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黑缘红瓢虫对六种杀虫剂的敏感性测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄保宏  尤强生 《昆虫知识》2006,43(5):648-652
用点滴法在室内初步测定3黑缘红瓢虫Chilocorus rubidus Hope幼虫对敌敌畏、氰戊菊酯、氟氯氰菊酯、硫丹、氧化乐果、灭多威等6种果园常用杀虫剂的敏威性。结果表明:黑缘红瓢虫幼虫对6种杀虫剂的敏感性依次为:氰戊菊酯、氟氯氰菊酯、硫丹、氧化乐果、敌敌畏、灭多威。LD50按以下次序增大:灭多威,氟氯氰菊酯,氧化乐果,氰戊菊酯,敌敌畏,硫丹。可见,硫丹对黑缘红瓢虫毒力最小,是最安全。敌敌畏等有机磷杀虫剂对它的毒力也较低,而拟除虫菊酯类药剂对黑缘红瓢虫的毒力则很高。同种药剂对不同用药水平地区的黑缘红瓢虫成虫的毒力差异显著,黑缘红瓢虫对氟氯氰菊酯和氰戊菊酯分别产生了5.4和7.6倍的抗药性,是羧酸酯酶活性提高所致。不同种类杀虫剂对黑缘红瓢虫和朝鲜球坚蚧Didesmococcus koreanus Botchs的选择指数差异极为显著,依次为硫丹、灭多威、敌敌畏、氰戊菊酯、氧化乐果、氟氯氰菊酯,如硫丹为2.6,而氟氯氰菊酯仅为0.04。硫丹是防治抗性朝鲜球坚蚧比较理想的一种杀虫剂。  相似文献   

瓢虫对杀虫剂的敏感性研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
朱福兴  王金信 《昆虫学报》1998,41(4):359-365
用4种不同类别杀虫剂对3种不同用药水平地区的七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctataLinnaeus、龟纹瓢虫Propylea japonica (Thunberg)的毒力进行了测定,同一种用药水平地区的瓢虫对不同药剂的敏感性差异均极显著,三氟氯氰菊酯>灭多威>甲胺磷>硫丹;三氟氯氰菊酯对用药水平较高地区的七星瓢虫幼虫、成虫的毒力分别为硫丹的8547和617倍。同种药剂对不同用药水平地区的七星瓢虫的毒力差异不显著,而用药水平较高地区的龟纹瓢虫较用药水平较低地区的龟纹瓢虫对三氟氯氰菊酯产生了30.6倍的抗药性,这与羧酸酯酶活性提高有关。不同种类杀虫剂对七星瓢虫和抗性棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover的选择指数差异极为显著,硫丹>灭多威>甲胺磷>三氟氯氰菊酯,如硫丹为4.9,而三氟氯氰菊酯却仅为7.3X10-6。硫丹是防治抗性棉蚜值得重视的一种杀虫剂。  相似文献   

黑缘红瓢虫生物学特性的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄保宏  王波  余本渊 《昆虫知识》2002,39(2):126-129
黑缘红瓢虫ChilocorusrubidusHope 1年发生 1代 ,以成虫在杂草、石缝中等处越冬 ,为朝鲜球坚蚧DidesmococcuskoreanusBorchs的重要天敌。主要分布在桃树、梅树等树上 ,对朝鲜球坚蚧有很强的控制作用。黑缘红瓢虫主要以幼虫捕食猎物为主 ,其幼虫对朝鲜球坚蚧雌蚧功能反应符合HollingⅡ模型 ,一昼夜最大捕食量为 8头。成虫主要起繁殖和扩散作用  相似文献   

朝鲜球坚蚧及黑缘红瓢虫空间格局的地统计学研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
利用地统计学方法研究了不同时期朝鲜球坚蚧(Didesmococcus Koreanus Borchs)若虫及黑缘红瓢虫(Chilocorus rulidus Hope)幼虫种群的空间分布格局和空间相关性。结果表明,不同时期朝鲜球坚蚧若虫种九和黑缘红瓢虫幼虫种群的半变异函数均可拟合为球型,其空间格局为聚集型,在小尺度上,空间变异主要是由其空间自相关引起的,且不同时期格局变化不明显,变程分别为9.56-15.70m和18.83-19.74m之间。黑缘红瓢虫种群与朝鲜球坚蚧种群之间具有很强的追随关系,说明黑缘红瓢虫种群是朝鲜球坚蚧种群的优势天敌。  相似文献   

梅园昆虫群落特征、动态及优势种生态位   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
系统调查梅园昆虫群落并对群落组织水平和时空生态位进行测定.结果表明,群落结构较丰富,有昆虫6目23科,群落物种数、多样性指数、均匀性指数随时间推移而增加;在害虫中桃蚜和桃小食心虫空间生态位宽度最大,朝鲜球坚蚧时间生态位宽度最大;在天敌中黑缘红瓢虫时间和空间生态位宽度均最大,异色瓢虫、红点唇瓢虫及寄生蜂次之.黑缘红瓢虫与朝鲜球坚蚧的生态位重叠值在时空二维上均较大,且二者在时间上的同步性和空间上的同域性均优于其它天敌,为优势种群,应加以保护和利用.  相似文献   

几种药剂对桃蚜和两种瓢虫的毒力选择性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室内分别测定了吡虫啉,吡虫啉+增效剂,氰戊菊酯,硫丹、乐果和灭多威6种杀虫剂对桃蚜Myzus persicae Sulzer,七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus和龟纹瓢虫Propylea japonica(Thunbery)的毒力,比较了药剂在桃蚜和两种瓢虫之间的选择毒力比值(STR),以及药剂之间选择性差异,研究了桃蚜对不同药剂相对适合度,结果表明:吡虫啉+增效剂(SVI)和吡虫啉对桃蚜的毒力均很高,LC50分别是4628mg/L和0.9535mg/L,吡虫啉在七星瓢虫和桃蚜之间,龟纹瓢虫和桃蚜之间的STR值分别是37.6和13.0,吡虫啉+增效剂的STR分别是9.84和7.75,硫丹的SR分别是54.0和7.28,都表现出显的毒力选择性,而氰戊菊酯,乐果和灭多威的STR值均很小(0.02-0.21),不仅对桃蚜毒力低,而且对两种瓢虫也不安全,用吡虫啉和吡虫啉+SV1的LC50浓度处理桃蚜,其存活个体的产仔率和单雌产仔量明显减少,与其它药剂处理相比,显降低了桃蚜的相对适合度,六种杀虫剂处理的桃蚜种群,其相对适合度大小排列为:乐果EC(0.92)>氰戊菊酯EC(0.67)>灭多威EC(0.66)>硫丹EC(0.51)>吡虫啉WP(0.40)>吡虫啉+增效剂(SV1)EC(0.18),由此证明,吡虫啉不仅对桃蚜毒力高,对天敌瓢虫杀伤力小,而且对桃蚜种群有持续控制作用。  相似文献   

利用瓢虫防治蚧虫,在害虫防治史上有过光辉的历史。利用澳洲瓢虫(Rodolia Cardinalis Muls)成功的防治吹绵蚧(Icerya purchasi Mask)是人所共知的。 解放以来,我国在研究与利用大红瓢虫(Rodoliarufopilosa Muls)、孟氏隐唇瓢虫(Cryptolaemus montro-uzieri Muls)和澳洲瓢虫防治柑桔蚧虫方面都取得了一定的成效。但由于我国地域广大,天敌资源非常丰富,加之过去这方面工作做的不多(尤其是北方),所以毫无疑问,还有很多有益的天敌需耍我们去发掘、研究并加以利用。 黑缘红瓢虫遍布于我国北部及长江流域大部地区,是朝鲜球蚧的重要天敌。本文系报导1959—1960年对朝鲜球蚧及其天敌黑缘红瓢虫的一些初步研究。  相似文献   

我国北方部分地区苹果黄蚜的抗药性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用点滴法测定了我国北方九地区苹果黄蚜对氰戊菊酯与氧化乐果的抗药性,结果表明,以山东莒南苹果黄蚜为相对敏感种群,河北沧州,河南商丘,山东蒙阴,辽宁朝阳,山东泰安,河北昌黎,安徽砀山,山东荣城等地苹果黄蚜种群均已产生抗药性,对氰戊菊酯抗性倍数(LD50R/S)分别为25.00,28.60,74,17,87.78,157.33,167.53,218.46,291.56倍;对氧化乐果抗性倍数分别为:16.08,26.53,15.88,29.46,25.83,30.73,48.19,64.58。采用相同的方法测定了山东泰安苹果黄蚜对8种杀虫剂的敏感性,结果为:硫丹与灭多威相对毒力较高,而有机磷类和拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂相对毒力较低。  相似文献   

采用试管药膜法,测定了不同类型杀虫剂对日本刀角瓢虫Serangium japonicum Chapin的毒力。结果表明,灭多威和敌敌畏对日本刀角瓢虫具有极强的毒力,其25%推荐剂量即可导致日本刀角瓢虫全部死亡;氯虫苯甲酰胺、吡虫啉和噻虫嗪对日本刀角瓢虫也具有很强的毒力,其田间推荐剂量可导致日本刀角瓢虫全部死亡,其50%推荐剂量对日本刀角瓢虫的致死率也高达73.33%~100.00%;乐果、烯啶虫胺、丁醚脲田间推荐剂量对日本刀角瓢虫的致死率分别为40.00%、56.67%、50.00%,预示着上述这些杀虫剂的田间应用对刀角瓢虫具有很高的直接杀伤风险。高效氯氰菊酯、联苯菊酯、毒死蜱、甲氰菊酯、高效氯氟氰菊酯、虫螨腈、阿维菌素、吡蚜酮、噻嗪酮、定虫隆和氟虫脲对日本刀角瓢虫的毒力较低甚至没有直接致死作用。研究结果将为合理使用杀虫剂,协调利用化学防治与生物防治对烟粉虱进行综合防治提供依据。  相似文献   

研究了常用杀虫剂对三角新小卷蛾Olethreutes leucaspis Meyrick的室内毒力与田间防效.按照毒力降低的顺序,所测定杀虫剂对三角新小卷蛾毒力顺序为甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐>氟虫腈>三氟氯氰菊酯>溴氰菊酯>阿维菌素>、高效氯氰菊酯>氟虫脲>氰戊菊酯>氟啶脲>毒死蜱>敌百虫.但在田间条件下,各试验药剂均能有效控制三角新小卷蛾的为害.结果表明,敌百虫对三角新小卷蛾的毒力最低,LC50为186.16 mg·L-1,甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐和氟虫腈的毒力最高,LC50分别为0.67、0.83 mg·L-1,是敌百虫毒力的279.52、224.86倍;三氟氯氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯、阿维菌素、高效氯氰菊酯、氟虫脲和氰戊菊酯亦具有较高的毒力,LC50分别为1.24、1.37、1.60、3.75、5.17、6.71 mg·L-1;毒死蜱和氟啶脲的毒力低于其它药剂.各试验药剂均能有效控制三角新小卷蛾的为害.  相似文献   

Abstract  The selective toxicity of six kinds of insecticides, including imidacloprid, imidacloprid + synergist (SV1), fenvalerate, endosulfan, methomyl and dimethoate, between the green peach aphid ( Myzus persicae Sulzer) and two species of ladybirds ( Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus and Propylaea japonica Thunbery), was investigated in the laboratory. The reults showed that both imidacloprid WP and imidacloprid + synergist (SVl) EC possessed the highest toxicity to the aphids. Between C. septempunctata and M. persicae and between P. japonica and M. persicae , the selective toxicity ratios (STRs) of imidacloprid WP, imidacloprid+ synergist (SV1) EC and endosulfan EC were 37.6 and 13.0, 9.84 and 7.75, 54.0 and 7.28 respectively. All of them showed rather high selective toxicity. The STRs of fenvalerate EC, dimethoate EC and methomyl EC were all very low, ranging from 0.02 to 0.21, indicating their low degree of safety to the two species of ladybids. The results demomarated that imidacloprid WP and imidacloprid + SVl EC not only had rather high toxicity to the aphids, but also reduced strikingly the reproduction rate and fecundity of the survival aphids. Insecticides can induce the relative fitness of insects decrease. Among the six insecticides tested with M. persicae , the following were insecticides and the order of induction was: imidacloprid + SV1 imidacloprid endosulfan methomyl fenvalerate > dimethoate.  相似文献   

Laboratory-reared predators, the insidious flower bug, Orius insidiosus (Say), and big-eyed bug Geocoris punctipes (Say), were exposed to 10 insecticides, including three newer insecticides with novel modes of action, using a residual insecticide bioassay. These species are important predators of several economic pests of cotton. Insecticides tested were: azinphos-methyl, imidacloprid, spinosad, tebufenozide, fipronil, endosulfan, chlorfenapyr, cyfluthrin, profenofos, and malathion. There was considerable variation in response between both species tested to the insecticides. Tebufenozide and cyfluthrin were significantly less toxic to male O. insidiosus than malathion. Tebufenozide was also significantly less toxic to female O. insidiosus than malathion. Imidacloprid, tebufenozide, and spinosad were significantly less toxic to male G. punctipes than chlorfenapyr, endosulfan, and fipronil. Spinosad, tebufenozide, and azinphos-methyl were significantly less toxic to female G. punctipes than fipronil and endosulfan. Fecundity of O. insidiosus was significantly greater in the spinosad treatment compared with other treatments including the control. Consumption of bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), eggs by O. insidiosus was significantly lower in the fipronil, profenofos, and cyfluthrin treatments compared with other treatments including the control. Consumption of H. zea eggs by G. punctipes was significantly lower in the malathion, profenofos, endosulfan, fipronil, azinphos-methyl, and imidacloprid treatments compared with the control. Egg consumption by G. punctipes was not significantly different in the tebufenozide treatment compared with the control. The lower toxicity of spinosad to G. punctipes is consistent with other reports. Based on these results, the following insecticides are not compatible with integrated pest management of cotton pests: malathion, endosulfan, profenofos, fipronil, and cyfluthrin; while imidacloprid, tebufenozide, azinphos-methyl, and spinosad should provide pest control while sparing beneficial species.  相似文献   

六种常用杀虫剂对八种蚜虫的选择毒性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
高希武  曹本钧 《昆虫学报》1990,33(3):274-279
作者自1982年开始研究了乐果、氧化乐果、抗蚜威、氰戊菊酯、溴氰菊酯和氯氰菊酯等6种杀虫剂对8种蚜虫的选择毒性.以桃粉大尾蚜Hyalopterus amygdali Blanchard为标准,氧化乐果对桃粉大尾蚜和瓜蚜Aphis gossypii Glover之间的选择毒性指数最高为163.77,乐果和抗蚜威分别是373.24和34.70,而氰戊菊酯仅为1.37.氰戊菊酯最高的选择毒性指数是在桃粉大尾蚜和麦长管蚜Sitobionavenae(F.)之间,也只有6.86,有机磷和氨基甲酸酯杀虫剂对不同蚜虫的选择毒性与乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)对巯基试剂(DTNB)的敏感度有明显的相关性,说明其选择毒性与AChE的巯基结合部位有关.同时还发现,抗蚜威对洋槐蚜Aphis robiniae Macchiati和瓜蚜AChE的150值与其LC50值表现一致.这些都说明了这两类杀虫剂对不同种蚜虫的选择毒性与AChE有关.氰戊菊酯和溴氰菊酯对蚜虫的选择毒性与α-乙酸萘酯羧酸酯酶的活性具有明显的相关性,而与β-乙酸萘酯羧酸酯酶的活性则无任何关系.氯氰菊酯的选择毒性与上述两种酯酶的活性没有任何相关性.  相似文献   

The toxicity, persistence and effect on parasitism of 10 insecticides, eight fungicides and one acaricide on Trichogrammatoidea armigera Nagaraja, an egg parasitoid of a Helicoverpa armigera (Hb), were investigated in the laboratory and under field conditions. At field recommended dosages, the fungicides oxycarboxin, copperoxychloride, streptomycin sulphate + tetracycline hydrochloride and 2‐bromo‐2‐nitropropane‐1,3‐diol and the acaricide dicofol were safe, while the insecticide phosalone and fungicide tridemorph were moderately toxic to adults. All other insecticides tested, namely dimethoate, fenitrothion, monocrotophos, phosphamidon, endosulfan, cypermethrin, decamethrin, fenvalerate and fluvalinate, and the fungicides carbendazim, methyl thiophenate and carboxin were toxic to adults. A high level of parasitism was recorded for all fungicide treatments and for dicofol and fluvalinate. The larval stage of the parasitoid was more tolerant than other stages. The residual toxicity of all fungicides, and dicofol, did not affect the ability of the parasitoid to parasitize its host, while the insecticides phosalone and fluvalinate were slightly persistent, favouring 44.7% and 49.3% parasitism after 15 days. Residues of dimethoate, decamethrin, cypermethrin, fenvalerate, monocrotophos and phosphanidon were moderately persistent, while fenitrothion and endosulfan were persistent.  相似文献   

Homalodisca coagulata Say, adults from three locations in California were subjected to insecticide bioassays to establish baseline toxicity. Initially, two bioassay techniques, petri dish and leaf dip, were compared to determine the most useful method to establish baseline susceptibility data under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Comparative dose-response data were determined by both techniques to endosulfan, dimethoate, cyfluthrin, and acetamiprid. Toxic values were similar to some insecticides with both techniques but not for all insecticides, revealing susceptibility differences among the three populations of H. coagulata. In subsequent tests, the petri dish technique was selected to establish baseline susceptibility data to various contact insecticides. A systemic uptake bioassay was adapted to estimate dose-mortality responses to a systemic insecticide, imidacloprid. A 2-yr comparison of toxicological responses showed all three populations of H. coagulata to be highly susceptible to 10 insecticides, including chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, endosulfan, bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, esfenvalerate, fenpropathrin, acetamiprid, imidacloprid, and thiamethoxam. In general, two pyrethroids, bifenthrin and esfenvalerate, were the most toxic compounds, followed by two neonicotinoids, acetamiprid and imidacloprid. The LC50 values for all insecticides tested were lower than concentrations used as recommended field rates. Baseline data varied for the three geographically distinct H. coagulata populations with the petri dish technique. Adult H. coagulata collected from San Bernardino County were significantly more susceptible to select pyrethroids compared with adults from Riverside or Kern counties. Adults from San Bernardino County also were more sensitive to two neonicotinoids, acetamiprid and imidacloprid. The highest LC50 values were to endosulfan, which nonetheless proved highly toxic to H. coagulata from all three regions. In the majority of the tests, mortality increased over time resulting in increased susceptibility at 48 h compared with 24 h. These results indicate a wide selection of highly effective insecticides that could aid in managing H. coagulata populations in California.  相似文献   

Toxicity of bendiocarb, chlorpyrifos, cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, fenvalerate, hydramethylnon, malathion, propetamphos, propoxur, and pyrethrins against the adult German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), was investigated. At LD50, cyfluthrin was the most toxic insecticide to adult males (0.53 microgram/g), adult females (1.2 micrograms/g), and gravid females (0.85 microgram/g). Malathion was the least toxic insecticide to adult males (464.83 micrograms/g), adult females (335.83 micrograms/g), and gravid females (275.90 micrograms/g). Males and gravid females were generally more sensitive than nongravid females to the insecticides that we tested. In tests with malathion, however, males were more tolerant. The order of toxicity of the insecticide classes varied among the stages of adult German cockroaches. The order of toxicity for males and nongravid females was pyrethroids greater than pyrethrins = organophosphates (except malathion) greater than carbamates = amidinohydrazone. The order of toxicity for gravid females was pyrethroids greater than pyrethrins = organophosphates (except malathion) greater than carbamates greater than amidinohydrazone. These differences in toxicity suggest that sex differences should be considered when determining insecticide toxicity for German cockroaches.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of immatures of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulata (Say) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), to 10 insecticides that included chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, endosulfan, bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, esfenvalerate, fenpropathrin, acetamiprid, imidacloprid, and thiamethoxam was evaluated in the laboratory. All five instars were exposed to different doses of each foliar insecticide by the petri dish technique, whereas a systemic uptake method was used to assess the toxicity to imidacloprid and thiamethoxam. All test insecticides exhibited high toxicity to all immature stages of H. coagulata at concentrations below the field recommended rates of each insecticide. Although all five instars were susceptible to test insecticides, mortality was significantly higher in first instars than in the older immatures based on low LC50 values (ranging from 0.017 to 5.75 ng(AI)/ml) with susceptibility decreasing with each successive stage. Fifth instars were generally the least sensitive (LC50 values ranging from 0.325 to 216.63 ng (AI)/ml). These results show that mortality was directly related to age of the insect and suggest that chemical treatment at early stages is more effective than at late stages. Acetamiprid (neonicotinoid) and bifenthrin (pyrethroid) were the most toxic to all five instars, inducing most mortality within 24 h and showing lower LC50 values ranging from 0.017 to 0.686 ng/ml compared with other insecticides (LC50 values ranging from 0.191 to 216.63 ng(AI)/ml). Our data suggest that a diverse group of very effective insecticides are available to growers for controlling all stages of H. coagulata. Knowledge on toxicity of select insecticides to H. coagulata immatures may contribute to our understanding of resistance management in future for this pest by targeting specific life stages instead of the adult stage alone.  相似文献   

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