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云猫(Pardofelis marmorata)在中国分布狭窄、种群稀少, 目前尚缺少有关其调查与研究的报道。通过红外相机分析野生动物的空间分布以及日活动节律, 有助于了解濒危物种的生态学特征, 为保护管理提供科学依据。我们于2014年4月至2021年5月在云南高黎贡山国家级自然保护区腾冲辖区34个位点放置红外相机进行监测。基于监测数据分析了云猫的空间分布, 并利用核密度估计方法(kernel-density estimation)对云猫与豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)的日活动节律进行了比较。通过31,462个相机日的监测, 共获得230个云猫的独立探测事件。探测数据显示: 云猫在研究区域内主要分布于海拔2,300‒3,100 m保存完好的常绿阔叶林中。记录到的云猫主要出现在白天, 于6:00‒11:00和14:00‒19:00活动最为频繁。在云猫记录密集的北部地区, 同域分布的豹猫表现出明显的夜行性, 而在南部地区则倾向于晨昏活动, 与云猫活动节律的重叠度较低。腾冲高黎贡山云猫的相对多度指数明显高于低纬度的热带地区, 对该区域云猫进行更为深入的研究对于了解与保护此物种至关重要。  相似文献   

林炜明  翁悦  阿家  王敏  王琦  王放 《兽类学报》2023,(4):364-377
大灵猫(Viverra zibetha)是灵猫科的一种小型食肉动物,曾广泛分布于我国南方,但20世纪中后期以来其国内分布区域快速退缩,种群可能处于严重下降状态。为了填补我国大灵猫生态学研究空缺带来的保护和管理挑战,本研究在四川省八月林自然保护区开展了为期一年半的红外相机调查,共布设红外相机100台,获取19 912个相机日的红外相机照片,在23个位点完成大灵猫的独立探测77次。本研究采用非参数核密度指数法研究了大灵猫与同域小型食肉动物的日活动节律,构建占域模型评估了大灵猫的栖息地利用,并重点分析了大灵猫对人类活动的响应。结果显示大灵猫日活动节律为严格夜行性,与严格夜行性的花面狸(Paguma larvata)(Δ=0.88, P=0.290)和夜行偏晨昏性的猪獾(Arctonyx collaris)(Δ=0.80, P=0.056)日活动节律重叠程度最高,与夜行偏晨昏性的豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)(Δ=0.73, P=0.002)和严格夜行性的鼬獾(Melogale moschata)(Δ=0.72, P <0.001)日活动节律存在显著差异,而与昼...  相似文献   

本研究于2017—2020年利用红外相机对贵州兴义坡岗喀斯特森林自然保护区的兽类和鸟类进行了连续4年的监测,分析了保护区内兽类和鸟类物种组成多样性及主要地栖性物种的活动节律。本次调查共记录到兽类和鸟类物种数共72种,其中兽类13种,隶属于4目7科;鸟类59种,隶属于6目18科。国家一级重点保护野生动物有黑颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus humiae)和小灵猫(Viverricula indica);国家二级重点保护野生动物有白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)、白腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus amherstiae)、红嘴相思鸟(Leiothrix lutea)、猕猴(Macaca mulatta)、斑林狸(Prionodon pardicolor)、豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)等13种。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最高的区域为保护区的核心区(H=2.76)。活动节律分析表明,白腹锦鸡为昼行性动物,花面狸(Paguma larvata)、鼬獾(Melogale moschata)等为典型的夜行性动物。白腹锦鸡和鼬獾日活动节律呈双峰趋势,花面狸和豹猫呈单峰型。本次监测结果可为进一步加强喀斯特森林鸟兽物种保护管理和生态学研究提供基础。  相似文献   

在动物行为生态学研究中,了解动物的活动节律是分析其生存策略的重要前提。基于2013年3月—2014年2月北京松山国家级自然保护区红外相机监测资料,通过相对丰富度指数分析10种最常见兽类的季节性节律和日活动节律。结果显示:(1)岩松鼠Sciurotamias davidianus、北花松鼠Tamias sibiricus、亚洲狗獾Meles leucurus、猪獾Arctonyx collaris、豹猫Prionailurus bengalensis和貉Nyctereutes procyonoides在夏季活动最频繁,果子狸Paguma larvata、中华斑羚Naemorhedus griseus和野猪Sus scrofa在秋季活动最频繁。通过分析松鼠的年活动节律,推测其可能为2013年11月人为放生至保护区的新物种。(2)果子狸、中华斑羚、猪獾、豹猫和野猪为典型的夜行性动物,北花松鼠、松鼠Sciurus vulgaris和岩松鼠为昼行性动物。(3)依据兽类探测红外相机的行为表现,发现不同种类动物对红外相机产生了回避或受到吸引的行为。研究表明,红外相机是一种长期监测林地兽类活动节律的有效技术手段,可为制定区域性生物多样性保护措施提供数据支持。  相似文献   

可靠的种群密度数据对野生动物的保护和管理十分重要。豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)是中国分布最广且常见的猫科动物, 但野生种群密度估算的研究并不多。本研究于2020年6月至2021年5月在香港新界嘉道理农场暨植物园开展红外相机调查, 利用空间标记-重捕法估算当地豹猫的种群密度并用核密度估计方法分析其活动节律。本次调查以网格方式布置红外相机, 在约1.5 km2的研究范围之内设置了19个相机位点, 每个位点安装2台相机以获取豹猫身体两侧花纹来进行个体识别。连续12个月调查共捕获113次有效的豹猫拍摄事件, 当中仅61次事件的照片足够清晰以进行个体识别。基于种群封闭的要求, 我们以2个月为单位将12个月的数据分为6个采样期去分析豹猫种群密度, 结果显示仅两个采样期的估算值最为准确, 分别为0.64 ± 0.31 (0.26-1.55)只/km2和0.87 ± 0.48 (0.31-2.40)只/km2, 是已知全球豹猫密度最高的地点之一。结果还发现, 雨季研究地点的豹猫并无明显的日活动节律, 在旱季则偏夜行-晨昏行性多一些, 但也有一定的日间活动; 雨季和旱季的日活动节律无显著差异。本研究是首次以个体识别配以空间标记-重捕模型对中国大陆地区豹猫种群密度调查的研究; 我们也提出一些关于红外相机架设方法的建议, 以提高照片个体识别的准确度并增加重捕次数, 最后提高密度估算的准确度。本研究也进一步证明豹猫适应性极强, 在活动节律上表现出极高的可塑性, 在严格保护下可以恢复健康的种群。  相似文献   

为了解北京雾灵山自然保护区野生动物资源现状,于2014年11月至2015年4月,在保护区内放置30台红外相机开展调查。结果共记录鸟类5目14科27种,兽类4目8科10种,其中勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha)、红角鸮(Otus sunia)、纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua)和中华斑羚(Naemorhedus griseus)为国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物。鸟类物种数月变化剧烈。相对丰富度最高的6种动物为狍(Capreolus pygargus)(60.19)、红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha)(34.14)、星鸦(Nucifraga caryocatactes)(27.78)、岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)(23.34)、松鸦(Garrulus glandarius)(23.34)、中华斑羚(21.99)。对狍、岩松鼠、中华斑羚进行日活动节律分析,狍属晨昏活动型;中华斑羚有两个活动高峰;岩松鼠的日活动高峰集中在晨间,为单峰型。本研究提供了北京雾灵山部分鸟兽资源的最新动态现状及活动节律信息,同时表明红外相机在拍摄地栖性鸟类、大中型兽类、夜行性动物方面具有优势,而对于非地栖鸟类和小型兽类,红外相机有一定局限性。本研究为应用红外相机技术开展森林野生动物多样性监测提供了经验。  相似文献   

2014至2019年,利用红外相机对卧龙保护区的赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)、黄喉貂(Martes flavigula)和豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)进行了监测,并分析比较了三者的栖息地分布和日活动节律。结果显示,赤狐栖息地主要分布于保护区西部高海拔地区,与黄喉貂和豹猫栖息地重叠较少;豹猫和黄喉貂的栖息地均集中分布于皮条河以南,且相互重叠部分达56.7%;在日活动节律方面,赤狐和豹猫表现出夜行性,黄喉貂表现出昼行性。本研究表明,三种食肉动物均通过栖息地或日活动节律的差异产生了生态位分离,从而实现了在卧龙保护区内的相互共存。  相似文献   

北京松山国家级自然保护区外围被规划建设为2022年冬季奥运会高山滑雪中心,为了解场地建设施工对野生动物产生的干扰影响,2017年借助红外相机技术对保护区主要哺乳动物分布与种群相对数量本底进行调查。结果显示,在99个红外相机位点拍摄到哺乳动物3目10科14种,在新划入保护区的玉渡山区域发现中华斑羚Naemorhedus griseus,扩大了这一珍稀物种的栖息地范围。野猪Sus scrofa的分布仍以松山区域居多,与潜在食物来源丰富有关。猪獾Arctonyx collaris的分布与相对数量(RAI=6.88)高于狗獾Meles leucurus(RAI=2.48)。黄鼬Mustela sibirica和蒙古兔Lepus tolai的相对多度指数偏低,显示种群数量较少。通过与2013年的调查数据进行日活动节律叠加分析,发现豹猫Prionailurus bengalensis、狗獾、猪獾、野猪、北花松鼠Tamias sibiricus、岩松鼠Sciurotamias davidianus的日活动节律具有显著差异(P0.01),表明冬奥会场地建设对野生动物的行为节律产生了影响。本次调查对主要哺乳动物种类进行了监测,为后续开展长期跟踪,评估冬奥会场地施工和场馆运营产生的影响提供了本底资料。  相似文献   

利用红外相机技术于2017年冬季对河北太行山东坡南段的野生动物进行了调查。通过系统抽样,野外选取4个样区共安置红外相机78台,实际工作4753个相机日,获有效照片1903张。结果表明:共鉴定出兽类4目7科7种,鸟类9目14科27种,其中国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类有勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha)、雀鹰(Accipiter nisus)、灰林鸮(Strix aluco)和燕隼(Falco subbuteo)。物种相对丰度指数较高的兽类和鸟类分别为岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)(10.10)和红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythroryncha)(5.49)。对拍摄率较高的前6种兽类的日活动节律进行了分析,发现野猪(Sus scrofa)和蒙古兔(Lepus tolai)主要集中在晨昏和夜间活动,西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus)和岩松鼠多在昼间活动,赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)和黄鼬(Mustela sibirica)则为全天性活动。土门—黄北坪乡样区和鹿头乡样区具有较高的物种数(24种和23种)和Shannon-Weiner指数(2.35和2.06)。该地区农业开发程度高、森林景观破碎化程度大、人类活动干扰重,应加强野生动物栖息地的保护与恢复。  相似文献   

2017年1月至2019年9月, 我们在广东云开山国家级自然保护区3个观测样区布设61台红外相机, 对兽类和鸟类多样性进行调查。共记录到野生兽类4目7科9种, 鸟类6目14科34种, 其中广东省新记录1种, 为蓝绿鹊(Cissa chinensis), 记录国家II级重点保护动物2种, 为原鸡(Gallus gallus)和白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)。相对多度较高的5种兽类依次为赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)、赤麂(Muntiacus vaginalis)、鼬獾(Melogale moschata)、野猪(Sus scrofa)和果子狸(Paguma larvata), 相对多度较高的3种鸟类分别是紫啸鸫(Myiophoneus caeruleus)、虎斑地鸫(Zoothera dauma)和红嘴相思鸟(Leiothrix lutea)。通过对相对多度指数前三的鸟兽日活动节律观察分析, 共发现4种典型昼行性动物(赤腹松鼠、紫啸鸫、虎斑地鸫和红嘴相思鸟)和1种典型夜行性动物(鼬獾)。赤麂日活动呈现两个高峰时段, 分别为12:00-14:00和18:00-20:00。本研究评估了广东云开山国家级自然保护区部分兽类和鸟类资源现状, 为保护区野生动物保护与管理提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

兔狲(Otocolobus manul)、藏狐(Vulpes ferrilata)和赤狐(V. vulpes)是青藏高原三江源区域分布的重要小型食肉兽。本研究于2014年6月至2019年9月在青海省长江源区沱沱河和通天河沿岸选取208个位点布设红外相机, 通过所获取的时空分布数据比较了上述3种同域分布小型食肉兽的时空利用情况。通过空间重叠度系数的比较分析, 兔狲和藏狐、兔狲和赤狐以及藏狐和赤狐之间的空间重叠度系数分别为0.25、0.48和0.17, 这表明兔狲、藏狐和赤狐三者在空间利用上存在一定的差异。通过核密度估计方法分析, 兔狲和藏狐属典型的昼行性动物, 而赤狐以夜行性活动为主。兔狲、藏狐和赤狐每个物种在冷暖两季的日活动节律重叠指数分别为0.83、0.78和0.88。两两比较分析表明, 兔狲和藏狐二者的日活动节律重叠指数最高(0.84), 兔狲和赤狐在夜间活动时段存在一定重叠(0.63), 而藏狐和赤狐的时间生态位分化最明显, 重叠指数最低(0.48)。此外, 在暖季, 两两物种之间的日活动节律重叠指数均小于其冷季的重叠指数。综上所述, 长江源区兔狲、藏狐和赤狐3种小型食肉兽可通过空间和时间资源的利用差异来降低物种间的干扰和竞争, 从而达到同域物种共存的目的。  相似文献   

生态位分化使时空资源利用重叠的物种实现共存,并且生态位研究在野生动物管理、种间关系和群落结构等方面有广泛应用和深远影响。放牧作为最主要的人为干扰之一,通过资源(食物、时间、空间等)竞争改变野生动物资源利用特征,甚至影响同域分布物种的生存。华北豹(Panthera pardus japonesis)是我国特有的珍稀野生动物,而其野生猎物种群数量会因与家畜资源竞争而减少,甚至直接或间接地影响华北豹种群生存。因此掌握保护区内家畜与野生动物的空间、时间利用情况,得以评估野生动物的生存状态。于2018年10月-2019年5月,通过架设62台红外自动相机获取铁桥山自然保护区4种哺乳动物活动数据,采用双物种单季节模型(Two-species single season model)和核密度估计(kernel density estimation)分析华北豹与猎物及其家畜在圈养、散养期的空间互作关系和活动规律,并且通过重叠系数(Coefficient of overlap)计算两物种间日活动时间重叠。结果表明:(1)家畜放养期间,华北豹-狍,华北豹-野猪的空间回避作用均比无家畜存在时减弱,可能是时间重叠程度增大的补偿机制。华北豹-牛的空间回避作用最强。(2)华北豹-牛时空重叠程度不大,牛-狍时空重叠程度较大,牛-野猪空间上共存而时间重叠程度较小。(3)日活动节律的结果说明狍为昼行性,野猪为晨昏活动。因探测到华北豹的次数有限,故关于其的日活动节律仍待考究。研究表明,放牧将影响华北豹与猎物的时间、空间资源利用情况,并有可能导致人-豹冲突加剧。  相似文献   

野猪是世界上分布最广的大型哺乳动物之一,也是东北虎豹国家公园内主要的有蹄类动物,东北虎主要的猎物之一。本文采集了中国虎豹观测网络架设在东北虎豹国家公园东部区域的红外相机完整一年的拍摄数据(2015年5月至2016年4月),通过占域模型和核密度分析,获得不同季节的野猪生境利用情况和日活动节律,探究人为因素、环境因素和生物因素对野猪生境利用的影响。结果显示,野猪偏好于针叶林和针阔混交林,在靠近居民点的区域活动增加。不同物种间的相互作用对野猪的生境利用产生不同影响,受捕食者压力野猪会倾向于躲避东北虎,但东北豹对野猪占域显示为正向影响。梅花鹿和狍对野猪的影响在不同季节呈现相反,梅花鹿对野猪的占域在冬季呈负向影响,而狍对野猪的占域则在夏季呈负向影响。本研究区域内的野猪夏季有2个活动高峰,冬季有1个活动高峰,在不同季节都倾向于白天和晨昏活动,在日落前达到活动最高峰。本研究揭示东北虎豹国家公园东部区域的野猪生境利用和活动节律是受到植被生境、大型食肉动物和人类因素等多种因素相互作用,长期相适应的结果。  相似文献   

Diurnal animals occupy a different temporal niche from nocturnal animals and are consequently exposed to different amounts of light as well as different dangers. Accordingly, some variation exists in the way that diurnal animals synchronize their internal circadian clock to match the external 24-hour daily cycle. First, though the brain mechanisms underlying photic entrainment are very similar among species with different daily activity patterns, there is evidence that diurnal animals are less sensitive to photic stimuli compared to nocturnal animals. Second, stimuli other than light that synchronize rhythms (i.e. nonphotic stimuli) can also entrain and phase shift daily rhythms. Some of the rules that govern nonphotic entrainment in nocturnal animals as well as the brain mechanisms that control nonphotic influences on rhythms do not appear to apply to diurnal animals, however. Some evidence supports the idea that arousal or activity plays an important role in entraining rhythms in diurnal animals, either during the light (active) or dark (inactive) phases, though no consistent pattern is seen. GABAergic stimulation induces phase shifts during the subjective day in both diurnal and nocturnal animals. In diurnal Arvicanthis niloticus (Nile grass rats), SCN GABAA receptor activation at this time results in phase delays while in nocturnal animals phase advances are induced. It appears that the effect of GABA at this circadian phase results from the inhibition of period gene expression in both diurnal and nocturnal animals. Nonetheless, the resulting phase shifts are in opposite directions. It is not known what stimuli or behaviours ultimately induce changes in GABA activity in the SCN that result in alterations of circadian phase in diurnal grass rats. Taken together, studies such as these suggest that it may be problematic to apply the principles governing nocturnal nonphotic entrainment and its underlying mechanisms to diurnal species including humans.  相似文献   

This study’s objective was to determine seasonal and diurnal vs. nocturnal home range size, as well as predation for free-ranging farm cats at a livestock unit in Northwest Georgia. Seven adult cats were tracked with attached GPS units for up to two weeks for one spring and two summer seasons from May 2010 through August 2011. Three and five cats were tracked for up to two weeks during the fall and winter seasons, respectively. Feline scat was collected during this entire period. Cats were fed a commercial cat food daily. There was no seasonal effect (P > 0.05) on overall (95% KDE and 90% KDE) or core home range size (50% KDE). Male cats tended (P = 0.08) to have larger diurnal and nocturnal core home ranges (1.09 ha) compared to female cats (0.64 ha). Reproductively intact cats (n = 2) had larger (P < 0.0001) diurnal and nocturnal home ranges as compared to altered cats. Feline scat processing separated scat into prey parts, and of the 210 feline scats collected during the study, 75.24% contained hair. Of these 158 scat samples, 86 contained non-cat hair and 72 contained only cat hair. Other prey components included fragments of bone in 21.43% of scat and teeth in 12.86% of scat. Teeth were used to identify mammalian prey hunted by these cats, of which the Hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) was the primary rodent. Other targeted mammals were Peromyscus sp., Sylvilagus sp. and Microtus sp. Invertebrates and birds were less important as prey, but all mammalian prey identified in this study consisted of native animals. While the free-ranging farm cats in this study did not adjust their home range seasonally, sex and reproductive status did increase diurnal and nocturnal home range size. Ultimately, larger home ranges of free-ranging cats could negatively impact native wildlife.  相似文献   

Golden hamsters and thirteen-lined ground squirrels were maintained individually in a thermal gradient (14°C to 33°C) for several weeks under a 14L: 10D light-dark cycle. Animals of both species showed robust daily rhythms of body temperature and locomotor activity with acrophases consistent with the habits of the species (diurnal acrophases in the diurnal squirrels and nocturnal acrophases in the nocturnal hamsters). Hamsters showed a robust daily rhythm of temperature selection 180° out of phase with the rhythms of body temperature and locomotor activity. Squirrels did not show a daily rhythm of temperature selection. These results raise the hypothesis that a daily rhythm of temperature selection is exhibited by nocturnal but not by diurnal endotherms.  相似文献   

于1997年10月到1999年10月在泰国KhaoYai国家公园对两种同域分布的物种(即豹猫和云豹)进行了研究。使用带诱饵的陷阱捕捉了这些动物,进行麻醉,确定了性别、年龄,并戴上了无线电项圈,对6只雌性豹猫和4只雄性豹猫进行了1—18个月的无线电追踪。豹猫在干旱季节的利用区域大于雨季,雄性利用的区域大于雌性。在夜间和晨昏时节,豹猫活动增加,但是并没有节律性活动。所有豹猫个体在旱季和雨季的活动都相似,但雄性个体的白天活动多于雌性。豹猫的行走距离有性别差异但是没有季节差异;其食物以鼠类为主。分别对1只雌性云豹和1只雄性云豹进行了17个月和7个月的无线电追踪,雌性个体的活动面积为39.4km^2,而雄性个体活动面积为42.2km^2,核心区都是2.9km2。云豹对半绿林的使用大于其它类型的植被,在晨昏和夜间的活动增加,其活动无节律。  相似文献   

Dry deciduous dipterocarp forests (DDF) cover about 15%–20% of Southeast Asia and are the most threatened forest type in the region. The jungle cat (Felis chaus) is a DDF specialist that occurs only in small isolated populations in Southeast Asia. Despite being one of the rarest felids in the region, almost nothing is known about its ecology. We investigated the ecology of jungle cats and their resource partitioning with the more common leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) in a DDF‐dominated landscape in Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia. We used camera‐trap data collected from 2009 to 2019 and DNA‐confirmed scats to determine the temporal, dietary and spatial overlap between jungle cats and leopard cats. The diet of jungle cats was relatively diverse and consisted of murids (56% biomass consumed), sciurids (15%), hares (Lepus peguensis; 12%), birds (8%), and reptiles (8%), whereas leopard cats had a narrower niche breadth and a diet dominated by smaller prey, primarily murids (73%). Nonetheless, dietary overlap was high because both felid species consumed predominantly small rodents. Both species were primarily nocturnal and had high temporal overlap. Two‐species occupancy modelling suggested jungle cats were restricted to DDF and had low occupancy, whereas leopard cats had higher occupancy and were habitat generalists. Our study confirmed that jungle cats are DDF specialists that likely persist in low numbers due to the harsh conditions of the dry season in this habitat, including annual fires and substantial decreases in small vertebrate prey. The lower occupancy and more diverse diet of jungle cats, together with the broader habitat use of leopard cats, likely facilitated the coexistence of these species. The low occupancy of jungle cats in DDF suggests that protection of large areas of DDF will be required for the long‐term conservation of this rare felid in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

This radio-tracking study reports the daily activity rhythms in autumn and spring of 11 stoats (Mustela erminea) (9 male, 2 female), 20 ferrets (M.furo) (8 m, 12 f) and 11 feral house cats (Felis catus) (7 m, 4 f) resident on coastal grassland, Otago Peninsula, New Zealand. Activity rhythms differed markedly amongst individual stoats in autumn, but little amongst individual cats and ferrets in either season. Stoats were equally active day and night in autumn, but were more active at day than at night in spring. Cats showed moderate day activity, but were mainly active at night in both seasons. Ferrets showed low activity during daylight in autumn and were entirely nocturnal in spring. Overall, stoats were more active during daylight than cats or ferrets; and cats were more active during daylight than ferrets. Therefore, cats and especially stoats may pose the main predation threat to diurnal native species in New Zealand. Effective biological control of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) may effect the absolute abundance and daily activity of the predators, so is impossible to predict the overall impact of predation on diurnal and nocturnal native species.  相似文献   

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