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目的将益生菌双歧杆菌与枸杞多糖提取物设计为口服结肠定位给药系统(OCDDS),制备0710合生元结肠靶向微生态调节剂,考查其体外释放行为及体内定位作用。方法以枸杞中多糖为指标,对制剂进行体外溶出实验,并利用X-射线跟踪技术验证0710合生元结肠靶向微生态调节剂在人体内的靶向性。结果该制剂在人工胃液2 h、人工小肠液4 h,几乎不释药,而在人工结肠液中6 h释药达到100%,符合中国药典2005年版对缓释制剂的规定,且体内实验在结肠中黏附性较好。结论0710合生元结肠靶向微生态调节剂在体外结肠液中释放良好,在体内结肠具有靶向性,达到制剂设计要求。  相似文献   

制备苦参碱双敏感结肠定位小丸,并研究影响其质量的因素和评价其结肠定位释药的效果。以羧甲基魔芋胶为主要载体材料,制备酶敏感丸芯,再以丙烯酸树脂Ⅱ、Ⅲ包衣,制成苦参碱双敏感结肠定位小丸;通过体外释放试验和包封率测定,对影响制剂释药的处方和工艺进行单因素考察;苦参碱双敏感结肠定位小丸的优化制备工艺条件为FeCl_3浓度为4.0 g·L~(-1),壳聚糖浓度为3.0 g·L~(-1),羧甲基魔芋胶浓度为20 g·L~(-1),混合胶浆pH值为3,包衣增重为7%;在模拟全消化道介质中,苦参碱累积释放接近100%,时滞为7小时。所制苦参碱双敏感结肠定位小丸在体外具有良好的结肠定位效果。  相似文献   

制备柚皮素自微乳不对称膜渗透泵胶囊并考察其体外释药行为。实验利用球晶技术进行自微乳的固化研究,以醋酸纤维素浓度、栓模浸入聚合物溶液中时间、栓模浸入淬火液中时间为自变量,采用星点设计-效应面优化法,以囊壳厚度和24h药物累积释放度为因变量,确定不对称膜渗透泵胶囊壳的最佳制备工艺。其最佳制备工艺为:醋酸纤维素浓度9.44%,栓模浸入聚合物溶液中时间3.77min,栓模浸入淬火液中时间15.86min,按最佳工艺得到的药物累积释放度为96.27%,囊壳厚度为0.275mm。体外释药行为符合零级释药方程(R=0.9997)。柚皮素自微乳不对称膜渗透泵胶囊可有效控制药物缓慢释放,解决难溶性药物制成渗透泵制剂释药不完全的问题。  相似文献   

本文筛选了川陈皮素微乳凝胶剂的最佳透皮促渗剂并考察了其体外释药机制。采用正交实验设计,对离体家兔鼻粘膜进行体外渗透实验,以川陈皮素的累积渗透量及渗透速率常数为指标,优选最佳处方;采用扩散池法对川陈皮素微乳凝胶剂进行体外释药研究,并用无膜溶出法考察其释药机制。结果表明,不同促渗剂对川陈皮素的累积渗透量及渗透速率常数影响大小为:氮酮冰片丙二醇,且氮酮具有显著性差异(P0.05),微乳凝胶剂12 h的累积释药率为86%,符合Higuchi方程,其溶蚀量较少且与释药率无明显线性相关(r=0.9387)。可见,2%氮酮、2%冰片和1%丙二醇可作为最佳促渗剂处方在川陈皮素微乳凝胶剂中使用,且该制剂体外释药性能良好,有一定的缓释特性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨以当归多糖为载体的地塞米松前体药在大鼠胃肠道内容物中的释药特性,考察其结肠靶向性。方法:将前体药与大鼠胃肠道不同部位内容物稀释液于37℃共同孵育,不同时间点取样,高效液相色谱法检测释放的地塞米松(dexamethasone, DEX)及地塞米松琥珀酸单酯(dexamethasone hemisuccinate,DSH)。结果:前体药在大鼠胃肠道各部位内容物稀释孵育液中均有DEX及DSH释放;DEX在小肠近端的释放量最大,在结肠和盲肠中的释放量次之,在胃和小肠远端的释放量较小;DSH在结肠和盲肠中的释放量大,在胃、小肠近端和小肠远端释放量小;在160min孵育时间时,DEX和DSH在结肠和盲肠中的释放总量是在胃、小肠近端和小肠远端释放总量的1.95倍。结论:以当归多糖为载体的地塞米松前体药具有一定的结肠靶向释药特性,有可能用作局部治疗结肠炎的结肠靶向药物。  相似文献   

目的:制备尼莫地平的自微乳化释药系统.方法:通过溶解度实验筛选各种辅料,按照处方设计制得系列自微乳化液,并通过体外评价以确定最优处方.结果:最优处方为尼莫地平、聚氧乙烯氢化蓖麻油-35、油酸乙酯和单辛酸甘油酯的质量百分数分别为3.5%、40%、40%和16.5%.在0.1 mo1 oL-1稀盐酸中轻微搅拌,该优化处方能够在1 min内迅速乳化,得到粒径均值58.6 nm的乳滴,1 min时的溶出率为84.3%.结论:按优化处方制得的尼莫地平自微乳化释药系统显著提高了尼莫地平的溶出.  相似文献   

目的:降钙素(一个由32个氨基酸组成的多肽)是治疗骨质疏松的首选药之一。降钙索的劣势是其半衰期过短,需要一天一次注射给药,本实验旨在制备突释小,药物释放浓度稳定的降钙素微球制剂。方法:制备降钙素羧酸葡聚糖颗粒和降钙素硫酸葡聚糖颗粒组合物,分别将其包裹于PLGA微球内,制备成降钙素组合微球,采用C18反相色谱柱研究药物的包封率和体外释放行为。结果:所制得的降钙素葡聚糖颗粒缓释微球体外释放一个月,释放曲线比较完美,接近零级释放。结论:本研究制得的降钙素葡聚糖颗粒缓释组合微球能实现理想的体外缓释效果,为后期药动学实验提供基础。  相似文献   

为寻找新型肝靶向抗癌前药,将具有肝靶向特征的天然分子甘草次酸的半合成衍生物与抗癌药环磷酰胺的活性代谢物氮芥磷酰二氯偶联制成11-脱氧甘草次酸类两个目标化合物和7个中间体。化合物的化学结构用常规光谱分析法进行鉴定,对合成工艺、理化性质和光谱特征进行系统描述。本研究对甘草次酸类新型肝靶向抗癌前药的药理活性筛选奠定基础。  相似文献   

目的制备合生元结肠靶向微生态调节剂,并建立其质量标准。方法球磨法制备枸杞多糖纳米粒,并将其与双歧杆菌、结肠粘附材料按一定比例装填入结肠靶向胶囊中,制备成合生元结肠靶向微生态调节剂;苯酚-硫酸法测定制剂中多糖含量,平板活菌计数法检测制剂中活菌数量。结果球磨法制备的枸杞多糖纳米粒成类球形,表面圆整,无粘连,80%粒径集中在464nm;合生元结肠靶向微生态调节剂符合2010版药典对胶囊剂的质量要求。结论按本法制备的合生元结肠靶向微生态调节剂安全可靠,其质量符合2010版药典对胶囊剂的质量要求。  相似文献   

目的:考察多糖颗粒复合PLGA微球用作脉冲式释药系统的可行性.方法:用水相-水相乳化法将模型蛋白BSA包裹于多糖颗粒中,再用S/O/W法制备多糖颗粒复合PLGA微球.采用microBCA法测定该微球体外释放行为,并与W/O/W复乳法制备的BSA微球相对照.结果:用W/O/W复乳法制备的BSA微球的体外释放曲线显示,该微球在开始释放第一天起就出现一个平台期,之后则产生一个持续高释放量的行为.而多糖颗粒复合PLGA微球的体外释放曲线显示,其在释放第一天和一个较长平台期之后都出现峰形释放,相对于前者微球与脉冲释药模式更为相近.平台期时长与高分子性质有关,PLGA结构中乳酸相对于乙醇酸比例越高则平台期越长.结论:多糖颗粒复合PLGA微球具有良好的脉冲式释药效果,是一种较有前景的脉冲释药系统.  相似文献   

The effect of chitosan as internal or external coating on the mesalamine (5-ASA) release from calcium alginate microparticles (CaAl) was studied, and a delayed release of 5-ASA system intended for colonic drug delivery was developed. The external chitosan coating was developed by immersion of wetted CaAl in chitosan solution and the internal coating by mixing 5-ASA with chitosan solution and drying before the preparation of CaAl. Both systems were coated with Acryl-EZE® using combined fluid bed coating and immersion procedure. The results showed that in phosphate medium (pH 7.5), chitosan as 5-ASA coating promotes a quick erosion process accelerating drug release, but chitosan as external coating (CaAlCS) does not increase the T 50 value compared with the microparticles without chitosan (CaAl). Chitosan as internal or external coating was not effective to avoid the quick 5-ASA release in acidic medium (pH 1.2). The presence of β-glucosidase enzymes increases significantly the 5-ASA release for CaAl, while no effect was observed with chitosan as internal or external coating. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and X-ray data revealed that 5-ASA did not form a solid solution but was dispersed in the microparticles. The Acryl-EZE® coating of microparticles was effective because all the formulations showed a low release, less than 15%, of 5-ASA in acid medium at pH 1.2. Significant differences in the percentage of 5-ASA released between formulations were observed in phosphate buffer at pH 6.0. In phosphate buffer at pH 7.2, all the formulations released 100% of 5-ASA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to study the influence of type of chitosan with different molecular weights, ie, 190 and 419 kDa, on properties of pellets prepared by extrusion/ spheronization. The formulations, consisting of acetaminophen as model drug, chitosan, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), and dibasic calcium phosphate dihydrate with/without sodium alginate, were extruded using a twin-screw extruder and water as the granulating liquid. With 30% wt/wt MCC and no added sodium alginate, spherical pellets were produced containing low and high molecular weight chitosan at a maximum amount of 60% and 40% wt/wt, respectively. With sodium alginate (2.5% wt/wt), pellets with either type of chitosan (60% wt/wt), MCC (17.5% wt/wt), and acetaminophen (20% wt/wt) could be produced indicating an improved pelletforming ability. Type and amount of chitosan and added sodium alginate affected physical properties of pellets including size, roundness, crushing force, and drug release. Low molecular weight chitosan produced pellets with higher mean diameter, sphericity, and crushing force. Additionally, the pellets made of low molecular weight chitosan and added sodium alginate showed faster drug release in 0.1 N HCl but had slower drug release in pH 7.4 phosphate buffer. This indicated that drug release from pellets could be modified by the molecular weight of chitosan. In conclusion, the molecular weight of chitosan had a major influence on formation, physical properties, and drug release from the obtained pellets. Published: August 10, 2007  相似文献   

Ray S  Maiti S  Sa B 《AAPS PharmSciTech》2008,9(1):295-301
The objective of this study was to develop a multiunit sustained release dosage form of diltiazem using a natural polymer from a completely aqueous environment. Diltiazem was complexed with resin and the resinate-loaded carboxymethyl xanthan (RCMX) beads were prepared by interacting sodium carboxymethyl xanthan (SCMX), a derivatized xanthan gum, with Al+3 ions. The beads were evaluated for drug entrapment efficiency (DEE) and release characteristics in enzyme free simulated gastric fluid (SGF, HCl solution, pH 1.2) and simulated intestinal fluid (SIF, USP phosphate buffer solution, pH 6.8). Increase in gelation time from 5 to 20 min and AlCl3 concentration from 1 to 3% decreased the DEE respectively from 95 to 79% and 88.5 to 84.6%. However, increase in gum concentration from 1.5 to 2.5% increased the DEE from 86.5 to 90.7%. The variation in DEE was related to displacement of drug from the resinate by the gel forming Al+3 ions. While 75–82% drug was released in 2 h in SGF from various beads, 75 to 98% drug was released in 5 hour in SIF indicating the dependence of drug release on pH of dissolution media. Although the beads maintained their initial integrity throughout the dissolution process in both media, as evident from scanning electron microscopic studies, the faster release in SGF was accounted for higher swelling of the beads in SGF than in SIF. When release data (up to 60%) was fitted in power law expression, the drug release was found to be controlled by diffusion with simultaneous relaxation phenomena.  相似文献   

Lansoprazole (LSP), a proton-pump inhibitor, belongs to class II drug. It is especially instable to heat, light, and acidic media, indicating that fabrication of a formulation stabilizing the drug is difficult. The addition of alkaline stabilizer is the most powerful method to protect the drug in solid formulations under detrimental environment. The purpose of the study was to characterize the designed multiple coating pellets of LSP containing an alkaline stabilizer (sodium carbonate) and assess the effect of the stabilizer on the physicochemical properties of the drug. The coated pellets were prepared by layer–layer film coating with a fluid-bed coater. In vitro release and acid-resistance studies were carried out in simulated gastric fluid and simulated intestinal fluid, respectively. Furthermore, the moisture-uptake test was performed to evaluate the influence of sodium carbonate on the drug stability. The results indicate that the drug exists in the amorphous state or small (nanometer size) particles without crystallization even after storage at 40°C/75% for 5 months. The addition of sodium carbonate to the pellet protects the drug from degradation in simulated gastric fluid in a dose-dependent manner. The moisture absorbed into the pellets has a detrimental effect on the drug stability. The extent of drug degradation is directly correlated with the content of moisture absorption. In conclusion, these results suggest that the presence of sodium carbonate influence the physicochemical properties of LSP, and the designed multiple coating pellets enhance the drug stability.  相似文献   

The effects of filler used in the pellet cores (ie, waxy cornstarch or lactose) and the enteric film coat thickness on the diffusion and dissolution of a freely soluble drug were studied. Two kinds of pellet cores containing riboflavin sodium phosphate as a model drug, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) as a basic filler, and waxy cornstarch or lactose as a cofiller were film coated (theoretically weight increase 20% or 30%) with an aqueous dispersion of cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP). The diffusion of riboflavin sodium phosphate in aqueous enteric-coated pellets was investigated using noninvasive confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The in vitro release tests were performed using a USP apparatus I (basket method). Diffusion of drug from the core to the film coat was found to be greater with lactose-containing pellets than with waxy cornstarch-containing pellets. The dissolution test showed that 30% enteric-coated waxy cornstarch pellets had a good acidic resistance in 0.1 N HCl solution for at least 1 hour, while the other enteric pellet formulations failed the test. The waxy cornstarch-containing enteric pellets dissolved at SIF in less than 10 minutes. Confocal images of film-coated pellets showed that waxy cornstarch-containing pellets had less drug dissolved than respective lactose-containing pellets. The observations were further confirmed by measurement of fluorescence intensity of riboflavin sodium phosphate in the film coat. The dissolution test was consistent with the confocal microscopy results. In conclusion, waxy cornstarch as a cofiller in the pellet cores minimizes premature drug diffusion from the core into the film coat layer.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to prepare time-controlled release etodolac pellets to facilitate drug administration according to the body’s biological rhythm, optimize the drug’s desired effects, and minimize adverse effects. The preparation consisted of three laminal layers from center to outside: the core, the swelling layer, and the insoluble polymer membrane. Factors influenced the core and the coating films were investigated in this study. The core pellets formulated with etodolac, lactose, and sodium carboxymethyl starch (CMS-Na) were prepared by extrusion-spheronization and then coated by a fluidized bed coater. Croscarmellose sodium (CC-Na) was selected as the swelling agent, and ethyl cellulose (EC) as the controlled release layer. The prepared pellets were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and evaluated by a dissolution test and a pharmacokinetic study. Compared with commercial available capsules, pharmacokinetics studies in beagle dogs indicated that the prepared pellets release the drug within a short period of time, immediately after a predetermined lag time. A good correlation between in vitro dissolution and in vivo absorption of the pellets was exhibited in the analysis.  相似文献   

Release of divalent ions from membrane pellets of soybean hypocotyls was promoted by the natural auxin, indole-3-acetic acid, and the synthetic auxin, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The calcium release occurred at auxin concentrations as low as 1 nanomolar, and maximum release was observed at 1 micromolar. Hormone concentrations greater than 1 micromolar showed reduced effectiveness in releasing membrane-associated calcium. 2,3-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, a weak-auxin analog of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, did not promote calcium release. In some experiments, the analog actually promoted calcium association with the membranes. Red blood cells treated in a similar manner to soybean hypocotyl membranes did not release calcium in response to indole-3-acetic acid. The release phenomenon was hormone specific but not ion specific. Auxin released manganese from membranes in a manner similar to that of calcium. The calcium release, following auxin treatment, is accompanied by a decrease in membrane-associated sites for calcium binding.  相似文献   

An objective of the present investigation was to prepare and evaluate Eudragit-coated pectin microspheres for colon targeting of 5-fluorouracil (FU). Pectin microspheres were prepared by emulsion dehydration method using different ratios of FU and pectin (1:3 to 1:6), stirring speeds (500–2000 rpm) and emulsifier concentrations (0.75%–1.5% wt/vol). The yield of preparation and the encapsulation efficiencies were high for all pectin microspheres. Microspheres prepared by using drug:polymer ratio 1:4, stirring speed 1000 rpm, and 1.25% wt/vol concentration of emulsifying agent were selected as an optimized formulation. Eudragit-coating of pectin microspheres was performed by oil-in-oil solvent evaporation method using coat: core ratio (5:1). Pectin microspheres and Eudragit-coated pectin microspheres were evaluated for surface morphology, particle size and size distribution, swellability, percentage drug entrapment, and in vitro drug release in simulated gastrointestinal fluids (SGF). The in vitro drug release study of optimized formulation was also performed in simulated colonic fluid in the presence of 2% rat cecal content. Organ distribution study in albino rats was performed to establish the targeting potential of optimized formulation in the colon. The release profile of FU from Eudragit-coated pectin microspheres was pH dependent. In acidic medium, the release rate was much slower; however, the drug was released quickly at pH 7.4. It is concluded from the present investigation that Eudragit-coated pectin microspheres are promising controlled release carriers for colon-targeted delivery of FU. Published: February 16, 2007  相似文献   

The objective of this work was the preparation of osmotic tablets using polymer blends of cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) or ethylcellulose with ammonio methacrylate copolymer (Eudragit® RL). The advantage of these coatings in comparison to the traditionally used cellulose acetate is their solubility in safer organic solvents like ethanol. Polymer films were characterized with respect to their water uptake, dry mass loss, and mechanical properties. The effect of the polymer blend ratio on drug release and on the rupture force of the coating was investigated. In addition, the effect of drug solubility and content, pH and agitation rate of the release medium, and coating level and plasticizer content on the release were studied. With increased Eudragit® RL content in the coating blends, higher medium uptake of the film was observed, resulting in shorter lag times and faster drug release from the osmotic tablets. Replacing ethylcellulose with cellulose acetate butyrate as a coating material led to shorter lag times and faster drug release due to increased film permeability. In addition, CAB-based films had a higher strength and flexibility. The drug release was osmotically controlled and decreased with increasing coating level. It increased with increased drug solubility, plasticizer content, change of buffer species (acetate > phosphate), and decreased coating level. Agitation rate and drug content had no effect on the drug release. A 20% w/w coating level was sufficient for the tablet to tolerate forces of more than five times of the gastric destructive force reported in literature.  相似文献   

Modified-release multiple-unit tablets of loratadine and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride with different release profiles were prepared from the immediate-release pellets comprising the above two drugs and prolonged-release pellets containing only pseudoephedrine hydrochloride. The immediate-release pellets containing pseudoephedrine hydrochloride alone or in combination with loratadine were prepared using extrusion–spheronization method. The pellets of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride were coated to prolong the drug release up to 12 h. Both immediate- and prolonged-release pellets were filled into hard gelatin capsule and also compressed into tablets using inert tabletting granules of microcrystalline cellulose Ceolus KG-801. The in vitro drug dissolution study conducted using high-performance liquid chromatography method showed that both multiple-unit capsules and multiple-unit tablets released loratadine completely within a time period of 2 h, whereas the immediate-release portion of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride was liberated completely within the first 10 min of dissolution study. On the other hand, the release of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride from the prolonged release coated pellets was prolonged up to 12 hr and followed zero-order release kinetic. The drug dissolution profiles of multiple-unit tablets and multiple-unit capsules were found to be closely similar, indicating that the integrity of pellets remained unaffected during the compression process. Moreover, the friability, hardness, and disintegration time of multiple-unit tablets were found to be within BP specifications. In conclusion, modified-release pellet-based tablet system for the delivery of loratadine and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride was successfully developed and evaluated.  相似文献   

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