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荒漠草原蝗虫营养生态位及种间食物竞争模型的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
以宁夏荒漠草原 1 2种蝗虫为对象 ,对荒漠草原蝗虫的营养生态位和种间食物竞争模型进行了研究 .采用嗉囊内含物分析技术分析了 1 2种蝗虫的取食特性和食物利用谱 ,并根据嗉囊内含物的分析结果 ,定量研究了蝗虫的营养生态位重叠和宽度 .依据生态位分化的特点 ,1 2种蝗虫可划分为 4个不同营养需求类群 :杂草取食者、杂草 禾草取食者、禾草 杂草取食者、禾草取食者 .通过蝗虫的取食频率、生物量以及种群密度 ,提出了蝗虫种间食物竞争力评估模型 ,对 1 2种蝗虫种间食物竞争的作用力进行了讨论 .  相似文献   

本文研究了内蒙古典型草原蝗虫在时间、空间和食物资源利用方面的特点。对于这些资源利用的格局是通过对存在于三种类型植被中蝗虫种的生态位宽度、资源利用的分化和重叠以及每种蝗虫的种群大小来分析的。常用的生态位指数和主成份分析技术用来阐明蝗虫种间的关系。在放牧形成的异质性草原环境中,11种蝗虫根据它们在三维生态位方面的分化和重叠程度被划分成数个种组。种群的大小是根据种群实际生物量所含热能值来确定的。生态位宽度比较说明,在某一维生态位宽的种,在另一维上必定变窄。生态位重叠的差异说明共存的蝗虫种在资源利用上的分化。生态位重叠的补偿规律在本项研究中并不明显。本项研究结果说明,蝗虫种资源利用的分化主要归因于蝗虫的适应性分化和蝗虫——植物协同进化的相互作用关系,而不是蝗虫种间竞争所造成的。  相似文献   

植物表皮蜡质中的饱和链烷作为内源指示剂广泛用于评价放牧家畜的食性和食量, 但用于天然草原蝗虫食性的评价研究较少。为了探讨天然草原蝗虫的食性及其生态位变化, 本研究以内蒙古天然草原为研究对象, 于2003年7-8月沿降水梯度选择3种典型植物群落(小针茅Stipa klemenzii、 羊草Leymus chinensis和大针茅Stipa grandis群落), 在每个植物群落不同放牧压力下小区随机做20个植被样方, 样方内植物齐地面刈割, 测定其地上生物量和物种多样性, 取主要植物种测定其链烷模式, 同时采集放牧小区优势蝗虫种亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus的粪便, 测定其链烷模式, 运用链烷技术评价蝗虫的食性及其营养生态位。结果表明: 不同植物群落中优势牧草种类及其比例不同, 其链烷模式存在种间差异, 链烷技术可以评价亚洲小车蝗的食性。亚洲小车蝗的食性在不同植物群落及不同放牧压力下存在显著的差异, 在羊草和大针茅群落中, 亚洲小车蝗是禾草采食者, 主要采食羊草和糙隐子草Cleistogenes squarrosa, 且与绵羊的营养生态位重叠指数较低, 分别为0.0619和0.0172; 在小针茅群落中亚洲小车蝗是杂类草采食者, 主要采食无芒隐子草Cleistogenes songorica、 猪毛菜Salsola collina和小针茅, 且与绵羊的营养生态位重叠指数较高, 达到0.1815。因此, 放牧不仅改变了群落的植物种类组成, 而且直接影响了亚洲小车蝗的食物组成, 二者对食物资源利用存在一定程度的竞争。  相似文献   

由贺达汉博士著,国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助,宁夏人民出版社1998年9月出版,共25万字。该书共10章:①绪论;②宁夏草地自然环境;③宁夏草地蝗虫群落结构与其生态适应特性;④蝗虫群落空间格局与抽样技术;⑤蝗虫多样性变化及其与环境因子的关系;⑥蝗虫种群地位及时、空异质性变化;⑦蝗虫种内和种间竞争;⑧蝗虫多维生态位及营养竞争模型;⑨蝗虫经济危害及防治指标;⑩宁夏草地优势种蝗虫生物学与防治。该书是一部较为系统的研究我国西北荒漠草原蝗虫群落特征及其与环境因子关系的专著,其中亦包括群落生态和有害生物…  相似文献   

本文报道了作者于1976、1979年在巴里坤草原自然和罩笼条件下,观察优势种蝗虫取食范围、取食程度等研究结果。根据斑腿蝗亚科蝗虫主要取食双子叶植物,蝗亚科蝗虫取食单子叶植物,而斑翅蝗亚科中一部分种类取食双子叶植物,一部分取食单子叶植物这个事实,提出:斑腿蝗亚科较原始,蝗亚科最进化,斑翅蝗亚科介于两者之间。这种系统是否与蝗虫的头部形态结构有关,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

模糊聚类法在小翅雏蝗种群动态分析中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1 引  言小翅雏蝗 (Chorthippusfallax)是我国北方草地蝗虫的优势种之一 ,主要分布在我国的内蒙古、新疆、宁夏、甘肃、青海、河北、山西、陕西等省区及国外的西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦、蒙古等地[7,8,10 ,12 ,13 ,16] .刘长仲等[11] 对小翅雏蝗的生物学特性进行了研究 ,李鸿昌等[9] 研究了小翅雏蝗的取食行为 ,冯光翰等[1,2 ] 提出了小翅雏蝗的防治指标 ,康乐[3~ 6] 、邱星辉[5] 、颜忠诚等[17] 研究了内蒙古典型草原小翅雏蝗的时空异质性、营养生态位以及形态特征与扩散能力之间的关系 .本文依据甘肃省夏河县甘加高山草…  相似文献   

蝗虫生态种及其指示意义的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈永林 《生态学报》2001,21(1):156-158
对我国荒漠、荒漠草原、山地草原、沼泽、纱洲、农田以及竹林、灌丝等不同栖境代表性蝗虫的形态表征以及蝗虫对栖境的地形、气候条件、植被型等的长期生态适应性进行多年研究基础上,探讨了蝗虫生活型、生态种的概念及其关系,特别指出蝗虫生态种对自然景观或生境的原貌兴衰与变迁具有一定的指示作用。  相似文献   

基于传统生态位理论的生物入侵机制假说认为外来种和土著种生态位的差异是决定入侵成功与否和危害程度的关键。藿香蓟(Ageratum conyzoides L.)是一种在我国南方快速蔓延的恶性入侵种。为了了解藿香蓟与其他杂草在群落中的生态关系,探究造成藿香蓟成功入侵的可能机制及危害,在浙西南的丽水市开展了杂草群落调查,计算了藿香蓟和16种常见本地杂草的生态位宽度、生态位重叠和种间相关系数,并对主要物种进行典范对应分析(CCA)排序。结果表明(1)藿香蓟与常见本地杂草间的生态位重叠度显著高于本地杂草间的生态位重叠度,这与藿香蓟具有最大的生态位宽度有关;(2)藿香蓟与常见本地杂草的Pianka生态位重叠指数介于0.04-0.296之间,重叠度处于中下水平;(3)常见本地杂草对于藿香蓟的n-维超体积生态位重叠值显著高于藿香蓟对于常见本地杂草的n-维超体积生态位重叠值;(4)藿香蓟在CCA排序图上处于较中心的位置,说明其具有较高的中生性;不仅如此,外来杂草和本地杂草在排序图上充分混杂,说明外来种相对于本地种并无明显特化;(5)群落中大多数常见杂草间未出现显著种间负相关,仅7个种对显著正相关,大多数种对不相关。总的来说,丽水农村的杂草群落稳定较差,资源相对充足,种间生态位重叠较低,本地植物对于藿香蓟的竞争阻抗较小,加上藿香蓟本身较大的生态位宽度,导致了藿香蓟在本地区广泛而严重的入侵。  相似文献   

草坪杂草生态位研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
谭永钦  张国安  郭尔祥 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1300-1305
调查研究草坪杂草的重要值、生态位宽度、以及不同种类杂草之间的生态位重叠值 ,能够揭示杂草种间生态相似关系 ,能够预测杂草之间相互影响的趋势。利用杂草种间的相互制约关系 ,可以指导合理地使用除草剂 ,从而达到降低草坪养护成本 ,保护环境的双重效果。以武汉市区多种不同种类草坪为研究对象 ,对该地区草坪主要杂草进行了系统调查 ,通过七级目测法 ,计算了草坪 2 0种主要杂草的重要值 ,并计测了它们的生态位宽度和生态位重叠值。结果表明 ,看麦娘 (Alopecurusaequalis) ,牛蘩缕(Stellaria media) ,野燕麦 (Avena fatua) ,猪殃殃 (Galium aparine) ,一年蓬 (Erigeron annuus) ,鼠麴草 (Gnaphalium multiceps) ,毛茛 (Ranunculus arevensis) ,通泉草 (Mazus japonicus)等杂草的实际生态位比较宽 ,它们是本地区草坪的主要杂草。而猪殃殃(Galium aparine) ,婆婆纳 (Veronica persica) ,野燕麦 (Avena fatua)等杂草间的生态位重叠值大。杂草生态位宽度大小反映了杂草利用资源的多样化水平或特化水平 ,通常生态位宽度大的杂草以牺牲对局域范围内资源的利用效率来换取对大范围内资源的利用能力  相似文献   

采用田间调查方法,对林芝地区油菜田杂草群落相对丰度和生态位进行了研究。初步明确了林芝地区油菜田间杂草种类共有7科11种,其中主要科为:豆科、禾本科和藜科;优势种群为:藏蓟、车前、野燕麦、天蓝苜蓿、早熟禾和窄叶野碗豆。同时明确了优势杂草的消长变化规律,即4月中旬为杂草始发期,5月初和6月底为2个出草高峰期。天蓝苜蓿的综合生态位宽度值最大,对油菜的危害最大,其次为车前和藏蓟;早熟禾与车前的时间生态位重叠值最大,与野燕麦的水平生态位重叠值和垂直生态位重叠值都最大,它们相互之间利用资源的相似性较高。利用相对丰度和生态位宽度均能确定优势杂草的种类,反映杂草对作物危害程度的大小。  相似文献   

Abstract  A study was conducted in a typical steppe area in central Inner Mongolia to determine resource utilization in time, space, and food by grasshopper assemblages. Pattern of use for these resources was analyzed from three vegetation types by examining species-specific niche breadths, overlaps and partitions of resource utilization as well as population sizes. Popular niche indices and the principal components analysis (PCA) procedure were used to indicate the interrelations among grasshopper species. In the heterogeneous grassland environments resulting from livestock grazing, eleven grasshopper species were categorized respectively based on the 3-dimensional niche segregation and overlap degree. Population sizes were determined by the calorific values of their realized population biomass. Comparison in niche breadth displayed that species which had a broad niche along one dimension at least had a narrow niche along another one. There were sufficient differences between species for overall overlap associated with resource use to explain coexistence in the assemblages by resource segregation. Distinct rule of niche complementarity in overlap was not found. Evidence from this study implied that the species-specific use of resource may be due primarily to grasshopper adaptive differentiation and to coevolutionary interactions between grasshopper and plant rather than interspecific competition among grasshopper species.  相似文献   

Olfactory responses of two species of grasshoppers to plant odours   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Electroantennogram (EAG) responses were recorded from two species of oedipodine grasshoppers, Oedaleus decorus asiaticus L. (graminivorous) and Angaracris barabensis Pall. (forbivorous), to volatiles emitted by chopped leaves of ten plant species. Male O. d. asiaticus showed much stronger EAG responses than conspecific females and both sexes of A. barabensis. Sexual differences in EAG responses correspond to different numbers of antennal sensilla of both sexes and to certain behavioural and morphological factors as well. The overall EAG response profiles of the two grasshopper species to the ten plant odours were similar. However, adaptation to host odour might have occurred because of differences in their feeding habits. Females of the graminivorous O. d. asiaticus possess a significantly higher olfactory sensitivity for poaceous plant species than A. barabensis, while the forbivorous A. barabensis showed significantly higher EAG responses to Allium senescens (Liliaceae), and a tendency of high responses to composite plant species in comparison with O. d. asiaticus.  相似文献   

We determined the effects of defoliation by a graminivorous grasshopper on the foliage quality of the C3 plant, western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii [Rydb] A. Love). Additionally, we determined the effects of this defoliation upon the subsequent feeding of the graminivorous grasshopper Phoetaliotes nebrascensis Thomas (Orthoptera: Acrididae). In field and greenhouse studies, graminivorous grasshopper herbivory altered the quality of remaining western wheatgrass foliage. In the greenhouse, severe (50% foliage removal) grasshopper grazing (638 grasshoppers/m2 for 72h) resulted in decreased foliar nitrogen (–12%), carbohydrate (–11%) and water (–2.5%) concentrations, and increased phenolic concentrations (+43%). These changes were associated with decreased adult female grasshopper mass gain, consumption rate, approximate digestibility, and food conversion efficiencies. In the field, moderate (14% foliage removal) grasshopper grazing (20 grasshoppers/m2 for 20 days) led to a 10% reduction in foliar nitrogen concentrations. Foliage quality changes in the field were not associated with any reductions in grasshopper mass gain, consumption rates, food digestibility, or conversion efficiencies. The results presented here are consistent with the hypothesis that defoliation leads to a reallocation of carbon and nitrogen compounds within the plant such that foliage quality for P. nebrascensis is reduced.  相似文献   

内蒙古锡林河流域不同生境中蝗虫种类组成的分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
颜忠诚  陈永林 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):271-275
本文对内蒙古锡林河流域不同生境中蝗虫种类发生的情况进行了分析。经过系统取样和大面积扫网调查,共采集到蝗虫21种,这些种类在各生境中出现的情况,与生境的复杂程度存在很大的关系。在复杂的生境中,蝗虫种类最丰富。根据锡林河流域不同生境中蝗虫种类发生的情况,经过比较分析,我们认为在该区域存在的沙带生境是典型草原的“蝗虫库”。“蝗虫库”的存在,对牧业生产构成一定的潜在威胁。经存在度分析表明,一些常见的种类,生态分布幅度宽,同时,它们又是当地的优势种害虫,为害大,是重点防治对象。  相似文献   

Although the loss of species is often attributed to reductions in habitat area, heterogeneity and connectivity, species specific traits and taxonomic relatedness can be important in explaining which species groups may be most impacted by the fragmentation process. In this study, using urban grassland fragments within the Front Range of northern Colorado, USA, we quantified the degree to which grasshopper species numbers declined with reductions in habitat area. We then examined the degree to which subfamily grouping (Gomphocerinae, Melanoplinae, Oedipodinae) and variation in life history characteristics (body size, dispersal ability, feeding preference and juvenile emergence time) explained which grasshopper species groups might be most impacted by reductions in habitat size. Our results showed a strong species-area relationship for grasshoppers across the urban fragments. Grasshoppers in different subfamily groupings were found to respond differentially, with the Melanoplinae being least affected by reductions in habitat area, while the other subfamilies responded similarly and lost species at a higher rate. Species with different feeding strategies were also found to respond differentially, with forbivorous species being least affected by the reductions in habitat area, while the graminivorous and herbivorous (mixed-feeders) responded similarly and lost species at a higher rate. As Melanoplinae tend to be forb feeders, this may partially explain why the subfamily was not as affected by the fragmentation process as the Gomphocerinae and Oedipodinae (who tend to be grass and mixed-feeders, respectively). Species that differed in body size and dispersal ability did not display differential responses to reductions in habitat area.  相似文献   

Species of grasshopper have been divided into three diet classifications based on mandible morphology: forbivorous (specialist on forbs), graminivorous (specialist on grasses), and mixed feeding (broad‐scale generalists). For example, Melanoplus bivittatus and Dissosteira carolina are presumed to be broad‐scale generalists, Chortophaga viridifasciata is a specialist on grasses, and Melanoplus femurrubrum is a specialist on forbs. These classifications, however, have not been verified in the wild. Multiple specimens of these four species were collected, and diet analysis was performed using DNA metabarcoding of the gut contents. The rbcLa gene region was amplified and sequenced using Illumina MiSeq sequencing. Levins' measure and the Shannon–Wiener measure of niche breadth were calculated using family‐level identifications and Morisita's measure of niche overlap was calculated using operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Gut contents confirm both D. carolina and M. bivittatus as generalists and C. viridifasciata as a specialist on grasses. For M. femurrubrum, a high niche breadth was observed and species of grasses were identified in the gut as well as forbs. Niche overlap values did not follow predicted patterns, however, the low values suggest low competition between these species.  相似文献   

荒漠草原蝗虫群落空间格局的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应用种-面积关系模型,计算出宁夏荒漠草原蝗虫群落最小调查面积;通过2×2联列表,用点相关系数和相关系数公式对蝗虫种间分布关系进行分析,用模糊聚类法将调查蝗虫划分为4个类群;以6项聚集指标和新提出的混合度指数,对9种蝗虫种群及群落分布型进行了分析,用主成分分析法进行了排序归类。最后依据种群数量、混合度指数、分布型相似性提出群落格局的“主导分布型”新概念,认为宁夏束颈蝗种群分布型为宁夏荒漠草原蝗虫群落空间格局的“主导分布型”  相似文献   

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