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本文对西菲律宾海盆186个表层沉积硅藻样品进行分析,共鉴定出硅藻68个种和变种,隶属于26个属。西菲律宾海盆硅藻总平均丰度为1 111.5粒/g。硅藻属种主要以外洋暖水种和广温种为主,其中Azpeitia nodulifera的百分含量最高,其次是Hemidiscus cuneiformis,Coscinodiscus africanus,Thalasiosira excentrica和Nitzschia marina,以上5种硅藻占所有硅藻百分含量的88%以上。西菲律宾海盆大部分站位热带远洋种含量均高于20%,这与现今黑潮暖流流经该区相吻合。通过主成分分析,该海域表层沉积硅藻可分划为3个区域。此外,整个菲律宾海盆大部分海域都分布有Ethmodiscus rex,但西菲律宾海盆的分布范围更广。  相似文献   

对楚科奇海ARC5-C01孔中的48个样品中的硅藻进行鉴定,共发现27个属的47个硅藻种,优势种主要有Actinoptychus undulates(Bail.)Ralfs,Biddulphia aurita(Lyngbye)Brebisson et Godey,Coscinodiscus argus Ehrenberg,Coscinodiscus curvatulus Grunow,Coscinodiscus oculus Ehrenberg,Fragilariopsis oceanica(Cleve)Hasle,Fragilariopsis sp.,Paralia sulcata (Ehrenb.)Cleve,Thalassiosira antarctica Comber,Thalassiosira leptopus(Grun)Halse et G.Fryxell,Thalassiosirasp.等11种。运用聚类分析方法可将该孔分为3个硅藻带和2个硅藻亚带。分带结果显示硅藻带I1带时期气候相对较暖,以Actinoptychus undulates暖水种和Paralia sulcata沿岸种组合为代表;硅藻带I2时期Thalassiosira antarctica冷水种和Azpeitia nodulifera暖水种都相对增多,显示此时极地的冷水团和白令海沿岸暖流同时影响该区域;硅藻带Ⅱ时期以水体交换程度的指示种Fragilariopsis oceanica含量大幅减少为特征,显示该时期表层与底层水体交换减弱,水体分层明显;硅藻带Ⅲ以暖水种数量减少和极地种增加为特征,在~550cal.a BP时期Bacteriosira bathyomphala极地种出现高值,该现象可能与全球小冰期有关,由于该时期研究区被海冰覆盖,因此受白令海沿岸暖流影响降低。  相似文献   

生物硅是海洋硅循环及古海洋学的主要研究对象,主要由硅藻、放射虫、硅鞭藻和海绵骨针等硅质生物壳体组成。由于硅藻是海洋硅质生物以及海洋浮游植物群落的优势种群,故生物硅常被用作判断硅藻生产力甚至整个海洋初级生产力的重要指标。相对于硅藻的鉴定和统计分析,生物硅含量分析有其便利快捷的明显优势,然而生物硅组成的复杂性使其在现代海洋学及古海洋学的应用中存在一定的风险,但是目前有关生物硅含量与硅藻生产力的相关性及其对现代海洋和古海洋研究的影响尚未引起足够的关注。本文通过收集整理大量已发表的我国边缘海表层沉积物生物硅与硅藻的相关研究成果,在此基础上探讨了我国边缘海沉积生物硅含量与硅藻丰度的空间分布及其耦合性,及其对海洋生产力研究的指示意义。从现有的研究数据可以看出东中国海,主要包括东海和黄海,以及南海陆架浅海区表层沉积生物硅含量与硅藻丰度均无明显的空间变化规律,而南海表层沉积生物硅含量与硅藻丰度均表现为由陆架向海盆逐渐增加的趋势,与水深呈明显正相关关系。整个中国边缘海沉积生物硅含量和硅藻丰度的空间分布格局与现代水体初级生产力的分布格局差异明显,陆源输入的稀释作用对此起到了重要影响。通过进一步的分析发现,南海表层沉积硅藻对生物硅的贡献还存在明显的区域变化,表现为在陆坡及其邻近海盆区硅藻对沉积生物硅的贡献较大,而在深海海盆区放射虫及其他硅质生物对生物硅的贡献不容忽视。为了更好地利用生物硅、硅藻及其他相关参数研究边缘海硅循环及古海洋环境演变,未来需要更多地关注除硅藻以外的硅质生物,如硅鞭藻、海绵骨针等,对生物硅的贡献及其对海洋硅的生物地球化学过程的影响。  相似文献   

南海和孟加拉湾有着相似的纬度范围,均处于低纬度季风区,但环境的开放性和水体交换特征有所不同。将南海和孟加拉湾的初级生产力进行对比,有助于加深人们对低纬度海区生物生产过程的认识。南海有着复杂的物理过程,存在涡旋、上升流、黑潮、台风和冲淡水等多种现象,显著地影响着初级生产力大小和时空分布。南海初级生产力有以下几个特点:(1)受冲淡水和沿岸上升流的影响,沿岸海域常常高于开阔海区;(2)初级生产力的高值通常不出现在表层,大都出现在次表层;(3)在开阔海区受水体交换(黑潮等)和中尺度现象影响(涡旋)显著。此外,南海初级生产力的季节变化也比较明显,但季度变化规律有较强的区域性。孟加拉湾物理环境与南海差别明显,初级生产力主要受淡水输入、涡旋和光照的影响,受台风和上升流影响不如南海明显。在沿岸区,高温低盐水覆盖了沿岸上层水体,使得混合层较稳定,抑制了深层富含营养盐水体的涌升补充,导致初级生产力下降;光强(悬浮物多、多云天气多)也限制了初级生产力。孟加拉湾开阔海区常常有涡旋形成,也对初级生产力有一定影响。沿岸区初级生产力南海高于孟加拉湾,而在开阔海区两者差别不大,因此整体上南海初级生产力水平高于孟加拉湾。  相似文献   

本文对广西防城港湾23个表层沉积物样品中硅藻进行分析,鉴定出硅藻170种,分属50属。其中Thalassionema nitzschioides是本区域内最为丰富的硅藻种类。分析结果表明,防城港湾表层沉积硅藻分布主要受到海水盐度的影响,其中Cyclotella striata,C.stylorum,T.nitzschioides,T.frauenfeldii可以作为高盐度海水环境的指示种,Cocconeis disculus多出现于陆上淡水与外洋海水交汇的半咸水海域,而Achnanthes levanderi,Navicula minima,N.minuscula则可以很好地指示低盐度环境。  相似文献   

东海海樽类优势种的数量变化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文根据1997-2000年东海23°30′-33°N、118°30′-128°E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,用生态特征指标和聚集强度测度等分析方法,分析了东海海樽类优势种的数量变化和生态适应。结果表明:东海海樽类优势种有双尾纽鳃樽东方亚种(Thaliademocraticaorientalis)、小齿海樽(Doliolumdenticulatum)、Doliolumsp.、软拟海樽(Dolioettagegenbauri)等4种。双尾纽鳃樽东方亚种和软拟海樽适温适盐范围较小,属于狭温狭盐性暖水种;Doliolumsp.和小齿海樽属于广温广盐性的暖水种。狭温狭盐性的暖水种往往具有较高的丰度、聚集强度和较低的出现频率,广温广盐性的暖水种则与之相反。冬夏季是两类不同优势种交替的季节。双尾纽鳃樽东方亚种、小齿海樽数量与水文环境因子线性关系不显著,Doliolumsp.丰度与底层温度呈正相关(F=4.17,P=0.042),软拟海樽与底层温度呈极显著的正相关(F=18.3,P<0.0001)。春季海樽类优势种在东海南部的高丰度区与黑潮表层水对陆架的入侵在时间和空间上基本一致。双尾纽鳃樽东方亚种是冬、春、夏3季黑潮暖流指示种,软拟海樽仅是春、夏季黑潮暖流指示种  相似文献   

江汉平原47号钻孔,位于湖北省江汉平原的江陵县,在其上段的46.6-2.2m层位上,有丰富的化石硅藻,约有26属148种,其中绝大多数是现存的淡水种类,并以附生性、沿岸带和浅水性的种类为主。种类较多的属有:Navicula(28种)、Cymbella(23种)、Achnanthes(15种)、Gomphonema(14种)和Eunotia(13种)。主要种类有Gomphonema tropicale var. nonpunctatum、Cyclotella comta、Cocconeis placemula vat. lineata和Stephanodiscus dubius等。硅藻中的种数(种/层)和数量(个/每克干沉积物)经历了一个从无到有、由少到多再逐渐减少直至消失的过程。这反映了水体环境也相应地经历了一个漫长的变迁过程:河流(可能是长江古道)→边滩和河漫滩→泛滥平原的积水洼地(湖泊或沼泽)→水体变深加宽→水体消失。从不同沉积相中各种类型(适酸碱度不同)的硅藻比例(即硅藻种谱),可以推测当时水体的酸碱度的变化不大,在中性或中性偏碱的范围。由化石硅藻并结合孢粉的矿物分析,可以推测当时硅藻大量生长繁殖时期的水温较凉,气候可能偏冷。硅藻的数量与沉积物的平均粒度呈明显的相关性,硅藻的种数与沉积物的平均粒度也呈明显的相关性。  相似文献   

东海表层沉积硅藻组合与环境关系研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
对东海表层沉积硅藻分析研究,共发现有103种和变种,根据其中分布特征和规律,结合因子负荷变化曲线,把东海表层沉积分为六个硅藻组合和分布区,并探讨影响硅藻分布的环境因素,为恢复古环境提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本文对南海礼乐滩周边海域的表层沉积物样品进行了硅藻分析,在109个样品中鉴定出硅藻45属91种及变种。所有样品中均含有极丰富的硅藻,丰度均值为313.2万粒/克,其中Thalassionema nitzschioides占绝对优势。依据典型相关分析结果,研究区可划分为4个硅藻组合区。其中区域I和II位于第一主轴负方向,指示水深相对较浅、沉积物平均粒径相对较粗、SiO_2和TOC含量相对较高的沉积环境,主要分布T.nitzschioides,Thalassio-sinema frauenfeldii,Cyclotella striata和Nitzschia bicapitata,Thalassionema nitzschioides var.parva,Nitzschia interruptestriata,代表受巴拉望岛物质和沿岸流影响的沉积环境。区域III和IV位于第一主轴正方向,指示水深相对较深、沉积物平均粒径相对较细、SiO_2和TOC含量相对较低的沉积环境,主要分布T.frauenfeldii,T.nitzschioides,N.interruptestriata,Fragilariopsis doliolus和T.frauenfeldii,T.nitzschioides,分别代表的是南沙诸群礁周边及海槽区和深海海盆的沉积环境。  相似文献   

经对珠江三角洲中部中山地区ZK201-2钻孔86个岩芯样品进行硅藻分析,鉴定出45属168种(包括未定种和变种),分属海水种、半咸水种和淡水种3种生态类型,据其组合状况和部分典型属种的现代生态环境指示意义,结合钻孔地层沉积特征和AMS14 C测年结果,在该孔自下而上确定了6个组合带。组合1 Ethmodiscus rex-Cyclotella striata-Paralia sulcata和组合2 Cyclotella striata-Paralia sulcata-Coscinodiscus divisus中硅藻均发生明显溶蚀现象,样品中个体数量(丰度)变化较大,两组合分别对应晚更新世河口湾相及末次盛冰期花斑粘土风化沉积层;组合3 Gomphonema kaznakowii-Cymbella affinis-Eunotia clevei,组合4 Paralia sulcata-Coscinodiscus divisus-Coscinodiscus excentricus,组合5 Cyclotella striata-Paralia sulcata-Nitzschia cocconeiformis和组合6 Cyclotella striata-Coscinodiscus blandus-Coscinodiscus divisus,分别对应全新世河漫滩-滨海河湾、潮滩相、河口湾相、河口坝-湿地沉积。该钻孔硅藻分析结果表明研究区晚更新世晚期以来经历了海洋氧同位素MIS3和MIS1期两次较大的海侵海退旋回。  相似文献   

Lake warming favours small-sized planktonic diatom species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Diatoms contribute to a substantial portion of primary production in the oceans and many lakes. Owing to their relatively heavy cell walls and high nutrient requirements, planktonic diatoms are expected to decrease with climate warming because of reduced nutrient redistribution and increasing sinking velocities. Using a historical dataset, this study shows that diatoms were able to maintain their biovolume with increasing stratification in Lake Tahoe over the last decades; however, the diatom community structure changed. Increased stratification and reduced nitrogen to phosphorus ratios selected for small-celled diatoms, particularly within the Cyclotella genus. An empirical model showed that a shift in phytoplankton species composition and cell size was consistent within different depth strata, indicating that altered nutrient concentrations were not responsible for the change. The increase in small-celled species was sufficient to decrease the average diatom size and thus sinking velocity, which strongly influences energy transfer through the food web and carbon cycling. Our results show that within the diverse group of diatoms, small-sized species with a high surface area to volume ratio were able to adapt to a decrease in mixing intensity, supporting the hypotheses that abiotic drivers affect the size structure of planktonic communities and that warmer climate favours small-sized diatom cells.  相似文献   

Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea has become a serious concern in recent decades. To provide a potential means for quality assessments of coastal waters in this area, we collected a data set of 49 embayments in the Gulf of Finland, and explored the relationship between surface sediment diatom assemblages and 15 environmental variables, with special emphasis on nutrients. Total dissolved nitrogen, total phosphorus, depth, and salinity all accounted for significant and independent fractions of variation in the diatom data and explained 34% of the total variation. There were clear changes in diatom assemblage structures along the nutrient gradients. Although these changes were gradual, we could identify a number of taxa that were more abundant in a particular nutrient environment. These taxa could be used as potential indicators of the quality of coastal waters in the Baltic Sea. Diatom assemblages that were least affected by nutrient enrichment included a variety of benthic species and a relatively high species richness. Small planktonic taxa such as Cyclotella atomus Hustedt, Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing and Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle and Heimdal were good indicators of highly elevated nutrient concentrations (>600 lg·L?1 total dissolved nitrogen and 60 lg·L?1 total phosphorus) together with low species richness. The first appearance of these small planktonic taxa in regular monitoring could be used as an early warning sign for deteriorating water quality. Diatoms could be applied to water quality classification and monitoring purposes in the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea area using techniques such as weighted‐averaging regression and calibration.  相似文献   

The marine planktonic archaea are dominated by Thaumarchaeotal Marine Group I, which is characterized by the lipid biomarker thaumarchaeol. The marine benthic archaea are characterized by greater diversity of currently unknown species whose lipid biomarker signatures are uncertain. In this study, a sediment core from the northwestern part of the South China Sea (SCS) (water depth 1474 m) was analyzed using molecular DNA and lipid biomarker approaches. While 16S rRNA gene analysis showed changing archaeal community structures with sediment depth, this change had little impact on the fossil record of archaeal lipids that are characteristic of the planktonic community. As a result, the fossil archaeal lipids recorded paleo sea surface temperature of the SCS since the last glacial maxima by the TEX86 proxy, which agreed generally with the winter temperature recorded by planktonic foraminiferas collected from the same area of the SCS that hosted mass-transported deposits. This suggests that this deep water deposit may have partially preserved paleoclimate record reflecting seasonal temperature variation in a near shore setting, which is in contrast to annual sea surface temperature or sub sea surface temperature variation recorded by TEX86 in the open ocean.  相似文献   

The hydrography of the South China Sea (SCS) is characterized by a south–north (S–N) thermocline gradient in the upper water column from the northern margin of the western Pacific warm Pool (WPWP) to the sea area largely controlled by the East Asian monsoon. Here we examine the records of planktonic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1143 and 1146 in the southern and northern parts of the SCS, respectively, that identify three stages of evolution of the S–N hydrographic gradient in the SCS since the middle Miocene: first, the S–N thermocline gradient possibly occurred in the SCS for the first time during the period 11.510.6 Ma, reflected by an opposite change in the relative abundance of deep-dwelling planktonic foraminiferal species in the south and north; next, the S–N thermocline gradient weakened or even disappeared during the period 10.64.0 Ma, indicated by similar changes in the relative abundance of deep-dwelling species in the south and north; last, the S–N thermocline gradient substantially increased from about 4.03.2 Ma, marked by a major increase in abundance of deep-dwelling species in the northern SCS and a decrease in the southern SCS. Based on the results of oceanic and coupled ocean–atmosphere model experiments and previous studies on planktonic foraminifers in the Pacific Ocean, it is inferred that the initial WPWP was probably formed during the period of 11.510.6 Ma in response to the closure of the Indonesian seaway; The WPWP then weakened or became extremely unstable, before developing its present expression about 4.0–3.2 Ma, induced by the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama. Our observations and model experiments support the argument that the stages in evolution of the WPWP are linked to tectonic changes in ocean gateways.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Constrained cluster analysis of thirty-five surface sediment diatom assemblages shows that Lough Erne, a complex multi-basin lake in Northern Ireland, can be sub-divided into four main zones.
2. All areas of the lake system have planktonic diatoms typical of eutrophic lakes but the lack of small Stephanodiscus species in zone 4 suggests that this area of the system is least productive.
3. Surface sediment diatom assemblages can be used to assess spatial variations in complex lake systems and can thereby be used as a guide to the choice of sites for water quality monitoring and sediment coring.  相似文献   

研究报道了采自中国四川九寨沟自然保护区长海的4种中心类硅藻种类, 其中新种1个: 长海小环藻(Cyclotella changhai sp. nov.), 中国新记录种1个: 克里特小环藻(C. cretica)和2种较少报道的种类: 可辨小环藻(C. distinguenda)和辐纹琳达藻(Lindavia radiosa)。通过光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对这4个种类形态学的特征进行观察, 并与相似种类进行比较。与长海小环藻相似的种类包括C. comensis Grunow, C. pseudocomensis Scheffler和C. costei Druart & Straub, 主要通过壳面中央区的不同形态进行区分-长海小环藻的中央区近平滑且具有不规则的凹陷。  相似文献   

放射虫是揭示古海洋环境信息的重要载体。本文采用虎红染色方法,首次揭示了南海典型断面现代放射虫残骸群的空间分布特征,并比较分析现代水体中放射虫残骸群与海底表层沉积物中放射虫化石群的相互关系。结果表明:南海春季放射虫残骸群比较丰富,其丰度一般呈现出随深度增加而增高的趋势,最高值主要出现在75—300m深即位于叶绿素最大值层和活体高峰深度之下;分析发现研究区放射虫残骸丰度的深度分布受到海流的横向输运影响;春季水体和表层沉积物中放射虫属种组成和丰度分布的差异表明,除了现代放射虫具有季节性变化之外,海流的横向传输也是一个很重要的原因。在150—300m水体中除了Cornutella profunda和Cyrtopera laguncula,还发现了Cycladophora davisiana的残骸,推测典型冷水种C.davisiana由于受到径向翻转流的作用,从中深层水被带到了中上层水体中。  相似文献   

The relationship between surface sediment diatoms and summer water quality was investigated at 49 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Lakes ranging from oligomesotrophic to hypereutrophic were examined, providing an obvious nutrient gradient. With the shift from mesotrophic to eutrophic levels, diatom multi-ecotypes dominated by epiphytic and facultative planktonic taxa were replaced by nutrient-tolerant planktonic taxa, such as Cyclotella meneghiniana Skvortzow, C. atomus Hustedt, Cyclostephanos Round, and Stephanodiscus Ehrenberg etc., reflecting the nutrient changes in the lake. The relationship between diatoms and summer water quality indices was explored further using numeric analysis. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) with forward selection and a Monte Carlo permutation test revealed that of all 25 summer water environmental variables, total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll a (Chl a), Secchi depth (SD), dissolved inorganic phosphorus, Cl–, SO42–, Mg2+, CO32–, and water depth were significant variables (P<0.05) in explaining diatom distributions. Of these, TP, Chl a, SD, and Cl–, were the most important variables. The result of the correlation analysis also showed that a significant correlation exists among these variables, implying that these indices are either interconnected or independent in explaining the diatom data. For phosphorus-limited sites, TP was the most significant variable affecting the diatoms, also affecting changes in Chl a, SD, and iron concentrations. The independence of Chl a may be related to algal competition induced by lake eutrophication, resulting in the feedback to diatom community. In addition to TP, SD can be related to sediment disturbance by wave action and the growth of macrophytes in large shallow lakes. These relationships between diatom ecotypes and water quality provide the basis for a future quantitative reconstruction of historic lake nutrient evolution in the study area and will also provide a wealth of modern ecological knowledge that can be used to interpret fossil diatom records.  相似文献   

The relationship between surface sediment diatoms and summer water quality was investigated at 49 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Lakes ranging from oligomesotrophic to hypereutrophic were examined, providing an obvious nutrient gradient. With the shift from mesotrophic to eutrophic levels, diatom multi-ecotypes dominated by epiphytic and facultative planktonic taxa were replaced by nutrient-tolerant planktonic taxa, such as Cyclotella meneghiniana Skvortzow, C. atomus Hustedt,Cyclostephanos Round, and Stephanodiscus Ehrenberg etc., reflecting the nutrient changes in the lake.The relationship between diatoms and summer water quality indices was explored further using numeric analysis. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) with forward selection and a Monte Carlo permutation test revealed that of all 25 summer water environmental variables, total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll a (Chzl a), Secchi depth (SD), dissolved inorganic phosphorus, C1-, SO42-, Mg2 , CO32-, and water depth were significant variables (P<0.05) in explaining diatom distributions. Of these, TP, Chl a, SD, and C1-, were the most important variables. The result of the correlation analysis also showed that a significant correlation exists among these variables, implying that these indices are either interconnected or independent in explaining the diatom data. For phosphorus-limited sites, TP was the most significant variable affecting the diatoms, also affecting changes in Chl a, SD, and iron concentrations. The independence of Chl a may be related to algal competition induced by lake eutrophication, resulting in the feedback to diatom community.In addition to TP, SD can be related to sediment disturbance by wave action and the growth of macrophytes in large shallow lakes. These relationships between diatom ecotypes and water quality provide the basis for a future quantitative reconstruction of historic lake nutrient evolution in the study area and will also provide a wealth of modern ecological knowledge that can be used to interpret fossil diatom records.  相似文献   

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