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2012年8月至2013年7月,采用红外相机技术对广西弄岗国家级自然保护区15 hm^2森林动态监测样地及其周边区域内的帚尾豪猪(Atherurus macrourus)进行观察,采用活动强度指数分析其活动节律和时间分配,探讨月相和环境因子对其活动节律和时间分配的影响。结果表明,不同时间段内帚尾豪猪的活动强度存在极显著差异(t=4. 666,df=23,P=0. 001),活动峰值出现在20:00~21:00和05:00~06:00;夜间主要以移动(63. 2%)和觅食(23. 6%)为主。帚尾豪猪各月份间的时间分配存在极显著差异(t=8. 581,df=11,P=0. 001),旱、雨季间的时间分配存在显著差异(Z=-2. 166,P=0. 03)。各月相间帚尾豪猪出现的频次存在显著差异(χ~2=5. 00,df=1,P=0. 025),以新月期和满月期活动最为频繁,上弦月活动最少。相关性分析表明,活动强度指数与月降雨量、月最高温度及最低温度(R^2=0. 440,R^2=0. 435,R^2=0. 457)都存在显著的负相关,帚尾豪猪最适的活动温区为10℃~26℃。本研究初步掌握了帚尾豪猪在弄岗保护区的活动节律和时间分配,有助于后期理解栖息地和气候变化对其活动的影响。  相似文献   

大麝鼩是一种夜行性动物,其夜间(19:00—6:00)的活动频次占全天活动总频次的88.67%;夜间活动呈双峰型曲线,前峰在19:00—24:00,后峰在2:00—5:00。其夜行性指数为6.31,但各季节不同:春季5.94,夏季4.01,秋季6.56,冬季8.71,比其他鼩鼱科动物高。每日活动总额次雄性高于雌性,雄性的夜行性指数亦比雌性高。在人工倒置光周期的条件下,其最初几天的活动节律极度紊乱,至第7天后才稳定地回到自然光周期的日活动次数水平。  相似文献   

2012年8月至2013年11月,在15 hm~2弄岗森林动态监测样地及其周边地区以1台/2 hm~2密度布设了35台红外相机,对研究区域内大中型兽类和林下鸟类资源进行连续监测。共记录到20种兽类和26种鸟类,包括2种国家I级、8种国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物。其中,小泡巨鼠(Leopoldamys edwardsi)、帚尾豪猪(Atherurus macrourus)、赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)、北树鼩(Tupaia belangeri)、赤麂(Muntiacus muntjak)等5种动物拍摄率和相对丰富度均居于兽类的前5位;白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)、橙头地鸫(Zoothera citrina)和蓝背八色鸫(Pitta soror)的相对丰富度居于鸟类的前3位。虽然每月监测的兽类和鸟类种数、多样性指数和均匀度指数均不存在显著的季节性差异,但不同季节记录到的兽类和鸟类种类存在一定差异。黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi)、野猪(Sus scrofa)2种兽类和斑头鸺鹠(Glaucidium cuculoides)、长尾阔嘴鸟(Psarisomus dalhousiae)、红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)3种鸟类仅在旱季记录到;仙八色鸫(Pitta nympha)和凤头鹰(Accipiter trivirgatus)仅在雨季记录到。活动节律分析结果表明赤麂、北树鼩、赤腹松鼠和白鹇为昼行性动物,帚尾豪猪与小泡巨鼠为夜行性动物。以上研究结果有助于监测喀斯特生境大中型兽类和林下鸟类种群的变化,为保护区有效管理提供数据支持。  相似文献   

2012年8月至2013年11月,在15 hm2弄岗森林动态监测样地及其周边地区以1台/2 hm2密度布设了35台红外相机,对研究区域内大中型兽类和林下鸟类资源进行连续监测。共记录到20种兽类和26种鸟类,包括2种国家I级、8种国家II级重点保护野生动物。其中,小泡巨鼠(Leopoldamys edwardsi)、帚尾豪猪(Atherurus macrourus)、赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)、北树鼩(Tupaia belangeri)、赤麂(Muntiacus muntjak)等5种动物拍摄率和相对丰富度均居于兽类的前5位;白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)、橙头地鸫(Zoothera citrina)和蓝背八色鸫(Pitta soror)的相对丰富度居于鸟类的前3位。虽然每月监测的鸟兽种数、多样性指数和均匀度指数均不存在显著的季节性差异,但不同季节记录到的兽类和鸟类种类存在一定差异:黑叶猴(Trachypithecus francoisi)、野猪(Sus scrofa)2种兽类和斑头鸺鹠(Glaucidium cuculoides)、长尾阔嘴鸟(Psarisomus dalhousiae)、红胁蓝尾鸲(Tarsiger cyanurus)3种鸟类仅在旱季记录到;而仙八色鸫(Pitta nympha)和凤头鹰(Accipiter trivirgatus)2种鸟类仅在雨季记录到。活动节律分析结果表明赤麂、北树鼩、赤腹松鼠和白鹇为昼行性动物,帚尾豪猪与小泡巨鼠为夜行性动物。以上研究结果有助于监测喀斯特生境大中型兽类和林下鸟类种群的变化,为保护区有效管理提供数据支持。  相似文献   

2014年5月至2016年4月,利用红外相机技术,系统调查和分析了浙江古田山国家级自然保护区内白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)的性比、集群方式和日活动节律。调查期间共获得244个有效位点的数据,累计58 890个工作日,收集到33 276份白鹇的照片和视频,有效探测5 687次,统计出雄性成体(含亚成体)3 946只次,雌性4 179只次,雌雄性比为1.06︰1。记录到群体大小从2至12只不等,群的组成方式多样。日活动节律分析的结果显示,白鹇的日活动时间段为5:00~18:00时,于6:00时、11:00时和16:00时有3个活动高峰,其间于10:00时和14:00时出现两个活动的低谷。雌雄个体的日活动节律基本一致,但雄性个体相比雌性清晨的活动高峰延长1 h(雌性6:00~8:00时,雄性6:00~9:00时),而午后的静息低谷推后1 h(雌性14:00时,雄性15:00时)。日活动节律密度函数分析结果显示,白鹇的日活动节律存在季节性变化。白鹇在春季和冬季存在早晚两个明显的活动高峰,而夏季和秋季在6:00~18:00时都较为活跃。同时,相比其他季节,白鹇在冬季早晨开始活动的时间推迟,傍晚结束活动的时间提前。不同季节的比较表明,白鹇在冬季和春、夏季的日活动节律重叠程度最低。白鹇日活动节律在低海拔带(200~700 m)和高海拔带(700~1 200 m)上存在差异,低海拔带个体在夏季和冬季的傍晚比高海拔带个体活跃。本研究结果为保护区内白鹇的保护管理提供了基础的科学依据。  相似文献   

月光及光照对艾虎活动的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
采用野外研究与室内研究相结合的方法研究了月光周期和光照对夜行性动物艾虎活动的影响。野外无线电遥测结果表明,艾虎的日活动时间不受月光周期的影响,雌雄艾虎在不同的季节及繁殖期和非繁殖期都有相对稳定的活动时间,其开始活动和结束活动的时间与月光周期和日出、日落都没有明显的相关性。室内模拟研究结果也表明,由于环境条件的变化,艾虎增加了白天的活动时间,但仍然以夜间活动为主,光照强弱对艾虎的活动格局和活动时间没有明显的影响。以上结果表明昼夜变换使艾虎形成了相对稳定的生物种节律,艾虎在取食过程中可能利用洞道等隐蔽场所降低明亮月光期的高捕食风险。  相似文献   

云猫(Pardofelis marmorata)在中国分布狭窄、种群稀少, 目前尚缺少有关其调查与研究的报道。通过红外相机分析野生动物的空间分布以及日活动节律, 有助于了解濒危物种的生态学特征, 为保护管理提供科学依据。我们于2014年4月至2021年5月在云南高黎贡山国家级自然保护区腾冲辖区34个位点放置红外相机进行监测。基于监测数据分析了云猫的空间分布, 并利用核密度估计方法(kernel-density estimation)对云猫与豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)的日活动节律进行了比较。通过31,462个相机日的监测, 共获得230个云猫的独立探测事件。探测数据显示: 云猫在研究区域内主要分布于海拔2,300‒3,100 m保存完好的常绿阔叶林中。记录到的云猫主要出现在白天, 于6:00‒11:00和14:00‒19:00活动最为频繁。在云猫记录密集的北部地区, 同域分布的豹猫表现出明显的夜行性, 而在南部地区则倾向于晨昏活动, 与云猫活动节律的重叠度较低。腾冲高黎贡山云猫的相对多度指数明显高于低纬度的热带地区, 对该区域云猫进行更为深入的研究对于了解与保护此物种至关重要。  相似文献   

刘鹏  刘振生  高惠  李宗智  张致荣  滕丽微 《生态学报》2019,39(24):9365-9372
为了探究同域分布的阿拉善马鹿(Cervur alashanicus)与岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)的日活动节律,及两者在时间生态位上的分化情况。于2014.10—2015.10,在贺兰山利用红外相机技术,对两者进行野外监测。相关监测数据,在R软件中利用"overlap"统计包,采取核密度估计(Kernel density estimation)、重叠指数(Coefficient of overlap):■进行分析。结果表明,马鹿日活动节律模式属于晨昏活动类型(日活动高峰期:5:00—10:00、16:00—21:00),存在季节性变化(冷暖季日活动节律重叠指数■=0.77),由暖季到冷季晨昏活动高峰期均向中午移动(暖季:4:00—8:00、16:00—22:00,冷季:6:00—11:00、15:00—20:00),昼间活动强度大于暖季,而夜间低于暖季。岩羊日活动节律为主要在昼间活动的模式,其活动高峰期在8:00—10:00、13:00—15:00两个时间段。由暖季到冷季存在季节性变化特征(■=0.74),昼间活动高峰期向后推迟(暖季7:00—9:00、12:00—14:00,冷季9:00—11:00、13:00—17:00),夜间活动降低。两者在日活动节律模式上的相似度较高(■=0.67),存在冷季(■=0.66)高于暖季(■=0.61)的季节变化。在日活动节律模式分离特征为:马鹿为晨昏活动模式,岩羊为昼间活动模式;前者昼间活动强度低于后者,而夜间强于后者;两者活动在高峰期上大体错开。本研究不仅提供了马鹿与岩羊的日活动节律模式,而且还分析了两者在时间生态位上的分化方式和共存机制,并为两者行为生态学研究的深入提供必要的科学依据。  相似文献   

马来豪猪Hystrix brachyura在南方山地分布广泛,但其生态学研究报导却十分少见。为掌握马来豪猪的活动节律及其气象影响因素,2015年7月—2017年11月,利用红外相机技术对贵州习水国家级自然保护区的马来豪猪进行了监测。结果表明:1)马来豪猪为单峰型夜行性动物,不同季节的日活动节律并不完全相同,秋季日活动节律与其他季节有明显差异(P0.01),而其他季节之间的差异不明显。2)不同月相时期马来豪猪各时段的频数之间的差异无统计学意义(χ~2=1.116,df=5,P=0.953);活动强度随月光强度的增强而下降,新月的月相活动强度指数最高,亏凸月的最低。3)马来豪猪的日活动强度与平均气温(r=0.468,P=0.034)和空气平均相对湿度(r=0.498,P=0.025)均呈显著正相关,但年活动强度仅与平均气温(r=0.769,P=0.008)显著正相关。综上可见,保护区内马来豪猪有固定的活动节律与活动强度模式,并受到月相、气温、空气相对湿度等气象因子的影响。本研究可为马来豪猪后续的生物学、生态学研究提供有益参考。  相似文献   

水鹿是我国二级重点保护野生动物。2016年5月到2017年5月,利用红外相机技术在四川鞍子河自然保护区的非盐井生境和盐井生境(盐场)对水鹿的群体结构、日活动节律及舔盐活动节律进行了研究。基于设置的108个红外相机,共收集到水鹿在非盐井区域的独立照片620张,盐井区域的独立照片401张。水鹿日活动节律在不同季节具有较大差异:春季日活动高峰出现在17:00~20:00;夏季无明显日活动高峰;秋季日活动高峰出现在17:00~19:00;冬季日活动高峰分别出现在08:00~10:00、17:00~19:00、23:00~02:00。舔盐活动高峰出现在22:00~04:00,雌雄个体舔盐活动节律大致相同(重叠指数Δ=0.738)。水鹿有单独舔盐和集群舔盐两种方式,其中单独舔盐出现频率较高(占总访问频次的57.6%);舔盐的群体一般大小为2~7只,但以2只的群体居多(占总访问频次的21.5%)。在非盐井区域和盐井区域独立照片中水鹿的雌雄出现比例分别为2.05:1和2.66:1,表明雌鹿可能更需要补充盐分。本研究结果为保护区内水鹿的保护管理提供了基础的科学依据。  相似文献   

We investigated changes in the circadian rhythm of peak expiratory flow (PEF) in seven persons with nocturnal asthma for a 24h span when (1) they were symptom free and their disease was stable, (2) their asthma deteriorated and nocturnal symptoms were frequent, and (3) they were treated with theophylline chronotherapy. Subjects recorded their PEF every 4h between 07:00 and 23:00 one day each period. Circadian rhythms in PEF were assessed using the group-mean cosinor method. The circadian rhythm in PEF varied according to asthma severity. Significant circadian rhythms in PEF were detected during the period when asthma was stable and when it was unstable and nocturnal symptoms were frequent. When nocturnal symptoms were present, the bathyphase (trough time) of the PEF rhythm narrowed to around 04:00; during this time of unstable asthma, the amplitude of the PEF pattern increased 3.9-fold compared to the symptom-free period. No significant group circadian rhythm was detected during theophylline chronotherapy. Evening theophylline chronotherapy proved to be prophylactic for persons whose symptoms before treatment had occurred between midnight and early morning. Changes in the characteristics of the circadian rhythm of PEF, particularly amplitude and time of bathyphase, proved useful in determining when to institute theophylline chronotherapy to avert nocturnal asthma symptoms. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 513-519, 2000)  相似文献   

We investigated changes in the circadian rhythm of peak expiratory flow (PEF) in seven persons with nocturnal asthma for a 24h span when (1) they were symptom free and their disease was stable, (2) their asthma deteriorated and nocturnal symptoms were frequent, and (3) they were treated with theophylline chronotherapy. Subjects recorded their PEF every 4h between 07:00 and 23:00 one day each period. Circadian rhythms in PEF were assessed using the group-mean cosinor method. The circadian rhythm in PEF varied according to asthma severity. Significant circadian rhythms in PEF were detected during the period when asthma was stable and when it was unstable and nocturnal symptoms were frequent. When nocturnal symptoms were present, the bathyphase (trough time) of the PEF rhythm narrowed to around 04:00; during this time of unstable asthma, the amplitude of the PEF pattern increased 3.9-fold compared to the symptom-free period. No significant group circadian rhythm was detected during theophylline chronotherapy. Evening theophylline chronotherapy proved to be prophylactic for persons whose symptoms before treatment had occurred between midnight and early morning. Changes in the characteristics of the circadian rhythm of PEF, particularly amplitude and time of bathyphase, proved useful in determining when to institute theophylline chronotherapy to avert nocturnal asthma symptoms. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 513–519, 2000)  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to test the nighttime effects of the lunar phase on circadian rhythm in the humbug damselfish, Dascyllus aruanus. We measured moonlight intensities at eight different phases across the lunar cycle. At each lunar phase, the circadian rhythm was evaluated by measuring the clock genes cryptochrome 1 and period 2. In addition, we measured arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 (AANAT2), melatonin and melatonin receptor 1 (MT-R1). The moonlight intensity was highest at full moon and lowest during the waning crescent. Clock gene expression was highest during the full moon compared to the other phases. By contrast, the plasma concentrations of AANAT2 and melatonin and the MT-R1 mRNA expression were highest during the full moon phase. Our results suggest that moonlight affects circadian rhythm patterns in the humbug damselfish. There is a need to investigate potential other physiological effects of lunar phase shifts.  相似文献   

人工光暗条件下花绒寄甲成虫活动行为节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】花绒寄甲 Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire)是林木蛀干害虫重要的天敌昆虫,研究其行为活动昼夜节律,可以深入了解该虫的生物学特性、阐明其生活习性。【方法】采用室内(温度27±1℃、相对湿度65%±10%)条件下雌雄单头隔离饲养的方法,将该虫的行为活动分为移动、取食、饮水、木块处静息和木块外静息5种行为,每隔30 min记录一次,于2014年7月10-15日连续进行观察。【结果】移动和木块处静息行为存在明显的昼夜节律;移动行为主要发生在暗期,移动高峰发生在20:30-22:30和2:00-4:00之间,而在光期的6:00-16:30之间移动行为发生较少木块处静息行为主要发生在光期的9:30-16:30和暗期的0:00-1:30之间,而在20:30-23:00 的暗期中木块处静息行为发生较少。一天内,该虫发生取食和饮水行为均较少,两类行为主要发生在0:00-14:00之间。木块外静息行为主要发生在暗期的0:30-3:30和20:00-22:00之间。雌、雄成虫的各行为出现的时间和发生百分率无显著差异。【结论】花绒寄甲成虫活动行为受到光、暗条件的显著影响,移动行为主要发生在暗期,而各活动行为在雌、雄虫之间无显著性差异。  相似文献   

李峰  蒋志刚 《生物多样性》2014,22(6):758-580
青海湖地区是目前已知的狗獾分布海拔最高点。为了解狗獾在青藏高原严酷生态环境下的生活史特点, 并验证是否人类干扰造成了狗獾夜行性的假说, 我们利用红外相机技术, 结合无线电遥测和野外调查研究了青海湖湖东地区亚洲狗獾(Meles leucurus)的种群密度、洞穴口的行为及活动节律。结果表明: (1)研究地区狗獾的平均种群密度为1.2 ± 0.6只/km2, 其分布受食物丰富度的影响; (2)狗獾基本在夜间活动, 出洞时间集中在20:00-23:00之间, 而回洞时间则集中在清晨4:00-7:00之间, 23:00-4:00之间是狗獾的活动高峰; (3)狗獾离洞前行为主要是警戒行为, 回洞穴时的行为主要是嬉戏行为, 其他行为较少见, 表达具有特定的时间性; (4)人类活动对于狗獾活动没有显著性影响(P < 0.05)。  相似文献   


The Locomotory activity of the Plains Garter snake was determined under L/D: 12/12 conditions at five constant temperatures and three light intensities during the light period. The snakes were diurnal at low temperatures with nocturnal activity increasing in various amounts at higher temperatures. The different light intensities had relatively small effects on the activity rhythm.

Activity was recorded under four constant light conditions at five constant temperatures and the characteristics of the free‐running rhythm measured. A comparison of the characteristics of the free‐running rhythm to Aschoff's circadian rule indicates that this snake is an exception to this rule.

Increase light intensity decreased total activity under all conditions. Under a L/D: 12/12 cycle the decrease in activity was more pronounced during the dark period than the light period.

It is suggested that crepuscular or nocturnal activity shown by snakes at high temperatures may be an effect the temperature level has on the biological clock and activity controlling mechanisms rather than temperature selection by the snake.  相似文献   

Although most South American owl monkeys are mainly nocturnal, Aotus azarai azarai of the Argentinean Chaco regularly shows diurnal activity. In this study we examined the strong influence of moonlight on its diurnal and nocturnal activity, as well as the interaction of moonlight effects with other exogenous factors. We analyzed long-term automated activity recordings obtained with accelerometer collars from 7 owl monkeys during 2003 and 2004. Our data show marked lunar periodic and seasonal modulations of the owl monkeys' activity pattern. On full moon days they were active throughout the whole night and displayed reduced activity during the day. With a new moon, activity decreased during the dark portion of the night, peaked during dawn and dusk and extended over the bright morning hours. Waxing and waning moons induced a significant increase in activity during the first and the second half of the night, respectively. During the cold winter months the monkeys displayed twice as much activity throughout the warmer bright part of the day than during the rest of the year. These findings indicate that A. a. azarai is mainly a dark-active species, but is still able to shift a considerable portion of activity into the bright part of the day if unfavourable lighting and/or temperature conditions prevail during the night.  相似文献   

Among the more than 40 genera of anthropoid primates (monkeys, apes, and humans), only the South American owl monkeys, genus Aotus, are nocturnal. However, the southernmostly distributed species, Aotus azarai azarai, of the Gran Chaco may show considerable amounts of its 24-h activity during bright daylight. Due to seasonal changes in the duration of photophase and climatic parameters in their subtropical habitat, the timing and pattern of their daily activity are expected to show significant seasonal variation. By quantitative long-term activity recordings with Actiwatch AW4 accelerometer data logger devices of 10 wild owl monkeys inhabiting a gallery forest in Formosa, Argentina, the authors analyzed the seasonal variation in the temporal niche and activity pattern resulting from entrainment and masking of the circadian activity rhythm by seasonally and diurnally varying environmental factors. The owl monkeys always displayed a distinct bimodal activity pattern, with prominent activity bouts and peaks during dusk and dawn. Their activity rhythm showed distinct lunar and seasonal variations in the timing and daily pattern. During the summer, the monkeys showed predominantly crepuscular/nocturnal behavior, and a crepuscular/cathemeral activity pattern with similar diurnal and nocturnal activity levels during the cold winter months. The peak times of the evening and morning activity bouts were more closely related to the times of sunset and sunrise, respectively, than activity-onset and -offset. Obviously, they were better circadian markers for the phase position of the entrained activity rhythm than activity-onset and -offset, which were subject to more masking effects of environmental and/or internal factors. Total daily activity was lowest during the two coldest lunar months, and almost twice as high during the warmest months. Nighttime (21:00-06:00 h) and daytime (09:00-18:00 h) activity varied significantly across the year, but in an opposite manner. Highest nighttime activity occurred in summer and maximal daytime activity during the cold winter months. Dusk and dawn activity, which together accounted for 43% of the total daily activity, barely changed. The monkeys tended to terminate their nightly activity period earlier on warm and rainy days, whereas the daily amount of activity showed no significant correlation either with temperature or precipitation. These data are consistent with the dual-oscillator hypothesis of circadian regulation. They suggest the seasonal variations of the timing and pattern of daily activity in wild owl monkeys of the Argentinean Chaco result from a specific interplay of light entrainment of circadian rhythmicity and strong masking effects of various endogenous and environmental factors. Since the phase position of the monkeys' evening and morning activity peaks did not vary considerably over the year, the seasonal change from a crepuscular/nocturnal activity pattern in summer to a more crepuscular/cathemeral one in winter does not depend on a corresponding phase shift of the entrained circadian rhythm, but mainly on masking effects. Thermoregulatory and energetic demands and constraints seem to play a crucial role.  相似文献   

We investigated the efficacy of nighttime transdermal tulobuterol (beta2-adrenoceptor agonist) chronotherapy for nocturnal asthma by assessing changes both in the frequency of symptoms and features of the circadian rhythm in peak expiratory flow (PEF), a measure of airway caliber. Thirteen patients with nocturnal asthma were evaluated before and during tulobuterol patch chronotherapy, applied once daily in the evening for 6 consecutive days. Patients were asked to record their PEF every 4h between 03:00 and 23:00 h for one day. Circadian rhythms in PEF were examined by group-mean cosinor analysis. The group average PEF at 03:00 h, the time during the 24 h when PEF is generally the poorest, before the application of the chronotherapy, when asthma was unstable and nocturnal symptoms frequent, was 276 +/- 45 L/min. Application of the tulobuterol patch at nighttime significantly increased (p < 0.001) the 03:00 h group average PEF to 363 +/- 67 L/min. Significant circadian rhythms in PEF were observed during the span of study when nocturnal symptoms were frequent as well as with the use of the tulobuterol patch. Before the initiation of tulobuterol chronotherapy, the bathyphase (trough time of the circadian rhythm) in PEF narrowed to around 04:00h, and the group circadian amplitude was 28.8 L/min. In contrast, the group circadian amplitude significantly (p < 0.01) decreased to 10.4 L/min, and the 24 h mean PEF increased significantly with tulobuterol patch chronotherapy. These changes indicate that tulobuterol chronotherapy significantly increased both the level and stability of airway function over the 24 h. The circadian rhythm in PEF varied with the severity and frequency of asthmatic symptoms with and without the nighttime application of the tulobuterol patch medication. We conclude that the parameters of the circadian rhythm of PEF proved useful both in determining the need for and effectiveness of tulobuterol chronotherapy for nocturnal asthma.  相似文献   

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