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取食不同寄主植物对棉蚜后代抗药性的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
测定了5种药剂对棉蚜Aphis gossypii抗氰戊菊酯、吡虫啉品系和敏感品系取食棉花、黄瓜和石榴的后代的毒力,并对它们的后代体内乙酰胆碱酯酶和羧酸酯酶的比活力做了初步探索。结果表明,氰戊菊酯抗性品系取食棉花比取食黄瓜的后代对氰戊菊酯的抗性大76.4倍,对灭多威、氧乐果、硫丹和吡虫啉的抗性也大0.5~4.6倍;取食石榴的后代对5种药剂的抗性介于取食棉花和黄瓜的之间。吡虫啉抗性品系的测定结果与氰戊菊酯抗性品系基本一致。敏感品系取食黄瓜比取食棉花的后代对5种药剂的敏感性更高。3个品系取食不同植物的后代相比,其体内乙酰胆碱酯酶的比活力,取食棉花的为取食黄瓜的2.4~2.8倍;羧酸酯酶的比活力,取食棉花的为取食黄瓜的1.8~2.4倍。证明棉蚜的抗性和敏感品系取食的寄主植物不同,可引起对药剂敏感性的变化。乙酰胆碱酯酶和羧酸酯酶活力的变化均是引起这种变化的重要因素。  相似文献   

寄主对豆野螟的药剂敏感性和体内解毒酶活性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
比较取食不同寄主植物的豆野螟MarucatestulalisGeyer幼虫对3种药剂敏感性的差异,及其体内4种解毒酶活性之间的差异。结果表明:取食不同寄主植物的豆野螟对高效顺反氯氰菊酯和灭多威的敏感性差异显著,豇豆>四季豆>扁豆;对茚虫威的敏感性差异不显著。取食不同寄主植物的豆野螟体内4种酶活性都发生了变化,乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)羧酸酯酶(CarE)和多功能氧化酶(MFO)活性之间存在显著差异,豇豆>四季豆>扁豆;但谷胱甘肽-S转移酶(GST)活性之间不具有显著差异。推测:取食扁豆的豆野螟体内产生对高效顺反氯氰菊酯和灭多威具有一定解毒作用的物质;而取食豇豆的豆野螟产生的某种物质对茚虫威具有一定的解毒作用,4种酶在其对茚虫威的解毒过程中起一定的作用。  相似文献   

在室内用转Bt基因棉和亲本常规棉饲养甜菜夜蛾(Spodoptera exigua Hübner)幼虫,测定了不同取食时间后甜菜夜蛾4龄幼虫体内营养物质含量和消化酶、保护酶、解毒酶活力的变化.结果表明,分别取食Bt棉和常规棉,甜菜夜蛾幼虫体内的营养物质含量和消化酶、保护酶、解毒酶活力差异显著.与取食常规棉相应时间的个体相比,取食Bt棉1,6,24h后,幼虫体内的游离脂肪酸和葡萄糖含量显著提高;取食Bt棉1,4,6,24h后,幼虫体内胰蛋白酶和总超氧化物歧化酶的活力显著增高,脂肪酶、羧酸酯酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶活力则显著降低.取食相同品种棉花,幼虫体内营养物质含量和消化酶、保护酶、解毒酶活力受甜菜夜蛾危害时间的显著影响.取食Bt棉24h的幼虫,其体内游离脂肪酸和总氨基酸含量显著低于取食1h的个体;脂肪酶和胰蛋白酶活力显著低于取食1和4h的个体,但羧酸酯酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶酶活力显著高于取食1,4,6h的个体.棉花品种和甜菜夜蛾为害时间的交互作用可显著影响甜菜夜蛾体内脂肪酶、胰蛋白酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶和总超氧化物歧化酶的活力.通过测定甜菜夜蛾体内保护酶和解毒酶活力对Bt棉响应的时间动态,对于评价植食性昆虫在毒素蛋白持续选择压力下的生理反应和抗性变化具有重要参考意义.  相似文献   

在室内用3种不同棉酚含量的棉花饲养甜菜夜蛾幼虫,并在不同取食时间测定了甜菜夜蛾幼虫的营养物质、消化酶、保护酶和解毒酶活性的变化.实验结果表明,甜菜夜蛾幼虫取食高棉酚含量的棉花M9101品种6h后,体内的游离脂肪酸较取食其他两种低酚含量棉花出现了显著性的降低.甜菜夜蛾幼虫取食高棉酚含量的棉花M9101品种24h后,体内的胰蛋白酶较取食1,4,6h后出现了显著性的增加.甜菜夜蛾幼虫取食高棉酚含量的棉花M9101品种1,4,6,24h后,体内的过氧化氢酶和总超氧化物歧化酶显著高于取食低酚棉花品种ZMS13和HZ401,但体内显著较低的羧酸酯酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶酶活性显著低于取食低酚棉花品种ZMS13和HZ401.多因素方差分析表明,不同棉酚含量棉花品种除对甜菜夜蛾幼虫体内淀粉酶活性无影响外,对其他消化酶、保护酶和解毒酶活性均有显著性的影响.棉花品种和甜菜夜蛾不同为害时间的交互作用可显著影响甜菜夜蛾幼虫体内的羧酸酯酶和过氧化氢酶活性.测定对甜菜夜蛾不同为害时间体内酶活性对不同棉酚含量的棉花的响应,可有效评估植食性昆虫在植物次生代谢物质压力下的生理反应和抗性变化.  相似文献   

菜蚜茧蜂对甲胺磷和灭多威的抗性机制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
吴刚  江树人 《昆虫学报》2003,46(3):292-298
采用试管药膜法测定了菜蚜茧蜂 Diaeretiella rapae 对甲胺磷和灭多威的抗性及增效剂的增效作用,并测定了菜蚜茧蜂和菜缢管蚜 Lipaphis erysimi 乙酰胆碱酯酶动力学参数、解毒酶活性及增效剂对菜蚜茧蜂酶活性的体内抑制作用。福州地区菜蚜茧蜂已对甲胺磷和灭多威产生5.6和9.1倍的抗性,胡椒基丁醚、磷酸三苯酯和马来酸二乙酯对两种杀虫剂的抗性品系均有显著增效作用,胡椒基丁醚的作用最为显著。胡椒基丁醚对抗性菜蚜茧蜂杀虫剂敏感性的增效作用远高于对敏感菜蚜茧蜂的影响。3种增效剂对菜蚜茧蜂乙酰胆碱酯酶均无抑制作用;磷酸三苯酯和胡椒基丁醚对羧酸酯酶,马来酸二乙酯对谷胱甘肽S转移酶有显著抑制作用。抗性和敏感菜蚜茧蜂乙酰胆碱酯酶的米氏常数Km)、最大反应速度(Vmax)、羧酸酯酶及谷胱甘肽S转移酶活性值相近,但敏感菜蚜茧蜂乙酰胆碱酯酶的双分子速度常数(KI)值远高于抗性的。此外,对菜蚜茧蜂和菜缢管蚜乙酰胆碱酯酶、羧酸酯酶和谷胱甘肽S转移酶进行了比较研究。结果表明菜蚜茧蜂对甲胺磷和灭多威的低水平抗性与乙酰胆碱酯酶的不敏感性及解毒酶的解毒代谢有关。  相似文献   

乐伟  马伟华  王沫 《昆虫知识》2009,46(3):428-431
探讨取食不同寄主植物的2种甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua(Hübner)品系对几种常用药剂的敏感性变化情况。试验结果表明,寄主植物对甜菜夜蛾的生长发育和杀虫剂的敏感性有显著影响,取食不同寄主植物以后,甜菜夜蛾2个品系对溴氰菊酯、毒死蜱、溴虫腈、虫酰肼的敏感性均有不同程度的变化,取食不同寄主植物的甜菜夜蛾蛹黑突变品系较甜菜夜蛾正常品系的抗性均要高,2个品系对溴氰菊酯的敏感性变化均较大,最大LD50之比分别达到13.36、12.30倍,2个品系都对虫酰肼的敏感性变化不明显,最大LD50之比分别达到2.54、2.23倍。  相似文献   

抗性品系棉蚜乙酰胆碱酯酶和羧酸酯酶的变异   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
李飞  韩召军  唐波 《昆虫学报》2003,46(5):578-583
用浸叶法测定了采自我国不同地区(泰安、莱阳、南京、北京和安阳)的棉蚜品系Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ对久效磷、甲胺磷、抗蚜威和灭多威等杀虫剂的抗性水平,各棉蚜品系对杀虫剂的抗性依次为Ⅴ>Ⅳ>Ⅲ,Ⅱ>Ⅰ。进一步研究表明,Ⅴ和Ⅳ品系棉蚜乙酰胆碱酯酶对杀虫剂的敏感性显著下降,Ⅱ品系次之,Ⅲ和Ⅰ品系接近于敏感品系。Ⅴ和Ⅳ品系乙酰胆碱酯酶的Km值显著下降,表明酶发生了质的变化。不同棉蚜抗性品系的酯酶(全酯酶和羧酸酯酶)活性均显著升高,其中Ⅲ品系的酯酶活力为Ⅱ品系的2倍。Ⅴ品系羧酸酯酶Km值达2460.4 μmol/L,而Ⅳ品系仅为84.4 μmol/L,该两个品系羧酸酯酶发生了质的变化。研究结果表明,不同抗性程度的棉蚜品系均存在代谢抗性和靶标抗性。低抗水平的棉蚜品系,以代谢抗性为主,靶标抗性为辅;中抗水平的棉蚜品系,抑或由于解毒代谢酶的活性显著增强,也可能由于靶标的敏感性显著下降;而高抗水平的棉蚜品系,依赖于代谢抗性和靶标抗性的联合作用。  相似文献   

何玉仙  赵建伟  黄建  翁启勇  梁智生 《昆虫学报》2009,52(12):1373-1378
为了探讨烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci不同种群个体乙酰胆碱酯酶敏感性差异及其与抗药性的关系, 我们选用室内饲养的烟粉虱SUD S敏感品系和6个田间抗性种群, 采用酶标板酶动力学法测定了各品系 (种群)乙酰胆碱酯酶对抑制剂的敏感性反应以及抑制剂存在时各抗性种群个体乙酰胆碱酯酶残余活性频率分布。结果表明: 在抑制剂浓度为300 μmol/L时, 敏感品系乙酰胆碱酯酶的活性基本上被完全抑制, 可以明显地区分敏感品系与田间抗性种群。在抑制剂浓度为2 000 μmol/L时, 各抗性种群个体乙酰胆碱酯酶残余活性频率分布差异明显, 其中ZZ-R种群和FZ-R种群的乙酰胆碱酯酶残余活性频率分布相似, 大部分个体的乙酰胆碱酯酶残余活性分布在1.00~1.80 mOD/min之间; SM-R种群和ND-R种群的乙酰胆碱酯酶残余活性频率分布也相似, 大部分个体的乙酰胆碱酯酶残余活性分布在0.40~1.00 mOD/min之间; LY-R和NP-R种群大部分个体的乙酰胆碱酯酶残余活性分别分布在1.00~1.60 mOD/min和0.80~1.20 mOD/min之间。各抗性种群乙酰胆碱酯酶高残余活性 (大于1.00 mOD/min)个体频率与对敌敌畏的抗性水平之间具有明显相关性, 相关系数为0.86 (P<0.05)。考虑到乙酰胆碱酯酶对抑制剂作用不敏感是一些昆虫对有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂抗性的重要机制之一, 建议可以将乙酰胆碱酯酶对敌敌畏的敏感性作为烟粉虱抗药性生化检测的一个参考指标。  相似文献   

本文对几种抗药性和敏感性家蝇品系的乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)、羧酸酯酶及多功能氧化酶(MFO)进行了测定.结果表明:①抗药性品系和敏感性品系的AChE活力差异不大, 有机磷抗性品系的AChE对对氧磷的不敏感性比敏感性家蝇明显增大.②某些抗药性家蝇的羧酸酯酶活力比敏感性家蝇大.③抗药性家蝇的MFO活力(O-脱甲基和环氧化)比敏感性家蝇均有不同程度的增高.④二氯苯醚菊酯抗性家蝇对有机磷有负交互抗性.  相似文献   

寄主植物对甜菜夜蛾的发育和繁殖及体内酯酶活性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在恒温(2 8±1 )℃条件下考察了葱、苋菜、豇豆、蕹菜、菜心5种寄主植物对甜菜夜蛾SpodopteraexiguaH櫣bner的营养效应及体内羧酸酯酶、乙?铛ッ富钚缘挠跋?,结果表明,不同寄主植物对甜菜夜蛾幼虫和蛹的发育历期、存活率、蛹重、雌成虫产卵量等有显著影响,其中对雌成虫产卵量的影响最大。雌成虫产卵量最高为取食菜心的处理,其次是取食葱的处理。寄主植物对甜菜夜蛾体内羧酸酯酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶活性也有显著影响,但这些酶的活性与发育历期、存活率、产卵量无明显相关性。在进行预测预报、田间防治时应充分考虑寄主植物对甜菜夜蛾发育历期、产卵量、解毒酶活性的影响。  相似文献   

Mushtaq AHMAD 《昆虫学报》2009,52(6):631-639
采用浸液生测法研究了斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura巴基斯坦抗性种群中酶抑制剂[胡椒基丁醚(PBO)和脱叶膦(DEF)]对丙溴磷、灭多威、硫双灭多威、氯氰菊酯、氯氟氰菊酯、联苯菊酯、茚虫威和多杀菌素等杀虫剂的增效作用。结果表明:PPO和DEF对氨基甲酸酯杀虫剂灭多威和硫双灭多威均具有增效作用,但对有机磷杀虫剂丙溴磷不具有增效作用。两种抑制剂对氯氰菊酯均产生增效作用,但对联苯菊酯没有增效作用。PPO 和DEF增加了氯氟氰菊酯对Multan种群的毒性,但没有增加其对Mailsi种群的毒性。DEF对多杀菌素具有增效作用,但PBO对其没有增效作用。PBO和DEF对氨基甲酸酯杀虫剂、拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂、茚虫威和多杀菌素具有明显的增效作用,这说明细胞色素P450单加氧酶和酯酶的解毒作用至少部分参与了斜纹夜蛾对这些杀虫剂的抗性过程。不过,两种增效剂对杀虫剂增效作用范围有限,暗示对于斜纹夜蛾巴基斯坦种群而言,其他的机制(如靶位点不敏感、表皮穿透作用降低)可能是更重要的抗性机制。  相似文献   

The utility of microplate and electrophoretic assays for detection of biochemical and physiological mechanisms underlying resistance to profenofos in the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.), was assessed. Esterase (EST) activities were significantly higher in profenofos-resistant than -susceptible larvae, and activities were highly correlated (r(2) = 0.87) with resistance to profenofos. Both qualitative and quantitative variation was observed in electrophoretic gels stained with alpha- and beta-naphthyl acetates. Staining of ESTs was more intense with resistant larvae than those from a susceptible strain. In addition, a band (designated A') was expressed in larvae from profenofos-resistant strains, but not in larvae from an insecticide-susceptible strain. The frequency of expression of A' increased following selection with profenofos and was detected in 100% of the individuals from a profenofos-selected strain. The appearance of this band coincided with the decreased expression of a second band (designated A). A similar pattern (overexpression of A' and underexpression of A) also was observed in larvae from field-collected strains. Finally, reduction in the activity or the sensitivity of acetylcholinesterase to inhibition by chlorpyrifos oxon was observed in laboratory-selected and field-collected larvae that expressed resistance to profenofos. These results suggest that microplate and electrophoretic assays can be utilized as complementary tools for detecting and monitoring profenofos resistance in H. virescens.  相似文献   

刘佳  周勇  朱航  马海昊  邓希乐  周小毛  柏连阳 《昆虫学报》2016,59(11):1254-1262
【目的】斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)是主要的农业害虫之一。本研究旨在明确该害虫在湖南省5个主要蔬菜种植区的抗药性水平,并探讨该害虫对茚虫威的抗性与解毒代谢酶活性之间的关系,为斜纹夜蛾有效防控及抗性治理提供依据。【方法】采用浸叶法测定了2014-2016年湖南5地斜纹夜蛾田间种群对10种杀虫剂的抗性水平;将斜纹夜蛾敏感种群3龄幼虫在死亡率40%~70%的选择压下用茚虫威进行汰选,比较了斜纹夜蛾敏感种群和抗茚虫威种群的羧酸酯酶、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶和多功能氧化酶对硝基苯甲醚O-脱甲基活性。【结果】湖南5地斜纹夜蛾田间种群对有机磷类杀虫剂产生了26.9~220.2倍的抗性,对氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂产生了68.3~890.8倍的抗性,对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂产生了21.0~267.2倍的抗性,对相对较新型杀虫剂(甲维盐、阿维菌素、茚虫威和溴虫腈)产生了5.2~53.4倍的抗性。经茚虫威汰选后第14代[抗性倍数(resistance ratio, RR)=26.43]斜纹夜蛾羧酸酯酶、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶和对硝基苯甲醚O-脱甲基酶活性分别上升2.86, 1.01和1.83倍。【结论】斜纹夜蛾对多种药剂产生了不同水平的抗性,斜纹夜蛾幼虫羧酸酯酶和对硝基苯甲醚O-脱甲基活性增强可能是斜纹夜蛾对茚虫威的抗性上升的重要因素。  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms conferring resistance to methyl-parathion (44-fold) and to methomyl (8-fold) in Tetranychus urticae from Greece by studying the effect of synergists on the resistance and the kinetic characteristics of various enzymes in a resistant strain (RLAB) and a susceptible reference strain (SAMB). It is shown that S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate, a synergist that inhibits esterases and glutathione S-transferases, and piperonyl butoxide, a synergist that inhibits cytochrome P450 mediated monooxygenases, did not affect the level of methyl-parathion or methomyl resistance in RLAB and that resistance ratios to both insecticides did not change significantly in the presence of either synergist. Isoelectric focusing of esterase allozymes on single mites revealed no differences in staining intensity and glutathione S-transferase activity was not significantly different in the two strains. The activity of two cytochrome P450 monooxygenase groups was compared. No significant difference of 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-diethylase activity was observed between strains that were two-fold higher in RLAB than in SAMB. The kinetic characteristics of acetylcholinesterase, the target enzyme of organophosphates and carbamates, revealed that acetylcholinesterase in RLAB was less sensitive to inhibition by paraoxon and methomyl in comparison with SAMB. I(50), the inhibitor concentration inducing 50% decrease of acetylcholinesterase activity was greater (119- and 50-fold with paraoxon and methomyl, respectively) and the bimolecular constant k(i) was lower (39- and 47-fold with paraoxon and methomyl, respectively) in RLAB compared to SAMB.  相似文献   

The tobacco cutworm (Spodoptera litura) is a polyphagous foliage insect and a major pest on peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). S. litura is susceptible to the chimeric delta-endotoxin Cry1EC reported earlier. De-embryonated cotyledon explants of peanut were transformed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101 harboring a synthetic cry1EC gene driven by the CaMV 35S promoter. Transgenic plants of peanut with a single copy insertion of cry1EC were selected in the T(0) generation by Southern blot hybridization. Real-time PCR, Western blot and ELISA analysis indicated that expression of the cry1EC gene was higher in single copy T(1) plants. Immunoassay showed expression of Cry1EC up to 0.13% of total soluble protein in T(1) plants. Leaf feeding bioassay on highly expressing transgenic lines showed 100% killing of larvae at the 2(nd) instar stage of S. litura. This is the first report of transgenic peanut plants with resistance to S. litura.  相似文献   

Female houseflies (Musca domestica L.) from a susceptible and a multi-insecticide-resistant strain were used to evaluate the relative toxicity of an insecticide bait formulation of the carbamate insecticide methomyl. Individual flies were allowed to feed on bait granules for an unrestricted period or for 5 s. Resistant flies took longer than susceptible flies to initiate a feeding response. When allowed to feed continuously, those from the resistant strain spent longer feeding than susceptible ones. The time taken to knock-down (KD), including feeding times, was significantly greater for resistant than susceptible flies (P less than 0.001), but once the proboscis was withdrawn from the granule there was no difference in KD times between the strains. All flies from both strains were knocked down, and only a very small number of resistant and susceptible flies recovered. The toxic effects of methomyl on flies which were restricted to a 5 s feed ranged from no observed effect to KD in less than 1 min. After feeding for 5 s, 81% of resistant and 98% of susceptible flies developed signs of methomyl poisoning. More resistant than susceptible flies recovered from KD, giving final mortalities of 46% and 88% respectively. With both feeding regimes, some flies of both strains which had apparently recovered from KD had lost their ability to fly. Observations have also shown that 8% of resistant flies may have been repelled by methomyl granules. The implication of these results on the survival of M. domestica in intensive animal units following exposure to methomyl bait is also discussed.  相似文献   

1. Acetylcholinesterase from the heads of a strain of houseflies selected for resistance to the carbamate insecticide methomyl, and from a methomyl-resistant field strain was found to be less sensitive to inhibition by methomyl than that from a susceptible strain. 2. The enzyme from resistant insects was also more tolerant to malaoxon, dichlorvos and bomyl but not to azamethiphos. 3. The decrease in sensitivity to inhibition appeared to be due to an increase in affinity for substrate.  相似文献   

Wan P  Wu K  Huang M  Yu D  Wu J 《Environmental entomology》2008,37(4):1043-1048
Genetically modified cotton that produces a crystalline protein from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Berliner) (Bt) has been widely deployed to manage lepidopteran insect pests in cotton growing areas worldwide. However, susceptibility of different insect species to Bt protein varies, which may affect lepidopteran pest populations in the field. Studies on effects of two transgenic cotton lines (BG1560 and GK19) carrying a Cry1A gene on common cutworm Spodoptera litura F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were conducted during 2002-2005 in the cotton planting region of the Yangtze River valley of China. Results showed that common cutworm larvae had low susceptibility to Bt cotton. There was no significant difference in larval population densities in conventional and Bt cotton fields. However, the larval populations of the insect on conventional plants treated with chemical insecticides for control of target pest of Bt cotton were significantly lower than that in Bt cotton fields. These results indicated that the common cutworm was the potential to become a major and alarming pest in Bt cotton fields, and therefore efforts to develop an effective alternative management strategy are needed.  相似文献   

Two field populations of Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from Dera Ghazi Khan (D. G. Khan) and Multan, Pakistan, were tested for resistance to the 10 most commonly used insecticides in Pakistan by using a standard leaf disc bioassay on the F1 progeny. For comparison, a susceptible strain was generated from the Multan strain, which displayed lower LC50 values for most of the insecticides, by either mass rearing without exposure to insecticides or single-pair crosses against selected insecticides. The single-pair crosses generated a more susceptible strain than mass rearing. The D. G. Khan field strain was highly resistant to cypermethrin, profenofos, spinosad, abamectin, and chlorpyrifos and moderately resistant to deltamethrin, indoxacarb, and methoxyfenozide compared with susceptible lab strain. The Multan strain was highly resistant to profenofos and indoxacarb. Both field populations were susceptible to emamectin benzoate and lufenuron. Rotating these two insecticides with others that show very low, low, or moderate levels of resistance and have different modes of action may be useful for the effective management of this pest.  相似文献   

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