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刘仁虎  孟金陵 《遗传学报》2006,33(9):814-823
采用RFLP和AFLP标记对来自中国和欧美的7份甘蓝型油菜和22份白菜型油菜进行了遗传多样性分析。在这29份材料中,166个酶-探针组合和2对AFLP引物共检测到1477个RFLP标记和183个AFLP标记。RFLP数据显示以拟南芥EST克隆作探针比用油菜基因组克隆做探针能检测到更多的多态性位点,且采用EcoR Ⅰ或BamH Ⅰ酶切比HindⅢ酶切多态性好,白菜型油菜和甘蓝型油菜中基因的拷贝数平均都为3个左右。UPGMA聚类分析表明中国白菜型油菜的遗传多样性比甘蓝型油菜和欧美白菜型油菜丰富,欧美甘蓝型油菜与欧美白菜型油菜聚为一类,而与中国甘蓝型油菜差异更大。中国白菜型油菜丰富的遗传多样性为中国甘蓝型油菜的改良提供了宝贵的资源,揭示了利用白菜型油菜A基因组和甘蓝型油菜A基因组间亚基因组杂种优势的可能性。  相似文献   

芥菜型油菜和白菜型油菜种间杂种遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种间杂交是一种拓宽栽培作物遗传基础和转移优良性状的重要手段,已经广泛地用于作物品质的改良。本研究通过芥菜型油菜(Brassica juncea L.)和白菜型油菜(Brassica rapa L.)种间杂交,将芥菜型油菜的有利性状转移到白菜型油菜中,创造新型白菜型油菜,以改良白菜型油菜的农艺性状、提高抗逆性和拓宽其遗传基础。研究结果表明:以芥菜型油菜作母本、白菜型油菜作父本的杂交组合较易获得杂交种子,杂种F1植株营养生长具有较明显的杂种优势,但花粉完全不育;以白菜型油菜回交获得的BC1植株间表型差异明显,平均花粉可染率为34.8%,介于 0~84%之间,群体自交不亲和;BC1F1和BC2群体变异广泛,出现自交亲和植株和黄籽植株,平均花粉可染率分别为79.7%和79.1%。  相似文献   

白菜类蔬菜资源的农艺性状分析及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对505份白菜类蔬菜:大白菜、小白菜和紫菜薹的田间观察鉴定,同时抽取其中有代表性的材料90份(每类型30份)以白菜型油菜(30份)为对照进行农艺性状考察,结果显示:白菜类蔬菜种质资源中存在有符合油莱育种目标的特异性状,如特早熟型、白花、黄籽、抗寒型、矮杆、多分枝、多角果、大粒、特殊不育类型等。从变异幅度看,白菜类蔬菜资源的大多数农艺性状的变异系数大于白菜型油菜。同时通过核心种质资源构建,从120份材料中筛选出40份(每类10份)进行系统聚类分析,结果将40份供试材料共分为12类,其中紫菜薹和白菜型油莱各聚为一类,而小白菜和大白菜的聚类结果比较复杂,类型较多,这说明白菜类蔬菜资源与普通白菜型油菜的亲缘关系较远,遗传背景差异较大,用它们测配杂交组合优势明显,这一点在实际应用中已被证实。同时通过对白菜类蔬菜不育系和甘蓝型油菜不育系接受外界花粉能力的比较得到,白菜类蔬菜不育系的异交率极高。这一特性为其杂交优势利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

西藏白菜型油菜遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
通过利用22个10bp随机引物对来自西藏高原地区107份白菜型油菜种质资源材料的PAPD分析,探讨了西藏白菜型油菜品种之间的遗传分化关系,结果表明:(1)供试的107份材料共产生236条谱带,其中210条谱带有多态性,占88.98%,说明白菜型油菜在西藏高原地区具有较丰富的遗传多样性;(2)根据引物扩增出的DNA指纹图谱,运用UPGMA分析法,在遗传距离为0.078处,可将供试的107份白菜型油菜划分为11个类群,发现来自于同一地区或气候相似区的品种往往聚在一起,表明西藏高原白菜型油菜品种的相似性与其原产地的地理,气候背景密切相关,并在此基础上,结合西藏高原农业发展历史,气候背景以及地形地貌特点和植物地理学,植物区系学,植物进化论等方面的综合分析,提出西藏高原是世界白菜型油菜起源地的观点。  相似文献   

我国部分白菜型油菜 RAPD 的研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本研究用RAPD技术和统计学方法,对以湖南和湖北省油菜为主的34个白菜型油菜品种的遗传多样性进行了分析。根据离差平方和,用Ward's聚类方法进行聚类。结果表明:白菜型油菜的遗传变异与生态地理分布有密切的关系;湖南和湖北两省的白菜型油菜品种存在广泛的遗传变异;在DNA水平上可将所分析的34个品种分成8个类群。作者对研究结果在遗传育种中的应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

白菜型油菜品种萌发期的抗旱性鉴定与筛选   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
秋旱影响我国长江流域油菜的播种和生长。从遗传基础广泛的白菜型油菜资源中筛选抗旱材料,对于培育抗旱油菜品种具有重要意义。以不同浓度的PEG-6000溶液于萌发期对5份不同遗传背景的白菜型油菜进行模拟干旱胁迫处理,并测定种子萌发抗旱指数、相对发芽率、相对发芽势、相对根长、相对芽长。与对照相比,干旱胁迫下各指标均有显著差异,对各指标进行主成分分析,确定了抗旱性鉴定参数,并确立了白菜型油菜资源抗旱性筛选的工作液为200 g/L的PEG-6000。选用该工作液于萌芽期对203份白菜型油菜资源进行了抗旱筛选,结果表明,模拟干旱胁迫下,大部分材料的抗旱性与对照有显著差异,用隶属函数法和聚类分析对抗旱性鉴定指标进行分析,并对所有供试材料的抗旱性进行了排序,鉴定出了抗旱性最强的PI226505白菜型油菜,其来源为Iran,为油菜下一步抗旱性遗传改良奠定了基础。  相似文献   

通过配制4个隐性无腺体品系(gl2gl2gl3gl3)作母本与5个显性无腺体品系(GL2^eGl2^3eGl3Gl3)杂交产生的20个组合的F2、F3,利用二倍体种子遗传模型,研究了棉花种子的含油量、蛋白质含量、油分指数、蛋白质指数等5个种子性状的遗传变异。结果表明所有研究的性状主要由加性遗传效应所控制,其中含油量主要由母体加性遗传效应所控。按群体平均数计算。这些性状F2的中亲优势仅为-1.99%-1.11%,这揭示出F2、F3近交衰退很少。有75%的F2和60%的F3天然授粉异交组合棉酚含量低于0.4g/kg,因此有可能筛选出棉酚含量低于规定标准、而种子品质不降低、可综合利用的F2高产杂交种。  相似文献   

芥菜型油菜种质资源研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从收集保存、鉴定、研究、创新和利用5个方面介绍了芥菜型油菜种质资源研究进展。芥菜型油菜起源于亚洲,印度、中国收集的资源最多。芥菜型油菜可以分为中国-东欧类型和中国-印度类型2大类,每一类中均存在较大的遗传变异,许多具有优良性状的种质已经鉴定出来,并对其进行了生理学、遗传学研究。通过远缘杂交、诱变和遗传转化已创造出芥菜型油菜新种质。已鉴定、培育的芥菜型油菜优异种质资源在油菜育种上得到广泛利用。  相似文献   

利用SRAP标记分析四川省芋种质资源遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分子水平研究四川省芋资源的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,为芋种质资源的分类、保护和有效利用遗传资源以及新品种选育提供依据。本研究利用SRAP分子标记技术,使用28对SRAP引物组合对65份四川省不同地区芋种质资源材料进行遗传多样性分析,采用NT-SYS 2.1统计软件对数据进行分析,建立树状聚类图。扩增出并检测到341条条带,平均每个引物组合扩增检测出12.18条带,多态性带251条,多态率73.6%。UPGMA树形图表明,所用的SRAP引物组合可以将65份材料分成5类,分别与这些材料在园艺分类学上按母芋和子芋的生长习性分类基本相符,与以芋叶心色斑颜色、叶柄中下部颜色、母芋芽色及母芋肉色4种形态性状组合描述具有相关性。研究表明,从四川省不同地区、不同生态环境下收集的不同类型芋种质资源间存在着较丰富的遗传多样性,SRAP分析聚类结果与主要形态学性状分类基本一致,可以解释芋栽培种的进化关系。  相似文献   

上海地区芸薹属蔬菜遗传多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用SSR分子标记分析和农艺性状鉴定对上海地区的17份甘蓝、44份白菜,共61份芸薹属蔬菜进行遗传多样性评价。UPGMA聚类结果显示,61份材料被聚类为两大类,甘蓝类和白菜类,其中白菜型蔬菜品种的相似系数在0.96~0.77之间,甘蓝型蔬菜品种的相似系数在0.93~0.63之间。聚类分析的结果说明,上海地区的甘蓝类蔬菜遗传多样性比较丰富,而白菜类蔬菜的遗传基础比较单一,急需保护现有的白菜型蔬菜品种的种质资源,防止遗传流失。本实验还说明通过SSR分子标记技术与农艺性状鉴定相结合,综合评价芸薹属蔬菜的遗传多样性比采用单一的方法更加准确有效。  相似文献   

Seed coat color inheritance in B. rapa was studied in F(1), F(2), F(3), and BC(1) progenies from a cross of a Canadian brown-seeded variety 'SPAN' and a Bangladeshi yellow sarson variety 'BARI-6'. A pollen effect was found when the yellow sarson line was used as the maternal parent. Seed coat color segregated into brown, yellow-brown and bright yellow classes. Segregation was under digenic control where the brown or yellow-brown color was dominant over bright yellow seed coat color. A sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) marker linked closely to a major seed coat color gene (Br1/br1) was developed. This dominant SRAP molecular marker was successfully converted into single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and sequence characterized amplification region (SCAR) markers after the extended flanking sequence of the SRAP was obtained with chromosome walking. In total, 24 SNPs were identified with more than 2-kb sequence. A 12-bp deletion allowed the development of a SCAR marker linked closely to the Br1 gene. Using the five-fluorescence dye set supplied by ABI, four labeled M13 primers were integrated with different SCAR primers to increase the throughput of SCAR marker detection. Using multiplexed SCAR markers targeting insertions and deletions in a genome shows great potential for marker assisted selection in plant breeding.  相似文献   

A Brassica juncea mapping population was generated and scored for seed coat colour. A combination of bulked segregant analysis and AFLP methodology was employed to identify markers linked to seed coat colour in B. juncea. AFLP analysis using 16 primer combinations revealed seven AFLP markers polymorphic between the parents and the bulks. Individual plants from the segregating population were analysed, and three AFLP markers were identified as being tightly linked to the seed coat colour trait and specific for brown-seeded individuals. Since AFLP markers are not adapted for large-scale application in plant breeding, our objective was to develop a fast, cheap and reliable PCR-based assay. Towards this goal, we employed PCR-walking technology to isolate sequences adjacent to the linked AFLP marker. Based on the sequence information of the cloned flanking sequence of marker AFLP8, primers were designed. Amplification using the locus-specific primers generated bands at 0.5 kb and 1.2 kb with the yellow-seeded parent and a 1.1-kb band with the brown-seeded parent. Thus, the dominant AFLP marker (AFLP8) was converted into a simple codominant SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region) marker and designated as SCM08. Scoring of this marker in a segregating population easily distinguished yellow- and brown-seeded B. juncea and also differentiated between homozygous (BB) and heterozygous (Bb) brown-seeded individuals. Thus, this marker will be useful for the development of yellow seed B. juncea cultivars and facilitate the map-based cloning of genes responsible for seed coat colour trait. Received: 2 October 1999 / Accepted: 11 November 1999  相似文献   

Seed color inheritance in Brassica juncea was studied in F1, F2 and BC1 populations. Seed color was found under the control of the maternal genotype, and the brown-seeded trait was dominant over the yellow-seeded trait. Segregation analysis revealed that one pair of major genes controlled the seed coat color. To develop markers linked to the seed color gene, AFLP (amplified fragments length polymorphism) combined with BSA (bulk segregant analysis) technology was used to screen the parents and bulks selected randomly from an F2 population (Wuqi yellow mustard × Wugong mustard) consisting of 346 individuals. From a survey of 512 AFLP primer combinations, 15 AFLP markers located on either side of the gene were identified, and the average distance between markers was 2.59 cM. P11MG15 was a cosegregated marker, and the closest markers (P03MC08, P16MC02 and P11MG01) were at a distance of 0.3, 0.3 and 0.7 cM from the target gene, respectively. In order to utilize the markers for breeding of yellow-seeded varieties, four AFLP markers, P11MG01, P15MG15, P09MC12 and P16MC02 were successfully converted into SCAR (sequence characterized amplified region) markers. The seed color trait controlled by the single gene together with the available molecular markers will greatly facilitate the future breeding of yellow-seeded varieties. The markers found in the present study could accelerate the step of map-based cloning of the target gene.  相似文献   

Microsatellite marker technology in combination with three doubled haploid mapping populations of Brassica juncea were used to map and tag two independent loci controlling seed coat colour in B. juncea. One of the populations, derived from a cross between a brown-seeded Indian cultivar, Varuna, and a Canadian yellow-seeded line, Heera, segregated for two genes coding for seed coat colour; the other two populations segregated for one gene each. Microsatellite markers were obtained from related Brassica species. Three microsatellite markers (Ra2-A11, Na10-A08 and Ni4-F11) showing strong association with seed coat colour were identified through bulk segregant analysis. Subsequent mapping placed Ra2-A11 and Na10-A08 on linkage group (LG) 1 at an interval of 0.6 cM from each other and marker Ni4-F11 on LG 2 of the linkage map of B. juncea published previously (Pradhan et al., Theor Appl Genet 106:607–614, 2003). The two seed coat colour genes were placed with markers Ra2-A11 and Na10-A08 on LG 1 and Ni4-F11 on LG 2 based on marker genotyping data derived from the two mapping populations segregating for one gene each. One of the genes (BjSC1) co-segregated with marker Na10-A08 in LG 1 and the other gene (BjSC2) with Ni4-F11 in LG 2, without any recombination in the respective mapping populations of 130 and 103 segregating plants. The identified microsatellite markers were studied for their length polymorphism in a number of yellow-seeded eastern European and brown-seeded Indian germplasm of B. juncea and were found to be useful for the diversification of yellow seed coat colour from a variety of sources into Indian germplasm.  相似文献   

Seed coat color inheritance in Brassica napus was studied in F1, F2, F3 and backcross progenies from crosses of five black seeded varieties/lines to three pure breeding yellow seeded lines. Maternal inheritance was observed for seed coat color in B. napus, but a pollen effect was also found when yellow seeded lines were used as the female parent. Seed coat color segregated from black to dark brown, light brown, dark yellow, light yellow, and yellow. Seed coat color was found to be controlled by three genes, the first two genes were responsible for black/brown seed coat color and the third gene was responsible for dark/light yellow seed coat color in B. napus. All three seed coat color alleles were dominant over yellow color alleles at all three loci. Sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) was used for the development of molecular markers co-segregating with the seed coat color genes. A SRAP marker (SA12BG18388) tightly linked to one of the black/brown seed coat color genes was identified in the F2 and backcross populations. This marker was found to be anchored on linkage group A9/N9 of the A-genome of B. napus. This SRAP marker was converted into sequence-characterized amplification region (SCAR) markers using chromosome-walking technology. A second SRAP marker (SA7BG29245), very close to another black/brown seed coat color gene, was identified from a high density genetic map developed in our laboratory using primer walking from an anchoring marker. The marker was located on linkage group C3/N13 of the C-genome of B. napus. This marker also co-segregated with the black/brown seed coat color gene in B. rapa. Based on the sequence information of the flanking sequences, 24 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified between the yellow seeded and black/brown seeded lines. SNP detection and genotyping clearly differentiated the black/brown seeded plants from dark/light/yellow-seeded plants and also differentiated between homozygous (Y2Y2) and heterozygous (Y2y2) black/brown seeded plants. A total of 768 SRAP primer pair combinations were screened in dark/light yellow seed coat color plants and a close marker (DC1GA27197) linked to the dark/light yellow seed coat color gene was developed. These three markers linked to the three different yellow seed coat color genes in B. napus can be used to screen for yellow seeded lines in canola/rapeseed breeding programs.  相似文献   

This study describes the use of regional association analyses to delineate a sequenced region of a Brassica napus chromosome with a significant effect on antinutritive seed meal compounds in oilseed rape. A major quantitative trait locus (QTL) influencing seed colour, fibre content, and phenolic compounds was mapped to the same position on B. napus chromosome A9 in biparental mapping populations from two different yellow-seeded × black-seeded B. napus crosses. Sequences of markers spanning the QTL region identified synteny to a sequence contig from the corresponding chromosome A9 in Brassica rapa. Remapping of sequence-derived markers originating from the B. rapa sequence contig confirmed their position within the QTL. One of these markers also mapped to a seed colour and fibre QTL on the same chromosome in a black-seeded × black-seeded B. napus cross. Consequently, regional association analysis was performed in a genetically diverse panel of dark-seeded, winter-type oilseed rape accessions. For this we used closely spaced simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers spanning the sequence contig covering the QTL region. Correction for population structure was performed using a set of genome-wide SSR markers. The identification of QTL-derived markers with significant associations to seed colour, fibre content, and phenolic compounds in the association panel enabled the identification of positional and functional candidate genes for B. napus seed meal quality within a small segment of the B. rapa genome sequence.  相似文献   

Huang Z  Ban Y  Yang L  Zhang Y  Li H  Xiao E  Xu A  Zhang D 《Génome》2012,55(1):8-14
The yellow mustard plant in Northern Shaanxi is a precious germplasm, and the yellow seed trait is controlled by a single recessive gene. In this report, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) techniques were used to identify markers linked to the brown seed locus in an F(2) population consisting of 1258 plants. After screening 256 AFLP primer combinations and 456 pairs of SSR primers, we found 14 AFLP and 2 SSR markers that were closely linked to the brown seed locus. Among these markers, the SSR marker CB1022 showed codominant inheritance. By integrating markers previously found to be linked to the brown seed locus into the genetic map of the F(2) population, 23 markers were linked to the brown seed locus. The two closest markers, EA02MC08 and P03MC08, were located on either side of the brown seed locus at a distance of 0.3 and 0.5 cM, respectively. To use the markers for the breeding of yellow-seeded mustard plants, two AFLP markers (EA06MC11 and EA08MC13) were converted into sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers, SC1 and SC2, with the latter as the codominant marker. The two SSR markers were subsequently mapped to the A9/N9 linkage group of Brassica napus L. by comparing common SSR markers with the published genetic map of B. napus. A BLAST analysis indicated that the sequences of seven markers showed good colinearity with those of Arabidopsis chromosome 3 and that the homolog of the brown seed locus might exist between At3g14120 and At3g29615 on this same chromosome. To develop closer markers, we could make use of the sequence information of this region to design primers for future studies. Regardless, the close markers obtained in the present study will lay a solid foundation for cloning the yellow seed gene using a map-based cloning strategy.  相似文献   

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