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利用HEK293细胞在悬浮培养体系中下具有聚集成团的体外培养特性,在250ml的spinner flask搅拌式细胞培养瓶中以悬浮细胞团的形式实施HEK293细胞的无载体固定化培养,以细胞密度、细胞活力、细胞团粒径分布和葡萄糖比消耗率 (qglc)、乳酸比产率 (qlac)、乳酸转化率 (Ylac/glc)、氨基酸消耗为观察指标,同时设置静止培养体系作为参照,考察无载体固定化培养模式下的HEK293细胞生长和代谢特征。观察结果表明,HEK293细胞在搅拌式细胞培养瓶中无载体固定化培养和在组织培养瓶中静止贴壁培养表现为基本相同的细胞生长和代谢特征,平均粒径小于300μm的细胞团中的物质传递能够满足HEK293细胞维持正常生长和代谢的基本需要。HEK293细胞的无载体固定化培养便于实施灌注操作、提高生物反应器单位体积的生产效率。  相似文献   

目的:考察组成型过量表达人端粒酶催化亚单位(hTERT)对Vero细胞在无血清培养体系中的细胞形态、生长和代谢的影响。方法:以组成型过量表达hTERT的Vero细胞系T1为研究对象,以活细胞密度和细胞活力为主要观察指标,结合细胞形态和贴附伸展动态,考察T1细胞和野生型Vero细胞在静止贴附培养、微载体固定化培养和悬浮培养体系中的细胞生长;以葡萄糖比消耗速率(qglc)、乳酸比生成速率(qlac)、乳酸转化率(Ylac/glc)和谷氨酰胺比消耗率(qgin)为反映细胞代谢的主要观察指标,考察T1细胞和野生型Vero细胞在静止贴附培养、微载体固定化培养的细胞代谢。结果:hTERT组成型过量表达在降低Vero细胞的贴附伸展能力和对血清的依赖程度的同时,提高了细胞无血清批次培养后期的细胞活力和活细胞密度,并赋予了T1非贴附依赖性生长的能力。hTERT组成型过量表达未对Vero细胞的代谢产生明显的影响。结论:hTERT组成型过量表达可降低Vero细胞的贴附生长依赖性和对血清的依赖程度,是有应用潜力的改良哺乳动物细胞体外培养性状的技术途径。  相似文献   

目的:考察组成型过量表达人端粒酶催化亚单位(hTERT)对Vero细胞在无血清培养体系中的细胞形态、生长和代谢的影响。方法:以组成型过量表达hTERT的Vero细胞系T1为研究对象,以活细胞密度和细胞活力为主要观察指标,结合细胞形态和贴附伸展动态,考察T1细胞和野生型Vero细胞在静止贴附培养、微载体固定化培养和悬浮培养体系中的细胞生长;以葡萄糖比消耗速率(qglc)、乳酸比生成速率(qlac)、乳酸转化率(Ylac/glc)和谷氨酰胺比消耗率(qgln)为反映细胞代谢的主要观察指标,考察T1细胞和野生型Vero细胞在静止贴附培养、微载体固定化培养的细胞代谢。结果:hTERT组成型过量表达在降低Vero细胞的贴附伸展能力和对血清的依赖程度的同时,提高了细胞无血清批次培养后期的细胞活力和活细胞密度,并赋予了T1非贴附依赖性生长的能力。hTERT组成型过量表达未对Vero细胞的代谢产生明显的影响。结论:hTERT组成型过量表达可降低Vero细胞的贴附生长依赖性和对血清的依赖程度,是有应用潜力的改良哺乳动物细胞体外培养性状的技术途径。  相似文献   

目的:研究诱导表达p27对HEK293细胞生长和代谢的影响。方法:将pTet—on载体和响应于Dox的p27诱导表达载体共转染HEK293细胞,随机挑选单克隆细胞株。以细胞周期分布和活细胞密度为主要观察指标,考察稳定转染的细胞在Dox诱导下的细胞生长;以Qglc、Qlac和Qgln为主要观察指标,考察转染细胞在Dox诱导下的细胞代谢。结:p27基因的表达使HEK293细胞的增殖速度显著降低,G1期细胞比例显著升高,葡萄糖消耗和乳酸生产减少。结论:诱导表达p27基因是对HEK293细胞进行G1期阻滞的一种有效策略。  相似文献   

目的:研究诱导表达p27对HEK293细胞生长和代谢的影响。方法:将pTet-on载体和响应于Dox的p27诱导表达载体共转染HEK293细胞,随机挑选单克隆细胞株。以细胞周期分布和活细胞密度为主要观察指标,考察稳定转染的细胞在Dox诱导下的细胞生长;以Qglc、Qlac和Qgln为主要观察指标,考察转染细胞在Dox诱导下的细胞代谢。结果:p27基因的表达使HEK293细胞的增殖速度显著降低,G1期细胞比例显著升高,葡萄糖消耗和乳酸生产减少。结论:诱导表达p27基因是对HEK293细胞进行G1期阻滞的一种有效策略。  相似文献   

以悬浮适应的表达尿激酶原CHO工程细胞为研究对象,在100mL的摇瓶中进行无血清悬浮培养,以细胞密度、细胞活力、Pro-UK活性、葡萄糖比消耗速率(qglc)、乳酸比生产速率(qlac)、乳酸对葡萄糖的得率系数(Ylac/glc)为观察指标,同时以细胞有血清悬浮培养作为参照,考察CHO工程细胞无血清悬浮培养生长和代谢特征。观察结果表明,CHO工程细胞在无血清及有血清悬浮培养条件下表现为大致相似的细胞生长和代谢特征。在此基础上,依据实际检测的数据,应用MATLAB软件对细胞对数生长期的细胞生长、乳酸生成及葡萄糖消耗的模型参数进行非线性规划,获得全局性收敛的最优参数估计值,建立了细胞在无血清培养条件下的生长及代谢动力学模型。  相似文献   

目的:比较Vero细胞在不同的商品化微载体中固定化培养的生长和代谢。方法:以Vero细胞在含1%新生牛血清的DMEM/F12中培养的细胞形态、活细胞密度和细胞活力为指标,考察Vero细胞在2D MicroHex、Biosilon、Cytodex1和Cytopore1微载体固定化培养的细胞生长;以葡萄糖比消耗速率(qglc)、乳酸比生产速率(qlac)、谷氨酰胺比消耗速率(qgln)和谷氨酸比生产速率(qglu)为指标,考察Vero细胞在不同微载体固定化培养的细胞代谢。结果:Vero细胞在2DMicroHex、Biosilon、Cytodex1和Cytopore1微载体固定化培养7d的活细胞密度分别为18.4×105cells/ml、21.9×105cells/ml、23.9×105cells/ml和16.2×105cells/ml,生长在Cytodex1表面的Vero细胞分布均匀、形态清晰;Vero细胞在不同微载体固定化培养的代谢指标基本相同。结论:Vero细胞在Cytodex1微载体固定化培养的效果优于其它商品化微载体,可作为目前用于病毒疫苗生产的Vero细胞固定化培养的首选微载体。  相似文献   

细胞凋亡是动物细胞大规模培养中影响活细胞密度和目的产品质量的重要因素,过表达抗凋亡基因是目前常用的提高工程细胞凋亡抗性的一种策略。拟在HEK293细胞中过表达腺病毒E1B-19K基因,挑取了不同E1B-19K表达水平的单克隆细胞,考察在不同培养条件下细胞的凋亡水平和代谢情况。E1B-19K的过表达可显著增强细胞在低葡萄糖、低血清和无谷氨酰胺3种培养条件下的抗凋亡能力,使凋亡细胞比例降低60%~80%;E1B-19K的过表达可使批次培养HEK293细胞的衰退期延迟2天,而对细胞的葡萄糖、乳酸和谷氨酰胺等的代谢无显著影响。结果表明,过表达E1B-19K是一种有效减缓HEK293细胞在培养过程中凋亡的策略。  相似文献   

目的:考察粒径对微胶囊强度及微囊化细胞生长代谢的影响,为制备性能优良的生物微胶囊提供实验依据。方法:制备不同粒径的凝胶珠,测定其在相同成膜条件下的球磨强度,进而用台盘蓝拒染法测定微囊化细胞的增殖及活率。结果:小粒径的微胶囊具有更厚的微囊膜及更高的球磨强度,另外小粒径微胶囊培养细胞能够获得更多的细胞数(350μm,570μm和900μm微囊内的细胞数量分别为:5.67×107、4.71×107和3.89×107/mL microcapsule,P<0.05)及更高的细胞活率(350μm、570μm和900μm微胶囊的细胞活率分别为:83.70%、67.64%和75.73%,P<0.05)。结论:粒径能影响微胶囊的强度及微囊化细胞的生长、代谢。  相似文献   

减少乳酸积累一直是哺乳动物细胞生物技术产业的一个目标。体外培养动物细胞时,乳酸积累主要是2种代谢途径作用的综合结果:一方面,葡萄糖在乳酸脱氢酶A(lactate dehydrogenase A,LDHA)的作用下生成乳酸;另一方面,乳酸可通过乳酸脱氢酶B(LDHB)或乳酸脱氢酶C(LDHC)氧化为丙酮酸重新进入三羧酸循环。本研究综合评估了乳酸代谢关键基因调控对人胚胎肾细胞(human embryonic kidney 293 cells,HEK-293)细胞生长、代谢和人腺病毒(human adenovirus,HAdV)生产的影响,有效提高了HEK-293细胞的HAdV生产能力,并为哺乳动物细胞的乳酸代谢工程调控提供了理论基础。通过改造乳酸代谢关键调控基因(敲除ldha基因以及过表达ldhb和ldhc基因),有效改善了HEK-293细胞的物质和能量代谢效率,显著提高了HAdV的生产。与对照细胞相比,3个基因改造均能促进细胞生长,降低乳酸和氨的积累,明显增强细胞的物质和能量代谢效率,显著提高了HEK-293细胞的HAdV生产能力。ldhc基因过表达对HEK-293细胞的生长、代谢和HAdV生产调控最显著,最大细胞密度提高了约38.7%,乳酸对葡萄糖得率和氨对谷氨酰胺得率分别下降了33.8%和63.3%,HAdV滴度提高了至少16倍。此外,相比于对照细胞株,改造细胞株的腺苷三磷酸(adenosine triphosphate,ATP)生成速率、ATP/O_(2)比率、ATP与腺苷二磷酸(adenosine diphosphate,ADP)的比值以及还原型辅酶Ⅰ(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide,NADH)含量均有不同程度的提高,能量代谢效率明显改善。  相似文献   

One of the key parameters in perfusion culture is the rate of medium replacement (D). Intensifying D results in enhanced provision of nutrients, which can lead to an increase in the viable cell density (X(v)). The daily MAb production of hybridoma cells can thus be increased proportionally without modifying the bioreactor scale, provided that both viable cell yield per perfusion rate (Y(Xv/D)) and specific MAb productivity (q(MAb)) remain constant at higher D. To identify factors prone to limit productivity in perfusion, a detailed kinetic analysis was carried out on a series of cultures operated within a D range of 0.48/4.34 vvd (volumes of medium/reactor volume/day) in two different suspension-based systems. In the Celligen/vortex-flow filter system, significant reductions in Y(Xv/D) and q(MAb) resulting from the use of gas sparging were observed at D > 1.57 vvd (X(v) > 15 x 10(6) cells/mL). Through glucose supplementation, we have shown that the decrease in Y(Xv/D) encountered in presence of sparging was not resulting from increased cellular destruction or reduced cell growth, but rather from glucose limitation. Thus, increases in hydrodynamic shear stress imparted to the culture via intensification of gas sparging resulted in a gradual increase in specific glucose consumption (q(glc)) and lactate production rates (q(lac)), while no variations were observed in glutamine-consumption rates. As a result, while glutamine was the sole limiting-nutrient under non-sparging conditions, both glutamine and glucose became limiting under sparging conditions. Although a reduction in q(MAb) was observed at high-sparging rates, inhibition of MAb synthesis did not result from direct impact of bubbles, but was rather associated with elevated lactate levels (25-30 mM), resulting from shear stress-induced increases in q(lac), q(glc), and Y(lac/glc). Deleterious effects of sparging on Y(Xv/D) and q(MAb) encountered in the Celligen/vortex-flow filter system were eliminated in the sparging-free low-shear environment of the Chemap-HRI/ultrasonic filter system, allowing for the maintenance of up to 37 x 10(6) viable cells/mL. A strategy aimed at reducing requirements for sparging in large-scale perfusion cultures by way of a reduction in the oxygen demand using cellular engineering is discussed.  相似文献   

搅拌式生物反应器悬浮培养水母雪莲细胞的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用 2L通气搅拌式生物反应器一步批式培养水母雪莲细胞。采用倾斜式搅拌桨代替透平桨 ,研究了搅拌转速、通气量和接种量对细胞生长和黄酮合成的影响 ,发现在 75r min、70 0~1000L min和 4.0~ 5.0gDCW L接种量下细胞生长和黄酮合成比较好。经过 12d培养细胞干重达 13.8gDCW L ,黄酮产量 416mg L ,黄酮含量占细胞干重的 30%。水母雪莲细胞生长及黄酮合成的进程表明 ,黄酮积累与细胞生长呈正相关。对细胞聚集体分布的研究发现 ,流变压力使细胞聚集体分裂 ,使反应器中细胞生长受到影响 ,黄酮产量较摇瓶中降低  相似文献   

将从新生乳鼠心室肌组织获取的心肌细胞接种于鼠尾胶原膜三维支架和组织培养板,以细胞形态、细胞搏动、葡萄糖比消耗率(qglu)、乳酸比产率(qlac)、乳酸转化率(Ylac/glu)、肌酸激酶及乳酸脱氢酶的活力为观察指标,比较心肌细胞在鼠尾胶原膜中三维(3D)培养和组织培养板中二维(2D)培养的差异。培养于鼠尾胶原膜的乳鼠心肌细胞在第5天形成闰盘连接,形成面积约为80mm3、肉眼可见自律性同步收缩的心肌细胞3D培养物。3D培养体系中乳鼠心肌细胞的qglu、qlac和Ylac/glu的均值分别为7.37 μmol/10.6cells/d、2.92 μmol/106cells/d和0.38 μmol/μmol;2D培养体系中乳鼠心肌细胞的qglu、qlac和Ylac/glu的均值分别为7.59 μmol/10.6cells/d、3.83 μmol/10.6cells/d和 0.51 μmol/μmol。两种培养体系中乳鼠心肌细胞的肌酸激酶及乳酸脱氢酶的活力无明显差别。实验结果表明:培养于鼠尾胶原膜的心肌细胞保持正常心肌细胞的代谢活力和收缩功能。  相似文献   

Cells of the human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK 293) grown in repeated suspension and perfusion systems were characterized and described. Cell aggregates that formed immediately after the HEK 293 cells were inoculated in stirred vessels in serum-containing Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (D-MEM)/F-12 medium. The mean diameter of the cell aggregates reflecting the aggregate size increased with culture time, shifting from 63 to 239 μm after 1 and 8 days of culture in spinner flasks, respectively. No significant differences in cell performance were observed between HEK 293 cell populations grown as suspended aggregates and those grown as anchored monolayers. Replacing the D-MEM/F-12 with CD 293 medium caused the compact spherical cell aggregates to dissociate into single cells and small irregular aggregates without any apparent effect on cell performance. Moreover, the spherical cell aggregates could reform from individual cells and small aggregates when exposed to the serum-containing D-MEM/F-12 dominant medium. Perfusion culture of HEK 293 cells grown as suspended aggregates in a 7.5-l stirred tank bioreactor for 17 days resulted in a maximum viable cell density of 1.2×107 cells ml−1. These results demonstrate the feasibility and proof-of-concept for using aggregates as an immobilization system in large-scale stirred bioreactors because a small-scale culture can be used as easily as the inoculum for larger bioreactors.The first two authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Recombinant human kidney epithelial 293 cells were cultivated as aggregates in suspension. The concentration calcium ion, in the range of 100 muM to 1mM, affected the rate of aggregate formation. During the course of cultivation the size distribution of aggregates shifted and the fraction of larger aggregates increased. This effect was more profound in cultures with a high calcium concentration. Scanning and transmission microscopic examination of the aggregates revealed that cell packing was greater in the high calcium cultures and that ultrastructural integrity was retained in aggregates from both low and high calcium cultures. Confocal microscopy was applied to examine the viability of cells in the interior of the aggregates. High viability was observed in the aggregates obtained from exponentially growing cultures. Aggregates from the high calcium culture in the stationary phase exhibited lower viability in the interior. With its ease of retention in a perfusion bioreactor, aggregate cultures offer an alternative choice for large-scale operation. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


HEK293 transient expression systems are used to quickly generate proteins for research and pre-clinical studies. With the aim of engineering a high-producing host that grows and transfects robustly in bioreactors, we deleted the pro-apoptotic genes Bax and Bak in an HEK293 cell line. The HEK293 Bax Bak double knock-out (HEK293 DKO) cell line exhibited resistance to apoptosis and shear stress. HEK293 DKO cells sourced from 2 L seed train bioreactors were most productive when a pH setpoint of 7.0, a narrow pH deadband of ±0.03, and a DO setpoint of 30% were used. HEK293 DKO seed train cells cultivated for up to 60 days in a 35 L bioreactor showed similar productivities to cells cultivated in shake flasks. To optimize HEK293 DKO transfection cultures, we first evaluated different pH and agitation parameters in ambr15 microbioreactors before scaling up to 10 L wavebag bioreactors. In ambr15 microbioreactors with a pH setpoint of 7.0, a wide pH deadband of ±0.3, and an agitation of 630 rpm, HEK293 DKO transient cultures yielded antibody titers up to 650 mg/L in 7 days. The optimal ambr15 conditions prompted us to operate the 10 L wavebag transfection without direct pH control to mimic the wide pH deadband ranges. The HEK293 DKO transfection process produces high titers at all scales tested. Combined, our optimized HEK293 DKO 35 L bioreactor seed train and 10 L high titer transient processes support efficient, large-scale recombinant protein production for research studies.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the physical (hydrodynamic) stress generated by aeration and agitation in suspension cultures onCatharanthus roseus cells was studied. The intensity of the physical stress was closely related to the growth rate of the cells, the maximum cell mass, the size distribution of cell aggregates, the contents of the cell wall, and each component of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Lactate and ammonia accumulation is a major factor limiting the performance of fed‐batch strategies for mammalian cell culture processes. In addition to the detrimental effects of these by‐products on production yield, ammonia also contributes to recombinant glycoprotein quality deterioration. In this study, we tackled the accumulation of these two inhibiting metabolic wastes by culturing in glutamine‐free fed‐batch cultures an engineered HEK293 cell line displaying an improved central carbon metabolism. Batch cultures highlighted the ability of PYC2‐overexpressing HEK293 cells to grow and sustain a relatively high viability in absence of glutamine without prior adaptation to the culture medium. In fed‐batch cultures designed to maintain glucose at high concentration by daily feeding a glutamine‐free concentrated nutrient feed, the maximum lactate and ammonia concentrations did not exceed 5 and 1 mM, respectively. In flask, this resulted in more than a 2.5‐fold increase in IFNα2b titer in comparison to the control glutamine‐supplied fed‐batch. In bioreactor, this strategy led to similar reductions in lactate and ammonia accumulation and an increase in IFNα2b production. Of utmost importance, this strategy did not affect IFNα2b quality with respect to sialylation and glycoform distribution as confirmed by surface plasmon resonance biosensing and LC‐MS, respectively. Our strategy thus offers an attractive and simple approach for the development of efficient cell culture processes for the mass production of high‐quality therapeutic glycoproteins. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:494–504, 2018  相似文献   

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