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Recognizing the severity of road effects and need for developing a natural and self-sustained roadside vegetation cover, this study aimed to provide an ecological basis for selecting desirable native plants based on their autecological attributes by floristic analysis of naturally colonized plants in roadside microhabitats. We hypothesized that (i) vegetation zonation along roadsides is a function of the different microtopography and substrate types (microhabitats) created by road construction and (ii) plant colonization in these microhabitats is dependant upon the presence of suitable regeneration traits adapted to the specific microhabitats. We identified four distinct microhabitats namely shoulder, side slope, ditch and back slope from the edge of the road to the edge of the forest. We conducted vegetation and soil analyses in these microhabitats along 34 random transects running perpendicular to the road to the edge of forest in a 14 km section of the Trans Canada Highway (TCH) in Terra Nova National Park (TNNP), Newfoundland, Canada. The multi-response permutation procedure (MRPP) confirmed that the plant communities of the four roadside microhabitats were significantly different from each other. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that composition of roadside plant communities was related to gradients of soil moisture content, bulk density, organic matter depth and pH. Several indicator plants, determined by indicator species analysis (ISA), were abundant in their respective microhabitats, indicating their affinity to particular sets of environmental conditions. The root–shoot analysis of selected dominant plants across the roadside habitats revealed that plants of a particular microhabitat had similar above and below ground spread and biomass allocation patterns.We found that floristic zonation along roadsides is a function of roadside microtopography, substrate type and environmental gradients created by the road building process. The similarities in above and below ground spread and biomass allocation patterns of dominant plants of respective microhabitats could be used as a basis of interpreting the role of autecological attributes of the species that enable them to establish in specific microhabitats. Several native plants, such as Empetrum nigrum, Juniperus communis, Vaccinium angustifolium, Trifolium repens, and Anaphalis margaritaceae are naturally abundant in side slopes and possess autecological attributes such as low stature, widespread above- and below-ground parts, and drought tolerance. Presence of these desirable properties and their perennial habit make them excellent candidates for roadside revegetation.  相似文献   

The decline of open habitats in Europe, such as semi-natural grasslands and heathlands, has caused a general decline in biodiversity, which has been well documented for butterflies. Current conservation practices often involve grazing by domestic livestock to maintain suitable butterfly habitats. The extent to which wild ungulates may play a similar role remains largely unknown. Through their rooting activity, wild boar could be effective to reduce grass encroachment and restore pioneer microhabitats that are vital to many grassland insects in temperate climates. Here, we assessed the microhabitat requirements of Pyrgus malvae, an endangered butterfly of heathland and grassland habitats in the Netherlands, with special attention for the influence of wild boar rooting. To date, oviposition site selection of this species has concentrated on calcareous grasslands, whereas we also include heathlands. Overall, larval occupancy was higher in warm, open and sparsely vegetated microhabitats, which supports earlier findings. In heathland, microhabitat occupancy was positively affected by bryophyte and litter cover. In heath-grassland mosaic, microhabitat occupancy was also influenced by bryophyte and litter cover, but in addition low grass cover increased occupancy by favouring host plants. In grassland, only low grass cover and host plant cover determined microhabitat quality. Across all habitats, occupied microhabitats were characterized by lower vegetation as well as higher average daytime temperatures than unoccupied microhabitats. We discovered that wild boar play an important role in reducing grass cover by shallow rooting in grass patches, thereby increasing host plant availability. Hence, wild boar may have an added value in maintaining and restoring P. malvae microhabitats in grassland habitats in addition to grazing by domestic livestock.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seedling establishment and survival of the main woody species of early-successional shrubland in northeastern Spain were studied from 1992 to 1995 with emphasis on the importance of vegetation cover (existence of open areas and the situation beneath the plant canopy) and microhabitat (occurrence of stones, litter and bare soil). In the absence of fire, vegetation cover (measured at a scale of 30cm × 30 cm) was not correlated with seedling emergence of most species, nor with growth and survival of seedlings up to one year old. Seedlings older than one year showed a similar pattern: their density was not significantly different in both kinds of habitats. The emergence of seedlings was mainly associated with the presence of mature plants – which can provide seeds – and with the absence of unsuitable microhabitats (large stones, deep litter and bare soil). In April 1994 a wildfire burned the study area. This enabled a study of the pattern of post-fire establishment. After the wildfire, seedling emergence of several species increased and most species produced seedlings with higher survival and growth rates than in the period before the fire. Pre-fire cover, however, did not show significant effects on post-fire seedling dynamics in most cases.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2007,31(3):333-341
Relatively few studies have compared invasibility and species invasiveness among microhabitats within communities, synchronously. We surveyed the abundance and performance of non-native Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. (alligator weed), its co-occurring native congener, Alternanthera sessilis (L.) DC. (sessile joyweed), and other species in a wetland community along a riparian zone in southeast China to test the hypotheses that: i) degree of invasion differs between different types of microhabitats within the community; and ii) microhabitat types that differ in invasibility also differ in soil resource availability or in sediment characteristics likely to affect resource availability; iii) phenotypic plasticity of A. philoxeroides may play a key role in its adaptation to diverse habitats as can be concluded from its extremely low genetic diversity in China. The study riparian zone comprises different types of microhabitats including wet abandoned field, swamp, marsh dunes and gravel dunes. Consistent with these hypotheses, cover of A. philoxeroides was high in abandoned fields (73 ± 2.9%) and swamps (94 ± 1.3%), which had high soil nutrients and water availability. On the contrary, cover of native A. sessilis was relatively high in marsh dunes and grave dunes, which had coarse gravel surfaces, low soil nutrients and low water availability. A. philoxeroides showed greater morphological plasticity in response to habitat variation. In abiotically harsh habitats, stems had limited growth, and were prostrate with weak adventitious roots at nodes, forming thin, scattered patches. In the two richer habitats, the highly branched plants spread over the water or soil surface, supporting dense stronger leaf-bearing stems which grew vertically. The growth pattern of A. sessilis among microhabitats did not exhibit significant variations. These results suggest that morphological plasticity and microhabitat types with high soil resources may facilitate invasions of A. philoxeroides.  相似文献   

Brenda B. Casper 《Oecologia》1996,106(2):144-152
The demographic consequences of a severe drought year were examined for two experimental plantings of the herbaceous desert perennial Cryptantha flava(Boraginaceae) in northeastern Utah, United States. A total of 6680 nutlets were planted individually or in clusters of four both under shrubs and in open microhabitats within two natural populations. Survival, growth, and flowering as a function of density and microhabitat were followed for 7 years, including 1 year when precipitation just before and during the growing season was 74.5% below normal. The design permitted assessment of how intraspecific density and shrub cover affect demographic response to drought. Mortality increased and flowering decreased dramatically during drought but neither varied with density or between shrub and open microhabitats. For plants growing under shrubs, survival (at Site 1) and growth (at Site 2) varied with shrub species. Average aboveground plant size also decreased during drought. Population size hierarchies were rearranged because larger plants lost leaf rosettes while many smaller plants grew. Density and microhabitat affected plant performance in non-drought years but more often at Site 1 than at Site 2. Individuals growing alone often were more likely to flower and/or produced more inflorescences when they did flower than did individuals growing with at least one other plant. However, for 2 years, survival rates at Site 1 were higher for plants growing in clumps than for single individuals. Shrubs also had mixed effects on plant performance. In some years, survival was higher under shrubs, but at Site 1 plants in the open often were more likely to flower and/or produced more inflorescences. Thus despite severe demographic consequences of drought, the study provided no evidence that intraspecific competition, interference by shrubs, or facilitation by shrubs increases under limited soil water.  相似文献   

胡慧  杨雨  包维楷  刘鑫  李芳兰 《植物生态学报》2020,44(10):1028-1039
干旱区植被斑块状分布格局引起的微生境差异对植被更新影响显著。气候变化和人类活动扰动下, 干旱区生态系统微生境多样化, 急需揭示乡土植物定植对不同微生境斑块变化的响应及其种间差异性, 并采用微生境调控技术促进退化生态系统植被恢复。该研究选择岷江干旱河谷区自然分布的灌木、半灌木和裸地微生境斑块, 采用移栽鞍叶羊蹄甲(Bauhinia brachycarpa)幼苗的试验方法, 揭示微生境变化对幼苗定植的影响; 进一步以极端退化的道路边坡为案例, 通过6种乡土植物种子直播试验探讨微生境调控技术及其对乡土植物幼苗定植的促进作用。结果显示, 在自然生态系统中, 裸地斑块上幼苗保存率和生物量显著大于植被斑块, 表明裸地微生境有利于幼苗定植; 养分添加仅对裸地斑块中幼苗生物量积累有促进作用。在裸地斑块中, 叶片生物量所占的比例和比叶面积较小, 相反根和茎生物量所占的比例较大。道路边坡上植被恢复试验结果显示, 6种乡土植物均能较好地适应土石混杂的边坡生境, 多数物种出苗率大于60%; 灌木幼苗保存率大于75%, 并且形成镶嵌式乡土灌草群落结构。地表覆盖和养分添加提高了边坡上种子出苗率和幼苗保存率, 促进了幼苗定植和结构稳定。该研究提供了有效促进工程边坡上乡土植物定植的方法, 可为干旱、半干旱生态系统退化荒坡和工程破坏地乡土植被恢复提供理论依据和技术指导。  相似文献   

Habitat-specialist species may be restricted to a narrower range of microhabitats than habitat-generalist species. We addressed this hypothesis by comparing microhabitats of two pairs of congeners that differ in habitat specificity and co-occur in one distinct habitat type, Florida rosemary scrub. We characterized microhabitats of rosemary scrub specialists, Polygonella basiramia and Lechea cernua, their habitat-generalist congeners, Polygonella robusta and Lechea deckertii, and random points in the rosemary scrub habitat. Plants of both habitat specialists occurred in microhabitats with significantly more bare sand than plants of habitat-generalist species and random points. Plants of all four species occurred in microhabitats that were farther from dominant shrubs, Ceratiola and Quercus spp., than random points. Seedlings of both habitat specialists grew larger in bare sand microhabitats, whereas ground lichens and litter did not affect seedling growth of the habitat generalists. As the time since fire increases, bare sand cover decreases, Ceratiola density increases, Quercus density remains constant, and shrubs become taller. Physical characteristics, such as soil temperature, soil carbon, and soil moisture, differ slightly with respect to microhabitat. Our results suggest that P. basiramia and L. cernua are specialized on bare sand microhabitats that characterize their preferred habitat, rosemary scrub. Microhabitat specialization may limit the distribution of these rare species.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Two sibling species of larval endoparasitoids of Drosophilidae: Asobara tabida (Nees) and A.rufescens (Foerster) occur in the same macrohabitat, but inhabit different microhabitats. Each species is most attracted by odours of its own microhabitat.
2. In order to assess the adaptive value of the microhabitat preference we studied the survival of both parasitoids in the major host species that occur in these microhabitats.
3. Survival in the major host in the preferred microhabitat was shown to be 40% higher for A.tabida and 30% higher for A.rufescens when compared to survival in the major host in the non-preferred microhabitat.
4. Measurements of developmental rates, specific mortalities and dry weights of the parasitoids suggest that the differential survival is due to differences in synchronization with the hosts.
5. The possible evolutionary consequences of some biological characteristics in Asobara are discussed. Microhabitat selection, differential survival, development and mating behaviour are attributes likely to have played a role in the reduction of gene flow between populations of the ancestral species, either in primary or in secondary sympatry.  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have compared invasibility and species invasiveness among microhabitats within communities, synchronously. We surveyed the abundance and performance of non-native Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. (alligator weed), its co-occurring native congener, Alternanthera sessilis (L.) DC. (sessile joyweed), and other species in a wetland community along a riparian zone in southeast China to test the hypotheses that: i) degree of invasion differs between different types of microhabitats within the community; and ii) microhabitat types that differ in invasibility also differ in soil resource availability or in sediment characteristics likely to affect resource availability; iii) phenotypic plasticity of A. philoxeroides may play a key role in its adaptation to diverse habitats as can be concluded from its extremely low genetic diversity in China. The study riparian zone comprises different types of microhabitats including wet abandoned field, swamp, marsh dunes and gravel dunes. Consistent with these hypotheses, cover of A. philoxeroides was high in abandoned fields (73 ± 2.9%) and swamps (94 ± 1.3%), which had high soil nutrients and water availability. On the contrary, cover of native A. sessilis was relatively high in marsh dunes and grave dunes, which had coarse gravel surfaces, low soil nutrients and low water availability. A. philoxeroides showed greater morphological plasticity in response to habitat variation. In abiotically harsh habitats, stems had limited growth, and were prostrate with weak adventitious roots at nodes, forming thin, scattered patches. In the two richer habitats, the highly branched plants spread over the water or soil surface, supporting dense stronger leaf-bearing stems which grew vertically. The growth pattern of A. sessilis among microhabitats did not exhibit significant variations. These results suggest that morphological plasticity and microhabitat types with high soil resources may facilitate invasions of A. philoxeroides.  相似文献   

Most of the studies that have evaluated the interplay between interference and facilitation have been done at the interspecific level, whereas studies at the intraspecific level are scarce. The montane sclerophyllous forests of central Chile are dominated by the tree Kageneckia angustifolia, a semi-deciduous species that lose part of its foliage during summer. It has been reported that during winter snow accumulates in lower amounts beneath the canopy of K. angustifolia favoring the recruitment of new individuals compared to open areas (i.e., facilitation effect). However, it has also been reported that the leaf litter accumulated beneath parental trees contains allelopathic compounds that decrease seed germination, suggesting that recruitment beneath parental plants can be disfavored (i.e., interference effect). Hence, this system seems appropriate to assess the net-outcome between facilitative and negative effects during the emergence and survival of seedlings during the first year. In this study, we asked (i) what is the net-outcome between facilitative and interfering effects for K. angustifolia? (ii) does this net-outcome varies with the distance to parental trees? (iii) are positive and negative effects consistent through the seedling emergence and first year seedling survival phases? (iv) what are the main mechanisms behind the observed net-outcome? and (v) which is the optimal microhabitat for successful recruitment of this species? In an experimental plot of 10,000 m2, we selected ten K. angustifolia trees and evaluated the effect of leaf litter on the emergence and survival of seedlings produced by experimentally sown seed seeds in three different microhabitats: beneath adult trees, edge of canopy and in open areas. In addition, we sampled three K. angustifolia stands to evaluate the microhabitat where the natural recruitment of this species actually occurring. Results showed that (1) seedling emergence was greater beneath canopy, intermediate in canopy edge and low in open areas, (2) whilst leaf litter significantly reduced seed germination, the magnitude of this negative effect was lower than the positive effect of beneath canopy microhabitat, (3) seedling survival was affected by microhabitats but not by the presence of leaf litter, (4) that the main mechanisms behind the observed patterns are the lower and delayed emergence of seedlings in open areas due to the longer duration of snow cover, decreasing the time to growth before the onset of summer drought, and (5) the greatest natural recruitment of K. angustifolia seedlings occurs beneath parental plants. Therefore, our findings suggest that the net-outcome between facilitative and interfering effect during the first year is mostly facilitative, indicating that adult trees of K. angustifolia are exerting a conspecific nurse effect on the recruitment of new individuals, a form of parental care in plants.  相似文献   

The frosted elfin (Callophrys irus) is a localized and declining butterfly found in xeric open habitats maintained by disturbance. We described the effects of woody plant canopy cover, topography and host plant size and density on the quality of microhabitat of wild indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) host plants containing late instar frosted elfin larvae at four study sites in southeastern Massachusetts, United States. We also assessed whether females preferentially depositing eggs on host plants within specific microhabitats, therefore conferring greater survivorship to the larvae through the late-instar stage. We found that moderate amounts of canopy cover and large plant size characterized larvae-occupied host plants. In the absence of tree canopy cover, late instar larvae density remained low even when host plant density was high. However, females oviposited on wild indigo plants without regard to any of the vegetative or environmental variables we measured. These results indicate that canopy cover was an important characteristic of microhabitats containing late instar larvae, and late instar larvae occupancy was determined by suitable microhabitat conditions, and not female oviposition selection. Managing for canopy cover and microhabitat heterogeneity within relatively open habitats is recommended for the maintenance of frosted elfin populations.  相似文献   

In tropical forests, much of the plant diversity is due to a large number of congeneric taxa. It is unclear what ecological processes are responsible for the number and composition of co‐occurring species in these forests. Here, we present strong evidence that microhabitat heterogeneity may contribute to the coexistence of many different Inga species in just 100 ha. We examined their patterns of abundance and diversity in 75 transects related to the edaphic variables: soil water content, pH and soil texture at three different microtopographical units (ridges, slopes and valleys). We used two different approaches: Inga community level analyses and individual‐species analyses. Multivariate analyses, controlled for spatial autocorrelation, demonstrated that species show a distributional gradient mainly related to soil water content and to a lesser degree pH. Individual‐species analyses determined that obligate microhabitat restriction is uncommon: only 2 of 37 species analyzed were restricted to a single microhabitat. Habitat association analyses, however, identified a number of species characteristic of the ridge, slope and valley microhabitats. We conclude that the environmental setting plays an important role in the Inga community assembly but is not sufficient to explain the coexistence of 37 sympatric species at a single site.  相似文献   

微生境选择分化是生境相似的物种间共存的重要原因。社鼠和大林姬鼠为北京东灵山地区常见鼠种,生境需求、活动节律及食物组成等相似,但二者共存的原因尚不清楚。2016—2017年,我们对北京东灵山地区社鼠和大林姬鼠的微生境选择进行了研究。不同季节和生境类型中,社鼠和大林姬鼠微生境选择存在明显分化。灌丛生境中,春季社鼠偏好于乔木密度、草本盖度更高和落叶盖度相对偏低的微生境,而大林姬鼠选择郁闭度、落叶盖度较高而草本盖度较低的微生境;主成分分析表明,地表覆盖物是影响二者微生境选择的主要因素;秋季社鼠喜好乔木种类多、灌木密度和草本盖度更高的微生境,而大林姬鼠选择乔木胸径、灌木距离、落叶盖度和空地比例更高的微生境,食物丰富度是影响社鼠和大林姬鼠微生境选择的主要因素。弃耕地生境中,春季社鼠倾向于灌木密度和草本盖度较高的微生境,而大林姬鼠首选郁闭度、乔木胸径、落叶盖度较大而草本盖度较低的微生境,地表覆盖物是影响二者微生境选择的主要因素;秋季社鼠偏好郁闭度和落叶盖度都相对较低的微生境,大林姬鼠则相反,食物多度是影响二者微生境选择的主要因素。次生林生境中,春季因样本量太少,未作分析;秋季社鼠优先选择灌木密度、灌木基径和草本盖度更高的微生境,大林姬鼠更倾向乔木胸径、落叶盖度较高,而灌木密度、草本盖度较低的微生境,地表覆盖物是影响二者微生境选择的主要因素。结果表明,不同生境和季节,两种鼠的微生境选择具有明显分化,这可能是二者共存的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by scatter hoarders is widely assumed to involve directed dispersal, in which microhabitats selected for caching also benefit seedling establishment and growth. However, in many systems, this may not be true if animal-favored cache sites do not match the safe sites for plants, or if cache sites benefit the plant in one life stage and not another. Here, we investigated whether cache sites selected by rodents are favorable for seedling establishment and growth of shade-intolerant wild apricot (Prunus armeniaca Linn.) in northern China. We tracked tagged seeds and compared the germination and growth of seedlings from rodent-cached seeds with that of naturally established seedlings in a secondary forest and shrubland stand. Rodents preferred to cache seeds under shrubs with medium canopy cover (31–60 %) in litter substrate in the secondary forest, and under shrubs with high canopy cover (>60 %) in soil or litter substrate in the shrubland stand, neither of which conveyed an advantage for seedling establishment. Although fewer caches were made along shrub edges, or under low canopy cover (≤30 %) in the secondary forest, or along shrub edges, open areas of grass, or under low canopy cover in the shrubland stand, these cache sites consistently contributed to higher survival rates. The microhabitats of grass, soil, or low canopy cover significantly promoted the emergence, survival, and growth of naturally established seedlings. Our results are best explained by the conflicting demands of rodents for caching seeds in more secure sites and P. armeniaca’s high-light requirements for seedling recruitment. We argue that the relationship between favored cache sites for seed hoarders and safe sites for plants will often not match but may still allow a reasonable rate of establishment and regeneration.  相似文献   

Summary From 1977 through 1983 we conducted experiments on a desert rodent community where supplemental seeds were added or certain rodent species and ants were removed from 0.25-ha fenced plots in a Chihuahuan Desert site in southeastern Arizona, USA. In this paper we examine the patterns of microhabitat use relative to vegetative cover by 11 rodent species. The results show that: i) removal of the largest seed-eating species, Dipodomys spectabilis, produced the most pervasive and dramatic shifts in microhabitat use by the remaining rodent species; ii) adding seeds or removing ants had little effect on the spatial use of microhabitats by rodents in this community; and iii) non-granivores were just as likely as granivores to shift microhabitat use when other granivores were removed. We believe these results indicate that both food and foraging microsites are limited but the relegation of subdominant species to lesspreferred microhabitats by the large Dipodomys spectabilis is the major factor underlying the spatial organization of this community. Results also demonstrate that strong interactions among species increase the probability that pathways of indirect interactions through intermediary species are important; these complex linkages may include species that overlap little in food preferences.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that, (1) Drosophila melanogaster larvae utilize a variety of pupal microhabitats in an orchard, (2) variation in larval foraging path length, pupation distance from the food and pupal microhabitat preference (on or off the fruit) is genetically based and, (3) variation in these behaviours can be maintained in a spatially heterogenous environment since there is a reversal in pupation site suitability in wet and dry pupal microhabitats. Differences in path length in both laboratory and natural populations can be attributed to genes on the second pair of chromosomes and is under simple genetic control, whereas differences in pupal height are polygenically inherited (the second pair of chromosomes influences pupal height three times more than the third pair). Pupae collected from on-fruit sites had shorter foraging path lengths and lower pupal heights than off-fruit populations. Populations from the orchard maintained their field pupal microhabitat preferences even after 1 year of rearing them in the laboratory. Larvae with the sitter larval phenotype (short path lengths and low pupal heights tended to pupate more on-fruit than those with the rover phenotype (long path lengths and high pupal heights). To determined if these genetically based differences in microhabitat preference contributed to fitness, larval pupation behaviour was studied in a “field assay” (dish with fruit on soil) with soil water content varied. At low soil water contents, pupal survivorship was significantly better on the fruit whereas, at high soil water contents, survivorship was better in the soil. There was a reversal in which microhabitat (dry or wet) was a better site for pupation. In the field environment where soil water content fluctuates in space and time, such a reversal would explain the maintenance of genetic variation for these larval behaviours. Another selective agent acting on D. melanogaster larvae in our orchard is parasitization by Asobara tabida. This parasitoid parasitizes larvae with high locomotory scores (e.g. rovers) significantly more than those with low scores (sitters). This study relates laboratory phenotypes to field phenotypes thereby linking the ecological, behavioural and genetic components of larval habitat selection in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Understanding the cause–effect response of aquatic biota to hydrological variability is fundamental to the restoration of regulated rivers. Spatio-temporal variation in fish assemblage structure, microhabitat cover and fish–habitat associations were investigated in the main channel of the regulated lower River Murray, Australia, during a prolonged period of low within-channel flows and following a high flow event and flood. Several small-bodied species (e.g. carp gudgeon, Hypseleotris spp.), were abundant and significantly associated with submerged macrophytes during low flows, but were absent or significantly less abundant following flooding, and the loss of these microhabitats. Large-bodied riverine species that spawn in response to increases in flow (e.g. golden perch, Macquaria ambigua ambigua) or spawn and recruit in inundated floodplain habitats (e.g. common carp, Cyprinus carpio), exhibited flexible microhabitat use and were significantly more abundant following flooding. In the lower River Murray, high flow events appear integral in structuring fish assemblages, indirectly influencing the abundance of small-bodied fish by re-structuring macrophyte cover and directly influencing the abundance of large-bodied species by facilitating critical life history processes (e.g. recruitment). These results highlight species-specific differences in cause–effect responses to flow variability and have implications for managing flow in regulated rivers.  相似文献   

为探明西南喀斯特地区小生境土壤中丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)的遗传多样性特征, 利用巢式PCR和变性梯度凝胶电泳相结合的分子生物学方法, 对茂兰3种植被类型下的小生境(石缝、石沟、土面) AMF遗传多样性进行了研究。结果发现: 各类小生境都含有丰富的AMF遗传多样性, 灌木林土面的多样性指数和物种丰富度最高, 为4.06和68; 次生林石缝的最低, 为3.16和29, 所研究的9个小生境多样性指数和物种丰富度的平均值分别高达3.67和48, 高于同类研究在其他地区的结果, 这可能主要与喀斯特生态系统复杂的结构和较高的植物多样性有关; 聚类分析显示各类小生境间的AMF群落结构差异显著, 相似性指数最高仅为0.45, 说明小生境所带来的空间异质性对AMF的遗传多样性产生了显著影响; 基因测序显示球囊霉属(Glomus)极有可能是喀斯特地区AMF的优势菌属, 在以后筛选喀斯特地区的高效生态恢复菌种时可重点考虑球囊霉属的一些菌种。  相似文献   

We studied the relative importance of the aboveground and belowground environment for survival and growth of emerged seedlings of Centaurea jacea to better understand the general difficulty of establishing late-successional species at restoration sites on ex-arable land. Potted seedlings growing on soil from six late-successional grasslands and from six ex-arable (restoration) sites were reciprocally exchanged, and survival and relative growth rate of the seedlings monitored. In addition, we assessed aboveground herbivory and colonization of roots by arbuscular myccorhizal fungi of all plants, as well as nutrient availability, and microbial biomass and community composition using PLFA techniques in all twelve soils. Seedling survival was higher in restoration habitat and soil than in grassland habitat and soil, but growth did not differ between the aboveground and belowground environment types. Shoot growth rate was initially correlated with soil nutrient content, and later in the experiment with mycorrhizal colonization levels. Our results indicate that arbuscular mycorhizal fungi may be important for the successful establishment of C. jacea and that abiotic soil factors, like K availability and N:P ratio, can promote mycorrhizal colonization. Hence, the belowground environment should be considered when selecting sites for restoring species-rich grasslands.  相似文献   

Alpine dwarf shrub communities are phenologically linked with snowmelt timing, so early spring exposure may increase risk of freezing damage during early development, and consequently reduce seasonal growth. We examined whether environmental factors (duration of snow cover, elevation) influenced size and the vulnerability of shrubs to spring freezing along elevational gradients and snow microhabitats by modelling the past frequency of spring freezing events. We sampled biomass and measured the size of Salix herbacea, Vaccinium myrtillus, Vaccinium uliginosum and Loiseleuria procumbens in late spring. Leaves were exposed to freezing temperatures to determine the temperature at which 50 % of specimens are killed for each species and sampling site. By linking site snowmelt and temperatures to long-term climate measurements, we extrapolated the frequency of spring freezing events at each elevation, snow microhabitat and per species over 37 years. Snowmelt timing was significantly driven by microhabitat effects, but was independent of elevation. Shrub growth was neither enhanced nor reduced by earlier snowmelt, but decreased with elevation. Freezing resistance was strongly species dependent, and did not differ along the elevation or snowmelt gradient. Microclimate extrapolation suggested that potentially lethal freezing events (in May and June) occurred for three of the four species examined. Freezing events never occurred on late snow beds, and increased in frequency with earlier snowmelt and higher elevation. Extrapolated freezing events showed a slight, non-significant increase over the 37-year record. We suggest that earlier snowmelt does not enhance growth in four dominant alpine shrubs, but increases the risk of lethal spring freezing exposure for less freezing-resistant species.  相似文献   

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