient soil water redistribution, through the strengthening of the scale‐dependent feedback. The efficient dispersal strategies and spatial patterns in the model are commonly observed in plants of arid environments. Thus, dispersal strategies in arid environments might contribute to a favourable spatial organization and associated scale‐dependent feedback.  相似文献   

The common spiny mouse Acomys cahirinus, of Ethiopian origin, has a widespread distribution across arid, semi-arid and Mediterranean parts of the Arabian sub-region. We compared the daily energy expenditure (DEE), water turnover (WTO) and sustained metabolic scope (SusMS=DEE/resting metabolic rate) of two adjacent populations during the winter. Mice were captured from North- and South- facing slopes (NFS and SFS) of the same valley, comprising mesic and xeric habitats, respectively. Both DEE and SusMS winter values were greater in NFS than SFS mice and were significantly greater than values previously measured in the summer for these two populations in the same environments. However, WTO values were consistent with previously established values and were not significantly different from allometric predictions for desert eutherians. We suggest that physiological plasticity in energy expenditure, which exists both temporally and spatially, combined with stable WTO, perhaps reflecting a xeric ancestry, has enabled A. cahirinus to invade a wide range of habitats.  相似文献   

Li Y Q  Liu X L  Zheng S W  Chen H  Yue Y J  Mu C L  Liu J 《农业工程》2007,27(3):870-877
The formation of 161 km-long arid valley (170 km2) of Mingjiang River is attributed to the effect of foehn. The arid valley presents harsh conditions for the growth of vegetation, which include higher annual evaporation and transpiration rate (1400–2000 mm), lower annual precipitation rate (400–700 mm), steep slope, and infertile soils. Although the vegetation is dominated by xerophilous bushes and grasses, it plays a significant role in soil and water conservation in watershed and provides important references in the arid valley as it is very difficult to grow trees. Drought-resistant physiological characteristics of four native species, i.e., Sophora davidiana, Bauhinia faberi var. microphylla, Convolvulus tragacanthoides, and Artemisia gmelinii, have been measured. It was found that the content of chlorophyll, free proline and soluble sugars showed an increase, whereas evaporation ratio, WSD, RWC and cytolemma osmosis showed a decrease under drought stress. Integrated assessment of the four species indicated that the integrated drought resistance index was the highest in July (0.507), followed by September, August and June, whereas it was the lowest in May (0.442). The result provided a basis for vegetation restoration, especially it improved survival of planted species in May and June when plant species exhibit the weakest drought resistance.  相似文献   

Pleistocene deposits of Narmada valley are exposed in the Jabalpur and Narshingpur districts of Central India and have yielded microvertebrates (rodents, lizards and fish) as well as invertebrates (gastropods and pelecypods). The Late Pleistocene fossil-bearing horizons are from two fossil localities, Bhedaghat and Devakachar. Earlier report of Homo erectus from the valley strengthens palaeoecological interpretations. Here, we combine our study of microfossils with the earlier work on large mammals in our tentative reconstruction of palaeoecology of the area. The most common microfossil communities belong to stream, pond–pond bank, wooded grassland and arid to semi-arid habitats.  相似文献   

Subterranean or groundwater estuaries occur in porous and cavernous substrates where groundwater abuts the ocean. Like surface estuaries, they are strongly stratified, temporally and hydrochemically heterogeneous environments that support complex hydrogeochemical and biological processes and ecological communities. Here, we contend that groundwater estuaries also occur where groundwater flow approaches salt lakes and provide evidence in the context of groundwater (valley or phreatic) calcretes in palaeovalleys of the arid western plateau of Australia. The calcrete groundwater estuaries display marked and complex physico-chemical gradients along, across and through the groundwater flow path. From the first principles and the density differences between water bodies, we may expect the form and dynamics of the saltwater front to mimic that of marine estuaries but with the dynamic and temporal response to changing hydrology heavily dampened, and driven by the episodic groundwater recharge and lake filling typical of arid regions. The calcrete aquifers support diverse biological communities of obligate groundwater animals, largely endemic to a given calcrete body. These communities comprise both macro and microinvertebrates, predominantly a suite of crustacean higher taxa, and a great diversity of diving beetles (Dytiscidae) isolated in the calcrete aquifers between ca. 5 and 8 million years ago. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

ABSTRACT River otters (Lontra canadensis) select specific habitat features when establishing latrines, but no studies have described latrine features in arid and semiarid environments. We developed a model describing those habitat features that influence otter latrine site selection on rivers in arid and semiarid watersheds of western Colorado, USA. River otters selected latrine sites with the presence of beaver (Castor canadensis) activity, large prominent rocks, adjacent to deeper water, with shading over the site, and rock or cliff overstory. Our model provides a robust predictive tool for identifying river otter latrine sites in arid environments of southwestern North America.  相似文献   

外来物种入侵严重威胁着乡土植物多样性并削弱了生态系统服务功能。本文基于滇西北怒江河谷植被调查的样方数据, 从群落水平研究了乡土和入侵植物多样性的空间分布格局, 以及地形、气候、人类干扰等因子对两种格局的影响。本研究共记录到外来入侵植物26种, 隶属于13科21属; 乡土植物1,145种, 分属于158科628属。沿着怒江河谷, 入侵植物物种丰富度随纬度与海拔的增加而减少; 乡土物种丰富度则随纬度增加而增加, 并在海拔梯度上呈单峰格局。运用广义线性模型分析公路边缘效应(反映生境干扰)、气候、地形和土壤等环境因素对物种丰富度分布格局的影响。等级方差分离的结果显示, 公路两侧的生境干扰对入侵种和乡土种的丰富度格局均具有首要影响。在自然环境因子中, 降水量是入侵植物丰富度的主要限制因子, 而乡土物种丰富度则主要受到地形因子尤其是坡向的影响。结构方程模型的分析结果也表明, 乡土植物和入侵植物丰富度之间的负相关关系反映了二者对环境响应的差异。本文结果支持物种入侵的资源可利用性限制假说, 并强调了人类活动对生物多样性的负面影响; 乡土植物或已较好地适应了干旱河谷气候, 但并没有显示出对外来物种入侵的抵抗作用。  相似文献   

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