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由于温室气体的大量排放和对化石燃料的高度依赖,航空业的可持续发展得到了全世界的关注。生物航煤被认为是一种有前景的传统航空燃料替代品。本文概述了制备生物航煤的代表性工艺技术路线、发展现状以及生物航煤产业发展所面临的机遇和挑战。迄今为止,已经有多种生物航煤制备工艺得到美国材料实验协会(American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM)认证。其中,酯和脂肪酸加氢是目前最为成熟、可以实现完全商业化的路径。考虑到技术经济性和成熟度,短期内,费托合成是比较有发展前景的工艺。  相似文献   

微藻生物质制备燃料乙醇关键技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燃料乙醇作为一种优良的可再生液体燃料,其开发利用受到了人们的广泛关注。微藻是一种高光合、高产生物量的生物质资源,很多的藻体细胞中含有大量的淀粉、纤维素(Iα型)等多糖物质,是制备燃料乙醇的优良原料。发展利用微藻制备燃料乙醇技术工艺,对于缓解我国目前日益短缺的能源问题,减少温室气体排放和环境污染等具有很好的应用前景。综述了国内外利用微藻生物质制备燃料乙醇中所用到的关键技术、存在的问题以及今后的发展前景等。  相似文献   

生物能源作为可再生能源,可以替代部分石化能源,有望缓解能源供给中对石油的依赖程度.本期专刊结合第6届国际生物能源会议,包括综述和研究报告两部分,报道了我国生物能源专家学者在燃料乙醇、生物柴油、微生物油脂、生物燃料标准、航空生物燃料等领域的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

生物燃料由于其各方面的优点近几年来发展迅速,本文从多个角度综述了生物燃料的发展概况和政策,着重介绍了燃料己醇和生物柴油两种主要生物燃料产品的发展情况,并对生物燃料的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

巴西生物燃料政策及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴西是世界上最早推行生物燃料政策的国家之一,目前已成为世界上第二大乙醇生产国和最大的乙醇出口国。本文简介了巴西推行生物燃料政策的背景、发展生物燃料的优势,详述了其生物燃料的政策特点和政策收益,以及对我国发展生物燃料的启示。  相似文献   

航空生物燃料可促进节能减排且飞机引擎无须改造,世界各国都在积极开展相关领域研究来响应节能减排的号召和应对欧盟征收碳排放税的举措。发展航空生物燃料要攻克原料问题和技术瓶颈,同时也离不开政府的重视和支持,针对此提出相关建议。  相似文献   

随着石油资源的日渐枯竭,生物燃料作为一种新型替代燃料已成为各国研究的重点.综述了微生物发酵法制备乙醇、甲烷、氢和类异戊二烯的发展状况及关键问题,并展望了微生物发酵法制备生物燃料的发展前景.  相似文献   

随着传统化石能源的日益枯竭、环境污染的日益加重,世界各国都在积极寻求发展可再生能源。生物能源,尤其是包括生物乙醇和生物柴油在内的生物燃料,因其原料的可再生性和燃料使用的环境友好性,  相似文献   

生物燃料最新发展态势分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
第一代生物燃料的生产工艺已经较为成熟,美国、欧盟和巴西等一些国家已经形成了较完善的产业链。以纤维素乙醇为代表的第二代生物燃料是更有希望的替代燃料,但目前还未获得关键性的技术突破,其大规模的商业化生产还有待时日。目前生物燃料正处于由第一代向第二代发展过渡的初期。各国纷纷将发展第二代生物燃料定为国策,为此制订了长期的发展规划与目标,并为生物燃料发展提供了良好的政策环境和大力的经费支持。各相关研究机构与企业也积极行动,力图解决生物燃料发展的各个关键问题。在此过程中,一些与生物燃料可持续发展有关的重要问题也引起了人们的关注。  相似文献   

化石能源日益枯竭,迫切需要寻找新型燃料。脂肪族生物燃料由于其热值高、性能好而受到广泛重视。微生物脂肪酸代谢途径是生产先进生物燃料的重要途径。文中综述了近几年基于合成生物学理念改造脂肪酸途径的进展,介绍了合成生物学在微生物柴油、中长链脂肪醇、长链烃类化合物生物合成中的应用,并展望了脂肪族生物燃料的发展方向。  相似文献   

The rapid development and adoption of biofuels has been driven by a wide range of targets and other policy instruments, but first‐generation biofuels have been widely criticized. In light of the development of new biofuel technologies that aim to avoid the problems of the past, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics conducted an 18‐month inquiry on the ethical, social and policy issues raised by both current and future biofuels. The Council concludes that many biofuels policies fail to take consideration of important ethical principles, such as protecting human rights, environmental sustainability, climate change mitigation, just reward, and equitable distribution of costs and benefits. It proposes an overarching ethical standard for biofuels, enforced by a certification scheme for all biofuels produced in and imported into Europe and ideally worldwide.  相似文献   

美国先进生物燃料技术政策与态势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国是生物燃料大国,更是先进生物燃料研发强国。美国制定了宏大的生物燃料发展目标,采取了有力的政策支持措施,组织实施了生物质计划,将纤维素乙醇作为目前先进生物燃料研究、开发和示范的焦点,并已着手第三代生物燃料的研发。美国政府十分重视生物燃料的规划分析和部际协调工作,在立足于基础研究和应用研究前沿的基础上,大力推进技术示范与商业化,正努力加速向先进生物燃料转变。  相似文献   

发展生物能源是减轻经济和社会发展对不可再生矿物质能源依赖程度,实现CO2减排的有效措施。本期专刊包括综述报告和研究论文两部分,涉及燃料乙醇、生物柴油、生物燃气、生物氢能、微生物燃料电池和微生物电解池等主要生物能源产品和系统,比较全面地分析其基础研究、关键技术开发和产业发展现状,讨论了存在的问题和挑战,展望了发展的前景。  相似文献   

Biofuels are expected to play a key role in the development of a sustainable, economical and environmentally safe source of energy. Microbes offer great potential for applications in technology based biofuel production. Three fundamental questions need to be addressed in order for the development of microbial synthesis of biofuels to be successful. Firstly, what energy resource platform could be used to make biofuels. Secondly, what type of biofuel is the ideal fuel molecule that should be targeted. Finally, what microbial system could be used to transform energy resources into the targeted biofuel molecules. In this perspective, the potential of using photosynthetic microbes (cyanobacteria in particular) in the solar energy driven conversion of carbon dioxide to fatty acid-based biofuels is explored.  相似文献   

植物木质素生物合成调控研究已在造纸树种与饲草品质的改良中取得了许多进展。随着对木质纤维原料乙醇发酵研究的兴起,植物木质素合成调控再次成为研究热点。该文总结了目前生物质能源利用的现状,同时针对木质素在木质纤维乙醇发酵中的限制作用,综述了近年来植物木质素合成调控的研究进展,提出了今后的研究方向和内容,并展望了木质素合成调控在木质纤维乙醇发酵中的应用。  相似文献   

植物木质素合成调控与生物质能源利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物木质素生物合成调控研究已在造纸树种与饲草品质的改良中取得了许多进展。随着对木质纤维原料乙醇发酵研究的兴起, 植物木质素合成调控再次成为研究热点。该文总结了目前生物质能源利用的现状, 同时针对木质素在木质纤维乙醇发酵中的限制作用, 综述了近年来植物木质素合成调控的研究进展, 提出了今后的研究方向和内容, 并展望了木质素合成调控在木质纤维乙醇发酵中的应用。  相似文献   

This study investigates the dynamic linkages between biofuels production and sustainable indicators in the panel of 17 developed and developing countries, over the period of 2000–2012. The study emphasized the role of biofuels production in the sustainable development of the region. For this purpose, the study utilized four main sustainable indicators including carbon dioxide emissions, energy intensity, renewable energy generation, and total population that have a significant impact on the biofuels production. The study used dynamic heterogeneous panel econometric technique – Generalized Method of Moments and found that carbon dioxide emissions increase along with the increase in biofuels production. Therefore, the caution should be applied when burning the biofuels during the production process. In addition, renewable electricity generation also increases the biofuels production in the region. The results of robust least square regression confirmed that all of the sustainable indicators have a significant association with the biofuels production, as total primary energy consumption increases the biofuels production, while total population significantly decreases the biofuels production in the region. The results derived to the conclusion that for sustainable development in the region, the policymakers should have to formulate carbon free policies that coupled with the renewable energy sources for emphasizing the life cycle of bioenergy during the production process.  相似文献   

Increased global interest in a bio‐based economy has reinvigorated the research on the cell wall structure and composition in plants. In particular, the study of plant lignification has become a central focus, with respect to its intractability and negative impact on the utilization of the cell wall biomass for producing biofuels and bio‐based chemicals. Striking progress has been achieved in the last few years both on our fundamental understanding of lignin biosynthesis, deposition and assembly, and on the interplay of lignin synthesis with the plant growth and development. With the knowledge gleaned from basic studies, researchers are now able to invent and develop elegant biotechnological strategies to sophisticatedly manipulate the quantity and structure of lignin and thus to create economically viable bioenergy feedstocks. These concerted efforts open an avenue for the commercial production of cost‐competitive biofuel to meet our energy needs.  相似文献   

The productivity of plants as biofuel or biomaterial crops is established by both the yield of plant biomass per unit area of land and the efficiency of conversion of the biomass to biofuel. Higher yielding biofuel crops with increased conversion efficiencies allow production on a smaller land footprint minimizing competition with agriculture for food production and biodiversity conservation. Plants have traditionally been domesticated for food, fibre and feed applications. However, utilization for biofuels may require the breeding of novel phenotypes, or new species entirely. Genomics approaches support genetic selection strategies to deliver significant genetic improvement of plants as sources of biomass for biofuel manufacture. Genetic modification of plants provides a further range of options for improving the composition of biomass and for plant modifications to assist the fabrication of biofuels. The relative carbohydrate and lignin content influences the deconstruction of plant cell walls to biofuels. Key options for facilitating the deconstruction leading to higher monomeric sugar release from plants include increasing cellulose content, reducing cellulose crystallinity, and/or altering the amount or composition of noncellulosic polysaccharides or lignin. Modification of chemical linkages within and between these biomass components may improve the ease of deconstruction. Expression of enzymes in the plant may provide a cost‐effective option for biochemical conversion to biofuel.  相似文献   

The development of microalgae culture technology has been an integral part to produce biomass feedstock to biofuel production. Due to this, numerous attempts have been made to improve some operational parameters of microalgae production. Despite this, specialized research in cell growth monitoring, considered as a fundamental parameter to achieve profitable applications of microalgae for biofuels production, presents some opportunity areas mainly related to the development of specific and accurate methodologies for growth monitoring. In this work, predictive models were developed through statistical tools that correlate a specific micro-algal absorbance with cell density measured by cell count (cells∙per ml), for three species of interest for biofuels production. The results allow the precise prediction of cell density through a logistic model based on spectrophotometry, valid for all the kinetics analysed. The adjusted determination coefficients () for the developed models were 0·993, 0·995 and 0·994 for Dunaliella tertiolecta, Nannochloropsis oculata and Chaetoceros muelleri respectively. The results showed that the equations obtained here can be used with an extremely low error (≤2%) for all the cell growth ranges analysed, with low operational cost and high potential of automation. Finally, a user-friendly software was designed to give practical use to the developed predictive models.  相似文献   

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