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秦岭冷杉球果与种子的形态变异   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28  
在秦岭冷杉的天然分布区 ,分别选取核心区和边缘区进行取样 ,比较球果和种子的形态变异。核心区为秦岭地区 ,边缘区选在湖北神农架地区。根据秦岭冷杉分布特征 ,核心区沿海拔高度连续采样 ,边缘区选择两个不同海拔高度的种群 ,分单株采样 ,测量了球果、种子、种鳞、种翅等器官的 15个形态指标。相关分析表明 ,秦岭冷杉球果和种子形态特征 (变化 )与海拔高度显著相关 ,说明海拔因素影响着球果和种子形态变异。比较发现 ,核心区 (即秦岭地区 )的秦岭冷杉球果和种子的绝大部分指标均值显著大于边缘区 (即神农架地区 ) ,说明秦岭冷杉在核心区的生殖生长好于边缘区。相同海拔条件下 ,秦岭冷杉球果和种子形态在地区间差异显著 ,约 85 %的变异来自地区内个体间和个体内 ,说明秦岭冷杉的球果和种子形态特征变化受遗传控制更显著。在边缘区还比较了不同种群间、人工林和天然林在球果和种子形态特征的差异。球果和种子形态在同一地区两个种群间、在人工林与天然林间都有显著差异 ,大部分人工林球果和种子指标均值和变异幅度大于天然林 ,表明通过人为经营可以改善秦岭冷杉的一些生殖性状  相似文献   

濒危植物秦岭冷杉生殖生态学特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
张文辉  许晓波  周建云 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2417-2424
为了探索秦岭冷杉种群生殖生态学主要特征,通过样地调查、固定样地观测和室内实验分析,系统研究了秦岭地区5个秦岭冷杉(Abies chensiensis)种群生殖特性及其与环境因素的关系,结果表明,5个不同生境的种群都具有结实能力,海拔1500~1600m之间,秦岭冷杉球果的产量较高;各种群球果主要分布在树冠中上部和东、南、西方向;球果以中部产生饱满种子比率最高;秦岭冷杉种子千粒重为43.2g,其中具有生活力者占44.8%,种子的平均含水量为5.7%左右;在天然林散落条件下,种子库的萌发率仅为6.1%,霉坏、搬迁率93.9%;人工播种条件下,种子发芽率在苗圃内高于天然条件下,中低海拔高于高海拔地区。天然条件下,由种子转化成幼苗的过程是秦岭冷杉种群生活史的脆弱环节。秦岭冷杉林经营管理要以就地保护为主,促进种群生殖;要通过森林经营措施,为林下种子萌发和幼苗创造条件;种子脱落后,要及时扰动林下灌木、草本,使种子能够顺利落地,促其发芽成苗;种子大年要注意采种、育苗,扩大人工种群;速生丰产林培育应该以中低海拔的阴坡为主。  相似文献   

巴山冷杉的种实特性及其种子萌发力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对我国特有树种巴山冷杉(Abies fargesi)的球果长、球果宽、球果重量、单果出种量等球果特征和种子长、种子宽、种子厚和种子重等种子特性进行了分析,通过发芽实验测定了种子萌发能力.结果表明,巴山冷杉球果平均长5.37±0.75cm,球果宽3.01±0.32cm,球果重量18.93±6.06g,单果出种量59-567粒,种子长1.08-8.68mm,种子宽1.16-6.42mm,种子厚0.6-3.48mm,千粒重7.30g.各项球果特征指标和种子特征指标在种群内和种群间均存在显著差异,单果出种量在不同种群的频数分布格局不同.不同母树的种子发芽率和发芽势不等,且萌发速率也不相同.巴山冷杉种子败育率高,参试种子的空粒率75.79%.  相似文献   

濒危植物秦岭冷杉地理分布和生物生态学特性研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
秦岭冷杉(Abies chensiensis)为中国特有三级保护植物,仅岛屿化分布于陕西、甘肃、四川、河南的秦巴山地和湖北神农架中高山地区,分布海拔1300—2300m。为了对秦岭冷杉种群进行深入研究和有效保护,通过样地调查和相关资料分析,对其地理分布、群落特性、种群特性进行了系统研究。秦岭冷杉群落包含种子植物40科63属102种,可划分成11个地理区系成分,其中温带分布型属占84.21%,热带分布型属占15.79%,温带分布是群落的基本特性。秦岭山区的秦岭冷杉群落可分为5个群丛,基本特点为:生境阴湿;群落郁闭度大,结构复杂;种群个体年龄差异大;天然更新主要发生在保护较好的阴坡林窗地段。秦岭冷杉苗期生长缓慢,在30—70年龄阶段,高生长旺盛;在40—100年龄阶段,胸径生长较快。秦岭冷杉开始结实年龄在30—40年龄阶段,结实间隔期为3—5年。秦岭山区成熟个体平均产球果8个/株,饱满种子56粒/球果。种群更新的关键问题是种子产量低,林下幼苗稀疏,更新缺乏后继资源。种子向幼苗转化率低是生活史中的脆弱环节。在未来经营保护中,应以就地保护为主,通过抚育管理,促进天然更新;丰年应适时采种,就地育苗,扩大人工种群。  相似文献   

梵净山冷杉(Abies fanjingshanensis)为国家一级保护濒危植物。为了揭示梵净山冷杉球果发育和成熟过程的性状特征,以确定成熟球果的适宜采种期。该研究对梵净山冷杉自然生长区内成年结实母树的球果进行跟踪观测和定期采集,通过物理解剖和形态学参数测定,比较分析不同采种期梵净山冷杉的球果、种鳞和种子的性状差异。结果显示:(1)梵净山冷杉的球果每年7月中旬开始形成,10月中旬开始成熟,发育早期至发育后期球果的长度和宽度显著增加,发育后期至成熟期形态和颜色均无明显变化。(2)成熟球果平均长、宽、鲜重、干重和相对含水量分别为7.18 cm、3.84 cm、36.98 g、20.33 g和45.06%。(3)成熟球果的平均种鳞层数为30.76层,种鳞总数为250.67片,平均出种量436.67粒,平均种子饱满率82.49%。(4)成熟球果基部、中部、上部的种子性状不同,且球果中部的种子性状参数最大,饱满率最高,种子平均长、宽、厚分别为9.14、2.30、2.37 mm,千粒重11.44 g。研究表明,梵净山冷杉的球果从形成至成熟过程约3个月,成熟球果的最佳采种时间为10月下旬,发育后期和成熟球果的形态和颜色差异不明显,不能以颜色和形态作为球果成熟的判定依据;种鳞与球果的发育和成熟同步,球果中部的种鳞能够完全发育,且形状参数最大,孕育的种子最饱满;梵净山冷杉成熟球果出种量大、饱满率高,但是种子小、重量轻。  相似文献   

植声:该论文未能很好地区别秦岭冷杉(Abies chensiensis)结实特性的差异是由海拔高度不同造成的,还是由母树本身处于不同发育年龄段造成的.  相似文献   

濒危植物元宝山冷杉结实特性与种子繁殖力初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
元宝山冷杉是仅产于广西中部元宝山的珍稀濒危植物, 天然更新能力差。调查表明, 不同植株的球果产量、单果种子的数量均有差异, 球果长短、大小与种子数量、种子质量(饱满率)存在显著正相关。风干种子千粒重为16.9581 g, 含水量为12.85%。元宝山冷杉种子的吸水过程分为三个阶段, 第一阶段是0~1 小时, 为急剧的吸水阶段;第二阶段是1~10 小时, 吸水基本停滞;第三阶段是10~339 小时, 又是急剧的吸水阶段, 吸水量递增。用0.1%靛蓝溶液测定种子生活力, 按以往判别松科植物的标准判断, 其生活力极低。饱满种粒在培养箱中发芽率为18.9%, 场圃发芽率6.8%。以往判断方法是否不适用元宝山冷杉, 需作进一步的探讨和研究。种子发芽率低, 是冷杉自然更新不良、种群难以延续和扩展的重要因素。  相似文献   

不同海拔与母树大小对水青树种子生物学特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对美姑大风顶自然保护区不同海拔和不同胸径水青树(Tetracentron sinense)种子的干重、饱满度、形态特征及萌发特性进行观测,分析了海拔高度和母树大小对水青树种子生物学特性的影响。结果表明,随着海拔高度的增加,水青树种子的干重和饱满度先增加后减小,而萌发率、发芽势、活力指数和形态特征却随海拔的升高而减小;除干重外,水青树种子的其他生物学特性均与海拔之间呈极显著相关。随着胸径的增大,水青树种子的生物学特征均表现出先增加后减小的趋势。除种子的宽和厚与胸径之间具有极显著的相关性外,其他的生物学特征与胸径之间的相关性不显著。结果显示:(1)海拔是影响水青树种子生物学特性的主要生态因子之一;(2)母树大小对水青树种子的生物学特性影响较小;(3)水青树生殖期可分为四个时期,其中30~40 cm径级处于生殖高峰期。  相似文献   

濒危植物掌叶木种子生态特征   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
重点研究了贵州茂兰国家级自然保护区喀斯特森林国家一级保护树种掌叶木(Handeliodendron bodinieri)母树的种子生态特征。单因素方差分析表明在同株母树的不同果序球果量和不同母树的球果出种量均未显示明显差异,而不同母树果序出球果量、种子重量分异具有权显著差异,这反应了掌叶木母树的有性生殖基本同步,球果的发育程度比较接近。掌叶木种子干粒重为201.66g,种子的平均重量为0.20g,占乔木树种平均重量的61%;种子含空粒比例高达8.1%;饱满的种子中具有生活力者占78%,反映出掌叶木种子有较高的败育率;种子的平均含水量为13.56%,自然散播的种子萌发率仅为1%,种子在自然环境下受松鼠、鼠和金龟子类等动物的破坏率高达98.25%。在同样贮藏条件下,播种环境对种子的发芽率影响显著,质地疏松、透气性好或火烧地有利于掌叶木种子的萌发,其种子萌发率可达84.98%。  相似文献   

神农架巴山冷杉种子雨的时空格局   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)是我国特有树种, 其分布区以秦巴山地为中心。在湖北神农架自然保护区选择不同的巴山冷杉群落设置样地, 通过布设种子收集器结合室内实验分析, 对巴山冷杉的种子雨进行研究。各样地巴山冷杉种子雨开始和持续时间大致相同, 始于10月初, 持续超过2个月, 但是不同的巴山冷杉种群表现出不同的种子雨时空格局。巴山冷杉-箭竹(Fargesia nitida) 群落种子雨的平均强度为167.93±111.14粒/m2, 有活力种子比例占22.31%, 落种高峰期集中于10月27日到11月2日间, 种子雨呈现聚集分布。巴山冷杉-茵芋(Skimmia reevesiana)群落的种子雨强度在3个样地中最小, 只有16.41±14.41粒/m2, 有活力种子仅占3.05%。对巴山冷杉-陕甘花楸(Sorbus koehneana)群落, 沿等高线方向和垂直等高线方向布置收集器带, 收集器自群落内中心母树延伸至林冠范围之外(距中心母树的距离>18 m)。收集结果表明种子雨落种高峰为10月15–21日, 种子雨主要集中在林冠范围内, 林冠内种子雨数量占到了收集总数的87.95%。方差分析结果显示各方向的种子雨数量不存在显著差异, 按照远离中心母树的距离进行分段比较, 0–6 m区段内的收集数量和其他各区段间(6–12 m, 12–18 m, >18 m)存在显著差异, 扩散的种子数量与离开中心母树的距离间的关系近似正态分布。研究结果说明巴山冷杉种子雨的强度大但种子质量不高, 而且种子雨的扩散距离有限。这些特征将影响到巴山冷杉种群的分布格局和种群更新。  相似文献   

Reproductive traits are clarified for subalpine wave-regeneratedAbies populations in Central Japan, by observations at and near Mt. Shimagare, and by analyzing data from Mt. Asahi. Only dominant trees produce seeds. They begin to reproduce at 50 years in age. Seeding interval is about 4 years. Averaged seed number produced by an adult tree per annum does not change with tree age. Since production rate of an adult tree increases with age, annual reproductive effort decreases with age. For a successfulAbies veitchii tree, lifetime net reproductive effort is 3.7% to seed cones and 0.93% to seeds. It produces 2.6×105 seeds in its life. As the mortality is very low for adult trees, a constant rate of seed fall per unit area is expected over a long period. Only some 0.1% of falling seeds become current-year seedlings. In theAbies population, regenerative opportunity combined with the collapse of mature stands is limited and unpredictable. This regenerative feature is the major driving force promoting observed reproductive traits and high juvenile mortality of this forest tree population in a steady-state.  相似文献   

During a six year period (1990–1995) fruiting frequency among marked trees and seed production and predispersal predation by beetle larvae of lsoberlinia angolensis and Julbernardia globiflora of the Leguminosae family and Caesalpinoideae subfamily were studied at two dry miombo woodland sites in central Zambia. Fruit production varied from year to year and was not related to annual rainfall. On average I. angolensis trees fruited once every two years while J. globiflora trees fruited once every two and one-half years. Number of fruits per tree was correlated with tree size for both species. In a peak year fruit biomass represented two to four percent of total above ground biomass but for J. globiflora about 5.5 and 4.5 percent of nitrogen and potassium, respectively, were in fruits compared to 0.6 and 1.8 percent for I. angolensis. The lower fruiting frequency in J. globifora was probably related to the depletion of N reserves during a fruiting year which required a longer replenishment period than in I. angolensis. Predispersal seed predation was low for J. globiflora (10%) and very high in I. angolensis (65–85%) and for the latter species predation rate increased from August to November 1991 and significant variations were observed among years and pod types. Seed predation rate was lowest in a peak fruiting year and this observation provides support for the satiation hypothesis. The results of the study also suggest that I. angolensis and J. globiflora may have different regeneration strategies although reproductive allocation in both species was within the range reported for other iteroparous plants.  相似文献   

Declines or mid-elevation peaks in invertebrate diversity with elevation are often attributed to climate and geometric constraints. However, vegetation structure may also drive diversity patterns, especially for tree-dwelling species, via its effects on microhabitat use and competitive interactions. Here we investigate these effects on the diversity and community structure of tree-nesting ants over elevation. We exhaustively sampled ant nests in 1254 trees within continuous plots of primary rainforest at low (200 m a.s.l.), mid (900 m a.s.l.) and high (1800 m a.s.l.) elevation in Papua New Guinea. Ant diversity, nest abundance and tree occupancy peaked at mid-elevation. Although host tree diversity also peaked at mid-elevation, there was low specialisation of ant species to tree species at all elevations. Mid-elevation trees hosted more species, more nests and a greater diversity of nest types than trees of a similar size at low or high elevation. Tree size and nest microhabitat use were the strongest predictors of species composition, explaining twice as much of the variability in the communities than elevation. At mid to high elevation there were proportionally fewer large nests than in the lowlands, with an increase in smaller nests in live hollow twigs and epiphytes. There was high species turnover between elevations, and between trees within elevations. Species co-occurrence patterns within trees differed with tree size, and with elevation. In large trees species tended to co-occur at random at low and high elevation, but co-occurred more often than expected by chance at mid elevation, indicating an elevational shift in competitive interactions. We conclude that the more extreme diurnal temperatures at higher elevations, combined with increased epiphyte availability, drive ants to nest in more insulated microhabitats. This results in smaller colony sizes and a decrease in interspecific competition, thereby boosting species co-existence at mid elevation.  相似文献   

Summary The influences of Colorado pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) cone crop size, cone and seed weight, cone length, number of seeds per cone, number of viable seeds, and percent viable seeds on the foraging behavior of avian seed dispersal agents were examined in field and laboratory settings. In the field, there was a significant positive relationship between cone number per tree and both the absolute number of cones and the percentage of the cone crop from which seeds were harvested. Cone weight and the number of viable seeds were also significantly related to seed harvest intensity. Laboratory experiments examined the relationship between crop size and cone characters on seed harvest by 18 Clark's Nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana). Nutcrackers were offered a choice of two tree types: one with 20 cones attached, and another with 10 cones attached. Significantly more birds chose to remove seeds first from the tree with 20 cones than the tree with 10 cones. In timed trials, they also harvested seeds from significantly more cones on the tree with the higher cone density. In the laboratory, cones chosen for seed removal by the nutcrackers had significantly more viable seeds, more seeds, and were longer compared to cones that were not chosen. Such discriminatory foraging behavior may increase avian foraging efficiency and result in differential reproductive success of pinyon pines. This behavior may therefore influence the evolution of pinyon pine reproductive traits.  相似文献   

I examined the annual pattern of seed production in three Korean populations ofPinus densiflora from 1998 to 2002. During the fall season, data were collected on the numbers of cones per tagged tree, as well as seed counts, their mass, and seed set following dehiscence. Dbh was measured for individual trees during each spring. Overall, 80.3% of the trees produced seed cones in even-numbered years compared with 51.6% in odd-numbered years. Moreover, trees that matured seed cones in even years produced 12 times more seeds per tree than those in odd years. Tree diameters generally increased significantly during the summers after odd-numbered years, although the trees at one site showed a consistent growth rate each year after 2000. Annual variations in individual seed mass, seed set, and the proportion of damaged seed cones occurred largely within odd or even years. Based on these results, the following conclusions were made: 1) seed-cone production ofP. densiflora is somewhat synchronized, but is not an all-or-nothing phenomenon, 2)P. densiflora tends to undergo mast seeding at two-year intervals, and 3) this alternate-year excess in seed crop may have evolved to increase fitness, though the exact evolutionary mechanism is unclear.  相似文献   

濒危植物秦岭冷杉种子萌发特性的研究   总被引:45,自引:2,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
 秦岭冷杉(Abies chensiensis)为中国特有种,主要分布于中国秦巴山地,现为渐危种,被列为国家二级保护植物。经测定,秦岭冷杉种子千粒重为(33.92±1.01)g,与其它冷杉属的种子比较,其种子千粒重较大。四唑(TTC,1.0 %)染色测种子生活力的结果表明:有生活力的种子占26.00%,空粒占20.50%,涩粒占33.75%,说明秦岭冷杉种子饱满度很差,反映了比较高的种子败育率;染色结果与对比发芽实验的结果很接近,说明用四唑染色来测定秦岭冷杉种子的生活力是较准确的方法。把种子进行0、14、21、28d低温(4℃)层积处理,发现低温层积可以显著提高种子发芽率和发芽势,但是层积21d与28d发芽势没有差异。设置恒温20℃、25℃和变温20~30℃ 3种温度条件下发芽比较,发现最终的发芽率并没有差异,但是发芽势差异显著,恒温25℃达到最大发芽率的90%的时间要比另外两种温度下提前9d,可见25℃是秦岭冷杉种子发芽的适宜温度。光照(8 h·d-1,100μmol·m-2·s-1)和黑暗下种子的最后发芽率差异不显著,但是光照发芽势高,可见光照可以促进秦岭冷杉种子发芽迅速、整齐。实验证明,用砂床做发芽基质与用纸床做发芽基质相比,前者的发芽率和发芽势均比后者高。  相似文献   

In addition to acting as seed predators, some terrestrial mammals bury seeds via scatter hoarding. This study system used two permanent plots in examining the interaction between small rodents and the seeds of the palm Astrocaryum mexicanum. We tested how experimental burial, and fruiting status of the parent, distance to the parent, seed size, and microsite characteristics affect the survival of these seeds. Up to 34% of the buried seeds that were exposed only to ignorant rodent foragers (individuals not responsible for burial) survived. In comparison, less than 1% of seeds buried by scatter hoarding rodents survived in previous studies, a percentage that is comparable to the low survival of unburied seeds in this study (<2%). Although unburied seeds had very low survival, increasing distance and/or seed density positively affected survival of unburied seeds. Distance to parent had no effect on buried seed survival.
Buried seed survival was most strongly and significantly determined by the fruiting status of the trees under which they occurred. Seeds experienced significantly greater predation if buried under “parent” trees that fruited during the experiment. Buried seed survival was also negatively affected by germination, as germination may signal the presence of a seed to foraging rodents. There was some indication of a positive effect of tree density on seed survival between the two plots, whereas differences in rodent abundance appear to have no effect on seed survival. Seed size and microsite characteristics had no significant effect on buried seed survival, likely due to the greater proportional effects of other factors and the longevity of A. mexicanum seeds. The results of this study were used to generate a hypothetical causal network showing how comparatively low recovery of buried seeds by ignorant foragers – combined with processes determining the removal of scatter hoarding foragers from their scattered seed caches – may affect seedling recruitment in A. mexicanum.  相似文献   

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