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2009年3-7月,在北京小龙门森林公园悬挂人工巢箱,对大山雀(Parus major)和褐头山雀(P.montanus;)的繁殖进行比较研究.野外共悬挂100个巢箱,其中19巢(19.0%)被大山雀、11巢(11.0%)被褐头山雀进驻,总利用率为30.0%.同域繁殖的大山雀和褐头山雀在窝卵数、孵化期上有极显著差异(P<0.01),其中大山雀的窝卵数(8.21枚±0.25枚,n=19)极显著大于褐头山雀(6.18枚±0.23枚,n=11),而褐头山雀的孵化期(14.22d±0.44d,n=10)极显著长于大山雀(13.17 d±O.83 d,n=12).两者在卵重、卵大小、出雏数、雏鸟出飞数上无显著差异(P>0.05).大山雀的繁殖成功率(27.0%)和营巢成效(63.2%)均显著低于褐头山雀(54.5%和100%)(P<0.01).表明大山雀可能采取高产卵数、低存活率的繁殖对策,而褐头山雀的繁殖策略则可能为低产卵数、高存活率.  相似文献   

李乐  万冬梅  刘鹤  殷江霞  李其久  霍雅鹏 《生态学报》2011,31(24):7492-7499
杂色山雀(Parus varius)是一种分布区域极其狭窄的小型森林洞巢鸟类,种群数量稀少,在中国大陆仅见繁殖于辽宁省的东南部山区和毗邻辽宁的吉林省西南部山区,为当地留鸟.为了探讨巢址选择对杂色山雀繁殖的影响,找出影响杂色山雀繁殖成功率的巢址选择方面的主要因子,于2009-2011年3-7月,在辽宁省仙人洞国家级自然保护区通过悬挂人工巢箱,进行杂色山雀对人工巢箱的巢址选择以及不同的巢址对杂色山雀繁殖成功率的影响研究.研究表明:杂色山雀多在针阔混交林中活动和繁殖,对位于赤松与蒙古栎混交林中的巢箱有一定偏好.野外共发现24巢杂色山雀在人工巢箱中繁殖,其中15巢繁殖成功,9巢繁殖失败.对杂色山雀利用的巢址样方主成分分析表明,巢位因子( 19.826%)、乔木因子(17.571%)、灌木因子(13.11%)、光照因子(11.587%)、隐蔽因子(10.562%)和边缘效应因子(7.572%)是影响杂色山雀对人工巢箱选择的重要因子.利用巢箱与对照巢箱相比,两者在距水源距离、距路距离、乔木平均高度、灌木平均高度和植被类型这5个环境变量上存在显著差异.繁殖成功巢与繁殖失败巢相比,繁殖成功的巢箱所在位置距路稍远,坡度较高,乔木最大高度较高,灌木盖度略低于繁殖失败巢箱.人为干扰和天敌捕食是造成杂色山雀繁殖失败的主要原因.以上研究结果表明,巢向偏南、距地面2 m以上、周围乔木高大、灌木平均高度大于1.5m、盖度在45%-55%之间、距水源20 m左右、距路20 m以外的位于针阔混交林边缘的巢箱是杂色山雀繁殖的最优巢址.目前杂色山雀的种群数量还很稀少,希望本研究能对这一珍稀鸟类的保护提供重要参考.  相似文献   

巢捕食是影响鸟类繁殖成功率的一个重要因素,也是鸟类繁殖生态研究中的一项重要内容。确定鸟类的主要巢捕食者及影响巢捕食的因素对于了解鸟类繁殖成功率、种群增长率及种群数量等具有重要意义。2009—2012年,对辽宁仙人洞国家级自然保护区人工巢箱中繁殖的杂色山雀(Parus varius)、沼泽山雀(P.palustris)、大山雀(P.major)和白眉姬鹟(Ficedula zanthopygia)四种鸟类的巢捕食率及影响巢捕食的因素进行了研究。研究共记录到238个繁殖巢(杂色山雀74巢、沼泽山雀21巢、大山雀118巢、白眉姬鹟25巢),其中35巢被捕食,捕食率为14.7%,雏鸟期被捕食占91.4%。巢捕食率在4种鸟类之间无差异(x~2=0.429,df=3,P=0.934)。以锦蛇(Elaphe spp.)为代表的蛇类是该地区小型森林洞巣鸟类繁殖期主要捕食者,占总捕食率的94.3%。对影响巢捕食的22个相关因子进行二元逻辑斯蒂回归分析发现,坡度、地面裸露率、草本盖度对巢捕食具有显著性影响;出雏时间、坡位、距碎石块距离对巢捕食的影响接近显著水平;而巢高、树粗、巢箱年龄、窝卵数、距路距离等对巢捕食无显著影响。因此,处于坡度较陡,坡位较高,草本覆盖率较高,地面裸露率较低,距碎石块距离较近,且出雏时间较晚的巢更容易被捕食。  相似文献   

动物行为是个体与社群适应内外环境变化(刺激)所作出的动态反应。动物的行为特征对其适合度以及进化有着重要意义,但关于鸟类行为特征对扩散以及分布的研究还较少,本文以杂色山雀(Sittiparus varius)和大山雀(Parus cinereus)这两种生活史策略相似、分布范围差异显著的雀形目鸟类为例,采用经典新环境测试法对两物种探索性、活跃性、冒险性三种行为进行比较。Mann-Whitney U-test结果显示,大山雀的探索性(Z =﹣2.582,P < 0.01)、活跃性(Z =﹣5.148,P < 0.001)、冒险性(Z =﹣2.046,P < 0.05)得分均显著高于杂色山雀,证明广域分布的大山雀探索性、活跃性及冒险性明显强于狭域分布的杂色山雀。我们由此猜想鸟类行为特征可能会与种群的分布范围相关;通过对鸟类行为特征的探究或许可以间接预测种群未来的发展方向,为种群的保护提供指导。  相似文献   

2004~2006年的3~7月,在辽宁省白石砬子国家级自然保护区,对杂色山雀(Parus varius)的繁殖及繁殖成功率进行了初步研究。结果显示,杂色山雀主要营巢于海拔400~900m的阔叶杂木林、针叶林及林缘地带;繁殖期在3~7月,其洞巢种类多样,筑巢期约15d;巢为碗状,巢结构的2/3由苔藓构成;窝卵数为6~8枚,平均(6·92±0·92)枚(n=13);雌鸟单独孵卵,孵化期为(14·00±0·00)d(n=10);育雏由雌雄鸟共同承担,育雏期为(17·50±0·58)d(n=4)。杂色山雀繁殖成功率为50·95%,繁殖力为2·22。人为干扰是造成卵和雏鸟损失的主要原因,占总损失的74·19%。  相似文献   

破碎化次生林斑块面积及斑块隔离对大山雀繁殖成功的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
研究了破碎化山地次生林中斑块面积及斑块隔离度对大山雀(Parus major)繁殖成功的影响,运用GPS定位系统确定了18块大,中,小3种类型的斑块及对照样点,观测了大山雀产第一枚卵时间,窝卵数,平均卵重,出雏量及雏鸟出飞量等生态指标,结果表明,斑块隔离度对大山雀繁殖成功没有影响,1999-2000年两年中,大山雀在连续分布次生林中的产卵时间平均早于各斑块中的产卵时间7.2d,各斑块间的产卵时间差异较小,连续分布次生林和较大面积斑块内的大山雀窝卵数略高于中,小面积斑块内的窝卵数,连续分布生林中的平均卵重最大,斑块面积对出雏量及雏鸟不量没有影响,中,小面积斑块内的巢损失率较高,最主要的原因是巢址竞争较激烈。  相似文献   

迄今对洞巢鸟类生活史特征的纬度变异(特别是热带洞巢鸟类的繁殖)了解还十分有限。我们于2018年3至8月,分别在海南吊罗山(热带)、河南董寨(亚热带)和河北塞罕坝(温带)的林缘地带,悬挂相同规格的人工巢箱招引洞巢鸟类繁殖,用以比较不同地理区域的洞巢鸟类对人工巢箱的利用情况及其孵化成效和繁殖成功率。野外共悬挂577个木制巢箱,3个研究地的利用率在海南吊罗山为最低(32.6%),河南董寨最高(92.0%)。3个地点均有大山雀(Parus cinereus)入住(占总巢数的84.3%),其孵化成效和繁殖成功率在3个地点不存在显著差异(P > 0.05)。但在河北塞罕坝,大山雀的孵化成效(75.7%)和繁殖成功率(65.7%)显著低于同域繁殖的褐头山雀(Poecile montanus)(97.7% 和97.7%)和煤山雀(Periparus ater)(93.5%和90.3%)(P < 0.05)。研究表明,3个地理区域利用巢箱繁殖的洞巢鸟的种类、数量以及对巢箱的利用率均存在差异,但对于广布种大山雀来说,地理位置的差异并不影响其孵化成效和繁殖成功率。  相似文献   

纯色鹪莺繁殖行为观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
纯色鹪莺(Prinia inornata)具有繁殖期身体量度小于非繁殖期的特性,开展相关研究对了解鸟类新的生存和繁殖策略有重要意义。从2005年12月至2006年6月在广东省肇庆地区对纯色鹪莺的繁殖行为开展了研究。结果如下:①繁殖期体长和尾羽长均极显著(P<0·01)小于非繁殖期,翼长显著(P<0·05)小于非繁殖期;②每年3月下旬开始出现筑巢现象,雌雄共同筑巢,筑巢时间4~5d,巢多建在禾本科植物上,巢址选择与水源关系密切,主成分分析显示,距水边距离占主导地位(34·88%),之后依次是距地面高度(18·55%)、距最近水面高度(12·95%)、巢口方向(9·08%)和巢区植被盖度(8·51%);③筑巢后1~2d产卵,窝卵数(4·7±1·6),孵卵期持续8~10d,亲鸟轮流坐巢,亲鸟会根据窝卵数的不同调整坐巢次数和坐巢时间。窝卵数越多,亲鸟坐巢时间越长;④纯色鹪莺的巢成功率为43·75%,繁殖失败的主要原因是外界干扰。据此,我们认为纯色鹪莺在繁殖期的高投资和繁殖行为,可能是研究该物种生存对策的重要线索。  相似文献   

热带鸟类的生活史进化策略与温带鸟类的不同,而迄今国内对热带鸟类的研究却非常缺乏,红耳鹎(Pycnonotus jocosus)在我国北热带地区分布广泛,是较为理想的研究对象。2010年至2014年春夏季,对北热带石灰岩地区红耳鹎的繁殖生态和巢址选择进行了研究。采用系统搜寻法并根据亲鸟行为寻巢,应用方差分析和主成分分析对相关数据进行处理。结果显示,红耳鹎的产卵期集中在4月中旬至5月下旬,喜筑巢于灌木和人工种植的苹婆(Sterculia nobilis)树。平均窝卵数为(3.4±0.5)枚(3~4枚),卵重(2.59±0.29)g,卵大小(21.10±1.73)mm×(15.35±1.50)mm(n=31)。总的繁殖成功率为36.16%,繁殖失败的主要原因是天敌捕食、弃巢和人为干扰。一年繁殖一次和较低的繁殖成功率是研究地的红耳鹎有较大窝卵数的主要原因。红耳鹎在巢址选择时主要考虑避雨因子、避敌因子和灌木因子。  相似文献   

食物资源是动物赖以生存的重要物质基础和能量来源。研究鸟类不同时期的食物选择和利用对于了解该物种取食行为的可塑性和生态适应性将具有重要意义。本文于2012年4月至2013年10月,通过取食行为观察、育雏分析和投食实验来研究杂色山雀(Parus varius)繁殖期与非繁殖的食物组成及利用的差别。结果发现,杂色山雀繁殖期与非繁殖期存在显著的食物差别,繁殖期完全取食动物性食物,而非繁殖期则以植物性食物为主,兼食少量昆虫。繁殖期成鸟取食的食物主要为鳞翅目、蜘蛛目、鞘翅目、双翅目以及少量的直翅目、异翅亚目以及膜翅目动物,育雏的食物资源主要为鳞翅目幼虫(67.86%),其次为蜘蛛目、鳞翅目成虫、膜翅目以及鞘翅目幼虫和少量直翅目,但与成鸟的食物存在显著区别,特别是鳞翅目幼虫的比例极高。非繁殖期的食物主要以植物种子(48.91%)和浆果为主(51.09%),其中,浆果的比例较高,对16种潜在食物资源的取食选择也证明对浆果类食物具有较明显的偏爱。杂色山雀不同时期的食物差别和食性的可塑性可能是由于食物供给和能量需求的季节性变化造成的,但对于自然生境中各种食物资源丰富度的季节性变化,及对杂色山雀取食选择的影响还需进一步研究。  相似文献   

Nest boxes are a popular management tool to increase nest site availability for hole-nesting birds, but biological consequences of this technique in different habitats are poorly studied. In our study area in southwestern Estonia, nest boxes for small passerines were set up in deciduous and coniferous woods. Great tits Parus major preferred the food-rich deciduous habitat for breeding, as judged by higher nest-box occupation, earlier egg-laying and larger clutches and eggs. However, in coniferous habitat more and heavier young fledged per nest, and the return rate of both fledglings and adults was higher. We propose two mutually non-exclusive explanations, both related to the maladaptive outcome of the provision of nest boxes: (i) in the preferred habitat, nest boxes caused a supra-optimal breeding density leading to an ecological trap; (ii) boxes drastically improved the non-preferred habitat, but birds were unable to exploit the breeding habitat fully. One should be careful in providing large numbers of artificial nest sites in preferred habitats. Sometimes it would be more preferable to improve less favourable habitats by removing critical constraints.  相似文献   

2012年3~7月,对辽宁仙人洞自然保护区9巢18只杂色山雀(Parus varius varius)个体及其雏鸟的鸣声进行了录音,共获取了9种类型鸣叫(呼唤、警戒、报警、恫吓、驱逐、惊叫、喂食、雏鸟乞食、集群)和5种类型鸣唱.通过语图分析得出音节类型18种,频率范围为800 ~18 900 Hz.对杂色山雀不同个体鸣声特征参数的比较发现,鸣声的句子和音节时长在不同个体之间存在显著性差异,而最高频率、最低频率在不同个体间均无显著性差异.本研究实现了对杂色山雀繁殖期鸣声参数的量化,有助于进一步研究其繁殖行为.  相似文献   

The motivation of this study was to investigate some hitherto unknown information on the breeding ecology of the Stripe‐breasted Tit (Parus fasciiventer) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, south‐western Uganda. Parus fasciiventer is one of the least studied and endemic bird species restricted to the montane forests of the Albertine Rift. Regionally, it is classified as near‐threatened. The study was carried out around the Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation Ruhija camp and the period of study was from January to June 2003. Data were generated through direct observation at the nest box sites of three active nests. Each of the nest boxes was monitored from the time of nest building to the time the chicks fledged. Results and comparative assessments from this study demonstrate that P. fasciiventer, compared with its temperate congeners like Great Tits (Parus major), Marsh Tits (Parus palustris), Crested Tits (Parus cristatus), Coal Tits (Parus ater) and Blue Tits (Parus caeruleus), raised small broods and had longer nestling period. The findings further revealed that the species is capable of raising more than one brood in a single breeding season and provide further evidence that it is a cooperative breeder. Parents participated equally in raising the young, an indication of pure parenting in the species.  相似文献   

在育雏期,晚成鸟的子代一般都是由双亲共同来抚育,子代为了更好地存活,会用自己的方式竞争获得更多的食物和更好的生存空间,同时亲代也会根据子代的乞食信号来分配食物。2011年3~7月采用针孔摄像技术录制了杂色山雀(Parus varius)育雏期巢内亲代与子代间的行为,统计了亲鸟站位、雏鸟站位、雏鸟乞食强度及亲鸟的喂食情况等数据。分析结果表明:(1)雌雄亲鸟在巢中的站位各有特点,雄鸟在整个育雏期都喜欢站在距离巢口较近的位置;雌鸟站位不太固定,前期离巢口相对较远,中期和后期离巢口相对较近;(2)雏鸟离亲鸟越近,乞食强度越大,获得食物的机会就越多;离亲鸟越远的雏鸟越不爱乞食,所以站位对雏鸟的食物获得影响最大;(3)雌鸟承担主要的育雏任务,喂食频率远大于雄鸟;(4)育雏期的不同阶段雏鸟乞食强度、亲鸟喂食频率变化很大:中期雏鸟乞食强度最大,亲鸟喂食频率最高,后期雏鸟乞食强度最弱;(5)整个育雏期雌性亲本没有表现出明显的偏爱行为,但雄性亲本在中、后期更偏爱体型大的雏鸟。可见杂色山雀子代的行为和体型大小影响着亲代的食物分配,亲代也会根据雏鸟日龄调整站位和喂食行为。  相似文献   

黑冠山雀(Parus rubidiventris)和煤山雀(P.ater)在瓦屋山同域分布,生态位相似,是潜在的竞争者。在垂直分布上,煤山雀的生态位宽度为5.237,显著高于黑冠山雀的2.792,而在水平分布和活动基质2个维度上,二者的生态位宽度值相当。尽管3个维度上2种山雀生态位重叠值均大于0.7,但是它们对3个维度上的资源利用分别存在不同的偏好和侧重。2种山雀的身体量度除了喙宽外均有极显著差异,这应该是2种山雀对环境适应的结果。这2种山雀在巢址选择上各项参数差异均不显著,表明适宜的洞巢可能是它们种间竞争的主要对象。2种山雀的种群数量可能与居留类型有关。空间生态位或食物生态位的分离及适宜的种群数量和比例是它们得以共存的几个重要因素。  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2005,27(2):125-128
We experimentally tested whether the lack of high-quality nest holes may limit the number of secondary cavity-nesters in cavity-rich habitats. We mapped and measured natural tree-holes in 10 mature aspen forests in Estonia. In five experimental plots, we provided nest-boxes on trees having suitable cavities for hole-nesting passerines. This improved the quality of available cavities but retained their total number (due to territoriality, sites in the same tree could not be occupied simultaneously) and location on the landscape. In the next breeding season, the density of hole-nesting passerines increased in experimental plots but remained at the same level in control plots. The increase was due to the species that used boxes: Parus major that preferred these over natural cavities, and Ficedula hypoleuca that used both nest types more opportunistically. We concluded that the quality of cavities can influence the numbers of hole-nesting birds in old cavity-rich forests, also; probably, adaptive habitat selection is the proximate mechanism in this case.  相似文献   

北红尾鸲(Phoenicurus auroreus)是一种分布广泛的小型雀形目鸟类,主要分布于南亚东北部,东南亚北部、东亚及俄罗斯等地区,我国东北、华北、华中至西南等地也均有分布,是重要的食虫益鸟。为探究北红尾鸲巢址选择的影响因素,找到影响北红尾鸲繁殖成功率的主要巢址因子,于2017年4—7月,在辽宁仙人洞国家级自然保护区开展系统研究。共发现北红尾鸲自然巢44个,其中29巢繁殖成功,15巢繁殖失败。北红尾鸲主要筑巢于石墙缝、空心砖墙缝及废旧电表箱中。巢址参数的主成分分析结果表明:巢口因子(27.738%)、巢位因子(14.195%)、光照因子(12.145%)、人为干扰因子(10.440%)、安全因子(9.266%)和隐蔽因子(7.187%)是影响北红尾鸲巢址选择的重要因子。采用二元逻辑斯蒂回归分析繁殖成功巢与失败巢参数发现,成功巢的巢口最大高度显著小于失败巢(P=0.047),且其距顶的距离更近(P=0.043)。多元线性回归分析表明,巢上方盖度对繁殖成功率有极显著影响(t=2.883,P=0.009)。总的来说,北红尾鸲虽偏爱筑巢于人为干扰较大的村庄房屋附近,但较小的巢口能有效避免巢捕食者的捕食,更近的距顶距离和更大的巢上方盖度能有效降低巢上方的可视程度和降水等不利因素的影响,从而提高繁殖成功率。  相似文献   

Aim The laying of eggs and the building of a nest structure to accommodate them are two of the defining characteristics of members of the class Aves. Nest structures vary considerably across avian taxa and for many species the structure of the completed nest can have important consequences both for parents and their offspring. While nest characteristics are expected to vary adaptively in response to environmental conditions, large‐scale spatial variation in nest characteristics has been largely overlooked. Here, we examine the effects of latitudinal variation in spring temperatures on nest characteristics, including insulatory properties, and reproductive success of blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, and great tits, Parus major. Location Great Britain. Methods Nests and reproductive data were collected from seven study sites, spread over 5° of latitude. The nest insulatory properties were then determined before the nests were separated into nest base material and cup lining material. Results As spring temperatures increased with decreasing latitude, the mass of the nest base material did not vary in either species, while the mass of the cup lining material and nest insulatory properties decreased in both species. This suggests that in response to increasing temperatures the breeding female reduces the mass of the cup lining material, thereby maintaining an appropriate microclimate for incubating and brooding. The mean first egg date of both species advanced with decreasing latitude and increasing spring temperatures, although clutch size and brood size at hatching and fledging did not vary. Main conclusions This is the first study to demonstrate that the nest‐construction behaviour of birds varies in response to large‐scale spatial variation in ambient temperatures. Therefore, nest composition reliably indicates environmental conditions and we suggest that studies of nest structure may be sentinels for the early signs of rapid climate change.  相似文献   

Vertebrate studies have rarely investigated the influence of spatial variation in habitat richness on both short-term (breeding) and long-term (offspring recruitment) reproductive performance using simultaneously multi-patch, multi-habitat type and multi-year approaches at landscape level. Here we present results of such an approach using the influence of two oak tree (Quercus ilex, Q. humilis) species on reproductive performance in Corsican blue tits (Parus caeruleus ogliastrae) as a model system. We found that blue tits breeding in rich broad-leaved deciduous patches consistently laid eggs earlier in the season, and produced larger clutches and more fledglings of higher quality, than those breeding in poor evergreen patches. Also, parents, especially males, were in better physical condition in the broad-leaved deciduous than in the evergreen patches. Surprisingly, estimates of long-term effects of reproduction, such as recruitment rates of locally born offspring, did not differ between the two habitat types. Our results suggest that short-term breeding performance and phenotypic quality of both chicks and parents do not necessarily provide reliable information about contributions to following generations at a scale larger than that of the local study plot. Differences in reproductive performance between the two oak habitat types could not be attributed to density-dependent effects, differences in levels of nest predation, or differences in age structure of the birds. We suggest that habitats that are optimal for breeding are not necessarily optimal for survival after the breeding season.  相似文献   

The process of reproduction is a sensitive period for bird offspring, since they are exposed to environmental conditions for several weeks. Within the long reproductive period, adult birds do not only have to maintain their own body condition, they also have to ensure nutritional needs of their nestlings. In the worst case, if weather conditions are very harsh, breeding is not successful and fails. This suggests that weather conditions might be an important driver of breeding success. Here, we studied the effect of weather conditions (temperature and precipitation) on the survival of 350 nests of great tits Parus major during nestling period in six years (2010–2015). We used traditional generalized linear mixed model (binomial response variable) and a dedicated survival-analysis program (MARK) to analyze the data. The two approaches allowed us to highlight and compare the effect of weather conditions on a fine (nestling survival) and coarse (nest fate) scale. Both methods showed that precipitation explained most of the variation in individual nestling and overall nest survival during the 15-day nestling period. Heavy and persistent rainfall did not only lead to brood reduction, it ultimately also led to losses of the entire brood. Likely causes were the negative effects of precipitation on thermoregulation, food availability and predation risk. However, while reduced food availability most likely might have led to brood reduction through selective individual nestling death, predation might have resulted in total nest failures.  相似文献   

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