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大肠杆菌拓扑异构酶 I(E. coli TopA)属于 I 型拓扑异构酶,在DNA复制、转录、重组和基因表达调控等过程中发挥关键作用。E. coli TopA 不仅能结合锌,还可以结合铁。细胞内过量铁可与锌竞争,通过与锌指结构域结合减弱其 DNA 结合能力和改变蛋白质空间构象,从而抑制TopA拓扑异构酶活性。然而,铁结合形式TopA的氧化还原特性以及氧化还原条件对其活性的影响仍不清楚。本研究通过紫外分光光谱和体外DNA拓扑异构酶活性分析,发现体外纯化得到的铁结合形式的 TopA 呈氧化状态,能够被二硫苏糖醇和连二亚硫酸钠还原,原本氧化状态下无活性的TopA在还原条件下,可恢复其拓扑异构酶活性。当还原剂被去除后,铁结合的TopA在空气中能够重新被氧化,且其活性重新受到抑制。这说明,氧化还原条件对铁结合的 TopA 功能具有可逆调节作用。通过金属 蛋白体外结合实验进一步发现,无金属结合的TopA蛋白(apo-TopA)在无氧条件下,与 Fe2+ 和 Fe3+ 均能结合,但与Fe2+ 结合能力较弱,并且TopA结合的Fe3+ 被还原成Fe2+ 后,结合力显著下降,能够被铁螯合指示剂菲咯嗪快速捕获。此外,蛋白质内源性荧光光谱分析实验表明,铁结合的TopA在氧化还原的不同状态时,其在330 nm左右的荧光值有显著差异。这提示,氧化还原条件可能通过影响铁离子与TopA的结合状态,引起蛋白质空间构象改变,从而对TopA的拓扑异构酶活性进行调节。此研究表明,铁结合TopA的拓扑异构酶活性会受到细胞内氧化还原信号的可逆调控,也提示I型拓扑异构酶可能是细胞铁超载通过氧化损伤引起细胞功能障碍(或铁死亡)的靶点之一。  相似文献   

为探究光照条件下添加不同电子受体对土壤甲烷排放的影响及微生物的响应,本研究在土壤中添加3种电子受体(Fe3+、NO3-、SO42-)共设计8个处理,即黑暗+ Fe3+(DF)、黑暗+ NO3-(DN)、黑暗+ SO42-(DS)、黑暗+蒸馏水(DCK)、光照+ Fe3+(LF)、光照+ NO3-(LN)、光照+SO42-(LS)、光照+蒸馏水(LCK),通过20 d的严格厌氧培养,分析甲烷浓度的变化以及细菌、古菌、真菌及6种土壤功能微生物基因丰度的变化。结果表明: 除Fe3+处理组外,NO3-、SO42-和对照(CK)组在光照条件下的甲烷排放显著低于黑暗条件下。土壤细菌、古菌、真菌丰度分别在DN、DCK、LF处理组中显著上调。产甲烷菌mcrA、硫酸盐还原菌Dsr、固碳菌CbbL基因丰度均在LF组中显著上调,而甲烷氧化菌pmoA、铁还原菌Geo、反硝化细菌nosZ基因丰度分别在LN、DCK、LCK组中显著上调。Pearson相关性及冗余分析表明,CH4排放与CO2浓度、pH、铵态氮、总氮含量呈显著正相关,与N2O浓度、氧化还原电位、硝态氮、总碳含量呈显著负相关。黑暗条件下甲烷排放浓度与古菌、pmoA基因丰度呈正相关,与其他功能基因均呈负相关。光照条件下甲烷排放浓度与微生物及功能基因丰度均呈负相关。总体上,光照条件下的甲烷排放显著低于黑暗条件下(除Fe3+处理外),说明光照条件有助于甲烷减排,且甲烷排放的增减和环境中的电子受体种类及微生物的功能响应密切相关。  相似文献   

吴忆宁  梅娟  沈耀良 《生态科学》2018,37(4):231-240
甲烷是一种重要的温室气体, 研究证明甲烷厌氧氧化(AOM)对于降低全球甲烷的排放有着重要意义。参与AOM 反应的最终电子受体可分为三类, 即SO2– 4、NO2 /NO3以及以Fe3+、Cr5+等为代表的金属离子。本文基于甲烷厌氧氧化过程所利用的电子受体的差别, 结合不同类型AOM 反应微生物的基因型分析, 阐述了AOM 过程的反应机理、相关的微生物种类及其代谢途径。其中对AAA(AOM-associated archaea, 属于ANME-2d)的分离培养, 以及其利用硝酸盐、Fe3+、Cr5+等离子氧化甲烷的研究对认识AOM 反应机理和AOM 的实际应用有很大推动作用。本文还介绍了AOM 过程在环境污染控制领域实际应用中的最新研究进展, 对AOM 的实际应用及其在节能减排上的价值进行展望。AOM 过程的进一步研究对拓宽该过程的工程应用以及对正确认识全球碳、氮、硫循环均有着重要意义。  相似文献   

综述了近年趋磁细菌纳米磁小体生物合成的分子机制及应用进展。磁小体的合成涉及磁小体膜的形成、铁的吸收和转运、磁小体晶体的矿化、成熟以及磁小体的链状排列等。其中Mam J和Mam K互作并丝状排列,固定磁小体使其链状排列及磁小体膜由细胞质膜内陷而形成是两个令人注目的成就。我们也提出了关于磁小体的生理意义及合成机制的假说:细胞在低氧浓度下由于氧胁迫大量吸收铁,Fe3+/Fe2+电子对可起到类似O2/H2O的作用,产生能量并作为电子受体;Fe3+得到电子还原成的Fe2+可引起Fenton反应,此反应产生的活性氧可影响到生物体的正常生理代谢,细胞为降低Fe2+浓度,将其与Fe3+一同转化为Fe3O4颗粒;磁小体的生理功能之一是降低胞内的活性氧。  相似文献   

【背景】Indigoidine是一种来源于微生物的无毒天然蓝色素。【目的】比较Indigoidine和靛蓝的色素稳定性,进而评价Indigoidine的色素稳定性。【方法】构建重组菌株Escherichia coli DH5α/p28s异源表达Indigoidine,考察可见光、紫外线、pH、温度、氧化还原剂、食品添加剂和金属离子对其与商品级靛蓝色素稳定性的影响。【结果】以N,N-二甲基甲酰胺为溶剂,Indigoidine和靛蓝都对可见光、紫外线敏感;2种色素在pH1.0-11.0时稳定,强碱性pH对色素破坏作用很大;Indigoidine抗Vc还原能力强于靛蓝,氧化剂可不同程度地降低2种色素的保存率;2种色素热稳定性不佳,在75℃以下时Indigoidine的色素稳定性优于靛蓝;食品添加剂中的柠檬酸和苯甲酸分别对Indigoidine和靛蓝均具有显著的护色效果;对这2种色素,Ca2+、Mg2+均具有护色效果,Na+、K+、Li+总体上没有明显的破坏作用,而Zn2+、Al3+、Cu2+、Fe2+、Fe3+则具有显著的破坏作用。【结论】Indigoidine色素稳定性明显优于靛蓝,具有广阔的开发应用前景。  相似文献   

花生根瘤菌类菌体含有吸H2酶,以O2或亚甲蓝为电子受体均表现吸H2活性。类菌体还原减氧化的吸收差示光谱在424、500、520、550、560、585及595 nm处呈现吸收峰,表明细胞色素c、b、和o参与H2的氧化过程。CN-明显影响520、550、560 nm处的吸收峰,意味着有些细胞色素c和b对CN-敏感,在H2代谢中充当末端氧化酶的作用。抗霉素A、HONO、CN-、N3-和DBMIB均强烈抑制吸H2活性,但鱼藤酮不抑制吸H2活性。说明细胞色素b、c、a和泛配参与H2氧化的电子传递,而NADH脱氢酶不参与。花生根瘤菌类菌体的H2氧化系统是个复杂具分支的电子传递体系。  相似文献   

砷污染作为全球性环境问题已经引起了人们的高度重视。无机砷化合物可与铁氢氧化物络合通过共沉淀作用去除。因此,利用具有砷耐性的铁氧化菌氧化环境中的铁元素去除砷化合物具有潜在的应用前景。目前已有利用铁氧化菌去除环境中砷污染物的报道。用于砷污染修复的铁氧化菌必须有一定的砷耐性才能在含砷环境中行使功能。微生物是否具有砷耐性往往取决于基因,并且不同的菌株具有不同的生理特征,适宜不同砷污染环境的修复。本文通过对8株代表性的铁氧化菌砷耐性基因的总结,阐述其耐砷机制、研究概况及应用前景,以期为铁氧化菌用于除砷新技术的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

食品添加剂和金属离子对高粱泡红色素稳定性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨了5种常用食品添加剂和7种金属离子对高粱泡红色素稳定性的影响。结果表明:葡萄糖、蔗糖和苯甲酸钠对高粱泡红色素稳定性无不良影响,其中葡萄糖、蔗糖有不同程度的增(护)色效果;柠檬酸能显著提高色素的稳定性;而VitC能促进色素的氧化降解,有明显的破坏作用。金属离子中,Na+、Mg2+、Al3+、Zn2+等对高粱泡红色素稳定性无影响,且有一定增色作用;较高浓度(≥0.0025mol/L)Mn2+有一定不良影响,而Cu2+、Fe3+则有明显的破坏作用。  相似文献   

微生物介导铁还原耦合氨氧化过程的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁的氧化还原过程可以显著影响环境中次生矿物的形成、养分转化和污染物的归趋。作为厌氧环境中新发现的铁循环过程,铁氨氧化过程对自然和农田生态系统中氨氧化的贡献可达10%以上,对环境保护和农业生产具有深远的意义。文章主要从发展历程、相关微生物、反应机制、影响因素和环境意义等方面综述了铁氨氧化过程。在此过程中,Acidimicrobiaceaesp.A6和异化铁还原菌(DIRB)是驱动铁氨氧化过程的关键微生物,环境pH、Fe(Ⅲ)的浓度和种类、碳源和Mn(Ⅳ)氧化物是重要环境影响因子。铁氨氧化过程可能由微生物独立驱动完成,也可能由微生物-化学耦合作用驱动完成。从环境意义看,铁氨氧化过程对减少温室气体排放、固定重金属等方面具有积极影响,但也会导致氮素流失等负面环境效应。后续的研究可以从纯化微生物、拓展研究方法等方面着手,进一步提升铁氨氧化过程的研究广度和深度。  相似文献   

湖泊硫循环微生物研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈俊松  杨渐  蒋宏忱 《微生物学报》2020,60(6):1177-1191
湖泊是响应气候和环境变化的关键生态系统,是研究元素(如碳、氮和硫等)生物地球化学循环的热点环境。湖泊(尤其咸盐湖)具有硫酸盐含量高且含硫化合物种类丰富的特点,因而湖泊中硫元素生物地球化学循环过程非常活跃。微生物是驱动湖泊硫循环的重要推手。因此,研究湖泊中微生物参与的硫元素生物地球化学循环过程以及相关微生物类群构成,对于深入探索微生物在湖泊生态系统中的作用具有重要意义。本文综述了湖泊中驱动硫循环的微生物(硫氧化菌和硫酸盐还原菌)种群多样性、功能基因、代谢途径、硫氧化/硫酸盐还原速率及其对环境条件变化响应等方面的研究现状,并对未来湖泊微生物驱动的硫循环研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Microaerophilic, neutrophilic, iron-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) grow via the oxidation of reduced Fe(II) at or near neutral pH, in the presence of oxygen, making them relevant in numerous environments with elevated Fe(II) concentrations. However, the biochemical mechanisms for Fe(II) oxidation by these neutrophilic FeOB are unknown, and genetic markers for this process are unavailable. In the ocean, microaerophilic microorganisms in the genus Mariprofundus of the class Zetaproteobacteria are the only organisms known to chemolithoautotrophically oxidize Fe and concurrently biomineralize it in the form of twisted stalks of iron oxyhydroxides. The aim of this study was to identify highly expressed proteins associated with the electron transport chain of microaerophilic, neutrophilic FeOB. To this end, Mariprofundus ferrooxydans PV-1 was cultivated, and its proteins were extracted, assayed for redox activity, and analyzed via liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for identification of peptides. The results indicate that a cytochrome c4, cbb3-type cytochrome oxidase subunits, and an outer membrane cytochrome c were among the most highly expressed proteins and suggest an involvement in the process of aerobic, neutrophilic bacterial Fe oxidation. Proteins associated with alternative complex III, phosphate transport, carbon fixation, and biofilm formation were abundant, consistent with the lifestyle of Mariprofundus.  相似文献   

Possible chemotrophic metabolism at a site of interest is controlled not only by the catabolic energy expressed as the Gibbs energy of reaction (ΔrG) but also by the kinetic constraints due to the availability of electron acceptors and donors. We introduced graphical and stochastic approaches for determining the ΔrG threshold required to support a microbial population with a specific catabolic strategy under kinetic constraints. Invasibility as an indicator of the present reproductive ability of a microbial population was evaluated by simultaneously calculating ΔrG for the catabolic reaction and the microbial catalytic rate. For example, the neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria's invasibility was calculated by randomly choosing the Fe2+ and O2 concentrations between 10?8 and 10?2 mol L?1, and pH between 4 and 8, to determine the ΔrG threshold for invasion. Parameters were estimated from batch experiments of neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria reported in previous studies. Under the given conditions, the stochastic approach predicted that the neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria can always invade a system in which the ΔrG for Fe oxidation is below ?90 kJ mol Fe?1, can occasionally invade if ΔrG is between ?45 and ?90 kJ mol Fe?1, and can never invade if ΔrG is above ?45 kJ mol Fe?1. The ΔrG threshold for invasion is sifted by the growth yield coefficient, the loss rate of cells, the maximum cell-specific Fe oxidation rate constant, and the temperature. The ΔrG threshold for invasion may be unable to rigorously predict the stable dominance of microbial metabolism, but can provide a rough indication for the possible microbial metabolism under current conditions.  相似文献   

Abundance and structure of the communities of neutrophilic lithotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) inhabiting four low-mineralized ferruginous springs of the Marcial Waters Resort (South Karelia, Russia) and the brackish chalybeate spring of the Staraya Russa Resort (Novgorod region, Russia), were investigated, as well as the physicochemical conditions of these environments. In fresh iron-containing precipitates collected near the spring outlets and within the spring-discharge areas, as well as along the spring watercourses, the numbers of unicellular FeOB enumerated on nutrient media ranged from 105 to 107 cells per 1 mL of sediments irrespective of the initial Fe(II) concentration (11–126 mg L−1). In the spring waters and along the spring watercourses inhabited by iron-oxidizing bacteria, the concentration of dissolved oxygen did not exceed 0.05–0.1 mg L−1. Unicellular FeOB were predominant in three springs, while in the springs with relatively low Fe(II) concentrations (11–22 mg L−1), various morphological forms of Gallionella and uncultured forms of the iron-oxidizing bacterium Toxothrix trichogenes prevailed. In the model experiments with the water samples collected in the ferruginous springs and bogs under controlled conditions, the fractionation of stable iron isotopes and the rate of iron oxidation were found to depend on the oxygen regime and, to a lesser extent, on the initial Fe(II) concentration. The maximum enrichment of the iron oxides formed during the simulation experiments with the light 54Fe isotope was observed during bacterial oxidation under microaerobic conditions at O2 concentrations of 0.1–0.3 mg L−1 and in the cultures of iron-oxidizing bacteria. During the abiogenic oxidation of Fe(II), the extent of stable isotope fractionation was 1.5–2 times lower. Enrichment of Fe(III) oxides with the light 54Fe isotope (3- to 5-fold) was considerably lower at high rates of both the biogenic and abiogenic processes of iron oxidation under aerobic conditions; however, it was more intense during the bacterial processes. Comparison of the rates of enrichment of Fe(III) oxides with the light isotope during the model experiments with pure and enrichment cultures of iron-oxidizing bacteria from the sediments of ferruginous springs and bogs revealed that the biogenic factor plays a key role in the oxidation processes of the iron cycle, as well as in the differentiation of the composition of stable iron isotopes in the studied ecosystems.  相似文献   

The bacterial electrode for amperometric determination of iron ions is based on a Clark-type oxygen electrode, on the measuring part of which a paste containing a mixture of jarosite precipitate and iron-oxidizing bacteria is mounted with the aid of a cellophane membrane. In acidic media a biochemical oxidation of Fe2+ connected with oxygen consumption takes place in the biocatalytic layer. Fe3+ is determined after its reduction to Fe2+. The determination limit is 60 μmol/L, the stability of the electrode is two months at room temperature.  相似文献   

The Zetaproteobacteria are a candidate class of marine iron-oxidizing bacteria that are typically found in high iron environments such as hydrothermal vent sites. As much remains unknown about these organisms due to difficulties in cultivation, single-cell genomics was used to learn more about this elusive group at Loihi Seamount. Comparative genomics of 23 phylogenetically diverse single amplified genomes (SAGs) and two isolates indicate niche specialization among the Zetaproteobacteria may be largely due to oxygen tolerance and nitrogen transformation capabilities. Only Form II ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RubisCO) genes were found in the SAGs, suggesting that some of the uncultivated Zetaproteobacteria may be adapted to low oxygen and/or high carbon dioxide concentrations. There is also genomic evidence of oxygen-tolerant cytochrome c oxidases and oxidative stress-related genes, indicating that others may be exposed to higher oxygen conditions. The Zetaproteobacteria also have the genomic potential for acquiring nitrogen from numerous sources including ammonium, nitrate, organic compounds, and nitrogen gas. Two types of molybdopterin oxidoreductase genes were found in the SAGs, indicating that those found in the isolates, thought to be involved in iron oxidation, are not consistent among all the Zetaproteobacteria. However, a novel cluster of redox-related genes was found to be conserved in 10 SAGs as well as in the isolates warranting further investigation. These results were used to isolate a novel iron-oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria. Physiological studies and genomic analysis of this isolate were able to support many of the findings from SAG analyses demonstrating the value of these data for designing future enrichment strategies.  相似文献   

嗜中性微好氧铁氧化菌研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
林超峰  龚骏 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5889-5899
在弱酸至近中性微氧条件下,嗜中性微好氧铁氧化菌能够通过依赖氧气的呼吸机制将二价亚铁氧化成三价铁,并获得生长所需能量。这一生物铁氧化过程的主要产物之一是无定形羟基氧化铁——一种异化铁还原作用(铁呼吸)的理想底物,故可加速铁元素在氧化还原分界层的地质循环。有关嗜中性微好氧铁氧化菌的记载可追溯到19世纪30年代,但对其生理、生态与系统发育学的研究自20世纪90年代中期才取得显著进展,主要得益于专性铁氧化菌新种、属的成功培养与分离。已知微好氧铁氧化菌广泛分布于弱酸及近中性富铁地下水、湿地和深海等环境,其参与调控的铁氧化过程对铁及其他元素(如碳、氮、磷、锰和砷等)的生物地球化学循环具有重要意义。这类古老微生物在金属成矿、地壳演变、全球气候变化及其它生源要素地球化学过程中的作用研究已逐渐受到关注,正成为地质与环境微生物学领域的研究热点。主要总结国外近15a对嗜中性微好氧铁氧化菌的研究进展,包括其代谢机理、种类和分布、生态学研究方法和技术、以及细菌铁氧化作用的实际应用和环境意义等,并对今后研究方向提出展望。  相似文献   

Available cultures of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans were found to be contaminated with bacteria very similar to Thiobacillus acidophilus. The experiments described were performed with a homogeneous culture of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans.Pyrite (FeS2) was oxidized by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans grown on iron (Fe2+), elemental sulphur (So) or FeS2.Evidence for the direct utilization of the sulphur moiety of pyrite by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was derived from the following observations: a. Known inhibitors of Fe2+ and So oxidation, NaN3 and NEM, respectively, partially abolished FeS2 oxidation. b. A b-type cytochrome was detectable in FeS2-and So-grown cells but not in Fe2+-grown cells. c. FeS2 and So reduced b-type cytochromes in whole cells grown on So. d. CO2 fixation at pH 4.0 per mole of oxygen consumed was the highest with So, lowest with Fe2+ and medium with FeS2 as substrate. e. Bacterial Fe2+ oxidation was found to be negligible at pH 5.0 whereas both FeS2 and So oxidation was still appreciable above this pH. f. Separation of pyrite and bacteria by means of a dialysis bag caused a pronounced drop of the oxidation rate which was similar to the reduction of pyrite oxidation by NEM; indirect oxidation of the sulphur moiety by Fe3+ was not affected by separation of pyrite and bacteria.Bacterial oxidation and utilization of the sulphur moiety of pyrite were relatively more important with increasing pH.  相似文献   

Ferrous ion oxidation byThiobacillus ferrooxidans was completely inhibited by 10 mM each of thiosulfate, sulfite, metabisulfite, bisulfite, and tetrathionate. The inhibition was enhanced in a low pH medium (pH 1.5 versus pH 2.5). Oxygen uptake measurements with Fe2+ as the electron donor confirmed the toxicity of thiosulfate, but also indicated its dependency on the concentration of Fe2+. Cytochrome spectra of intact cells ofT. ferrooxidans showed that metabisulfite, and thiosulfate to a lesser extent, directly reduced electron transport components, in contrast to no direct reduction of cytochromes by tetrathionate and sulfite.  相似文献   


Bacteriogenic iron oxides (BIOS) are composite materials that consist of intact and partly degraded remains of bacterial cells intermixed with variable amounts of poorly ordered hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) minerals. They form in response to chemical or bacterial oxidation of Fe2+, which gives rise to Fe3+. Once formed, Fe3+ tends to undergo hydrolysis to precipitate in association with bacterial cells. In acidic systems where the chemical oxidation of Fe2+ is slow, bacteria are capable of accelerating the reaction by several orders of magnitude. At circumneutral pH, the chemical oxidation of Fe2+ is fast. This requires Fe2+ oxidizing bacteria to exploit steep redox gradients where low pO2 slows the abiotic reaction enough to allow the bacteria to compete kinetically. Because of their reactive surface properties, BIOS behave as potent sorbents of dissolved metal ions. Strong enrichments of Al, Cu, Cr, Mn, Sr, and Zn in the solid versus aqueous phase (log 10 Kd values range from 1.9 to 4.2) are common; however, the metal sorption properties of BIOS are not additive owing to surface chemical interactions between the constituent HFO and bacteria. These interactions have been investigated using acid-base tritrations, which show that the concentration of high pKa sites is reduced in BIOS compared to HFO. At the same time, hydroxylamine insoluble material (i.e., residual bacterial fraction) is enriched in low pKa sites relative to both BIOS and HFO. These differences indicate that low pKa or acidic sites associated with bacteria in BIOS interact specifically with high pKa or basic sites on intermixed HFO.  相似文献   

[背景]深海热液环境中存在大量H2S及含硫化合物,许多微生物与大型生物形成了紧密的共生体系,例如硫氧化细菌,它们利用其独特的代谢体系协助宿主更好地适应极端环境,但目前尚未对热液底栖生物共附生的硫氧化细菌进行培养鉴定和功能分析.[目的]了解深海热液生物共附生硫氧化细菌的种群特征和功能特征,筛选出深海热液生物共附生微生物中...  相似文献   

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