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模拟酸雨对杉木幼苗-土壤复合体系土壤呼吸的短期效应   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
刘源月  江洪  李雅红  原焕英 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2010-2017
为了解酸雨对土壤碳释放的作用,选取对酸沉降敏感的杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)幼苗-土壤复合系统,分成重度酸雨(pH值2.5)、中度酸雨(pH值4.0)和对照(pH值5.6)3个处理区组,进行了2a模拟酸雨胁迫盆栽实验。通过分析酸雨短期作用下土壤酸化的状况以及土壤呼吸的变动,发现:(1)对照组土壤pH值虽有下降,但土壤缓冲体系无显著变化。重度酸雨组土壤pH值持续下降至3.71,土壤残留交换性Ca2+和Mg2+含量明显降低,土壤缓冲体系转成铝缓冲体系,土壤明显酸化。中度酸雨组土壤pH值略低于对照,土壤残留交换性Ca2+含量维持在40.15-42.76μg·g-1(烘干土),而交换性Mg2+含量下降,土壤缓冲体系无显著变化。(2)非模拟酸雨胁迫状况下(对照组),2007年和2008年年均土壤呼吸速率分别为1.41μmol·m-2·s-1和1.42μmol·m-2·s-1,土壤呼吸作用稳定。模拟酸雨短期内以抑制土壤呼吸为主。重度酸雨使土壤呼吸作用持续减弱,2007年和2008年年均土壤呼吸速率分别下降了14%和28%;中度酸雨虽未造成土壤的显著酸化,但该处理组年均土壤呼吸速率2007年增加了8%,2008年则降低了15%。模拟酸雨对土壤呼吸的影响随着酸雨的持续而加强。  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对污泥堆肥中重金属形态转化及其环境行为的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
黄游  陈玲  李宇庆  朱志良  赵建夫 《生态学杂志》2006,25(11):1352-1357
通过模拟酸雨淋溶土柱的方法,研究了酸雨(pH=5.0和2.9)作用下污泥堆肥中Zn、Cu和Ni的溶出和迁移性。分析了酸雨对重金属形态分布规律的影响。结果表明,在相同酸雨强度下,淋出液中重金属含量与其在土柱中迁移距离大小次序为Zn〉Cu〉Ni;重金属在相同深度的土层中含量大小次序为Zn〉Ni〉Cu。淋溶液pH的降低和污泥堆肥施加比例的提高均会增加重金属在淋出液和土柱中的含量,但不影响重金属在土柱中的迁移距离。土壤酸化会促使土壤中重金属形态向活性形态转化,而且迁移距离增加。  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对土壤呼吸影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯继广  宋彦君 《广西植物》2017,37(4):533-540
土壤呼吸是陆地生态系统与大气环境之间进行碳交换的主要途径,在全球碳循环和碳平衡中占有极其重要的地位。全球变化背景下,由于人类活动而导致日益严重的酸雨问题,其对土壤呼吸的影响越来越受到国内外学者的广泛关注。酸雨导致土壤酸化,对土壤微生物代谢活动、植物地上地下生长以及凋落物分解等产生影响,进而影响土壤呼吸。该文综述了模拟酸雨对森林生态系统和农田生态系统土壤呼吸影响的三种结果,即抑制、促进和无影响;酸雨影响土壤呼吸的差异受到酸雨酸性、酸雨处理持续时间以及植被类型、植物生长季节、植被演替阶段以及土壤理化性质等生物和非生物因素的综合影响。低强度和高强度酸雨都倾向于降低土壤呼吸的温度敏感性(Q_(10))。从影响土壤呼吸的四个关键的生物因子,即光合作用、凋落物、微生物、根系生物量,分析了模拟酸雨影响土壤呼吸的潜在机制;但是酸雨影响土壤呼吸的过程复杂,使得土壤呼吸对酸雨的部分响应机理仍存在不确定性。在此基础上总结了现有研究存在的不足,提出了今后需要给予重点关注的四个方面的研究:(1)不同类型生态系统对酸雨响应的研究;(2)土壤各组分呼吸对酸雨响应的研究;(3)模拟酸雨与其他外界因素的共同作用研究;(4)与土壤呼吸相关的生物因子对酸雨响应的研究。  相似文献   

成土母质和种植制度对土壤pH和交换性铝的影响   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
郭荣发  杨杰文 《生态学报》2004,24(5):984-990
研究了我国南方 3种不同成土母质发育的酸性自然土壤的 p H与交换性铝含量状况和种植不同作物后它们的变化。研究结果表明 ,自然土壤的 p H平均值大小顺序为雷州半岛地区玄武岩发育砖红壤≤粤中花岗岩发育赤红壤 <粤北石灰岩发育红壤 ,土壤交换性铝含量的平均值的大小顺序为粤北石灰岩发育红壤 <雷州半岛地区玄武岩发育砖红壤 <粤中花岗岩发育赤红壤。种植茶树将使这 3种土壤的 p H显著降低 ,交换性铝的含量则将不同程度升高 ,最为明显的是种茶后石灰岩发育的茶园土的 p H在这 3种土壤中变为最低 ,交换性铝数量的增加幅度最大。种植水稻将提高土壤的 p H和交换性铝的含量。轮作花生后土壤的 p H也将上升 ,但受施用石灰的影响土壤交换性铝的含量将降低  相似文献   

缙云山4种林分土壤无机磷与活性铝的含量及分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索不同林分对土壤中无机磷与活性铝的含量及分布的影响,以及无机磷与活性铝之间的相互关系,以在我国西南地区酸性土壤上的农林经营管理提供理论和实践依据。研究以缙云山广泛分布的4种林分类型:山莓、马尾松、楠竹和柑橘林土壤为对象,采用酸性土壤无机磷分级方法和铝试剂比色法测定了土壤剖面A、B和C层中各形态的无机磷与活性铝的含量,分析了不同林分土壤中无机磷和活性铝的含量和分布特征。结果表明,林分类型显著影响土壤中无机磷与活性铝的含量与分布,且铁磷(Fe-P)、交换态铝(Ex-Al)和羟基铝(Hy-Al)的含量和比例还受到土壤层次的影响。4种林分相比,山莓林能促进闭蓄态磷(O-P)的形成,而马尾松、楠竹和柑橘林则有利于Al-P、Fe-P和Ca-P的形成;柑橘林有利于低活性的腐殖酸铝(Al-AH)形成,而山莓、马尾松和楠竹林促进高活性的Ex-Al或Hy-Al溶出;Ex-Al、Al-P和Fe-P在土层的分布上有表层富集现象,而Hy-Al集中分布于B层。此外,土壤Ex-Al和Al-P与Fe-P之间,Hy-Al和Ca-P之间均呈显著(P<0.05)正相关。因此,林分类型显著影响土壤无机磷与活性铝的含...  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对污染土壤中Cd、Cu和Zn释放及其形态转化的影响   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
研究了模拟酸雨连续浸泡下污染红壤和黄红壤中重金属释放及形态转化.结果表明。随着模拟酸雨pH值下降,污染土壤中重金属释放强度明显增大;Cd、Zn释放量与酸雨pH值呈线性极显著负相关.Cu与酸雨pH值呈线性显著负相关.模拟酸雨作用下,污染红壤和黄红壤中Cd均以交换态为主;Cu则以有机结合态和氧化锰结合态为主;Zn在污染红壤中以残留态和交换态为主.在污染黄红壤中以残留态和有机结合态为主.土壤有机质含量和阳离子交换量对Cd、Cu、Zn的释放产生一定的影响并影响Cd、Zn的形态转化,但对Cu形态转化影响不明显,随着模拟酸雨酸度增大,污染红壤和黄红壤中重金属Cd、Cu的生物可利用态明显增多,但难解吸态Zn向生物有效态转化效应不明显.  相似文献   

模拟酸雨及其酸化土壤对小麦幼苗膜脂过氧化水平的影响   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
童贯和  刘天骄  黄伟 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1509-1516
以小麦为试材,采用盆栽的方法研究了模拟酸雨及其酸化土壤对小麦幼苗膜脂过氧化水平的影响。结果表明以黄棕壤为材料通过模拟酸雨的淋溶,引起了土壤酸化和盐基流失。当模拟酸雨的pH值由5.6下降到2.5时,土壤pH值由6.06下降到3.41,土壤中交换性盐基总量便从56.5mmol/kg下降到41.1mmol/kg。将小麦幼苗栽培在该酸化土壤上,并分别用5种不同pH值的模拟酸雨喷淋地上器官,导致小麦幼苗体内的膜脂过氧化水平增高和保护酶的活性变化。其中模拟酸雨喷淋小麦幼苗对叶片中的膜脂过氧化水平及保护酶活性的影响大于酸化土壤对其产生的影响。而酸化土壤对小麦幼苗根系中的膜脂过氧化水平和保护酶活性的影响大于模拟酸雨喷淋对其产生的影响。同时,pH≤3.0的高强度酸雨以及由其产生的酸化土壤(T4、T5土壤)对小麦幼苗的膜脂过氧化水平和保护酶的活性产生了严重的影响。  相似文献   

酸性土壤上缺磷和铝毒对大豆生长的交互作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以7个磷效率不同的大豆基因型为材料,通过土壤盆栽试验进行石灰和磷肥处理,研究酸性土壤上缺磷和铝毒对大豆生长的交互影响及其基因型差异.结果表明:缺磷和铝毒是酸性土壤上同时存在的影响大豆生长的主要障碍因子,其中铝毒对大豆生长的限制更为严重;缺磷和铝毒对酸性土壤上大豆生长的影响具有显著的交互作用.同时施用石灰(降低铝毒)和磷肥(提高磷有效性)比单施石灰或单施磷肥处理对大豆生长的促进效果更显著;缺磷和铝毒对大豆磷吸收的影响远大于对氮、钾吸收的影响.合理种植大豆对酸性土壤具有较好的改良作用.同时施用石灰[1.103 g Ca(OH)2·kg-1土]和磷肥(2.018 g KH2PO4·kg-1土)可使酸性土壤pH值平均提高38.4%,交换性铝含量降低96.3%,有效磷含量提高3223.8%.种植磷高效大豆基因型比磷低效大豆基因型对酸性土壤的改良效果更好.  相似文献   

以小麦为试材,采用盆栽方法研究了模拟酸雨及其酸化土壤对小麦幼苗体内可溶性糖和含N量的影响.结果表明,pH值为5.6、4.5、3.5、3.0和2.5的系列模拟酸雨引起了土壤酸化和盐基流失.当模拟酸雨的pH值由5.6下降到2.5时,被淋溶土壤的pH值由.0下降到3.41,土壤中交换性盐基总量从56.5下降到41.1mmol·kg-1.将小麦幼苗栽培在该系列酸化土壤上,并分别用5种不同pH值的模拟酸雨喷淋地上器官,导致小麦幼苗体内的可溶性糖含量、含N量迅速下降,某些生理活动降低.其中,模拟酸雨喷淋对小麦幼苗茎叶可溶性糖含量、含N量、叶绿素含量以及光合速率的影响大于酸化土壤对其产生的影响.而酸化土壤对小麦幼苗根系中可溶性糖含量、含N量、硝酸还原酶(NR)和谷氨酸合成酶(GOGAT)活性的影响大于模拟酸雨喷淋的影响.pH≤3.0的高强度酸雨以及由其产生的酸化土壤(T4、T5土壤)对小麦幼苗的碳素代谢和氮素代谢具有明显的抑制作用.  相似文献   

森林土壤-植物系统铝毒害及防治研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铝是地壳中含量最丰富的金属元素。由于林地土壤酸化等环境因素的影响,使本来固定在森林土壤中的铝溶出而成为活性铝,对森林植物的潜在毒性增加。酸性土壤中活性铝对陆地生态系统的潜在毒性是20世纪70年代蔓延中欧的森林退化的主要因素之一,从而引起了各国的高度重视。开展森林土壤-植物系统铝毒害的研究,对森林资源保护和铝毒的评估及防治具有重要意义。本文综述了森林土壤中铝的化学形态及其分布、铝在森林植物中的积累和存在形态以及对森林植物的生长、生理生化进程、遗传因子的影响等方面的研究进展。此外,还从控制酸化进程、添加盐基离子、控制根际有机酸、接种菌根真菌、选择适当的植物类型和混交种植等方面介绍了减缓森林铝毒害的措施。在此基础上,本文从铝危害的阈值研究和铝毒风险评估、铝的亚细胞分布和化学形态与铝毒关系研究、减缓铝毒的新措施等方面提出了需进一步开展研究的方向。  相似文献   

H. Ssali 《Plant and Soil》1981,62(1):53-63
Summary The effect of level of CaCO3, inoculation and lime pelleting on the nodulation, dry matter yield and % N content of common bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown in five acid soils was investigated in a greenhouse study. The soils represented a range in pH from 3.9 to 5.1, in exchangeable Al from 0.0 to 4 meq/100 gm, in exchangeable Mn from 0.35 to 2.32 me/100 gm, and in %C from 0.69 to 5.60.Nodule weight decreased with increasing %C and for the soil with highest %C (5.60) no nodules were observed. In soils with low organic matter and low exchangeable Al and Mn, inoculation increased nodule weight, dry matter yield and %N especially at the lowest pH level. Where the seeds were not inoculated, nodule weight and dry matter yield increased with soil pH. No such increases were observed where the seeds were inoculated. There was no apparent advantage in lime pelleting in such soils.In soils with low organic matter content and with substantial amounts of Al and/or Mn, liming increased nodule weight and dry matter yield, and decreased exchangeable Al and/or Mn. Lime pelleting was superior to mere inoculation in increasing nodule weight particularly at low lime rates.In soils with relatively high organic matter content, nodulation was very low or none at all. Low lime rates had little effect on exchangeable Al and Ca and dry matter yield. Higher lime rates, however, decreased exchangeable Al and dry matter yield but increased exchangeable Ca.  相似文献   

Soils of the Appalachian region of the United States are acidic and deficient in P. North Carolina phosphate rock (PR), a highly substituted fluoroapatite, should be quite reactive in these soils, allowing it to serve both as a source of P and a potential ameliorant of soil acidity. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of PR dissolution on soil chemical properties and wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Hart) seedling root elongation. Ten treatments including nine rates of PR (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 mg P kg-1) and a CaCO3 (1000 mg kg-1) control were mixed with two acidic soils, moistened to a level corresponding to 33 kPa moisture tension and incubated for 30 days. Pregerminated wheat seedlings were grown for three days in the PR treated soils and the CaCO3 control. Root length was significantly (P<0.05) increased both by PR treatments and CaCO3, indicating that PR dissolution was ameliorating soil acidity. The PR treatments increased soil pH, exchangeable Ca, and soil solution Ca while lowering exchangeable Al and 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable soil Al. Root growth in PR treatments was best described by an exponential equation (P<0.01) containing 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable Al. The PR dissolution did not reduce total soil solution Al, but did release Al complexing anions into soil solution, which along with increased pH, shifted Al speciation from toxic to nontoxic forms. These results suggest that North Carolina PR should contribute to amelioration of soil acidity in acidic, low CEC soils of the Appalachian region.  相似文献   

为探究不同改良剂对酸性土壤铝(Al)胁迫条件下镉(Cd)锌(Zn)超积累植物伴矿景天Sedum plumbizincicola生长以及镉和锌吸取修复效率的影响,分别添加不同种类改良剂(钙镁磷肥(CMP)、MgCO3、KH2PO4)和不同浓度CMP进行温室盆栽试验。结果表明,CMP能够一定程度上提高土壤pH值并降低土壤交换性Al的浓度,MgCO3能够显著提高土壤pH值和降低土壤交换性Al的浓度,KH2PO4能够降低土壤中交换性Al浓度但未改变土壤pH值。施用适量的CMP(9.39 mg/kg)能够提高伴矿景天生物量和Cd、Zn吸取修复效率,用量过高会抑制伴矿景天生长和Cd、Zn修复效率;施用MgCO3可增大伴矿景天生物量和Cd、Zn修复效率,施用KH2PO4反而抑制了伴矿景天生长。酸性土壤上施用适量的CMP和MgCO3能够缓解伴矿景天的铝毒作用,维持较高的重金属吸收效率。  相似文献   

施用尿素引起红壤pH及铝活性的短期变化   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
酸性红壤在我国南方广泛分布,其酸性是限制大多数作物生长的一个主要环境胁迫因子,主要原因是低pH条件下土壤中Al的溶解所导致的毒性.对3种红壤施用不同浓度的尿素,其pH值在短期内都随着施入尿素浓度的增大而急剧上升,交换性Al随着施用尿素浓度的增大而急剧下降.交换性Al含量与土壤pH值变化呈显著负相关.动态试验表明,pH值上升的现象是短期的,pH值在达最大值后缓慢下降,下降幅度最大的阶段在第2~4周.短期内,施用尿素能显著降低酸性土壤对玉米的铝毒效应.  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对不同土壤有机碳和作物秸秆分解的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究酸雨对不同pH值水稻土中有机碳分解的影响,选择酸性(pH 5.48)、碱性(pH 8.18)和中性(pH 6.70)水稻土(分别设置施用秸秆0、15 g·kg-1土处理)在20 ℃条件下进行40 d的培养试验,各土壤组分别用pH值为6.0、4.5、3.0的模拟雨水将土壤含水量调为400 g·kg-1(以风干土计).结果表明:秸秆、酸雨和土壤共同对土壤系统CO2释放产生影响,秸秆的添加可显著提高土壤CO2释放速率.培养期间,酸雨未显著影响土壤有机碳分解,但对土壤中作物秸秆的分解影响显著. pH 3.0酸雨处理下酸性和碱性土壤中秸秆40 d总分解量比pH 6.0处理高8%;酸雨抑制了中性水稻土中秸秆的分解,pH 3.0酸雨处理下秸秆40 d总分解量比pH 6.0处理低15%.pH 3.0酸雨处理下,酸性水稻土有机碳分解速率分别比中性和碱性水稻土高43%和50%(P<0.05),秸秆在中性水稻土中分解量分别比其在酸性和碱性水稻土中低17%和16%(P<0.05).  相似文献   

The research was carried out in a pine-covered area of the Wielkopolski National Park (Poland), for years exposed to acid rain. The soils under study are sands and loamy sands with a pH of 3.3-4.4. To assess potentially reactive pools of aluminium in those soils, two methods were employed: sequential and single extraction. For the exchangeable form the results obtained by single extraction using KCl greatly exceeded the figures yielded by sequential extraction, in which the conditions under which the process was executed (pH 7) led to an underestimation of the results. The soil profile displayed a lithogenically dichotomous structure which was reflected in the aluminium content, especially in Al extracted by pyrophosphate (single extraction) and in the so-called oxidisable fraction (sequential extraction). In both cases there was a jump in Al concentrations resulted from the release of aluminium from interlayer spaces of clay minerals. The labile percentage obtained for mean values in the profile amounted from 8.1% for single extraction to 12.1% for sequential extraction, which may indicate the metal's considerable pool of potentially reactive aluminium. Single extraction seems to be more reliable in evaluating Al forms.  相似文献   

Calba  Henri  Firdaus  Cazevieille  Patrick  Thée  Charles  Poss  Roland  Jaillard  Beno^it 《Plant and Soil》2004,260(1-2):33-46
The goals of this work were to understand the dynamics of H+, Al and Ca in the rhizosphere of maize cultivated in tropical acid soils, and to evaluate the contribution of the dissolution kinetics of the Al-hydroxides to Al dynamics. The study of the dissolution kinetics was based on a comparison between experimental and simulated data, using a model of the chemical processes in the rhizosphere. Two Oxisols, pH 5.1 and 4.6, and one Ultisol, pH 5.2, were studied. An Al-tolerant maize variety (Zea mays L.) was grown for 14 days on a 3-mm thick soil layer. The composition of the soil and the soil solution, together with the concentration of Al in the roots, were determined throughout the experiment. The results showed that root growth (i) decreased the soil solution pH, up to one pH unit, (ii) increased Al concentration in the soil solution, (iii) increased exchangeable Al, and (iv) decreased exchangeable Ca. Soil solution pH, exchangeable Al, and exchangeable Ca were closely linked. Exchangeable Al increased 1.5 – 3.0 times, due to the dissolution of easily mobilised Al components. In addition, Al accumulation in roots depended mainly on Al in the soil solution. Modelling the interactions between H+, Al, and Ca proved that the main factor determining Al in the soil solution was the kinetic reactivity of the easily mobilised Al components. These components, probably poorly crystallised Al-hydroxides, are key players in the functioning of the rhizosphere in tropical acid soils.  相似文献   

酸性硫酸盐土中铝的形态   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
采用连续分级提取方法 ,把酸性硫酸盐土中可提取的非晶体态铝区分为交换态铝 (ExAl)、吸附态无机羟基铝 (HyAl)、有机配合铝 (OrAl)、氧化铁结合铝 (DCBAl)、层间铝 (InAl)和非晶体态铝硅酸盐 (NcAl) ,其平均值分别为 1.79、2 .5 1、4.17、4.14、4.31和 18.6 6g·kg-1Al2 O3.实际酸性硫酸盐土中NcAl>OrAl >InAl >DCBAl>ExAl>HyAl,潜在酸性硫酸盐土NcAl >InAl >DCBAl >HyAl >OrAl >ExAl.可提取Al总量平均为 35 .5 7Al2 O3g·kg-1,占全Al 2 5 .0 4% .其显著特征是活性铝ExAl、HyAl和OrAl的含量较高 .每一种Al形态的结构组成与酸性硫酸盐土相应性质和生态特性密切相关 .酸化的ASS的强酸环境导致Al的过量游离 ,并转化为活度较大的活性Al,从而产生Al毒  相似文献   

As part of an experimental study of air pollution effects on tree growth and health, we combined process studies with an ecosystem approach to evaluate the effects of acidic deposition on soil acidification, nutrient cycling and proton fluxes in miniature red spruce ecosystems. Ninety red spruce saplings were transplanted into 1-m diameter pots containing reconstructed soil profiles and exposed to simulated acid rain treatments of pH 3.1, 4.1 and 5.1 for four consecutive growing seasons. All the principal fluxes of the major elements were measured. During the first year of treatments, the disturbance associated with the transplanting of the experimental trees masked any treatment effects by stimulating N mineralization rates and consequent high N03 cation, and H+ flux through the soil profile. In subsequent years, leaching of base cations and labile Al was accelerated in the most intensive acid treatment and corresponding declines in soil pH and exchangeable pools of Ca and Mg and increases in exchangeable Al concentrations were observed in the organic horizon. Leaching of Ca2+ and Mg2+ also was significantly higher in the pH 4.1 than in the pH 5.1 treatment. Flux of Ca from foliage and soil was increased in response to strong acid loading and root uptake increased to compensate for foliar Ca losses. In contrast, K cycling was dominated by root uptake and internal cycling and was relatively insensitive to strong acid inputs. Cation leaching induced by acidic deposition was responsible for the majority of H+ flux in the pH 3.1 treatment in the organic soil horizon whereas root uptake accounted for most of the H+ flux in the pH 4.1 and 5.1 treatments. Although no measurable effects on tree nutrition or health were observed, base cation leaching was significantly accelerated by acidic deposition, even at levels below that observed in the eastern U.S., warranting continued concern about acid deposition effects on the soil base status of forested ecosystems.  相似文献   

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