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许文滔  赵平  王权  饶兴权  蔡锡安  曾小平 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4122-4131
为深入揭示华南地区马占相思冠层气孔导度对环境因子的响应规律,在2005年7月至11月,利用Granier热消散式探针法对马占相思(Acacia mangium)的树干液流(sapflow)进行了连续测定,计算出整树的蒸腾,并由Penman-Monteith方程得出马占相思的冠层气孔导度值。通过分析,发现:马占相思冠层气孔导度是控制马占相思树整树蒸腾的主要因素;冠层气孔导度随着水汽压亏缺增加呈负指数函数下降的趋势。使用包括了太阳总辐射、水汽压亏缺和气温的Jarvis模型可以较好地模拟马占相思冠层气孔导度对环境因子的响应特征;模拟结果表明:环境变量对模型精确度的影响程度依次为:水汽压亏缺>太阳总辐射>气温。  相似文献   

许文滔  赵平  王权  饶兴权  蔡锡安  曾小平 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4122-4131
为深入揭示华南地区马占相思冠层气孔导度对环境因子的响应规律,在2005年7月至11月,利用Granier热消散式探针法对马占相思(Acacia mangium)的树干液流(sap flow)进行了连续测定,计算出整树的蒸腾,并由Penman-Monteith方程得出马占相思的冠层气孔导度值。通过分析,发现:马占相思冠层气孔导度是控制马占相思树整树蒸腾的主要因素;冠层气孔导度随着水汽压亏缺增加呈负指数函数下降的趋势。使用包括了太阳总辐射、水汽压亏缺和气温的Jarvis模型可以较好地模拟马占相思冠层气孔导度对环境因子的响应特征;模拟结果表明:环境变量对模型精确度的影响程度依次为:水汽压亏缺>太阳总辐射>气温。  相似文献   

蒸腾导度模型是衡量冠层-大气界面水汽输出的重要阻力模型,研究其特征及对环境因子的响应,为揭示森林冠层-大气界面水汽输出阻力机制提供理论依据。以首都圈森林生态系统定位观测研究站侧柏林为研究对象,采用TDP热探针法测定侧柏林树干液流密度,同步监测光合有效辐射、饱和水汽压差、气温、风速等主要环境因子,分析冠层导度和空气动力学导度的动态变化,构建冠层-大气蒸腾导度模型并模拟,明确冠层-大气蒸腾导度对各环境因子的响应关系。结果表明:蒸腾导度季节变化表现为非生长季与冠层导度趋势一致,生长季与空气动力学导度趋势一致,全年均为单峰趋势。冬季蒸腾导度与冠层导度保持较稳定差值(45 mol m^(-2 )s-1左右),其他季节蒸腾导度与冠层导度、空气动力学导度的最大差值,均在各季节冠层导度、空气动力学导度的峰值水平。全年日均蒸腾导度冬季最大(86.92 mol m^(-2 )s-1),其他季节较小且稳定(40—50 mol m^(-2 )s-1之间)。在非生长季各环境因子对蒸腾导度的影响与对冠层导度的影响基本一致,温度为主要影响因子(r=-0.198),其他环境因子影响较小(r<0.1);在生长季中风速为主要影响因子(r=0.488),光合有效辐射(r=0.228)和饱和水汽压差(r=-0.299)的影响明显升高,温度的影响降低(r=0.114)。蒸腾导度模型较好的模拟了冠层-大气界面侧柏蒸腾不同季节的变化规律,阐明了各环境因子和冠层导度、空气动力学导度对蒸腾导度的影响机制,证实在生长季应重视空气动力学导度对蒸腾的影响。  相似文献   

夏永秋  邵明安 《生态学报》2008,28(4):1376-1382
应用热脉冲技术在黄土高原神木县六道沟小流域于2006年6月13至25日测定了两种不同密度柠条(Caragana korshinskii)群落的树干液流动态.同时测量了土壤水分、太阳辐射、大气温度、相对湿度、风速、水汽压亏缺和作物参考蒸散等环境因子,并根据植物蒸腾的P-M公式,反推计算冠层导度.结果表明,除风速外,柠条树木液流与太阳辐射、大气温度、相对湿度、水汽压亏缺、作物参考蒸散均显著相关,且可用太阳辐射的线性表达式来估测.不同密度群落的日蒸腾量随叶面积指数增大而增加,叶面积指数为2.3的群落平均日蒸腾为3.83mm d-1m-2,而叶面积指数为1.1的林分平均日蒸腾1.64mm d-1m-2.冠层导度与气象因子关系复杂,当土壤水分不存在亏缺时,冠层导度与太阳辐射、大气温度、作物参考蒸散因子显著相关,与水汽亏缺和相对湿度因子无相关性;当土壤水分存在亏缺时,冠层导度与太阳辐射、大气温度、作物参考蒸散因子无相关关系,而与水汽亏缺和相对湿度因子显著相关.  相似文献   

树高对马占相思整树水分利用的效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Granier热消散探针,于2004年观测了华南丘陵坡地常见绿化先锋树种马占相思(22年生)的树干液流,同时监测林冠上方的光合有效辐射、气温、相对湿度和0~30 cm的土壤体积含水量.结合树木的形态特征、液流密度和简化的Whitehead & Jarvis公式,分别计算了整树蒸腾、冠层气孔导度和叶面积/边材面积比值,分析了树高对整树蒸腾、冠层气孔导度和叶面积/边材面积比值的影响.结果表明:土壤水分充足时,马占相思整树蒸腾随树高呈二次多项式增加(P<0.01),冠层气孔导度日变化均呈“单峰”格型;在所有光合有效辐射范围内,高树的参比冠层气孔导度和冠层气孔导度对水汽压亏缺的敏感性均高于矮树;叶面积/边材面积比值为(1.837±0.048) m2·cm-2,并与树高呈幂函数关系.随着树木高度的增加,马占相思没有发生明显的水力限制和补偿.  相似文献   

整树水力导度协同冠层气孔导度调节森林蒸腾   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
赵平 《生态学报》2011,31(4):1164-1173
冠层气孔导度决定森林的蒸腾效率,它对驱动水汽移动的水汽应力的响应受树木水力结构的影响,并随水汽压亏缺上升和水力导度下降而降低,维持水势在最低阈值之上,避免出现水力灾变,调控冠层蒸腾。由于叶形和树冠结构的特点,部分脱耦联反映了湿润地区阔叶林冠层与大气的水汽交换特征,单纯以气孔导度的变化难以完整描述水分通量的调节规律,因而,需要考虑冠层气孔导度与水力导度协同控制冠层蒸腾的潜在机理。通过整合叶片气孔气体交换、树干液流、冠层微气象和其他环境因子的野外观测值,估测不同时间尺度的森林冠层气孔导度与大气的脱耦联系数和变异范围,以基于树干液流的冠层蒸腾,结合叶片/土壤水势梯度计算的水力导度,分析水力导度影响冠层气孔导度响应水汽压亏缺的敏感性,可以揭示和阐明水力导度和冠层气孔导度联合调节森林蒸腾的机理,对准确估测全球变化背景下森林对水资源利用的潜在生态效应有明显的理论意义。  相似文献   

应用Granier热消散探针测定华南丘陵马占相思的树干液流,将液流与对应的光合有效辐射和水汽压亏缺数据列分别进行逐行错位分析和时间序列分析,探讨树干液流与蒸腾驱动因子之间的时滞效应,并对结果进行互相验证.结果表明:马占相思树木蒸腾主要驱动因子是光合有效辐射和水汽压亏缺,树干液流的变化更多地依赖光合有效辐射的变化,而且干季的依赖性比湿季更强;无论是干季还是湿季,树干液流都滞后于光合有效辐射,提前于水汽压亏缺;时滞效应季节差异显著;不同径级马占相思的时滞效应差异不显著;树高、胸径、冠幅并不能解释树干液流与光合有效辐射、水汽压亏缺之间的时滞效应;干季树干液流与水汽压亏缺之间的时滞效应与夜间水分补充量显著相关,湿季则相反.  相似文献   

为明确华南地区大叶相思(Acacia auriculaeformis)和柠檬桉(Eucalyptus citriodora)水分利用特征的季节动态变化,利用Granier热消散探针对广东地区两种引进乔木的树干液流进行了连续的长期监测,并同步监测了样树周围的环境因子。结果表明:2种乔木的液流在任何季节都表现出明显的昼夜变化规律,大叶相思的液流峰值和均值都显著高于柠檬桉;液流与环境因子之间的时滞关系因树种和季节的差异而有所不同;光合有效辐射、水汽压亏缺、空气湿度、气温均与液流速率显著相关,冬季光合有效辐射为主导因子,夏季水汽压亏缺为主导因子;比较径级相同、边材面积相似的大叶相思和柠檬桉发现,前者的日蒸腾耗水量显著大于后者,大叶相思蒸腾耗水的季节差异要比柠檬桉更加显著;研究还发现,柠檬桉的边材厚度随年龄的增长而下降;从蒸腾耗水能力的差异可以看出,20世纪80年代中期种植的柠檬桉显然比同龄大叶相思衰退更快。  相似文献   

采用热平衡包裹式茎干液流仪和微气象监测系统,模拟中国西北河西走廊中段荒漠生态系统典型固沙植物沙拐枣2014年6—9月茎干液流变化过程.结果表明: 沙拐枣茎干液流密度日变化呈宽幅单峰型,其峰值滞后于光合有效辐射峰值约30 min,提前于气温和水汽压亏缺峰值约120 min,其日变化与这3个环境因子日变化之间存在非对称性响应.观测期间,茎干液流密度变化与大气蒸腾需求密切相关,光合有效辐射、气温和水汽压亏缺是影响沙拐枣茎干液流密度的主要气〖JP2〗象因子.构建的基于茎干液流密度与气象因子响应关系的模型,能够比较准确地模拟不同天气条件沙拐枣液流密度的变化,而且经过时滞校正模型模拟精度进一步提高,但是该模型对低液流密度和夜间液流密度存在低估,这主要与植物的生理特征有关.  相似文献   

蒸腾是植物重要的生理活动之一, 受到多个环境要素的综合影响。该文利用热平衡包裹式茎干液流仪Flow32监测系统, 对河西走廊中段绿洲—荒漠过渡带主要固沙植物梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)生长季的蒸腾过程进行连续监测, 并分析了其对环境要素的响应。结果表明: (1)梭梭茎干液流速率随枝直径的增加而增加, 液流密度随枝直径的增加而降低, 梭梭液流密度日变化呈多峰特征, 整个生长季液流密度变化比较稳定。(2)主成分分析表明第1、2、3主成分能够分别解释环境信息49%、15%、12%的变化, 第一主成分中水汽压亏缺、光合有效辐射及气温反映了大气的蒸腾需求。(3) S型模型对液流密度日变化模拟精度达到0.86, 考虑时滞效应后模拟精度提高至0.9, 降水天气条件下模拟精度降低至0.65。(4)液流密度对主要环境要素存在非对称响应, 同光合有效辐射呈逆时针环状, 同水汽压亏缺、蒸腾需求指数呈顺时针环状。  相似文献   

植物气孔扩散传导率的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文对生长在可控环境温室中的花生气孔扩散传导率进行了实验研究,揭示了单个植株之间、上下表面之间、叶片不同部位以及冠层垂直方向上气孔扩散传导率的变异性。同时以气孔扩散传导率与环境条件的测定值为基础,对传导率对环境因子的反应进行了分析,植株顶部叶片气孔扩散传导率与太阳总辐射和空气饱和差有关系;冠层传导率与冠层截留辐射和空气饱和差有相关关系。  相似文献   

冠层导度(canopy conductance,gc)是生态系统对环境响应的敏感性指标,探讨冠层导度对环境因素的响应模式对了解生态系统生产力的变化模式至关重要。城市绿地作为人为设计的复合生态系统,其冠层导度变化规律及其对环境因子的响应亟待明确。基于涡度相关方法,本研究调查了北京奥林匹克森林公园2012-2016年连续5年的冠层导度的季节动态变化及其对空气温度(Ta)、光合有效辐射(PAR)、饱和水汽压差(VPD)以及土壤含水量(VWC)等环境因子的响应,利用统计回归方法分析了环境因子对冠层导度的影响,最后分析了冠层导度对总生态系统生产力(GEP)的影响。结果表明:2012-2016年的冠层导度依次为3.97、3.28、2.13、3.95和5.07 mm·s^-1,5年平均值为3.69±1.99 mm·s^-1;季节变化表现为从4月开始逐渐升高,在7、8月达到最大值后逐渐降低;在季节尺度上,VWC和Ta是影响冠层导度的主要环境因子,冠层导度随它们的增加而增大;而PAR和VPD对冠层导度的影响存在年际间的差异;5年间,GEP随着冠层导度的升高显著增大;城市绿地中,季节尺度上土壤水分的增加和气温的升高显著增加冠层导度,从而促进GEP。  相似文献   

In NW Patagonia, South America, natural shrublands and mixed forests of short Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forst.) Oerst. trees are currently being replaced by plantations with Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb) Franco. This land use change is controversial because the region is prone to drought, and replacement of native vegetation by planted forests may increase vegetation water use. The goal of this study was to examine the physiological differences, especially the response of water flux and canopy conductance to microclimate, that lead to greater water use by exotic trees compared to native trees. Meteorological variables and sapflow density of P. menziesii and four native woody species were measured in the growing season 2005–2006. Canopy conductance (gc) was estimated for both the exotic (monoculture) and native (multi-species) systems, including the individual contributions of each species of the native forest. Sapflow density, stand-level transpiration and gc were related to leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (VPD). All native species had different magnitudes and diurnal patterns of sapflow density compared to P. menziesii, which could be explained by the different gc responses to VPD. Stomatal sensitivity to VPD suggested that all native species have a stronger stomatal control of leaf water potential and transpiration due to hydraulic limitations compared to P. menziesii. In conclusion, differences in water use between a P. menziesii plantation and a contiguous native mixed forest of similar basal area could be explained by different gc responses to VPD between species (higher sensitivity in the native species), in addition to particular characteristics of the native forest structure.  相似文献   

We tested the efficacy of synthetic host marking pheromone (HMP) of the European cherry fruit fly (R. cerasi) as a fruit-infestation-reducing-agent in an experimental cherry orchard. Two different pheromone deployment strategies were compared: covering entire tree canopies with synthetic HMP or treating only one half (top to bottom or lower half) of the tree canopy. Pheromone application caused a tenfold reduction in fruit infestation if the entire tree canopy was covered (0.226 vs 0.021 pupae/fruit in untreated and treated trees, respectively). Results show, nevertheless, that a significant reduction in fruit infestation can be achieved by treating only one half of tree canopies (top to bottom) (0.021 vs 0.048 pupae/fruit when comparing totally vs partially treated trees). We conclude that synthetic cherry fruit fly HMP has potential as a fruit fly management tool, especially in cases where organically grown fruit reaches high market values.  相似文献   

麦田冠层气孔导度的分层研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦灌浆期和乳熟期冠层各层叶片上、下表面的气孔导度之间呈正相关关系;冠层不同层的叶片气孔导度从早到傍晚有平行变化的趋势,数值上存在较大的差异,一般从冠层上到下递减。经分析,这主要与冠层叶片接受的光强自上而下递减有关,且这时所对应的叶片水势自冠层上到下递增的幅度大。测算结果表明,冠层气孔导度白天亦呈明显的日变化,灌浆期的值大于乳熟期的值。  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in primary productivity in three tropical ponds   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Primary productivity values ranged from 1.5 to 15.8 gc/M2/day in Othakadai pond; 2.0 to 8.0 gc/M2/day in Teppakulam tank and 1.05 to 5.4 gc/M2/day in Yanamalai pond. Among the three ponds, highest annual yield was recorded in Othakadai pond (2000.2 gc/M2/yr) next in order comes Teppakulam tank (1211.8 gc/M2/yr) and lastly Yanamalai pond (810.7 gc/M2/yr). In all three ponds temperature and chlorophyll-a showed a more or less direct correlation to productivity values. Alkalinity values and productivity values showed a positive correlation in Othakadai and Yanamalai ponds, while no relationship between alkalinity and productivity could be established in Teppakulam tank.Formed part of a Ph. D. Thesis submitted to Madurai University.  相似文献   

Human norovirus (NoV) is the leading cause of foodborne illness in the United States and Canada. Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents impacting bivalve mollusk-growing areas are potential sources of NoV contamination. We have developed a meta-analysis that evaluates WWTP influent concentrations and log10 reductions of NoV genotype I (NoV GI; in numbers of genome copies per liter [gc/liter]), NoV genotype II (NoV GII; in gc/liter), and male-specific coliphage (MSC; in number of PFU per liter), a proposed viral surrogate for NoV. The meta-analysis included relevant data (2,943 measurements) reported in the scientific literature through September 2013 and previously unpublished surveillance data from the United States and Canada. Model results indicated that the mean WWTP influent concentration of NoV GII (3.9 log10 gc/liter; 95% credible interval [CI], 3.5, 4.3 log10 gc/liter) is larger than the value for NoV GI (1.5 log10 gc/liter; 95% CI, 0.4, 2.4 log10 gc/liter), with large variations occurring from one WWTP to another. For WWTPs with mechanical systems and chlorine disinfection, mean log10 reductions were −2.4 log10 gc/liter (95% CI, −3.9, −1.1 log10 gc/liter) for NoV GI, −2.7 log10 gc/liter (95% CI, −3.6, −1.9 log10 gc/liter) for NoV GII, and −2.9 log10 PFU per liter (95% CI, −3.4, −2.4 log10 PFU per liter) for MSCs. Comparable values for WWTPs with lagoon systems and chlorine disinfection were −1.4 log10 gc/liter (95% CI, −3.3, 0.5 log10 gc/liter) for NoV GI, −1.7 log10 gc/liter (95% CI, −3.1, −0.3 log10 gc/liter) for NoV GII, and −3.6 log10 PFU per liter (95% CI, −4.8, −2.4 PFU per liter) for MSCs. Within WWTPs, correlations exist between mean NoV GI and NoV GII influent concentrations and between the mean log10 reduction in NoV GII and the mean log10 reduction in MSCs.  相似文献   

Tube‐nesting bees and wasps were collected with bamboo tube nest traps in a cherry blossom forest and an old secondary forest in Tama Forest Science Garden in the western suburbs of Tokyo. Curtain type traps, in which bamboo tubes were vertically arranged, attracted more bees and wasps to nests than bundle type traps, in which bamboo tubes were bundled haphazardly. The attractiveness of small tubes was similar between small tube traps, which were only composed of small tubes (about 4 mm in diameter), and size mixture traps, which set small tubes together with larger tubes, indicating that the presence of the larger species did not affect the nesting of small species. In the cherry forest, which was characterized by the sparse distribution of deciduous cherry trees with a thin canopy layer and rich growth of weeds, Megachilidae, Colletidae, Sphecidae and Eumenidae were common. In the shady secondary forest, where evergreen trees (Abies firma Sieb. et Zucc., Quercus glauca Thunb.) and shrubs (Aucuba japonica Thunb., Eurya japonica Thunb., Camellia japonica L.) were prevalent, Pompilidae was abundant. Among five species of Crabronidae recorded in this study, four were collected mostly in the cherry forest, whereas the most abundant, Trypoxylon malaisei Gussakovskij, was also common in the secondary forest. Likewise, Auplopus carbonarius (Scopoli) (Pompilidae) was common in the secondary forest and not rare in the cherry forest. These results suggest that the tube‐nesting bees and wasps can be a good bioindicator for monitoring environment.  相似文献   

In the course of investigation of Trichothecium roseum (Fungi Imperfecti) for its attractancy against Tyrophagus putrescentiae (cheese mite), the twenty following volatile compounds produced at a very low concentration by the microfungus were identified by gc, gc/ms, gc/c.i.ms and tlc: 3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-octanone, 1-octen-3-one, 3-octanol, octa-1,5-dien-3 one, 1-octen-3-ol, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol, octa-1,5-dien-3 ol, furfural, linalool, linalyl acetate, terpineol (alpha and beta) citronellyl acetate, nerol, citronellol, phenylacetaldehyde, benzyl alcohol geranyl acetate, 1-phenyl ethanol and nerolidol. Octa-1,5-dien-3-ol and octa-1,5-dien-3-one have not been previously isolated from fungi; octa-1,5-dien-3-ol is the most potent attractant amount the volatile compounds detected by gc.  相似文献   

Procedures are presented for the simultaneous analysis of hypoxanthine, xanthine, allopurinol, oxipurinol, and uric acid in standard mixtures and physiological fluids using gas chromatography (gc) or high-pressure liquid chromatography (hplc). Excellent correlation was obtained between the two methods for hypoxanthine, xanthine, oxipurinol, and uric acid. There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. hplc requires no prior derivatization, uses isocratic elution with a buffer containing no organic solvent, and has 50- to 100-fold greater sensitivity than gc. Simpler methods of prepurification, readily adapted to clinical laboratories, can be used for hplc analysis. Although substances that are found in some urine samples from cancer patients interfere with hplc, separations by gc are not affected by these substances.  相似文献   

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