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哺乳动物主要嗅觉系统和犁鼻系统信息识别的编码模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
哺乳动物具有两套嗅觉系统, 即主要嗅觉系统和犁鼻系统。前者对环境中的大多数挥发性化学物质进行识别, 后者对同种个体释放的信息素进行识别。本文从嗅觉感受器、嗅球、嗅球以上脑区三个水平综述了这两种嗅觉系统对化学信息识别的编码模式。犁鼻器用较窄的调谐识别信息素成分, 不同于嗅上皮用分类性合并受体的方式识别气味; 副嗅球以接受相同受体输入的肾丝球所在区域为单位整合信息, 而主嗅球通过对肾丝球模块的特异性合并编码信息; 在犁鼻系统, 信息素的信号更多地作用于下丘脑区域, 引起特定的行为和神经内分泌反应。而在主要嗅觉系统, 嗅皮层可能采用时间模式编码神经元群, 对气味的最终感受与脑的不同区域有关。犁鼻系统较主要嗅觉系统的编码简单, 可能与其执行的功能较少有关。  相似文献   

果蝇嗅觉分子机理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster是生物学研究的重要模式生物,也是探索研究生物体嗅觉奥秘的理想材料。近年来,由于分子生物学技术在神经科学领域的广泛应用,黑腹果蝇嗅觉机理研究取得了许多重大突破, 对气味分子受体及其识别机理、 嗅觉神经电信号的产生和传递、嗅觉信息的加工、编码以及记忆等方面都有了深入的了解。研究表明, 果蝇约1 300个嗅神经元(olfactory receptor neurons, ORNs)共表达62种不同的气味受体蛋白(olfactory receptor proteins, ORs), 用以检测和识别其所感受的所有化学气味分子。许多OR所识别的气味分子配体已鉴定出来,普通的气味(如水果的气味)由数种不同的OR组合来识别,而信息素(pheromone)分子则由单种特定的OR来检测。气味信息在嗅神经元内转换成神经电信号,嗅觉电信号沿嗅神经元的轴突传递到触角叶, 再经投射神经元(projection neurons, PNs)将信息送至高级中枢如蘑菇体(mushroom body, MB)和侧角(lateral horn, LH),最终引发行为反应。在黑腹果蝇嗅觉信息传递通路中,某些蛋白如Dock,N-cadherin,Fruitless等起着重要作用,缺失这些蛋白会导致嗅觉异常。本文对这些研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

哺乳动物的嗅觉系统由嗅上皮、嗅球和更高级的嗅觉中枢组成。直接探测气味分子的细胞——嗅感觉神经元位于鼻腔内的嗅上皮上。嗅感觉神经元的纤毛上表达很多气味受体蛋白,这些蛋白可以检测进入鼻腔的气味分子。每个嗅感觉神经元只表达一种特定的气味受体。表达一种气味受体的嗅感觉神经元投射到嗅球中的一到两个嗅小球中,一  相似文献   

昆虫感觉气味的细胞与分子机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张龙 《昆虫知识》2009,46(4):509-517
昆虫作为地球上最为成功的类群,已经成功地进化了精细的化学感受系统,通过化学感受系统适应各种复杂的环境,保持种群的繁荣。自1991年在动物中发现嗅觉受体基因以来,关于昆虫感受化学信息的周缘神经系统的分子和细胞机制方面的进展十分迅速。文章主要就昆虫周缘神经系统的感受化学信息的分子和细胞机制进行综述。首先对昆虫感觉气味的细胞机制的研究进展进行简要介绍。昆虫嗅觉神经元在感受化学信息过程中起着极为重要的作用,昆虫嗅觉神经元上表达的嗅觉受体不同而执行着各异的功能。各种嗅觉神经元对于化学信息的感受谱有较大的区别;嗅觉神经元对化学信息类型、浓度、流动动态等产生相应的电生理特征反应。研究表明同一种神经原可以感受多种化学信息,而一种化学信息也可以被多种神经原所感受。由神经原对化学信息感受所形成的特征组合就是感受化学信息的编码。其次较为详细地论述与昆虫感受气味分子相关的一些蛋白质的研究进展。气味分子结合蛋白是一类分子量较小、水溶性的蛋白,主要位于化学感受器神经原树突周围的淋巴液中。在结构上的主要特征是具有6个保守的半光氨酸和由6个α螺旋组成的结合腔。自1981年发现以来,已经在40余种昆虫中发现上百种。由于研究手段的不断进步,已经对该类蛋白的表达特征、结合特性以及三维结构和结合位点进行了大量的研究,提出了多个可能的功能假说,在诸多的假说中,较为广泛接受的是气味分子结合蛋白在昆虫感觉气味的过程中,是与疏水性的气味分子相结合,并将气味分子运输到嗅觉神经原树突膜上的嗅觉受体上。这些处于树突膜上的嗅觉受体则是昆虫感觉气味过程中的另一个十分重要的蛋白质。目前,已经在果蝇、按蚊、蜜蜂和家蚕等10余个昆虫种类中发现上百个嗅觉受体蛋白基因。这类蛋白是跨膜蛋白,一般具有7个跨膜区,整个蛋白的氨基酸残基在400~600个。昆虫的嗅觉受体蛋白的N-端在胞内,而C-端在胞外,这与G耦联蛋白不同。而且,昆虫的一个嗅觉神经元可以表达1~3个嗅觉受体蛋白,也与哺乳动物的一个神经元只表达一种受体蛋白有所不同。每种嗅觉受体可以感受多种气味分子,而一种气味分子可以被多个嗅觉受体所感知,这样组成了感受化学信息的编码谱。最近采用基因敲除技术和膜片钳技术研究发现,昆虫的嗅觉受体蛋白在信号传导中也有特殊性,即嗅觉受体可以直接作为离子通道,而引起动作电位。还有近来的研究表明,神经膜蛋白对于果蝇的性信息素感受神经元感受性信息素cVA是必要的。实际上,昆虫对于化学信息的感受和信号的转导,并不是上述蛋白单独起作用完成的,而是多种蛋白相互作用的结果。论文最后对该领域研究内容进行了展望。  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定雄性棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera成虫触角性信息素感器嗅觉受体神经元的功能、形态及中枢投射路径。【方法】利用单感器记录技术记录棉铃虫嗅觉受体神经元对性信息素的反应,同时采用荧光染料作为示踪剂染色标记嗅觉受体神经元;使用免疫组织化学方法处理相应的脑组织,标记脑内触角叶的神经纤维球结构;用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜获取图像数据,使用图形软件ZEN和Amira 4.1.1进行三维结构重建。【结果】记录到雄性棉铃虫成虫触角上长毛形感器对主要性信息素成分Z11-16∶Ald产生明显的电生理反应,并成功染色标记了该感器内的嗅觉受体神经元。染色标记显示该感器内具有两个嗅觉受体神经元,其轴突通过触角神经分别投射触角叶内的云状体神经纤维球和普通神经纤维球。【结论】单感器记录与神经元示踪两技术结合能够用于鉴定昆虫触角嗅觉受体神经元的功能、形态和投射至神经纤维球的路径。与赖氨酸钴方法比较,使用荧光染料法进行神经元示踪,操作更简便,且易于进行三维空间分析,为调查棉铃虫其他嗅觉神经元的投射路径以明确外周气味受体感受与中枢系统的联系提供了有力技术支持。  相似文献   

嗅球对嗅觉信息的处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哺乳动物的嗅觉系统拥有惊人的能力,它可以识别和分辨成千上万种分子结构各异的气味分子。这种识别能力是由基因决定的。近年来,分子生物学和神经生理学的研究使得我们对嗅觉识别的分子基础和嗅觉系统神经连接的认识有了质的飞跃。气味分子的识别是由一千多种气味受体完成的,鼻腔中的嗅觉感觉神经元表达这些气味受体基因。每个感觉神经元只表达一种气味受体基因。表达同种气味受体的感觉神经元投射到嗅球表面的一个或几个嗅小球中,从而在嗅球中形成一个精确的二维连接图谱。了解嗅球对气味信息的加工和处理方式是我们研究嗅觉系统信号编码的一个重要环节。文章概述并总结了有关嗅球信号处理的最新研究成果。  相似文献   

昆虫气味结合蛋白的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要: 昆虫主要依赖其复杂且灵敏的化学感受系统来识别并区分外界环境中的各种化学信号。嗅觉是负责嗅觉信号传导的感官方式,能够引起昆虫觅食、产卵、交配和躲避天敌等对生存和繁殖至关重要的行为反应。在嗅觉感知过程中,气味结合蛋白(odorant binding proteins, OBPs)最先与外界脂溶性化学物质相互作用,并将其转运至化学受体神经元上,激活树突膜表面分布的嗅觉受体(olfactory receptors, ORs),是嗅觉系统正常运行的必需蛋白。近年来,随着高通量测序和分子生物学技术的快速发展,越来越多的昆虫OBPs相继得以鉴定并开展功能研究。昆虫OBPs是一类可溶性的小分子蛋白,一般由6个α-螺旋构成一个稳定、紧密的疏水性结合腔,其构象变化因昆虫种类和配体结构不同而有所差异。OBPs的分布不受限于嗅觉器官,还在口器、足、中肠、腺体等非嗅觉组织中表达,具有嗅觉识别、味觉感受、营养物质转运、信息素合成与释放、组织发育与分化等生理功能。OBPs行使以上功能的共同特性为结合和溶解包括信息素组分、普通气味分子和非挥发性物质等的疏水性小分子物质。昆虫OBPs的稳定性和多功能性暗示其可广泛应用于害虫防治、生物传感器、分析化学、生态学等多个领域。本文对过去20多年来昆虫OBPs的相关研究进行综述,为进一步深入开展OBPs的功能研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

王鹏  张龙 《环境昆虫学报》2021,43(3):633-641
植食性昆虫的嗅觉在其选择食物的过程中发挥了重要的作用,它能通过对植物挥发物的感受来定向和定位食物源并产生趋近行为,进而根据特殊的化合物或者多种化合物的特异浓度组合来区分寄主和非寄主植物.在这个过程中,昆虫嗅觉器官上相关的嗅觉感受蛋白被植物挥发物激活,形成特异的嗅觉感受通路,在行为上调控昆虫嗅觉选食的能力.本文主要从植食性昆虫嗅觉选食过程中植物挥发物的散布特征、昆虫识别植物信息的嗅觉感受机制及其相关的分子基础等方面进行叙述,同时讨论了近年的研究成果并展望了下一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

嗅觉是动物对挥发性物质的感觉过程。嗅质分子、嗅质结合蛋白以及嗅质受体是完成嗅觉感受最初阶段的3个要素。嗅质分子一般为小分子挥发性物质,需要先与嗅质结合蛋白结合以助溶,再与受体结合,通过与视觉类似的过程在嗅觉神经元中引起电信号:该电信号传至中枢神经系统,产生嗅觉。嗅质受体编码基因数目庞大,其假基因化程度与物种生存对嗅觉的依赖程度存在一定关系。  相似文献   

正研究棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera嗅觉感受的神经机制,可为进一步研发棉铃虫引诱剂技术提供理论依据。单感器记录与神经元示踪技术相结合是研究昆虫嗅觉受体神经元的功能及其投射的神经纤维球的重要方法。为了鉴定棉铃虫雄性成虫触角性信息素感器嗅觉受体神经元的功能、形态及中枢投射路径,河南农业大学植物保护学院马百伟和赵新成及中国农业科学院植物保护研究所王桂荣等以雄性棉铃虫成虫为试虫,利用单感器记录技术记录其嗅觉受体神经元  相似文献   

The past few years have delivered substantial progress in understanding the molecular logic of the mammalian vomeronasal system. Selective expression of vomeronasal receptors and high response selectivity of vomeronasal receptor neurons suggest that pheromones are encoded by labeled lines at the level of the vomeronasal organ: each pheromonal compound is represented by the activation of a small and exclusive subset of receptor neurons. Labeled lines might be transferred to the accessory olfactory bulb through convergent connections. The key challenges ahead will be to identify the pheromonal ligands of the receptors and unravel the functional connectivity from the vomeronasal organ to the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

To study the projection of a special type of sensory neuron called crypt cells in the olfactory system in crucian carp, Carassius carassius, we applied the neural tracer 1,1-dilinoleyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) in the olfactory bulb (OB). Small crystals of DiI were applied in a small area at the synaptic region at the ventral part of the OB, where a population of secondary neurons specific for sex pheromones has been identified. In those samples (4 out of 24) where only axons in the lateral bundle of the medial olfactory tract were stained, the majority (50-66%) of olfactory sensory neurons stained were crypt cells situated in the peripheral layer of the olfactory epithelium. Because this bundle of the tract mediates reproductive behavior, it is conceivable that crypt cells express olfactory receptors for sex pheromones.  相似文献   

Pheromonal communication is widespread in salamanders and newts and may also be important in some frogs and toads. Several amphibian pheromones have been behaviorally, biochemically and molecularly identified. These pheromones are typically peptides or proteins. Study of pheromone evolution in plethodontid salamanders has revealed that courtship pheromones have been subject to continual evolutionary change, perhaps as a result of co-evolution between the pheromonal ligand and its receptor. Pheromones are detected by the vomeronasal organ and main olfactory epithelium. Chemosensory neurons express vomeronasal receptors or olfactory receptors. Frogs have relatively large numbers of vomeronasal receptors that are transcribed in both the vomeronasal organ and the main olfactory epithelium. Salamander vomeronasal receptors apparently are restricted to the vomeronasal organ. To date, no chemosensory ligands have been matched to vomeronasal receptors or olfactory receptors so it is unknown whether particular receptor types are (1) specialized for detection of pheromones versus other chemosignals, or (2) specialized for detection of volatile, nonvolatile, or water-borne chemosignals. Despite progress in understanding amphibian pheromonal communication, only a small fraction of amphibian species have been examined. Study of additional species of amphibians will indicate which traits related to pheromonal communication are evolutionarily conserved and which traits have diverged over time.  相似文献   

Studies on projection of the sensory neurons onto the olfactory bulb in fish have revealed a clear subdivision into spatially different areas that each responded specifically to different classes of odorants. Amino acids induce activity in the lateral part, bile salts induce activity in the medial part, and alarm substances induce activity in the posterior part of the medial olfactory bulb. In the present study, we demonstrate a new feature of the bulbar chemotopy showing that neurons specifically sensitive to sex pheromones are located in a central part of the ventral olfactory bulb in crucian carp. Extensive single-unit recordings were made from these neurons, stimulating with four sex pheromones, 17,20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one, 17,20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one-20-sulfate, androstenedione, and prostaglandin F(2alpha), known to induce specific reproductive behaviors in males of carp fish. All substances were applied separately to the sensory epithelium at a concentration of 10(-9) M. Of the 297 neurons recorded in males, the majority (236 or 79.5%) responded exclusively to one of the four sex pheromones and thus showed a high specificity. Of the 96 neurons recorded from the olfactory bulb in females, only 1 unit showed such a specific activation. These findings reflect remarkable differences between males and females in the discriminatory power of the olfactory neurons toward these sex pheromones. The gender differences are discussed in relation to behavior studies, expression of olfactory receptors, and the convergence of sensory neurons onto the secondary neurons in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether contact with the olfactory bulb was necessary for developing and renewing olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) to attain normal odorant responsiveness, and whether the anatomical and functional recoveries of the olfactory epithelium were similar in both bulbectomized (BE) and bilaterally axotomized (AX) preparations. In vivo electrophysiological recordings were obtained in response to amino acids, a bile acid [taurolithocholic acid sulfate(TLCS)] and a pheromonal odorant [17α, 20β,-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20P)] from sexually immature goldfish. Both transmission and scanning electron microscopy indicated that the olfactory epithelium degenerated in BE and AX goldfish. Within 1–2 weeks subsequent to the respective surgeries, responses to high concentrations (>0.1 mmol · l−1) of the more stimulatory amino acids remained, whereas responses were no longer obtainable to TLCS and 17,20P. At 4 weeks, responses to amino acid stimuli recovered to control levels, while responses to TLCS and 17,20P were minimal. By 7 weeks post bilateral axotomy, the olfactory epithelium recovered to a condition similar to control sensory epithelium; however, the rate of degeneration and proliferation of receptor neurons in BE preparations appeared to remain in balance, thus blocking further recovery of the olfactory epithelium. At 7 weeks post surgery, odorant responses of AX and BE goldfish to TLCS and 17,20P were still recovering. Accepted: 14 June 1997  相似文献   

The detection of odorant signals from the environment and the generation of appropriate behavioral outputs in response to these signals rely on the olfactory system. Olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) of the olfactory epithelium are located in the nasal cavity and project axons that synapse onto dendrites of second-order neurons in the olfactory bulb (OB) that in turn relay the information gathered to higher order regions of the brain. The connections formed are remarkably accurate such that axons of OSNs expressing the same olfactory receptor innervate specific glomeruli within the complex three-dimensional structure that represents the OB. The molecular determinants that control this complex process are beginning to be identified. In this review, we discuss the role of various families of axon guidance cues and of recently characterized families of adhesion molecules in the formation of stereotypic connections in the olfactory system of mice. Cho and Prince contributed equally.  相似文献   

Synaptic mechanisms underlying pheromonal memory in vomeronasal system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When female mice are mated, they form a memory of the pheromonal signal of the male with which they mated. Our research objective was to determine the neural mechanisms underlying learning and memory by employing a convenient model of pheromone-induced olfactory memory (pheromonal memory). Formation of pheromonal memory depends on the association between mating and exposure to pheromones. Synaptic plasticity involving this memory occurs in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB), depending on vaginocervical stimulation at mating. The vaginocervical stimulation at mating reduces the dendrodendritic feedback inhibition of principal neurons (mitral/tufted (MT) cells) in the AOB and enhances their cell activity. The enhancement of activity induces on these plastic changes in dendrodendritic synapses, which in turn enhance GABA-mediated inhibition of MT cell activity. This "self-inhibition" of MT cells activity in response to pheromonal signals of the partner can disrupt its signals at the AOB thereby preventing the signals from reaching the central brain. The formation and maintenance of pheromonal memory is based on this inhibition mechanism.  相似文献   

We summarize literature from animal and human studies assessing sex differences in the ability of the main olfactory system to detect and process sex‐specific olfactory signals (“pheromones”) that control the expression of psychosexual functions in males and females. A case is made in non primate mammals for an obligatory role of pheromonal signaling via the main olfactory system (in addition to the vomeronasal‐accessory olfactory system) in mate recognition and sexual arousal, with male‐specific as well as female‐specific pheromones subserving these functions in the opposite sex. Although the case for an obligatory role of pheromones in mate recognition and mating among old world primates, including humans, is weaker, we review the current literature assessing the role of putative human pheromones (eg, AND, EST, “copulin”), detected by the main olfactory system, in promoting mate choice and mating in men and women. Based on animal studies, we hypothesize that sexually dimorphic effects of putative human pheromones are mediated via main olfactory inputs to the medial amygdala which, in turn, transmits olfactory information to sites in the hypothalamus that regulate reproduction.  相似文献   

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