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新疆白杨沟绵羊矛形双腔吸虫的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
寄生在牛羊肝脏的双腔吸虫在国内各农牧区中形成流行区的有中华双腔吸虫(Dicr-ocoelium chinemis Tang et Tang,1978)、矛形双腔吸虫(D. lanceatum Stiles et Hassall,1896)及扁体矛形双腔吸虫亚种(D. lanceatum platynosomum Tang et al., 1980)它们在国内分布及危害情况曾有介绍(唐崇惕等,1980)。矛形双腔吸虫在国内有很大的分布区,也曾有人体病例报道。本吸虫的生活史虽已经阐明(Noller,1928;Voget,1929;Neu-  相似文献   

两种盾盘吸虫的生活史及吸虫纲系统发生的讨论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1.本文记述分布在我国的盾盘吸虫六种:贝居腹盾吸虫(Aspidogaster conchicola K.Baer);黑龙江腹盾吸虫(Aspidogaster amurensis Achmerov,1956);饭岛腹盾吸虫(Aspidogaster ijimai Kawamura,1913);印度腹盾吸虫(Aspidogaster indica Dayal,1943);中华杯盾吸虫(Cotylaspis sinensis Faust and Tang,1936)及东方簇盾吸虫(Lophotaspis orientalis Faust and Tang,1936)。对各虫种的形态特征作简单描述。2.印度腹盾吸虫的生殖细胞发生及早期胚胎发育经详细观察,本文简单介绍此种吸虫的精子及卵子发生、受精卵发育达到杯状蚴过程及各发育期的形态特点。3.本文报道东方簇盾吸虫的各发育期虫体的构造特征,并简单介绍杯状蚴侵入其贝类宿主的途径和寄生部位。4.本文对盾盘吸虫的分类及系统发生等问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

内蒙科尔沁草原的中华双腔吸虫(Dicrocoelium chinensis Tang et Tang,1978)其第二中间宿主是黑玉蚂蚁(Formica gagates),而山东滨州地区的矛形双腔吸虫(D.lanceatum Rud.,1803)和枝双腔吸虫(D.dendriticum Rud.,1819)的蚂蚁宿主是中华蚂蚁(Formica sinica)。作者用中华双腔吸虫的黏球感染山东的中华蚂蚁,同时用矛形双腔和枝双腔的黏球分别感染内蒙的黑玉蚂蚁。本文报道此试验中不同蚂蚁种类和各虫种后蚴间所产生的不同反应情况,及矛形双腔和枝双腔在后蚴各发育期的形态差异。  相似文献   

鲈鱼Lateolabrax japonicus(Cuvier et Valenciennes)为我国近岸的咸淡水鱼类,常栖息于河口。肉质鲜嫩,年产量在1,000吨上下,是我国的经济鱼类之一。 我国有关鲈鱼的吸虫研究,秦素美(1933)在青岛发现双冠冕吸虫Stephanostomum bicoronatum(Stossich,1883)Fuhrmann,1928;林秀敏(1963)在闽江淡水鲈鱼发现海鲫冠冕吸虫Stephanostomum ditrematis(Yamaguti,1939)Manter,1947与等肠属的未定种Isocoelium sP:唐仲璋、唐崇惕(1963)在福州发现冠扇盘牛首吸虫Rhipidocotyle cornatum Tang et Tang,1963。在海产鲈鱼体内,未发现这些种类。在日本报道以鲈鱼为宿主的有Opecoelus lateolabracis Yamaguti,1958;Isocodium mediolecithale Ozaki,1927;  相似文献   

本文记述分布在我国的盾盘吸虫六种:贝居腹盾吸虫(Aspidogaster conchicola K.Baer);黑龙江腹盾吸虫(Aspidogaster amurensis Achmerov,1956);饭岛腹盾吸虫(Aspidogasterijimai Kawamura,1913);印度腹盾吸虫(Aspidogaster indica Dayal,1943);中华杯盾吸虫(Cotylaspis sinensis Faust and Tang,1936)及东方簇盾吸虫(Lophotaspis orientalis Faust and Tang,1936)。对各虫种的形态特征作简单描述。    相似文献   

我们在贵州省的灰麝鼩Crocidura attenuata Milne-Edwards,水麝鼩Chimmaroyale platycephala himalayica Gray及大长尾鼩Soriculus(chodsigoa)salenskii Kastschenko中检获五种吸虫,其中一种是新宿主记录,四个新种,两个属是我国的新记录。 宿主名称依Ellerman & Morrison-Scott,1951订正,其汉名依《拉汉兽类名称》。量度为毫米,括弧内为平均值,模式标本存贵阳医学院寄生虫学教研室。 1.国梁新穴吸虫Neoglyphe linkuolianyi(Tang,1941)n.Comb.  相似文献   

鸭是否可以成为华支睾吸虫的保虫宿主?至今尚乏资料证实。青岛市卫生防疫站等在崂山县马戈庄公社进行华支睾吸虫流行病学调查中,曾在15只鸭中找到一只鸭有华支睾吸虫虫卵,而认为鸭可以是本虫的保虫宿主。可是,乔山氏等曾对二只鸭进行肝吸虫的人工感染,隔离圈养二个半月后,解剖检查,结果为阴性;高隆声氏于1980年在湖南一个肝吸虫病的严重流行区(当地人群感染率达48.3%,检查水鸭5  相似文献   

杯叶科是食鱼的爬行类、鸟类、哺乳类寄生的吸虫。本文修订了以往在福建报道的虫种,叙述了一个新属三个新种,取消了前此所定的一个属及种[Tangiella parovipara(Faust and Tang,1938)],认为是存疑的种。本文还报道了盖前冠吸虫 Prosostephanus Tubangu,1922的终末宿主河獭,从而作者(Tang,1941)完成了其生活史的研究。本文比较了从河獭所得的标本与从描、犬所获标本各器官的测量数据,发现由最佳的终末宿住所得标本,其个体及各器官和卵子的测量数据均较大。  相似文献   

本属虫种,远在1814年Rudolphi就发现了球形球孔吸虫(印Sphaeridiotrema globulus Rudolpbi,1814),但至今经报告的仅有3种。该属吸虫包括本新种,能引起宿主严重溃疡性肠炎,致使幼禽成群死亡,对养禽业危害甚大。国内仅报道在绿翅鸭小肠中找到球形球孔吸虫(李友才,1965;顾昌栋等,1973)。  相似文献   

长劳管吸虫生活史的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1950年我们中之一(Tang,1950)在福州调查鸟类寄生虫从树雀(Passer montanus saturatus Stejnger)的直肠两侧的盲囊中找到了一种吸虫定名为长劳管吸虫(Cortrema torti Tang,1950)。在详细观察它的形态构造之后,认为它和分布在欧洲和美洲的家雀(Passer d.domesticus(Linne))肛门周围的上皮囊内寄生的豆形肛瘤吸虫(Collyriclum faba Bremser,1831)甚为相似。由于后者当时是被列入隐孔科(Troglotrematidae)因而长劳管  相似文献   

青海高原牛羊双腔吸虫病病原生物学的初步调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
不文报道在青海高原对牛羊双腔吸虫病病原生物学初步调查的结果。从29个流行地区绵羊收集的标本检查结果,发现有四种双腔吸虫,它们是中华双腔吸虫(Dicrocoelium chinensis)、矛形双腔吸虫(D.lanceatum)、客双腔吸虫(D.hospes)和枝双腔吸虫(D.dendriticum)。从三个流行区检查Helicella candacharica及Cathaica przewalskii二种陆地蜗牛,查到四种双腔吸虫成熟尾蚴,它们是中华双腔吸虫、矛形双腔吸虫及二种未定名的双腔吸虫尾蚴,此二种尾蚴是何种双腔吸虫尾蚴,尚待进一步研究。检查流行区中7种蚂蚁是于9月份从乐都的Formica gagates查到双腔吸虫囊蚴,其形态与中华双腔吸虫囊蚴十分相像。  相似文献   

During the 1990 grazing season, ants found attached to plants were collected from sheep pastures at monthly intervals and examined for Dicrocoelium metacercariae. The species Formica pratensis and F. rufibarbis showed average metacercarial intensities of 76 and 38 respectively. In addition to the ant species, the intensity of infection was found to be dependent on the length of the ant. The volume of metacercarial cysts was influenced by the intensity per ant relative to ant length but not by the ant species or the time of ant collection.  相似文献   

青海高原二种双腔吸虫尾蚴腺体组织化学的比较观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文报道应用组织化学反应方法观察了青海高原中华双腔吸虫尾蚴及暂称为“B”型双腔尾蚴(可能是枝双腔尾蚴)二种单细胞腺体的组化成分及其生理功能。大单细胞腺体12—13对,内含丰富的碳水化合物——蛋白质复合物象粘蛋白之类物质,及酸性粘多糖。小单细胞腺3对,含结合氨基的蛋白质及甲性糖蛋白。二种双腔吸虫在贝类宿主体内子胞蚴及尾蚴组化威分很相似但从尾蚴粘液腺的结构可以区分二虫种。中华双腔吸虫粘球内包绕在尾蚴体外的粘液含丰富的粘蛋白。双腔吸虫幼虫期组化成分与阔盘吸虫相应的幼虫期进行了比较。  相似文献   

The epidemiology of toxoplasmosis in sheep was studied during a period of 31/2 to 6 years in 4 flocks in which abortions from the infection previously had occurred. The epidemiological pattern indicated that a heavy contamination of the environment may persist for about 2 years. Even in flocks with an apparently normal reproductive performance, toxoplasmosis may cause barrenness, abortion or delivery of dead lambs in 1–2 % of the breeding ewes. The prevalence of infected sheep increased with the age. The incidence of infection was significantly lower in 6–12 months old lambs than in mature ewes. The incidence of infection was higher on lowland pastures than on mountain pastures in not populated areas. On lowland pastures the incidence of infection was lower during the summer than during the winter. kw|Keywords|k]toxoplasma infection; k]epidemiology; k]sheep {fn1|This work was supported by grants from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and for the Humanities.}  相似文献   

The comparative development of Fascioloides magna in white-tailed deer, cattle and sheep has been studied. Flukes were recovered from 72% of 32 deer administered 40 to 500 metacercariae, from 82% of 11 cattle administered 10 to 500 metacercariae, and from 53% of 15 sheep administered 8 to 200 metacercariae. The percentage recovery of the flukes administered as metacercariae was 4.1% of 6,130 in deer, 5.7% of 2,510 in cattle, and 4.7% of 1,213 in sheep. Flukes were recovered only from livers of infected deer, while in cattle, 1 fluke was also found in the lungs of each of 2 animals. In sheep, all but 10 flukes were recovered from the livers; 6 were found in the lungs and 4 in the abdominal cavities. The black iron porphyrin pigment associated with F. magna infection was found to be most widespread in cattle and sheep, but was also a pathognomonic feature in deer. Growth of the fluke was similar in all 3 host species tested, but eggs were passed only from deer, the normal definitive host. In cattle, the eggs were retained in the liver, and F. magna was lethal to sheep before its own maturity was attained. In cattle and deer, flukes matured approximately 7 months after exposure, but immature migrating flukes were found 12 months after infection and apparently can remain in this retarded state for an undetermined period of time.  相似文献   

Cercaria yamagutii Ito, 1957, was found in the marine mesogastropods Lunatia fortuni and Glossaulax didyma from the tidelands of Simpo located at the estuary of the Mankyoung River, which runs to the western coast of Korea. Metacercariae were found in a marine bivalve Mactra veneriformis after being infected with C. yamagutii experimentally. When a sea gull, Larus crassiostris, was fed with the metacercariae collected from the infected M. veneriformis, adult worms were recovered 10 days later. It was confirmed that the parasites collected from L. crassiostris were Acanthoparyphium tyosenense Yamaguti, 1939. From the results of this life cycle study, it was determined that the first intermediate hosts of A. tyosenense are L. fortuni and G. didyma. The second intermediate and final hosts are M. veneriformis and L. crassiostris, respectively. Mactra veneriformis was experimentally infected with C. yamagutii isolated from L. fortuni and G. didyma by maintaining them in a water tank for 30 min at about 20 C. The cercariae entered M. veneriformis through their incurrent siphons. Five hours after infection, the cercariae tails began to separate from the bodies, and the cercariae formed cysts. Mature cysts were formed 340 hr (14 days) after infection and identified as the metacercariae of A. tyosenense. The prevalence of A. tyosenense metacercariae was 99.5% in naturally infected M. veneriformis. This is the first report of C. yamagutii as the cercaria of A. tyosenense, and the complete life cycle of A. tyosenense was established in Korea.  相似文献   

Lambs born in pens with slatted floor were brought out at 2–5 weeks of age on pastures heavily grazed by sheep the previous years. About 16 days later the oocyst output of the lambs rapidly increased to high levels. Lambs on pastures which never had been grazed by sheep earlier, had moderate oocyst counts. Between 11 and 25 days after the beginning of grazing there were significantly more lambs with diarrhoea on permanent pastures compared with pastures never grazed by sheep earlier. It was found that lambs were heavily infected during the first 2 days on permanent pastures. Thirteen housed lambs were given 10–50 g of soil from a permanent pasture as a water suspension by a stomach tube. Fifteen days later there was a steep rise in the oocyst output in most of them, and 11 of the 13 lambs developed diarrhoea and 2 died. None of 10 lambs given uninfected soil and none of 12 untreated controls showed diarrhoea and the oocyst output remained on a moderate level. It is concluded that oocysts which have survived the winter in the pasture are the main source of infection with Eimeria spp. in lambs with this kind of management. Soil-eating is the most likely source of infection during the first days on pasture.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) to the common liver fluke (F. hepatica) was studied. Two deer and one sheep comprised each of three experimental groups. Animals in each group were inoculated individually with 250, 500, or 1000 F. hepatica metacercariae. One deer and one sheep given 1000 metacercariae died with lesions consistent with black disease 7 weeks after inoculation. At necropsy 6 or 15 weeks postinoculation, the mean percentage recovery of the inoculum was 38.9% from the deer and 51.9% from the sheep. Fluke eggs recovered from the deer were viable and metacercariae cultured from the eggs were fully infective for sheep. Pathologic changes associated with F. hepatica infection were more severe in the infected deer; consequently, the deer were less resistant to the lethal effects of the parasite than sheep. Considering the experimental results and the fact that naturally acquired common liver fluke infection has been reported infrequently from black-tailed deer, it was concluded that black-tailed deer do not constitute a significant reservoir for F. hepatica in domestic livestock.  相似文献   

Two species of the viviparid snails have been reported in Korea, e.g., Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata and Cipangopaludina japonica. Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata collected at 3 of 12 localities were found to be infected with metacercariae of Echinostoma cinetorchis, one of the snail-borne human intestinal trematodes in Korea. Metacercariae from these snails were fed to rats (S/D strain), and adult worms of E. cinetorchis, characterized by 37-38 collar spines on the head crown, were recovered from the ileocecal regions. However, no C. japonica collected from 2 localities harbored the metacercariae. In experiments with laboratory-bred viviparid snails, all viviparids were not susceptible to miracidia of E. cinetorchis. To confirm the identity of second intermediate hosts of E. cinetorchis experimentally, 2 species of viviparid snails were exposed to the cercariae from Segmentina hemisphaerula that had been infected with miracidia of E. cinetorchis. Both species of snails were susceptible to cercariae of E. cinetorchis. This is the first report of Cipangopaludina spp. serving as the second intermediate host of E. cinetorchis and as a potential source of human infection.  相似文献   

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